PAC1E TWO TUT! .1 1 1 1 'i i i ... i.a. i nj. The Daily News HEALTH MESSAGE INDIAN CONCERT (PLANNING FOR pniNCE RUPERT - BHITIS1I COLUMnlA Publilhed Every Afternoon, except Jiiinday, the Prince TO THE WORLD mi ESS1NGT0N BIGFLAG DAY Hiipert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. Science H. P. PULLEN. Managing- Editor. Larga QaUtartng of Native cika Havt Ambitious Program Take Fruit-a tlTesM And from Whole District Attend Under Way Foe August 9. SUBSCRIPTION RATESt Make Yourself Well tale r Work. City Delivery, by mull or carrier, per month . , .ft.on , The large hnT? i Port F.atng-1 Th Ilk are ,.lanmn an even Has made It possible to deliver fly mail to all part of the llritish Kmwr and the United Htate. "Frvit-UTM'.tkrmlrvellouSM i..n wa. ritii i.. e,.u.eiiv iwr awd.ilis r.feam than tb. Salada to your table, with a oV mJ fnm nil jairtt sad ton lea, highly siiccefiil rtte nf t in advance, per year .$0 0') .i..r.L lot. iiv flavor ai delicate and appealing the Voefielal medicinal U nost treat "n' n" rM To all other countries, in advance ter year $7.60 itf-nde mi over the Sterna f"p ,kn when it left the garden. that h erer U-eo Jirf to mankind. liiv.r .li.irM reel.raikm which WW lake plan at Just a oranyra, apple, tf ol -ne-d al Acropolis Hill n Autm.t J From across the ocean sealed TELEPHONE H .i u,..,,! tb ii.. rui,... prvcra are aulare'a oal medicine, so y.ik.n.t ... .........hi. .... W hite the observance of the day in a lead chest, opened by us, Trait a Usev-taade Crura the the benefit and Vansient Display Ad?crtiinir f 1,40 per Inch per insertlot fruit Juiee -bat eoecentrated and Hing together. Urh .-redo due primarily for , blended, electrically weiuhed, Transient Advertising on Front Page f2.R0 per inch lotrnilfietl li iK pimtrit Stamark and Hie Itev. Win II Pierre Mr entertahHiit of the ehlldren vacuum packed, and finally re it Local Header, per iuerlion ....... ,2S per line Lkaw Htduiae. Am gi kyiarj PieVre ami ihe roMHtittee of IIHlie feehe. parade. sealed In alMight aluminum, Classified Advertising, per insertion 2e per won' mad BUidrr MrdUwtU grramt blood menairenietii fnr an evnH hi.h !. ami Wm: there t als Salada reaches your tea-pot 100 Legal Notice, each Insertion toe tier agate line ttiff -tk fmlrit rrvirdf far Htad. im tAt uii.iuallfM-.l kMi, kiu.1 iii an altrcUe fr tins hter pr.irraHt ieue.I mbit llie Unfit(m pure and with every bit of the Contract Dale on Application. mtkn. Catutifialia. JrXwa, Arn-aM llavor preserved. fragrant if i Bad Camplrxioa im tka- marid. in altemlarr anl gave litre f lh day. pntenl plana! All advertising should he in The Daily New Office on day pre To be mtU, take "Krait-o tire" 1 rati fine telecom. The jiuH-Uarry Unburn. tl l a ba.ellll ceding publication. All adverliing received subject to approval ty ehol ehiidren neeliy dee-pt irame tt"fl the Prtnee itup'f fittc a boi, for f! SO, trial six S3e. Momber of Audit Bureau of Circulations. At dealers or aeot postpaid by in white, miu clnirae. Ite. and nyi Ilk. Ihe rtml uul tf fruit Uvea Limited. Otlaaa. Arthur Harmrr. iifftrilHemtrnt ;lwi haneltall vlailora or tlte "SALADA" DAILY EDITION )ito Monday. July 21. 19!!. ..f Melhn.list Irulian Mimu in in. Keile IM there will ::iiiada was ealld t ct a a SetHr Ijierotte un. Jh. SUITCASES -hatruian ad ortefly addreel ha-bilt and etlKt. otfier Mounttea Lose None the cat tiering. Flfte laet wa inrtMH-tiMd athletle event. I Old Time Efficiency. TRUNKS in Ihe (4tajt Mew : iMMmilte have been appoint' The Mory of the quick nrret nf nn ElTimo munlerer fd Cornet l. A. ?leiaH; voral xf nrnt are already wnrklnff en- lowing the killing of a 'mounted Hilieeman show that the force CLUB BAGS :.... Mr. Morgan: IHano aiid!lhiiMtiMiry wtlb a View to duel.. Mr. jil Mr J I making Ihe day a great iteee. !f..rnei ha lol none f its old lime efficiency. The red roat i .till a - . a. I Large Stock on hand. NeUon; nr, Mr. Oadw"-r: 1 he etmvntern are a mtinw: terror to evil doers, rtperially in the northern wild. and by mean Prlcea low. .iiir. Dr. Win. Saaar. ami dlt.i L. M. Filler, ehairnaan of a-en- of the n Mil!) and bravery of the wearer good order and decent very Mr. Magar and Dr. Sagar. Sam-iiH era) evttmMitlee. Canadian National Railways condition obtain from one end of Canada to the other. J. F. MAGUIRE Wise, who i Ihe nldeal man II. F. OIey. aeeretary. III the village. Ske WMnl o( Parade, rlnwn and tousle U. Nit tha Hriner Raprrt Hotel Premier Of Sweden !wi-ilriii to lh ole. A. IhilM.hAe and Fred Oithuly. Would Abolish War. I Cnducted Sale. t'.hil.lren .ports--I". W. Mack-inloh. Prince Rupert j Then itmrgr llrk nf P.H f Th Premier of Hwesien would abolish war and every i'ern "i;Simpn wa ealled to Ihe plat- TeanrtalliHi II. F. Fraer. ui oi right mini mut teei sympathy for any nmvememt having Tbe Man in the Meeo mnii ami mi mi - AdvertKiHg and program h DRYDOCK that end in view. The lenfm of the late war have not yet been ia aeiilMtnerr in selling Ihe Itibh. i forgotten. Young men who fought oversea are still dying SAYS go.,,1 which had bHi eMitrlbMt- Dance JarvU H. Mell. AND l to lb- work of the niltMon. llotth antl Mfreohment H. prematurely because of injuries received overseas. The world. SUMK of lh.te roluio at Hi. Bl only by th nalle hut hv Ilrywii. j even alter an these year, ha not yet returned to normal, nor the limn. window dls-! SHIPYARD piriitc yeteritay were etlrcuieiy l hi- huineiiieii of City iHrnlin and will it for m&ny year to come. If anything, the Swedish pre felehmg. .Vol tilt 11:30 tills sale eon. 4ay -C. Welch. mier suggest can aid in preventing future war it will receive eluded, J3M.tiO aiCtlioalely Hpeeehe a re I a.l.lree Mil- j Operating a. T. P. 20.004 Ten Floating Dry Deck general support. What people are nd agreed tijon i as to way TIIK Klk are the eandy kid will thus !m aldm to the fund ton loimale-. Blacksmllha, PatUr Machinists, sValltrmakar, Englnaara, when it eeiuea lir laginx a pie. which i leing eollerted to m-lall Ihy basehall W J. Cah. and mean. The head of the Swedish fiovernment UI1 ha faith makers, Foundara, Woodworkers, EU. te. gaxdine ga light in Ihe in the lal-ir moveraeut to arropiplith' that which it failed Hj do - ehureti huihtiM and to make MISSIONARY VISITS Electric and Acetylene Welding. on a. former occasion. ; . " . . F the hhed hair erar wher improvements on the fy"I'- loeild estnliHiie, ha!aloul the erty. METHODIST STATIONS' ' handle all kinds of Our plant Is equipped to Welcome First Of MHr hatr pin manufacturer? Mr. Pierre announce,! Dial in Federal Ministers. ' year ago tie- fort r.ingii Marine and Commercial Work R. Arthur Harrow of Calgary MlVK I hal mak a younjr Rotation i eatatdishetl. Many The firt of the federal mioister Jo vllt prince Rupert fol Appreciatively of I loan eft all day on the heaeh r atlflalillr have lieen aerveil. Speaks PHONES AS AND 3SS lowing the return of the Literal to poer will be lion. V. II. Miiealh the ahade of a sprtwe During that lime the mission, Work Dona. j Motherwell, miniter of agriculture. He will be here on Friday- tree when otherwire he Would be arte have olfielated at till we,. it i expected, and a luncheon in his honor will be held tinder eHyaged tn oma athletle eer ding. ?0t l.a.tiin and 3IA Arirong Ihe MMlor In ihe the auspice. jif Uie Hoard, of Trade on .SalurtU-. eie. fuueral. It t an all ieoi.lea' etly last evening wm nt. Ar thur Itarner of Calgary. iier-ItileiHleHt Jnt no' Prince Mi)perl i looking to Ottawa for a great uiiioti. of nnion work anion'f IF a girl and yiging nun be. " deal, specially in connection with railway and sleamxhip devel eonie enwtged and one find the SMITHERS tlie native, who ha gone on t. - DEMER'S opment, A Ihe'minister of agriculture is a prominent member other has a wooden leg they ran Port Siiiipoii in eonueelion wilh' of the cabinet, being in charge nf one of the most important break ft off. lireak what (1 J. Ilrougliton. government that work. Yederday he look itart in service al Port l-.inx-ftnn departments, it will ! to the advantage nf this city to how him - immigration officer of ihe stale TIM Si: or us who enioke eijr. if lUhif.M, and i. H. Syleer. where there were no es courtesy, something which done to member of Great Clearance every t usually arelie can vnurb for some of author, and eon ieot several than ily rtoiiuuiniraiila and in any government. Liberal or Omservalive. It is a great thing for the Turkish atroritie. days In ssniithers district la-l the afleriHion a iWihmhi meeting citizens to be able to unite on occasions of this kind, forgetting week. 'TtM-y were interese, in wa held Ml which he spoke. party politics and remembering only that thi i a Canadian min- VIITI'i: i largely ihe triumph getlipg inforinalioti rejranling Mr. llarner ay Ihe uuioii. nf discretion ariea in thi prounre are doing SALE Uler nf the Crown and one of the men who will heireponihIe over apftetile. aerteillural opiorluiiltie in Ihe gHM work, as welt a in other ItHlkley Valley. for the policy of the government for the next few years. A CO II H KH H tX D K.NT' wlshe, pari of (latiada. 17ii i especially to know how yoit are In lell A. K. Tiiebard. fruit inspeelor true up the Skeena lliv-er Watching With Interest .where Iherr was a great revival whether a word i a rn word from SummerlaBd, visited ei Irish Civil War. or not. ' In reply I would say il fieeimenlal farm in the dllriet last winter as a result of laical people are watching wllh interest the progress of th i all a mailer of oeeaion ami lllkl U'VtfL Ilia VfOUfcRftt which Ihe moral and industrial Everything at Cost .it l.e'l'f" f P'l" at the camirr- Irish civil war and all who favor the continuation of law and or emphasis. .,. .ln il.l. ,Mb.n jiea Is appreciably improved. der will wish to see a settlement of the difficulties at an early- ALL that i Ihe mailer wilh ,-.,,11, dale. Looking at it from this distance, it teem a if !) Valern the younger generation i the The laehall vatjie1 a Pun-dav and hi group are abolnlely in the wrong.' An election wa held lack f diserlhui of their par-enta. tetweeii T'elkwa and Knillh. recently in that country with the result that the people voted in er reulled in vlelory for the favor nf the firiffiths-Coihii faction. This did not suit De Valera fitrioer hv a eeore of 17 o 12. but under-democratic institutions Ihe minority ntii-l submit ftouwai-re ainl llunierger were in the hot for T'elkwa ami tlarc-1 whether it like the result or not. It i impossible to carry on a GAYE RECITAL TO ley. Arnol.l and Mulrh eal-h I M.k i democracy if Ihe minority -is always to fight when defeated by , a turn for hiitilher. aa backing up the the vote of the people. LADIES' MUSICAL I Instead of leading a band of rebels, De Valera should have Mr. M II. Wenliell. .,-h..'.l: l.ail Kchwarti. the Ilungar. teaeher from penlielon. and Mi-' manufacturer been the leader of the opposition in Ihe newly formed Parliament ian violiniot. ' gave a riv-ital al Nell Itn-iei from Vanconxer. are! guarantee Hi DoMm, n lwy which would have been in ekui now had not the home of Mr. 4. t:. McLennan. visiling ,iriou noliitx in t tie j the recalcitrant tried to resort to force. I'M FiMirth Avenue Wel. under Hniklt-y V!!ry in lto foure of Hie aiKpieet ,,f the I adie Musi. a tour "f the north. -al I'.luli n Saturday aflernntiti. T here were about 50 ladiei, pre, CHEVROLET cats are backed up Chevrolet service. We eui and the program was thoroughly Ten Years enjoyed and appreciated. Ago ate prepared to live up to the factory Mr. Kchwarti number were divided In Pt'nc Kuport guarantee, because the Company backs us to the limit. The Chevrolet into several which group Motor Company recognlict Its obllga ;iiiriide, Hungarian folk 1912. aonza July 24, tion to Chevrolet owners and we recog lending up wilh cnuipoailioli of F.x-Alderman ltdliim, of Vancouver. nist our part in giving the. kind of scr lii own. Charles p. Italagno I. a vUiior to Hlewart vice which motorists havt a right to Above Imitators was acriuiipanit. The arrange, where he i ea'nlHlng fnloing pecL loetits were in charge of Mrs. propertie. He eipree great No Other laundrv , V. Williams, eonfidence When you need service or parts, make min ha iti presideul of the in the eily of Prince blatf it aiurlr ail Ijohe Musical it a policy to coma to our service station. iwi ..J t,.i Cluh arul Mr Hiipert and feels that it is de. ail tram aar aa ik.i ,..7. Some garage men use bogus Chevrolet I'l'lioruaa Mrt'.lymout. lined to heeouie a great busihes Saalilkt lit naaftrfu! ..kJ4 u. Sa.iijk, parts, not made by the Chevrolet Motor is all urt iea. lik mm .Jli.x.i.. o....r... i. 'lire. Company nor guaranteed by tcvaowicl Advertise in the Dally News. anyone. i nt a .a kr. Our parts are all guaranteed Chevrolet LEVER UHOTIIEKS LIMITED, . TORONTO. ONT. J. I. MeNlven, federal goyern. parts and our service is organised to take PRINCE RUPERT TIDES mem fair wage officer, arrived care of your needs efficiently, economic from the oii In on the Prince and 4... ally quickly. tieorge tin. riinfiilllg to llMik into Monday, July 21. Hie dispute pending between the High-- o:l? a.rn.. 22J) feet. laborer and the eonlraelors. on At Aim jtr fartinlirl tf nr itftmd fitfmtal fU. 13:32 pjn., I0.U feet. the U. T. f. railway rtnlruci!nti. E. H. SHOCKLEY Low 7:17 a.m., I.t feet. 4 Planing MU( Cow Bay. Wharfs Nait Imperial Oil Deck. 10:30 p.m.. 5.0 feet. The Veteran llrlgad of the CHEVROI IT Phonai MS. Tuesday, July 23. eily elected officer al a meet. Flit DIMCNtlOM, FINI9HINQ LUMBER, PLANKINQ AND II lull :2t a.m., 32.5 feet. Ing lal night. They are: It. W. TIMBEIM, SHINOLES, LATH, OOOPHJ ANO WINDOWS. Mil 3 p.m, 20.3 feet, ('.line ron. Captain; J. If. MrMnll-In Agsnt for: . Lw 7:6", a.m., 0.7 feet, and T. W. Haville, lieutenant. llobertaon k liackalts Haw Mills, Ltd. 20:13 p.m.. 4.(1 feet. John 'iargdl, sergeant major J. Fyfe -Hmilli a Hardwood. Wednesday, July 2ft. The Hriaade is preparing In form "LatnaUo" 3 ply Cutlonwood Panelling. Illicit 2:07 a.m., 22:5 feet. a guard nf honor pn Ihe oc.-as-in Garland Company, Roofing Paint, 1 1:5.1 p.m.. 20.9 feet. of the fiuke of Counauglit Low-- M:3ft a.m.. Co fuel. vUll hera neil month. Their 20:30 p.m., 4.2 fstt. slrrn.tb n fifly-ons.