November 18, 1932 He THE DAILY NEWS PAGE Meh Thousands of People Read ‘The Advertisements on This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE, REALESTATE, ETC, THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT ne 2 = CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ror rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section a word per insertion with six insertions for the price of four. By the No advertisement taken for less than 50c. charged at the rate of 2 cents month the churge is 25e a word, FOR SALE | FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE Mouern 6-room resis’ HOUSES for sale or reut. F. W jarve garden all fenced and. = Hart. { ited. 1150 Ambrose Avenue. slue 503. 269 LOST AL E—Yaetory rebuilt Under- |) Her Taiinih canvas 4 fe typewriter, 14-inch Carfi-' sect. Pinder please leave i solient condition. Price terms arranged. Apply. Box 156 Daily News. News. LOST-. Black Spaniel! dog, answe to name of Nigger, Finder please advise City Polic OR, REN 7 ~ t $5 | FOUND DERN House with furnace for Close in, Phone 720, t{} POUND--Ladies’ Kid Glove. 7th Street near Post Office. Daily LY Renovated modern flat,! News 1 Block. Max Hellbroner. tf! | FOUND three keys on ring wit! RENT-—-Two months’ rent in| gash registey labels attached ince, receipt for three. Ap Daily News No. 4 Levine Ayartments. 268 - STORE for Rent, Third Avenue,| CLEANING & PRESSING ning Wrathall’s, low renta).! : 1, PRICES. rea jnable. Benkendort Third Ave., next door to Dail RENT--Unfurnished six-room News 239 Fourth Ave. West ne Green 89 275 mi HAIRDRESSER RENT $17.06 per mont) ern 4-room house, close in; quRRY 35 genuine “Ringlctte bath room ana pantry Permanents at $3.50. Nelson Green 402 or call 329 Beauty Parlor tt | th Avenue West tf PIANO TUNING sRANEPROT CAMERON'S Transfer—Wood, Coa) | moving, chairs for rent tf PAINTERS PAINTING ind Panerhanging Moller, | ne Rea 802 DANCING iAP DANCING taught by Miss Ei- eanor Tite. Phone 20 fi DAIRIES All Our— Reon ! Milk and — SHIPMENTS Guaranteed Bulkley Valley Products VALENTIN DAIRY *hone 657 For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY ; were ———————— ee «=©6— PIANOS Tuned $3.00, Walker's M’ 8 Quarts or I Pints for $1.00 i we ee eee Se Wee ore 1 —_ ~ -« SHORD- NOTICE freee ernie rte et ne y The AUCTIONEER | “ituitsur® e RELIABLE Packing Crating Wrapning Cough and Me and General Furniture Repairs Liniae tive List your goods with tic GEO, HAWES—Phone Black (i: Phone Black 623 ‘ 1d ® TYF CWPITS RS RBA Bayle Lif we eb te - a avvake At Residence, 239 Fourth West —_ Opposite Waidron Apts.) — on — uday, November 21 at 2:15 p.m. ‘ istine of Chesterfield, 2 rfield Chairs, 3 Oak Rock- ue Wilson Ruy 9x12, Missi Room Suite Toront mall Rugs. ] large Ax Rug, Oak Library Table, ction Beokta si d Glassware, 14 yolumeé ivt’s Lectures Books, 3 Beds Bay Blankets and Bed Medicine Cabinets, 2 Dres- ill size Dress Mirror, Lawn Mower @nd Garden Tools, Kit ware.and Miseellaneous Art- Aes be anne Foqms, Cha te eres abels 1. Dawes 99) a Ancol VER \ Z Genuine CCM. Bicycle lind, $O CASH Prizes fa BOYS & GIRLS ae AUCTIONEERS ~ xy 45 to 6 pm, Phone Black 120 ¥ also Friday @v- = feeneecene ening and ever) an aan Mon,, Wed, and Fri. at same time ee, Guide to Correspondents | ov yy samgny comer “TILLIE THE ‘he Daily News welcomes Correspondence on live topics of the day or any other sub- Ject of public interest, but let ‘ers must be brief and to the boint. The long-winded cor- ne has no place in }| cies: Ot L BOLE - He es Wy ] [7 tte DOR ay, ' YEAH, odern journalism. WANTS TO KNOW IF ER : ON THE Every letter must be signed |; { youRE GONNA PUT HIM WALL MAC SAYS SECOND by the writer, not necessarily 1) ON THE BOSS’ rereeries: + Howes He‘LL pA he ‘or publ¢ation but as a mat- || yet 71) [4or. 13 ‘er of good faith and courtesy HIM Seu @) \ \>nae | All Insigned documents go wf) WERE e \ TH AY ia the waste paper basket. Let- prone Se £ Bier #\ @. ‘ers of a eaustic character rt z r nf Must have the signature ap bended for publication Letter should be written on One side of the paper only. |! Ss Correspondents must avold || Leg en Personalities and the language — Should be such as would be al- || m lowed in the ordinary rules of || ( | | Aeoate, 19s), K a0 al | iv # «e For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 23 The Survival of the Sweetest © i custtseimiginciiiiisieaiiiaiacbaainy sdecmaiuiallie By Barbara Brooks) Bran Date Bars lL, cup all-bran; 142 cups brown sugal i cup nut mea ; §34°cup flour tea n baking powder; % cup dates fine Beat the eggs until light, add the sugar and beat well. Add the flour sifted with the baking pow Add bran, nuts and dats Spread the mixture in layer one half inch thick in a greased shal low pan, Bake in a moderate oven (375 degrees F. ) for about 20-30 minut Remove from he oven and while warm, cut it juares bars .Rol] the pieces in powdered sugar or serve as a pudding wit a whipped cream Yield: 24 bars—1 in 3 ins, TOILER’ ea In Prinee Rupert | Twenty Years he “Novémber 18, 1912 The wedding, , of, Miss sae tiaib Agnes Moore af i: angor, Maine, and Henry G. Helgefson of Prince Ru-' ' pert took place recently in Bangor, J} |Maine. The couple are expected in | Prinee tupert soon to take up re- | Side nce, Ralph Smith and Duncan Ross! the prineipal speakers at al}; ‘great Liberal rally held before a’f, |erowded audience in the Westholme/}/ Theatre There was considerable excite- ]) ment in Prince Rupert’s wholesale section shortly before noon today as a result of an unusually heavy blast which was, set off in the ex- if cavation next to the warehouse of! Kelly, Douglas Co. One rock crash- ed through the roof of the Kelly, Douglas warehouse and landed only a few feet from where Mr. Jar- dine, the manager, was standing. Another large rock went through the roof of the G. T.P. paae shed NO TRACE IS. FOUND Police Back After Another Search For Napoleon Labelle After putting’"in another four days of investigation of the disap- pearance of Napoleon Labelle, who'f! has been missing’ for'the past few, weeks from Georgetown, Staff Ser- | geant Alex McNeill and party of provincial policé’ officers returned to the city last*évening on the po- lice boat P. M. L:’8 from Port Simp- on. Thére afte “Hid new | develop-} ments in the caS@ although there is eason to suppose that there may i be before lon: Meantime, reports current in the city that the body had been found hot to death were stated by the nolice to be without truth or foun- dation Son of Former Local Couple Dies in South Friends in this city will sympa- hize with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Flem- ing, formerly of Prince Rupert, in heir ber ment by the death on Sunday of this week in Vancouver of their only son, Thomas Airth, at the age of eleven. years. The lad passed away only‘a few days after his father had left hospital In Van- couver where he had undergone two serious ope wations. The father, indeed, is stilk inta’ Very Weak con- ‘dition. The funePralstéok ‘place in Vancouver. on Wednesday ‘ Mr. Fleming Was formerly a mem- ber of the crewsofthe lighthouse ender Birnie and also was light- house keeper at Triple Island for four years dren Colds Checked without “dosing.” Rub on My e VA YICKS VAPORUB ome Se TST RTI | Reserve Forces! How to get one of Any girl in the city can get this dol! by exerting a I*tle effort. and doing a little. woik for the Daily = News. Get six new subscrib- _ers to the paper and collect One Doliar from each. The bscribers receive the pa- per’for 10 weeks. Call at the Daily News of- fice and see the doll. Then vet to work! REMEMBER that the subscriptions subscriptions at $3.00 each. A Great Opportunity For Any Liitle Girl in the City of Priace Rupert Irrespective of Age SA AE POS TD these Dolls Se a Get an Adorable FIVE DOLLAR BABY DOLL A Beauty must be new ones. Girls living out- bat S] Fees. ‘} | ‘ ] Cee , » ef Pri Rope inay get 2 yady. ohe cries when her iegs are pin- doll by (endings in caree yearly mai! will want at Christmas. A little extra work gives the winner of the doll a beautiful layette or a pillow and blankets for the doll. “Baby Betsy” is a very pretty doll. Her legs and arms are of Tru-Flesh rubber with all the softness, color and texture of the human body. Her eyes are beau- tiful and she goes to sleep like a real ched. She is just the doll that every girl A PRODUCT OF C NESTLES Nestlé’s —World’s Largest Producers and Sellers of Condensed and Evaporated Milk ANADA MCEGISTEREOD REAM in Every Drop. Nestlé’s sweetened condensed milk deliciously sweet- ens and creams tea, coffee and cocoa, The evaporated is unsweet- ened and adds a uni- 4 PRODUCT oF CANADA NEST LES STL ad \ WWE HANG WE HAVEN Tig ° NOM - YOUR AAIY SECOND I | FRIEND Bit CONDENSED EVAPORATED (Tall and Baby Size) ing sugar. Sweetened Condensed Milk has the Blue Label Unsweetened Evaporated Milk has the White Label oe eee — — aa i Wistereh form richness to all milk dishes not requir- MEAZNIE! 1M GONG oO Ska SO you'd — , C. IS THE Mest ome. ON (IT 4 —— B\s