Tursday May 0. g TBI OAILT RKWS IOANING MONEY on MORTGAGE is simple, AOCUdlNQ TEMPT TO STIFLE MAYOR UTILITIES OF AT ECZEMA NORTHERN NOTES safe and profitable. If you have $500.00 FACTS,COUNCIL ALD. PERRY CHAMBER.BOLTS ON FACE AND HANDS ftrv. V.. SI. Van Starter, who WESTHOLME THEATRE went from KcUhikun tu Stellnkat or more which is earning less than 8 per cent (Iloulinueil from I'uru unc i for Five Years la lu .delicr an address tu the Tonight, Tuesday xraduiling class there, has re drop into our office and let us submit some run replied Unit he whs not iuiti ritpim or Mlt rliruni, ) II la to oflrn turned tu Ketcliikutt. clear on the subject us (o how the ralipil, tnaiiirotj ll-rlf In little round Thomas Meighan of the have file for I'lililics department wuld be affected piniplps tvliirh ronltln an fitrrmelj Irrl applications we on your tatltif fluid, thtiut break and nuJbse .1. K. Schcnck, Interested In by lln auditor's rcfiurl. qurntly a cruM or arale I; rornird and th mining properly at llollis, Is in IN consideration. No Obligation. lie was Minlc1 sal is Tied thai the Intense burnlnr, lirtlnr and amartlnr. Ketchikan on business. your tililies department had made crperlally it nlrlit or "alien tbe part is profits I tin t bad not been rredil- ripo'ed lo a stronr licit, I a1imt un "The City of Silent Men" braraldc and relief Js rladlj welcomed. Slg Wliibcrg, resident ngent o eil it. The If H. G. LTD. lo tiuestk'ii was: HELGERSON, There li only one way lu ret relief and Ihc l'allcrsou Islam foi farm the auditoi's report passed would no remedy Ilka returned lo his pot last Salur Adapted from the romantic and the council have; the. power to BURDOCK 1LO0D OITTERI inyoturious rniM:E niruir i.anu MSTntcT -pis Take It Intrmallv and It rela at lh tiny. iKTore IcaMtitr luuu lu ce novel, "The Quarry" I i mi. i or iiiasi, iiAauK , .transfer to lliu L'lililies i.'oinnlil-lee he has that fine of 1 'rat of the iliase In tbe Mood and drlrrs liorteil n croi Tkr iriillir I lull I, I'. M. Mum kluii. funds Hint find not. been It out of tbe i.lcni. joung fotcs there and eM'rlhing A. L. Chester Comedy - "Kour Times Toiled" irrmrp. . i... HTiioatin la ml niim-vor creililed to it and had been takcir Apply it eiletnally and It lakes out the lnlrnil to apply rur llroii.f in piwprrl s going along mouhly. Prices, .'i5c and Inc. City Time. Hartt i rr itml. natural gn ami iwimli-iiin tm ilic into sreneriil filnds? In Ihr last Iti'tilhir. Ftliifrlnar and burnlnir. and promotes niiiiiniMv uf rrii'ii ihiiu: lAinuiirnrinir ail three years (Ik; utilities had I'Cillliy licajliif. earti- xm plaiilnl nno mile cl of the intrlh Mr. I, Sitt, SO rrinrrM Ave, Van A parly roushllng of Sirs Oust rM iniwr of l.nl I (tit. Iliciiw imrlli mi il-i;.i0il in suiilus. Of this t-ouvcr, H. C. nrllesi "llavlnt unrrd firool'- Mrs. (.leorgo .Morrison main. iiK'iirn fm sn i iihiik. turnip, noulli I Ml riiailH, IIU-lll'C Curl XII 111111 In M)ll 7 I.imio hail been taken to pen- a llli ociema on tlie face and head for tbe I'liora Chapman. Cecil .Morrison Ul riiiiiiiiriirrini'iil, roiliailllllB; otu aiTCS. ral fund, (lonstruciion to (he last five yearj, I conulled nevrrtl doctvrs, ! Loralcd January tl, mtt. J est a William. Harry Williams Shoes I P. M. MOMAToX niniiiiiit of $l;i,(i(i0 mil of the and tried various kinds of salves and nml Mr. nnd Sirs. J. J. lotions, tint I derived no benent from try Williams rm.NCK nn-miT i.a.vu pisthict pis amines had been c'oue uf.d the or llirm. I eft KiMrhikaii last - did not know what lo da until Jjiiuday to ,tl- IHItT OK CHAMT. IIVMIfc 6. i(ility had not icn credited but s friend advLied me to try Burdock Blood end Ihe Inter-school inecl in ftupreme Brand lad been debited. Bltlerr. and after I had used two boltli-a' I Take M.Ilro I It.)( I, Ijivcudir Mull.Hon will win Jiifjeau, T'he Will return Once worn, so dilly : r lrrra-i II. :.. marrml unman. Imrml Aid. Slonlifomery said it all tioyaii to ret belter and now after iklna-ela-hl .n soon coiiihjciice thul will 'lo apply for a llrrnw ppmiH-rt fur i..sl was bollle I have not even blotch on as ihe meet Is ocr. you your HMr'liiiii ami lialural a on lln- rollowliiir mallei of surplus He thought in. I feel Hut I B. B cannot praise B. iM-wrim-ii lawn: liirtiiiiiriiriiir al a im accept I'"' next l'iiir without Iplaiilcil IS rlialtK smiilli of I In1 illivpt commission or auditor could too hlrhly. I bnpe you n 111 make full u T. At lleckinan. superintendent FRESH COFFEE FRESH furl her introduction or w-imititcriclal i mi hit fit i.in iiii'Iiit mm hi v iimiii make a report showing (la true of this recommeodallon for tbe benefit of ROASTED IIiimut p (J ) tliatm. Ihi-ixr north to tif Hie Choiuley cannerv, is in K0S1ED ion, ;is old friends chain, tlirnrft wct 80 Hmo, to IKjlnt of On nmlinu'of .Mil. Slcl.eod and those who are suffering from tbls terrible Kelchikau I'l.iiiiiifiH'fiiMMit. rt.niainlna. iin an- more complaint, eeieniii." on' business. laliis of (he utilities. who! dependability mid or H-H9. LAVK.MIKII I' M Mrm.'k MllM".KTO!.lull Api'tll Md. .Motilgomery the committee B. B. B. put up only by The T. Mllburn The Codes "that has 'em all beat" Co.. Limited. Toronto. Out. I. I'. Sn th. allornev of Krlchi worlli nre fully proven. lIII.M:K Ill-'PUIT I.AMi fiHTIIM.T PIS irose and the auditor's report r M The coiTcclhut is real and tastes k.TII THIlil' or rtiiAST. ,IIA.M;f. t. ne of the early pioneers of (I so. was adopted. this time wc hae been condemned the (own and at one time one of SUPREME Rich and Mellow. lake millrr lliai I. I. M. Momktuii. of Duncan Report by Ihe for public Trrram. H. C . nrtrvor. Inlrml In annlr keeping S Clilllicillllcll, (m reported to In The best colTee from the berry lo i fur x lirrnii' In prtiM'r for 'ial. ltmh'iiTn I lie M'lHiW 111? js MF. I MUCH If. the rules loo high, when il has ery ctiously ill in ho.-pilal al ami paiurai ira mi hip iii..uniir noiniH't a i no eporl on the utilities later been lo cup. KIRKPATRICK laniK: Ci.iiiimncli.ir al a ll planli'il ir as necessary provide money cattle. i-baln inilfi of Uio initliwpl rfinipr of ubmilled: Dial the council would not provide. ORDER A POUND TODAY! l.ol I'KIJ, lllPlli-P imrlli (! Hiatus, IIipih-p The Store of Satisfaction rasl 811 rlMlns, IIipiiip south 80 rlwlli", At a joint meeting of the However, we have, recommended .7. II. Slu.Mulliii. I llipm-p tiM 80 t-lialtw In polni of tfiin- finance ,-ind ulililies comiiiillees and had passed reductions governiiienl GIVE DADDY A TREAT ini iMTiiiHiit, aii'J coiitaliiliitf r40 nrn- iiioit cut. reports that 70 niw names HI or fulfil ipkk. January ll.P. M, .MO.tkTO.. Id on Tuesday evening,. May 'J in rates whenever our in" Prince llunert and Kin ml Sold only in in one paund airtight cartons Ihc Iiylit departmenl . finanee.s finances would permit. Tin; fol ide hae been registered III'' I'lllMJt: III PHIT I.AMi" PISTIIICT Ills on were discussed n Iciialli. The lowing will show the difference. TIIICT or C;oA:T. IIA.MJK S. . provincial olers' lists which bjeel of this mrclius- was lo oel!tv'ijilSili p(.,'aii. thde of STEWART & MOBLEY, LTD. If ll Tokp ii'H hp thai , (i. V Moiirktmi. of lermiiie Ihe lodH.v. losed yesterday. The courl of L piiria. 11 i... mltipr. Inli nil lit apply rr a fiuaucial position reM"ion will Jie held next liioiilh lippnp to'pruiHPt for iiml. iMirolpiin ami of Ihe ulililies in connection with January. I Wl-', light, lej com. Coffee Impurlera mid Rnnateri jnainral kh on Hip fnllnuliiir ipiHtM(f Innil-: CoiiiiiiPiirinir al a Pot planlPn 13 Hie proposed separation, In the merclal, Vi: PKJNCE RUPfiRT I ribnmiicuji phallic Lot 1037.iwiiitii tllPIIPP nf Hip willin toiiiiiwpi 811 CIUIIM.rorner IIipih-p of cily I ks of Ihe iililily capital Scideiilber, lull, light lie; FALSE ECONOMY '! fin rlialn. IliPiirr nnl lli 8(1 rlmliH. coiinls. I have been tryimr lo commercial, 7t ' llhpnpp fal 80 rhalrn to tmint of roin- THE INVERNESS CANNERY llnpiireinpiil, ronlaliilnt fl arrp morr or bring about (bis change in Ihe February. I'.H.', light lOtic; I'lie family thai does not pro. liraa. o. r. amin nn, tccounliiig for over three years. commercial, (ic-.'lc. ide for laundry service in the CAMP at Oundas is now t P M Mfinrkton. ffi'nl open. Highest prices paid rtll.VCK HliPKIlT I.AMi ihstiiict- ma- Had Ibis been dune on Ueceiiiber In ne, mm, to rc. cooking weekly budge! is praclicins false Canadian National Railways .11. I!'!. Hie Jiglil dcparlnient (I added. for Salmon and Halibut. tiih;t or i:iast, IIA.NCE 5. conomy. Lnder our new plan, ill deal wilh I In; light depart January, HUH. lighl, locj com- 1 TakR notlpp that t. P. M. Moiirklim. of Laundry work,, by the., pound, Trrrapp. n. (... iiiiuiuiiliiii laud mirwyor. ment only in Ibis riieoil) would uu''cial (ic-3c; luduslrial power practically the entire family biin- A roiitiiloti1 line of-ifhlilntf ilntpinl tu anolv fur a I'ppiip to nroopptl Prince uiMilir.-', jtrocirrlp.t. "-liilv.C irnr iiml. natural ra aim ppiroipuin i iiip ave placed to il.s credil, during Sc-lc. lli! washed and returned, dJiup Rupert followluir dRiirriliPd lands: cninnicmln at the last Ihree fK5,,J,J7.70. Expenditures and Earnings. years, almost ready for ironing, for cliilliiup, brass; fironzr, clfc ia.xip(.planlrd oiip mllp wl of Hip liortli- Vfi roriirror i.oi hk, iiipiipp imrin i" NVe liaM ticd for construction "I allacli hereto a slalcmenf $1.25. Irii-Jtl hiiiiplicn, rlc, al cily rliMnsr'tiiniii'il pu( 811 rlialnw, IIipiipr miiiIIiI kii ihiiliA. llii nrwpl 8ii rhaliH In ioiil purposes 9 Win 5.7 7, llitis liikln? bowing the c.vpcudilures mul This is Ihe. cheapest Laundry DRYDOCK 0f Located MillllllPIM'rllti'lL'ilUUUUIIC January SilJJl-?- 04U acrMw are of all leKilimiile. cliar'xes for earnlinrs of ,the light department Service ever.offered locally, and '!loiii'.l" Ali'i" MarKi'ii.ie akin r.KTi in lieralion, uin(iili'MiiMce,iini otri from January J. HH.'l lo Decem Ihe husband, who has the wel lN.' AND is nuain on Hit! juli as fish PIII.VCK IIUPKIIT I.AMi, niSTiuirr ins- heail,. and. aUu pacing for all ber 31, 'J'J. In Ibis stalemenl fare of His family iiil hearl win-I lnirr. TIIICT OK COAST. 11AA(.I S. , v OapUal, .epniid(ure during s.aid you will nole I have ulluwvd not afford, o jiass AMi' -service SHIPYARD Tlir ciiliiy ranii is al your Take nolk-p that 1'. Kallih'iMi YoYii-klifli, period Wlh m credit lialauce of general fund G interest year up wllhoul serious couvidcpalJiWr. Tf-ci-vicc. '1VII us your wunls. applv lrtorla.for U.a ('..,llrensn tnarrfpil to pruaperl woiimiii. fnlpinj for.ryaf,-In -' According to Hie by year on all .moneys owed by We have alsu our- Soft Finish lH'in'ilpiini and natural Ka on-tlM toJU'W- jiysleni in effect we were creililed Ihe l.'lilily lo general fund and Dock Inir di-vrrlhpd lamH: CoiiuwiiriuBl a.t' Service, where for a small ad Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Ory A large supply of flltorcd plantPd IS rlianiH miiiiii ir iiip mhiiiiwpm vyilh iTi.tliii.OO reeiM's ami charged general fund in Ho. Mime ditional charge, everything i Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, PttUrn of Lot 1037. Um-iipi- ii-Ktli 8'J t'lmliM. deliiled inilier jATJfi s S.'t.fKI i.77 conslrucT m.inner wht'i.the balaix-e was fuel always on hand. lliPIMe pI 8lt rlialn. iiipiicp Poun 'Mi dried and all-..flu( pieces Ironed makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. I phalli. IIipiipp pat 80 rlialn. lo'-xilnr'of lion.rysls, Jlif general fund of on Ihe other ,side of tin; ledger. and folded. more...tin iiipiippiiipii or less. I. ami KATIII.KK.N roiilalnlnir MoNCkTov.4('i aPI'Ci'I Jh cify geltirig the halaiice, or "When you consider (bat this To ihoi! who iv.au ifToid Hit Electric and Acetylene Welding. I I'. 11. iiiiiii:iii"ii. .l-in; Jl.H.ll.lo, in the lasi three ulility has been operated undci siniill uddllioiial cosl,-lhii it Ihr 'flHv'general fund has been tin assumption that it taking yearsi was iiiosi complete "rv iw tiossllilp! Our plant la equipped to handle, all kinds ot From the Farm Inking from the leleplione ile- care of all legitimate charges withouL fjuishiug Ihe entire bun to the Table Extra. fl.a'rJp ic.nl sums' iiT .money in the against it, and gelling credit for dle. The cosl will be found lo Marine and Commercial Work A same manlier, but. of. course.- not all surplus earnings, which be considerably below the- prevailing is larye. In 'separating, these Would leave us a credil balance jirice. BulkleyValley accounts, accordm,' In the liens- on account of capital iicvouut on trial will convince you of Ihe prer's hooks (lie ligli'ilcparlincnl December HC'l of ii8,77 1 .:t0. merits of lliis service. BEEF DlVlllS minium lias a debit balance of ,,ri.53i.- your lighl comiiiillce should have PORK 10. io hcsil.itiou in uskiuu' for a MUTTON The Other Statement. reduction in rale, nor should CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY VEAL BACK BACON "Your finance commillee Ha re be any ecu on f'n hohJ.itg PHONE S. FRESH KILLED POULTRY brouglil into Ihe joint lueeling back necessary recouslruction r8ken River Farm Produce Taking Wholo Piece, lb. 45c on Tuesday night u sluleinetit work, so badly ' needed al the A lillle fellow may crack a big Make VANDERH00F CREAMERY Taking Half Ploce, lb. 47c showing Hie lighl departmenl present lime.. whip. way BUTTER lb 50c ipital accoiinl wilh a deldl 1kiI T. C. DUNCAN. Sliced, por LAND ACT, in ance or ?57,7,..j.OU. Ariel de-dueling Supt. iif Ulililies. NORTHERN This is llu? first lini" INTERIOR our reserves of H,08:i.- This report of Sir. Duncan's Nolle of Intsntlen to Apply to Ltast Lan4. fir or six yrars licit Swiff n In I'llm-e llupi'i l Land til, trirt, ttpmird - and adding Ihe stores ( which was referred lo llo Joint ulililies Iiik IHjIrlit or ;nat liaiiiri . and ,'llinli liern COOPERATIVE l'l'i'iniiiiil lliron lias In tlrlnlty of I'orl LsHliijrl'iii. M. :. for by lln is half telephone jiid finance commillee. sold at r0- por Hi. orli-ss way I like imllre that Jullim Ji.lniion and liberty Phone 81 inalerian our debit balance Walif-r rviinil, of furl Lkjiihhhii, ii. i, . ALBERTA FRESH EGGS, 3 iHTUatlon llalii'riiiru. Intend In (ii'ply for would be .10,8 1 2.HJ. PRINCE iwrininslon tu leac llie follow lim le-rllied GEORGE doz. for $1.00. Our firsl "As Uieriulendenl of your lands: Coinnii'iii'liit at a port planli'd al shipment arrives May Hth, Kollllicasl corner of Lot li, llaiiiro C. Loaal ulililies from November. Hi I.', to IHUrlrl. Ilivnce northeatl rhaliH lo low FRESH MEAT DEPT. dale, wilh Hie exception of six. Jimmy .Spcno, "mayor" of wilcr murk. Ilivnce south clinlii, alunv THE low water mark, tlicure ol .1 rlulm to Sir. 'I'. .I. Williams arrivetl SKIRTS I ceil mouths vi.: Slay, I'.Mii lo 'cvland, was in Ihe cily last lilali walcr mark, thence i ihuiio aluim on Salurilav from Vancouver lilKli waler mark tu point of I'oniinMiiTiiii-iit August, Hi 1 7, I wish o submit week. and coiitllniuir 3 ! ai re", mure or lena. Shoe In manage litis ilepl. lln s JL'I.IIS JOIINSO.'M, 'Liberty' rur your consideration, ;is a pub. Walt i:n ,mi:mi, liiilclier of a experience ami lie body and also a public body W. J. Pitman relumed last AppllCillllS. THE LATEST you run 'lepi'iul on quality week fuun' Paled February it. tggg. ARRIVES wishing lo (real Ihe public, ulililies a visit o Vancouver. THE SMARTEST ami euieful it'lleuliou to all of your cily in a fair and THE MOST ALLURING milers iilut cil with liiin. Williiim lllaii- fhe following unprejudiced mauiier, reiuriieii on of Introducing Slnco we began thinking facts connecled wilh Ihe ediicsday 'night from a busi- EDSON COAL " COME AND SEE THEM Rupert Table Supply Co. HkIiI. department operations from nesi visit lo Vancouver. Shoes Into our Shoo Department, we have for December :j, lUIS-t'o dule: looking for a nlco fine llnq or Bhoes suitable Phones 211-212 LOW 1N PRICE HIGH IN QUALITY "Your nudilor's report of December Sllss Pal Wilson left for Vancouver COMPANY high class trade. Wo now announce that we ! .11, I ill.' shows the light last Thursday' to undergo Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. secured the "LIBERTY" Shoo, one of th u di'iiirtuicul capital epeudilure treatment for eye trouble, eilasaaaiiilaaaailaaaaiiiBaiBaaaHBaBaaaaHeaaaMM acknowledge thl will .Made-ln-Canada Shoes. You "DEMERS" lu dale as lH.1o0.oo and the .. For Sale bonds sold as 00,000.00, .We Mr. and Sirs. Al. Johnson, f Best Coal when viewing our stock. th therefore slarled Ihe year liM't Vancouver, have arrived in the The "Liberty" Shoe Is manufactured by Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 with a debit to general fund of cily and wll spend the summer same people who make the "Classic" for ladies a" :!5,HS().0o, This report' wav ac-ccilcd here. Thil ' satisfaction. children and will give equal Practically new modern und passed by the council Jack und Terry, their sons, will at uul. I'ChidcllCC! ill UXUullulll ri!bi- of that (lale. I, and (be 'supcr- arrive when the summer holidays a high quality shoe, yet our pricos are as . . USE . . ilenlial section, splendid liar, Inlcndenl in c,liarge during my commence, Lowest Prices according to our well known policy of bur view. Central healing. Hixlrcii moulhs absence, together ' Shamrock OITcrud ul lutt llian cost. wilh Hie several utility committees, The first road gang ot the Low Profits and have conducted the liusines's Reason bus been eut out by the Order Now! Phone 58 of Ho! department and iik.'I all department of public works in Quick Turnover Agents for charges for operation, inuintew charge of Foreman Andy Forest BACON Norwegian American Line nunci! and overhead during all who will surface ilu; Pcdcn Hill From now on, our men customers will l"5 HAM Swedish American Line these years. The I til "J council with gruvel. ThU hill has been TO ALL to select their shoos at our store as well 5 Scandinavian Line.American pill a If 15,000.00 byJaw ror polu improved by widening and ! now ladles havo boon soloctlng theirs and their t" ' BUTTER line extensions before 'Hie people ready for surfacing. dron's. Oliver Typewriters and II passed. We bud u -'5 ' TRAPPERS! EGGS Cary Safes t(10.00 debt lo general fund and Work has commenced repairing CALL IN AND SEE THIS NEW LINE LARD FIRE INSURANCE 15,000.00 worlh of construction the damaged pier of the Nor work lu be thine, ycl no 'council chacu lliver bridgo cuused by I.cf uli get together. until I'Jil suw fil to market the heavy Ice. Jam last fall. It is Have inside iufuiinuliou The Empire' Standard. Dybhavn & Hanson above ineiilioned bonds, 1 ho learned Ihut one of the piers, will Ihut will benefit us. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Third Avenue ulility has spent, during these nuvo to be completely renewed WRITE US AT ONCE P. BURNS CO., LTD. Prince Rupert, B. 0. yours, over J70,000.00 in necessary und the bridge wilt necessarily 10209 101st St., Edmonton. Phone 645, Corner' 3rd nl ii extensions, providing tlm be. closed to traffic for a short Alta. jjioney out of revenue, aifd'all tiffin. .V"