that TWO WHlgrwiK TITR UKTCT FTTTNYS 1 . -' 'ii The Largest Sale in America six-Year-ow MOCK TRIAL AT V PLAYERS because Had bronchitisi ROTARY DINNER Varied Prop ram at Msstlng Call NAVY CUT Winter "SAIADA" Every id for Dlseusslon Principles of Ethical L 1 tiiahi'i slamlatd m ihe hnsi- CIGARETTES afitl life .if . til i.lhlll U..K.II h.kl .lk .fe.Ua 1 f..n.,. h, rr a . iur.h, a . M'jwmwnitT was o.hwivml hr Hill Mt -min tw- t i niMf r irm.j peaker at the Rotary i:iii ii"-hir Pleases the most exacting tastes. ai nr.i ,. ,4 a Hrhi mine, tun. I'iiw in i tn Si. hi cafe last III H'oibii i ""rwi ii ImaiN .r 4 ....1.1 ti,. um. 1mMI Economy Purity Flavor Quality lk.ih ur rwni.h fcr IN i primarily . the ethle Always Assured, Ah m.-tkMl villi btosl. if bMini rimI .efeslnal I inn hi are irMM4 lih bmn will find tn lc. VOmt't Ha Striir in following ui lb proaram a namerfx MM! win aiamiut in rrnnrMfn ttl iMwn Hv th IrvtriiMtfMfta The Daily News Mrraa, mm- i wiumrwitwv mi.wfnlln, II was lh flr-t ww irrtiawd pari. ana ww in rnrm. lime ki Hie hisfnry vf lire hsal PHlNCE HL'PEKT - HIWTLSH GOLUMHIA Hr. oiiw r. l.rpa. swan nosim. eluh. sine II inception eighteen P. E. I.. rH: Mule t-arM Published Every Afternoon except Sunday, the Prince ft4 jr feuKt lurk a sf hrwv IWIO months rial). Hial 4 he nrembee Nil pert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. mlr. I In rtentat aiwl aiw uer astmi I., fcrinar a Munneli- th MrM. mih rwinl rh"Jior nr fWefvd ami wtH lire pro. H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. herl Ml if t. V riwo rnilAl Mt. in -Ike evrniniM sal mth imVirfcw , tmi the H wm vutatl xreal mwstn. M A ar any rnral. a SUBSCRIPTION RATES: mrttMm Hl1 h in in Or. VnM' Diincaa Melius. vhi.rslient. City Delivery, by mail ur earner, per month .$1.00 iaata.t mi Mh dxt. it4 sn Ihe tihserw f the P'fmhleirt By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Slates, after ' awl takra Iwn boitt n r4 I It. JliHln. aar(itl IIhi in advance, per year 10.00 rhntf and Ih fskint; of lit PH sr and bAtll: pl "f ""ty fo all other countries, in advance per year $7.50 by Th T. VHtwni On. i.mmimI. T-Mit. And hls Af llntary e- ml Htl 4h memhar shsml,) TELEPHONE 83 IhHr wthl hv trmliifain the i hihel MAftAns In hiw. 'ransienl Display Adverli-ing per inch per insertioi- The Man in the Moon He WM of lite frM ettih feHtr itanxienl Advertising on Front Pae. $2.80 per inrli in I3tiasn In ll5 hy Paul I. L(C,al Readers, per insertion . . . . ..2R. ier line SAYS: j Harris, a ' native son of lin CIttasined Advertif ing. per insertion . . . ." 2e r wonl hurah. SentlaHd. ami point! nut Lagal Notice, each insertion ,irc ho Ihat Ihere were now I til eluM per agale .ah iimiht imw ylmrl your C.itrcl lUile.. HHlber in lw"fl)--fh r eouMritM Ihrmtaii- on Anplwulion. tmtM hir Ha hi- n-meniNer All advertising should be in The Daily News Ofllce on 'day preceding she i yiMir mother. niI Mie wll uaHi a htetirrhii publication. All ndvertisinir received "iibject to approval f Hi ao i,ms. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. II fcief ao Mc laualmi i J. V. NiAhsill wa the S4ME hauler ainl Ite inn Hswre iMirmnny jrmr w jfce Mmii never lit DAILY EDITION 'XIDFri.lay. ..vffiiber IT. IOj have lausrld tat all. hi! of nnie of Ihe ,ins men in tin elty llwin Ihey ever pro. WmM You're Wonder' THE fir rtiiwf i Ut hate hi rtoreil befotre in llwir livr. lev. a Victory Of Such eral nnHHhers wre aiHMawneesI Ih irtl lalten fr tHe toefi if Size Was Not sine to tl Expected. the ihovIas. He hftp he nrver ton -when liine While many expected that the Conservative would w in ire smH wilfi aitHHIn? riMtre eafw Wiev- slase fncfit anl Aid. j, of JO- ?n Ihf Kritih elections there were few who anlicijMlnl Ihat twrns.. tUaaa A eMMera. Ihey Tha Mock Trial LtcuV Tin f l - would receive such a Irenieinli.os venliet in -Til At Asm j&m ara ! their favor w Kit I he Ihs fralnre f Hie evtn. l ilAfBULi ' ' iuo-tns E I - lliinjt seih CJ reghlered by the Old Omutry voter on WeiliieMiay. The reMilt Inj was the moek Irial. Mike about an neHfms m always ha 1 timwf I mmmjmmjammmmmmmmmmimtmammm , of Ihe contest mark the paing a( the GoaMUoii and will Mit the ils feeMrs oi fnr -oni'lSlltir. Mrlffery a rtiairyian of Ihe Mouse of Commons, luck on jurty line rmce nwo:e wilh Ex-Pre-mier slinrts rsHoiniUre arne arnl ffctale.1 Ihat Kre.1 Stork. M.I' lm. Llod tleorgeN following in a rather inignifiran1 position v UKMI.IIMAN l a male whn afotn4n jmlse fnr Hie ie- accctrf hi rUitnge. and Ex-Premier Auitl,' little Iwtler. The election ws one - Irtal r seral memhers, of Mir '1 ic fiieii cs I. ..1 ' ' ' l'1 1 . l. ' I of thoe periodical turnover that cornea iu due rutiraf uf time XlXSKHVATIVIfi wp x "the elMh for nefrleetina llteir duly. Hut I Mii-y in-any i 1., .iii. .1 ni ECONOMY COUNTS fii any country governed by psiVtf- rtiti . 1 W ewuniry, rea.l a hemlHiie. Then Ih- named r. iranl nniwn Ik ill 1 of iIm The trosM-Hlor. K. A. Wakeriehl. matter wl.sio'r Hi- imuM'mi wa- thea't Imw Eat saory lour h Good at the Labor Makes Big " in liour Ihey ml. eMiil hw 4hi hfiHiee, and a Mttlhaiatre r leliti,le 111,' Cain In Strength. a . fleavrae YVlland, assistant medical profri.M.n was mi. AA4ne4. Iereled tn live m4erss of the The 1,,-ilM.r party ha been gaining'lre"iiglh (endih-4' Ut Lloyd M very eirue trtie.ha hl n infftrmalion laid by Jack puMte by urging more -anHary Good Eats Cafe ill'fll ..lf llrilaiir A.i.l I fa '.VI II. I tVl ft . I al.ll. sidfriff MctiilTerT ' -..v. .ur mi iiim i4uiunirv3i n group, are ee- The flnn. luve wn. liad regulations ntul H.aktng ,dairs 1., ond in slrenglh in Ihe Hon.? or iSimmofHTIii.i will leail in lh- I hats alrtalil Hit. Uaek OampMI tmt on trial on a rsMubal lisas. r Kergm in AT LKSS THAN PRC-WAR PRICCS. iippoMtion is not a-reat mrprise sJlhi.mgh Ihej may have gained He utay liavt htst teharae f hHna hllfiiiMiH hi rsNieliisitin rrpHais ih- i.f Good Pood. Good Cooking Good Sarvks. his duty as e4iairoinn of Hie hoys' eUlk's t.f timln ill mrii m r,00 more wai man n wa geuerwlly tjspeclcil they would The Ms posit inn Prlvala Boies. Phom 3& geL .Sliirm fi C4ioifrrile. r. liraul Hi:. Mill how thankful are , agnuin in ul(i campaign i.y Hie l.ilraU and tHiservlie-aml 'IW Ofpr.i iosH. nrsed Ills l.r..tiip jvw u pre Hiiiciilarly by LIbyd Oeirge, Ihey fame thn.ugli in no iiiirertair Ihe ehanr li hanl tMi IIh ri. measure. There are real lale.nii in the Hritisl, Ubor party, THE iwl uncanny feellnirf o an.I inWjerted a niMiiler of hiMiMtroH remarks into h and 4heir increasing influence fn fhe Hons,. f duiniMHi sIi.hiM come, when trying l. write be of benefit rather than hindrance to the (loverament for The Ma, h, Ihe Moon ..fJrnh' ,,!,H' T,",,r""n WEEK-END of Ihe er was tisinis.s Values hreakfasi. Special land. The nxl ier.on to arramned SPECIALS SOW Ihal Mi fire rhirf l.l?" Kr. Hiarire Lloyd George Repudiated; wMn ink. Ihe M.nles, ,mr," n"T "ue flinger Snaps. ? lb. fi.r 35c, for Friday and Saturday Selling Appreciated Nevertheless. talkinjr marhine advaix-e ,ai siirfiina.. nr. (.rani, in mak. 6 lb. for $1.00. Though Ex-Premier Lloyd fieorje wa eleclwl by acclama-lion 1H12I1I n none iilonir vtnd r(Ter iHf Hie,eharKe. itaie.1 M th. This is ni-w slock and and wnll thus be nollo.t to Ihe llou.e, the defeat of his followers Ihe police rsMirt allorneys a job aeeusN was a nililM.r of his giiaranlecd np . MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPARTMENT was decided. For many year considered Ihe most wonderful priMlurnK comie renrris. and thai lir lmrk ynnl IhM-k' was Evap. I.oganberrieK, K hi. pdot or the nation, Ihe little Welshman ha suffered the siHI intact Iml be had 4o pn-fd pkgs. 40c. MEN'S FINE ALL WOOL CASHMERE SOCKS. ' ungrateful buffeting of public opinion and fiifd !iimelf now in HOIirillltS. We Jtisl have the wiHi Ihe rase as a mailer of 1928 pack just armed Kciniless, reinforced j,ri ami toe. colors t. a rather isolated duty. U akei and camel tan. Mites Ms o IIH. Heg positio. He has the aeese, if been repudfcled by Ihe leaks In the (A) Kch.a.l re. and pnitifively the equal of Pair it i true, but, even should his Hie presvr,r ( ihre clergymen 8 pedal 60c polilieal eareer be at a tiiriiiuK talre when Ih, Oily hall ui. any eanne. fruit . puit, bis name will go down in history one of tkigUiMl's neneea n lei in w;ilec. Who in Ihe eltah an even for Lemon Cake, tr Ikx 1.25 MEN'S TWEED HAT8. greatest Salesmen who never si.nhnjr hut he aMe.1 ihal Wilh leather sweat band and silk lined Ih' - guided the nation Ihnmgh its miM. .ri was the 11 11 fori innate architect T (Packed in wnoilen bve. crises, this was a cnirl of and E er)one guaranteed In yoiir alifaeun. s v ' M.j, outshining II other. je U still in the II e 4. jusiiee a product of the North. -t wi I, doubtless, continue his lata of law and uriml Ihe to ? N Special $3.50 Each. ii,fu,,ea i the moulding of (tie I HE provincial legislator may West lliscuil iu,. ,at iialM.ns conn u, be lenient. His 6 Doi. Only, STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR, GREEN LABEL iletiny even if it be be lordship maj in a different earimcily. tunc wa4ers Inn ihey haven't setting the pace in point pronounced (hat ihe How rildied hirs, double lire.i-'- s aeeifs had weight, vot anylhirva on the I'rinc fliri nf quality ami value . What Will Lloyd perl eily falli(rs. hssi found irnilly and senieneetl Candy Kissea, er lb. 2 So. it ( 12 Special $25 SulL George's Future Be? tHin l shiK one verse of "Pack (Ilie eret of our ancress MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS. Whal Lloyd fieort'e'a future in nrilUh m.tiiii. mav i. Hp your troubles.'' wilh this line is in hand. With collar at'.n bed. Two sljles. fk ..1 5 matter of keen -pee ulaticin. Home Blggsst Hit Ihronghnut Uilors Khaki ami lircv. S... are of Ihe ling Ihe bt opinion ihat he is Ten lin we can Hone and that he will never again come into power. Others emphatically Years Ago The hitfxrsWiiit of Ihe evening buy and turning Ihem over IK. 8pcial $35 Each. declare thai ii kw ,ort space of time he will again be In Pr'noa Rupart was itir arrest of liiiHeau Mc quick. Our stuck never BOYS' and MEN'S ALL WOOL MACKINAW COATS. Premier of England. If the bitter is to be the cae it will be necessary Itae mi a rhame of rt hrinvinir Rets slieky . In wide range nr culors. two weights, 2H '17 ? for him to find new alliances bolster Novmbac Ocw sneaker l. f Ias 1himIimhis lied Head Hoys.' 20 lo 3 1 -Special $5.05. or up his parly in a 17, 1912. bill Match, per pkg. using I, treiiUrs in Srs-. remarkable ( s Men's, .in In $12.50. manner. Alter (lie breaking up ,,f Ihe coalition little lieore M. 40o. U Special $5.85, $10.00, llicrties, he ion well, Hi iihi .if ihr iioK. Jack time was allowed him for BOYS' 100 PURE WOOL 8 WEATER COATS. organization, and il is iUI wonder Ihat known traiismriatinii .McIh.II (Introducing the newest his followers mel wilh the man. ar-rive.1 was fville.1 as a wilns Medium weight shawl collar, thoroughly b" ' reverse. Ihat Ihev did. although, Mini.' from a three week's husi. aad whcne.r sensation in the mated say, their fale was u rejection, of their leader in a tide that was iicb trip to ihe south last that ihe ir.-akei'ilrant sun world. Made in square ed. Colors Maroon, H row 11. Navy, and tKi r' had lold not to be turned. An alliance with Ihe ever growing Lalor light. old jokes and had iwtl toull wilih shape and guaranteed .M lo ,'lt. Special $3.75 Each. slreiigth is n suggestion often heard in regard to the deposed Iheir siihlrris In square wit. Exactly 400 LADIES' DEPARTMENT Premier. .t ,1 I - r ny inronK iuie.1 I lie Mc. ner. tl u.iii.s. ...l ni. matches In each of Hire Inlyiv hall Ias4 niirtil on the him alllionai. ih .Irviir ...n. boxes you receive for 10c . LADIE8' WHITE FLANNELETTE NIGHT DRESSES. .M-cal..ii of the hall given by theel argued ...ral times Ihat ihe New Date in bulk, 2 h. for ' Slip over slle, with V neck and shori ....mmrrs i uie i;mpire. Vlrs.KUslhHis k-u.tiliif Of 36c, sues. 8peclal 85o Each. were uies. "There Were Many Things -MeienHan. reawil or Ihelthr .'akr- uaiue.1, Ihtf. Onne. New I triu i I Nuts, per Ih. 20o. Iliitlon front, long sleeves. $1.40. E.O.H.. $1.80. Which I Could Not order iisis. ,y an able rooi.jMavirfrale T. McC.lyinonl. I-' s. New Filberts, per Ih. 26c. LADIES' CHAMOI8 SUEDE GLOVES. Eat" initlee, had eharire of the affair. Wakefh-hl and .Uien. fame in for New Manchunan Walnuts. In Orey. Hand, Fawn nnd lirown rhads. Hir.r Mm. H. Robert Well., Engluh Harbour,Trinity Bay, " jsoine .M.tnMMi crilicisiii. No. I slock, 'i lb, for 45c. 7 Mi. Extra 8peclal 85o Pair. nua., writci: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, of old 'Hie counsel for Die d.-fence Miuaranteed sweet and LADIES' TRICOLETTE WAISTS. Balkan Style. llaHlon. re4imMs t here las'entere.1 a brilliant idea n . full of meal . In Dlark. Navy. Hand, lirown, Peach and Henna hal" "I wit troubled with nervou night fr.Mii a visit .i he lower lhalf of his clirnl and was re-cimisi Arriving Wednesday's Boat. Hues .1(1 lo 12 8peclal $2.05 Each. dyiprpiu to much $0 that rillcs. Mr. Harvey i. oih warded b hating Ills r4hH Jouibla Park Jonathan LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES. there were great many thingi of Ihe pioneers of m district. discharge the prisoner With Appl'i. per box $1,50. Made of Extra Fine yualtly Print and Oingha"' tn 1 couia not cat at all on account Ihouor. The emirl vmis adjourned Gresn Stuff Arriving This wide range of rolor. All sixes. of the diitrened feeling after-wardt. tiiuirie w. i. miiirni. of 'mi n,. ,m.t Week-.nd. Specially Priced at 51.00, $2.00, and $2.50 Ec. I uied many different KihM'lus, is a visitor in 4lie cilv Midloal Cthlca Colery. California Head A Larg Vssorlment Just ,n of MIS8ES' and LADlfc remedi'ei, but they did me little mi a business trip. On IsHulf f the prvifeional Leltuce. Cukes. Cauliftuwer. FINE FLANNEL ami H0ME8PUN DRES8ES, 111 good. Finally I tried Dr. Quie' "en, ,r. v. t. Kerain wave u California TouintiW, pars, range of colors, consisting of plain and fain 'he s Nerve Food and Kidney-Liver F0H BAPTIST CHUItOH tine talk on Ihe elliw of ,iei. ley, Hweat Potatoes, lirouud fancy Irtmniiiigs Ihroughonl, Hues It to 2. A" PjIIi. and wai lurprited at the Ml. E. KlMH-kilcy rnlriiiin- h men. in aneakiiig if Hie re. Cherries, Orapes, Pear. priced for Friday and Saturday Helling, relief this combined Ireatment e.i y.wtrrrlay aflrriM-iu at lHrilNlus hHwn-u hM-Lr and doctor Hubbard Umiash, Hnis 8EE THESE SPECIAL BARGAINS IN OUR WINDOWS. gave me in luch a ihort time." lunne hi ahl of ihe funds ,f Hiej lie tal.s Uial Uiey were f..r-lUpUst sprouts, ate. tannh. Tlx. sslTuir w'uht.den ta. adei'l'isr Ibeir cas DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD ai s.nee ueeefu and enjoyalihs.ln he daily n,., and were not Rupert Table Supply UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. fca CruU a boa, all diIera, Iklnuttuwii. Halm M fu., lad., Ttirualo mid a aMMy sum was renliteij. to ue any means whatsoever to Wei M lialieul friii nirthr Phones 211-212. Phone 370. ul.erlt. for 1) a Dully Mews. doe,.r rrlillnn to the pub-