WHEN YOU WANT A v THE NEW TAXI V M 1 u YOKOHAMA 99 in a hurry Phone CAFE PRINCE RUPERT HOME BAKERY ALL NEW CAR'S Phone - - - - 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOL XIII. NO. 131. PIWNCK MUi'.KHT, II. U, TUIiHDAY, JUNK (J, 122. VMltrdtf't Circulation 1633 Strtrt ! 377. PRICK FIVE CENTS Army ot I eterans March to Ottawa TWO MORE EXPERTS TO BE CALLED TO EXAMINE SCHOOL BUILDING General Riley 's Army NEW ERA IN CENTRAL B.C. UNE IS ALL Two New Experts Are to Marches to Ottawa and AVIATION BY ROAD MONEY CLEARED UP Be Called for Further Advice on School Affair HELICOPTER Sum of About $80,000 Appropriated Traffic on C.N.R. Restored ATter Interviews Government Under Hinhway Loan Recent Delays Caused by , Act. High Water I In view or the. racl that the reports or Consulting Architect New Machine Can Hover A. A. (Jox and .Supervising Architect Potter on the condition of Stationary In Air or Fly COMMENCE AT ONCE. Everything has been cleared up l,OM" Memorial School so widely dirfer and the report of OTTAWA, June 5. For twenty minutes today "(SciktuI" 'r for of the defects would ux GO Mile Speed. at the scene or the washout at rniedy entail such a large ex-.Si'lvus lliley's "unny" of unemployed, which marched trout Toronto, set Possible Prince Rupert May Get and traffic is again re- 1'VinIiliire and for oilier reasons, the School Hoard last night dc-s in silent siege of llic I'ariamenl Buildings and tlien marched back LONDON, June 7. A successful An Allotment for Waterfront. lured to normal reported N. H. cil,ctl lo anullier expert, A. M. Jerrers, former provincial to barracks. Tlicy were promised ewry consideration and sympathetic helicopter, the dream WihIIoii, Canadian Nalional vni- P'vcnnieiil architect or Alberta and a man with wide experience, I'll,, siibslanlial Irealnient ly Premier King and Minister of He.-establish-inenl ftllin of -isHO.-ilOfi business of brick and liollow of aviation experts for decades, lias lii-en appropria'fed by the eral superintendent, Ibis morn- tile building, to make a hir Dr. Helaml in an interview. Hiley demanded a specific '-,'J""iiion anu report, x ne also has been devised by provincial ifovcrnmcnl 'liinlcr llie ing. Work was finished during provincial government is linger and said if something was not done they would stay at hp ne assvu 10 senu a structural Louis Brennan, the noted llisrhway Loan Acl fiif cenlral !U" 1,1 0,1,1 "! night's de-Inlcriur Ol awa J ill lieu freezes ov.er. engineer to act in collaboration Inventor, with the aid of '"y"'1 Psen?er train reached trunk roads this OTTAWA, June 0. "(ienefal" Frank Hiley anil his army! season or separately from Mr. Jerrers HENRYFORD aL c, ir ll,is the British Government, according and .'(),no(J is already-'"available niorning, a cou- of unemployed veterans, 207 strong, started out last night to, on (he matter. The resolution r to the Pall Mall for the Colleymounl road f coaches having been sent march nark lo lorouto. J hoy refused the Dominion government's uponjl'1" (((! .boarj lo Ibis errect was out from here the offer of a train to convey them back to their homes. Gazette. which worn is lo commence at ilii meantime. I....O I...I I.. II. -I...l . i. I FOR PRESIDENT The paper declares a new mice. The ciiinmeiiciii'of other late yesterday ariernoon to trans- The Premier and Minister of l.ahor addressed the men last i wliere it received unanimous era In aviation has begun. work is contingent ' upon final fee and brimr lo Ihe city any pas night promising that their grievances would he at once investigated endorsalion. Accordingly lele-grams The new machine can rise arrangements being made but senders who did not care to remain and relief afforded where such was indicated. were sent last night lo Announcement That He Is Willing 2,000 feet and hover stationary Hon. W. II. Sutherland ''miuislrr on the sleepor of Hie resu- Mr. Jefrers and lion. T. I). PaU If the People Want Him. In. the air and on the of public work , is expeeli'd here Iraliu 1 his train relurneil lo ; lullo, member for this district, WAGE CUT IN straightaway can fly 60 from Vivloria on Jum21 and li'wi at 1 1.(5 last nishl. and replies are expected today. DHTIIOIT, June 7.Henry miles an hour. decision as to oilier :iinportanl ' The passenger train, due out v C.Q.M.M. FREIGHTER Experienced Man. Kord has intimated privately '"si eveniiiir, trot at 10 work, including (he eomplelion away COMING FOR REPAIRS In reporting the that be will run for president if on action, of UNITED STATES or Hie local waterfront limd from o'clock this morning and lo-Cow l SAILINGS CANCELLED the school board to the council Ihe people or the country desire Hay lo Ihe iivernmenl 'uiuhl's (rain will pull out on time The C.O.M.M. freighter last night. Dr. Kergin explained but will refuse, to spend any wharf, will likely be m'aile fol-al 0.15. As Tar as is known now, ! Canadian Skirmisher is that Ihe board had money to bring about his nomination, Warships About to Leave Chatham gone Tully lowilifr bis visit. Itr. Si.illierlaiul lomorrow night's iaseiirer train Railway Shoo Mechanics Lose e.ptcled here- within a In Uj. the situation and had deem, according to William Get Instructions to will lie ai'ciiiiipanied h5 e liy P. from the; Kasl will arrive'here ou $6,000,000 Under Recent week lo go into, the local e.d the ciiyaciuir or another ex h'ronberg, one of tho leaders of Remain. Philips iiulilic wnrks'3-iiiiieer. lime at 1A. . Order it ml hW vtilvWlAllMitMiiliiierfl .Tyr President 1 . skirmisher Ts of lheame i FIVE1 MEN MNJURED , . orlhe expenditure, that Mr..Coxa CAiii.- . . I.MN'I .linn- 7. If t CHICAGO, June 0. -Over the class of,yisseI as (ho-Cuii l.l.i.... ., I,. II... ., .!. h'....ol I , : report would . enliiii. f(J had' Herald prinls the report thai n, lit; .1.-. K' lilt' ii(.'.jiiiiiiiin ,1,.,.,, ., I fl. t -drum.' molest. oT Milt lliii'i' Inltilr .mJiaii Scottish ami Can-mliuu " " 1 " " " several warships about lo eav md work has Jusl been, received ! OAKLAND. Hal.. June 7.-- Hve V" EXCHANGE HAS representatives on the United Britisher .which destination be l Hie liiea mi i he works offire. , men lire ileai ami three liail v in- ' "v" i-"" vyv,- Chatham for a Stales Labor Hoard a new wage were, built here. lieved lo In- Ireland, have re! and fin lli'T aiiuouoceiiient will ,j tired as n l-esull or an explosion 000 would cover his plan. The cut of seven cents an hour for! reived instructions not to leavi be made art"r the. plan's liave at lh( Trojan Powder Company's provincial government was also FURTHER RISE largely interested in (he railway shop mechanic ami nine pott. been further gone into here. 'plant near hero. question reels for carmen culling inn.nno so it was thought iuile in f 1 1 i upproxicalely if(i.Oiui.liiKi order Hull an .Xpert should, be REPEATS OFFER TO nDAUC CIMM asked for rrom this quarter. As Improved Conditions In Britain vrarly was ordered hy the Hoard Court House by Complete today A ro.((Ki.oon rut for main CARPENTIER FOR UKUVt iM for Mr. Jefrers, he was perhaps Responsible fop Better Money the most experience,! in Value. tt'iiance of laborer wan ordered nuui way at week and holh reductions FIGHT WITH GREB, FEINERS OUT August 1 Says Contractor; hollow tile building in the whole NEW YOniv. will lic-i-iiini! effective on or Chi;!da ami especially in June 7 Tbs school He rurlher rise in Hritlsh exchange cnn-drucUou. July 1. MAV YOrtK, June 7. Mystified Ready for Occupation Then provincial- government architect was here overshadows all financial Jiy I lie failure to receive a FROM ULSTER in Alberta ror many years, later developments in point oT im SCOTSMEN ARE reply front Caipentier to the The new provincial government court house for Ibis city be- having resigned lo take up private portance. Demand bills on I.on- ofrcr oT 1 5,0(l Tor a match in don to r i"K '"lilt mi ihe Market Square will be coinpleled and ready for praclice. Dr. Kergin said rose -S4.50W, tho highest the 1'niled Stales willi Harry; .,lmi, LONDON, ' weather slated K. (J. Mc- that the school board would like point reached since 1013. ,'u,.i. 'ii... i.'j.Iii occupation by August 1, permilling, TREATED ROUGH tireli. Iivhlweihl ebaiiipiou. Tex Iroons have ii,. ,. , , ii , ,. r: , ..., ...n i i..v..m lo have Ihe full expression of Financial experts say the -i llickard has repealed the proposi- invaders rrom Ihe main posi- IMMigiin, iiL'uii in nil- runwiii iiiik Jinn in .ni:miN(,nii unu .n .Mill, phenomenal advance is altribul- 't Ihe council ou its latest plan. who willi Albert and McCarfery, of lliis cily, ure creeling (he ilion lo Hie French fighter. lliittu ill Itlrflni' I.if 11 1 itfv tiitjl ti able to Hrilain's income rale I,,,..,'.. r i.. 1...I....,,., building, yesterday aflernoon Mr. McDougall willi high Whil- Aldermen's Views. lax ' resulting in (he tvfobbed After hao been here for few in- Aid. Montgomery said he stimulation of Glasgow Ranqers ,.Hi , ..ml sooiiiein iiei.in.i i. r, government afchilect, a days trade, with PROBABLY RECALL i:.... ii i I i:..r:...i ...:n. n ..i.....i:.i thought il to the School especially the Uuited -Stales. ' u,,u "lc "o"' mu was up Football Match at. Copenhagen. now virtually a batllefronl. The,"'" ! , spiL-ou.u ,.,u- is f',Tvs 1,11,1 ,las lvvn "la,Jo u,ul ,,lu ""P umlilmg is Hoard to lake what steps jlj CHINESE PRESIDENT oecupalion or Pellingoe com-' . ,....! uw lukmff. deemed necessary and ; he had ..i..in.i i,, I-..,,, i I""" " "" I 1.. M..l ...II I. 1 1...I Homing to lie wouiii .'II. .,1 1. 'tll (11 I ll "IILi9 tllUl say, ap 'bering seven were buried in a I JAP CABINET ONE MANUNCONSCIOUS TIKNSIN, June 7. (Seneral ; field. Sixteen Sinn Feincrs in-! .plastering will be In hill swing lo make ah inspection of the prove or the steps taken. It was Wit Pei t'u is coming here lomorrow this week with t'5 men ou this school building being- put up bis private opinion (hat certain eluding n coniiiiandanl. were cap- Rough Trouble lo discuss with I,n Yuan work. It was .stalled this week, 'there by K. II. Shocklcy of this things were necessary. HAS RESIGNED Play Precipitated lured. There was only one Hril-ish Hung the conditions oT Ihe hitler's The stone and brick and tile city. . lie will return to Victoria 1 Aid. Kelly agreed with the Following Unapproved. Decision, reiuslaleinelil as president I I IIVIKIV casually..linn. I. Wlieo, Hie work, including the cornices, is as soon as he is back rrom the, school board that a third man i of China. llrish relurneil ;pi-aelically completed, all that re- interior was necessary. In view ot the represenlalives Opposition Won Out In Demand be Yuan Hung was forced rrom big conl roversy between the two ..I.miiliiii...... .f nilii..v mivs ii piirrisiiiitiil . for Reform Policies. COPKNIIAO.N, June 7,n ofrice in 1017 by (he military " l.i. ii.. in il. .: i ,i architects he co.uld.see no other I I MM UitlS. .Ill HID Illll'I IOr IIOIIOW en! of Ihe Evening News, hey angry seene occurred at a root-li.ill hut his recall was urged by Ihe tile partitions are finished. Tiej WHEATFROM solution. II would bo absolute, resumed discussions with the TOKIO, June. 0. Tho cabinet. male'i between the fllasgow revived republican parliament niarhb) ly necessary to decide whether and terrazo work will bo Hrilish cabinet with the centre or Premier Takabashl resigned' Haulers and a Danish team. A last week. Mr. Cox' or Mr. Potter's assertions commenced in about In whether Ireland shall a fortnight j last night and point as after continued at Scotsman ruled off VANCOUVER was correct. Mr. wore Jefrers, and the windows are nearly ready , he subject as all oilier Dominions, tacks by the opposition. The" Ihe resl oT I h( Irani disapproved he knew, was a big man. for the pulling In of (he glass. SCULLINGXHAMPIONSHIP comiiiitlee to Ihe Judicial policies or broader educational' the nd-loweil decision. Hough play Aid. Perry asked if the school of tho Hrilish Privy Council on Silice the cornices have been1 facilities, land, armament reduction, and Hie crowd mobbed Ihe Immense Quantity Shipped board Intruded to have uu in-quiry. all eonslilulional questions. put on Ihe handsome appearance! extension of tho franchise visitors at Ihe Ihe Hoover World Champ and end or game, Walter Since Commencement of So far the school board, of Hie building has been accentuated ho which thel were oucs on with the result (hat when Hie Hilton Bellyea Third Season . in dealing with the matter, had and one can now have an idea government camo to griof, police restored order one Scotsman met willi his approval and the PROGRESSIVES oT what u fine, substantial structure was round unconscious. PHILADELPHIA, June 5. it is going lo be. Mr. Whlt-taker, VANCOUVER, June 6. plan now suggested seemed the Waller Hoover of Duluth wvu the Seven million bushels of most feasible. One architect buildings"sakeF amateur sculing championship of AND BUDGET when the building architect,(monitions says that urn wheat moved through this said thai the school was practi since October 1. The cally sate; another said that II K Ihe swonld here yesterday. Hilton port done and the unused material ami down by passing Hellyea, a Canadian, was third. temporary slore and otricc slruc-J port records show that three might ,n ol be standing ne ft YUKON IS DEAD and a half millions of bush spring., There was it wide gulf trucks: 40 buried VALENTo7CQUinED OTTAWA, June (1. -The final lures are removed, ;a start will bo els have gone to the United in opinion and It must be bridg week or the budget debate opened made on the putting in of the Kingdom and the European ed in an expert way. The School George Carmack, Stricken In gardens and ,tho platting otr the yesterday Willi Laugliu speaking. should Hoard's report tie continent and the remainder I.KMHi:il(l. Poland, June 7. ON BIGAMY CHARGE Vancouver with Pneumonia, The procedure cut sharply across grounds. Hetore the end tf this adopted. The expenditure of More 1 1 1 a it Id burled to Japan. Passes Away. persons were season, the entire place will have parliamentary practice, of years, : money and the surety or lives in the debris and many killed jlon. A. T. Crerar moved a finished appearance. - llu-Yaleiitlnci, LOS ANtiELES, June 7. an rrn iit liriTrn was involved and llie liesil wuy rserday when two ancient U-Morcy dolph screen por-of amendment to die Draylou Mr. McDougall is returning lo. rtiLL iiwu vrAicrv VH, to engage a man who knew. VANCOUVER, June 0. George buildings collapsed. They I l ayer love heroes, was lib-from amendment declaring dial (he night on Jhu Princess Louise lo RIVES;A structural engineer could con Carmack, discoverer of the Klondike, were AT OONA is dead here afler having supposed to have been crated the charge of big- Progressives' point ofsview was Vancouver. He intimates that firm the dejects and tho archi shaken down by vihrations caused amy by the couit yesterday tlial Ihe budget proposals, based his firm, McDougall and McNeill, tect could decide tho contror been stricken willi pneumonia from passing motor trucks. which ruled IhaL there was in. as they were mainly ou the principle huve now made a good start on While working ou a bridge at versy between Architect Poller last Friday, lie was u pioneer sufficient evidence presented. of protection, were lit respect Ihe contract tor tho building or Oona lliver, Portlier Island, for and Architect Cox.Yo. -Aid. prospector and miner or tho EIGHTY DROWNED AND lo litrirr, wholly inadequate the new mental hospital a-L Esson-ihlle. llie Provincial (loverniuent, one McLcod said that it was north lit and IU0U.was born In California STEAMER ON BAR. (o implement Ihe Liberal Alreudy a largo number of of the men, William Malheison, his opinion the school board's STEAMER SUNK pledges by legislation. Mr. Crerar men are employed I hero. It will fell off into Ihe water and came plait was tho only way out and LORD GREY WEDS MONTHEAL, June 5. Steamer also said that Ihe principle cost n (ho neighborhood of near being drqwucd. Luckily a be was fully In accord with it IILKNOS AYIIKS. June 5.--Kleamer Monlcalin was tugged off the or protection as a basis for S750.000 and will lake two years motor boat was near by willi Ihe Money might bu saved by it. LONDON, Juno 0. Viscount Villa Frunce sank ofr snii.l. .line ill. i;...II III II i..a i..111 Jl-emuuj i.....i fiscal policy was unsound. to complete. engino running and the man wag Aid. Collart said it was Grey or Kalludcn and Lady Gletu Jluhunuu rollewintf an explosion with llllle damuge only u ruw(Speaker Lemleux will give hU Mr. VVhltlnker, urchileol, loft picked up without any fatal re. matter for tho school board Conner were murried ott Sunday. I'.li'v per-m were dt'owued. l,..u- plate b- m-4 P-U-'k'- "W"'"" k'day- "ti tu I nifcrht"- train-for SmiUicrs stilt. (Continued on 1'ago 4)