THE NEW For TAXI YOKOHAMA Phone CAFE HOME BAKERY J Deal Service and The Beat of Everything. PRINCE RUPERT Deal Car in the City Try our service J Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone Black SO 1 "f, . . VOL. XIII. NO, CM. pnixcB iu pkht. a a, tiiuisday, mahcii io, 11122. VMUrtfty't Circulation 1,dS7. S.I.. 4tl PRICK FIVE CI2NT3 Ms Mine Strike in South Africa Ended GOVERNMENT CRISIS IN BRITAIN SHOWS' SIGNS OF RENEWING Political Enemies STRIKE IS CHARGED WITH STEALING HER OWN GEMS. SUDDEN DEATH ATROCITIES of 9fff 1 1 fl ill I J mm I) vwvtrivf VfrfM ALL OVER IN IRELAND Lloyd George Declare South African Industrial Federation W. B. McLaughlin of Victoria Masked. Men Enter Hospital and Makes Announcement Collapsed on Street Yester Rlc'dle Officers With Bullets He Should Leave Post This Effect. day Afternoon. While In Bed. JOHANNES.. JRGi Mar. 16. While supervising excavation i O.M.WAY, March 10. Tour Avork Tor the huildin Third disguised entered St. Hride's men The strike of miners which on LONDON, March III. -Hurl Derby's rcjceliuu of Hie Indian; has held South Africa in its ( Avenue which he proposed crecl-Mlitr. Home here last nighl and shot secretaryship, coming ufler I lit failure, of Hit Unionist meeting on Hie death occurred grip for. more than two suddenly ami kiiicu acrgcams umuoiis auu Tuesday lo give Premier Lloyd fleorge a vole of conlldciice, forms months has bsen called off. (vcslenluy afternoon or William II. Gilmartin, members of Hie Fluyal Ilie chief loie of eonversalion in politieul quark-is, wlieru l!ib This decision has been taken McLauuhliii oT Victoria from Irish Constabulary. A constable by the old South African Industrial iliearl Tailure. Deceased had been was also wounded. elfeel on Lloyd (ienrge's Icntiio of olllce is warmly debated. 'Jj which suircriu'-r from neuritis and. .lust previously lo this Incident Federation, 'I'lie Premier's political enemies declare lliat it will be im has announced the strlko shortly before be collapsed; he three masked men entered a possible for liim now lo lelnin bis position us liead of Hie admin-" null and void. Iliad an altercation with' Anuelo workhouse hospital and killed islrulion wbile lie is depending mainly on Unionist voles. They The federation Is to call off Antonelli. Hie Ilalian workman Patrick Cassidy of Mayo. urge Ihal it is lime for him lo recognize Ilie fuel and'make his the strike and repudiate complicity who had charge or the work." A The nurses in St. Pride's were llirenlened resignation delluitc. by the federation In few lniime-i Inter he was seen lo 'il supper when the men entered leollapse he street and Holl-I the place. They riddler the oT-rirers the revolution against the on Willi Lord Derby's virtual refusal of Ilie Indian secretaryship, ' stable Thornlliwaile oT Ilie I loyal with bullet us they lay which Is based on I In; conviction Unit be can assist (lie cabinet more government. ('aiiadiail Moiinteil police, who in bed. etreclively outside than in it- the Duke of Devonshire, former (iov-ernor-gcnoral of Canada, has become the but favorite for the post. BRITAIN LENDING" happened lo be pii.tsrnj.', look charge, McLaiiuliliu was imuie-ilialely INDEPENDENCE MONEY TO PORTUGAL rushed in a car to Hie police GHOST OF station. lie was then in u dyiiiK' condition and Dr. .I. I. Gade, Has Opened a Five-year Credit on nrter helntf called,.proiiouncel lire IS DECLARED BUT IS PRESSED ANTIGONISH Goods Repayablo In 20 If' . v V'" - extinct. 1 Installments. The late Mr. McLaughlin was Egyptian Sultan Made Announcement .about ")() years of aye and was LSl:o., Mar. 10. The an Last Nlnht He to Be native ot Victoria. lie the Be Asked: Expert Declares It Weird Influences was Rumor Says Earl May King Disorders Arise. noiineciiient tltat Croat llrit.Tin to Form Government If Operating Through eldest son id She lute Mr. and Mrs has opened a credit of three mil- II. McLaughlin- and well v. was .... Lloyd .Cobrxie. Rcsl.ansv ,,. J Little Girl. v. . lion'iiitiimK YiiiyitMe' in- fU, years yl.G.N DOX. .March IC. A. decree, timm-frand 'hihirf!Iletrtt1t " Karl.' ill I'orlii'-al lias produced an excellent Mrs. Sarah Robertson, real estate operator of Deal, N. J., stirred capital.'- dlis fallicr was the vv'as Issued "i)yr Js'tlllflTv 'h"?ileii LONDON. March 10. 'l'lti- HALIFAX, March 16. Dr. of that State when she reported that impression In re. The lone the police In tue northern part l'u;id Pasha las) niglil announcing of Derby has declined the of Tim1! Waller Prince, psychical research a lono bandit had entered her home and robbed both her and her dinner deputy receiver-a-erierul Tor the that Kgypl had become an independent of tli.' .nil folio of Secretary of, oxpert, says the ghost will lie ;nade on giods and will b encsti of $50,000. When the bandit was captured he is said to hare Dominion Savings Hunk oj Victoria. repayable in ivcnly installments. told that Mri. Robertson had planned tbe robbery In order to collect Gin' brother, Thomas McLaughlin und sovereign slate Stale India but has been ask-i of Antlgonlsh is the psychophysiological for tlia Insurant money on her Jewels. She Is held la $23,000 ball in Freehold. ami that Hie .Sultan would assume cd to reconsider,bis relnsal. ! Influences operating U.J. ' or Victoria, a purser in Ilie lille of King of Lgypi. (iosshi tin II llial if Lloyd; through a little girl DISPUTE SETTLED Hie .service or Hie ('.. P. It., and An Kxcliajige telegraph .despatch (ironic resign Ilie Kml of Derby named Mary Ellen Macdon-ald, one sister, .Mrs. Gray of r.aliTor-pia. j from Cairo says thai the might form a Conservative gov--, who set Are to her IRISH REPUBLICANS Members of Presbyterian Church survive. declaration of Laypt's independence eriiuicnl. father's barn and twlstod Mr, McLaughlin was for many was followed hy several tho cows' tails whllo morally I Chief of Staff of Irish Ropubll Are Ready to Proceed with Plans years in Ilie service ut the Indian deuionjtraliou.s in Cairo, including not responsible for her ac j can Army Arranges, Matters Department under A. M. Vowel, the .smashing Of'windows and REGINA WINS tions. Dr. Prince says weird Amicably. agent at Victoria, and he hnilt the the uprooling or trees by Iho Influences are natural though For Building of $35,000 Edifice Indian school al Mctlakatla, II. G. crowds. Tho lCgyptlau Cavalry hardly normal as yet. TLMPLICMOUi:. March 10. -A Later he retired and resided in restored order. HOCKEY GAME jjispiile between factious of Irish Victoria, where Jin owned a lovely LLOYD GEORGE AND llepiihlirau army troops over the The members of Ilie Presbyterian Church of Prince itnpeil home which had been built by bis Occupation of the barracks here parents. lie had considerable NEGOTIATIONS TOWARDS realize that the lime is now ripe for (he establishment of proper Is Now Amateur Champion of the CURZON WILL GO TO was aniicalily seliini as a result means. lie had many investments West and Will Play Toronto of the visit of Owen O'Duffy. church in Hie cily. The mailer was riven full and fire discussion here and elsewhere. LABOR SETTLEMENT For Allan Cup. GENOA FOR BRITAIN chief of staff of Hie Irish Ite- al Die mi ii 11 u I congregational supper niccling which was held lat puldicati army. nighl and, if the enthusiasm which was displayed I here may be British Minister of Labor Intervenes Wl.NNll'KU, March 10. Ib-ginu LONDON, March 10, Premier taken as any criterion, steps may be laken iinniediucly Inwards WHISKY FOR In Shipbuilding Industry Victoria's defeated the I'ort Lloyd (ienrge and Hie Maripiifi INSURRECTION FIRES gelling the plans under way. A scheme of lliiancing was outlined Dispuate. William Maple Leafs' by a score Curon, secretary of foreign affairs, al Hie meeting and, indeed,, a subscription lil was slarled Inwards THE PONIES of four goals lo two last nihl will be anions the dele, SMOTHERED IN RAND LONDON, March 10. -As a result making them the Western Canada froth (treat Ilrilniu lo raising the ij'lU.ogi) which will be retpiired in cash locally In jiul ot the intervention of the Kates IJwf hockey champions the for Minister ot Labor, negotiations amateur into erred proposition Conference; economic In Hand Following Well by a lead of four goals on the This(lenoa is announced in the House-of Situation of Hie building of a .33,()00 ediHce. year Hie balance was 87..2 as Ontario Distiller Says That Inwards a settlement of the shipbuilding Taking Fordsburg. scries. This entitles them lo Coiinnoiis liy III. Hon. Joseph' Lleelion or orricers and presentation compared wilh $;ill.l(' last year. Is Why It Was Found industries dispute have play off with Toronto for the Allan Chamberlain. JOIIONNKSIU 110, March 10. of (be annual reports, The receipts' for the Jear had in His Cars. been resumed and tho reduction Cup. I'urdsburg has been occupied by which showed the church lo be been a,?, this including oT wages has been suspended. Government troops. Tlie city Tree oT deld and In a healthy envelope collections amounting BUFFALO, March 1G. TRAIN BETWEEN britishIjnionists hall, Hie stronghold of the insurrectionists, seir-suslalniiig financial standing, to 1178.70 and open collection. Fifteen race horses, en route MAN CHARGED WITH lias been surrounded was the order of. business ul I ,i0U.r0. In I'J-'I Hie church from Waterloo, Ontario, to BATUM AND TIFLIS can not yet agree and conditions in Holland the meeting but the keynote of had received no contributions Maryland, were seixed by GIVING DRUGS WAS are now well in hand. the afrair was the movement towards from 'Hie Ladies' Aid, while In federal officers last night WAS ATTACKED Meeting Tuesday Night Breaks Hie building of a church. 'Ji0 il had received some SfGlKi. when several casesof whiskey IN POLICE COURT Up Without Vote or Confidence. PARLIAMENT Itev. Dr. II. H. Grunt presided as I'mvelope collections should be were found In the cars in ITALIAN moderator and there was a good higher and il was proposed lo which the horses were being ' K. Hanselh, charged with givintf Guard Murdered and Passengers attendance of church malingers, have u canvass of tho members. shipped. The horses are drugs lo one William Lubbie, appeared Are Robbed and Killed by LONDON, March 10, A meeting ItOMIi, March 15.--The reopening members and adherents. The congregation was looking owned by Joseph- Seagram, before Magistrate McCly- Brigands. or t'nioulsl members of Hie of I'nrliamcnl this afternoon Following the splendid supper forward to the new schurcb being who owns and operates a distillery monl in the city police court tbis House of Commons, convened aroused only ordinary interest which had been set, the built but, as. yet, I here was little at Waterloo. it Is morning and was remanded until DATUM, Mar. 10. Drigands last night by a group or iirivate and many seals In the meeting got right down lo business. money towards Iho tu,000 in claimed that It Is necessary tomorrow, when physician's evil lust nibf al lucked an express members for the purpose of approving House were vacaul. I'remler Du-facta cash which would bo necessary. to give horses whisky In the deuce will be laken. train running between Malum und an address to Austen, is expected lo outline the Financial Position. In speaking lo Hie. annual report, course of their training. William Lubbie, iiu uiviug ci- TIM and murdered the guard es. Cliuiiiberlaln and expressing full Government policy with some Dial Hie deneeMhis morning, said that the On behalf of the Hoard or Dr. Grant said .curling 'Ilie (rain besides killing confidence in the coalition gov-eniineut, reference lo the Genoa conference. Managers, J. L. Christie presented hulldtng scheme would have lo TRAINS ARE HELD accused had given him tabloids and robbing several passengers. broke up without result ot hvoclne, morphine composed Toronto. tho annual church report. Mr. go before, the board al. s: Christie slated that there was The idea was that. $10,000 be UP IN IRELAND and c.xslin. Wiilness said that Jn SPANISH SUCCESSES FOR nothing special in the financial raised locally, the general board had been a drug addict. Tor six SUSPENDED statement ...other than .....that there . donate 10,000 anil make a loan IlKLTAST, March 10. -A train years and this kind of drug wan 1 I f d. I fir.. usually supplied by a physician.' was a small increase in ine casiiiou easy inieiesi, m nj.vuu mus of Morocco proceeding from Uelfasl to Dublin Coast IN Warship Bombards SEVERE WINTER W. C. Kills also evidence, balance this over last. This (Continued on page O.i gave year held at Alluaveigh and Rebols Driven SWISS ALPS DRIVES PUNCHING MAN was up staling that lie bad received a Back. ANIMALS TO TOWNS iieac Newry thjs morning. Armed iiuarler-gra'in tablet of the drug liien seized and carried otf the who said he had got from Lubbie, MADIIID, March I.V. -Spanish (IHNT.YA, Marrh 15.- Ambrose Mo ran Hit Referoe In malls. A similar holdup took it from Hausctb. forces continue (heir success Miss HELEN G. STEWART southern the Wilder 1u Ilie Swiss Alps Dressing Room and Laid Off place yesterday on In against the. Moroccan rebels side Of the border. spile of sliff resistance. A ias been so severe of wild this indefinitely. will address a Public Meeting at the TUGBOAT FOUNDERED that scores const Spanish between warship the bombarded mouth of the the year boars, wolves and other CALGAIIV, March 10. i'or Empress Theatre Tonight MARITIME PROVINCES. CLOSE TO VICTORIA driven I'uiiliii In the been Itererce Itlver Kert and Algeria. animals have punching- at 8 p.m. OTTAWA. Mar. I(5. Most or into the .(owns and lowlands dressingrooni during the Itcglnn Hie short afternoon session of the VltnOIHA, Mar. JO. The lug- ADDRESS ADOPTED. in search for. food. Kame Vancouver Morau,on defense March Subject, "The Bylaw for a Public Library" House of Commons, yesterday was boat Des llrisuy foundered In oll'er-Ing Ambrose OTTAWA, March 10 The ad-drcs The authorities arc, II, occupied with discuss inii. of Mari-time slorni olf Ooiuales PouL 'J'li" bounties for their player for lleffina Oapiluls, bus come and hear Miss Stewart explain Hon'. Ah in reply to tho speech from Inderiiillely by Ratepayers, Province problems, J. Chinese cook, Lee, wn the throni) was adopted without a death or capture. been i'resldent suspended ilichardson of tho what you are to vote for on March 22 II. M. liaxter beln? tho " chief drowned, but all the rest of the. division in Hie Senate yesterday speaker. Crew were saved. I Wee lent Cauuda League. afternoon,