'The Daily News POLITICS TODAY PLAYER' piiingk nupnrtT - unman Columbia Piib1ihed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, Ihe Prince, IN AUSTRALIA JUipert Doily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. P. PULLRN. Managing Editor. General Election In December NAVY CUT Look Bad Foe Present Qo- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: .EHSS&i, . arnment ' Clitv Delivery, hv mail or carrier, per month $1.0(1 CIGARETTES By mall to all jiartu of the Hrillsh Kninr and the United Htnlen. I.OMM.N. m-t. ti Cann.1i.in $0.00 l'res ,1-evenil faelnrs pr'nlt in advance, per year mwm lo leml lo Ihe forlhcomjna To all other countries, in aitvance er year. f .on gener. al elections in tins (iin'iiiiuwr-llh TELEPHONE 88 Tfce MtATHEABtE TUCTMENTIr if Australia an uniisiml ilegree of COUGHS & GOLDS interest. One l I lie newlv risen eninily' Ml,vs.n prime Minis, Transient Display Advertising 1.40 per Inch per insertion lYansient Advertising on Front Page 12.80 per inch FAT.HYBODY NKEDS. PEPS ter. III. Ilti.n. ,'. M. Hughes, rind Ihe ltNiirs nf Ihr; poiin try, or line 2e Local Headers, per insertion per Classified Advertising, per Insertion 2c per word XyilPTHF.R in Ccngh.CoM. Sore hnnuers, parly winch lias hither of the bid revival Throat, or to iloeMe proei a more nr e Legal Notices, each insertion trc per agate line Uronehitia Ihe Ip bteethtaU rtrneJr, upHirler of Hie nationalist min Contract Rate on Application. it (he one raoM tpeedil elective. another is the ge1ngi All advertising should he in The Dnily News Ortlre on day preceding The I'ept t it 10 strengthen the istry: senliliS'llI in Ihe Liberal wfng ff publication. All advertising received subject to approval. breathing passages nj enj Uie lttr Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. it fort it atieut the cheat (.nil lurjt. Ihe Nalbmalist parly in favor nf When a IV I tablet ditaolvet in the reversion lo pure l.itienillni;1 mouth powerful medicinal fame! ate and a third is Ihe rnieraliou of a DAILY EDITION KJitD Monday. October I ft. IPS. liberated. A the diagram thowt, these chett strengthening medicines mingle reilislrilnilion measure wtlieb with the i t breathed through the natal may have an important bearing Who Said Lloyd George cavity (1) and mouth Cil and are carried nn Ihe comiiosiuon o the new over the tongue (3) into the throat (4) Wat A Back Number? trhenre thejr past direct down the windpipe parliaioenl. (S)into the lung t. Druggy mitturet Great Llfferencea Who aid Lloyd (ieorge wa n back number. - All he lias to ami are ineffective lui they syrup In the prest.nl . paHiantenL the ef do is to gel up iiml mnke a speech nud he has I he llrilih people go down the gullet (6 talo Ihe stomach. of Na Tin Ptfii krttuaHt nttdicintt how slate Ktrlies. exelmbng the by Ihe heart strings and carries am a usual. In spjie of the tnr, J4Jl Jimlly, ml enly tail tionalist speaker Sir KIIhH lreniiois opposition of the powerful .Viirlhcliffe press, Ihe oppo-si immtJmlt rsniAiat luixt.trouMt ear im Ihtt I hi ptmtruf tknut uhJ ta Jnhtisnn 1st Nationalists. 37; Hon of extreme labor and the further opposition of Ihe extreme Ike imurmil rrit. uhtn iniaii Country party 13; IwtlMir t. II trmt art Itkttntt to bt will he sen. therefore, that even CiuiervHlive.s the' Hrili.h Premier carries on serenely, doing Kept not only act at a poertl germicide inelnilins the Spinler, Mr. Hushes what he considers bis duly from day to day. .Sometimes be is but they speedily tout he and heal any soreness, irritation, or inflammation; has only a clear majority nf oeje very inmtiiseiit, bis critics say. S be is. That i the mark of they make breathing eay There it no over the oilier two arties. In genius. Sometimes be does not carry oul his promises. There (Imi asset talaablt...Imu uf'Osf bi . . Lain,ataistl mksis.Ibietl ltl.etowiir reality, however, his Hisilion ha again further light on n subject lnw him that a line of action auS tie psesawma sertattlf ttit Prettiest toe saddle tataulsl SiMa. Cta been iinirh uioj-e secure I tin rt (he nud he rignres winitii niigei. Ilieretis is injudicious drops it. mil a shadow of eo'tiilntihily nf in Conducting the affairs of a country in the centre of the the PEPS terest betuven lew tariff maelstrom of European and world tnutirs and in Ihe country i'.oniilry parly and Ihe In ah prv. nr in - 20f Itnns where action and speech approach closer lo true freedom than1 iM'ininsl libor tariy: IWweftii fitckafr in any other country in the wortfl, is the biggest job in the A Mm rerttt tea Bvoev M Ihe represenlatlv e of the rural I world. And it is probable that Lloyd fienrge, is by far the biggest II..iiiwiiii.Of all .ibrt rc irr'T"" priMlncer and the spokesman oil al. Ihe Trade Hall, Willi its ilreain 1HI4I. laiMu I la. man in I lie world. He makes mistakes, as nil great men f a rural workers' trade union1 "Superb Quality' do. but be is head and shoulders Above any other person in Ihe ind I! introduction of an eihi- country or in Ihe world today, so far as can be seen from this Inmr tlay and a flveil utlitiiimni, ftlance. The Man in the Moon wage for farm lalmrfe-ai; ainl Mr.i "I cast myself tin the people because I have never betrayed lliighe, masler laclictan as be i.j SAYSi- has adroitly rontriveil to aefciilu-! tjiem," was n tyie of one of those little tnrhe (bat make Lloyd IhV ate the breach teeen (Wo ijeorge intensely human. He is n simple old man but his bruin rilVl.lin is the Imiiana skin parties, with tbejresuii that lhe I Mr. atnl Mrs. Irnllernis are; is working all th.e. Ijmc and he confers wJUi kings mid rulers, in Ihe iliior-steji .if romance, have invaria'My bten fouml on op.j ilireel fnm Pari. K ranee. amP' Ikeir visil to lite elly al I Nit with statesmen and politicians, lowering above them all in knowledge IMisiie snie or uie i.nair m iinie t ............ . juneiure is arlly in eontvectlon of world affairs and in the human touch which make bin. . iiiuii.r.it auverrisea ror a of crisis. Willi tlllsiness as well a ue- wie with us all. ' young man to lie partly mil Angry Scene tire. Red ? .lours ami tartly behind Ihe lint Ihe outlook is changing. 1 counler. ,reH, In I h ink The present sessjiin. the last nf Ip Closer Touch of M. It. Jainieton, rpr4Hr what will Iiaptsen when the iloor lite present parliament, has .e.n With OuUlde Points. Ihe Northern Unlet al Hewnrt. Mountain olains. mark,! by angry scenen elv.-en j Header of Ihe Daily News will nojice that nu effort i he-ibg Mr. Hughe and the leaders of the who wa brtaigbi dawn frMii ihe made lo get iulo closer touch with outside oiul by publishing .MOTTO . . , , laller place a few ilay Hjin siif- fr lliediiims. The ountrv . ,vi. .arly an. in one Im at 'I N iii il isoullfatl nf Vaaetiiiver. This news of the districts. Corresponded! are wanted at several haml thai knok Die table flHll g a seriittja illness, i llif lirini' lilirisir-r iiniini ilia- r-n . estimated t lia ore retwrves (stints now but it is difficult lo gel the right people who are re-Imble the world. lire Nirty rangeil with I.nl"r at the lieiierat lntplial a as I tin. prnftert) pi... and yet who know what is news and are willing to give a airainst him. ffced it was only nig as well as ciHijl be evfteeteet. a valiin in i-i.-s. of fl.iHiii.iMiti. His niinieitnis friettil ti Ui ttecent o liwly of the sttare on Ihe. Vanctig. to the work. It is a distinct udvantage to exits Ijllle.lirne any cum inn-itjly are lining run on ruin by a chance majority of one vol to have a giKMl correspondent who will keep Ihe outside in in Jamaica. Who wmibln! be a that the mlnisir manaaeal to e. eily ill anvkily await he ver Htork i:vrlianae at stevlrl alvane(Hg pricr IJnich with events in his centre. The local newspapers all have wear cape defeat. Tlie rpiarrel beiran news of bi ieety rClUm lo lite StM ( plana unrb-r way for iHatHttmi bullion ami fiiuction to perform but the dailies n.n have their funclioii and during the last session with me road of reetivery. - imereeltng scale. lp.it is lo bring the latest telegraphic and district news lo lb A SlUHirr. trailer in Ibigland irt-nchanl rrjticisni by Hie t'-otin-Iry i September 26 - 49c bid; 50c asked in wiHeJi nf Hie i.auahl the readers of the district. It is (be aim lb make the Daily News a wa reeeaiiy senlefteesi ( ait party leader, r. liarle Page, district paper, covering the whole.of northern ami central llrili-li tiHinlhs" MtinriMiiiMteiai for fit. nf the ministry' financial ioiey, whiltl Prince faking(ieorge this in Uie morning unlitad-iug Today 58c bid; 59c asUed part lldiimhia. In this we are already having considerable since. ing lead lo bi stales. This IMtrticitlarly its failure lo effiet of freighl, lek haitd nani. We attvise and invite evaniinalbm Of HOt'MMY 'e have regular readers at all point from here lo should eonvinee him of Ihe a a great many error the requisite iniasiire of eeon. etl Havid Oraham, ITeea Hf.lt MM MAIN rHiarst a a inednun of early Prince (ieorge and in Ihe milling camps and settlements on the of hi weighs. tuny. .Mr. iiuvlie. ever Inipa-lient severe injuries to hit ttiy awl InTfifits. A eoinplele refMirl. tsilb Irt0 of coast. More and more nple are looking lo this (taper to kefi of criticism, repliml m a tsas taken lo the general bunpi-tal. the mine, Mill he birvtMi'tnl iimiii rpiuet or mar tneni informed on the event or lhi district. Any cooperation IT i unlueky to have lhlrleif speech iinliapiily tinged wll'i be (tbtainetl al tin nffrce. in doing this will be appreciated. Any person willing to act as ifliesl. i iI.iwh In the festive slinaing personalities and from lcal corresMtiideut at places not already served should write lb" lioard if there Is itnly enough thai (Miinl Hie ronlroversy was CANNED SHRIMP. Wolverton & Company, Ltd. edilor in connection with it and receive Instruction as lo lli-lit foo,j for I we've. waeeil with increasing bitterness. Iiwvei "I Hunk I can get vi h el hod of doing the work. Troubled Water Members Vancouter Stock Kichange. a divt-rce, mad.ii, b.r cruel anti IIOMC U a plaee where Truth to tell. Mr. Hughes, bav. inhuman treatment. Hut yon 704 Dominion Building - - -Vancouter, Do We Co-operate s.iine men only sleen. iug behl office as Prime Mjinisler ihnk your busbaiitl will fiubl lh One With. The Other? 4 - lor Hie record term of seven 'unit?" I there sufficient oo-operntinn belwt en Prince lluperl and lll ymi ever hear of the years, Hints hmt-eir in Iroubliil Womon 'Kuhtl Why. man. Ihe siirroiiiiiling towns and villages?- II is often charged that man thai sinileil Moieslljr when water. II is not hi obi Iilwir e little shrimp call I im-ii cmn there is not. V nil have common interest; a,svyej ri bcal interests. His niolher-irt-law naiil a usit. enemies ubowill ! hi most for- into a- room-where I am! We in Prince lluperl are, often in, a position lo help the midahle iipitorients in the roi.etiu dl-trirts and Ihe onlsi.le point can co-ojierale. People come here hi uis uei article m a fiubl. for l.ator vva rarely at 1 iM tmc guemaig is) enoaarg.oouar or aaiTUM Canadian National a,id make this (heir centre of work. Many commercial men ltewtaier nnie is the waste, lower ebb; il is a combination ofi COIUMSI Railways rriaku their headquarters in Hie city. Wholes tie house are s. paper basket. Hly and rural business interesls.'in u .Mttter of Hat AUrWiil-trtll.si Ait tablisbed here. This is (he market for a goal deal of the fruit IIh: taller represented by Hie Lib. m ike tiaiier f ute i.uie ..r a"il produce raised in Hie district. The difficulty is that we are ITS Mime Jb trying lo, be cral wing of the Nationalist, who T viitTk i'iUi toir,',r;u mi. Prince Rupert all so intensely striving lo make a good living that we omelime willy when the other -buys are fusetl wild the conscriiilionist l.a H-xtr. r. Mm. iw.r. mtite it- ...........i in tt a.r 1 lLa. s.0 aV f a t am.a forget our duty to the smaller (daces. As a result we find the passing arnie.l with baseball Imrite in ltIJ In forlil a new! titanni.irabsy ot the 'rotate .4 iiee smaller places antagonistic and feeling that we are not syni-patbetic mills and clubs. I art) Mini liu. Iiul.l Ilia rein of u,(Bt Imtigbly,riatHM oVressetl,tnt awl m all e.ute parte--are DRYDOCK lo them. government ever lice. Ail"tin V " reuirei t.i rumi.h saine, orr It is to overcome that feeling that the Daily News is extending vv in i ii mat a man al a V,Ihe Liberal tn parliament ami dty I? terlfwsl or ..eu.t.r.tn a in h. t tttt.brfi.r ami Ihe an I par tin its circulation to cover the outlying tioiuls. In this paer Ihe myelin? who talk Ihe most says aumng the wealthy orgaMiatim.. ?, 'JS XSXT I AND person who has a proposal for development or improvement can the least f which support Ihem otilsiile there furlhntlb. also reach Ihe readers it want. Community of interest should I a growing enliint-nl in favor of I JOIM orrirui II. XrMI AiiiuiiiiMrttiir I HV SHIPYARD breed community of effort and it is lo be hoped (bat the people MANY a man w bo sahf i with A breakaway rrnmillie ahoualtl f'tled tlilt tllh (It if r oriiitier. liis of the northern ami central H.C. will use (bis paper as much a Ibiwera lives lo regrel it. cause, a reversion to LIIcraliH 13 eaoaaTg. f im TMt suengMg Operating Q. . P. 20,000 Ton floating Door jMissjhle lo forward their interests. and a eouseipient remuiriation of court or British Dry On Saturday we published a resolution iassei) at a public WHAT is (lie meaning of the Iho.e Labor iirinciple which were . Ibm HmlM Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, laakamltha, PalUm meeting at Hums Ijike. This we were "triad lo do. Penult- on phrase "A loving wifef einbotlieii in the Nationalisl plat- ami makers, rounders, Wood work era, tu. the Queen Charlottle Islands, at Cranio' Hay, at Stewart anil all fiirm start of schcmi of com-i la Ilia Matter cf the r.lala i,r li.l.w Electric it a nn and iMMisnir, iirreasMI, liitr.ltli . .. .1 A. . t. ... Ik:.. . . -.1 I .. .1 . .. Acetylene Welding. an uie towns irinii iirrr to rrince ieorge nntj iieyonu will rrao riiMlir i.rono.i. iii II... l.n.u ..r tlie fusiiiii ' Tal. .orii.l: llwl in nnlrr Ml Ills V. ". " . . ifc.itur. r. Mm. vmh,. nuii the tun : stv that resolution and there oilier which Ihe tlvulliL KUWj AlrlUlV is no way Hi people of .nr. vau lias irailKiy oi-ct-.tre-i i "'r. ji. ir. i a. tiianirii' Iluriis I-ike could have put their views before the whole ilislriil ni.RIWf M ANfiPIIVRPQ Hial be favor such a M.licy Iind "'X7Z; ..Ji Va ,ru' Our plant Is equipped to handla all kind of u llmmtrli i.iil.liriilion in Dim.... imrmr UUIVlllU llIrtllUEU ?ALJ should Hie election sive an imle. t'" ttasi.i ilia seta esttii- tret - - - n i t Marine and jM.fi.y tnmrra Hi ruriil.ll atnie. pr j-r ' Commercial Work termilMlle slate of paiiieti, a fll- ' erinl 1 ate. r nerur Uie LISIlON, Oct lit. Um engine hinfl between lire Liberals and the av net or itidxied Vuvetiiuer.tu ihe AJi.e.i.ie Itli.ii. MI..VJ ... PHONES 43 AND SIS "f the I,itlion.Madrid exprenH liuntry parlv and the oii.llng f J2 rLrThniur'" "' v"" uut'rtU"-" " iiiirinx inaii'Mijres before '"a Mr. Iluahe ami tils ertwtiile l.a- inn it. tirvn ixi. " the slalton today. sinMi-illy Imr foHover are not beyond Hie lialxl lliti IttU U.orrielal i,r OriiiiM-r.A.Ilium.Hit(rat..i I w 'lit wrong iind jiiinpi'il the mils realm nf I tia Ii 1 1 1 1 r ciRTiricsTt or BAIT Ur ',Ltirrlnir bait la evuetded by Ssliernien 'lien it ilasheil off al a furious OTIO.imrovimint. I .,u'e ''"'t brocurabla at any I'sciOe Coast If yetj saner Irssai Ihwiatliam. UUtka, tUetrttii ar Kur. (iceil and charged willi enoriixius -MI.UML I I'ort- and It Is ' Fisliy." rJce, 3() per ton, tM rM Mratil M SPhlMir Mlln-rtl CUlin. tltn tlgla. ky Uatjbi. I MlkrUkMr M U U UaflctU Jt UaM. in Raiaea al. tfc,la nailing lva ' into the ntaliou buddings. Ten Years Ago f'tv.i'ol1" S";.4fr?..fM,t,J'TT. MINIM ICE . Wy ' " lfol quality trip tt . Gat a Imi ! Ttasnlttea't IktasMtti Casl trnti i(oiling etean through Ihe brick 1HICT, lorttast on tMila laltnd f 0Ur '"rd 'N'"1' ,c' ear DrnUOt la-day. With ik f mt Swatag Mta(r, waUa and dragging its ieuder be. In Tr'noa Kupsrl Mliier't "''Cernrirai al I.,.bMUitii tuilt.Irtter rree II per ton. i at wiu But yntir inttinij acre. i ml. the engine itatheil illlo I lie. ;tim lit dtvt tfinin fri avruril'r lb dtt lue bereuf.a Orliriraia t.,uiletnl..iiV Outfits n"ir ',J'1 tora can auppty fltbliif isar -'it inn Biuui t miUIiIm, which wan Oct, is. mz iMpruteiiienia. fur In Hirta nr ntittln.,ut " t",n"", 'w.rli and provlslona Urn tsm Ulleilwi 'i rillike). Tbern Vvaa llil. Mr. and Mr. A. Im Heniis If Snit i i:ruii fiirtli.r Oram lata of lu.ilra th iU,lliat tnw.rUim, UB. i ami hardwaraV neiliatn iniiilr H id Mmpl cuthcil wej-e in iii ihe arrivals on the r atx-ilea IT. umtl Im naiiiiM-nr.! twrrt NEW ti.i Mafi iy Only uir womuii wui I'rilie Oet,iKe Ibla mttriiillif ami nait. utriltk tit of luiprvte-. ENGLAND FISH Company old by ORMH LIMITED. ri'j'iit d, at Ihe train a empty. are reileiei al the O.T.I'. Iliu. 4i 111 iejleniUr SO. KetchUan. Alaaka Braned