ftfuMafr April 22, 1022. Tim DAILY K1TW8 FA OK mi word wprn inspired during' a pinff-ponitf fiPl, on which n Hmn (i;nn w)iil,p .FIowXIdiMft" t Hip limit Has1 ln.'Pn, 'jp1. for .May 15. Waterfi-ont Whiffs liolai: Aflpr llils dale, should Hip eon-A Irarlor livc fnllPd In rnmplelp I'Iip Cnjit.Miii Vi-r;j til. g ltir ilPii.r Hip ('onlrael, a heavy fine will he Doings of the Mosquito fleet Which Is the Chief Source and 'liiiiiili doVliu', imposed, Iml II' will only he iin. MACD0NALD3 of Princ Rupert's Prosperity Mniri WllPI'l,"Kpp.ak'ld HiP man al Hie loiei. ' - I'Iip rliicjxcni-ipriiHi'd In lay pp?s I'Iip fnll.owiiur hoalm. are nf: 1 1,0 Admiral of lli Mn-iiiuitn limp that IJnb hail Dip uiiNfor. in Hip iiafcliwnyA preienl in pod: .Varlmllinnir, I llinl Willi' I lie in. tn hp to xiiffpi' burn o Ills far-p Ajn all of us wiuiIpiI a iiip.'iI, Mirdip II,' Hixfp Ituppil, filen, clrni' ni. wi'iiin'i n ii -TiiiiMi..in.,.. iiiii-ilic .i., and liandi when mi exidiiilmi I'Iip Cook ciicil "for vttjtn oil Urn, Soyii, 'VleloF. Ki'lwin, Odin, yfck lif fi)i arrlviiN look pinpp alioard now wlial, .liilJI wp iln liray, Ihiy VV Laiiru IC, Annie! linvi" i'nii,'''"p,ill' "" n' "'' Hip n.ck. "ciif. si !'- ski,,,, i'omuianilj-d 'Hip- mImo May, Kobe; -Annie, lleil. Viol; li'hl il. The liltf ,liiiiuir I'Ul inln fjr chiM, "li.'inc iiml lo lay loo, t.Mab, Mink, tProfrress, Pejry . ..,..I I . I. I.i I... nifm"II"' I'.iiL'iliPPi- rrivi&VU' .'ill un l-.lli'-l .Mine,, li;ia,ijys n Kieanor WHirll Ki'lii'i iiiiv it 1 1 is in itiryr painiPii ami Ih a 'ip;il ' lMlltni nf Hio fih havn 1 1 1 1 piil rii.kinp cnifl now. wilU Ilm Iioal; Mae, li'latlery, .Mayflower, Ilan into purl InU'ly. Ilnwcvpr wnini Tin; Piipiim waufw oijliijr and. .jo co, Clara, Minnie ., Knot, llillv ';:i,H0(i pound of fili h:v. Iicpii An liiiiiHiiul prlifl callpil. in iJopm my ill ma)," Hoy. V, A F. Aniilp nick iilf Van inarkfli'il llirnueh flif locnl fish foil a( Sunday, in Hip iialui. I", tin Iip pried. "Yo hii,'': Cojiwyi ainl, I l.i v National of Silk An lie sal Hip fiip.i d.iwu on ... Uhm- Mfty IliirlPPii luirlmid or of a :i fool Kalian liuili -rfVliiitr ' fi.i lia'ril"'t'" "Ml'l"'! lo Hip liiiat ii i;i 1 1 1 1 f, 1 1 y; wo N6rwp.iaiis ,'. ... ,.In-low.' . . ' ' - ' 'I'lie-' launch Vera, I-'. Fry i-nslprii inafKPl up lo lliurMiiy. .wild pan'iit up from (lold.'ii Main, TIip Oaplaiif CliarKi. hciite ovi.'rliaul.'-il in Cow Hay ; I'Iip InuiMf pripp. prpvallpl on San I'raiiclipo, and i'iillpd ind Viola, Ilm hand of -her owner .M. .M Saturday ll when Hip Ili'ljro. 'I'rinpp llupprl on llmp v,iy hi SJrimliaiHv madi' p'orl on Tuesday i Stephens. She will be lilil, land anil Hip Lfli'Tly until 100,00(1 M lrliikan iPaviliff ,porl for Ilm and Ilian fpporlt Hip wealli'er.a kimhJ i rip, oilier first class shape for Ihe fori It y2ib. annoyeil pOlllllls Offifll IlPlWPPII tllPIM nl liOlpr loinl. fin .Monday, j, (,. nome, cominir .-easoii.'- .nil 71" pi-niM. i iip iipsi urirr I'Iip Miyaup'look llmril IWPniy- 'I.'b-' la.uiicb bas (i.iiiiiiijiliini.s I Jii' Ilaiiaeo. TIN Caiilain Charlie iva pa ill TufMday wlion two nnip nays ami vpry Jii-avy IH Mill,in,. . la '1,-,.,1 .... !,.' I,.,,. II ... i.-aliiiL space ami, is an ideal sporl r.ir-ln.ult vf. tih -nl.l for lo.o'.i WlM'e eiieiiimlefejl 'rii,.., II..I l.- Irip'boal. She. iiieauie n f renis ami i immiI. Ian huill hoal.s are ri'pulPil ?o I.'. liavina: complcleij tier haliluil loon x ll-fl. beam, mnd is lillei 8.54 liunliii.' sliinls. II is' reported Hie fuiPjtt heavy wealher fislr-1 wilh a -i-cyliiHler Palmer eu 15 Packages Tim wp.fllipr rprk w.-i corlaln- iiiK liiial on the I'aeifip Cnai(. lli:H Cap is iroinj; hi clean her up ine cupabl'i of Kivinu her fro prior lo lakiii? on some repair ly pry irfnornui Willi In allow-anffl I'lipy imp. huill wllh rlipppr Imiw'h K to i knots per hour work aroiirol Ihe pine lne in the 2L nf sunshine on Omul Ki-U and luiriieanp dpcks whicli fiive vieinlly of ihe Cold SloiaKe. .lay ami l.ar Hay. I Iip niiij- Hipiii Hip leasl wfiid fPiilanc, rTlie' fnllnwiiiK boats mnrkelpd orilv of Hip fixlmrilipri wlin worn while for Hip sI.p of.'fiafl limy fish "fTiirhi'fr (fie week..,.. Happy, . . .... . ... Tin1 Provincial (loveriimeiil i i. in l ..i tnrninaiij inniaii in i; in pnri aril piijipelled hy hiwh poVer n. nohiy;s,;,l.eiiore,' haneiii?, I,in laimeli ..Myfawnyi Ii iiiiileriroin'ir tnnk ailvaHlairri nf Hip Imply ;irip Biviiiff Hipiii Ilm 'maximum hiliior coin, lloald Amundsen, .Minnie V i Sport Chat Canadian National repairs al Hie hands., of Railways weather ami lranfornmi (heir of pl e.l. Constable Saint. . l.. VyV.v. T., I'ram, Annie May iruly boats inl'V "j"' ridoi" llanaco, i:ibe June, V. A I The. Hurns Lake, Allilelie Asi.so- for 'lif Imnofil. of llii'ir fnniilio The PPt'jf', '(rajdalir T. Axe'l Mayflower, Plop, Mali, Flora .M. 1'. The yacbl Cuprum, cinlion recently nppoinleiL and friend, foryrllinfr fop a day "on, has poinpleted her overhaul power Mai-frarcl, Dolphin II, Tyee. Pair owned by I lnWijalen Pulp ami .ourie as nininufr of the iu.e- Prince Hint ueh it hulnpfx n filiin;r and is rpady' for the reli'irti foy of Jacks, Caypeon, Kinmounl, nni Rupert Paper Company, arrived in porl hnll. learn, and il i" predicted thai cjI'IpiI. Several happy pienie aie lo I'oirhi'r Islajid, which will National. on, Thursday iiiiujiin? from under liis leadership Ihei-e will he . imriiP.q left Cow Hay early in In li Iti lniUi L in t e, ,r II.. i nini ii 113 n hi ii in Swansnii Hay-wi(lj((Jfiplain. Harrison siirceji.sfiil ea.mi. Several ilm innrttlnp wliilp others went weal her clears. A scow load of lumber arrived i,APry and .Mr. Nash, players nf known. ability are in Hie niil affpr iiiiirli on ludli Friday , eoinpauy ilurin? the week from Vancouver Shipyards accouulaiil aboard. TJi Cuprum li.rtlriel wlni were nol available ....l Cun.Vi' Iniil sinll 1 -lllij 'ill.I I'lie Soya, Captain Frjink Arml fo'r: Allied V 'Mc'fiaffery. Tbi fi-liiriii'd lo Swannin Hay yes for Ihe leaui la.nl vear. and earnesl liiady l.land seemed lo Iip I Iip siroiijf, which is iiini.-i-'Niiu? an lumber is.jiifi?1ical cnnsumplinn terday. work will commence at once so Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock favnt p.I dentinal inn. oveihaul al Cow Hay, will he that line-np. be selected. iipi on a li.yin ejieiliiion as Captain .lolrn Ivarson of the n may Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern The Sim lair Fi-dmncs .,.. Hums Lake has always boasleij II Is reporled thai a niunher soori as Mlj' WorK IS l-.onipleli-il. v Pair of .facks,l"wl)fi returned lo makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. have a real live up hi dale trade Ihe best baseball diamond in r.f pa liohs'iiiivp Imen sipliled on port tbi. week, reports having mark as a result of Jack Sin-to .Northern ltritisli Columbia and Electric and Acetylene Welding. islruck bad Hie 'liisli spills'' rerenlly. These I-.. some real wealher Itnsanp's pew ci'imliiiiniinn clair's visil bis New York of work to lie proceeded wilh Hus fili dPslriiyers have liecoiup- while out on the lii:h spols. The iiaiiliui and saliiK.iu hoal was fice recently. The Hir.ee brass will furl her substantiate ipiile a, int'Jjnpf around Hip .Queen laiiiiclieil -.in j'iile was Hie roubesl he ha summer Our plant is equipped lo handle all kinds of .Monday from llif dies in cylinder form carrying the thai claim. Heller accniiimoil.i- CliarloIlP I I ri in)s and Hip west been oul in for years, and the Slinckley ways, and is now in slencil are a beautiful piece nf wind blew wilh such slrenplh i i ! foe Hip spectators is planiii'il MARINE AND inasl nl ancouiif island, so Cow hay iiuiiei-oin;.' fiuishinir workmanship and were on Dip associaliiiii an.I niiier iiiurli. so in furl I hat Hie Hnjij toiiclms. ex; thai il took Ilm pattern off Ihe iy liil.il in Ihe Cuslonis Kxaminin? iinder'lnkins are beinjr consid- inion iisimries iiepariiimni are wallpaper in Cap's slalernom COMMERCIAL WORK Ware'lioUM' . window on Third preil in order lo induce llhe eHer- taking slpps lo wase war upon . The Cayjfeon, Captain Jim Avenue. The trade mark depicts elic support of the citizens, of ilmm, Marliinp gun and rlfloV PRETTY POULTRY. PHONES 43 AND 385 Morrison, arrived in port on n larjre fish wilh I be words "l-ix- lhal hustling town. will Iip null into aelion asaiiist fimsday -and rejiorts encounter. celsior Ifi-and" inserted .aloner the ilm.'P inarauders. The larpe She I wonder iw by limy pill ins the worst kind of wealher body of Hie fish which makes a thf cornmeal floor when'llmy Iiiiriu? Hp' phsL vinter hair ufaH. .arp nalivp nr Mm the on -Ihi; on return trip. Cap says very snappy uml live llsb busi Iturii.s Lake Athletic Association li.ipifie nrp.nn .iriil Ihmih relnlel dunce? - .. (i-j Hint winds may T'oiue and -winds ness irade mark. Thi'se dies ai'e QUALITY CLEANLINESS He Oh, Ibal's tin- make Ihi is maintained a skalins rink tin ttiff fur wal. Hmir coat K may htow hut III A wind he si ruck lo be Hie used by Ceora-elnwn chickens feel: at. bourn, The whicli would, have been a distinct (iicl valiiahlc. The larttPs! speci was he worsl yet. However no for iiiarkin? all flsh - "It's Better when Baked by Electricity" ,-aumill Leatherneck. epdiL to. town of much larpcr Inipns inhnlilt Ilm North I'aclfio particular dainajrn to criifl or boxes fur. Hie Sinclair Fisheries and l.enplh of some I ie. I lie coiuinillee in cnarse or .-each a vfear rcsulled. ) I.Id. The design was drawn uji fwl. Tim sea'liofi of tin: Pa SEASONABLE SERVICE he rink consisted of live proini. liy -hy Sin.ciai.r, 1 1 1 local man- PASTRY nfic piias of Snulh Ainprica is ...... . !ent citizens of Hie town, who Cries or "man overlioaril in iffer, w(o. has Ueiunnslralcil IhaL inallor ami lifts IpiikIIipiipiI hair vere cel"nsilie for l lie liuililint-'s the viciuitv of the Allterl MK. im is a heller a ill si lhan lie is "' are equipped lo serve you of feel un ilm heck forininji- a slis'lil mil upkeep 11,10(1 square ina im. Caffery dock on Thursday mornJl l crib ulaye.c. nl any season oT Hie year, Iml we f ice. The lac' was lifrhled at that "pep" into people puts iim set evcryom on1 the jump can render you a special service nielli Willi four laitre arc Ileitis ami a srallaii! rush was uiude for lames J,ec, Manager of the al this particular season. Wash and In vicw.nf Ilm foreiiiny rpporl. oispenued on a wire overhead Hie walcrsnie ny wouiii He resT Mini Fisheries Ltd., sailed for able nips, heavy blankets, ilainly comiiKiilious dressing- room Il'isie 'lit-t i piiiiipnhifr Imr Cream Puffs, Cream Buns, cuers, Vancouver during Hie week on a lace eurlains alt Ilm unusual added further lo Hip convenience ii pleasiit-p yimhl Olympic The vicllui was one of Ihe umbilici business and pleaure washing which every housewife if skaters and hockey players. French wild firn Iiljfh a lelescopio mi I'ominaml iOwt aulomalic machine workers around Hip liimher scow trip. II Is expecjcil Mr. J-.ee will feels compelled hi do at this sea I)u ii ii? the winter several i.nter- Pastry, Shortbread, who could not jtPl wel enoiiah on el urn alioul, May I. son, can be safely entrusted l,o lis un, which will he capahlp of stinjr hockey .inatches were Biitter Biscuits, Coffee Buns iKioiins liore and just lo show no ill for laundering. We have special laved wilh Siiiilbers ami Vander- , aroiuid corners. feeling for Hip balmy waters .of Card (Tames aroilud the 'water. machinery for either wet or dry One nf Uff who was a oiif, Hurns Lake pulling up (rood ASK YOUR GROCER FOR ELECTRIC BREAD clew, Ilm hay look a header . into Hie froiil are in disfavor these days. cleaning, and will return Anything fniMnher oYjhe undiMixroiind ar-Ulli-ry sail chuck. ' is uudcrsjiiod Ihe once popular enlriisleil to. us fresh nnd clean sislan'ce. iluring Hip wqr, will Im Hie crane man was on the job aine of piii?-pou is lo he res lis new. ' mad,, cliicf dial U when As Ihe reu 1 1 'of well-nllended Electric Window Bakeries i.'iinm.'r n, haul however ami soon had Ihe urrected In take Hie place i.i f W'p also offer a carpel cleaning ttm klppercSs is nol, ahoard. Tim nnd enthusiastic meeting of ball Ins chains danslinj? over the Ihe ci-jb loiirnni.uenls. To this service which has given general uii will he i.laced in an annul' layers and fans held in Haeley's Cleanliness Rule" swimmer's head. To this lie Mid, ami wilh. the expeclalioil'i of satisfaction lo our pal ions. 'Where Quality and plated turret, with Ar-nmiir',4 nrber fhiip al Smilhers on Sun- platei) Inn? ami w-as hauled on lo warmer days, the windows I,e us relieve yon of tbi meal lins of TIip afternoon la.! fur the VALUE Phone. 6G7 SERVICE course lay (dans terra firma muv.' the worse Tor around Hip fish bouses are hi heavier work of housecleaning. aw Hay Ama.on says (hat il lie netted wilh disused eason were set in motion, and a his experience. over fish A phone call will pul yoii in may ha piksslhle In pel' few nets lo iirevenl the balls from touch with this labor-saving llrsl anil second leain was chosen 'liter fno oil Ihe spa lion hunl bold practice Ramos each Followiiiff is a, lieaijlifid nauli- finding a rcsliiip place In the service. I ml if no' she "nl.pr pel" soiim- I'liursilay evening. The mutter of cal poem composed hy Miss Mh't It chuck. II. is iiiiilerslonil that HiIiir worlh while wilh (he new while oul on Ilm deep blue sea Hoc." Clappertoii has uiider- 'ANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Hie final selection pf u leaui In Ml; otcuse Hie nun. on her recent fishing trip. Thejl aken m conlracl for llicse Phono 8 repnescnt thcilown will lie derided Dr. E. S. TAIT after seveCiH of ilhese local .gnines Iho V". IV. J.o.yn clccirical nup-I'ly have been played. Leslie Lane, shop, httqalcij on tha nhuros ii-inerly of J'rince lluperl, wns Dental Surgeon "I Cow Hay, has lif.'i.'n. moved named captain of Hie sepinr atr- laek siium seven feel lo permit egatinn, while Al I mnerly will m ilm,jmw,,inaiwaj; licinar widen. in cash uble Hip ib'slinies of the second .lacK mil.were jack.(lie I'tcsccdt contractors.mid J.Tim 1 2,ooo ii.illlU.the i'lie I'olo tli'st H rounds sanies look.Tliursilay place Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 686 wnrli was ski Ifullv carried nut f prlit mini Hie following players. I'l'id hi injerferepce with luisl-iess prizes iMik pail: Arnold, Chapman, May, was iQade diuiiiK Hip, opera-Elmris. iirner. Lam1, l-.by, iiregnry. ulcb, Ttoberls, (iazeley, Mallie-: I I '''I Jud Thiiilmr and his Many' people have discovered that 2 in 1 Shoe Polishes are mn, ai;ning, iiiiiupiieii, i.'arher, First Class lucrry men returned dur-jl'iK PACIFIC GARTAG E u porl iunerl., llroiie, Peterson, Haw- the wck afier a It! day trip good for other things than for' shining shoes. 1 For amp?; iiii, i ii'iciier, lioiiccn, ana jen- Electrical Work ahoard ihti Mayflower.' si'iiris that everyihitifr went Cap ro-off 2 In 1 BLACK Qoocl for polishing motor cars; refinlshlng suit cases, iO". Limited Mine with -Ilm exception of Hie kodaks,' black gloves, rubbers, hats, etc. and Accessories wealher -which, win . Kii.sly. Tle '1 in 1 WHITE cake or llquld-Cqod for cleaning hats, stains in whlt .lames ..Milehcll is toda'y allend- Automobile Repairs Phone 93 wind skirts, white kid gloves, auto tires, etc. inp; Hie initial eonvcniion nr 1110 I blew-' tn liard on itm return and Parts Furniture, Piano and 1 r,P Hint it l.lt'w.yll the color 2 In 1 TAN PASTE Good for polishing furniture,hardwood floors, eta,. llrillsh Cnluuibia .Vmateur held llas- Safe Moving elball Association being in '"H of .lu.d IkUl- to say Holding H.PATTINSON "f Ids whiskers. However, alls fir tTit Best List of New Uses for 2 in 3, We. are Awarding Cash Prizes a$ Fottomi incomer as accreiljled repre- General Cartage well icii'lalive 4t the local HaskclbaU First Avenue VQH Sand axiU Gra.vel ' I hat ends w ell, and a hoi He list award $500.00 for the most acceptable list 20 Prizes of $15.00-for the tvex; twenty ssocialion. Th object nf The 'yFr'S1!'" Qolnehan liidr 300.00 tor next cest list 50. " " 5.00-fpt the next, fifty lnvpntbui ilo stnrl, a provin'Mal "il oon pht Hie color on' ajraiu. 1IU 2.00 for the fiftv ' ' 3rd 200.00-tor, third Lest list 50, next rga.nizaliv.n of luiskelhall under of 25.00-for the next ten 100 1.00-fos the next, 10Q.ll4t. Launch Oh llahy, fiapl. Myhill-imies. 10 Prizes amateur rules and standing. The BAIT Our frozen herring bait is conceded by flsherrnen wa ilm i.nit.i ii, i Trv to find new uses for any of the, 2 in 1 Sho$ .Polishes, either black, tan, oxblpod, oc brown cnl association wan 'coininuni- to lio Ilm finest procurable at any Pacific Coast f ound Cow: Hny over (he F.aslcr paste, white cake or yhlte liquid, black or tan combination aleij with asking that a represen Port and, il is "Fishy." Price, $30, per ton. P'-ririd, (lanps of hapjiy plens-'"e List according colon. tative, froju l'rince llupert be sent C! Tim best, way of insuriiitf a, uood quality trip is Write side of only. uses to sei;kers were Ukeu In Sail Awards on will one be made according paper to decision of special committee, ind, il wni uccoi dlUKly 'Jwlded, to V- lo liave plenty of our hard frozen ice. Price,, :''kf lo wlioni led. Jliiimie Alllcliell, s and uiljoinintr points. end made, on or before October 1st, 1922. All list per Ion. .'' tint payment, Addtcu ' ieofUUai nave i;eeiv seni ior- Our well.equipped store can supply Ashing gear, aubmittcd to. become out property, : O I'l'o $1. Kloi, (jkippered hy 'r I.l.i Ij I'".' Will Mills perep- UirilS fslierinen8 cioihinif, Brociie. and provisions Holiert (ioodlad, lor.k (o Iih 'hisli Pflze Editf r, en.leil amy ny one in ine iiiomi and hardware. ns on J huihilay oi her first fifavesYou F. F. DALLEY COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED, pjoiiiiMcnl of bev iirrlfntr hoys. v"yajfe slurp Imr.....nii.ifnrlune In HAMILTON, CANADA. NEW ENGLAND FISH Company - L. V. IHI left on Ibis in'nrn- .miitf. near Minktran Hav nn Ketchikan, Alaska Branoh October 27 last. It wus ut thU iugV train for lMuionton,