i IFor P.R.Fish Market TAXI 99 mtim Pork, Beef Liver and Phone Blood Shusage Freth Killed PRINCE RUPERT Local Poultry fleet Carln theJCIty Phone 671 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vll. VIII NO. 3l 1'IUNCE nUPEUT, II. C Tilt;US DAY, FEBHLAHY 10, 1022. YMttrdr' Ch'cvlttlon 1(11 IUHI tzt 411. PRICE FIVE CENTS Irish Situation Said to be Improving IN. ARTHUR BALFOUR WELCOMED HOME AND ACCLAIMED HERO Commission to Investigate WORKING MAN TO WED HEIRESS. Deep Tribute to Head Envoy of British Delegation Arms Parley Boundary Trouble Between Paid by Premier Lloyd George North and South of Ireland LONDON, Feb. in. Hint. Arthur J. llalfour. head ut the 'itrilish ilelesation lo Ihe W'jishwifc'loii disarmament rnnference. 011 bciiiK welronicd home after ha vlnjr spent thrt'e nionlhs in vnieiica. in i-nuiiei lion with Ihe business, of Ihe arms parley, is LONDON. I'Vli. 10. 'flic DrilMi Government uunoiinrr- in acclaimed Ihe hero of Ihe hour. v"' tutli. lloiic.. of Parliament.. Hint I lie Irih situation i improving ESTIMATES OF Today Ihe famous taleniiyv of the "elernal smile." wits .i I..;..I ...i t 1..... I....... ........:..i...t I., i .; uiui it juuu iiiiiiiiiissioii "" iigni ippoiiiu-u iu iim.iij.J" , welcomed home at u luiielieoiilendered in liin lumor by the border fighting. - Thi arrangement ha been cccded l both, OPUnfil DA A DT government and Ihe cualitioo members tf parliamenL l'remicr (, Soilh and South. I OLIIUUL DUAlXli David Lloyd George, who presided, paid a tribute lo (he honored Mosf or (liv kidnapped l'1-ti'rnu'ii were released last night truest and declared thai he had taken part in one of Ihe most notable :i 1 l-Ur ha been iiiiell informed in the House that if I bey ' . (uilnliutioiis lo statesmanship ever made towards ihe sum of u ml release I lit southern footballer wlio wen? urrcslcd on the,"1 88 Considered at Joint aitman peace and human happiness. li ;r(fc r currying arm Ibc rest' of (he ktilnapird L'Uleriles1 Meeting With Council To- iu probably be released. " j morrow Evenlnq. fti-i'duig ri'iillmiri) in Ili lfofl today, the deaths now number- ! OLIVER TALKS LIBERALS ARE r i;..if. than one hundred. The cily ruiiucil uild lln !.O.VIK).. Feb. 10. The l.ondun issue of the Irish llullctin climd board will meet in jei-i(il thai ih' llrilih Government intend ..In release-half tin Irish nefnion tomorrow evening lo fro! OTTAWA PEOPLE, SUSTAINED BY Hit nl prisoners and say Ireland will intensify the campaign of into Ihe eftlimate for Hie year. l ti ai-ainst I hi- haggling method of Ihe llritlsh Government, The rhuo aulhorfliCM have to Belfast Sniping Continue. pr'-enl a- budget calling for a Will Ask Premier King to lncor-: BIG MAJORITY lll'.LFAST. Feb. 10. Tlii authorities hove commandeered lolal ependilure of H3,;5 di-vid.-d p orate P.Q.E, with Canadian I - Hall for (he ue of troop now combatting the disorders here. Into JC,33l ordinary e.-pehdilure National. r,i i 10 o clock thi morning the easuaHle totalled II I, with ilenths and 8,88. extraordinary, (Manitoba Legislature Defeats the jailer beintf in mainly . ;; ::t:i.'rmjr 31. OTTAWA, Feb. 10. I'rcinier -.mi W, I lUVUVQ Ti day opened uilh the death vtjk llve.yenrold child, who wu connection with Ihe Ilooth Mc:ii-orial Oliver in an intenj'W yesterday Resolution. SeliiHd. The eill-uiale by a bullrl yesterday while playing in the id reel. ordinary said if Ihe Itrilish Columbia application A workman who wa proceeding along the street wa shot dead ar, presented merely a for lower freight rales WINNTPF.O,. Feb. 16.r-The l a ii jock tin morning. a niall'T of form anil their pa.u- tailed before Hie Hoard of Hail-ivay Morris Government iiaji Sonic yiiullifnl gunmen held up n number of u oik men and iiii: l praelirally automatic. The riuiJiiiissioiicrs the I'rovince sustained' by Ihe legislature, by n:niilcd one of-Oieiil. extraordinary e.-linialei3 -may. Anuld riirry the ijuestion to Ihe a big majority .on its policy of huwcer.le pruned or. tm ned out " Imperial (ioveriiiuent. forerb.isurc Cur provincial, land BL(uH),I"K. If Ihe. frchoolfboafd Mr.- liver also said he would ion winch more Ihair x months t. P.R. not HulNfied with the SIDE I manner s CS Pmm K1 ivywi(t rfrt n nt -r4a rrew fTeo in b ieii li.-,-re dta llAycjl vlew today lufniake Hie I'acific dislfnellve victory1; for (lie'Llber- IN TRUE BILL IN THE , Ihe riiiiiiell Iheytnay call for 8 Jreal Custeni'a jiatl of the Canadian als amljins dampened Ihe ardor OF FREIGHT TEX RICKARO CASE money by-law lo be ituhlhilled In Anls Audrelrltch Von1UiVorrVoiuit3krA PhiUd pkla. Nalimiiil Itailways. of those who would have liked to lhrrrr"ld Baldwin IoeomotlTe Work!., the Ihe people. ! mU la Ream Stephens who Asked if lie ex per led lo slir-ceil oust tbemdVoni office and put a Mr. MarUn BueklnRham jeU . . . . , The ordll'.ar' e.limalei include who I ' i, 1, Ni:w VOIIK. .Feb. 10. Mith ihr"of tee I40.0rt0.000 Ream estate. She l twenty-two in liis iijiplicaliini Ihe liril-sli lanii'T c.riuin-iii in us piar-. controversy; i'e ItirKanl, (he lliilil pro. riinuiiiK ope-;iiini of lln' vari- hU'Cnler The i picture shows the prospccUre bridegroom in hu work-Inc Coluiiiliia Premier replied: The toivernmeiil is supported looter, was today Indli-ted j u ieliooli, iuch at espedillire clotnes. 'A man in a yood suit of clothes largely by Ihe farmers, (here bT- iefor' a iSupreiue lorl rnr Hiipplie. coal. fiiMir oil, Iif?ltl and with a little pall can-, do less than a majority of l A. I .-!. C The open. : jurj on a rhaiTn' of rriui- lelepliMiie, water, Jnnitnri, con-lincejicie OPERATIONS IN RAND much.'' straight Liberal supporters of " and insurance, sal OPPOSE B. C. (he hear. the fntuhl rales inal aanll on two young Ihe Government in Legisla i lie Hoard of Hallway aries and sundrieii. The liM of GRADUALLY RESUME ture. 4 jjirlo. one aged 15 and (he ASKS CO-OPERATION s: urrn hruushl a denial ; other 1 1. The ehun?e were llieme wliicil will, be preenlet lo-inorrow AH amendiiienls to the pro u II l.uniKiin of Hie Can- L laid by the :hihlreui So- Sehool nighl follows: . :.0uit ELECTRIC RY. Miners Are Returning to Work YIEW RESTORATION OF posed law, including one of cen i':i.-ifie llnllw.ty thai lh.-j High sure of the Government, were de elely id New Yolk. .. . After Long Strike Dynamite ' lli'Olli MiMiiorial School C.CSU '! rie were hlfeher !hon Failed. ORDER IN IRELAND feated. Plot 1 ci operanon ueinanueu. Seal Cove Seliool 1.0:10 Municipalities Object to Losing were lower iu nearly Wcslview Sciuod 00n Jurisdiction Over Street Doiuexlic Scicnee School- 0V0 J OI I A N N F.S 1IU ft f!. Fell. 10.' H1XFAST. Feb. 10. The Most u-r than the ratem lu and Railway. TWO BARONETS S'-nMe (ho American Manual Tainins Schoul.... 'Operations in Ihe Hand dislriel llev. Charles Frederick D At cy, (in DISCOUNT RATE beinv of Ariiuik'ti and Pri rradually Salaries 53.0MII YANCOLYF.H. Feb. 10. The (robl 'mine me Archbishop resiiiued. The eoul and pold miners mate of All Ireland fChurch of I xaniiiuilioi; of Mr. I.iini-1 sundries 0,100 municipalities affected have de BRITAIN DEAD have. 'been oul on strike for Ireland', who"was one of Lijrd W:i ri'Kiiuied till liiuruiliK. IS DROPPING cided to oppose Ihe upplicalion i d flKurm HhowtiiK H"- Total .....70,33O of Ihe HiilNIl Columbia F.lerlrir several weeks and I here has been Carson's leading supporters in Ihe Tlie I'rovince provides 9II.U0U ihe lloanl of Hallway a deadlock which now shows I'ls-ler controversy, lias just is n Aiuerirutt linen ill order llailway lo Lord Dundas Died in Scotland and I1n exliaordinary Clliiiales Coiiiuiissioiiers lo have the board sifrns of breaking tip. An attempt sued n statement railing..on the w thai prairie grain nhip-: winy not diverted from the Bank of England Reduces From rouiprise Ihe following ileiu.i: laki over Jurisdiction over Ihe lo dynamite, a tram line in one or Irish people lo d all "that in ijs Sir Herbert Charles Perrott Hir Coam iort because of Five to Four and Ono-half Playgrounds. kwIiiiuiIiik raiivay. The municipalities will the mines failed. lies to help forward' every move-menl In England. per Cent. and for lo that makes for the common upparatus li .V high raiew. poul Invoke every possible means nlay bed 1.000 keep jurisdiction in llio Inuuls VICTORS DIVER IS pood." LONDON, Feb. 10. Lurd Dun,' LONDON, Feb. 10. -.The llnan- be adds, lime seualor of the Fire escapCK (llootli School 1,000 of the municipalitiea. "We must co-operate," das, at one DRAW SC0HISH eiai eondition U becuiimi?. inory Omiysltion floor (llooth VICTIM OF HEART each iu Ins owu sphere, with all College of Ju4ice in Scotland and uornnil and the rule of interest i Solicitor general for Scotland, Seho.d) .,: s.oo who are working fur the restora - ulradily moviiiu down. I lie Haiu Sleen & I.ouswlll (llootli FOOT AND MOUTH TROUBLE AND DIES tion of order and for the well- died today, aged 08 years. CUP ANNOUNCED of Liiuland ha reilueed ilx rali School " DISEASE IS FATAL being of the whole people of our The death of Sir Herbert of diic"Miil from 3 tu 1H l'"r Walcrprooflnsr (Dooth . .............. 1. land." Charles Permit, also a baronet cent. Tliln 1 ' I owe I rate School) - TO ENGLISH CATTLE ien with hcurt trouble while ut and formerly u colonel in Ihu since the outbreak of war. HulTs (East Kent.1 Itcgiuieiit, is chai ifed feci (Hoolh Arcliilect's Third Round Will Commence on work on the Dallanlyuc pier here INDUSTRIAL LOCKOUT Kn also announced, He dleij-in England, Scliooir Saturday, February 26 Thousands Being Slaughtered, as Thrnnas Collius. i 5 years, of .ape, Eight Game. BRITISH ACCEPT Sundry (Hoolh Schoolt 1,000 Well as Sheep and Hogs, to a diver of Victoria died shortly IN DENMARK TODAY aged 73 years. ufter b'eing brought to the surface. Prevent Contagion. I.)M0.. Feb. 10. The draw FRENCH PROPOSALS Tolal MOTORCYCLE SPEED One Hundred and Fifty Thousand in bcot-11 third round of the t thieh will b LONDON. Feb. 10. Numbers of Employees Affected and Most RECORD IS BROKEN up ffanict, THREATEN TO 1' ay-'j on Haluiilay. Februaiy '5, Agroe to Let Reparations Com MINERS animals are being slaughtered in ENTRANCE TO BALTIC of Industries. mission FU paymenis uer-many (ileal Itrilaiu us a result or up K'minounced Mirren na Alrdrle.fulluws: to Make. WRECK COUNTY JAIL, outbreak of fool atul nioulli disease. IS CLOSED BY ICE COPENHAGEN. Feb. 10. A Montreal Racer Does One Mile on vk. Abei-deeri. Hundee. SYDNEY, NOYA SCOTIA The lnliils dcstrnxed up I" general lock-out alTcctiug nearly Seven-lap Track In One v. M iHon vs. Clyde. I'AHIS, Feb. lO.-Thn Hnlih yesterday lo prevent the. spread STOCKHOLM. Feb. 10, Tli all the industries throughout the Minute Flat. t unuereiu". of Ihe ilWeiisi: numbered Kl.dOO declared today. It M (ioverillllflll, II country was itherwoll v. Allot, Feb. IM.-ThrcaU Hnllie Sea has been converieu l'anick v. Hah(("l'. ucceplcd4lir. French propoin u" SVIi.VF.Y. N.made S..in Olacc Hay cattle, )000 sheep and Gobu hogs. into UU Isolated luke owing to the includes harbor workers in most MIAMI, Florida. Feb. 10. -Peter llx are Heurle 01 Hruxbuin.Vit. l'unif- ht repuratiou coniminlon wreck the county eloshiL of the Catlegat anu I lie porls but not seamen. About Markey of Montreal established will the amount t be paid by tieimauj thai lo mlnecs W. I". Cullon, edjlor CIVIC FATHERS ARE sound by ice. Five sleaiiHlilps 150,000 workers are involved. a new world' motorcycle Jail rescue odol fcovth vi ill 1";';' and tlial Uiu nnauce in danacroii positiou on racing record yesterlay when he or Queen of Herald, should he ie 11 decide on th basis of the Murltinio TO ATTEND FORMER MEMBER DIES. 11 m Miruiiff. Ileri meet to INVITED liKhlbou.ie. did a mile on u seven-lap truck iu be plaecd there us Ihu res nil- of Vingu amon Ollle r divlloit or paymenU one .minute Hut. The previous Ham v, Kliitf' I'ark or complaints or seditious libel inaiie MEETING LIBRARY 10. W. It. than. Hie Allien. meioWnTmeaT VICTORIA, Feb. record was una minute und one AKuiusl him by Ihe Cape Hreon Ilradcn, former member of tho second. OPENING HariUsli is" Society. The mayor uiul council have THREATENED legislature for llossland died in IN WOMEN MUST WORK DELAY SUPPLY been invited lo attend Ihe meeting- this cjty .'J'.uysday,. , FARMERS WILL TAKE GENOA CONFERENCE REICHSTAG VOTED of I huo inleresfed n starling Compelling Law Will Be lm a public library in IhU cily. LONDON. Feb. 10. A Melbourne Vincent Lade, a wejl knowu PART IN POLITICS CONFIDENCE WIRTH cable, that th city's Slewarl resilient, arrived yes. posed by Bulgarian Peasant probu- Many, others will attend and it is says 1 ivnn.v. Feb. 10, -The Is threalened as a re, terday from Vancouver where lie Qovernment. week in expected, (ha meeting will be n liieal supply i.ni'i.. ,.r . .i..v of Ihree strike of .Union d,W'r, has been spending severul ItEqiNA, Feb. 10. The Sus "'HA, 1'i'b, 10, CoinpuUoiy HUtLIN. Feb. 10.-The lleieh-slug very important one,, suit Of a , oik for of. establish, "iprorii bj' slauslsterjnor.r Who months. He will go cm lu Stewart kutchewan organized furmers women in lo bo .Imposed conceded yesterday pussed a vote of Ways and mean, " a law that Ii being introduced IHnio Conrerunuo circle.u 'Ihe date confidence in Chancellor Wirtb. ing the Institution will be dis. are nuhliug thu employment, uf 011 (ho Prince John tomorrow hfivo decided to go into polllli; t Hie poajunt Kovuriuuent of 1..111J. ..nielal March H. (he vote landing '.'30 lo IHS. cussed, nuit union drover. lityht. as an organization. u "Ultima, - 0r.tf.1u.ll) eho.eu