BRINGING yP FATHER By George McManu, too vtax fusht 'H F Trr-ryrjp- r-ri . -5 0t . (T way- tqp HEUEViTH HP-I Vk I'LL EE ft ( Fc.tu" Swwct. ".c -AA "7 5m ' BU if II $otel TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS 10 with Print B0 OJKOPIiAN PLAN K WINMCTT tMOMOM. MAN'O. OIH. For Sale BUILDING EXPERT CRITICIZES plying .Mr. Cox said Dial In' had .'the dimension nf Hip building, Tints 25 art.! 20, Work 1, "BOOtK SCrlpOL FROM f)OOF never seen a building before jhul dial ir Ihe meeting thought Section 5. Mot excellent Yd BASE,' ANtA. DECLARES where llii- lilc wi'ii' built ouiil advisable he was prepared In silo fo,r home or np.irtmcrjt. IT UNSAFE. ;eii)ie. it was fiaiiiieii thai when polity over and d" Ihe necessary Daily Nws Classified Ads. Adjoining . hn Yahrpn. 'tiles are set vertically I hey stood work. Splendid view. Sealed Ion, (Continued from Pago onei. greater compression. bur aid Aid, Mcl.eod, who was lalein 2 CErfTS PEH WfOHQ IN ADVANCE. No AdTertleernent T-!1 tor than 8Qc ders for rash will lie received ally of a very .riv nnlrc ajidj!1- 'V "when you com- aiicmiing iiie meeting, saia mat until April (5Mi. ; hlKlily ah.'orhenl, ,;nn.tideraMe pressinn' and noliiing to sttppnrt from what he had heard he i .-' -, seepage wafer was found (nvar i you are heller' without the gathered the worst had happencr WANTED rtlt SAI.i: Oilar rowboat, t ST. ELMO HOTEL Agentf tor , ions of I he compression." lie had not had and agreed thai Mr., Cox )e per4 ft. long willi whin beam, in T parlR paeinen, nnd W'ANTF.D M,en and women to Rooms to let from g.i ... ... . .. . good condilion. J'rice ffiti, t ' M to thoroughly examine the nulled In abend and draw pep Norwegian American Lip ronsioereo time go lip learn lie n neairnlilo, mat a Jie Harber Trade, by the t 1 00 lliinniug hot and cold ANn Kvinrudc. price Swedish American Lin eepajre waler drain should he foundation bill Die rocks should plans and specifications. only method in the world that Oil nP, ( Scandinavian American cerlainiy have been made flal Alderman (ieorirc herr ex Pillion, Daily News. If rooms eonsirueiea to r.-jrry otr le wal . will save yff.i limn and money Line. er arMind the lnnldih?. to receive. Hie foundation 'oilier. pressed himself in a like man and fit for position I.-1UI Jill,'. "V.i.....,il...I (.,.,. ' li t iiawi. Meatu tieaie.i, m a jyo'.i T 't J' .11,,!(.. I Phone Green ' . . . . . 510 wisi jn such a wet cllinale they ner. 1' IL Oliver Typewriters Only, a Thin Shell, worth, while. We guanniec my iiiicmiou io iahe me case Cary Safes In, peak(ns: of the "seneral were liable to slip at any lime. Trustee Mcl.ennan moved that steady employment at good iiiln the Admiralty Court and I TAXJ FIRE INSURANCE scheme, of ronfniclion Mr. (Jox Alderman Kelly said that -Mr. Air. Cox be engaged to go ahead wages. Wfjte now for beautiful need Ihe money. Price $l!nn said Uial Ihi.s was a tnpil im- iViv had in a few days found the and prepare Ihe plans, specifi illustrated, catalogue. Mnler llnomes K. Freeman. Phone 693 porlaii firm o he considered. main faults of the structure cation am) climate for the Harber College., 300 Main St.. (Call (Ieorge llns Dybbaya & Hanson The Hlnielnrp as it slood, loday which he CAId. Kelly.' had known renovating, .of the school. Thir Vancouver, It. C. I'OH SAI.K. Cahinel grnmnnbonit Five-pnsscnger Touring Car was merely a Ihiij shell, and was lit exisl for ome timet The sand was secoinieu ny I rusice .rs. r. anil twenty records; also ix PrompJ Day and N'odil Si-, Third Avenue absolutely ig?rfn unless re- Ucd In Ihe building of Ihe lloolh V. The motion upon being nCl.tAHIJ'J agent wanted.ror Hu- hole range and large healer. Stand; Boston Grill, Third A.enm Prince Rupert, B, 0, inforecd. Tbf scheme of con. school had been refused for a pnl lo Ibe meeting was carried. ci .'t Fishermen's Itesl. Phone lied slrucliou adopted was the hollow particular foundation in the city. l.ife Assurance Company. Head 302. 91. LADIES' HAIRDRESSING tile He thought that MIVCov should office, Winnipeg, Man, Write vrrl ieally p. j.ysem. LADIES' NIGHT leneral riilo (or small huild- he. asked to go further jnlo the Chas. A. I'yne, I'rinc! (ieorge. I'OH SALIv Large F.njslisli baby Shampooing. Marvel '.;, Terrace Acreage inp?i it sqllsfarlion, hul mailer. j manager for Jjorlhern rtri(sh buggy, practically new. Phom Scalp Trealmenl, Mynicurin, i ?ave i One-acre jot cleared; , and for a huildin? of Ihli class il Mr. Cox said thai while he was' ANYOX ELKS Columbia. Oreen 192. 0" for Lndies. Children s h.-ut ; j slumped anil plowed ready-'ki pu was customary to haye beams anxious Jo return south lie' WAXTF.D -Hotel or Itestaurant '.l.I'l'Iv Cafe (or sale, furnished a P.Specially STEPHEN Jin garden. Soil prst-classY-Thi of reinforced concrete, lh tiles wauled to see the school put Into! work in out of town by complete. Phono 173. If Above oj- (iovernmenl Ti-Ii-k; ' il is- irn.o I" tnwnsli rind heinrr used as walls and partitions. bape. To do this it would lake Delightful Entertainment at Cards lady. Dyer 19. Apartments, ,o. Office, Tlijnl Ae. Plmne AUCTION SALES ll,1( 'tcerealinn .Park and in. 'art 'Ideal 'Mr. (Jo.x Considered that all the dry weather throughout and Dancing Monday i-nliin for homo. Price'-AShO"! if reinforced steel skeleton the summer. When he came li ITUATION WANTED DOMESTIC a a Evening. ATCTIOX SA(.F. tonight at 7.:30 WATCH AND CLOCK REPAim j 'i frm uai t ,, balance., a r- oiistrue,,!jon had heen adopted it examine Ihe building he was sharp in our Sales Hoom, K'.'.l ' WOltAX wants work few ' particularly anxiou.s no to see VXVflY. Anril 52.-I.ast Mon- hours "A . ... watch, clock ranged. . . vvould, hayo proved salis,faclory. .i Third Avenue of' Cniversnl Fxpert s. The that anybody for alwitys likeil to see ,!,. ivik lulics' niuhl :il the lllks' 'tally. Phone lllue It'i.l. HI ' chronometer Arm Ntl!. al linger cvlllVat(on- (act remainc only a Ladies Jersey suits, silk maker nnd fenced. Xev. house,- -P-'W 22 mere shcU ristcd and utiles ro. a building for himself mul look Hall and a company of some one 'FOR SALS waists, ladies' sweaters, men's Witch nnd Jewellery Itepain , ..' loci, three rooms. 'oods;bed if. inforcP'l a prreat risk would he for the weak spots In il. He al h.undrcil.-und twenty-five greatly suits. Oeorge Leek, Auclioii. specially. by 20, Imrn 10 by 10, pood .well ryu. He considered that con- ways preferred o gel Ills inror- enjoyed the' pleasures prepared OH SAI.K Tug or fishhoat. eer. t Mall orders' promptly exc '.h ' iSrtflO strawberry plaols, 2(J(i, ra,BP-.' ulerahie. reinrorcinK snouiri ie malion direct from the building for 4 hem under the able, direction tCx2.6rt. 3? .. A S. engine. GEO. OIBB berry canes. Close to town on, made to Ihe present wall, floors he was to examine. of Siil Armstrong, chairman, willi $2, , AIICIIOX SAI.i: al botie on Halt Opp. Post Office i P. o. ltm ; sond roaif!'Art ideal firrti,o.c borjyi and partition's, 'l'lie limbers sup-porV.ns? Regarding Rebuilding Ihe assitance of Howard Morrow, I'ug 37xl0xt--32 !LI. N. .V S. Street, Sixth Avenue Fast at Prince Uupert . for , smalj' (amity. ' Price... 50 the, floilrs were .unsalis- A1 ftricral disrussirrti look I'.. M. Ilennen and (ieorge Hailey, engine. 2,00000. 2;30 p.m. Wednesday, April 20, ) on te'rpis lio(f cash, ftn'tanVrff falory and Vere not safe to (dace as to the employing of Mr.- who formed the entertainment Thirty foot gejteral purpose boat, consisting of oak dining room ORIENTAL GOODS i-anard. ''.' Cfttry if. load n.( persons in active (.'ox to draw up plans and speci committee. : 5 II.P. Yale, dynamo, storage suite, beds, carpets, lables, moYemeui. lite rooi raners nan fications In give an idea of what Whist anaj live hundred were electric light. .$800.00. cjiairs, dressers, pictures, lapnnese Klmonas, ( rir KENNEY BROS. & CO. (icllied oi)t apd were consequen,!. Ihe "cos would bir to put the played until 1(1 o'clock, Ihe prizes Tug 57 ft. so II, P. Fairbanks crockery and kilchen utensils. I l,t n i boo Furnilure. Ornai:' ly p it filing Ihe walls outwards. building in proper shape, Mr. for the former being won by Mfss engine. poyer Philpolt-Kvitl Co., Auclioii. Haske,, Children's Ron; Real Estate lns.yrrice. The slainvays were, of faifly Cox advised (lint it would he necessary Ciadys llashleigh and Alex. Hca- windlass. Auxiliaries, eers. Telephone ft 1 8. 00 Toys, pood cuns'truclinn but requirvl Iti have a contractor on lon, and for fixe hundred, Mrs. Loggers 2x(iO stern wheel I.OWF.ST PIlHT S. reinforcing with timbers us the work who would b- o;i Ihe Dayis and .Mr. Hrailhvaile. Ax soow, 50 H.P.. sleam boiler and -"OR RENT F. K. AKASE under I Job all the lime under' the su witli house 20x10. May P. O. Ilox til Tel, !W! EDSON COAL nresen conditions they evcellen.t supper was served down winelt, OOOD Clean Heds from 81.50. per unsalis vhere Ir.if-fle, pervision of Ihe City Kngineer. he usei) and doiikey, Third Avenue were factory stairs tier the cards, the caterer. 'as. camp ' week, l isliermen S Host. Lqte was frreat. Tlie flashlntrs Mr. Whillaker. being Al Koblolb. 175ft. Pioneer Hooms. Ifi7 3rd Avo..F.. CYCLE REPAIRS. COMPANY and metal cornices wero eaklfir, Mayor llocliesler said that he The Anyox Ore he-Ira provided 3 II,P. I'idrbanks . lype stationary Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. and Ihe fanlly nature of Ihe roof had been out willi Mr. Cox and excellent music for dancing from engine. With pump, tvo I'f. It K.yr Modern Apa.rtment, Cycles nf all makes rep.iW was Ihe cause of so much water Ihe "city engineer several limes It o'clock until I, after hwh hundred pounds pressure furnished or unfurnished. F. and baby carriages re .liml fretting inside, tie, advocated Ihe lo look Ibe building over and the company dispersed. geared up. S2SO.00 . W. Hart. If Cycle Accessories. remodelling of Ihe cornice, and knowing u liltle bit about cm- Pile Driver and 10 H.P. donkey Out of town orders prom; Best Coat consiructinp wale spouts to take druclion -work he was certainly engine; 2 too lb. hammer. $!,-. BOARD. V attended to. the rain water away thus pre. ill support of Ihe suggest ion of 250.00. HOARD Inlander. 830 Second J. GAWTHORN venting the wud from drlvln? I'ruslee J'almorc In have Mr. J In the Letter Bpx 7 lid!. Ouaranlee marine engine, Avenue. Phono 137. If 517 Fill!tut Street. at Ihe rain against (he walls. Cox slay longer and draw up Whera Attention Needed. plans and specifications neces- CONGRATULATIONS. 05 falhnms 3-t inch tested .anchor BOATS FOR HIRE. SHOE REPAIRS Speaking of the itenis thai iry In carry out Ihe work and IMilor Xews:' .chain.; Umbrella Repairs Lowest Prices Daily LAUNCH "NarbeJhong' Vn e!i give them an idea of what the neededallenlion Mr. Cox sajd, Other boats ,nd engines. Clothes cleaned and prrtl would I am glad indeed that Prince Service. Phone Illack 400. tf cost of repair be. Ihe walls reinforced M; sliould be M. STKPIIF.X.s. Uupert has been Micressfui in -7" Suits called for and deiivfff Order Now! Phohe:S8 joists and properly of the main anchored.floor should.Floor favor Alderman,of ascertaining Montgomery what was the in carrying Ihe library. I hope to FOfl SAI.F. Cheap One American BOATS AND LAUNCHES. Phono lllue ?IM wOuhl he wlial work see it under way and fnnelinmng ihijilmt hull. Filber complete LEM JOHN ho fixed. Stajrways should tie' cost ami was FHF.H THIAL. Johnson lisht. overhauled and reinforced. Walls necessary. When Ihe eslimale some day. You have set Ihe pace or not,. Oiie pleasure boat 25 sjieedy outboard motors. Hyde 844 Third Avenue and partitions of assembly limine in they would Ihen he in for olhcr municipalities, and il feet; fine for Ibis harbor. One propellers, aewssories, eul . REPAIR SHOP Night Tbone J; Gj Stn,- til will not be long before Prince - lo jiiilge whether open' boat feeel. Oilier o frnn a position IHj W. Blue2T0 " rooms should be reinforced, being prices,, free deliveries. Large Oenernl repairs, gas engine Ix)ngwill, (ieorge, Vernon ami half a domett boats1, Day' Phone O' at the present time only mere repair the old school fir build a and. engines. Appiy. variety engines new, rebuilt. sloyes, locks, keys, sewini; " will other cities nf similar size shells. Support of canopy aj new one. Siga),. Muyvlew Hotel. , If Canoes, Micycle motors. Free bines, bicycles, uminopliw STEEN& LONG WILL main entrance, should be made 'Only One Thing to Do follow in Prince Uuperl's foot-si I'Olt HAi.C Ford touring car in nilalogues. Canadian lloal and eleelrical n " secure. There should also be Trustee l'almore said I hey eps. excellent condilion. Overhaul Kugitie Ivxchnnge. Toronto; ROKKJAR BROS. VorkV'i Libraries are not luxuries that Sheet Metat had who engaged an experl was re-arranging nf the anohorape W'' Third Avenue ' i i satisfactory lo Ihe School Hoard wo in i u li t ilo. without, nut are JjisJ com,fleted. Owner leaving ENGINES FOR SALE. fl.20 Agent for McClary Furneael'S: for thn machinery in Ihe wotV-ing Vity. t'hone 210. Ot - . Phone. Hed 578 , r-r r . think prime necessities. Do. it i I .iimW you 'i f mi He said that ud the City Council. H.aving room. imrtyjof Sanitary and if Hint not 'so that Second hand and in good running ' the walls should he taken heard Ins report., there was only were Ontario, CLOTHES CLEANED Heating EnglneS .iiyn by the line of order. 1-29 b.p. Standard; I-30 sjows Hmuiiht would bother to establish t&3 ex-presfcil ami rebuilt with proper mut'ijr, one (rijng lo do and, lial was to nnd pressed liy laled STM 'Street and Fraser.SiMjTtl public- libraries' in lliat provincer therein that is ediUir is h.p. heavy duly Huffalo; t. ict il. ials and efficient upon Prince Uupert ' - workmanship, luirsoini,' the honorable and 4 h.p. CaillA Perfecliotis. Ap- pres.l)g proce ' ' Ti'iisleii Mc.Meekin though! The people (here are clertr-lhipk-iilg, .lelivKMl Tlie cornices itjl around the Silits rnlleil for mid co'uin p'x lloal 't.raigliirorward in ai its .'li!"'!.' Rupert house. who haril-headed-anij are soipe; loul'ling needled rebuilding, '('he that Dr. Kergin, w.ts jihseui, Phone 649 dealings. In case the Idler should Phone lied' 391. If of" Uieir wliat careful cash; bu struct lire should he shored up should be given, ait opn.or unity 1 UNO, The Tailor For your n'ejt -from the basement o the roof to read Mr. Cox's report. II was Ihey have spent 'without stint on be published (ie slulcmenls ahovf BOATS FOR, SALE. and the walls thoroughly examined. minted out by Mayor llocliesler librnrnt.s hey have referreil to should he did..led, in HYDE TRANSFER The outside walls heeded hat Mr. Cox was anxious In, re learned how valuable, ihfy are in order that no mUcouslruciions 1-18 ft. boat filled wllb 4 h.n. Shoe Repair Job to Jie coyered with walerprool turn south lo allend In oilier daily llff. I extend" hearty con-Ri'titulalions. might m pliuvd on the inleutiont Cajlle Perfection ' engine, canopy Phone 5S0 cement, enamelled face bricks, or Important mailers. Mr. Cox ex of the writer in respect thereto. top. In first class shape. agqage and Express try cement stucco, the last mention, plained' thai in order lo draw up II. W, l0l?d.AS, D. J: SFLLIVAX, Anyox. Apply 1'rinre Uupert lloal-hoiise. nnd J. C. EMERTON fit the cheapest form ot plans and specifications j would Librarian, Curnegle Library, Phone lied 391. tf Coal and Wood. I I.' ooypriptr. be necessary for him to study Vancouver, Wnejcture Agents HUprtrl nnd Diln Champion Shoe Repair MISCELLANEOUS. Tubes. 8hop( .Mr. Cox. sai.l "at I'" understood Globe Airless F.iriad Ulock, Third, Avenue provision had been made CORRECT IMPRESSION. "Saturday Night," Being Present, 50.00 IlKWAHD If I fn(l lo grow Second Avenue "Repairs While wait" for firo ei;cate lull he illd not 1-MiloC Dijily Xews; ed it Weathblme Tonight, ' hair. Oriental Hair (toot Hair BAGGAGE and EXPRESS you Ihe. In a letter addresxed lo Tli Worth consider that ysnlls at the Seeing. Orovver. World'n tlrealest presRut tiniq were strong enough News re Hiimiiier.tlmn, the 1 One of the fluent pictures eeeij Hair (h'ower. Orovvs. hair oy WAKEFIELD'S FAST to, support tlie iron stairways, following statemcntH are contain fieri; in many a (Jay is Cecil It, bald heads. must not be DELIVERY tjij suggested that the repair ed therein; 'Wmi'wheri such conditions DeMille's Paramounl production put where hair l,i not wanted. ('I'onjpl Service. Bell 8 Crossett wo.rlj s)iotj(j be,, under!.'en, piece are permitted io continue, of "Saturday Niwlit." which Cures dandruff and nit scalp Pbone Blue 418 meal because it migiit. be mat in proof is furnished of the failure packed the West holme Theatre troubles, 81.75, per Jar. Stand ('s "Cigar Sar some parts of the construction of democracy and Ihe hypocrisy Ml Mj.Sht '(.DlSVilll'." rej.ertted lol Agents waited. Prof, M, . Painters and Decorators die nmrljjr was set better than of (hose who preach il," The night. Tin; story Is one of e.xcepT Crosse, 4 48 Logan Ave..' Win, MUSIC. PAPEHHANQINQ ii oilier. writer hastens to assure Tha liomii apjiea.l, juid Ibe aclhiij nip-sr. Mnn. KALSOMINING About Foundation. Daily Xews mid its editor that the lh.ri,iubouit is as rapid u it is PIANO fiCllf K)I.. I're-wnr l'rices Alderman' Theii, t l;i it asked reference was made, solely lo certain th(-illijK. 'l'lie H-llfllllg Idles , HAULAGE AND TRANSFER LeRchellxkv Method. All fm" Mr. Cox if the foundation nf tin politicians and political wrj(. in the capable Lauds of Hucli laken and special nllf'1""1 Work neatly done.and quickly school was good, saying I hat as ers who preach, democracy (or a pl,ayers n I.lrieij Joy, Conrad' Furniture Phone 189 to begin niirH. Ten'1 far as be knew it was hulll on purpoiic. A. perusal o( The edU Xagel, i:dith IJolievts and Jack-Mower. Ilemovals moderate. 318 Fifth Street Phone 47 Miming rocks which might, oau-o loriat columns or luo Daily ."News' The picture is woll w.uii. J'roinpt service (3 HAS, P. IjAtAONO- . the foundations to slid, In re for the past two years clearly,feetntf. I''t Transfer Hand llloolt, corner ' ' JIM STURGEON Fulloni PtioiiB lllue fi'5