BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa nut THAT DRN LID I j 1 i WELL FORCOOONE-A I ' f I f 'ttt .OUUf Tt ( I fM Q I '" 1 I 9 J- HrX-b BLOWN rnKjH fiWKC IVT. BEEN OM AUOKAKX- TO feet will I end It. Dl-tolveal'epslr) t your mourn y 71 when the tX"S.eowgh It 1 ' - troll Dir some, ion j the m J I final vapor that la liberated I brrathed to the rrmotcat partt of the air pa. eajts and lung. It loUbe and heali the II. . . nr t-rs, Inflamed membranra, tbut ending the Irrltatloa and stopping the couch. 1 1 IM1 lT-b IWKI. lac. Pepi are eque tly good for bronchitis, tore taroat and' laryngitis. All dealere,5tc bus, or l'epa Co., Toronto. MU51UW 1UUAY Daily News Classified Ads. SILVERSIDES Say He Can do Any of Trick BROS. Don by Medium 2 CENTS PEK WOHO IN ADVANCE. No Advortiaement Takswv for Leae than BOe Second Stmt j X..v Ifl Them nrej HOSTMX. Xov. Id Mm botne . i,. ' . r ' wmi injr tor every i ami I t i ! l is .ii-liire. l.v :n-' BOARD. BUSIWESS OPPORTUNITY. ' WANTED available seat around the bnrrar-at Ierel in prrhir ph.ii..iiiTO,W,.Utlnlader. A recnil HiUI PHICKS OHoPIMMi WANTi:i Men add Women tn niul roulette table4n the newly In real en ihe hewlth Hd auity amiu. tu,n. t tf Stt are all other n. rytMirty i eam Hi raring. Paid while I icm-l gambling Caino in Mo r manv Mrin in ihe pinion httying then Moi p n pun learning lyid tool free. WrIU ' Pictures i 'v, where the play runs hiah of Harry lloudtai. preub-nl of! LOST men and Iruek driver needed for csrUlooe. ... Mider Hnrswrl Specials from 8 o'rloek in the evening Ihe 1 tin. liwriely of American Mitei. everywhere. I e are on Ike Cdles;e, Vancouver. Il.r. til 10 the nii morning, eian. expreed al the annual11'' - Hr.-.-'Ji. oM pen. verge of grrale m hia. Framsd snd Unfrm4. Frequenters of Monte Carlo and dinner f the eity here. He -'"lie in rrnJii' lory i Atrio buainee iiH into K.NO I.I r H W M A N ant wrk by llr'' m I adies' Iriwn KJd the other hfC tliropcan gamin epoke of hi ti year' (iMer lliiHtrr m Ave. thi. big paying futinr Im.ineM. the hour. Phone Mark it I j Prices 75c Olfo-d. low hew 56.50 place in the nM data wlien Itus- nation of the .i4tjerl. and aid W . Kiinfcr pbae rrtiirw to Xo quiet . off. no my Olrla' or Ladies Itnwvn. he led lkiU "!lre. !7I SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE .)Rn aristocrat wvnl nhrned to never fB artyihing w A few week in ir big seh'rtd tw -In p. hm beei, emit- hpenil their ronvtnee hiMi thai Ihw had iMney. always re lo-ixwh, in gold and ehopa for a iiall fee will AMKMMW vmmosii want- wrk U'lnaor N " . 4.75 member Hie Mava a Ihe most fen a in&te eommiiniralioii Hit eHlnsT. t-'i'ider pleae return qualify you for ateady em. by day Mlari tvof Oir' or Ladies' Hlark Oi- freckles and inveterale of gam. fenn th deexl. pbrynieoi Attfn Veehanir. a lo laiiy Xe. llflice. Ilewaril. fori. low heel $4.75 bier. A In the M. row" "I have never een any of the'I- IrteHt e)rtver. tsmitloai etoeH FOR SALE Window Glass snd Clti:, T1iee are esceptional bargain ,t:a.ino shows nil medtaitt or .MirititaltMUi do anv t today that of lhe 'te.. Vrtte Oepl. T. today for HtH AI.K. )i najnel hie Speclalt. and are moving ipiiekly, mi he trouble of the Russian revolu. tiling or pnlur a tnsle erTerl THROUGH TOURIST fre circular howiU air III re avl lot ft part cah toil. ' and rail and them, .lion have not changed lb wtiieli l eotihl Nut. rnnMigh mv , no. SLEEPING CARS GO and chert K our aetxwd and! awe like real Phone 22. P.O. bu tt W orkmen, rousldy dreed. and knowteilge of iftASir. acroimi fur ylen of inalroetKva. tHHlblr r(truer. rtigtk Aveinie. 7 1 CL pi i'nhaven. with heap of ten and or iliiplfeale." tw aerle.l. "I I TO THE SHIP'S SIDE HempnHI Auto ft Fnginwritut Mrrttoa C. 1 1.1 ltd.4M. ramily oiioe More i......irM m,Mi ion ruble note in mve M(I HIIH mh-I with llie Sehoa.l. 3 nranville sHreel. M. M WTKfHhJM tuml of "'"' ' nly wflUh. dead, who wWIe alive as-reeil The Plore f Shoe Salisfacllon." Vanrotwer, H.O. Phon 357. P.O. Box 166$. ",t ,l" ,urn of rtar'' ' ' with i oe lo try I) rooMOHnieate The Canad.'..i National fUil- I Kl H,AUi mi m aaan-tflee. FiMh ! American Express wliere. terliap. a fashionably willi me from bv-wwl. but ejtriijayay announr. Mial in order to FOR RENT BralMee. Pwno player aBaaaayaaBvyaaaayaayMavaB , dreed irirl. unable lo jret a el. had b frtiille."' .make 'lne ami -nvenient con. FOB HKM lUtiftil tnatrttment t:.. j Money Orders MBBaaBKMaBHM Iran over a worknann and ak He abl Ite kal worked with with Kail ami Crhit-ina Neatest, HtoeWn! H tarn mm' v .u hi in to place a be I for her. or pew. ir Oliver l.Uc and olbr- sailing fruiii Montreal. St. eaeli A bargain Apply H"g I Issued on jur that ihejr take le "hank' eelil eHSruzet) in the ludy John and Halifax for Ihe Obi wnca. range ami tuie. Will 7. iMily New r Modern bar arat laaelher. , f p)chic phetMNMena and .'Country. I hey will operate the koM 75 penrtle. Citable for Norway, Sweden 4 terled Mem. .foil..wing through Totirl Sleep, club room. ieeting or parties. KOH HALK Very cheap Mo..ruing Denmark Lowest I Foreigners Wonder Term at reasonable. Apply keaiae and store, all m-aiakesl. Do Not Know in Car from hdmmiton to Ihe , Forvignera woo.ler where Hi llul." he foHl. "wlten I Hip side witkoi ehange. Mid4y Kortier. 73 rUarMk ae.. Tkree minute walk Current Rates Laundry player uei itieer money. Ieron demonstrate to Ihem llie erret tUi leave yUimonlon One-ember W Ittone (Ml. Til from Ory linek. t? Amhr. e whoe nppearanre uaKet tliei an( reveal the wieUtewt uomI ,y k and 6 for a.. "Hegina" In Hill HK.NT hieHi l healad fur." ! tenue. Mnme Re1- W7 ?7 Agents for jiradine for Ihe xaxranry court Linediion and tliey 14I we -tHt l.iverpiMil ev Halifax I leceoiber nisbe.1 mm: mu filhun vm hai.'exitw w comi.iei. Nerwaglsn A marie a a Lhl Service .or Ihe poor hone, Jijr heap of I loo am a medium, in M of 10. and for .. "IUiandru" l Swedish Amtrlcaa List etsnkiMg. Xar. dtnttu mate. kilewen table. jfliiian ruble note, forw'ttn eur-rrnry myef. am forrel lu Citneiade Otgagtiw an.I .. "Andania" Ut faft ranMiia Pktme Mack 99. -t-Miada a Itrkle" nsnge. Scandinavian Amarttu We offer the following and even ?ot roin" o'lt of that they merrly do not know. l.ivrrawM! ex Halifax ItoreMtber ply Ikgg H. I tally Ne. p-j Lin. range -ilr tervtre lo the pub. Jraai'.l fiMU, and loe or win bit. "I hate een people who pre. II. FI MMSIIIIO nmiM to rent in Oliver TypewrtUn He. :hnn wilhont outward appear. viou to the wr. never nttu'frn- tiara leave E4mMifn Oeoeni-ber lirivMle me. waVh or wirtntut FOIl S.LR. Nine tBXnoiiatihreH I Csry Ssfss iHiir of elation or diroinpoiitJ ed llteiHelve with Ihiug py- 1 1 for a. . "HaMada" In knard. (ienlleiiiejin preferred Leghorn ejaarken. Applt FIRE INSURANCE Economy Laundry Service-Damp llie "his pliy'" at barrhrat l lilc now delving into it I., the l.iverptMd ei Halitai liecember IHMine I Hue I:mV iM Fifth Aveaue. Kaat. ?Awl Wash; Soft Flnlah, ! on fined to one room, barred to Mtint of hysteria. It i roi. In and m. "MategaSM" to tilaa. Rough Dry, Dry Cleaning, TO HUNT - Five raie. suite CHICK K.N Mou.e . IV.'1 lhoe artual In. lie exrepL player. dueive & Hinson jail of morhidne. brooding gow ex. SI, John leeemher IS. Dybhavn Prelng and Dyeing, Rug with balh and iluJw Ilerr the minlniuin bel i jll.llOO,. IW melancholia. II lierooie an For fwrther pariietilar. wrile rang. Fiftk Atenue ratsi. and Carpet Cleaning, and inoalh. Apply lUvM Third Avsnue Ier the Regular Laundry Service. , ruble or. al preen raler. obeiHi very uuvkly ami I or call t;tty Tltmet on tee. imua If. FOn .I.K. For.1 I'knne I Ilnya .V fUt. 'nlxml li in Ameriran tf Prlne Rupert, B. 0. money. would warn aaain-! it II i.diaii XaOonsl Hallway. iH lied 720 tf We can turely eerve you. irroin mi minimum bank at llircatcniiig llie lnulili an I uni jllurd Avenue. Prinae IttiperL II. FOIl HF.XT. Flat in I When may we call? 'freipientlv built tip to many billi- ly of those wli" niiPiUe 'ti it l1. Plioqe :KI. Apart Mieni . M M. Stephen. MISCELLANEOUS. in or ruble, equal lo everil Canadian Steam !hou:uid dollar. At othnr table PKO.VK lied SHtr) for Window Laundry MAIL Cleaning imM the minimum Im-1 i SCHEDULE or job. n STANDARD Phone S. i uble, or two and a half dollar. place; any time. and lbee I a Mr arp ill the otien, November, 1922 DRESSMAKING 1 jwilh More of anxioiu aperla. For the East lor rrowrllnjr alxiut thoe lurky MiMomys. etiiiedy aiwt Sai-HrU. MIS. K. HKl.OINO ha opened IRONWORKS enoush to (iel plarea. rle tit 7 p.m. lrmaking pastor n Tkir.t Roulette. From the East Avenue, opptmile Federal lib-Fancy 3 ply The roulette wheel i operated MiHsttoy. ediuMtbya asul Fridays, ( and orurkei i.l HUGH SMITH oa only for one hour each niphl. and S..1l p.m. here the maximum beta ranirr TAXI from 3,000.fMin ruble on a inal From Vancouver Blacktmlthlng and, Hor niimlwr lo no.0M),(Mio on a color. 8umlay Phone C93 " veneer The wheel Iraa two pro. Inntead Wednesday . I0;S A.M. (Cell lleorge Ho thoelng Repairs ef of Ihe uaual one al Monte t'irlo Salunlaye I(. A. M. Flve.paaaenger Touring Car Kind. and Ihe profit of the ")ioue" at C. I'. II.. Nov. .1 awl 14. I'rfitnpl Hay and Night Hervire roirlelle are, in profiortion, twice To Vancouver Standi Boston Grill Third Avsnue Wagon Kepi: panelling tlioe wliich the Monte Carlo SiiHilay. Mail rtnae II , M. CLOTHES CLEANED Supplies, etr ' fcunUdera reap from their wheel. Tuesday. Mall ntoea & . M. Al lnt !00,0ft0 rhanjrea Tburdays,-Mail eloaea P.M. and pressed by latest STKA.M work prumpiu ' Gives a Beautiful Interior hand niylilly at thi raino. for t:. p. it. .Nov. e, ii ami preaalng proreaa. Effect and Can be Applied to llie tioii, m taking live per BAL-SA-ME-A MmUya, WettneMlay and tilts nailed fur and delivered First Avnu. Prlnc Hup the Walla very Rapidly and rent from each baccarat poi Xalurdaya via. (I. T. I tram, Phone 649 B, C reap an average of about HO.OOft rloe 3 p.m. LINO, The Tailor tt Easily. P.O. Boa 190. Phont i r ninlit. Itecetilly one niirht'a takiriK" wore Oii.fiOO.oOn.nno ru. For Coughs and Colds, Lung To Anyoi, Alice Arm AUCTION SALES. Prices For Heaaonable call hie. Wednesdays . Conducted in your home. Sales I'rtee tint ohock rven bardm. Sunday . .10 I'. every Thursday at 3 p.m. In bur Albert & McCaftery and Bronchial Troubles, rooms. Send In Price ril American tourit are deman. From Anyoi, Alice Arm, your goods early Fre-War LIMITED de for refrenhnfnta. nerved by Thursday I. OEOROE LEF.K, Auctioneer, Phones 116-564. llie waller while llie play i on. Tuesday A. 823 Third Ave., "Launch A packaue of ten elKarelle of n and all kindred ailments has proved it Phonest Blaok 615: nd 157. well known hut cheap brand, 8eU be the To Alaska Points very to most effective remedy BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR veiling in F.niiland for llie en,uiv. Xov. I.l and ;'l. Phone lllnck A2S known. It cuts the phlegm and quickly Narbethong" ulrl of leu i-CiiU, brine aix mil. From Alaska Points MRS. STEPHENS Let Us Advise You clears the and bronchial lion ruiiie or a dollar ami a lungs tubes. Xov. 0, 17 and 2H. above Wnithair Store. with a lifetime's export, half, while a xlliull bottle of aod't To Nats River Points Third Avenue. CltUISINO i1,Jt'NT,NC iwaler i orved ut Ihe eiiuivnlent Fatalities from pneumonia have been reduced wife iii .ill liranrhes of the Kiuulays in p, v. Halrdreaalng, Hhampooing, Hen ltiiildnig Trade . 'of eenlv-flve rent. fro?a30 to 2 where Balsamea U used. From Naa River Points-.. nalgg, Mur4l Waving; Violet Phone Black 400 I I'rwlirully nil of the tain of Tuesday A. M. Hay Fate and Sealp Trealment Brickwork, Die honor in to the govertlliieul Although powerful in its action, Balsamea is To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Jlaiileurlng. Kwilehe made to lor reiier or taimne Hiiiiercr. or Anyoi . . order Stonework, absolutely harmlcw, contalu!ni no harmful drugs v . ..i other wirlhy n cauae. Sunday u whatever. Made from the root of a plant,' it From Port CHIMNEY SWEEPINQ Simpson, Alice Arm Concrete, etc. la plrasant to take and aids digestion. Anyox Mione lllue Dt and ak fo, I'luD" and Spccifiealiiina HOTtt ARRIVALS Ttiesdaya ,, jj. OLD NICK GURNEY - OXFORD frre to all our clients. To Stewart, Premier fMilmney of every dr scrip!hoi William Watts & Co. Prince Rupert Buy a Bottle ToDay. tsalurday :. ,, ,f. awrpt. Work gitaraiiteed Stoves and Healers J. M. Fruer. I.. A. Keel and From Stewart, Premise CAR 8TORAOE. Builders and Contractors .1. F. hitandl. Vancouver; John Sold lly All Drusgi.ct. MUIHlMs l M SUire yiMtr ear at Ihe Northern Call m and nr" 1 I'.U. Uox 23. Phone 48Z. A. liliupiimn. lliirtta ltke, Tom 0UMFJ5 LIMITED To Queen Charlotte Uland Points Kxrliaiis-w Oarage. 4. M. UUk. VWrlL U. I.. rWe, list, ia.ou U Office; 1017 3rd Avt. ov. ii and is Jobbing Work of all Kinds. rilutwiillsu'e Nike. Frank l. Hire, Pioneer DrucgUti IVmct Kupcrt T)e Kexsll Store From Qussn Ohsrlotls"p.m.Points r moulli.All Work First duarantasd.Clae Iltpairs. Stork's Hardware Auyo. Xov Blaok 114. i u and rj u.ui. F. Floyd, Managsr.