11 ! I 1 1 THE DAILT NEW3 Thursday, April 13, lflj? PARE TWO . The Daily News SHORTAGE OF pmncr niipnnr - nnrnsu noi.UMniA Piihlished Rvpry Aflernonn, rxcepl Sunday, by The News LODGINGS IN Printing and Publishing Company, Third Avenue, j 11. F. PIJM.RN, Managing Kdilnr. LONDON TODAY SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Curious Cases In Court as Result City Delivery, hy mail or rnrrier, per month . $1.00 of the Lack of Accommodation. By mnil In all parts nf the Hrilish Rmpire and the United .States, in advance, per yenr $0.00 To nil other countries, in advance, per year. $7.r) LONDON, April lleniark- TELEPHONE 98 ahle stories eoncernin2"-1he house transient Display Advertising $1.10 per Inch per insertion .horlafie were; told In Dow Street Front '. inch Court yesterday iluring Ihe Transient Advertising on Page. -$2.80 per County bocal Readers, per insertion . ,.2."o per line he-uing f a number oi posse Classified Advertising,, per insertion , ... .2c, per word si... summonses wliere I he owner IH ., S H SI -r.Ik. Legal Not ires, each insertion. . .1'i'e per agate; linoiwas asking to have t tie tenant Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. f Vie led. I lie nneked Ins family in one room whlli? he slept DAILY EDITION Thursday, Ap.ril 13, 192 in a shed in the gardeHilhriiiiv-h mil i MVSBBKnkw. "HBM 1 ULe UW ioiil Ihe. winter. - New Dock Is A woman saiil it wns.Jier custom Almost Complete. tit rend the death notices and The new iwean itoek 8fifl fee! long i alums! complete, Yes!er- empiire til I lie lionse whether tin' day the contractor who lunljiccii erecting the siiprrslnVliire fnmJ death meant making nrrotntnoila-limi pleleil Ills work ami len illie elly. I lie rool Is ailliosi I ipiciejiiiiu for nnollier lodger. : there is little ese In do exeepl put,Jn -tin' clcvlriral lillings. II Is a Another man told the eonrl he !ilendid s line I lire, and nil 4li.nL Is needed now is business In make h.i.l lioen married two years hill the inveslnrerit )iny. never, lived with his wire liera'ise There Wi be- it giiod deal of Alaska liusiness which will go Hie landlady reruseo "in have her through this port. 'Hie new dock will ! iiscil fin- thai. Also we are in lhe liou.e. looking forward Oriental liusiness and possibly Irade with In the course of (lie trials a new "Siberia, fiivei'k nial hunkers- and we then are equipped for handling employment fic commercial trav all kinds of trade. ' ellers was revealed. Some ol-tlien !eek hou'ses and rooms for client Earl.Balfour ion eommission Earned His Title J . Farl !tul roiii"' is one of Ihe few fiien who really earned the bellowed en him. I Hiring all these years of faitlifid work for hi"FISH BONDING eixmtrv he derided In remain a commoner. Coming from an aris. toeratie family, ofAliom Lord Salishury mid Lord Holier! Civil were members, he refused lo areei'l similar lilies. He felt, doubtless, that' PLAN OPPOSED lie could belter serve the iieniije .by remaining plain Mr. Halfour. Now he is'advanced in years. Ills crowning work was ncliieved in, - m the ahsenen'of Moy'il fienrge in leading the Hrilish delegation and Delegate Dan Sutherland Would lakfng.n prominent part in the arms conference and Ihe formulation ' Not Throw Fishery Business of the four-power treaty at Washington. For this he is rewarded Into Seattle Hands. but the. titles re -is nothing compared will, Ihe regard o, his fellow,j DaiiT Sutherland in MILL conn rymeh and the respcr an, a.hmral.ou .,r Ihe wurld. I . j Ualfour seems lo take life hghtly. c lie remains! iinsethlv the.1, ', - ' 'Alaska, after sating the American second greatest man i it the Hrilish l.mpire. transportation', companies. for iwhal lh. declared were excessive SU.?'woeenS . Ifrelgl.l charge, said he was op- ? , . . .. , ,. ;P-s.-d. to .the bonding proposals VIRGINIA CIGARETTES li.-il iiviii. ;t. .iiiiiiilil in,lie- ti iiiii-i nil ,i i 1 1- -. ,i. i .it-l . nf llm ,, .Hi'lll lll.lili' ill .iii. 'ui in ' t.e Ihe lo service ( . was given opportunity perforin a public ili-.i.-l Hi.Ill , . . i:iii. lei I II iii j .i 1 1 ii il iuh i i ii uii.-iiii any of the senice.s he could render through his position as attorney " condemned the effort i Full i!re he. general of Ihe province. The one provincial railway remains a drag ponsored by the' Ketchikan biisi nh the whole community.' It connects Squamistr with Quenel, Mess men to have Alaska fish irc the handy 1 neither ut them important places, and it rails at no important points ' bonded in an American port be en roul. , fore shipment across foreign ter package of Possiblyjlin p-ohl r.sli into that country will make the railway rilory into American territory. ..He useful tiiisiUninci butMn spite oringojd rushes or siniilar.excile. poke warniiy in lavor oi nie inriC,llilv,,railwayiw'ill he a 'hiirdciiiinil 'iinyililng; ili.e'''attorney,llalest While Alaska fiisheries tWGnly-flvG general .iNin do lo llgblen that burden will be appreciated by Ihe iise;Of inieasure proliibifing the people. . ; jlraps .in bays and estuaries, Ci&arGttos fbr " which be said he hoped . would Newspaper' Story Of Good Friday. - (pass. Attacks Companies. Had there been newspapers published about two Ihousantl years 35 In his attacks on Ihe shipping aso there Would have been a notice.in Jhe morning paper in Jerusalem companies In routined himself lo on Saturday oT this week staling that Ihree. executions look freight rales, deelaring that Alaskans place the day before. Two of the men were !hjees and Ihe third was had very little interest in a hlaspheuierwho said Iliad he was Ihe Son of (Sod. This blasphemer. passenger rales, lie ipioled llg- also iti TnarUrils whose name was Jesus of Nazareth, was a danger tit'lhe counlryi I....... .. 1i,, 1.. ul..... .CAnl., bewuse many people llionghl be was Ihe promise.l Messiah and they;ina(i ' , ' , n(,,wp,.n followed Him from.place do place. He had wonderful powers of heal j San Frnneisco and Seattle and he- ing. ami had even been known lo bring bark In lire those already itween sentlle and Alaskan jiorls, dead. u addition lo His miraculous powers lie preached against the ranging from '.'1 per cent, to as prevailing 'evil- of the day and even-dared lo. rebuke those in hi?l high as 20U per cent, higher in I places, including the flyman olllcials and the Jewish leaders. For Ihe latter district, lie also pioed i lie province, win iikciv accom or he is hilling on only one cylinder. Ihi'i lie was i"if.iicified, his extended remarks in Ihe Con pany Mr. Justice Morrison oif this , keep (o.od. Friday loiiiorrow; in honor of Hie ' event. gressional llecord and from trip, he-being bound for Haelton brief Mihmjllcd ! the chairman In make on Investigation of the niF (ioverninenl is proposing "SUPREME" of the houe committee on terri recent disastrous lle (here. a root and branch change in lories by Hh territorial attorney the railway administration. general. He also condemned (he Brand Fresh Roasted Coffee dieriminalirv provisions of ihe Ten Years Ago ALICE ARM ijoucs shipping bill and said he hNid introduced a bill annulling In Pi'nce Rupert Help I ut i lil up your home town by using Louis F.orsberg has left here ihein.Halibut. Fishermen Protected, April 13. 1912. gings.for Ihe Cedar ("reek gold dig- Made in Prince Rupert Goods i He said he bad advocated the II has hern ascertained :- limposiljoii of ilutv on halibut t I lirmigli examination that il will . D. .1. Hancock, formerly- -nf . . USE . . iproieet Alaska fishermen ngains ensi iafi,u00 lo repair Ihe l iiion Alice Arm, Is now developing orders.In-council of the Canadian steamer Clielohsin which went -orth Ihe Slnr . Cnnsoliiafd ! government aimed In cenlrali.i aground a few weeksago in Hie' group rof silver-leini clainisVat "SUPREME" tine iiaiimii u.inny imiiisiry m Skeena slough. ,- Chiirchhouse, Kiri miles north'Vif, Canadian ports. Hut be opposed Vancouver. . the Ketchikan bonding plan, which The Cresceuls defeated Hie he i Ice la red would Hi row the in '.)uill Drivers hy 3H to 2.,liJ. a Utile Miss- Juanila Falconer, diisliy into the hand of .Seattle fast indoor baseball gauie played r. COFFEE daughter of Mr. and Mr. and 'buyers, completely eliminalinp at Ihe rink last night. Mrs. T. W. Falconer, was. taken Prince lluperl as a market. seriously ill last Sunday and il The Canadian Fish and ('old None Better Price at was, reiiiireii to make a special. Any Storage Co. is preparing to build lviotner JUSTICE MORRISON trip In Ihe Awake lo bring a L.isien, a cannery at Tucks. Inlet. physician from Anyov. lloasted and packed in l'rince lluperl by J'rinee lluperl wors Ct I EHE Is a letter from times I got terribly discouraged. TO PRESIDE HERE u men. Sold only in one-poimil alrtieht rarlon. X X Bessie, and she Mr. and Mrs. Falconer en- Try a pound today. You will be delighted. sayg, she is feelinir '"When I got mother's will Be Accompanied by Fire The Man in Ihe Moon lerlained al- a cant parly last flne again after using Dr. letter urging me to try Dr. Marshal Thomas, Who Is Going 1 SAYS:-;J I week. There were present .Mr. to Hazelton. and Mrs. i. Anderson, Mr. and STEWART & M0BLEY, LTD. Chase's Nerve Food. Chase's Nerve Food 1 was Mrs. II. V. Kergin, Mr. and Mrs. "I knew It wa tut wViat about ready to give up, and Mr. Justice .Morrison will pre A SOUND sleep is one in which yV. Cuuiniings Mrs. It. F. Mc- Coffee Importers she needed to build up her decided to give the Nerve side at the Supreme Court assizes Ihe sleeper makes a nuisance of (inni. Miss Nellie Ungherir. sysiem alter paoy's coming'. Food a trial on the strength lo he held here on April L'7. and Is himself by snoring.- Miss Margaret Wilson. II. v. of what it had done for her. planning to arrive in the rily by Jliil)i'r and N. Forjies. "She aavs rVia in unrrv oVi '"I cannot begin to tell tic flea tiier prince (leorge on tin FFAH is still n restraining in. did not take vnut uAvirtk you how thankful I am for WeilneMlay preceding the dale, of flu'iire in Jiff. Look al Ihe long instead of that advice, for I am now the rninmi-nri-uii-nl of court. As number of men wlio'are afraid SUITCASES ago worrying well and happy, -baby is doing yei I here is only one ra for the of their wife and ce how Ihey aiong aa a semi-invalid for Dr. JOS. so many weeks." " fine and I kpow that the court here, that of Miisiano Uar act. TRUNKS MAGUIRE credit is entirely due to the metio nf Sealon, who is charped "What else does she say.?" use of the Nerve Food.' " with altemiited murder. On ac tllFJIF.S a irl I know who CLUB BAGS DENTIST "I will read vou thp rpst J)r. Chase's Nerve Food, eoiini or Die lightness of Ihe says he likes Hills and now She says: 'My nerves .got so COc a box", all dealers or Ed-manson, dockei Hie re has beep n rumor and then hu. liken going out Visit his Office Rooms 7 and 8 Smith ujjavi.I 1L.1 umi. i couiu I, not sleep Bates & Co., Ltd., that Ihe fosslun Of the asiie with Harry. Large Stock on hand. Block or phone for an appointment. scarcely at all. Diircattnn Toronto. The portrait and would be cancelled and Ihe ,caio i; , Prices vey low. Phone- 670 Was bad and .I Vi.nl nntnita. signature of A. W. Chase, traversed to Vancouver. Then i, ANY l"Tson who does not long OfTlce hours; 9-12, 1 "lo 6 and 7 to 0 tlon of the hea.rt. Baby got M.D., are on every box of the howeee, nnlhiiig oiUciai on (0 lie 001 in .the sunshine Ihcsa J. F. MAGUIRE evenings, cross and Irritable, and at genuine. III is yet. lays may be mr" there i dome. Next the Prince Rupert Hotel Sunday Appointments Lady Assistant J. A. Thoma. fire iilaridial for thing wrong with his carbureter a mm