ASK ABOUT OUR Winter Service Specials KAIEN MOTORS LTD. chevrolet Sales & Service — weet 2 rivs Tomorrow’s Tides Goodyear Tires — Willard Batteries SI hse 5:20 am. 169 ft. Raybestos Brake Linings 16:38 p.m. 18.0 ft. phone 52; Night Calls Black 379 é LING ke pc a.m. oa *y : am, 0 ft. ~ 4%, NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER . 2 GERMANS EXPEC TED TO GO TO POLLS AGAIN SHORTLY British Aviatrix Lands In Capetown Afier Fast Trip From England Beat Mark Set By Her Husband For Flight By Ten Hours and a Half—Would Have Done Better Except For Delay Caused By.Oil Trouble CAPETOWN, South Africa, Nov. 18:—Breaking the record of her husbandyCapt. James A. Mollison, for the flight from England to Capetown by ten and a half hours, Amy Johnson, noted British aviatrix, arrived here this afternoon in her Puss Moth plane “Desert Cloud.” she took off from Lympne, England, on Monday and covered the distance trom there to Cape-% wn in four days seven hours and tr CLEAN UP | minutes. Had it not been for a delay yesterday on the west Has Come For Crusade, Act Mayor Tells Prominent twenty coast of Africa with oil trouble, she would probably have made even better PARDONS time time ing PLANNED aan iw ve RECALL IS i¢ jas come for a crusade to clean up Violators of State Dry Laws in Cali- declared Act fornia and Washington to his municipality nz Mayor Joseph McKee in speak- Be Freed ng before a gathering of promin- se. nt banker merchants and busi- SACRAMENTO, Cal., Nov. 18 n at the annual meeting of A nties of the state of Cal ne New York ¢ mbér -of .Com nia are being asked by Gover | nerce yesterda M McKee de Rolph jr. for lists of all| Jlored the authority that was wiel erving sentences unde! | ete by iticians, and particularly ght Act. California bone-dry l‘rammany Hall, in the affairs of repudiated at the} but was floated pil later on _— > : ee SOee eg eeree @ tions that there could be was threatened with recall yester he city W. H. Somerville hich was flection last week, the intention of b overnor being to issue pardons | ich offenders | OLYMPIA, Wash., Nov. 18 Ain prisoners serving Cer sentence under the Washington state bone dr which was repealed at th: fe elect last week will be shortly it Was announces granted pardons } by Governor WAS HURT IN CRASH American Moving Picture Executive) Injured in Africa—Pilot Loses His Life Roland H BIG SLIDE hope for the economic recovery of the world until there was ; * reduction in armaments. carries into effect his in tention from jail hun of violators of the Wright dry) Act which was re it the polls last week by | he electors of the state The Women’s Prohibition Club i amen. ELECTION day if he : MUST BE REDUCTION OF ARMAMENT BEFORE i PROSPERITY ARRIVES ; * GENEVA, Nov. 18:—Norman : Javis, United States e3 C. Women’s Prohibition Club of Cali- 7 H. Davis, Uni = - a : : * who is here in connection with fornia Indignant at Gover- | ] i: Santle Wie ;# the disarmament conference, err ae # declared yesterday that, as a LOS ANGELES, Nov. 18:—Gover-|* fundamental principle, it . # might be accepted by the na- nor James Rolph jr. of California + . + + to release ireds ‘state bone aad +eoeeoeveeeoen e + pudiated 1 meeting here, pas- ed a caustic resolution which de clared that Rolph “if he through with hi goes vicious intention | The North Star Agra Near Hoonah, Alaska lother | E PECTED | byes : ‘ | X jlast night that the cold snap was} of highWays for the purpose of pro- viding temporarily for the unem- ployed and giving them such pur- | chasing power that the whole coun- try as well as they would benefit. ‘This would be a purely temporary measure just as would be sthe bor- rowing of money for war urposes. The whole country was suffering from fear, Mr. Pattullo said. People looked to the business world to meet | the situation but business did not respond. It was then the duty of |the government to intervene. Mr. Pattullo On the rocks! While at full speed, the United States governm nt motorship, North Star, ran iiceaileatl = re ii aground near Hoonah, Alas. a. When the tide went out she wa. left sitting pretty—precar- [benefitted a great deal from the ious tourist business but the present condition of the highways in Can- | ada was such that tourists would jnot come. The roads were worse EAST GETS . {than mud lanes to the south, some- + \ thing which tite average tourist tries + to avoid. If men were put to work + COLD WAVE 'to improve these it would bring good el returns in tourist traffic and Can- +| — = would benefit 4 : ; . In a land of plenty, Mr. Pattullo Zero Temperature in Minnesota asa . 4 * i : ene | Said, it was a crime that there +| on : Seas » as i | should be thousands of people un- +) BEDARD, Sy Spee employed, dependent on the dole + | CHICAGO. Nov. 18 epinid for subsistence. *, | breaking low temperatures for Ne- Ra ee hae | a nee eiv° mber are reported from ve | PAPERS FOR }parts of the south and middle west ¢ Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota } 1 report zero temperatures while up EXTRADITION - to a foot of snow has fallen in Il- | nots Indiana, Michigan and Ohio, Documents Required For Return of disrupting motor traffic and de- ter, ; ; laying trains. The cold wave is ex-| Samuel Insull to United States tending into Texas, Alabama and| Are Sent to Athens WASHINGTON, DC., Nov. 18 After being formally signed by a southern states. forecasters announced | sident Herbert Hoover, to free hundreds of boatleggers _ |definitely passing with tempera- Pe “Ihe e , Pape esr : i » 1 incidentally thereby encouraging Chancellor Von Papen Resicns in | + rs rising and snow turning to| ng for the extradition of Samuel ' : Germany But is Authorized jInsull, indicted at Chicago on! into the business, should be to Carry on Government recalled by an indignant and out- raged public.” : ’ BERLIN, Nov. 18:- Franz von Papen, who june 1, and his gesture of resignation which is belie A hancellor has been virtual dictator of Germany since cabinet made a yesterday “l te presage an- rain SESSION IS REQUESTED : | charges of larceny and conspiracy jin connection with the collapse of | | his utilities corporation. were for warded by the Department of State }yesterday to the United States le- gation in Athens, Greece, where Insull has been a fugitive from jus- tice for several weeks ON RAIL WV AY other dissolution of the Reichstag ars | Return of Insull to the United Sonim te yet eee | following the indecisive poll of | American Farmers Urge Roosevelt | States to face trial is now but a dent of the Metro-Gold sic | two weeks ago which gave no to Provide Relief—Remoniti- oro of formality Wyn-Mayer Corporation of Call Pe andate to gov- S fort 1s injured yesterday in the jb ine Covered For Length of 190 Feet | Patty or group a ma i * zation of Silver 5 yes i : 5 ern. cra f an airplane near Victoria and Depth of Fifteen Near ; : . } oe H rr ‘ 1 direc Amsbury Von Papen's resignation was OMAHA Nov. 18:—The American 4 ‘” accor y f ‘es ery ‘ d \ MRE ce tee | 1, Mutu fe Assurance | accepted by President Paul von | parmers’ Association, in annual rer . As o th \ it ‘ . . % Banga termes Of Oh ra | created Railway traffic on this line of| Hindenburg who, however, em- sion here, sent a message to| ex pletare. Sorperation. The) } Sa f tl late C. M. |the Canadian National Railways) Pewered him to continue in power ! president-Elect Franklin D, Roose- | vent of N w's ies were| by the death OF Ui ; , ‘ : = ee a = ; not rer oS ee Bowma was interfered with for a few hours} indefinitely and carry on the | velit urging him to call a special | note : evealed rove »nt . ' : . " a slide 0 es which | Severnmen?, ssion of Congress as soon as pos- ; : The pilot of the plane. Capt. Dix- iby a slide of rock and trees which es ae ae Ee I = Dry MeAdoo Pledges Himself to Up on, an Ameriean aviator, was killed came down during the night just sible should the short session nex e « « : ee ° “nd another passenger was injured CURTIS OUT | OF POLITICS, REITER RATES HIS OFFER Sir John Simon Tells Disarmament Conference Basis For German CHIC ACK } te : Cait ), ‘Nov, 18:-—-Cha | Arm’s Equality 's, vice-president of the vers ted St ites ars! eS oe . : ai for the past four ye | GENEVA, Nov. 18:—Sir John SI- Veteran of every Republican) CAMpaign since the days of Presi | mon British | Foreign Seaenas ' dent William MeKinley, announced yesterday reiters ited the a meat © the Ags oclated Press here that of Great Britain | pec : ontite he woula permanently retire from | mu y's demand for as he weet Dublic life next March when his providing Germany wW! Re ohana erm as vio e-president expires. other nations of Europe " a ane | The 67 Year old politician, whom from resorting to wie ih a “ome had thought might be called tlement of internationa a : sir John made a’plea for Germany UPON to Jeg re return to the disarmament con- to Preside nti Of politic party in the 1936 fl year, stated: “I am out 8 for food,” | ference Nothing count lo for others except what y¢ \ugust Heckscher west of Amsbury station, covering the track for a leneth of about one | hundred feet and depth of about + S.o © @ fifteen feet. The train, which ar + rived here from the east last eve- 14 eOUuRTH GRANDCHILD +> ¢¢ @ ¢ ning, got through before the slide} FOR GOV. ROOSEVELT came down but the train leaving | a here today for the east, was held * NEW YORK. Nov. 18:—An # }until.3 o'clock this afternoon, the} y eight-pound son was born ¢ le *xpectation being that the line] @ pore yesterday to Mrs. Elliott | would be. cleared. by the time it! poosevelt. wife of the second # i redéhes ‘Amsbtiry ‘this evening, }-son.of Preaidendeas Peank- Immediate ly after word was r€-|® lin D. Roosevelt. Both mother ceived this morning of the slide, a | and baby were reported by work train and steam shovel WS| Harbor Sanitarium officials to # i dispatched to the scene and is now}, po doine well. It 4s the Presi obstruction * dent-Elect’s fourth grand- * child. Elliott Roosevelt is en- * gaged in the advertising busi- ness in New York, | working on the | Unemployment is not a parlia- mentary problem; it is a proble m | i experts, Benito | * for economic | jt eee eee ee ee Mussolini, hold Democratic Platform. on UU) month fail to deal with the matter This Subject 5s 8 c lof farm relief | The convention passed a resolu- urging the remonitization of ilver on a basis of 16 to one in re- + SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 18:—Early tion a return of legalized beer to the Uni lation ‘to gold ; ted States was predicted yesterday ation tO go 7 se by William Gibbs McAdoo, senator @| elect for’ California and long ardent dry J Owea Young Saved Mr. McAdoo pledged himself te ; adherence to the Democratic plat- * Insull Corporation form on the subject of prohibition, M From Early Failure British Pound and Canadian Dollar on |} CHICAGO here Nov. 18: yesterday * It was re- * vealed that Owen *'D. Young, eminent American eco- * nomist and financier, had saved the * e + NEW YORK, Nov. 18:- tish pound sterling closed at $3.28% Insull Utilities Corporation from bankruptcy for a period of six months before the actual collapse. at 87'4ec. Pattullo Urges Pledging % = Of Country to Provide Money For | Public Works to Keep Men Busy In addressing the Rotary Club at its luncheon yesterday ‘afternoon T. D. Pattullo, leader of the Liberal opposition for British Columbia and member for Prince Rupert in the Legislature, strongly urged that the federal government ‘should meet the present emergency by using the public credit to inaugurate a system of public works construction, |sueh as building and improvement® | an: United Credit HAS QUIT POLITICS General Dawes Will Devote All His Time in Future to Banking, He Annowness CHICAGO, Nov. 18: — General Charles G. Dawes, former Vice- President of the United States and ater ambassador to Great Britain, has announced his permanent re- irement from public life here. “I im out of politics for good and will devote all my time henceforth to banking,” Geenral Dawes said. CHARCE IS WITHDRAWN Libby Holman Reynolds and Ab Walker Are Freed on Murder Allegations WINSTON-SALEM, North Caro- lina, Nov. 18:—Prosecutor Higgins has announced the withdrawal of murder charges against Libby Hol- man Reynolds and Ab Walker in ‘onnection with the death. of the former's husband, Smith Reynolds, young tobacco magnate, last sum- mer. In making the announcement Higgins declared that, with such vidence as the state already has to offer, there could only be a verdict of acquittal JAP SHIPS ARE LOST Fifty-Eight Members of Two Crews Lost Lives During Typhoon on Monday LONDON, Nov. 18 been -Lloyds have advised of the loss of two Jap- anese ships, with a total of 58 men on board, off the coast of Japan during Monday's typhoon. The ships were the Jenshu Maru, with 36 men on board and the Unkai Maru, with 22. Both vessels were ground to pieces by the typhoon after having gone ashore, PRODUCTION OF GOLD UP States Only Country in World to Show Increase in Month of September NEW YORK, Nov. —United States was the only country in the world which showed an increase in gold production in September this year ,it was revealed in financial New York Exchange | circles here yesterday. During the month this country The Bri- |, produced 246,000 fine ounces of the | precious metal for a total value of on the jocal foreign exchange ves- | $5,984,820. In August the produc- terday. The Canadian dollar closed| tion of gold in this country was {241,000 ounces, ~< »