t . Saturday, April 2? jo-h THE DAILT NEWS The Daily News THE TORTURE OF GREAT SUCCESS pniKCR nupRiiT niliTifiii Columbia, Published Rvery Afternoon, except Sunday, by Thp. News INDIGESTION OF ELKS' BALL Printing nnd Publishing Company, Third Avenue,. Kdltor. Tliree Hundred and Fifty People H. F. PUM.HN, Managing Thousands Made Miserable Enjoyed Balloon Dance In Rink Last NighL ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES: TrouW City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month, . ?;00 By This "tine of Hip jirnndesl dances vBBBWiMWJB AVlIbbbbbbbbW ;H By'mail to nil parts of Ihe Ilrilish Empire and the United States, Reiieyes It ever held in Town." In these words - nnBBBW:iflBBi iwmmm &M&m m in advance, per year $0.0n "FRUIT-A-TIVES" the i:tks- Annual l.a.sler Novelty To nil other countries, in advance, per year ..... . .$7.50 Wht It Indigestion and what Hull held In the Auditorium lasl! in mtewmm bbbVhv eausea It? As you know, solid food nihl mnv tie ntlv described. The nnBBBBlPJ'rUliBBnBBBBBT BBBBBaBH tK'iO'aBBMBm telephone; 98 must be etisnped luto liquid by the lare alleinlance of :irn persons. ltomch before it can be Ufc a i)f M, I In mix el halloon dccoi nlioli BBBBBlBBBBmv T HBBBlV A V.ftiBBBBBBmoT' -Transient Display Advertising $t0. per inch per insertion nourishment by the blood. scheme and Hie ipmlity Of Ihe re BBbV.9bb9 BtmBV l.BBBBBBBBBmWv transient Advertising on Front Page ?2.8u per inch The stomach acts as a churn. It U freshmenls served were' ihe three lineal Readers, per insertion 25e. per line cqtered by a atronp, muscular, coat ontslniulinir features. The wb'de CJassifled Advertising, per insertion 2c per word and lined with a soft, delicate nITair was a ureal success, lakinu n9.n,e ,,nrt mrmbrane which secrete? theOtrtfl its nl.iee in the litnfr line of en- each Insertion. "rigarA'otices. Jujce which dijests or diyolves solid iiiv.able nehieveiiienls tlitj haye . Ct,nlr.ict Rales on. Anpl.ira.tion. All advertising should be in TJia Daily News. OfTlce. on oy pre-eding food. the aHended llie, sis'lal activities nf hflBBBg.u.LuijW publication. All advertising received subject, to. approval. Wbn food enters the stomach, the Hrolher Hills in Prince Unpen. aud muscular coat squecies presses The Inrsre hull was ileeornteil Audit Bureau of Circulation!. of Member the food from end to end, or churns entirely with hnllonns. II was requested It, with the pastric Juice to dissolve hal these be lint. Illkeil DAILY EDITION alut;day. April 108S or digest It. down by the puesls until, lifter .ill.M-'' I"I I But If the stomach muscles are supper.' When thai lime came. ' weak or if the dioWlnif fluid Is seized lo lie kepi Genoa Conference then food cannot Iliey were njiieily Restored, to Order.. poororlnsuflicient and haie as sniiyniri' or the happy occasion,. fler Hie Hurry of excilenieiit coming like a boll from the. he digested properly you - i . . blnr bv tbn announcement or Ihff Rapallo Trvaly having been Indigestion. is the meit wonderful I',. A. Wiketleh acted as mas. HV U? ?rin.. Bconomir Conference "FRUIT-A-THTS" ami kepi' Ihinn, sigiied'bctwcerf f'ennau.v UI vieHcinein the world for'trrjigthenipg ier of ceremonies appear to be gelling down to business owe again. the stomach muscles ami proiUing an moving in preat style all tbn lime. AtTerlirig ns it dpes the two nation whose destinies ore possibly abundance of full-strength dissolving Music was provlijed by Hie Klks offering- Iho greatest problem to the convention, it was not. sur-pri'-i'iP fluid, to completrly purr, digest every meal. Orchestra iVf six pieces, and II was ' lhat the "outlaw" pari should have offered a seriou Fj;L IT-A-T 1 V KS"does t his because aboiil 2;.m when, the last wall, menace to Ihe. conduct of affairs Hn hand. France seems to have UkeejisthekMneysactiye,thelovels was played. The conimillee in taken the treaty with more excitement than either England or reijular and the blood purp., which charge coiifprise'il l.'red Ojlliuly link, and it was" no doubt due to the cool management of Premier Insures pure Oastrlo Julofl. 'convenor', llany V (psel't. Wil-liiiui Lloyd (ieiirge .and Premier-Facta Ihnl disaster to the conference, "FHUIT-A-TIVKS" will correct Ilt;id; William V. Kniitlit, at. its very inception was averted. The Russian ipie.slion is again your Iudieeslion or Dysj.RpbU and Herbert' I'. l:isse.v. Murdoch Sc-l.enil, before tht;dclegate.N ami, although despatches received-early today enable you to enjoy eery weal. llnlph l.epine and Hen I'. did not seem to' be very reassuring of a settlement, it is al least Try lb Self. Hiirry l.ipsell and balph gralifying that the conference is now" smoothly in progress. 00c. a lx, fi for$2.50, trial size 25c Leplne were on the d'mr. At all Jealers or sent postpaid bj The.peiieral eommitlee was also Rapallo Treaty May Krult-a-livrs Mmllcl. in cliarse nf refreshments, which Be of Little Import. were or a bish order audAvere It is true that such a pact as thai entered into at Rapallo seivcd to many siltinp fii Hie JM I imi n it ii it it it it it il I fegggteglBM rj between fiermaiiy and Russia would have,-.'under ordinary conditions, SUITCASES balcony. Ay. Itei.l and W. W. have presented a very strong combination, but it is also Kniul't, attired ia the reuulalion probable that, conditions in these two nations being such as they TRUNKS uniforms" of chers. were in reallv are, the treaty may be of little import. Russia is in no CLUB BAGS chnrpe. 0eirpe 'addi-ll presided contrition to carry out the terms or such a treaty without the over the rerrcshmcivl servini? op sanction of. (he Allies, and fiermaiiy is jiltle better off. Although the. tinnr. Ihe-Allies Tire allowing the pad to stand in the meantime, they Large Stock on hand. still have thepower o'f controlling any actions under il and, after Prices Iov(. SPECIAL STUDY TOUR I all, it may have lillle effect, o.h any ultimate, results anil decisions very ST. GEORGE'S THROUGH EUROPE IN that piay be made at -Genoa respecting Russia and Germany. A J, F. MAGUIRE Lumber & Lath dipbimaiic coup, it is true, was albiined, but it is not likely it will Next the prince, Rupert Hptel DAY TOMORROW SUMMER; disturb the general European equilibrium to any great extent. The'Situation In All Englishmen Will Celebrate To send a healthy, inleljlfrent Shiplap-Boards'and Ireland Today. boy on a. well-organized con. Saint Other of t;i I!in.'-Viwl i.riill ft rrtt it ri fn( i iiVrrfun f nri'in 1 n rid. The 'citnri Ten Birthday, and iiuce,, tour inroiixii. i-.urope n lion, is now, if rfhytTring.MnrtrVcomplex than it was before and is Years Ago .. Notable. Events. lo ;xivc him a di'lihl fill exfierl-ence Dimension In Pl'nce Rupert j now not mily a matter of I lister -against Sout hern Ireland but i Next Sunday, April S3, is Saint. which he will never forjrcl Thoroiinhly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover disngrcement, is also rife in the south between, the. Republican do .rye's lny. Sainl Oenr?e is the and a cultural treat for which he ,' - j and Free Stale factions. The issue here is very clear and the two The lest piles for (the dry dock liileta.ry sairt of Knuland and spe musl always be grateful. sides are distinctly separate. It is simply a battle between the are bejnjr driven and all 'prelim, cial patron of chivalry.- lie whs 't"lie Jules Hone Travel Agen Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling,Siding moderates anil the radicals as represented hy the Free Staters iu.ary work, is practically finished of .Oreek oriffin and Christian cies, who have had twenty-two aiid Republicans respectively, lii fact the storm centre lias for the actual work of rou'struet- pareniasi.. Porn ai i.yoiia, I'aies successful years of experience 1n and Finish sniffed almost entirely to South Ireland between the two contending inn the landiiiK staf-'e, huildinrt line, jn Hie beautiful Vale nf arraiiliiK lours", are responsible factions, whilp matters are. by-no means quiet between North platform and launching ways in Sharon 'famous for its roses; mi for n specialsludy-lour for boys and SmittL There is"still Ihe same, old question: Is,' political sense connection with the mammoth April S3 A.It. S70. He held hiali tbroiiyh Kurope this summer, SPRUCE LATH and law or sentimental and sectional strife to prevail regardless plant. The contract with (he gov mililary cnnimand under the Hu which will he under the personal suiervjsion or Mr. T. II. Mal-llfevys, Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Price calls for work he of ruQ.s of majorities, or a;iy olhcr recognized political standards? ernment the to man m.arlyr DKK'leljan, dunm? completed within, two years. whose rein lie died a Christian -M.'A., (Oxon), assistant jcuiial. J had. cro-eil. Lour martyr at Nicijmeilia on Ihe anniversary pmrcss.ir of Mathematics, Mc- UNABLE TO LOCATE il.alift rila.cier and were working of his birth, flood Friday Uill Hliiverslly. ln addilion, e.x- PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. BROTHER OF STEWART lwhfttl d"w.n. ito tlll Hie Tlnl.li.li Yajley of tilin TitJ Lakn The Mail in the Mood A.I). :n:i. lie was hurled al the excursions perienced Rlitdci and s lecture will conduct on the!i Seal Cove, Prince Rupert. Telephone 361 unw nn place of his birth. TRAPPER WHO DIED..'Vway to Hyr. Alaska, Mr b new SAYS:-; The same date, April 23, is J he artistic ,s historical, iilerary and I ccoiininic .significance of pair of Innff, hoots, 't hose he had anniversary of Iho birth and ilealh llicj fiylils and the towns vis- ,on y,ere nearly worn off hU feel. CI.fiTIIKS may nol make the of William Shakespeare, the national sijen Interesting Sidelight Given by Vic- ..I... . . iled. vvncrwu.o wwivn naorson loun, hut lliey help the man to poet (if F.nttland and the tori. Man on Lata Jamas I bis tour will commence from l(e vaid he had quarrelled with make his bliiff sometimes. Brealest dramatist Ihe world has sRtrrn Hblden. ' Montreal and (ueticc by iiiaaiiif-iijenl hi.s( partner, (Jodfrey Andcrsoii ; producer!. I J was-horn at Slral-ford-on-Avfin While lai Line s. K. Tin provincial police have, not! i'who dlseovererf lloblen's body1 i.irij.i-: Miss Mutiei in the year 1 5(1 1 and "Oanopic'Saluiday, dune slih. We have received and; hid de,-idcd. I work Sal in a biuret died at Hie wanie (dace in IGltS, Our yd heeij mucccssTiiI in locating separately; hnd the 'fOltowiiiL' olaces wilKbe Fresh ihat KalinK sandwich of heinjr buried in the church he a ham, paeish. tbn hr.olher of tbn luto Jaiiies Hol-den, would camp abonl ' visited.: .""r Liverpool, Chester. Spring Stock of the five pjiles from Anderson., and AVhen, slrahfe, to relate, of Ins birthplace. Irairord-oiwAvvn, Stewart 1rapier who Oxford, l.un- perished in Iho wIUIerncKs last would, probably see him once in a i She upse,t het 'plate, Naval Exploit. doj Paris, Versailles, I'onlalne-hlea.u, imintlu Onlerrt In proceed In while. So. that then, ynu sec, jic And little Mi-H Muiret Thif most successful naval exploit Hlieiuis, Lynns, Mar-sicllcs, Garden and Field Seeds had inailo- the ileci-ion which cos.1 S?li" "ll in Ihe'flreal War was the at-lac liowsrr Lake and bury Ihe njmains . .. Cannes,, Nice, Monaco. have bfen. sent to Constable J. I'. him his life. Al that time he and in. ho flerman HUhumrine Nehlojie, fienoii, pi.a Home. FERTILIZER (Fertab's Concentrated Fertilizer) Anderson THIS Is hil weather for.Seplem- base at eehrnjrpo on SI. fleore's were, ensrajred in parkins: Scailell nf Stewart, who will he Naples, Sorrento, Canri, and Fresh stock of FOOD a Ion or supfiljes on, lljeir her -Morn Ollie out. Iii:- I'ay, tOI.H, which was carried nut PRATT'S BABY CHICK I'nuipcii, Vesuvius, accoinpanieil hy a pruiili' and com-jianion Florence, backs in into' by olllcers and men of Ihe famous on the Inns; trip, which will relays Hoy,scr lA-ikoj t'.- la Venice, T.ren!. Innsbruck. SPRATT'S DOG BISCUITS possibly lake several weeks. and expected lo jret In by snow-falj. IIII.i neyer .say "master" nf I(over Patrol. Munich, I he Passion Play at. Mail orders attended to The total distance, covered Ihe sea but t always vmistrcsx." The local Sons of Knpland will promptly Obcrammerxau, Nurciubu Mime mieresiins liylil no in.packing would otal over tono' This is always; (rue of th'e matri celebrate (he occasion flllinulv. r if. thrown on the late Jame lloldeit Mayenci,', Ihe llliine, C'llnjoip. Prince Rupert Feed Co monial sea. by Fj 0. Winkler, tfii Ilyns: ShecJ, miles, with heavy packs, through HiusskIs, Loiivain, Oslend. etc. ' OakUtdy, Victoria. rouph ijounlry, wilhoyl trails., and ST. ANDREW'S CLUB - lleurni,i.iK, 'he jiaily wi leave P.O. box 333 Phone 58 with craner Iq cross. TIIKSU an1 J he-day w hen Pa i "I was prospecting in the 'port,. l.i.verpo(d, Auffiist imh nil Ihe "Uoblen seefcinp in the- rubbish pile for his was on LOOKING intelligent FOR HOME rjnd Canal 'country ant summer," man, v line ujar i,ine h ime new said. Mr. Winkler lo a Colonjxl tc of pleasant personality, but with last year's sardeninft pants, and tea.msh.ip. "IteKina" V arrivjns porlflr, ((nd (he first week l.ij Spp limited experience in trapping." eld Ma IN shoes.endeayn-jnirTo'Iiunt up his Committee Given Power to Act, on Uuebei: and, Mont real, August Srt, DONT TELL US YtUK SIZE, ASK Uf TO "FIT" YOU tember, wilh, two ulhers. ina.de a Matter Building Is Proposed. afler a wonderful nur of two w, M, Ajel'hecson, of Arm- trip i.Olo 'Vile Lake, which is about months, In wliich ample oppnr-lunilies "INVICTUS" "The Best Good Shoe". si,on?, li. ;., Is rcRistered at the DON'T pity (he man with the The St. Andrew's Society held have been .Ift rnlo-s froi Jhe .head of the Prince Iluperl Hotel, its repular afforded tint hoe. He's monthly meelintr last probably after hail. flome in and the parly of seeiiiK all the usual nee wn new lal u nlwht in St. Andrew's Hall, special travellers shrines and enjoying B0HD 8TREET and LIBERTY. Till.' shy lohster blushed when biiHlnesH behiK to iliscusV the maU We many Icsh. frequented places of $11,50.. stand behind every pair, lie saw (he salad dressing, ler of moving to new quarlers. ''rap 1 beauty and especial interest, anil Special, offerlDtf ntn ludie vsHidow (irey Nuhiick '', The of Ihe report commililfe which arc far ton niuucrnua (o Haby I.oiiIh hee nl $7.85. AUn'ln hlaelv aipl OIM. an. Irishman what he which was appointed by the mention, and for which brovti kid WHY YOU SHOULD SAVE object Mime price. wants and you'll find he doesn't executive ai Monday to find a many innlnr trips have brn want il. new local inn for headnuarU-rs was arranged. FAMILY SHOE STORE To future.insure yourself against an unknown received, but nothing definite was Karly reKislrali.on Is desirable Third Avenue. (Operating Foot Comfort Service Dept.) To imuire happiness and comfort in MEATLESS BONES.. lecideil upon, The commit lee was as necninmouiiiioiu are assijDKj oWa'ije, your iven power to act by Ihe freneral in llie order applications, are re. The other day a teacher asked m elinir and now jias full ajilhor- To insure provision for your'family in ccived. lor furlber particulars the event of your death. her class, If any nf Ihem knew uy m j.'i ahead ano secure other as lo reseryalions, rales, dc Dr. JOS. Commence Saving to-day with whM a skeleton w-as. rpiarlers, 'Ibis comiTilllep rojn. apply lo any ap;nt of the Can MAGUIRE for a .while the class, was prises S. D. '.Macdnnald, I), (J. adian National Hallways. THE ROYAL BANK slumped. II was nhvimis Hint (unit, T. Mcnivmnjit, (, Scott nnd many nf the tots knew what a J. AlnKi'dinie. The St. Andrevv's DENTIST OF CANADA skeleton was but lacked the Society has ito vacate the present Vllt his Office Roome 7 and S Smith wnrdfj lo describe il. ; Finally one quarters in ihe St. Andrew's Hall Block op phone foe an appointment. 1 . I I" ! I.I I' M U',1 HI I , 8, 4. ftlfcUod, Manager. yohn(rpler waved hU hand eaper- in Ihe near future Unless a null Phone 67S ly and on heintf' aske'd for his aide rented localion.can he found Prlnoe Qfllce. hours; Rupert Branch 9.12, 1 lo 0 and 7 to 9 answer, sluled triuinphanlly: the'xicielv will in all probability QVOIllllgg, "A fkeletnn is a man without make piiryjuion to build a home Sunday Appojntrnente Lndy Asilntanf any in tiit on it. of iU own.