WHEN YOU WANT A THE NEW I TAXI i 99 main YOKOHAMA in a mirry CAFE HOME BAKERY Phone The Best of everything. PRINCE RUPERT Try our service ALL. NEW CARS Phone Black 89 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL. MM. NO- KH' pitiNCE nui'iniT, n. it, Tuesday, MaYu, 1022 YtiUrd'l Circulation, 1B63 StMtt 413. PRICK FIVE CKNT& '.V Federal "Restriction Oriental Traffic GENOA CONFERENCE STILL ANXIOUSLY AWAITS RUSSIAN REPLY House of Commons Reaches CITY COUNCIL GETS ENCOURAGE TOURISTS Accusing Mayor of Attempt feT PRIVATE REPORT ON I TO QUEEN CHARLOTTES Stifle Utilities Aid. Facts, CLAIM FOR DAMAGES Decision after Eight Hour Captain Nicholson Says Has Much to Offer From Scenic Stand-point Perry Bolts Council Chamber Plan of Passing Around Reports and 8peclal Service Debate; Stork Goes Across Without Adopted Reading Perry Them Objects Is Being Given All is not jeacc among the members of (he city council and I'linl Hip It. T 1 Coast.steam- a slurm over 111 ? status of the public utilities seems to be gradu- A new 'method of submitting sj,() (; j.lans lo encourage ally coming lo a head. , 11 looked for a time last night us if a repons in in.- 'iiy muneri was ,ou(.is, l,u,iV.,M..l.. il(! yUeen crisis hud developed for in the course of the ifcoiisi.tleraliori of OTTAWA, May 0. The House of Commons, after an eight-hour FIRE MARSHAL adopted al the jiieeting last night charlotln Inlands I hi season was the ivzi audilor's report, Aid. Perry, chairman ut the utilities debate, early this morning adopted a resolution calling for wncn a report rrom lift city solicitor. the statement made by Captain 0. tommillne., retired fium the chamber after having been checke.d and llic iuy vi'ficifu'i'.r with by the mayor" in makuiK sluteiiienls which were ruled by the federal restriction of Asiatic immigration into Canada. The vote II. Nk'linlsnri, maiii'er nf lln GIVES REPORT i nl to a rjaiiil fur ilam;ii. roast fled, al Victoria last. ek. rlmir In be'uul Of order arid not relevant to the matter under 130 to 36. was inii'li by .1. Wasoli, whose daugh-ir Tlic captain said Dial tlic, Islands discussion. i W. Q. McQuarrie, tho Conservative member for New West-' fell sidewalk' "In view of Tfio over a ,und sus- offered all llic scenic, advantages Tact that eyer-;do with tin; passing of tlic audi-al minster, Introduced a resolution which virtually demanded the 5-cra, RecommendaUons Jlaiiu'il injuries,'' was handed of tlie. nirtliern U. C coast and conferences have 'been lndd tor's reiiorl. Iinvppr. maoe !.,,.,,,,,,,t i,, a ...icii,,. !ililirriii'M Iielween the l inance Committee Aid. Collar! said he exclusion ui Msiaucs ana ine aorogauon oi me angio-Japanese , t0 City Council ... . special steamship facilities were was willing Following I i L.t 'l... 1 Hie uui i "H i v.m. m M i'v and Utilities Committee and to discuss Mr, Iuneahs report treaty insofar as it affected Canada. Inspection of City. ,eing nflcred by Hie company ini'ii-ii tif nijiiiiui ifj. ii-.i with Hie several reports have been made but he thought this report' might steamer I'rince Jnlui. At the reauest or Premier KIna. an amendment to the Mr.-' diatribe rlaiin made in regard to the Utilities be . Tlic written report uf Fire u') lerslood 'l'he .foil ti is due here louior- and accepted first as it was not Quarrle resolution was brought Marshal .1. A. Thomas, embody-ijV Mr. Wulson 1 rrpud iali'd. row on ' her' first V"diicon from time lo lime I have asked iffeflcu uy Mr. Duncan's irporl In by Hon. Charles Stewart, Minister lug riTiiiiuiii'ndudniis as bid mill "I do not. approve of thj.mcth- (jiiecn CliuilofJc Islands-I'riiicu cr- Tor certaiit figures, I believe the .Mr. Ilorie, llic auditor, who was of the Interior,, substituting MILL RATE IN I transacting business. figure Milimilled by the auditor in liis address In IIm- I'liiini'il I ii m nf ItUpeit Uip of ("lie present, said Ihat Mr., Imuran's scasyn. a demand for effective restric week, was received hy Ihc city aid Abl. Perry, VThc dial terras regarding utilities fs an accurate report had nothing lo do with the tion of Oriental Immigration In)! council I m i L nighl, ami referred referred In tin' city engineer and one os it. alluott coincides with auditor's report, lie thought the. place of the clause which asked! VICTORIA 32 lit llic Hoard of Works ainl Util the fily solicitor i'i report on and WANTS LEONARD TO financial statements made by the distribution' of llu utilities' af- for "exclusion." ities rnminiltccs. ' now tlic .report is; handed around ROY WITU ICM7IC "'("'I'lieiHiciii oi uuinies, -ue-.raiM could be arranged helwce.n Premier's View i Alt' TIiiiiii.'iw iifitiiiiiitiilrf ti and no piildieilv ds given iUj'.Ij DUA VYIln LLVYlj clured Aid. J'erry in speaking to the coinmitlees subsbeuuent lo Premier King pointed out that Also an Improvement Tax Ex-L,.Wr-...M i.i,...' ...,i,l III cIL i n...Hit' i..Ill- think il should be rfearly rVlV v' llo' report, "'riiere has beeri soine its adoption. while British Columbia ports, pcndlturcs for Year $2,519,994. (uk(, r ii,,. ,.ilv ... ... ed upon. J l.(JM)., May V. (ieore Mc ijirierenee or opmiun helween the Profits Not Shown sought to profit by the Oriontat immIvv iff Ii ,tiki, repairs In Mi" The city is alto ay rr.nlv In re-j I'oin.ld..has .wild'-d, Hilly i.ilea.-im, ,'-ci- ami Utilities- - ,ld. Montgomery asked if Mr, trade, It was not wise to offend, SLUE LAW PLEBISCITE lam aiil pipe line, painting nf pudi-ile Mich claims and drop tliclinaiiugi'r of lictiMjv Leonard, nf- "'ihat is a matter thai you Jtuucaii was satisfied. Mr. Dun. the powerful Allies with measures; ,WILL BE HELD'FRIDAY llic lini tlic iutiillatioii of a mailer I here without steps being ; feeing flf,h(i(i for a jnicjL.oJ ;m;cannot, discuss now," interjected, (Continued on Page 0) fer exclusion. There was a tradei -agrement check miIvc (in tlic city fide of laki'ii lo make repairs where -ae- louiiU" bclwecjj Leonard and rNFJU'" '""'" between Canada andl VICTOIIIA, May The lax Siuiwallnnx Passai.'-c lo irc-M'lil cidenls occur. 'I think IIum-c Lewis, in the cven of the" lallurvT?-''' right. -Mr. Mayor, f you Japan to think of. Other coun- r"''" "r ""' li,y r' ,h' ""r W-tries (lie i-ctcroii' lict'iiiiiinr should he ih i conidriutioii wiiinint' in I'lmrsiJiy's l.;uLCMIi wjiiil -t stifle the faets you ran MUCH MONEY been placed ut.V.'.nG mills on Carpenlier, -.. S' .ri-7. I,. II I.nl I tvill t...!!!.,.'1 f..i.1l..,l had not adoDted exclusion! ilraliicij If'tlMTi' liciild c bri'aks giM-n lo tln'c cU'.li;i?'.." tartlet hutftMsMW-t Miiufai iaitW'l--.TttErwHI.4llW. I lie rigiii uldThesiaged in AbL Pcro, and immediately left " amounted In tr- nam thlnrj. M";,'V l In x'.. Iuf 'LoiiUoiijiuMuncj ; WAS LOANED Han. T. A. Cmui. Inartni. nt fho l'1"' l'' ! (.! for .(Mirral jjMjiiijiiu$i iIanN in en of cm-1 Work i-t'cuiuuHMnlMiif lluil Her. "r"TT'Discrepancy In Flauees-- Progressives, supported Premier '""j M H ut ''racijcy alions costing ir.no lie made in UNIONIST WINS. I !. Kelly, -in an attempt to Kings' view but Hon. Arthur ,u''1 11,0 -,ll;Yi'f"' ...lijrriiis In i'.nditi"iis in tin- the reading room lo provide for LONDON. .May l. Sir Jnlii carry on vvher,. Aid. Perry had! TO RAILWAY Melohen. leader of the oDDosltlon.l Tl"' ''Sp'-i'diluics. fr ,-i(y. .,(!; report explained that the housing rT Ilie municipal fn'1' Leigh, coalition unionist. " lias, left off, said I bat there had beeuj said that only exclusion would,11'-"- l,la',, al .'.'. iiiincliniiM luid l.cc.i xrivru lln library was received by Hie city Ix'cn elected by .aeelaiha'l MViur- disercjiancy ,n various' hav the desired effect and the! l ,,""y !"-! fire cliier as deputy mai-.-lial ).. council lul null I and referred W'adsw'Ollj Cliiphani. Th'e rfeat flanres Mibipilled regarding tho Interesting Figures Are Tabled In lovernment should come out riat'1,lM'ik' "" ."li;,closiii Imj tl.e,.,. ,,r..,lMcs were kept up in Hie Library Committee for re. was ef vacai.il liy die rellie- siaius ior. li" uiuiues .jnai nc: House of Common h if It waa avmnatheLio lo the ... ''' lu'' i. pay Hie cut ofU,, . i-.-jr,, t i..iti. Il.ere were purl and adopliou. The plans menl of Sir Arltiur Ducros. llhoughk il :vaK only in Jnfrness nnt pressed wish of a large body of W"; ,H",, will ileferlive sloe pipe and eleelrh' have been approved by Miss - - lln all l)ial..t.li, rH!'t..r-Uid'..a'udi- the peoplo of Canada for antl-J M''-v' Helen Stewart, president or the Ilie sjieakcrs are the life of lor slioulij., be,,.;.,led over.-, , ;,.,'I (iTI'WV i, may v. neiurns Oriental measures. I ' I he cily slioiihl eoiisnlcr llic pro. II, ('.. Library association. llic convciiiioii. mi British Columbia's thirteen NO TRACE TO BE nosal In pul in fire walls in Hie 'mailt Vf ""I11 Sll'?.,Ut..... bluest show that the Can- members solidly supported thel nnmir. nr urn blocks iiT wnoden buildings. u..- ....u h .w lo.iiai, ijovernment paid to the original resolution In the debato 1 rvviw.BIBBBBS.BSiaB.jr lue Willi icrereiice 'to the fire department. That aud.tor s report. was not h,SjJra'1(J Tr1 k , , , n Lloyd' George Says a t,t m.. U Ltll I I!.. Hie report said that since. "u iiiut.li Diticr lionuvniiiiibiuii laU.jnags totalling $260, GEORGE DOUGHTY and Aid Nelly replied (hat cvei'i was expressed of Canada's tolerance there was ample apparatus -30,750 and under"Jhe receiver of Oriental penetration. Ilie personnel was excellent although since tJl the Utililics Commit-'ship of the Minister of Hallways Stork Slicks to Guns Funeral of Mrs. Doughty Took " the force was undermanned. No Breach is Imminent; lee hud wanted to w ine, off a lia-l.mi .,,1.111 ii,...ii -t c.i u a-n i,,,.i Place Last Week at MassetL A firiy fool ladder was bilily but liud never been able to ,R.,.n , 0l l)le",'.0iI( Fred Stork, member for Skeona, needed, There should be reg UO NO. Tlll. total amount paid to tha said that tho Indifforenco of the lii'lail of the Tuncra! of (he ular inspections of buildings car The Muyor said thai a sum of Canadian National Itaijway in the of bulk of Canadians was tho cau&o lain Mrs. (ieorge Doughty, of ried out by the department. The Is Assured of Success $17,534 against the utilities had same period exceeded $260,000,: the commercialized aggres--slveness North Island, who" was drowned syslenr'or fire alarm boxes was been what Aid. Peny had object 000. of Orientals in British iccenlly, together with her husband, in good condition with one oi- two - i ed lo. When tlic statement of Columbia which now protested should be assets and liabilities of the department xccplions. They have been received from (iKNOA, May -Oenoii today is still cugerly awaiting tlic against being sacrificed to tho .,- FISH ARRIVALS The distribution was taken into consideration tested rrriuenly. Sw'iidM'ii of lie Cold Captain Soviet reply loathe, note from the Hcoiiomic Conference on the Orientals. Under tho present telephones supplemented il might be found that Storage Co.'s IraXvlcr, drier Slar-rall. nf llussiaii (iiiestion for the fate i.m Hit coiilerence is generally con system the provlnco was being which arriveii in this the fire box system satisfactorily. the utilities had no credit led Kighty thousand (liven port ceded tu be largely dependent on the tone of the llussiaii reply. eight hundred away to the Orientals as morning, 'l'he funeral look place The building bylaws 'should If the reply is essentially conciliatory il is argued that the French Aid. Kelly said thai they want- ,,ou,1(Js of halibut was sold at effectively as If It was bolng done be nbcrvrd and all buildings ed tu get everything out and ho Massell at-.111:30 Wed. the Fish- well a.m. on to Kxcliuuge today by al and llelgiiins will have difficulty in maintaining opposition the as treaty. uesday, May .'I, Hie service being brought up lo rcfuircnienls. memorandum. If Hie reply is noii-couciliulory, Premier Lloyd winded the utilities superinten as -ID0O pounds of red king sal-iuou, Captain Goorgo Black, mombsr roiidui'lcd in the Massed church The report recommended Ihat (icorgts'.-i pusilion will be untenable and the conferi'iiC" will be,dent's statement read. and 200 pounds of white for Yukon, said that naturalization Ilie wire and the cily Had by Hie llcv. .1. (illicit. The majority inspector iu danger of imme.diale disruption. Agreed salmon. The arrivals: were: was a farce where tho Orientals engineer 'b'e appointed deputy Aid. Collart objected to this oT the residents were 'l'he Itritish and Italian delega-i - Alfa, 4500 pounds, Flattery, wero concerned. An Oriental service. I'ive fil'e marshals to relieve the fire procedure, saying thai die whole 8000 present at the lions 'iiiet'loday with the llussiaii pounds, Hippo, 0000 pounds was always an Oriental and always whose hands would; be full matter been by wreathes were sent -by local chief elegalioii and began working on MASONS COMING had explained Minnie V., 5000 pounds, sold to would bo. Indies. The pallbearers were: wilh the supervision of housekeeping a new formula concerning the res-sloratiou Mr. Vance and it had been agreed the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Fred Stork voted for the original .conditions and the, de. by die Joint committee of Iho Captain Sven'dsen, Ii.- I.. Davies, of foreign property in ut ii.Vc and 4o. motion and against the government purlmenl' ON CHARLOTTE Clililies finance Coirmil'.eu of Ilie Canadian Fish ainl Cold Itussia. It is hoped tu devisn a ami. Thelma 10,000 pound. Dolphin. as did also T. O. McBrlde, Storage Co., I.Id., C, W. -Maker, The Hoard of Works, at next new clause in the Itussian inerii- Ihat Mr. Ilorjethe auditor, would 12,000 pounils,- Viola 2000 member for Cariboo, Humphrey Johnson, Provincial Constable week's, council meeting, will be asked to make an adjustment. pounds, sold to UoolhFishcrles II. oruinlum which will .satisfy del of Kootonay, and A. W. Nolll or II. Ponder and I'.. H. Waller or bring in a report in connection gliini aid abo France. The es-Muire Have Chartered C.P.R. Boat for The superintendent of utilities ut 15c and 4.6c, Comox, Massed, vvilli proposed repairs of Ilie pipe is the Special Trip Here Two Days was now going to present Speculator, 3300 pounds, sold now a suggestion for The House adjourned at 2 line. The hoard and I'1" r'ly In June. Hie utilities commencing Tho..c present al the, funeral insertion of a clause which will a report on lo Canadian Fish and Cold Storage o'clock this morning without tho engineer made a trip last Sun- rrom I'.MO. He thought the were: Mrs. Ponder, Dr. and Mrs. contain a gviier-il de'de.ralion that 'l'he. Cram) Lodge or Masons or at I Do and k , bill having been brought down. lay lo W'oodworth and Sliawat- matter should laid until Hriggs, Mr. and Mrs, S, Itay-bould, properly of foreigners will not iu New Westminster has contracted be over Plop, 1500 red king salmon, Mrs. .illicit. Mrs. .Sinilh, laus Lakes, any event he turned over to HiiiiJ with the .Canadian Puuific Hallway Hie return of Aid. Dybhavn the and 200 pounds white salmon, MINISTER OF LANDS Mr. and Mrs. D. Ilultcn, Countable parlies by the llossiaii govern lo charter the 'Princess iinitle.e, who Was not present. sold tu Sinclair Fisheries at 13,1c Stevenson of the Il.C.M.P,, SOLDIER JONtS ment thus meeting the main del. Charlotte which will arrive hero chairman of the Finance Coin-Then and 2eV WILL ARRIVE HERE Cecil W. Walker, J. I'.: Kfay, tian obji'Mion. 1 from Vancouver ut o clock on il could bo given fair discussion, Azores 5000 pounds, Pioneer Cyril Harrison, .1. Huddcn, S . BEATS PENWELL Wednesday morning, June 2li 25,000 pounds, sold to Canadian ON TRAIN TONIGHT darker, 10. Doreeii,.!'.. It. Wallers, Lloyd George Denlos and will remain iu .port until Aid, Montgomery wanted to Fish and Cold Slorugo at 13o Mr. Premier Loyd (ieorge of Clival know what all the trouble w 'Dr. Lawson, and 4o. The H. .Johnson,-' Canadian Heavyweight Scored midnight. Friday, June 23, Hun, C Synies. llritain in. a statement n die will call al Ocean Falls about. They were talking in riddles T.d) j'ulhiljo. member of Davis, and Knockout In First Round or vessel Ibe Search Unavailing. newspapers today denied the-Lmidou and will have full now, He hud understood thcyj legislature for Prince llupert Bout Last Night. both ways a "I'd minister A thorough search has been dispatch crediting him coiilpU'meiiit of passengers hail agreed on a surplus or $11,- or lands, will ar-Jive on tonight's (rain from ).. carried out by 'tho trawler Slur-rail LONDON, May P. Soldier Hor. villi byving told the French d de- aboard. There will bo rere-moiiics t00 last year, 'there 6hould bo TELEPHONE DIR-CTOKY lawu wlic i'i) lin has been for several and oilier boats to recover ace Jones, of Quebec, the Canud. gallon li it I Fivnce must go it here, it being die occasion more information given. weeks taking mailers affecting II,,. body or Mr. Doughty but Ian heavyweight champion, iloue iu an aggressive dehiaud for or the Provincial Orand Aid. Silwrsidcs explained (but Thu City will publish a Hi,, up without success. The gasboa knocked duL ex-Ouardsuiau I'eu-vvell I'jwnpl payment of the Oernuili Lodge convention. reports had been submitted by now Telephone Directory. province. II Is expected ho will which the falalily occurred iu the first round of a bout and llussiiiu war debts. (lie Finance Cominille the superintendent ILupicsts ror alterations or remain here until rrom rimrsday uiht taking (he vvus driven on the rocks bcjvveeu here last night. Tho premier hIso denied that n In . the cily police court lliis .or utilities and Ilie additions to bu made iu slfainer Prince Seven Mile l'""'l ',d (Jtt',B ''l bri'uch vvs Jiiimiuent belvw'cu morning berore Magistrate Mc-Clyinont, auditor. FaCh contained certain writing before May 22 to fleinge ror Vio-h'l'lu that evening. and theliull is so badly ballered Drought in the personal effects Ureal' Ilrilaiu and Franco and Kva Mofral, III Dyer Tacts ami figures which had not Superintendent of Utilities. VVhilu in the Hast. Mr. I'ullullo uboul that it is worthies. Ilovv- or tho deceased couple which aid Unit Hie conference would go Apartments, was charged with been agreed upon dud which wero ulsu attended engine anil gear have been handed over to the through lo u successful conclu giving Ihjuor to a minor. Tho not yet fully understood. He did the funeral or Ills over, tho Jutlier who died recently. been salvuged. Cupl. Sveiidsen pruviuoiul police. sion. case was dUmi.sed. nut think this had anything to i