I Witt YOU WANT A mm r. Fish Market TAXI 99 SPRINO SALMON, SOLCS, in a hurry Shrimp a. Crabs. Phone Fraah Killed Poultry. PRINCE RUPERT Fresh Horn Made Sausage. J ALL, NEWCAKS Northern and Central British Columbia' Newspaper Phone 871 I I i MX VmX III I'EUT H. L . MOMAY OCTOHCIl ifl. HZ2. SilvrJir'l ClrcnltO. 1,771- eit aiM sio PRICK KIVK CKNTrt LONDON'S TALKING OF AN ELECTION SOON WEEKLY STEAMSHIP SERVICE BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND SAN FRANCISCO British Conservatives FINED FOR WORKING LIGHT AND POWER SAN FRANCISCO WINS Canadian Government Vessels get OYER EIGHT HOURS COMPANY FORMED AT ! PACIFIC COAST PENNANT AT PREMIER MINE STEWART AND HYDER Contract to Carry all Fruit from Series Closed Yesterday With Ver- are Meeting to Discuss t ram CANi4 atfl at A mat fetanl California to British Columbia Five Men Prosecuted Under Laws Concern la Capltatlied at at Foot of List i of Province for Breaking $100,000 and Will the Political Situation Provisions of Eight Supply Two Towns sX HtAtt'.lsUi. im. !.- TIm san r'M ANCISUO. OH. 10. The agents of the Uaiiudiatl 1'aeifn- lUm-it lavtie eiui.uit for li'ivenimeiit Men hiiiit Marine here aiuiouure Ihe f-labli-lmieiit Hour Law. A company has been Incorporated e.Mne lo San KmiKi-i-n iht f augnieiileil Ih.,iii-Iiii Venice lietween California anil Van-year. with head officii When 4lie la.I (tanie of Uij'iHiver. 11.(1, in the near future. There are lu be weekly sailings I.OMMlN llil. Ii. Om-rrvalivc member- of Ihe eiMtiliou JMKUXMT. im. 16. On Kl. at Stewart, B.C. for the .i-HMin ww" ln)el yenlenlay Sh! in-leail of Hie neenl ten day M-hedtile. hne been mummied lo tneel deeMe before John . V. i 'iti-til today Ut (Mfd-ay Omway. purpose of carrying on business KraneUeo rluli lool four iramva' A i-iHitrnel i ignetl l Ihe Canailian (iovernnient line with Ihev slutl' -otiinioe In ibe Milder Wtc TlMM-nloii .1. M. Walk... ami V. i itf- i-o.dilMMi as public utility and iih. M.l of Veritoii. it next eoii.ieUjlhe frit ImiwHer of Vanronver whereliy alt rilrn fruit ienl of Miryd flerjee. 'Ie meeting lin- been railed v Slark. hlack-iuilh ami J. -h-p wlter coroany to supply ilor. ld Aiitrelen ftaml ihlril from California lo Canaila are to be shipeil on the uteamers uf .. tUihinlwiilMl. Iord nf Ihe Privy Sen! and lender uf the Cameron and V Ik.yil, inillmeu. Ihe (jmailian (ioveriimeul Mert-hant Marine. Stewart and Hyder and adjacent rml Sarraiirt'itto foot (he ll oWf each fme.t i.-n dollar and tini- mi ii ih- IIinimi of Common.. districts with light, with if' sjihm mm mil ut II.'O. I Hint Mr. Chamberlain will I iMtike.; .farl'" dollar, cost ..f the r.mrt fin- ,y power, water and telephone San KraneUeo wvm If J, Vertion ONE BLAME FOR NO TO I mi .1 litkcuhed former! 8ir Ma Aiken of Manttolta . worfcinii mrc ilian eteht hmir. BRITAIN NOT I.i. services and to carry l.'l ami Ansele tin. Halitr. H T'...in - Ilonir in hi ndhereeire lo Ihe Premier, ll lite a contrary i law provision on a lumber business. iU frame were: DEATH OF GUST LEAF 1 1 ! ..f several other t n. 'i .winner law or me pro- aarded mtre than donti ful ivim-e. The offeii.. look place The new company Is Saturday's Qarres PREMIER MINE ACCIDENT AGREEABLE TO capitalized at $100,000. SHi'rainrnlo5. I'orUaml . , GETTING OUT II I believed UmI t.Miay' at Ibe Premier mine on iMbcr 'salt llLe 1.1. Seattle C.-i. im.v-I.iik will likely have d'e.j3. STKNNAHT Hi 16 At 'lie llaklanl Z-t, San r'rat--ro 4-1. effect the political K I'letiec a I hr offense w SEARCH RIGHT tapon ARMED RAIDS Vernon I. I.m Angeleo S. Hi(in--l 1 1 1 tin' death "f i-u-i RAILWAY TIES r- altnoavrti M..il.ililjr nf I J. Sbettlten. imtiiNi Sunday. Games l.iaf hI Ho- I't-eiiiier mine Iw-fore .nine arntfciieiocnl wbicli will inspector and Italr I'M, manager Lake 3.0. Seattle 1-0. John Conway, eornner, the to.Id l In- party loeether f..r a wine heM In ile- INDIAN GANGS; ainenlo 0.1. Cortland I.S. e I.Ic lire hovted I ha I l.af viilh Communication Received Ii Nlneti Men Already employed tinir mill w.rt tr nrlw-l fr..m fen-" Maltralr I in erimn 7.3. l.o AllSi-le 1.1. five -lher n en Wilt iiWH in life Washington Today Objects But ho Contract Yet Let roMilerallMt. j finliiK Ihe men aM flea! the f. S.-.il pane- eaHeil .larkliean rase tu ih. :nio .i level and lo Reciprocal Proposal ll the ntornuiM iaer thn-unh "f "he prmmer mul be the on Iixhiii4 tiler Weill nil "akhnnl San I l-l . M. i- 1 1 I if lh ir eit"rial rolunin liMav re. rewl.l. Il wa the "UHjr of Sniping and Ambushes Common .-I. mm ui-ii Ibeir i"rk. One leturned for WASIIIXISTIIX. IM. IB. 4reat . ; s.- ..n, all.-d Jarkne,, I l llldl llll- l-iil.-J Ibi-n r.oit i. Uti lliat an iiierlr i brtiwr ihet pro- on Frontier of Country xauw ihi In 4 jul in tune t -re Ihe liritaiii in a romnmnleakioii ib - if) ih-.-ii rall.-il l I he cirri mil mil it . r.tMW but I In- -e.-lllM.ii-. 'man iiipneii urlwetn the de. lirred tmlay to the tale depirt. !. . ! Ki!a. f.H- o.hiI..ii. dinereil In lb.- 1 h' "Ml ' re H.w- i'l.'-haw ah. ,.,. im. PEOPLE ARE THINKING eenili.ia ran and the irnaril. No ment d-vline to a?ree Ui the us. ,i i ion ,.,i--v boi.l.- ditif H.hii. .utrtl ih'&t ni to wor arotUNl a Mine ni..rr I be error! of 4..-.- and inililary, Ar oiiitp PI CPTTft tie aw tne arrhlent napMrn aetion of Secretary lliiiihe for a hi.. .! (.. Ine eiuerled a ilefiuUr a u. iMMI eaH bwiae aiUr if I lie f.i-.- hate u.H,vrt ffeete.l any, Uf UYlL LLtLllU I reeiproeal ajreenienl trf tlia ex.... aelouui "fJtit MaHijiianiH . Ha MtMS5l iMjer. ltea JiyOMtaiuliaif Ji nalitMiU Wweriew.iixllir-omn Jl tension in niliWntn$ml'.F Iter i. r.-. from tne In iT.Uy i-r two. 'nee enpl..yeev ber of mi-il raid in the n.rlli- One Candidate For Mayoralty la n.tlhnW. The cajie wa tifleil elie veel of either i.ation o Miil tn I ..i U ttt v.e.tern frontier dl.lrirl., wh h Announced and Others 'tii. rr no-..... i mjumj ......irwii ..mu a u it .wai--. a lo aite Ihe America pmbibi. Ii It ii. i-iiri.ni wrtii iiioinuai rretiHenry lion navy jurisdiction outide Ihe iiunibi'i rotl- WEEK END SHOOTING Spoken of found "fe a extlhrl. CHILD DROWNS tt.xilil to- llrd) upon I" Ihiiiik .'he pa-1 few mwHtb. i "he wa no nee for Ihe three mile limit. III II -o r, he had AT MCNICHOLL CREEK lale refmrt (HI- of a Kullrt ' lite tat wrtk or M,'ian li hae Iwen whet" he wa aur.i'.- lpat "rib-m SHALLOW WELL tiallli-. i . l.-tween- i ,i . a iurl. ' of i.udiee. I here ha beH a. Stood deal ,,r anil n -me wa lo IdaHie for Ihe BEST YEAR CANADA WHlM Ii r.irlliroiiiniit Hnwii aii m iiiv n nnu aeeident. Hie jury hnnuhl in a Winner McMordle tAll atiotll o..ile nn.li.Ule. M. Lamb Wat ) futll' wimI already i.i-irirl. The Hilire. only eipht IWu- I U.. r.,pl li.u.kiui 1 1 ifttMtf.-!ienlii'l f aerhleutal death with HAS EVER YET HAD i.-iy mr .- fNI .1 Spoon at Week End Shoot n nuiiiiier, rormiHl a ilriariimenl 1.. ....I .....li..,l...l IIO Ill' lo Maine. Nanaimo Child Was Found Dead Itw im ihw,i nnaHiiij i4 lie- ..I I'rie.llv. f a larger parly wbtrli wa The funeral of the ieeeaed. tne mayoralty. Already S. M. Crops Turning Out Well 'inr, ai"l "li'-ml iff. wi-l Maleolm l.amb wa- the M With Head In Twelve Inches eareliinif in Ihe MaidaHiii raHae who wa ! year ..f a"e. I.Hik Says Xrvstnw ha intimated that he Bank of Montreal Report Mr Man-butii-r .lllliei. Mnnlle Soe.u winner at the Me or Water f hill tor ooliaw kiswwn to be I.m riLI I... plaee mi the aftern.i.ill .if Ihe would be in "'ii nu. ti-ariMdn'll llrrek ranire yrlerday. hidiiuc ""T- Jh,'V,Ha!',rl,',' I .'Hi rllowin the inque!. Taken a a whole, the present riser ,dley beinK lo e,re na 'li Hi- '' ..it. ; Ihe fullowins were Ihe IT. XA.VAIMO. M. lit Onillr atf wa- year 1 one of Ihe besl that ' n i,,.,,..,,,, lllo ,,, nM,, 1 1 N.nilie I H I li.nn wa rtl- of Ibe arioi niarkMeR ayettr. three year of aye. disappeared lite rahiinu anna ami had I wo of lauaila ha ever experienred laml yrli' who lKk art in the hnol. from hi home yeleriU it Huntimr killed A ml il leader School ron-lrurtion. Xo other, COMING HERE j regard the quantity and have lalel their loilli ' .n! i ji I.ji are tun ion 4mi 111. afternoon and latr hia timtker merely wounded aUoo.l at Ihe iiilenliou; quality of Ihe crop. , says Ihe ."iiinii bii") up Ihe line M. l.amh JV sa 21 HI fi uih! huu dead, head dow MM arte f1rt vvdley. but name. mentioned on th.: lUuk of Montreal report. In the 1 lerrnre. iH. WUoit 5H S7 St Hn twrhe IIM'be. of uulfr at lie- Opened Fire Mreel very freiuenlly are Abler-nten Prairie Province Ihe yield of Settler Busy Iw Itellti H St 31 in bulloin .if a i fMd well In her The rviiMiiiiiik rontalie (lybhavn. Monlvoutery Me-biahl. and w lieat i estimated to be elose ! the rendition- of tin i l.i-iie n ftH f 2V 16 wn garden. pened fire ou their aUarker at Kerr. I'olh-e IUniiriiouer upon 3Hn.uoii.uoo buhel or M Ium-M. I'M 21' -6 VV. K. William. F.. t:. (lib. SALE 1 1 in I. i thai all the lie onre, altliouali witiioiil eier or LIQUOR ome 1 0o.0n11.ooo bmhel lancer .'w M 3H l 5 boo., I'.. II. Urine, and Ihe present I..i. aloiia Ihe line ear WIRELESS REPORT auy aorL latter Ihey withdrew, than la-1 year ami yield Of ?l in IH 75 mayor. w Ilrowu 'iiit nni: lie : will in b on, to oHSt water hole other grain are proorUouately 1 1 ronlmrl"' - I hi- will lUM- :is J3 i; 72 S a.m. While. it ha been uinlersloxiil Red Llaht District Here to urealer. Most of Ihe srrain Is tisWUl i w j tai up n nj nnivn a ' i M. I It.mi iter 2 is 03 IHiillV ISia.Mt- FoRyy: ealm; m a . a a . : Mavor Itoehe.ler wa not Be Closed Down; Other 'lirtl irai-i H nil e'i iocu partial roxer rrmn ww ifi-adinjt hisli. The I'rtivince of n '-llieolii' ill i- -II .n-,t is. Sliillll 8 25 IM 51 baroineler 2t.l; teinpernture poitHn tbey kept tlvetr oppon- , ...ti,r a ljr,, ,,,trr,.,,,alMj U Towns to Follow Ontario probably never had a u, (-etl. in- nwrk It Will Im deeideu at a loerl- til; ea inotth. 7 p.m. Vpokr more spleudkl than till Kitle Aasoriahon to be et at bay lor threw !wur Fi-i . .,. ur,. .. .,. (Special to Daily News) erop "" ' i-ilal IIUMite i "I I"-- '"- i"'- ,f IIIhIoimIo H p.m. I J.I mile. MHItb nally. when anuMunilioii wa year. 'lite average ha now VANCOUVER, Oct. 16. vva UI.ur(. reyamenlul wrileriy a l.v II... I'.0n XalHMUtlilNSOeu in the tf Ketrhikun auulhbtMnd. 7.1ft nearly e.uau.ted. I lie raider. been eou-iilerably exceeded hi , iP i.- ,.,,,.1,1 1-. ju. Liquor Board Inspectors III.' Ii T.I'. I'.Hini on eiMoaj wen m n viewnier NeirnisaN practieally etas of Mil. -en-i Ml ul p.m. Bpoke every atrri. end ifarMK we arrival ui ouier par. undertake third term. leU Victoria yesterday for ! wli.l her I lie week Idueed to a in. W'V ..t lu. rile iHII.MIIll" p. a abeam IHaby Uland voulhbound. tiea of poiiee and villaser. drew cultural prolure. Heavy erous until eeunii uit- Prince Rupert to Investigate nlinued Ihe diffieully in will tu ..im nun .h..,i. H.an p.m. poke Chelidsain due In . . have also been yarnered ill Uue. oir. inia enameii me 10 , N'Ai'iiiiier and for ptMire ....i.,.. ii1mi 11.,,.. charoes made that -port ( the iiinlitie IS..in northbound. 7.11 p.m. tiec and Ibe Maritime Province. neil it-w.ver the 1 ..tie. uh aifj alu,i,u a,ui who wwuhfi houses were suspected f dieu-iiiit uw llu ii,,. ,,,iit .poke "learner Ska aw ay H p.m Hrili.lt Columbia siilTered from eHUipioeiu in iioir irnuu TOiiiraue. ..frk-iai,, are I lie one of llleqal selling of liquor. PASSENGERS OF eiir- i i limine. (l. mile onlh nf helelitkaa ?mmJ drought lu the early part uf the then wtHJwded bader. ami to onrry ,..,, ti,ai ii..v ..annot afford Attorney General Manson -oothiMHiiHl. in.in p.m. .iMtke lo the boepilal at a Kliel. .1 has Issued Instructions for eaon. lo lie lei-1 their lutnee jur I'rinre. Itealriee off (Uiih llu. Prairie Provinces where he died Ihe neat day. Iwo in oi-der lo serve Ihe th closing down of the Red STEAMERLANDFJ'S year .ir southbound. OwiiiK lo the -ell harvest The tale of kiiipuiir InoideuU,; public. The ct.Jou a year salary Light district at Prince Ru-part. early IFLI THKK I'lUXT. FoHKy; 7.000.000 bushel or new wheat ivu uwvn uuni uuin and alUik ambusbe (Ml lon- S not enouuh for a uauit of ealm; baroineler 2V.H7: tetn) were marketed in August and TO MASSET INLET ' voy. whieli the prseut neouiMt. lua orally calibre to live 011 and From Prince Rupert the Investigation Into Cause of Burning Iurel2; ea moolh. rurllier 05.000,000 in September, I bm uf the Mah-ud eiHiiitry ba to keep up Ibe dignity of hi f- officers are qolng to other IIUI.I. IIAIIIIOH. leiislimr an abnormally tarze movement. of City of Honolulu Is to nut Iwiunated. 1 a tiv2 one. .1 . .I..i .1 1,..ij l..i. Q.T.P. towns aa far aa So Savs F. L. Buckley Who win rain; ealm; iwiroineler 3tl.U; isre e.i"-inii r.i v.. Iiiiriuu the first two week of bo Made lleKular trtMip-. with hic tallied Uave to come out of it. In; Prince Qeorge. leniMralure 51; llvbl well. S letieti September Hire.bin? Put It on Hlmsetr I' no wa delay, have not yet been abb? Uainlnp, One Else Does a.m. upoke 1'riiM-e lleulrtre lu order lo undertake it private lu. nlllnTPn sin unit nnr ed by rain but owinit to euul 1 1 is XNi.U.KS. i t. Itt, - Th" tu the raider or lu .Millbank Sound, uulhbound. overawe pre. lite ha U. be uc-ltd and all UUnfAlLiA UllLUUH rilL weather there wa Utile damasre " -li nt Thonut. beaiHM llH" Noon vent them from earryiuk out their buiM jieople know' that unee a , CUrpj t itiinrn rtii 1 it from "Thari. will he a weekly er. i spruulitiic. Wheat 1 raJ. " i ml iaenaer of the liiirli- luiHc elablilie.l voiaUtn. The 1 1 . i...;.. 1.. Ih.m iiuuivi- il i UIIUl 1 bUtllULIk illlUlj ni vl between Ihi elty ami Ma- liltillY ISI.AXU FoKay: cailiu; 'hk hiiih. Ihe bulk of Ihe receipt i -ii'iinier. i Sty of Honolulu, nr. raider.' ehaine f uce are do o a lot ta-ier mail eiwou ll prally ". If haromeler 13; eu kiiiooIIi. ean FALSE CREEK YANCOUYER ruunimt number one, two and .,, Ihi enhamvd when den. v.- hi Angel' - e trly Btwilly they hula il I hall do o. We IF.I TIlHi: Hil.NT. -Mi.ly; u )ear. Ibree Xorlhern. The yield of on UK. The ia-eini',r awtnl liuml hate u Itellar eriee If we ealm; baroineler .'U.HV; lent rend In the plain after paini: VAX:ill VFIl l" to Uainane wheat I estimated to run from ' lefnl Ihr.uiwti the of nmiHl heallli unmole.te.l area ARRIVALS lllMieutlon FISH do bulniM." Thai wu perulure Ml; ra smooth. H.IS to iin- ti nt ..r i nno was :ro.0iii,ooo in nHo.ooo.ono bu.h-el. I'1 "k iiei'iiilllwd to 1'iMiie aliore. are .to. . . ... I . ... II. I If.ilw a.m. In I'rium John uuthbiuiHd tiillilniy weupalioii. In (he plain when fur eoiniired with ii ia rineni niaue m n- lioue here a wept the a 2HO.000.00 Tin- fi ileial Imard i lo lne- have lo fear only the poi. marketed 3T.30U they IIUI.I. IIAIIIKIU. Oierca.t Seven bout lilunl bushel last oat .New bv F. L. HuekWy on salur . . of the Ful.e l li-ee k Lumber year, 100,. '- li'awAr armed villuiier. - ..:... II... !. I I Ule the lilinilllM of the baromelrr lion r parll.v Hiuno 01 iiHiiooi i hip ri'u bll.lieU iImv. . euttll; 30.10; lent. ;(iiirpair la.I muhl and deslroye) 1100.000 eompareil with 'I MM' iiielidiei' are mI" ene4'l. and pursuit later ny ntwh force t.'vi,uu!r.. ihi morulHit. 'Hie SS; lluhl owell. Mid. Mr. Umy l'f rr mnniey peralnre the plant and unicliineiy anj 33M.OO0.OOO. harley 33.000.000 .. inteiA ii-W Ihe p iei:ner liny on alunlay nih and will night poke Ualner Itetltnuh uf villager and uulica a eun be arrival were. . lot k f luuibef. a compared with It.OoO.OOO. i'. i..,.. in 1 1 1 1 1 1 w 1 1 . i lii laud. ii'liini ti! I" eali'li llie ouin etilerliiif Millliatik Sound -nulli. liureieilly mobilueil, liver ad SaMlpSOU. ..OHO NIIIIII U Illy. i.nnii.1 trainer on lhurduy. tHiund. vanlaae tie 011 th aldo of the 5lir.. and He.; Twudie, 1,000 LIBRARY LEASE SIQNED FAMOUS SOLDIER IS KILLED BY LANDSLIDE Mr. Ilueklry ay the work of imrsued. pond al IJc and H.5(ii. J)uly, The leap for the librury build, hi eomtiaiiy al l.o Anueiea i Tbe eae of Klleu lUirwiu. 1 Additional Forces 700 pound, al I Sc. and HOu,; ilia al the 1101-uer ( Third Ate. CALLEDJY DEATH AT BRITANNIA BEACH iletehinins fal. They are very nullve of Mellakalla. who wa Additional fnree of pidlew am X. v. S. 2.000 pound. Ut 3. and FsHrMh Street how occupied buay al the lUlifornia e. ntri' eharueil before MiiKi.tnile Me eonslabulary are miwipejuir,.Cki . ' drufl- and H.r.Oi ; i'lup. 000 pound, at by the provincial I'ublie Work I.OMMiX, ml 10. Mir Arthur v r.m i;ii. iii. irt. " i.iymoni, in ine elty poiu-i- eoji- ed mil. Itie IKi.i i.mall Khan iiw- I.V and H.iOe ; lo the I'.ana.Jlan li.mi hii. nt fur tweAly yeara at lavidon. K.i:.ll., died today '''im.iuiM'hi. kilhil lite ea-e nf John Kmu 1 liu'K Ihi umrtitiiK, with Ih'iiik tn a triel. and all 1 -tbl atepa an Fi-ti A "d Sloraae a c..t i.f .me dollar a year, aged (13. He had a Ion- and 1 JuiiHlieM'. wa whieh h . ed with uaaaull n NV Snotli al late of lolotitialiou, wa ir-mandril benm Uki u 1 " ' ijufuu! lauliu Kai 11. M ODI) pound- at 13.10c wa -'iiiie,t i nlay by Uiu Hoard varied military career, tervtitv t -ii Kluy in a laniUltiU' The ill he tried hrfore until 2.:it) Ihi afleinoou BauK to then wn eouutry by and ,'"lr uf Jack. 11,000 of Library IlooihHer, Hev. with di4lineUi.il during- the Afghan 1 1' ' il ut llrttannla lleaeh. lili lii.lue Yiiiniu ill the eoUllly eouri Ai'i'Uim wa u ri'i'.I ed b.v Ser. addiutl to the 1 'bey mii.I lakt nnUllll- Hi IS.IOe. Illl'l V'-., to Ii. i. Mucker Then. CnUuil and war. ihe Hoer war and Ibe 1 i I.1.1 v ilmnave from the till- jftl'l 'U'Oll. . ui.t M. 1 1;. by I L.4I1'. , . 1 . : Uie b'Hil. 1 . . 'I ... ' 1 11 1 ! :