THB DAILY -REWfl PAOK mit' nnd th lri, nantaln Hnfn Utn. on float,- and I binir put Into n nr both out at Hank Inland flrft claff fhrfp rfldy for th Waterfront Whife orl Irncfdri expedillon. II I fori "nnnn. Tmffr ' ' . it J-eprtrted they nr dolnj nod i.njrii. nnd will prohnhly nr. Captain A. fwanon rjort of the Mosquito Fleet Winch It the Chief Source nt in port wild n hljr airli of that nlno new row boal hav rWne nirn i.rrifiz ,P r,i,njr wrek. already fwen built at hi hop MCDONALD'S OI I lliit-c liutni i lunptJlliy llil eaon nnd.lhre nmr am Caplnln Curly IMwnrd of Ih under conlructioh. 'I'hl make ii. v II., lefi on Friday nlsrhl a lolal of twelve new row boat V 11 ponn n aiHiap 4.rfi'filltiitr i.- linlil.ul fishing' !( Knyon, for I he liftlilmi fhin(f (froiihd Willi Ihi winter, and alto?phcr all? h enurt". .jmhiiiiii vrlopwl clulrh Iroulil whfn I wo on nu firt trip of h aon. Ihnre will l a fleet of thiry-two Cut Brier 'V out f Pnr' 'npaped in wU out off l'ill-lui !,! row boat in c.ommiiori for th fll production, Kraf dllfluly jn linpn.vMnfr Th Helen m,ou Ii, Captain W II uftimer eaon." ii irv w J r mrty halililll IiMiiiiK. inrnnif mi-Y-hafilom lo n.ill him (o nrowri lin. nearly ompletd minn ri'P"nr. aim con. rnakr porl. llowrvrr, aflr murli her inerliaul, nnd will av port The iffiee of Ih Adrnirally MORE TOBACCO FOR THE MONEY mieniir i ""y hn ft lraln fair and many radlnp of for lh lialilnif fl.herleo over Ih. of the fleet hav'len remodelled .. doeririi nfpearfiV- Hi lonk In lil iriTlmnlral ek-nd. r durinir Ih week and a brand Vhii th halibut ealeh have lilimry h Ml id Mtlutio'n of flic new calendar ha been lump on ,n nf normal proportion duf-j prhlm, and l now afly In The Ruby Ma, owned bv J. i lb wall, thepiclur on Ih old lpe wfc l) priei have, had Ijw llily pulliiiK liU..'; lioal C. Currie, relumed lo port dur on havihp been framed and now n4nrv i nueiuaie on a llmnicli a prmannl K'rpalr ing the week from an eleven day adorn lb Ibroh of Jim lire in iiwarl WIP- iirco. limber propTtlnjf trip. During the Admiral' sanctum. Th telephone 4 Hi trip Ihey eruld around Pill bafeen moved from the pi repnrmi mai in in vicm. Captain Jacon of ih V. K Inland and up toward KIKimaat. Admiral left hand lo hi riant r salmon jnver which now T. ttiit Into fiort on Tuday witli ''nod Undier fop Ing'ainr wan In. hand, a he I slroprer in Ih i,rnv ill Channel. her- a konI ralrli of liililml. , Cap rated and neirnliallon ar nnd- left arm and consequently when ... .. u Irttft I n - imiali rrjxirln thai tli Irip wn a ,vry iuir for lh purchase of Ih n- in heated disciMsinns on the - Canada's Best But - ihr ntlffare ami in audi iirpfnl on, and Jhal dn. rary rijfhln. When lb p. phone th instrument ha tw. THE ECONOMY PACKAGE in r that ihn rapuil ami did wHit irfallfd on the rnary 7iermUninn ha been nh. com somewhat denied, Now ! are walinp on Ihe flb "histi pot" diirinc Hi lim h Inlned lh Ituhy Ma will Aav I hat. .Flossie Is nncr aaln recon. , atiSlnr mueh illrurlon. wa mil. i.' on a tojrsrin? rruUe eifendini? ciled lo Ih Admiral there i a ,k uiin!,r r" f',r the urre over a erlad of nom rnonlh". beautiful pholn of the fair one, ihi twal al preaent mil ol Captnin I'm! Ilavnan of lh taken al work on lh telephone rl in If'Tina iimnir mt 1.f . a iiiTii. I'Hiran lfl on Tuday for Hi. Th 8laron, durinir Ih ab-("nc riphl oiiioiie he wireless in. Iialilml filiincr irround. of Captain Walenn in Knir. slruinent. , fal fur arrival nr rc,-ricd laud, i- laid lip ai !i?hy Mand However, h Admiral i srn. ituruip Hi wV. mink riol run l orsanilne a under lh rarr of aCplain Hrd-hurL injr to'cbahp II location a the I. r a Orl cla quality prc-iii iaklhall I en m inniiii; h who will u hr if o. wirelewn operator keep hi mind DIRECT MAIL PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4i a-Inp In III catch. Xcar- lnoyrHdirik mimI olhi lady (Ain ilernand. on Flofsie'n picMir and ne- . i Prairie tli lili landed nt (wiw worker- of lh Mililllo Kleef, In pb-ct his Instrument. Saturday, Ketirtiary I. !Pa5hc l!ac been dlpocl of to Ii known a 'loi' I'loimderx. I'h Hi? Hay Lumber Com The uphoUtery "on th walnut SERVICE HERE lliph fi:0t a.m J8.7 feet, i j fu; buyr. Tli hl of: I ..i iflyn If ihrr Ih any; pany i evperlin? a eotf load of still in "lb outer offic ha 18:30 p.m., 15.7 feet. Folk Like fur hat been rauultf on laili lahi in limn lookinir for lumber lo arrive from lb been cleaned with lh vacuum Low 12:21 a.m, ".0 feet. jr.a iiana wiicr a numwr n rouirh- jrawjhey will h only for3lown mill early in Ih clanr but the vacuum wan o That J Oeatre of Board of-Trade Sunday, Kehruary 0 al ami smaller crafl arc lo pla'd In fnrnioh om hoapiialj coining week for local consumption. slronz it' sucked all the paUern a Expreased at Meeting lliph 6:51 aJii, 18.1 feet, Pacific .n.aa,i in trapping. ra. To (hi end rion ha Alp a crow load of finh from lh covcrHp inlo the machine. Last Nlflht. 111:11 p.m., 15.2 feel. . niravd Jak Toner a lliel boxen In fi dnidrd between th l.ow-y- 0:16 a.m 8.1 feet, "I never have atiy desire to po r : n n- mnfnr Iwi&l imr. trainer ami of Hi The iiiel ini of Hie mail i3:20 fresh manairer learn, Itoyal and Itonth flhri ami service p.m., 7.8 feet. back lo milk for rookinp. -, if which were, reportrd ami lia already enrolled porn lb Cold Storatr. Thl will bo Tli follow,y.p boal are at frotii this city poinp to neiph-borinp Moriilay. February 6 I il nd Pacific Milk pive so much .i a . 'ii umirpo tin riri real htiky feinale in lh rank lb lad cnw load of fih )him presenl in port: Hetty, Iivera. points by way of Vancouver lliph 7:56 a.mM 18.5 feet. heller result. Cakes lire liner i. a l fore lb official of of lh flounder. The annej al io arrive in port prior lo lh II, & Wolvprine, Texas T wa discussed lal nipht al the 4 stun p.m. 15.3 feet. and puddinps have n nicer He i difruip li" eominp III Mil I'p lia len filteil up but down of th '!nrvlown .Molly, Mae. Cod, Viola, Jteaver lioard of Trad meetinp. orpe Low 1H5 a.m 9. fee J. llavor.;' Tliis iparl of a letter Tin- ,fNr of h Ad-r llli a tmokelhall pitrh and lh mill which lake plae on February Cove. Helen II. of ralle; Kmma Mckerson jirouaht up the matter 11:12 p.m., .J3 feel. Mrs. F. V. Pyde. send us from tivr rnl ul mdlre lo walU hav in padded lo rn- 13 to enable lh milt own. It, Spot. Jlivle Itupert. Iteltii. and urped that lh- mail contract Tuesday, February' 7. the prairies. - ai uwner In attend q ald Floi' oprMinenl to cf er to make an annual 'overhaul' lion of PogUlm, Itoland Amund should all be b-t lo and from this lliph 9j(t3 n.m 18.9 feet, Pacific Milk is Ihe fine. freh ,i whu'h, in all pmbabilily off lighlly when I hey hit th of lh macbinrry. Thi overhaul sen. l. C. F. .Vo. I, Alliance Xo. city instead of lo and fropi Vancouver." 22:18 p.m, 16.1 feet, until from the famous dairy . in Hi main alon of Co Hay Amazon. Th 41jrhlet will probably tak Iwo or Mars. Mderos of Ketchikan, , l.w i 2:29 a.m,' 9.1 feet. heriL of Ihe Fraser Valley. Mug t p. .Moanlill- Hi nimhr of lh team enrolled In I lire week! California, Fremon of Silka, Mer W. C;William told of the dilll-cullie's 15:51 p.m.. 0J feel. ar rrtiprallni: aflr lal tip Ih liam at 105 maid of jM'alll. J'rnvincial. under-which hi fi rm was Weilnesday, February 8 Pacific Milk Co. : tftvnui'u ,x,rllon In lp-h.' pound-. Vhn th Flounder iro Th Wis warn. Captain Claud Pachena and Tip Top. workinp with no direct mail service Hteh 10:11 a.m, 19.8.feet. Limited rfsrinat. up I own loplay any II ml of Uf Ketrhuin, left for I'orrbr Inland lo and from Surf Inlet, where 23:l8.pjn. 17.5 rHt. i Factor! at team lh fll amlrtjlan will early In the.week for a cow Ihe J. M. Morpan Company was liw 3:18 a.m, 9.1 feel. Akbatafoed and an omakk mtcrr Tt: 1 arli if lat Cary. al aerompany llim and firt. aid load .of travel and will en rout FINE CARNIVAL operating. He had notbinp but 16:55 p.m, 1.7 feel. Lar, B.C. VANCOUVER i ;;S'' at fl? on 'nnirlj liiwlil, will l ijuirkly rioleri lo any pick up a ,bom Uf Ippn for Ih pood, to say of the erice of the 4"Mv Wt ly all who Vnw; lady pettinir hr far leor?fton milU. yonnp Union Steamship Com perny except FAULTY MATERIALS n m alonir Hit walrr-.. LAST EVENING InxbU-n if her fal hair ' t i . on or that it came by way of Vancouver. i tiould heroin wound round he'ri The liiile lluperl. Captain J. fi. Stewart said Colonel Peckt DISCOLOR THE LINEN Box 446 Phone Green: S10 ;4 inirr of ol.l tliiior. and rai iin. wc4inil. ha been out In Sha hda leen avers to any action Th .wenlr to Ive worn will'watlano l'aa durlna- lh week right Affair Put on In SU An which would injure Hip- Union I 7" Canadian Steam Congratulated v ir roniins In tlii eounlrr Imve Hie rlull and rro bone on work for Ih rlly. The work draw's Natl by Adale Cars SU-amship Co.. wtiicli was the Laundry iTjfj- ' pio w VMamt Mluii Ur wa only on th front with lh ffiiry of ha ronMl of runninjr tele ; bhapta. neer steamship line on the coal Upon Knowledge fr olil, II rll-1 in a lomblon on lh bark nuilnbly phon ir- aero lb narrow. ' and had done good service. . of Laundry Supplies. c r i.r -otri vear. anl i.........-.i The !hrnival Mliwyiler put on II. h 1'ullen pointed to tlii' ilir. -j i;ai city al the lime of i n ,',nAnF.i,t n .hiiti Cuplain Plroii new hall lal nhrlit bv the Adair Car. of New Discolored linen i a source llculties The-Daily in not ICyl rrhelfion. l lmin. but boat, th'o IC CliapleH Onler fiaiiph of much o w III b iu by l'loie' fMiinjr I.iptett InlpV-rial beinff able lo eimilate In Surf annoyance may pen-l Ii hi loimcer day ho wader In lh winner of lh ln- Is nearinp a finUhcd product at ler of tlio l.inpire. in lb St lilel owin'-r to llie mail bavinp lif ;il who .send I heir wnhinp out ,' T nideralde wejllh and on cup. A beautiful inabocany Ih X. M. McLean yard. Th Andrrw' ""Hull wa a splendid po by way if Vaneiuver. to b laundered. t B)aBBB)aBl llabl ha already len pur- pilot houe and the. palnlinp of affair. .botii. )A peron at Fred Slnrk, M:P.. siurpesled lliat Tills discoloration i Ihe n f x - d' red an aulhority r haed by Ih Flounder lo iatn lb bull Is nearly completed. It lendl,in III fours of the. eve the potolice inswctor .should be suit 'of Molly material or 1: nf Mil cla. lh cup on. which will Im ffivrtt In eipeeleil h Cap will leav ninp but final accounting ba I oca I'll here. . meibiid. Happily, our natrons) ::. U i, ipey, tb al Mr. a prominent location in lb reception portwith hi nw boat early in not yet" Im-cIi iniide so the exact do not complain of this serious Th matter will i. v m Vancouver, nnd hall of lh Mup t'p. Ilie week. um that wtt raised for relief b4akn up by defect in laundry service. i 1 v i nuit a lara Irael purpose is not yet announccii ine iiiesraion nen in .inc. rvsi The fnllowinp reply lo our) " i In' locality which I For lh ronviiinco of mm-Iwr Th Mhb is on the slip al the There wu a preat variely of at- - inquiry refrardinp this condition f T DCU"iVT i,n wii a Sliauirhny of Ih Fleet who com in N. M. McLean yard underpoinp Irnciinh and many of them wen' URGES BETTER may indicate the reason oifr pa-i i.ti uiiforluiialcly old from lh hivh a with (h bull repair. novel indeed. I tie liall was Irons have no complaint on! PAINTER h di .IK hforr lli properly ishlt o.or of fih on their Prettily decorated with larpe Ibis score. i rim folly valuable. pron Flni ha till upon (Ii Captain Jud Thurber ha the flap. Mrs. C. I.. Younetnan. STREET LIGHTS "Iar Sir: r ! pal ten year be had Idea of prmldiiik' orn beautiful Mayflower on the slip at lb reitenl of 4h cbatder. was in W ar referrinp your ftl-ter employed K nihl walrb-a oriental perfume, at ten rent a Hal Cove Marin Way, and rharpe generally and wa nisl of January I2lh direct to na ih itoverument wharf. quirt. Should a fihermaii d. new keel is beinp filed on her, tl by all the ladie of the chap Dr. Shupp, Mellon Institute, EDSON COAL Board of Trade Endorses Sua ' a s ijpical Irishman, and ire lo yl no tttwn in a hurry, The work on I he keel practic ler. gestlon That More lllumlna-' Pillsb.urp, and you "will hear ' weH ktujwn for hi rautle Mho mlulil have th mll of ally completed arid part of the In lb " wliisldriv Jack Wu. from him. tlon Be Given. COMPANY "t- -lumor. A tor' that I flh on hi Albert coat. Floic nlankinz n lit hull ha been able ami Mrs. Slickdale were Yiur letter sbrnv. that you rli riTOuntiii of Pat' auaraiilee lo banih Ih mol renwed. lb first-prize winners, oonsola Ihoroujrhly appreciate the. importance: Corner 2nd; Ave., and 7th St. I be uppesion that the cen of knowledge, of ::)r ocurr. mn m apo and uhliliil th beaulirul limrawards pninp to J." II. Orm -a tral portion of the city be bet r (apuili) John Mfl.eod wm aroma of lilac for only ten1 The launch 23 i umb-rpoinp helm and .Mr. l. Cook. Ihe supplies used in launder, lihled ler was made'Iast nipht :. t lh I'rinr May. rcnl. Tli ten ccnle worth of! an annual overhaul al the Swan Amonp. Ihe ntlracllnn were inp. Best Coal J. F. Mapuire movitl by ;wit' a ' 1 You ar to he conpraltilaled 1 at wa Jut putlinir off qulrl i full valu for onei sidehows sucli a "The llrenk resolution benrin? on -Ihe que. on thl fact, because there I ,;a the of day." "Heaven on ltrth." and wliarf, and was mn money, ami on uniurky uan. COULDN'T DO lion which carried. was : no sinplc item connected with ''"I from lmr whrn Ih who bud more mouth lhan For Men Only.'' There wore ' ;nrt runnlnir witli .. .. . .... also roulel.le wheels, lop and Mr. Maauiro said the liuhlinp the launderlnp process that at up trot a mnuinim i 1 '" money, HOUSEWORK and power syjleiu Jdiowivi a ' fp io caleh lh boat. Xip-u'" lal Sunday mornlntr. ami crown and . anchor pame. has any prealer importance liquid profit last year' o hI least 30, lhan Ibis. there In fact, are MiIimI nboutcd the The fortune leinnp boom was Lowest Priced rrom In coukIiIor l. IIP "aid that HEART WAS SO BAD 000. possibly pood .deal, "'ft' Ynu didn't run fat twenty cetitu worth of FlolP' a very afthirjivc one, .Mrs. S, J. a more. many who think that itjs Ihe It Ihe provision for a sinking for the i most important 'subject iisin paf I'.vnns. Ms II. Hampton and lilac would have been the dealh T Vinr ti" ' k aa run dVn fuiid was eliminnted. He tbouphl laundryowner lo understand Hirh Pat renlleir'Hejror- of him. If nu should chanc to Ibrlr Mrs. C. Kemp, artistically poWn- i Order Now! Phone 5& tixl uiutl 19 liv.k atlrr lnjucboM Ih oily rales slmuUI be re- Yours sincerely. I Hill....I j,.r..,, f..-l ....euro. unicll beauli-ful ed in Cyiisy coslumes. presidilip. 111 I IIBIIII viit Cow Hay and tlutll oor ti ttie lirtri triinn bmoninr luceir.and also there should be . l..UNlRYOW,NErtS NATION I didn i utart onii ennweh-f lilac don't look for flower UuplrMl or Hie wrrHi uiin unMrunr Arlhur orchestra provided fin .. . . . . an improvriiHml in ine iipiuinp AL ASSOCIATION. umii ore orcaMon rai wa wal of lime, vVilur lirtrndril mirfo to t tiruur. the music for Urn daucimr an .eoaii it a system of Hie busini's .eclion of ' linen I of Ihe pMitiiiy iu1 lurly liilf3 uf lrk tad Your worthy ' Ihe master "nrw Mm utore when A ul pop Inln Ih Mtisr Up. llli nrrtriMil. Hut bnw c(D a woaua t I.. Younpman was the oily. The resolution passed best Jrealment. MAY WF. SKIUT Nipht Pbonea J. G; Steen, S71 ' kmiwn cillen annroached ak Fbi In of ceremonies. Supper was W. UmwiU, lilu270 tin len cenl and limn ud tu-ilihy tiea ilty In iial dr was thai Ihe lloanl request I no YOU 01 '.lb. tin remark: "Well Pat produce th lilac iuirl nun, I'"' iui li ti lo to inruufii lh Mm rou served in the parlors upstairs, liphl. Day Phone S city to consider the beltec CANADIAN STF.AM LAUNOnY ,,n'y Imp tlmt When I reach don't bom In your wife in 1 1 or of ck, iKeeplnt, dtollnr, fool I nr. Mr. S. V.Cov, Mr. Coorpe Kerr, 111 n e . W,H lit k , n Mira....lent a Ih Mini po clothe. lirtrl si-hlnr.hmmtt nr.t tiieried It II nr ind uthlrr b r'ti tbat Irri Hi Mr. S. I.. Warrior and Mr. H Inp of Ihe streets. Phone 8. (advl STEEN & LONG WILL re "Ynu u.111 I.." renl eil table ind nrrrou. tin hot nutferi. Hint Newell beinp In cbarpc. Corporation of tha Clij at Prlac a g part, Sheet Metal Worka "lwl you woa't know l." Captain .1. .lohnon of th. isl dlur pIK fUK.ttifrmir tod (Uiklnt RaffU Llat. FANCY DRESS DANCE t frlU and rao'l lerp at ulihlt SatlTH ISLAND QUANNV. Agent for McClary Furncaea Minni V. left for Ihn "hlpli There were a raffle lis! in ,., To all uooiea hn bran II weak The MhikI r Thursday mornlmr lo wuuUI harpe of which Mr, Stanley Event at De Luxe Hall Last Tb (rrrUnn or ihe Clir of frlnre Savnltarr atnd Qlil. I. . r . . . foot" on nd Ih crir art uo.lrunr Pretty Hiiprri is or rereivinir irimrri ir - ii neen nut alnco CliriM. coav inn naiiniii mm oi i"i. rermnnirbd Rennet t and Mr, llert .Mcl.voy, Night Enjoyed by Many. lie removal ill rerlaln dHirla, ami the Heattna Engtneera "f auou ruble qiiarrylnr aiTnuinialrly hi nn exlendod trnppitiB iLauaH The wuiuer wero us follows ra of rnrli. on certain tirnrrr owl tU Street andjaacr Stmt K'JHion, arrived i oorl on i yCM arrived In Cow Hay heart tuo amvi pan Ham, donaUd by 1. Hums Co., I'here was a very pretty fancy dv iiie tuna uiy, on suiiin iiauu. mnu Prine Rupert B.C. I lie twH rruiedr la lun lh lyilrm r lender Uiar be iitiiained. and MalK, lip -.urHoay dress dance held under private ,nrnlip w, farg0 ThuMay aflrnoon wilh K. won by Mr. C. hemp (ecillrilnn ami condition of rmilrarl nr.l mi iihI Iffiiiilwn lh vrtktliMl orraui. auspice at the He l.tixe Hall last seen. Ml dl'PliratiiiU lu Ihe City Lnalnrer, ca jlir ru nrw Helijanyobl, T. TorkeUoh nnd Mr. IkdiJ Umnson, Lnvllf, 9. Chicken, donated liy iseorpe al Hi oinrv in rrlcire Hua-ri, oh ami aflr "Jtll cn,Ued of mint tvhleh John Oden ulMiartf. Hy rilfi:--Al 1 aa iruublrd lib a weak Hutherland, won by N l.f.Avar- uivlit which wu well attended. Tnecday. 0m llli tiulanl. Sealeil tenders lu In' iu the liaiui l the r.Hy clerk 'ou r Foe next r I.Mii fur nearly twa jrrari I am rllln ' I he Westliolnie Orchestra your . III J. Ilouer---r, imiiil returned from a (wo moniti rlnr. - provided urmrr uie msir nr ova orim no ine lam I I"iijer. lo tell ynu Mliat yourrwal remedy. Nil-burn'a donuled by P, II. Lin. he music. In.unl. The r.lty du nit lilud Ihenoelies imhiiu Coffee, crui urmiud Hunk lleiri and .Nerie MlU, In done IO aeerpi ine kwei nr any lru.l-r. wbrrc thry bail pnfaFrl la trap- for ,ni. icy, won by Mrs- Ultariea. Kemp. Many of the cotuinc were f. a. w in l l tRt-ii.Cllr n.ji.r..i.(i:orineer. Shoe Repair Job "i Mflff owned by Iluririan pinit. Th tbri' trapiier ruiiKht My bean via 4 bad at nltbt I rouid Camisole, donated by .Mrs. . extremely pretly. Then? were two February S. tm. . ft about one hundred mink which not aletp,. I wuuld tain aiixillwrlui pll, Kerr, won by Oeorpu ,0. fihaw. bride, and a preat many old lime . .. ... nd wit io weak I could DM da.niy boui. woncr. try "'awh r urrive(i i ii.i j i i a-.," i tJamlsnle, donated by II S. Ire.. Tim unial number of frnlll ",d ,ro,. o ifiiiiiii"i wer noid I bat rot 00 work, tried two doflorl, Mrs. motley . reniTenled and M TAWK OTir.r thit after th nubtlcatkia J. C. EMERT0N by hlanley was .no,, 'W"'ay flir fur buver. Aflfr a WW ovrr- rrauiu. A filnwl advlned ok jo Iry your Wallace, won ar thU nulii-e for one luonib lie Lakelx ' I" ak tirovllon. abonrd haullnit anil rprovUlonlnpr the Cilia. I ihtil alt boiei and am roinpletely Kentiett. varied assnrlmeiit of dislpns new Hot yprluva Lliulled tll a I ply la v II Champion 8ho Rspal Shop reltrved. I tuink tbey are tba bel IfiueJy I'red und old. U ' ,"' - ' imiiix rluuireil lu lh Uken llat r(rlnta Mr. Cm) will ltiv today for mniirr Nupar, donated, by IMdinir LluiUed. I'm ad Dlock, Third Avenue, ''"IMnsf and tn.tnilua trln. fur dlMWf rl.. for rrlre.bearl too Iruobla a txit 1bra at alt If.'dealert, ur walled Ollliuly, won,by W. I), Vaneo, Supper was serveil at II o'clock lt.-OAini iiii tiu tiajr or Jaouary. A.n. Silver meat won .Ram and dnncinp wa kept tip unlit "Repairs while, wait' ttrert va rrei(t of prira by Tba T. Mil. fork, by WII.IIV5I8, N-wsnj Ii UOMAICS, you cMaln Art. Orvllle of the The niMe, Caplaiu Ed. I.yman, bum Co. Limited.I Toronto. Oaw V tlowe. half pat one. v Hot iM.iirnttra Iprlnji lor taut i.aaeif ltd.