pAoe BIX THI DAILY RKVVfl re i.l i i " J ? ASK HOME RULE CHANGES TAKE PLACE G. H Arnold, Notary Public I IN GREAT BRITAIN WESTHOLME THEATRE FOR SCOTLAND FIRE INSURANCE Correspondent of Dally News Tonight and Tomorrow Writes Interettlnnly of la carefully wrlten by us In reliable companies. Wo are permanently The Last Cup Thlnns In Old Land. tngaged In the business and our records are accurately Matter Discussed In British kept so that when your policy expires you will be notified House of Commons but as smoothastSe first. LONDON. July 3.- II t tin Hobart Bosworth In sufficient time to keep your property protected. We solicit Dropped. li dtti not jfrtrtnJt. prMntr that in IratellniK your business. m'iwm eufit irmurr llinumlioiit I.n I a ii. one hardly H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. I.MNTWI.Y July ;. Some iy tkt tttt ercfW ever nieeln a luro exeepl on the IN Smtnitien in the limine of Coin- rmall raitt tretatd. Insurance. Rentals. land. Motor truffle lm lieeoine lliniio, WAHl llmne for Kent-limit thrt Art frftHlv ni i . ii 1 1 1 . i; llial lite road are LION" niul iiitiinal'' Hint there iniiy "THE SEA hjei'lionalitr to piilelrlain The Ih "trouble" In Sfni l.i'nl noon if NABOB mint 1 1 t)T.M if i-ar ha Iteeoine Si'itltaild dneen I v, l it. Tlii-y very p.'Hili "li iireiMliil of the AD Dial lien uboul iu v un hii opHrliinil m tiy wind TEA iiiall eov) of innli'leiiaitee and 2 KEKL CiIUiSTI! OMI lY. 'tSnliTlimN KxiUS' u Ihi'y, tliminlil alii'iii il the nlln i-day TIH'SCR SALE X 404T. when Hoi "i i.iM'itiinciit nf the iiiiHlerale first rl. A Imision, iVte sind I V Hartt And if'vcu Jan'iJrink 'I he ehur-a-liHiietlso lut.i rome wW lendrra will ipt- received by lha'Seotlitnd hill w t4 utte.iei'leilly to tay. They do iullo a bn-i-iii'. Uitit l Vlriorla nut later , in!rtlin-il S.i- ul... 1 of man mwhi on the. Ulli day nf July. mi. iin nnliie the same Atf(ftut)ify. in eveniiia ilrtvr inln thr mr nie ivmiae af UmiM X 4S4T, to lln opponent, vvlin W atfe very , ....... Ifiil Men iteii rt i..... 'iiinlry and are ,i u I'ule will ii:edr and Halnani, altuate on an lira on trotly of tin (liiii il patronized. Owing t" ill.tiet ne mm Ann of nrayney lulrt. fiinte 1, , wan Hot Wanted Shoes in-i toMnri. nix lahur Iroiihle the nuiiilo'i I Two it i yetra mill be allowed far removal Not Separation. of Umber. have I'itii leei meni-whal I lurlher i-arilrularn or thr rtrtef lorre-ler, Alexander Shaw, a Seot. un til the"" .rltird hut a- hi an ure virtoria, h.i;.. or In.irltt oreier. Lumber Lath Iheir Rood looks, jierfccl fit, I'rliiee liwifii. Hi;, Iter, uriM-nlfil Hint there vu- im Im.inr-. Mill Iteeoinr linriiiMl ami & hum Itnliiiuncr, i fully verified denire for an t liiim like --ta n I pi,, will Birain palrniiue in tinn in SroUuinl. I'mlii in, bill iy n genuine natisfac-lion Ihr futi the motor vrtiiele. when he Srtltieh repreneulal mil i.n and Lockouts. you receive you Strikes and wear them. the Imperial I'.n Itiiiiienl would Tin' lrike itml Inekotjl. air Shiplap-Boards TIMBER SALE X2SJ0. remain unrhanci'ii. imt one u-in. The pnee t low for shoes lu'iitiiiu very dia-ittrmie. Thr nf this hicli quality. SaM lmW will Im nnlint b th In live hotly wonlil he el up in union, have pa id away (Inn Dimension uiniMrr of Umn at Wlwia il lairr Srollanii to ileal miIIi il. Iim.iI of them hr fiiinl. and nlHe tr Vw- imrrlnw of Ltrmre X Vt. K Hffnir. Thurouuhly An lined and flored Under fiver while the iiietoleT. $12.50 pair -tit t,7an,oee frrl of dar run nit" d' lit, per miii ami ilnuk- on an an a'tlaem" to I"llld Mrl..-an I lie ulaillli-ll tried I'ili li.itiiri ' U- u ii.ix y .lli.l h.ivr I n niWHiiu tip lJI at KS lT"iI5 iMMifei.'"1, l""MU ' ,unl irtml it hni s.-.i- I.itieral. w .l i l li 1 1 I ly U. i l.lllil.'il thr Iim'bI icniei-ri" and co.irative I;mii"Tw-ii i ,.i ii,'iiiiiir.rr win be allownl for re- III,, hill hi. .t ni).- He ailtiuVtl liaiidiiiii.'Ht in,ii, in il..- II iii-r i.lorvo.s lhee il wilt lake a Ion a Kiln Driel Flooring, Ceiling, Siding urilicr iiartlrnlara of the riilrf For it- to Hi., lain! Iniiia.r in Seollaml liiiii..i.nily pin il.,- Ilrili-li lime In Htl' off. Ilie iiMtn will K1RKPATRICK In. lrlorla. b.:., or lMalrttl forcatir. mot tolii Iiow i hint leil to the anl Finish rimrf KBiifTt. H.C He flint lie wmi lil -iipliort the hill hate lo n h irk la work on The Storei of Satisfaction TIMSCR SALE X3SS3 eirui f laiul there tinnr the if It would ker Sr il.inrn out nflliriii. whieh they nmhl hnVr had war. If IIh'V hail liail a Seoleh the he,I Mlx in KinftaiHl and wit limit any strike. SPRUCE LATH flW tMHlert will be iwHtmI by Ik ii.ii, .. 1 1... .......ii..., i... MinlMrr nf land! " " " iliduee tirk Ih-ir Tin' liolktewila at Vlriorla nul later them to In y.linger among rur han thr main wirrhat on the teih of Urenre day nf Jaly.X St HI ttt. ilrclai -!, wonlil hate hern eellleil own lniiiiie al limne. the tllker neein lo he al Ihr Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices ut n.iMHi.itoe fret of cedar. nrre. Rt1 l.inif aif.i. At the ie I elt-.-linii Ir. Murray, h n'iri''iilalie of l.'.tl.iin of the troiiMe while the uin and llemlark. tainted on the Mil Arm of Rlr Lake, EtlrrtHe Bay, liaar S, every laiutiilate for a Srolliith the Velern l-le. darkly mt- Irailrr. Im ti- nut dared h-ail Millinery ! ijitil Tlirre MMrlrl.(I i yrart will be ilkiwed for nntilurnry would hate Ut iii-porl (! I I'll dial till' llollM HhlltlM War lime riimllf nnie are urad-ually PRINCE RUPERT LUtMBER CO. removal of llmlirr. the iiriiK-iple of home rule pa Hie hill while Se.Mlnnd Watu heintt left I m-hind tint I In-real tunhfr oartlrnlart nf Ute cMrf r..rr- trr, irtorla. H.C.. IHalrlrt Forrtter. for Srmtland. Il would irlte I'.iiu-land yet calm, ami mM wai In he Irmililr In lei do i hard. Seal Cove, PHnce Rupert Telephone 3f I'rtiw- Hlifrl, p.f.. a loiter rhatiiee to attend to roereed Info o hy tire epee tally In Iho.e who kimw her own leftislalive iKiMine luirniiis of Kundry anctvwt ea-lle Utile of eroliotnie. hllr Ihr inertjr. of SrothMiil. The bill wt Mil look for riiipl'iyhHenl due tint 25 per cent Keen Scotsmen Out. finally "talked .ml" while there aeem very hriaht. it i rtpiN-inl TIMBER SALE X SS1S. Molonel .lolin Ward, who en. were till a lot nf member anx- that there will be a Jeady mi - IN THE SUPREME COURT r BRITISH iou to atr their view atHHll II. provi-Hienl in the autumn and by Sealed IrnoVra will be reedved by lite COLUMBIA IN PROBATE I ',.1. 1 . ... .h. 1 . Chtiatiium Hh wwrtl ahould tie All for the reduction Miuitter of LtvI at Victoria not later In Iin Malta at Hie Aaimwlilrattwi ar. ' i in iom- wain riri--a i if mi Ready lliau noun on the I7ib day of July. Itlt. miiihl he 'in in af- iver. .r tlir perrha. of Urenre X Jl, to !??M.,n- ..U?L..,,U" 'loMorttinily im I f lo.eot fret nf Balaam. Cedar. Ilrnt- TA: ?ioti;F. that on to tats' day of forded for really Ir-linu thr trt. l'k and prnr xiualrd on an trra ua .. ) ..m, .i-utr.... ni unimriiHe ,, n. II.- niluir Ik.' BUY, BYE. lln koee ,lvpr, Itanre r umv. uiiirni, j ..r . . .. ... . . . , - - ,i iiv..ami,. T.(.,r ...ww, I trj ... , nw li. irin mill lur ."B- "DEMERS" nmvat uf llnilMT - iiimiu-r Summer Season liiriner oartfinart or tne i.iuer turf, Al I rERoxa tiaiitf trrimni. arilnat 1:1.1ft dloyiini hi'-ldy .. B.i Olatrli:! FurrMi-r, tei. Vlriorla, or ., the i-.iate r required tend the tanie 1 B.i;. oodai Here' a timid Imy 1'niiri' lluprrt. I" Hi. uiKterrlened within thirty dayt ASK FOR MEDICINE Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 lir dale hereiif. your money, thai will wear wni The newspaper with (he nival ALL l'l h.nV iminr monte. In the taM FASHION'S NEWEST MODES FOR SUMMER AT culatiun the advertising . -!!! a:-i- nerebv reiiiiireil tu pay the TO MAKE A BOY BABY Mr. Itarfatn Ifiinfrr rtiito is aim t, lite u i ute mi rued f'.rthwlth. V it"idliyr UNEQUALLED LOW PRICES iHin i a "iftililn IiVTKH ai Hh- rti ,.f prtnri- Hupert In tt' fi mre ,,f Hin -n i , lumbia, ttM anil farewell f..t my n- i'Hh .la) ..r June, A li. ivit Montenegrin Women Appeal to We have Just received an excellent selection of lilt .A i.llVT lie illrll . tnplr. of the ay" Kilma From the Farm Vi. K.ria. B.C. Red Cross Nurses to the Table MINERAL FORM P.ACT. Spring and POAT EDSON COAL f'.K ITINJI.. jMi'iitrnruro, July .1. I In-re lia, hern an alarm CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. Summer Vyl. 1 J BulkleyValley $150 inx deereae IB tie liirih rale o COMPANY -ui vi n iioHnr. . i" a ifl mpilvi.r Montenegro, due to IIm- lo dur IMiM't rnttlloV" Minertl Llalma. tlla-ala Exclusive Styles. No two alike. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. iPacifTc In Uaa aei Mr Ninint plvliloa ef VANCOUVER PRICES. BEEF LESS THAN ina the war of mi many of the Catwer iH.tnri. AT PORK "Hlai'k Mountain V ImhliiiK men VVlieee he-tied: "B tiiittu nier. Free! rur oi nr. that lwit W. rttmore, MUTTON I lie covrriiiiii-Ht in olfrrinii pre. rm Mutefa ceriirwaie .ta. iiitii.. at Al" a fry "I Ihr vn lli l VEAL mi 11 in h to mot hern who bear mule re A ' Miner, rree XmeTl Cer Best Coal . Hfleate .to. letia tnq ii. v itnuiw. FRESH KILLED POULTRY Write a Letter children. The frmale now Free maier t rllfiala No. es C. B-1-m.i. Coats .iiiv data frvMn Ihe dale nerer, Dolman Bkeena. River Farm Produce About Milk Kreatly itnlniiunWr the male. .mil li, iiy Hiatal lieearder fur The iueiuliten offered b Ihe IM-Itfieate T Imprnvrmeaia, rar lb per VANDERHOOF CREAMERY at I In i,null mir iiupriived pritfinit Im of i4UinUi( i.rvws Orattl of laa BUTTER poverniiienl ! mid her of male tuaee riainte. whirh i llir I.m.Ime ' !' In i'ir- M.nlr in In '!. t'arihi- Milk now rontain-i 13 Ilia trttMa. lul rarthre lake aollre I rhildren har remillftj 111 pathettr cloth IH-l-tlllv eiuhi nniri r. ill av Mini rrfwn bAilr. twtler eertttn St. nuat be cteuroenrrd be- pound of rrttaiu to every 1 00 NORTHERN INTERIOR Lowest Prices MiU lb- unlut.-l !. rare loe leuianca Ol auto beriunei vt AT LESS THAN VANCOUVER PRICES. pound of ...ilk you buy. That laipeoemieatt. l.... .. -i.i 11 Witt witM.t'ii to the Anteriean lle btTLU tbla tile day af Mir. A O, ll. CO-OPERATIVE ;uu tii.-T, k .va it tiiii UWI V. Ml MQRt. tiroe liui'r. Ui Itive the in mmim The Latest Creations In Sport Goods. We wunt opinion and will Phone 81 Order Now! Phone 58 pay yuur meiliriiie In make a boy." MINERAL FORM F.ACT. We extend ! ym. ,i rimlial invitation In rail In and t-eel $50.00 In Monlenrirro nrya are run our klock. mdered min'li iitore valuable than CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. OPEN WEDNESDAY ALL DAY. iiMtanh for Ihe letT letter airle. ami lite nonet ant prayer of M O T I O E . $25.00 ellVIH IIORI.I ' and "II.VIR HOItiiF TERRACE MOTORS Ihe HMHiutain dweller i that elie No. y Mnvrtl iJatmt. tilaate la tbe !taa in raali for the jteeolid boat Advise You Let Us lellrr may Im- hle..i't with a male ehild. Hiter Wherr vnnanp Maalrd lMtlaei of kiliaell cataler Hirer.IMttrNl. BENT'S Terrace, B.C. Thi diparily In the neiea in TteK MiIpF thai Lew la W. ralaetre. with lifetime's a experience $10.00 Ire vmer'e riifiale ivo 4llc. at in all brani'hei) of the in ra-li fur the Hind bett lel-trr Urtirly Ihe I'lityrftavlh of the iUy eteal for A. fiatedxes. tree Mttter't Tee Third Ave. Phone 851. when I'ni'krv held dominion over llflrale No. airtaj i.. A F. Xloer. Free Hi 1 1 di 11 K Trade; . and I ram- of I'urtfie Milk Mleeea i.erurii-ale ito tetfti. and p. w TAXI the llalkau. and Whi-u the lilierly. rmenia. tree Miner', lertlflral" Ne fl-rr lii rarh nf I III' next 1 1 tod date Brickwork, tSBPi i:. tint davt frnra the loviliK Moiilnirriiie had an ever-prteenl Heroeder hereof, lo I poly la Ihe Mimnv need of lorn In ib'feml for a irttflrtie of Inioruvementt for Stonework, Che parpoM nf nbtllblnf t Crows Grtul of Pacific Milk Co. the homeland. the above rlalm e- our frotirn herrlnfr bail is ronreded by flihertnen s ervice And farther take nottre that aMI'. In Miinleiieurn Ihe woMicn do Concrete, etc. Limited tMeler Mrtliai a:., mntl be neimmrnl be DAI 1 to be tne fluent prorurable at any I'a.iO' (kiaal all Ihe work, the men roneiih-r-inii fore the i.euture of turb Crurirata af I'lun- anil Kpe.ification.i act.rlat at Iniproveuienta. I'orV and it ia Fishy ' Price. 130 per ton. Expects and Baggage Abbe'.tler ted S2B DRAKE STREET manual laltur undignified. iitTlh tbia 1Mb dtr nf Vir. A n. Itt frc, I., all our iTienls. Ltfeae, B O. "I'liry feel il their ehief duly to ItWIS W. FATMORE. tpp Tin' lien i a of iriitirinif a roimI iiuallly trip Is Transfer. VANCOUVER Limited lvl-e of hard ftoien to have plenty oar ic. Price, ai'i firearnoi and .wnnl-. talk fllir I'rii't' to Ah. William Walls & Co. aatiaiaeaaaataataal pnli'ir.. ami irepare for the nnt' II per ton. lt 11. liiukr your reserva- 'war. O .fitc fur well equipped slnre ran supply flsliuiK near. Builders and Contractors JUST ARRIVED. tinn. at flaiieruien's elothinic, Rrorerins and pn.Miinni 1.U. Hi x 8L1 Phone 482. and hardware. Lakelse Hot-Springs Hotel. Office 1017 3rd Ave. WEATHER REPORT ! Jobbing Work of all Kinds. i McCormicks NEW ENGLAND FISH Company For Month of June Is Issued by Ketchikan, Alaska Branch H. O. Crewe, Dominion The Popular Restaurant TO EUROPE Dr. Geo. L Barton ME RESERVATIONS HOW. Meteorollglst. j Sod The Boston Grill I lie IntlnwilUf weullirr i (...i I ! as for lh mo ii I h of Jinir i i..urit The Best in Rubber Footwear (Palmer) QUESEC-CMERBOURO'SOUTMAMPTON. Third Ave. HAMBURO hy II. O. ,'irwe, lloiouii ui M. u July 2S Aut. 22 Sap. IS Emprtat at Sctlted ol'iily ; Chiropractor Just the kind of HATS ttial Mean 5.-.7C. r air S..r V. Ml- ,,1 ill - llv I", HIPRESS lllllthn 3 af Frtnct Awe. SStp. SOU, Emprttt leiiiueruUira, 8 lb. Cartons, fresh and will appi-al to the muni fastidious MONTREAL-SOUTH A MPTOR-ANTWERP Maximum. 77 on June I. l(.ot. ul... iin "PARTRIDGE" liiu i.i l-ull .i.M-k of all Huh Federal Block appetites. UulylSAuf.lSSep. IS MtllU Minimum, Ifl on Juue i uud crisp, New Price berit. Hi il pi ire. f.u tir.l nimlitv ill lliene lllir.. Private Boxes. (Ate- 2 Ams-0 Stp. 27 Miaeateae II. INVICTUS" In.. -, thr I., -l -h... piiKeililr, (in men ami Phone 660. Open Day and Night. tp. e Scatita Ihe rainfall fitiurr was yu. women, from $11.50, Phone 457. MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL uaually nmall al I. ineh ami IIm $1.15 EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. July 14 Aut, 11 Sap. S lumber of of buMr nutialiijie, July 2SAut.2SStp. 22 Mealcalm wan Urge. FAMILY SHOE STORE Aug. IS Sap. IS Oct, 13 Vltltrlan uuiMually Third Avenue Phone 357 Third Avenue Nothing Trovckesa Man More Sap. 1 Sap. 2S Montclart GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP PACIFIC CARTAGE MONTREAL TO OLASOOW Headquarters for Fruit than to come home fnun July IS Aut. 12 Sap. B Tvaltlaa KANSAH r.ltt. July -'.- r.hiek Jars for preserving, all work uiiU find bin meaU not July 2S Auf, SS Sap. 23 Maleaama Kvau. retained Ihe wenlern nnlf Limited sixes. Free with doten GET BACK ON THE FARM ready. Uy trading with u-you Sep. 1 Cralcaa 'haiiipiouahip viben he eaaily lie. every not only ave money on Phone QUESEO TO LIVERPOOL fealetl (ieiii ge Vwilllll of Kill l.ul Jars, we give one Koldpack 160 Acres mile from Morlcetown, Frame house and your pun liai', but you net 93 July IS Aw. IS Sep. 12 EmprtM tf Britain ill the finale, WaHMiutf five to fou.'. Holder. two barns. Forty Acres Meadowland, balance Poplar and lliem deliv ered in ample tune Furniture, Piano and QUEBEO-CHERBOURO'SOUTHAMPTON Spruce. 60 Acres fenced, Snap for either cash or terms, tu meal. uf. S Sap, 1 Emprttt af India Enqulrs THOS. McCLYMONT prepare your Itr. ami Mr. MatruMe relumed Phono ua at Trial Order Safe Moving Apply ta AaaU titrywhtra, te I. t. oh Kalurtlav mnriun-B from a hwli- Rupert Table Supply Co. The People's Meat Market 1 Central Cartag iFORSTER, Otetral At. C PJt. Sutlea, kay trip -..,,! h in.-li umk them VOal iVtetauitr, Ttlaphana Straiaur 2SS0 Phones 211-212. snd and Gravel aa frn .- I' .i l l.iinl wberr they Blue 7 IO ' CANADIAN TraffM PACIFIO Altai,RAILWAY alii-utiiU ' i' - 'rnlvHl Advertise in "The Daily News"