rebrunry t, 022. durdar. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TIinER NORTH COUNTRY IS UNIT IN PILICR OF PROQRESS TO BUILD UP THE DISTRICT Local and Personal "The Regent" fionlinm.-d from Page umn Tvii ,v i. Naval wiree l or a Taxi, phone 07. tf Fire Salvage Sale llo(ri(iti service imleml if the present win; synlcnt. George Leek, Auctioneer. tf Wc iccoiiiiiifiiil Hint tli " . Tint m n splendid instrument iiulli from follow inic clause lie substituted 11. G. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf tbr nlnndpoiul of. Tone Ilcproducllon arid f' I! part of narnariinh 8 of tooil ,in'iiiuin'i!. i cipiippcd Myitli a till- Hoard of Trade rennrl relat Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 648 February 1st to 15th i -fit li ni Una tlu all makes ing 1 1. ii branch nil I roal to th (ii-omiiiii,,? conl field: Uiidortakcrs.' I'lionc Haynerif,' uf i". inl.. nml also ii wooden tone ' . 'We urge (hill iriiiii-iliiir 351. tl uioii ! IifiiiK u cabinet, it rniiMilci iilion lie )ifii Hie mat ha- ir place for keeping llio record. II in ii-i .if ibv duping nrmwdliog Canh for Maiury lioiid. Tims, Standard and Popular solid til 11 moderate price. V lime no coal fields, and thai Ihe tnosl McUlymont. If m-tialioii In saying II In tin; host moil. feasible and economical route for transportation of Groundling-roal Union .iU'iim?liiji 'Chilllwack'-'I'jueitday. nb-' -priced phonograph on Hid market li tidewater be determined by ii nailing for Stewart .'10 really iiiiiixiiiiI value for the. liioncy. rofiiifiini anil impartial Jioanl if i-iiiih'i-i-s.' i I .!'( fot'l dalel O.W.V MUSIC $25-V.o7o Market for Ores. . HI. VulenUne,. Hall t't-hruaiy Only $110.00 "l air market for fjrc ami It. iinMai- an- of tin utmost Import :iiii- in mining development in We only handle irim l I ri'ii tributary In Prjncc Itll- he!. HiillnlucTliMi guaranteed. from 5c 25c li'M i ',. iavi inr definite pro t:ily .Market. tf to per copy at this time hut will It-ml in a" "iiptinrt to any witllcon- luy I(avis. Oauadian Kxilo ii n il plan that prnnlluc In ires ajieiu, ieavi-! toui'iii on fi'i our mining Industry, from Hie I'rlnee Jiilin for Stewart H"i-iil restrictive condition. Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Gramaphones "More fanners nml miners Muherl Ward gaili-d Ihix morn will inliahfl Prince ilupert'H ing on the I'm jtary on a : i iimiary lerritnry whenever they blldltn IHp In Vancouver, and Records Prices 'mi make it nay. "r in other at Salvage word, whenever transportation The Itecven Variium (Meaner RUPERT BRAND hiii) market allow them a fair eoU only ilC.mj- and nothiii . . . . margin of pruM. These pioneer lo oiierale. J'Imiiic Itlaek 7(). tf producer's wllT develop he new !ia I fir that nfusl coiutiltifc I he Loyal , Order Moo.- WhiKt All Music and ftrlusical Instruments Kippers and Bloaters fiiumlalion of Prinee Huperr drive and lanc. Melroiiiile Hall -ommcrciat success. The pro Weiliiesnlay, Kitniiary II. at K::ti) Must be Sold Regardless of Cost 1, ; strain of legislation that your WeKlholuie Clrchi-lra. 'Jl lohliy is Inking In (HtawW ' will Miki- mure enthusiastic support A. .Mililo Ha- taken out a for Sale at at home nml probably command liutldinz jiermil fur t"U addi ALL RETAIL STORES more respectful alt en lion In Hie I mnt nml alieraliiui lo Iiim rcn. Prince Rupert Music Store, linminion Parliament ha nl pres. hlencc on (he wrUcrfroui al Seal ii I eiintiliiliil, if ii shows some Cnve. The Most Tasty Breakfast Food recuguitbin of I to- prime neeen-ll Opposite Post Office y of MNjitig iipeUkfHienl in Mr. and Mr. 1'.. (I. (inilibe ar Obtainable your trihuUiry territory hy some rived nn the I'rlnees Mary lal ifn-aliT protection Ui" pion-r niulil from Ketchikan ami are in I In- vital mailer of markets rHgiered al Hie Hotel I'rinei' Smoked Daily by anil transportation raleii. Ituiierl. "Mr. (Irani Malmm!, iiifiiili-i The C.N.K. steamer Prince Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. uf "lir Kxeeiilir Oniimillei- will S.M'ial am) musical eeniiig for John ail al 7 o'clock louighl If in lliiKii Miinti. ami Iiiin hecn SI. Andrew'x SiM'ieiy mcmbvr for SlewarJ and "will return hen-ill PRINCE RUPERT ifknl In ilifils with ymi lhei nml menu utnler Hie ntipircj-of -'time to nail for Vancouver Lumber & Lath mihMt f mtilual Inleii'il. the IjulieX Antlllary. Monday; with panneiiger. and freight al "Vmir V o'clock on Monday morning. for troitr, Feb. OHi, KtflO 3D s i kwaut i:iTiy.KNs" .ss.t" Passenger' Rates. Aiming Ihe iwrl piMiple who Shiplap-Boards and In iliru.lnif Hie mailer of are Iwankt-tl lo return norlli on Church Notices i ralf in nml from Stewart. (I. II the prince John tnnishl lire S Dimension Stocktaking Comes in 2 Months. Mi'Nii-hiill nieiil lulled lhal the lleliifen liiul MinweD Helen and riioiiao now tiad nnilrr eonii. Irene Hall, Of Ilyiter. Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover rtition a reduction of lln in. International Bible Students' Until that i'ni't rale froiu fti..'0 ni at .1. II. l(iiol'fUfIiinIii(.j' irin a Association. time we will offer The I.S.II.A. meet every Sunday ireniMii In io liut Kiln Dried no offijyal ernmeni piimic wjirji engineer, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding had heea evening in the K. of P. Hall in Several Lines iiiinoiiiii'emiMit yet rftnrtieil this niorntnv on the Specials maih'. Then- wmild al 8 p.m. Subject loiuorrow eve-ing In- no reduo- Prince John from a viiil of in and Finish imii from preeiil fn?iahl raleV .rclion lo New. Massetl ' and "The Fall of llabylon- Type wiiii'h il ii ennHidei-ed wa Port Cleinenl.. and Anlilyiie." All welcome. X FV.k I CHOCOLATES n'aoiialili'. collccliiiii. Church. SPRUCE LATH lienrsc Clnlliier wax lat night Presbyterian o'cbick.' Manufactured in Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices and FULLER'S SPECIALS iippriiulei by (he lloaril of Trade MurniiiK er'iee al II Subject. "Itelixiou." Sunday lo repee!enl Prince lttiperl al Ivory llro k field IiTi 40c Hie meet ins; of Hie liiHlitule of ScImmiI at 12:311. Kvening erv-;' PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. STATIONERY ILiimiii. ieenil 37'ic Miuiiix li nd Melillllirgy al Van ice al 7:3n. Subject "llcward- f'Mi'ifii' Milk, tier trnnr $5.50 and PuiiisluuenU or llcucu and couver, l-eb. 13 o w. Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 Cumuli"!! and St. ('.liar!'-". Hell." Preacher. Mtev. II. It.1 Thuse will be sold at cost to clear. Mr eile .... $7.25 Nit!; Ilrid?eman,'whii fur sunt' Urn ut, I). 1). i'.a li le Soap, Iii;j liar 25c lime ha been ufT the local ho.- - Baptist Church. N". I AbldeH. Kpeeinl $2.85 Moniiup service al 1 1 o'cbM-k. pital ulaff, nml Mrs. I tort b wick, ORMES LIMITED Laundry Sltirrh. pkn 25c who vn aNi' I here relieving, Subjccl "Pale.line." Sunday I'.iiiiireKR Marmalade 90c nailed itn the Priiicen lary thin Sctiool at V:.'!(. livening ervicc llr llenl (ifle Tea. 2 iii for ,85c morning fi Vancouvw. it 7::t0. Subject "peter." Picac.h- The P ionccr Dtuggists The Rcxall Store Speeial Creamery Holler .... 40c r, Hey. W. II. Itednian. Hi kriehl ami I! C. I) 45c i. A. .Me.Viehnll. C.VIl. axUI- GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY l-'resh Coffee, :i II.s. for $1.00 anl general fii'ihl und an'li-uer jCreuin if Wheal . 25c aeul, and llegiuald lleau-inolil. ANNOUNCEMENTS S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail 11 p.m. Wednesday for iChrmhe' Smla. linn 65c su.iei'iiilendeill Anyox. Midnight Thursday for Swanson Hay, Ocean Falls, of Mleaiu-litp-i. SI. Valentine". Hall February Powell Itivr. Vancouver, Victoria and Seattltv iMiinif llakiiid Powder, 95c will mil Inufshl for Stew Canadian National tt by (i.W.V.A. Railways llojjer'itSyrup. '.'V 25c S. PRINCE JOHN art maKiiig !in- rouml I rip on S. lor all points on Northern und jcnrn, big iu, :i for 50c the Prince .IiiIiii. Il"pifal 'i onen' Auxiliary Southern ijueen Charlotte Island. January 30, February 13 Two in I 12"c Silver Tea Friday, 17th. Nur.e' and 27. For Stewart. February 2 and 16. Nk. I Jap.lliee, :i Urn. for. 25c There wa a parade all a run ml lliiuie. Train Service. Prince Rupert LmprcMH Cneoa, Hi tb 25c I own orgauixeil by Hie jiporl Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al 11:16 11. C. freith l 50o fan from ihe Klk nfler attend-: Knight of Columbus Annual . in. For Smithers. Prmcc (ieorg, Fdmontou and'VV'inn.-teg. Oiilariu Cheefti. .per lb 25c iug the ehaiiipi.inlrip haketball Dance, February making direct, connection fur all points i l&slern Canada and United States, Kuilii'i'M. Cnffee, 53c i - which I lal game hey won uighl.i Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. Shipyards V varied uiirtnnMll of in!!-!!-1 City Ticket omce, S26 Third Avenue Phone 260 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY meni wa lined and lhoe who Over Twelve Imik pnrl gvf vent tn their joy Operating Q, T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock . HOOM und Jlnai'll lor Hirer iicu-tlemen by making tlieuielvis heard. Thousand Watches Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern a! .n per moulli. Apply makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. Carllou ll'"i urn iinl. If. lliw. W. I". lliislihriHik, Anglican CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY rural dean, relumed on Repaired. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Thiiriolay evening' Iriiin l Port B.C. Coast Services LKing4on after bavins npent Our repair book shows that ! Our ilmil in equipped 10 handle nil kinds of nnie lime visiting In Toroulo we have had that number of with hi umlliei'. Mr. llushbrouk ciit.toiiU'i' walcb(!!i in for Sailings from PrinceRupert MARINE AND reporleil Ibal lliere wa moii repairs. v in Hie vicinity uf Sliamc We make I minw our cliurge jus For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Ikasway I hail he had seen xliiejj .jCjivlufr us low us we can. COMMERCIAL WORK Turonlo. V We have facilities for undoi'- January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27. PHONES 43 AND 385 takiug most tiny kind uf u For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle .I..II. Agar, aceoiinlanl of the job, from living breaks in January 7, 21; February 4, 18, l.akeUe Lumber Co Ajinhury, riujis. eyeglasses, pens, etc., left on Mil mornings Jruiii for .to the inosl ilelii-ale tiiue-pieces. ' for all Steamship Lines. lui Agency Vanilerhouf wlterc w'lll tuke charge of (ieore l.lltle's linn, Wo can also luaunfacturo Full Informatioa from liEAUTY OF THE SKIN her yard while It (L 'Mallliewn, most any kind of jewellery W. 0. ORCHARD, General Agent Dr. Jos. M AGUIRE lb ritni of ev.ry oiu.n, ihe i-cgiiliir manager, U mi holi you need in a hurry. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlnoe Rupert, OJ nil l CliMaaOlniuimk.obuinabla Um bUcklimda,uw ol !r. day. Mr. Agar ha been at TRY US rauiiliiivM and rnlnns of Ih. kln, HiuillierH and Tqrrai'c. InicJnK Ihe Irriuilon n.l mmhw dlwiiiiar, and Dentist tlM. kln lal.rit, auiiwth aol TelMr. winter following the wJnU'iailiut- John Bulger, . c All Uiuliwl,dMl.ra,rnromo,or Kdiuammi Kainpl Italia frr ft-If(to.,rou ilowu of Hie Aiiislnny mill in UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. is paying a visit to Vuncouvcr and will return on iimbUoo tbla wht November. The Jeweller SAIUNOS Fur Vancouaar, ralliuii in Suulmin IU.V tiri-au f alU, Tumilay, .ln. 15 his For eorl Slmpaon, Ulvvi. Anvuv anil Atli-p A nit. nimlnv. HHOiiljilil. February to (live the preference wjiun you 'GIFTS THAT UvSTi 7 Callliia al litoailli' a nil .Nua llalLwr cm alllnir Jail, it. I'eb. I. . Marrli l. buy In Hip merchant who advertises to Callluir al tuiH-rvlll. kuincoii ma Mill Day Mlllus Icti. t. IV. Marcli Office, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block a t. II ami April , In the dullj;. nowspaporw and 623 S.contf Annua JACK BARNSHY, Print Nup.rt. I, C. buy iidvertined (foods.