TM DUCT. M1WB faqk rtm First Soccer Match of Season Results in Win (MCDONALD'S Of 4 to 2 For Canucks The footltall soasivrj oiieiied willi a Iinng last niglil vif n (lie firotlo and the. Sons of'tlanada leamx mot ttn Hip. Aoroitolis Hill KNiiinds before an eu(iisirt?tif? e'rowil n( merer fan?. The grurin W!'s fast ami clean lliroiipHnut, lerminnlihg in a 1-2 victory In Cigarettes lavnr or me moms. " Tlio loams' lined up ns follows: Don't Buy Kitchen Ware Hons of Caunda--II. I'riizpil. aronl: ll. ten7ie nml Cl t:i Simply Because It's liell full lia.ks; v. (aVlv; y. Menzies and K: Tail, JialMiaeks; Cheap! !.. Mrililnsoti, v. Anderson, .I.Marks, R. Warren a ml .1. Falk. for- witni. HOUSEKEEPERS utentili are oraetlmt asked to buy firotlo- 11. Mpi-rpr, poal; C. goal will doubtless improve with just because anice when new. But after they a short are Wlialman and J. Currio, full praelicp a al'owiil their combination. me, where has the bright newness gone? hacks; II. Hnrrie. Alee. Ilov;- and They are likely to be. I. Wyn.l, half-hncks; p. Mc(1,wan, come n team In ho reckoned willi. Is both It true economy of money and of time and energy to buy only 1. lllll. J. KirllV. .! rtmnnUl on.I il the close of tilay J. Ourrie K. Ilullers. forwards. bafl (he misforlnne lo sprain his In I lie fii-M tM( ttp w.() of ankle. SMP;:lWARE anaila had ,e advanlawe in The game was capably handled kicking on Hip down uradi. lull by Uporpe Mussell as referee in. spiio of Ihis the iirol(u ,i,y., and Kildie t'rapps and I'd. "A Face of Porcelain and a Heart of Steel" f'Ut up an heroic allempi find Ilnss ncled rts linesmen. Hie , opposing jip. The 8oMs Neither Diamond nor Pearl Ware is expensive. Both proved Iho heavier huf Hie WIRELESS REPORT are truly economical In that they last for years with Hrollos were fast, :TIip game ordinary care. Diamond and Pearl Ware utensils do ojiendl with stain or lose their iiiii;a ,,eal if m1d not bright color. Acids of food 8a.m. Juices have absolutely no effect. Diamond and Pearl rield play l.ul aHer n few .mini utensils be cleaned In nfes going Hie So im: l THRU- POINT- Clear, can a 'Jiffy, even after the nc o husy and greasiest frying or boiling. And they do not burn out. pumiei nuilo a ihiiiiIht nf shols cafm; baroiueler -Mi.71; lempera-'0; Diamond is blue and white outside, all. at Mercer who proved )iimself lure. sea' smnolh. Inside, with three coats of enamel. -white eipial on all occasions and .made HUM, HAHHOIt Overcasl, Sport Chat j I calm: haromeer"','f.88; lempera-lure , some hrlllianl of,Pearl enamel.Is grey and white, with two coats ding iinng- tussle saves.and considering II was n If,; sea mnderale; 7:15 a.' . . n I MOVING Iho fact Hun i was I he fjri m. spoke S.S. I.eebro, left Shus-hartlo, Hiilyea, nf SI. John, ,Now Do you know that a Diamond or Ptarl pame of Hie season hoih loams northbound; 7:.10 p.m., Hrunswick, aged If, Hie famous Warm pot that told for SI.SO lait showed spoke slcamer, Prince lluperl single sculler, Is again going lo plenty of "pep." Marks, ytar, can bo bought now for 90 cenff T abeani Adi-ninook Island, southbound. This is Our Last Month on Third al centre forward for the Sons, try Ibis, year for Iho .single sciill- T Sheet Metal Products Co.,mm' gfil away with a pofid opening ,. 'ng championship of Aomerica, IlKillY ISi.A.NI) Overcast Avenue and made full use nf il, Hacinp Uulyoa, despile his years, won Montreal Edmonton TORONTO Vancouver Winnipeg Calgary it down the field, will) Iho hall at calin; baromeler, 21MUI; tempera-lure, the Canadian championship last his lor-, he heat Mercer willi a .17 ; sea smooth. year at the Canadian Henley, ground ball at short range thus Noon . against -the fastest scullers of June 1st we will move to our Hays Cove Avenge Store. firsl1 Ii:.l) TURK POINT Clear, Iho It'nr Same Phone, 45 drawing blood for the Hons. country. Iwenly years I lie score at Hie interval slornl wind nnrlljwesl 'light; barometer, bo. has cherished Iho ambition of MASKS 'women."I would also like to have your 1-0 for Ihi" Canmlians. J!l.7rt;iiioolh,temperature, 18; sea one day becoming tlio champion FULLER'S Moving Specials In Hie of America. Last year lie was second half Hie Uiew as. to whether or nut our Mrollo HUM, 1IAUHOU :iouIy, calm; defeated n the American championship Old Country Biscuits, Reg. 35c pkg. One given free with law (ik il xluntls increases I lie hoys, made a hold hid for victory. baromeler FOR AID OF hard Within four minutes of resumed SO.OO; lemperaluro .12; sculls by Hoover, Hie every pound of bulk Sweet Biscuits. consumption or liquor. and liglil. swell. present champion, by the close With every 3 lbs. of Ridgeway's Tea at 80c per lb. we will sell play, afler a well eonlesled To Give Moderation DI'iltY ISLAND calmJ struggle in fronl Cloudy, margin of throe "fool. All Canadian 6 lbs. of Sugar for-25c. . 1 ' A I I lUl I. rt1 1 J I. I It. i people nnvc, asKe.i verv of Hip Son's baromeler -'!. 7; temperature il scull fans will hope Ihal Buy 2 lbs. of Schilling's Coffee $1.20 i and i get 3 tins Pacific, goal, .1. Kirby Was successful in MLL lflEilUBEiIViJ "'Pialioally for moderation, smooth. an. sea ho has heller duck next lime. Milk for 25c. ',?' 1 wuiU l nfvit il to llieni in Uio introducing Hie leather to the ' Utile While Heans. SpoeiaT 3 His. far 25c. Son's net. However, Iho He ! cleanest nosih)c . was manner. I'rincp fienrgo is to celebrate' ll.C I'resh Kggs, 3 doi-onf 'for $1.10. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Effort to Bring About oarer, --if ltilr i-m- ii,(,i iwiinmllmr n shnrl lived and Iho Canucks Victoria Day willi the formal Self Measuring 'Coal Oil Tank arid Fairbanks' Truck Scale And Better Liquor Con jus t brinp in I lip safer nndlJiet hiked Up Iho field, and afler li ' opening of ie football 'and base-hall for sale: tor short melee in, fronl' of Hie Tuesday, May 1). conditions, I ditions" want to weo it Fountain for sale season 'us well 'as -il com Vegetable Spray' cheap. i amended. firotlo goal, W. .riileriui again Iligli -I2:nn p.m., Itl.O feet. heal '.MoriVr "hv liendlnir Hip hall Low :,:'t'i plete list of field events. Mayod tfrfM'eo, 'SI ibs for 85c i Empress Cloves lb tin 25c 2.8 fpp. WTOniA, May Or To pot h. loiiwui ntrreo wuiinui rnv hS'reach." a.m., Johnson will open the baseball .'CaTnnsun Marmalade, N4 65c f:hrislle's Salted Soclas flOc past From the centre H liiiinr law iii:n'inr .o. lliat the mailer is one I7:."i8 p.m., S.7 feel. working of (he by the-first hall season pitching and afler iiiucli.Jiackward and 'ltrrp Strawlfnrry Jam is 95c Toilet.I'aper . .-..v... . 5c I Mi Columbia, the lion. A, M.'"' '! preat moment to the. pen Wednesday, May 10. and II. O, Perry, M. I,. A.,' wilt u half forward play, Sid llullor's pnt;in High n: Id 22.3 feet. jlliintswick Sardines 1 for 25o Hird's Kgg. Powder, l'ln "f ,5- r- 11 s 'hose rea a.m., l-i.n, AUornoy-fie.jioraL Jias kiek-nrf lhe football garile.' 'The filhss Starch 124c VcJco, Z tor .......... 25c good goal for Hie (irollo again, I2:.',7 V(l.3 fool. ' H Inileprrnlpnt,'''",i "f"1' hate the benefit p.m., Conservative. will with day has'e-iiall open a boys' lOIeViuiiirarine 25c O.vfee Cleanser, 25c lielnp the score. However, the J.ow C:0 a.m'..7 fool.. . rejr Bilist and I.nhor well 'he very het consideration n n at lite match, noon Tloy Sons determined In 'Xo. xi Ayinesap Apples now 15c were very .IH':I5 1.8 fool.. liai members Into hi eonfi- VOJI fan Pive the mailer. p.m., Scouts will give sluhls and. the ' li lbs for $1.00 Corn Heef Ifash, jioep Hie lead "iiTrrt-kepl right on Thursday, Mny 1 1 i reg 35c, in connection Willi the' I'.tTiclonry nil.I eeonomy Held sports will follow. At 2:30 "' 1 i. il i.- . s Hie hall Mark's pulling in if wo iiigb - 1 :02 U;m., i'2.8 feel. Xooriles aiVd Yormicolli now 25o it'CH lluil are to be iinule jnisnoiiiu re our iwo vwiienwonis. i the opening game of ihh' base more goals. The Sons maintain-' i:i:3 feo. , :i; -Ts .,:i24c Irish Slew, reg 35o now 25c fellow I'orsoimol an.l or2nnlrnllonlk,,"vv my members of ball league helwoen the C 'X. ft.4 two goal lead until Hip end Low 7:25.11.01;. i'l a 1.2 feet, Hi M"' lepl.-I.IIIIIP Will assist, tne in l.l.lm.r lionlrol lloar.l. and oily teams will take placet of the game am) finished willi I'.jr.'ll r.2 feel. r. Marison ask artieiilarly .l',,,n,n,nsf ll,,,0 ,w" ."" . p.m., Willi the football ganio' between . the lead of 4 to 2. l-'rbfayi May 12. Hie opinion of members willi j .; ' the (I, W. V. A. aiid Hie city in 1 I'he defence of Iho Sons of llteli l:H a.m., 22.8 feel.-feel, m i t.e riuii situation in WHAT FRFF1 STARK ' ' the evening. tlrninee liiuler Hie preVent; Oauada was verjounil. I'rl.ell I"1:28 p.m., 20,1 Mrs. Bent has arrived was not called' upon very often, I.jiw h-M a.m., 1.2 feel, " administration. SAID IN COMMONS ' r.hamipnn Jack Ilemisoy, now unl Iho field played good com. 20; o' p.m., 5.8 feel. from Vancouver with a beautiful selection of Malt t.lquors in Ilerlin, has boon a speclalor lunl i uiso eonlaineil in a ABOUT POST OFFICE hiualion, Tliiv (Irotlos, whilo oij , Saturday .May 13. al a women'w boxing bout. The fasi Iligli 2;2.rt 22.3 feet, the liglil side, were cry -and mimical inn which lie lias senli champion Is roporled In have lo their that l.r:il mi 1 9.8 feel, proved supporlers p. been amazed al the realism of members -if (lie lopislatiiro Ladies' !ll Sppakinp nn post office mailer they wore there with Hie fialltilip Low a.m., 1.7 fool, unih'r In 'control ns Allnr-fi'i'neral llio affair. Ileal blows were ex In the llousn of Commons piril. Their defence in fronl of 21 :()() p.m., 5.7 feel. lie witirltt like lu see delta lo recently. 1'red Stork, M.l changed, real knockouts were minor (luestion so handled for 'Skeenn, as reporlrd in linn-xiiiil, .scored, real gore mingled willi ( (lie 'orisuiiiplion of lieer ami said Die fair Iresses of'llie contest. h' I ip:lit Ihpiurs, if necessary. "In reference lo I he post office anls. Mr. Ueuipsey is said lo Increased ;U Hie expense of situation, if there is anytliinp in base regarded the match as an Lingerie ti Iniuors. Hie way of preeeilenl in the mailer educational exhibit of rare merit To Check Bootlegging of pettinp your order In, early Of course, til.sles differ. B am ileieinffiip,! In stamp out or of havinp sonie justificatiou Hi'KiJinp, ax far us that can for your claim, I wish lo stale Kxlreino proponents of femin in de ine may be dis. Silks, Satins, Crepe chines, etc. pilily lie ilone." Mr. Manson that I'iince llupert lias lieen. on posed, to look upon' women maul. in Hie KlntciiiPiit, which wn the map for fifteen years, anil il. ing one another willi nn eye of All made In our own workshops. i" public at Hie 1'ailiaiiK'nl, very ui-prnjly reiiuires a post office. Minn lust week. We have heard a pood d?al favor.They may think Ihal I he 1ml:, At Extraordinary Low Prices !" explains ilml ho, is desirous of criticism louiplit npainst the j'l'UWniiis an amenilmoiit In minister for his failure lo provide sluggers ng lipiscles are visible fin these standards female of As we have moved our main office from Vancouver to : Canada Tciiinerunru Art to post offices. When the proper Prince Rupert this will enable you to buy goods made up In llie woman einaiicipale1, the very. P'il'U the importation nf Hiior limn oolites, we shall ho Jon tendinis of freedoili as il were: the latest styles, In many cases, for less than' you could buy P "in country for export. deck wllh our demand for a post Hul the average man, In this the raw material. I' realize, thai we cannot ex office; lull I wish liv pay a little country, even though he he radi it till! IVllorril .nillmiilinu to tribute to Iho minister. We have (-al enough lo carry banners, in a us leffmtaiiou prohibiting had, in Prince Itiipert, under the felninisl 'parade, could senreely BENT'S LINGERIE SHOP "ipnrl tra.lo. liul if. they will system started some years iipo, ponlemplale with composure I lie. III III l,l'iv..l.. Init.nij.llni, f.. of rentals. exlravairanl system ,'iiiiii mi I il 1 1 1 ti I inn fill a very female form divine being li'islied h lllll lllll t.lll.ln II... n.nlnnn We have had )u Uial city a THIRD AVENUE I vwiillll lll, I1IVIII1 Bilious Headache up in the square circle. ill very jfreally nssist in Uio federal huildins hnijsimr tile post The old theories of chivalry. OIIIK riitinn r llm I customs department, ,i ii. anil Hie office offioes ITH many people bilious This treatment affords relief modified as lliey are, still carry Club Situation an.l various oilier T" headache returns so promptly. But, better weight lii modern limes -and perhaps In L'dillir .ll,i,iw,i..l,l..... , I..n II,. povornment I' - '. m I I I llll'l VII' for- which the regularly that it may be described than that, it prevents bilious-' are the finest parts nf our THEO COLLART, LTD. NOTARY 'Milium nf lltinor tidmln- lias paid an annual rental of PUBLIC as a habit. ness and headaches if taken il v il ia t ion. JL 1 HI II I ntii m.v.t... I.. The minister, I 41IIAitn 111 II 1 f" 1 1,1(1(1 a year. at the first indication of The (iermaus seems to nave a Seven-room house for sale, closo in. Jlalh and sewer connection. "ssislance. nf nieniliers nf tlio understand, has a proposition he. By eating too much or of trouble. By correcting your genius fo 'rarryiuir oven sports $4000 terms. Bargain. , Minim iirjin-cini" n fore him In remove these offices foods which do not agree and eating habits and using Dr. to their logical conclusions. "' would ililnk over h situ- lo oilier premises, at a rental nf by taking too little exercise Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills It exls'ln loilay and pivA iS,rWi n vear. mil that, f think, thp liver becomes torpid and occasionally you can get f Rentals Real Estate Central Insurance Hie benefit Of voiir views. i4 -i slep'in llii rislil direction. sluggish and the bowels 1 away from this annoying ailment BASEBALL Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. O. Box 66 "iippest mi von have n The povornment is practising constipated. entirely, .. il int. i, I i,.i I I - r ,i... i: eoon-oiTT' "iwniirn III MIL" lllIJlr coiioiiiy; it is praclisiny Then comes the bilious TEnillM.K HEADACHES Yesterday's Scores. 1 as lliey iiavo come to your in Hie rijilit direction as ,re-raids spell, when the liver can no Mra. A. F. Letta, South Fork, LEAGUE. n I k in, Prince llupert. We aii-prove longer control the bile and Saik., wrilea: "( auffercd from AMERICAN For your next Mso any i;nilency that you thai at present: hut when the whole system is poisoned terrible headache, ao aevera I Ilell-ilil, 0; 'Hoston, 2. Bell a Grossett thought aometimea I Cloveliml, H: Philadelphia, noticeil wjlli arrives, would go repaid to tlio he lime I and lllllfil i.. ,,..f It . , proper for post upset. craty from them. No remedy I Chtrago, !i; Xow York, 7. Shoe Repair Job ''lull I-.,..,, .ui, I II ill, fluperl will he on deck a But this bilious habit can erer tried helped me until I uied St.' l.fuiis, 0; Wasliinglon, S. Painters and Decorators sM,ual)on as you see. it, llfice of Its own.' Or. Chaie'a Kidney-Liver PtIta. wlii'tliep it can bo improved. be broken up, and you can Since using them I tan j I m NATIONAL LEAGUE, PAPERHANQING try nome Llauor-Drlnklnn to be get away from these periodical never troubled with beadachea irooklyn, 7; pillslmrg, KALSOMININQ His Sister Mice seems J. 0, EMERTON headaches if will now, and feel much better you use generally." COAST LEAGUE. Wlll'll. I iiniinl ,,r t ..I.. . f the fashions, Pre-war Prices .( yjx I l llll, llllllH 1 positively cray about Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Oakland, I. Champion Shoe Repair Shop 'III likll Villi In ,1.1.1 ...III. ...... lost bar Dr. Chase'a Kldney-Llrer I.os Ansolos, 13; Work Sim has quite Pill and neatly quickly Pills In order to keep the one pill a doae, lit a, bos, all Others Irayelllnif. Emad Clock, Third Avenue ".i,n (ill flilt tj ,,Pn, liver and bowels in condition. done. s dealer!, or Kdmaoioa, Batea & WESTERN INTERNATIONAL U'Unt inn nf 'II,,,,,,,. wouldo t V .hnl.,1 l llr.. 1 I',.1 . . lull I11.U Alice' Husband You for Co., Ltd., Toronto. IJdinnnlfm, 2; Vancouver, 318 Fifth Street Phone 477 "Repairs while you wait" in iiiit iiiiiiiii it nil think so ir you had to pay tin at Taeoma, rain. Calgary IrinkliiK of liiiuor ly her hats.