May v, luzs. Tuesday. THB DAILY HlWfl If e i Launch '.'Oh Baby." Blue E48. Local and Personal Hash for Victory Uonds. Tbos. REMINGTON Portable McClyiuonl. tf ii. !. Uiid'erlakers. Phone 41. Hose bilbbe.s and bedding plants), city Market. tf A Worthy Chip of the Big Remingtons Hayners, Undertakers. I'hone 351. Speeb'l prici's on Ladies' t'.ol- loii Hose. '1'yr. per pair. Asia A Typewriter built especially to meet I'hone 21 u for Cuiy' Trail 3- Trailing Co. Mm the requirements of the professional fcr. If . the lion, and Mrs. A. M. M ausoii man, reporter, traveller, in fact, Three dozen '.Kff. for I. alii! family bae lakeu up Ibcir SMOKE any man or woman who writes. guarnnlecil. Uity Market. if. resilience iu Victoria al 1(581 Fits in a case 82 inches hitrh and 1 Yale lload. Oak Hay. "Pachona" for Stewart Wotl- , wcigfjjJ but 10J pounds when ready to carry, yet is ncsday 12 noon. P. R. Boalhouso All Scandinavians are conliatly strong,- compact and complete writes with that fuvited In n 1 1 rml Hie I7lb of May PLAYER Major Sidney InliiiHoii, of Dance in the M.cliopole Hall al clear-cut beautiful impression which so characterizes feck-Moore on iufirip In H o'cliick sliarp. (biod music, the Remington is the otdy portable having the Vlcloria. . Uily Solicitor T. IL Hooper universal keyboard. Hoy Seoul Concert Ipnislil. is lo lie iicliu illy clerk during NAVY CUT F.iupi-c Theatre, H:30. AllllliHH- llie absence of M. A. Wood who Cash price now only $75.00 "l terms arranged. ion uiie. Is jjnin south Ibis week on lioli-days, CIGARETTES See display in our window. The fire ilrpiirlment'tanwereil i a calf it f M: 15 .'liiTs inorniii-j , A.s a' force (o Second. Awnuc, Hi ere is iiot'liiiiv vise iu the world lit eipial jfoud ailverllsing' if you Ilhiihnrh roulnf.-'black currant., use il willi conrat'e, honesty, red eurran(?f rasphcrric, Joan skill and perseverance. ieriie.s .sirawin-rrii:, raliline plant, cauliflower, tomatoes Tin- mallerof llie adoption of i.ny .Market. f I be two platoon syslem iu Hie local I in- ileparlmenl was laid A letter fjom lii-y. (i; o. lack over jnr aiiolber week at last er nckiiowlril-rin his uibl'ik council iitc'cHuff. . nienl lo (lie intiiiieipiil free lil Concentration SALE! rary hoard was received ;i icl filed The Seaniliiiavian i.enm will by Hie eily eouiicfl lasl nielli Imlil annual yeneral meeliii in Melropole Hall. 'J'uesday' May l(! A leller from iiirri' llurie al H p. in. All Scandinavians cordially president of (lie local Hoy Scouts. imiled In attend. Rexall Hair Tonic nekhowh'dyjii-; willi I hatik.x Hie ' -Jijp urn III Of PI(HI ami (lie promise of Hose, Cowan ,A I,alia Cj. were $1.00, and Emulsified Mie round) lo patronize Hie roii: yiven llie coiilracl by Hie council Superb Duality 1 $1.00 eeri loni'.'liL wan received and last nllit for lhe'Mipily of 1(1.-nnu Coconut Oil filed by Hie eily council lasl window envelopes at 5t.5o. Finest lOorlmAnsiiip, nUlil. Oilier tenders wen-: Mcllae llros., Greatest Value xJIS Shampoo both for a K:.::; A. O. Franks, .00. in iic World y$ $SMMM f so moo Oeorjre ,.yColl. of Mlilli Avenue for this week. West, ban wrillen lo (lie eily t I lie I'rcshvlcriau l.ailies A Ml fer ! eiiiincii a.iklni' Dial acre-'.- lie will bold a silver lea and sale of frlvi'ii In bin projierly which ba liome cooking iu (lie Church Hall mi Wednesday May In. from 3 lo eeoiiiii bloeked in llie coursi of ; ORMES LIMITED n I reel -.Tadin? work. 'I'lie laller (1. Two inlcrcsliu? compellliuiis ami music ilurinv Hie afternoon. was referred o Hie Hoard of Phone. 82, 200 and 134 Works fbr iielion by Hie eily V. cry body welcome. ' council niphl. THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES " Hon'l forget In see .laekie Cuo-uu i A. A. -.anoii. of Hie lloyal in "My Hoy" at, Hie WesU' CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT i MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION.. Hank staff, is e.vpecled back from bolnie Theatre on Wednesday llert MclCvoy whb for Hie pasi Vancouver on Hie I'rince (ieorjie aiid Thursday 'nexT.' II is a pie-lure few years has heeu assrieialed i SLh-1 1 1-1 InVll k nlilMihll tT:IHtPlKi loiiiiiu'jjw.-.Mr. Ivassjjji call. for both young' ami old and was with llie, Huierl -'i ltbUj Supply. '. il.lii, Saskaluoil lo trlve eviilence should not be missed. '.I'll ere will lias opened llo s(oi e next lo Hie I GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY be a special matinee on Wcdnes. in a eijtirl case Iliere and while Mussalleni Wroceiy, Flflh Av- tinning .bere alleudeil llie day at 3-n;in: (Cily lime). 108 S. S. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT ill sail Thursday line lva-1, lo he known as The - RUPERT BRAND .'. funeral of bis father who died People's Meal' Market,"Svbe're In ami Sunday at I- o'clock 'Miduigbl for Swanson llay, . . In couueclioii with the buibl-Inpfgrjhv iu Vancouver p-eeiilly. will carry a eomplelj. Tin'e'tif tbo Ocean Falls, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. new Indian sclmol at jfi'f.jAnyox Wednesday, II bu M'pr SUwart,. 8 nni'sl ijUalily frcs'li rol'ills add ,1 p. Saturday, ptn. A recommcudnliou' from lb ,1'o.rl Simpson. ' C. C. perry. In fish. The people Kasl of M'c-llride Stewart Service first lloal May 13, llach,Saturday Ibcriiaflcr Kippers and Bloaters Hoard of Viirks askiliLr lc:lve In dian Aenl, reports dial a nieel .Street can now bo assured S. S.; PRINCE JOHN- For ajl points Northern and Southern ph?lriii.'l' ifi.c eily engineer (o prc- Inw is to be held on May -'3 by of a speedy delivery at' the lovf- Queen Charlotte Islands, May. lptb and "71 Ii, June loth and Rpurr a bylaw liiniliny Hie wrifihl Hie suli-i milky of llie Wo esl possible prii'es. I'hone IK. 2 it'll.' -Inly 8lli and -'I'ml, Au trust,O'tli and lyiii, Sept. 2 nil, lOlli pif loads lo lie carried on llie city men s Missionary socicly of Hie and ,)iHb. slreels was adopted by I he coun .Mcblodlst l.liiireli iu '1'i.iroiilo al Train Service foriSaleJat cil )a-l night. Speaking In Hi Hie conclusion of which a decis AdveftiHC in Hie Daily N ews I'asseimer MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11.18 ion will he wired. ALL RETAIL "STORES i-eporl. Mayiy. llocliesler .fiiid I'm Siiplhers, prince (.eorK;-,, i jluionlon, and WinnipcK, 4. s4 SS siieb a bylaw was needed now in niakiiiK direct, roituCclioiis for al points in ICastern (;aiiada Lieut. Col. C. W. Peck, V.C TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY onler to prolecl the slreel-s which and rutted S(alc., The Most Tasty Breakfast Food were beiu jf surfaced. 'I'lie repori was a yiu'sl at Hie inaugural ' ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME Was ailniileil. liampiel of Native Sons of Can AUCTION SAI.i: mi Thursday al Obtainable ada Xo. I, held iu Hie Dominion - p.m. in our siilesroom. H-.'.'t Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines I'lie city il reels liylaw is lo Hotel al Vlcloria las week. Col rliird Avenue, roiisistijiir of City Ticket Offico, 528 Third Ave. Phone 200. be amendeil lo provide for Ho I'eck Kine a forceful address, re mattresses, beds, sprint;., cliif-foniere?, SmokediDaily by elosiiiv or nlrecls where repairs plyin? to be loasl to "Our Can dressers, kitchen are in progress.. Up lo I be pres iiiliau Veterans. Oilier tcuesls cabinels, rallies, cle. fieorpe Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. "ill lime ihcrc'has been no sucb were l.t.Marelianl.Col. V. ('.. Xiehol and Leek, auctioneer. IO'.i CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY pl'oisioll "made ju Hie liylaws. Mayor' Mr. .luslicc PRINCE R UPERT I'lie eily euufueer will now bill Martin presided.' l-'OHD Tuiirinu' car for sale. Or B.C. Coast Services ' 1 would evcbniii.' willi some nitborily lo close street and any O. Slcv;ra i;; has wrillen Jo llie cash for si nia I hnlise and lol il shall be unlawful for any ily council rlaiiiilns Apply I lux 2:1, Daily News Of- pfrson lo ilnve on a street when compeu- Sailings from Prince n Mi hi roc an accident to hi fire. II.) Rupert si'ns are posted to Hie effect llial il is closeil. four year old ilauliler n lieu sh ?.iuu.mi puis you in possession For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway fell Ihrouh a hole iu Hie' si reel of a fine four roomed liousi April 21, May 1, 12, 22; June 2. DENTISTRY Hon. A. M. Malison, allorney it (il3 KiKlilli Avenue Kasl. .Med will) Iialb and fireplace. Terni- For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-April eial, has wrillen lo Hie cily ical alleiKtun .-mil an operation lo be arrauyed. F. W, lliut. If 25, May S, 16, 26; June 6. Hunt neglect your lecln. One- decayed or missing tooth oiilieil llialikinv llial IhmI.v for were neeessiialeil as a resnll. S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, lowers your vitality. llie appreciation expressed of llie claim has heen referred in YOI.'NO woman would like housr East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Camp-boll his .services oil bis r 'ill trip the Hoard of Works ami (In- city work, wliole or part lime. Fond River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. DR. BAYNE to Ottawa as civic ele;jnle. lie soliciloC for repori. of chil'dicii. I'hone Kt. Inn Agency for all Steamship Lines. hail deemed il u privilege to ncl I'L'HNI'ITIII-: of three room suilr Full information fro in Rooms Block Phorm 103 mil would lenders for nuts, bolls, wash 4, 5, 0, Helgerson always lie ready lo fm' sale. No. 2 llesner Aparl- W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, Olllce Hours: Mornings. IMS; Afternoons. 1:30-5:30; serve l ie eily. llie expense uc ers, spikes, jrnn an, sled were liienls. Phone 1 07. I III Cornor of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. received Hie F.veninKs, 7.-9. ouut for llie I rip 'will be for by cily council last warded laler. The leller was uivhl and referred to Jlic imr- filed at (lie council MMM'tlny last chasinu' aenl and board of niylit. ' ' works for action. Tender" wen UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED eeeiveil rroiu Akerlierw iV All Eye Pains SAILINQS Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central I'lii.1 cily Is o make applica lb pson, Tliompson Hardware For Vancouver, Ocean Falls and Swanson Jlay, Tuesday, 8 p.u; PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO, 15 at any time, day or night. tion lo Hie provincial ovecn- il. I'alliiisou, Kaieu llardwarc For Vancouver, Alert Hay and l'ort Hardy, Saturday p.m. , '; . ; There will always bo some ono to take them. nienl asking llial Hie water li-eense Howe Mc.Nnlly, and the ltunerl For Anyox, Alice. Ann, I'orl Simpson and Wulos Island, Sunday lield by the cily o.n Sliawal. .Marine iroiiwnrks Mean Something midnight. Prince Rupert Coal Company bins Lake he cancelled and permission ld, Mcl.eod's motion callins For Naas River Canneries. Friilfcv a.m. , be xi on In Imbl llie f II !...... .... j. Hut what is Is can only be Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Wolllngton, Pembina, rivibis there as an uiirecordeil inissioner no um- iipiioiiiiinciit oi a com. revealed by u cuicful exam. to collect road taxes Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. waler reserve. JVn eily, under and illation iiy a competem op- at the same I hue register the present license, is paying a liciau. or fds sEFrvo .voices inr me civic cicclluu Was heavy renlal which is deemed We examine eyes carefully Yellowhead Coal turned down at last uIkIiL's coun. We have received unnecessary since Die lake cau-nol cil iin-eliiiK, and fit glasses uc-curalcly. an ameiidmeul dial lie used fur Our Fresh power iiurposes me cily clerk advertise the racll On I loir k Delivered and only mi rare occasions will pijiiniiienlly wlien reislratious Let us lest your eyes, thero Spring Stock of LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.50 lie for waler be at necessary supply. may nolliiutr all wrong are heiiiif iiiade liciiiv' LUMP, Sacked 11.75 14.00 If the change is made m Hie re-ciii'iliiiyr sleail. pass,..,) (n. willi tlicui, but ft would be Garden A hi. Mcl.end. A d. Kere and Field Seeds MINE RUN, Bulk only 3.75 11.25 il will he held under llie: ami Aid. .Moiilsiiiniu-y wupporled d tiood thing' lo KNOW (hat NUT, Sold In Carloads only ' " 8-50 sume slain as oilier stream iu the original niolioii, Aid. I'erry.l ' n wi ill lake but a few uiiu. Analysis. 'Fixed' Carbon, VJ.2 per rent; vohilile nmlfer, 37. i Ihe vicinily of Hie cily. Aid, (iolliirt, Aid. Silversides and tiles Iu find oat. FERTILIZER (Fertab's Concentrated Fertilizer) Ijorceiil; hb, y.o per cent; multure, 3.8 per cent; sulphur, Aid. Kelly voNlijf ayainst It. Fresh stock of PRATT'S BABY CHICK FOOD and O.IU pur cent; II. T. U. ulr dried, 1 1 .50. John Bulger, U EMORRHOIDS SPRATT'S DOG BISCUITS Ibi fs a lliah Grade Uituiuluuu Sleuining l-oul, especially BIRTH The Jeweller suitable for lllgli 1'ressuro Hollers and Furnace. Tito lump Do not (ufler anolher duy villi lliipc was horn in Mr, and Mail orders promptly attended to bj a very .Superior Slovo Goal. Let us send you a trial load of PJ l'llel llclilns,or JllooJInif,UeinorrHoldii.or rroiruaing' Mrs, A. M. .Macdiinalij u Powell ciatSsag ,, m Wine Run for your rurnaoe or half ton Lump for your Uliilmont urirlcl operation will relievo Dr.t mw CIiuhc'i tnul ltlver on Api'il 2 1, a son, Mr. ST THAT LASTi J Prince Rupert Feed Co heating stove. HltorU ilralem..)atlnv or Kdmanaon,benefit. Wo Uatea u box;& Co..all .Macdoinild was formerly school P.O. Box 333 Phone SS UuiHed, Toruiito. feiuiiipla box Ji't supciiiili'iideiit here.