rxoi votni THH- DAILY. TOWS Tuesday. May 0, J0S A DOCTOR IN BRINGING UP FATHER X 1 H LLO J4Ct OO "TOO II DO I ? WHY ONUy Vf.ve.OECN PLAYING IN MY OOY? I AM THE 17 .pill IAMLtT ALU tCAON! IOOL OP THE. HOUR. err colly: A TIN BOX! time, i played in rJ the. chief of I YOU'VE PLAYED N ALL IN MY PROFEVblONJ FROM WHAT iniOTOWN? rr J POLICE WUZ I tAW OF Sound itrinre, does It not? I ' : XTT.. m- , ) THE HANI LETS DON'T ACTIN Yt tht Is how Mr, 3. Crtlr m;i YOU EVER CIV A CHAN CR YOUR Ztm-Buk Is retarded by hit It ro AtXXjTJUT IN THE QIC CITIES." ily. Mr. csrtier, who ti mmtr of the family or th late Sir Oeorgs Cartler, Is Justice of the Peace and Assistant Clerk of the Circuit Court. Montreal. He first discor-cred the wonderful power of Zam-Buk by using it for eriema, which It completely ended. Since tliea tilt family Is never without It "Allow me to express my gratitude," he writes, "for the benefit I tare derived from the use of Zm-Buk. I haTe proved that It Is. without doubt, the finest remedy for erzema4 Its general healing and curative powers are Immense. AVe call It 'Our Family Doctor,? and are never -without It" ev Int-u ftATvm Srnviti, Inc. Mothers should see thaj Zam-Buk Is always hanCy, for not only does It end pain, draw out Inflammation (ualilie. and soundness wel and prevent blood poUon-lng, ami air! TakMliitk U Sfn but It heals skin diseases and plant Ibcni somewhere lu ood CATARRH Injuries In the shortest time possible. In the Letter Box soil in.'proper seasnji - llnnl slick' ef (he All dealers, 60c, box. aiid branches and prive lln-m care BLADDER$ifc,Saubt Daily News Classified Ads. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. lberiaf(er. II wilf be our own fl.'i III Cool "am-Buk fault if Ihe rose of Ijiklmul Tails! bcirs Each name 3 CENTS PEK WORD IN. ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leas than SQc editor Daily News: In grow on Ihe (Jiieeii Charlolle JtnpanofevmnkrfiiU fleferring lo article Islands, , my on il vviiKiirr i WANTED I'OII S.M.i: n H.p. Winlon-Six MISCELLANEOUS. Hie islands In Hie west of Prince 0.nl Hole!, i '"a"1'1' w"f' aail1 iotl ,n'Pr unli' miloiiHihile engine,' complete ' (luporl. il would he we lo un- i-jiI i-i.ii i.asi call or Ihe season. 50.00 IlMWAIlD jf l-ft'j, II. may lie inken up Willi lite pri-vincial with llosch magneto, I'aragon , lorstand that it was mil I he Oilp three specials, Heaver, hair. Oriental Unit Koverniiienl which owns reverse Universal Root liair object. In solicit immigration,' COLLART BY-LAW FOR several lids aliillliiig on the Wolf, Mats, on" which we can Columbia gear, propeller, coupler, brass 1 rower. World's (iiai,, A good point to remember r to Induce men and women, wlreel atfecle.d. It was In have pay you hwhesl prices. Hush lail shaft .nml stern bearing. Ilalr Orower. (irows han wilhnul capital, lo make their REGULATING KEEPING shipments before decline bald heads. II rone In ihe provincial povern All 'in good shnpe. Suitable must ii., homes here. II is po poop loan's LIVESTOCK IN CITY Oli'lil beforiu.lhis bill the papers cojnes. We can nlso pay you for speedboat. I). I.. Ileindel, - pnl where hair is not wanled.' cminlry. Pioneering in I lie west Ihe market value for all furs Cures dandruff and became mislaid and Ihe. instructions Seal Hove. I In all it. Ramsay's no picnic: We have Hie cli of the council lo that. ef. i leaver up ro i ii.no.. sprms troubles. $1.75 per j,' mate and Ihe space fur many of Aid, Collar! iiiolioti tin' Hie feet were iml carried out. Hon rats up to Jici.no. Wolf up to I'OII SAt.K Al Terrace, one ncre Agents watiled, Prof; m, S. our kind; 'tint people panno( exist reulalioii ut Ihe ki'i'iiin oT X I). I'altullo, miuisler of lands, ?I .(() as to average. Please laud all under cultivation; 'half Crosse, ItH ,ogan Avff . on climnle and space, without die swine, dons, ducks, bores, poiil. will he in Ihe city during the send us a trial shipment. Kd-monlnn .in slrawherries; fenced, l-'ive nlpeg, Man. Knowieiige anil capilal lo ex Iry and oilier animals williiu the week Smd he will lie consulted on Hide I'ur 4'.ompany, roomed hoiite, bam, woodshed, PAINT tract a living from either Ihe eily limits was aain be fine Ihe Ihe matter. I0inn I nisi Street, IMmonion, gooil well. Fifteen minutes SCIK.NTIITC Secrets UrUnght. lurid or the wuHm', riiy council lasl nixbt and was Aid. Perry and Aid. Kelly ad Alherla. 1 1 1 walk from post office and I.nvr. Happiness and lluiun. Many people are arguing that sent, hack lo the Health Cnmmil. vanced motion llial Hie v school. Apply fico. Stranger, Semi your birth rtlili . m nil a eily engineer is not consislenl to induce The WANTED Men and women .In nml "year and one dniim- p,u ee for report. mailer was be Ihix 101, Terrace. It. 0. 109 IS pure and will stand the others lo lake up the isolation ..1.1 ...11.. I , II. ! 1 ... I instructed lo e out learn tha Barber Trade hy the fessor Wood, fill NV-n sniiiiiiiieii mi. i ne rou;ieii mat. ny estimates for llm work Iml Aid mil lo face the drawbacks of a comi.iillee ie.!oii.memta-J,;(,ar only method in the world that I'OII SAI.lv 200 shares of Hush Street, Vancouver. 11. r r,, tesf of time. new land. Their arguments are lion last nifrlit..w.ilhouf. .;,, Ai,j. siUersides subA will save you' limn and money Mines I.Id. Also Oil shares II. C. lugs senl hy return m:iil U , milied an amendment that il tie and fit for Silver mines. .H dollar shares timely. My article was in no you n position ,,..,.,.., . ,.y,.,w provmes ,,.rt y..,,,. ppovi,,,;!,.,! ?(lv. worth while. Wo guarr.nlen non-'as'icssahle. Offers In ORIENTAL GOODS manner an argument favorable that For sale at no person shall keep doss, is consulted. The In throwing aside an occupation horses, or jroals in Ihe city or .11,.1111111.i,nlnon steady employment at good Hox 22, I tally N'ews Office. Japanese K)mona. rin-i it or something beneficial in an- . wage.. Write now for beautiful Ilamhon I-nrniliire, Oiti.i,.;. ,. kCe,. d.rly or offensive Inilldhi.ss .,,.,! I'OU SAI.lv "Narbel Is SILVERS1DES was oll, ,Jia, ovon illustrated hong." Vdlier cnunlry lo jiecome a catalogue. Mnler Haskets. Children ror the '4 ( housimr.nr such; that no llcim; r., wIth ,,e approval of the prnvin-persi.n Itarber College, 300 Main my intention In take the. case pioneer in the West. II 8t was a F.I shall keep swine within Toys, n. Pini ,,.,,,,,,,. n,,.,.,. ..mil.I nni inlo the Admiralty Court ali'd'I BROS. srai il forward Idea of what ilhe Vancouver, ft. G. the city limits; diM-ks or eese ..rn,.,,, ...,.4 ,u need ihe money. Price;'$ir0n'. I.OWF.ST I'ltlCf S Second Street Queen Cliai-nllc islands are, from wiiniii i lie me . limns; ina no petition or thi' riHiuisiie1 Valnrv of nELIADLK agent wanled for Ru Iloomcq K. Frernan.' F. K. AKASE one who tra)ijjlc;l A'T t tiy tni than cattle O. Hox 01 I'-l.'MM more sjx shall, be Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 the total properly . in question perl District. The Sovereign ritory for twelve yea.riftind who kepi within the city limils with- required lu, carry out the vor)c Life Assurance Company. Head FOIl SAItK Sixty acres on creek Third Aveniin should know sfi.ine.Hijris,,iif ..Ihe oijt . special .permisbin iif Hie under local iiiiprovemenl. If the office, Winnipeg, Mar.. Write I ii miloH-from Kilwangar sa-tion. TAXI . country tributary to llje nijiiri city council' uiul thai stables H'J P. O. no cily did undertake, to do" Ihe work Chas. A. Pync, Prinpe pprge. per acre. Apply Phone 693 coy oi inn .Miri n. j VhAir lie. .allowed- within 2i) feet Hox 3:t, Prince Hupert, , TERRACE it will have to do so on' its own io..iiager ror orinern Jirjhi (Call Oeorge Tins Not human habitation; Hiat '"0. I0 an Apology nfg-aiu' it (Joiurnbia. iuilialive since, would he im This, is neillier an "apoojry,'j' ill-hull he. unlawful lo keep poul Five-passenger Tnufini? r.-ir FRUIT LANDS or "recantlnfr" anythin? said try in .tbe.;)ly unless Hie bouses possible tier of signatures.to gel.I he required num. W'A.N'I'F.I) Oreeii' spruce for ex I'OII SAI.R llnoming house, with Prompt Day and Nisid Scrv These islands have posibitilios prjovide'4.5 ,cubio feet of air port; 200 cord lots. .Address I- Jwenly.fjve rooms completely Stand: Boston'Grlll, Third lnw for llm i-f rl,I. lcinil nt irnmi?'i,1niVf sjfcice ihikI :J.S3 square feel of W. Ilaruell, 1121 Hroadway furnished. Onod lease, ?l,fi00, ; ten acre lot, 2Vj miles from but'arn not fowinfr with VnifK, floor soace for each bird: that Xorlli. Seattle; Wah. tf McCaffery A Oibhons .l.ld. . tf SHOE REPAIRS Ten Years Jown. 5 acres cleared includinc 1 and honey. 1 advised Ihe labor cllicken bouseji shall be at least Ago SITUATIONS T WANTED TAHI.KS, lied, Hu'renu, Chairs. Umbrella Repairs nvriof fearing- strawberry plants; ing man and' Hie man without iwo feet h.iali and shall be kept In Pr'nce Rupert I " Davenport, Dinnerset for sale Clothes cleaned and pressed M ryiple trees set out Ibis spring. means In remain where employ. rlai)anil whitewashed; thai FIHS T class stenographer, ieii cheap. Apply 538 .Seventh Ave. Suits, called for and drliverti ,i !aero, clover. Framed cabin 12' men. ititl4ta'thTfrTri'AdT1r,vr)ir IWrc. siuill be access to waler for May 9, 1912. years exiierience. de.sjres ' pos riiie Kal; - '108 - , Phone Mue ?Ji x 10 feel. Land all level,, partly be f ep f!tcl iliesrri jgh I. lie "pnTT tile pifliltry. arid no poultry .stint I Properly owners in Section 2 Ition. iiuiies to commence LEM JOHN fenced "and on main wagon road.' mfiTtKf the tiomesleinicTr'FtsTr- tie kept in basements or cellars; decided al a crowded" meeting about May ffi. Address Hot lit, FOIl SALE Slightly used piano. i 844 Third Ayenue Price $1,550, small amount on ernien, with'tbe ir own, launches thai .'10. or less chickens inay.be lasl night lo go ahead with a Daily evs (Iffice, (f 350 cash. Teelxel's Slnliorierv I tonus. . jp' ; ffild JfHtriloiiias alon? Hie kept al a dslance of not Jess good deal of development of Ihe and Candy Store, "fiS H'lifMWATCH AND, CLOCK REPAIR! FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET, sjiore line of the islands. Those Hi an 30 feel fk-oip. a dwelling and section and lo approach the city OMA.N wants work .Housework Avenue. tf. Expert watch, nl : Four room house, 1 mile from "vil4i 'li'ffitM' could visit the isl that more than .'10 cTJiekcns nuts council for the bylaws ni-cessary or nursing; or both, Phone Ft'llMTL'HE of four room limine! chronometer inaKrv. town, all furnished. -Can he had ands al low cost, and look inlo tie kept at no less a distance before plankways can he put in. Itlue iv.t. HI for sale. Apply 53H Seventh Watch and .lewii i Hip.n J ' nnlif October tst. A fine opportunity condilions for t liemsel vcs. The than S00 feel of a house. They an' prepared o bark llu fiAHDF.V work wanted liy exper Avenue East. 108 specially for anyone wishing to transportation sen-ice is neillfer fhere was considerable dis advances for lie ini- v necessary I ienced Japanese, Phone lllack Mall orders prnirip'ty ex speifd the summer at jroiKl 1 for (lie islands Prince cussion on Hie proposed bylaw. fJO-CAHT Terrace. or provemeiils with their own personal 395. i 00 for sale in good con GEO. CIBB For.full particular. address- lluperl. Inslead of beinp tributary several of Hie. aldermen fcclinjr notes covering the whole dition. Phone Hed 115. 108 Onn. Post Office P O. H" ' to Vancouver, Prince llu Iml the present bylaws covered FOR SALS loans asked and,are determined I! KENNEY BROS. & CO. perl should reap IJip benefii from the siltiation .amply.. II. was not to-have a live-Section- 2 this ELITE Cafe for sale, furnished prince Hup''" produce imported and should )c received, with .sympathy by Aid. summer. The Ways and Means FOH;SAt,h i roomed house, two complete. Phone 173. tf REPAIR SHOP Terrace, B. C. Ihe market, for those proposing Kerr and Aid. Montgomery. c.oHiinitlee reported that there lots and all in garden, $1700, AUCTION SALE. to rrow marketable produce, on had been no (difficulty in getting half cash nr l.r)00 all cash. ItEPAIItS TO ANYTHIN the islands. ALFRED STREET ROAD Ihe siguafure.il necessary. 7. roomed house with additional AUCTION SALE of Ladies Wear. ANY TIMI Make Own Investigation. That a good deal of permanent 5 room aparlmenl, on cemeni ing apparel or all kinds, in. ANYWIlFlllv PACIFIC GARTA6 I have always advised Ibose IS AHAIN niSfllFn'sta'ling will be, done on Second pile, balh, elo., excellent condition eluding dresses, suits, sweater ROKKJAR BROS. vt seeking homes here to invest i- Averuje in Section 2 Is certain. and good location 3,- coals, blouses, children's H20 Third Avenue ffulu for themselves. II not 000 on easy payments, I'bone lied 57 was P. I. Palmer last nighf represented dollies. High quality goods Limited Matter Left Over Until Visit of 1 room house, lot in my intention and is not now to garden, the owners of lots on which must, be sacrificed. CYCLE REPAIRS. . Phone 93 brill; settlers o Ihe islands. The Minister of Lands Here on Second Avenue and strongly nil. cllicken house, etc., near King .Nearly all goods sold without exploiters of the past, have done Thursday night. vocalcd permanent, grading as 1.dvnril School, $1700, tonus. reserve. An unequalled op Cycles of all makes repaid Furniture, Piano and 2 real deal lo boosl wildcats, much as possible. , Other portions 8 room house, 2 lots in garden, portunity to purchase hlnh and baby carriagr- i tiH Safe Moving and to fleece Ibose who look for The proposed roadway on Al nf the section will b fenced, chicken house, close jn class apparel at considerably Cycle Accessories. easy money. With no axe lo (rrir1 fred street rrinr Hays Hove Avenue planked principally. with1 bath, '42500. Easy terms. less than wholesale prices. Out of 'town orders vromy n V-'Udl O General Cartage and no lhou?hl of sol icit iny to 'I'eiilh Avenue', as asked ,LotKr3i liluj .15, Mock, 3, Sec. Sale to lie held fin Wednesday nl tended to. Sand and Gravel settlers, the article under my for in a'pel il ion presented some The City of Sca!e railed al 2, View lots on Allin Avenue. lOlh May nl 2:30 at W. (i. J.' GAWTHORN signature was written. These, time ago by .I. I,ambie and other this porl today, onJe, wiy south' A perfect liomesite, 750, half Harrie's old slnre, corner of 517 Fulton Street islands are as valuable as Van I'osiijnnls of that quarter, was from Skagway.' V I cash. Qne" lot on Heach Place Second SIreel arid Third Avenue. TRANSFER couver Island, and are jn Ihe line ugain- discuss.e'il at the city oun- for' n2.rv'a beauty. .At. M. Pbilpoll-Kvill d Co), auc. HYDE Night Phones . J. G; Steen, 371 of travel, from the Orient, and cil meeting liisl nighl and the All who sing are not soloists. Stephens. tloneers. Telephone (UK, (08 Phone 580 W. Longwill. UIue270 many hundreds of miles nearer. Express FOil and KAI.lv I 5 Baggage h.p. Yale niiuine Day Phone S Prince lluperl will be Ihe terminus tales FOR RENT and engine, STEEN & LONGWILL (Jiieen of ocean Cliarlnlfc liners,Islands passing and be pleln mil fit. Price(yji,.,.S.'iHd.no,IPW, com.I FOIl II ENT--Throe room fur Coal and Wood.Di''11'1 why should Ihe islands not have 11 h.p. Automatic, rebuilt with nished flat. Apply l Sixth Agents lluperl. and Sheet Metal Works complete.' oulfil, Including Columbia East. Phone Globo Airless Tubes. a future.? They will not always Avenue Mue 217. Veerless Second Avenue ' Agent for McClary Furncaet remain isolated. We have (be 22x22 propeller and (1 fee .t I,,,.!, Tnli-ln COOD Clean Ileds from 81.50 per best fishing grounds in Hie CLEANED CLOTHES Sanitary and brone shaft. Price 1i13no.no. week. Fishermeii'rf Rest. Lata world. We Jiave natural Heatlna re. Engineers sources on land and sea. Our I, 10-12 h. p, lluffalo, rebuilt; Pioneer llooms, 1 07 3rd Ave.,E. and pressed by lnl,,l1 STF.A 6tb Street and Fraser Street wih I new l-i Inch Tohln .nuijlurf fWMll'e03 Prince Rupert . B. C. limber cannot tie excelled then FOIl lllNT Two. room collage, bronzo sliafl; 22x21 ... ' . . . delive Peerless and why should people criticize the t.l I t.l la I a... R nits called for liirilisiieo. riiooe lieu i.r.i. 11 propeller. Price 4550.(111 lluperl. Phone 649 making public of whal any pur. Hon nt this (.'real province is Marine rlonworks and FLAT for ftenl in Hesner Apart- LING, The Tailor capable of pi'oducini;? l Supply Co., Agents fur Yale inerils. M. M, Stephens. If EXPRESS THOMAS .DKASY. and Alias Imperial outlines. If BAGGAGE and H. PATTINSON HMALii house for rent, F, W. by I'OII HALF or Charter', .Klxto gas Hart, tf WAKEFIELD'8 FAST TRANSPLANTING THE ROSE. boat; 20 h.p. heavy duly en. DELIVERY Electrical and glne. iloal and engine in first BOARD. Prompt Service Mdilor Daily News: cluss condition. Will Mechanical Engineer charter HOAHD Inlander, 8.10 Second "Phone 67. When w break a full blown low for meason al figure. Nor. Dynamos, Motors rose and" place it in a vase if tlii;rn F.xchange. f Avenue. Phone 1 37. tf Stand; Oil's Cigar Shjre Magnetos waler, do we expect lo st;e It ST. ELMO HOTEL BOATS FOR Hi Repaired and Rewound stow? Hardly I I'OII SALiJ Keven jiool tables. $50 RE. Storage Batteries Repair U we are familiar with Ibo each if taken nt once. Apply LAUNCH "Narbelhoriir,,-We hpIi llooins lo let from 3 I""' "71", ed and Recharged secrels and principles of making Sd-ufnm' Thc Ciiy of Sileivt Mcti'iu-rrirvjilonas Md&han. I'.mprcHS Hotel. no Service. Phone Mack 400, If HunniiiK hot mid fol! w'nlM Phone SOO P.O. Box 164 Ihinffs live, we elec a rosebush A Pirdjilouiit Rcture. nil rooms, FOIl HAl.lv Haby buggy. Phone Mml',rn or bushes possessed of PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Hath, Sloain Healed. .certain Htarring lrn.ight at the Westtudme Theatre. (Ireen 115. if E, M, EarL I'hnne Mnck 3?0 Phone Oreori B10 I