Tudey thi dail nnwa .,.! BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM anui . w. terse .fte i i iMrr OH too Ocr j tcr.Tn to Tft TRCC To r V H ANCD1! M3MP ( f ) hum; HAVE ANX IMTtmettT COT TO DO f aTH -.l "1 OVJR HOME II THE SHOE of SOLID Comfort. SOLID Leather. . SOLID Workmanship SOLID VALUE. "Invictus" ! lv!l tmr-x rntwM Scwncc, l" j j No other nhtt give the am .aiMfartion. Family Shoe Store FAIR OPENED equally Province a north II would nnd he mith poihle a PhOfl 357 Ik get il. News Classified Ads. Modern I Hiring th pioneer ilay f the Daily BY THE MAYOR -.anadun Parifle Railway the i .nil aevnin nMt with U CENTS PEK WOKU IN ADVANCE. fo AdvcrllMmanl Tkr far L than IM regard t lh land coUguou lo Laundry SIXTH AVENUE Big Annual Event Will Now Be thai lift, ftiey eaM H re wn WANTCD FOR SALE I In Full Swing for Remainder 'lot of innwl-tnnil. hirf Mint H of Week. iwn' Iimi far north fr Agriruf- wrrn'l raiatHt t any im. UAMKIt rMUrlrii Nlt wt. PptcnitM Ln with twilural bane-1 Service EAST GRADING Iftt4alm a lot i'mMs wr main lure. Ilnw'ever. the people wcftt ukzii wr airl In ail with IMnl Ihlld nihe a ltd I Ir.l ! Shortly afd-r I ..Vloek lhijto war Willi a will ami demo, am tapir mt. nr unwvn al-.! lMtMrk. ShH inmriy. lwt, ttjmn Kit'j fern I We ..ft.-r V-.c . tu IK r.i'luan of o4hr j afternoon the lenth annual Ulraud that nrU wa not ihe m-i '. Apply lht M. jM 3, lllnek 3e. Her wiih J, range -f -. City Council Will Ask to Have rber. Out ran and ihMta INy err Itavy yn-KI-rr Xrw rnoenml hou Ilr Prince flu pert exhibition waje peopl hail) ittw If ttt ri front Oracle Changed Steps Taken formally declared open by Hlpitl il Mkele. am! il i vty al kmx I pntftlaMf. W age IHar llare, J Economy Laundry Strike Towards Work. nrally fhner- n a ninety ri:ii i nnii.rn-.i for W .ir.hin Mavor Itnrrr II. Ili-irmMfyimr Iro4il to e lhl l-oa 9 mm InWi It. W. Damp We.h; left riniek. pMinrl a-rk of ...ii.m in al winlxr. I'hoiir lllark WW If Sixth Avrnuo Kai Kra4inn w. jrhir. no.1 ih Iwg annual Hlli'y rp r4iip wilh ! fifty fatal of r-w aat afeotit a WM tAttm tHHi.mt IIh pair. Reugh Dry, Dry Cleik, roivnl Ihr ailenU..n .if Ihp ciiy will now lw in full winir for th ! plnli.l ffM. imltar waht of r-l. 11i SITUATIONS WANTED II: I. HtnrliK Mann Km-in. Prestlng and Dln(, Kt rounril lat iiinht f..lliMniii lhi nl fi rtay. Th rily ha tak- Declares It Open, fijrurr out A vn'ld nf lvr to and Carpet Clanle, U4 rerpipl of a rrirt from Ih "I on il iual gal.i trpFawfi Nw. IaiIi an.I nllenw'n. fiv huntlm! 4lar arrv hiihMA.N i i'n for fo. IjMinrh Trllw. It-10 sterling. the Regular Laundry te. iMll.lh- WnrM romm'HW imm-'for IIh- 4on. Itir vi-ttM!a lli FiIiHiUI" offinal. Ms pr iM.n wilh any firm if I'Mi Ilifmi. or Ijiwneh tHo.ln.7ii vies. awl wfMi Mti'4 - linnilinn thai applicniion hr biiic morf numrrAiM than rr. 1 pnisrel a rf lahoralr pro-mal- a ih f..r mt tr.pmfH--mryvmr MerrbanU me IMd inmw HuIUIa. Autn-MarfH fnn. We can eurcSy rve c l th ftrovinoMl iiworn.,llr a K-wHy altomlanr j iram for ymir rnirfainmnl. 1 alir ' plant in aewind I'rinr nMe and lot ey term. When may we a llw fwK K.fw thai I wcml.l b- liainf emft. ltnprt. TWftotglily tprt. Logging Hiarhlnry. bnaU, nirnt to aiiMuf Um WiausJMiir tor ufniist W hrat. iwi. ...it fron tpri- en.! if Hie rale lwtwwn MHMilrMl. prrahlrot of Ibr lak up ant; mnrr of y.w lw ernlal ottly atMMtt enrnl In I lie flli tr.l at fin. He ! Canadian Steam Laundri t-lrl ami Mo lUuith Mriiiorial Xortlirrti ft. C AurtrHHural A iB Wlilv? T what mol of jnin yi-M Ahrden, Sotlnnl. IhI. Hng-laihl M. M STKI'MKNi. I forty Mtkiia ! arr ami of Phone I. rhoo'l ..ii SiWh Avrnw atxl lrfilrial AaMMiaMon. ImM in lwaly kw with iMt on wirj I Hptv i m iliam far and al prft general I'honn m. If.! that alP b lakru U phe.l ;arR m ! plalfrni with wnnl or eonffralttiatinn lo thf fneetiMH al lb karsMt nl tirrntn tHMhino arv yt. If loll wilh' WALK wilh lh- uratUuK of UHt .imi wioi of Ikr iliwl.ir al K al-hUr an-I otlir wtni hair do not the will lirax ihl atftake kxnie m rhte hiine. Mnair wrliHl I.. tnaVi lhi linlh Ki-th JtM rwfi wt .wfMirHmhi llae full on 7? paoppr one on. III loral uii.rorn-n .Un. Ipmiaiwr. wa prtwi.ll epairrfatt HaMim frM.U i American .km- whrmr Mm" It. hM4Q the'frr Hii orra-imi by oni of IbthihUfam the thai it m. kimwtel of efMttvMi eetntN pawgr Hue: on ga ta j Express llwfrt lake n took ai mir .!- ion; one oil alaiioa. M .V.nntr jiia.linp of Mrllritlr Stiwi Ixt- iiaJKr baixl wtiirh t tMlinjr!loulllly i, I now lio'laiv Ihr and i aln an ao4kwrt4y Km aH Iwwi l ifih ami Halft Avenue.,I hr rily. ,r''r 'ffM-ially oprn l In puB piy kind nf alld fieti. WWtaw Mao nne t .' paiigfr iU.li I Money Orders r inaliy. wih In thank Mr. Ine ia-hl . vnn car. tl .iMMI.. 'l"hr twh Ui aerl any fi. Ilf4y In Il wa Wilr.l to afopt lh rr- majnf lw-i.Mn. Mr. Krm, anil Mr. m nne nadilla Ita and trl anl th city Mhtrr will wa fHow: "Killel." lUily Nw Off. Issued on irtlril f..r tiwir rff.irt r.il. in Transfer I'r, raparily to aaain rrjMrt-t whni iM-rnn.-ion l.ali- . aM OmUIih"!!: xll I WILL UKLLI lewtiMftf ami batHlhng il. FOR RENT 3 luti. l.4nniHi ih.- Trafftr up Norway, Sweden Sc hit rwpivr.l frnm Virl.iria havr Bathrrrd hrr loalar to r-r I APPOINT ASSESSOR lrarttrttr tW- h.. ili(vbiy t Ion ftitlHip Irurk 1 1,AAO.lNl authorOin? Ih rhan-r of ftrail. hral lb nprnin? of tU tntli w li to ttvr UiMM nf Mr. ion HI'.NT. - Two Prni.l.ed AH wttb anl rakW ami Denmark at Lowest Would B Saving.' aawa ifthifctrkm of llw Nor- HoikekeeMng Ronme. Central Rates Current NEXT MONDAY NIGHT iiHHt aioj wHl Im witftt b apttly rna.ly Ine lh mad. I general la t plant hk Ik Mti. AM.ItliNk II..G. AurifulMiral amt In. U.A rot .i tfi innrfi apstrwrialiNl loeatinn. Apply III rVmth!" i ranftettnn On. Prinee Krr tiilod that ftw iMtrmUthtn.iiHtlrial AMMialion atxl lo U Ann W. fhon IIm I9S fur Thr .iiiixiinl tD.ni .if an Miin kfj IhV . -trrn n nj.fr t. IL C Tll Agents fee Jxiaiy aid era lo rhanr a lal llo serial tiiwlrlan 10'? will likHv bf;Hi. appninlmnl. Jin Noeweglan AmeH( Um jijjmI' h iimi the mtir lnzlh ,aljarrnt lw I'bwc Hiifwrt ,nnw. l.v thr ...un. il at ii.it Mtr-rT MSTHM.T PlHLir. KOH HALrV F-mhur in Swedish AmerUsa Um 4 itb Jtv-niM tMitwn- t :pr.-lur- in lh- way of rain vtct'k nir.-lma. TO II KMT. Steam hale. fnr-mbd rrneml fial -Semn.1 Avenue Ssandlnavlan Ameekt Hmttb MrmttruU rVhMtJ aL Ma- what. oaU. hart?, rtr al l Ttir urtiMi wn hi'Misrhl room. ilh or wilhnnt hHwnea !ith anJ Heepib Um. up Hred frlrrt eaMiU lr liMi with -maH fraH anil vesMahlr. I la.l Aid. WOULD CHANGE lMeril. Horn eooklng. Norfolk fHiwente. Cna b ue. a , xr- f f H'Wlil f .U-l wrfl JtrrK. with ru.j;;. nay ZUX th ly ap Room. I'hon Hiaek Its roan liner boo. Priee rmuin-Me, Oliver Cary TypenrtUrt Sefee A r ? petrnt a hiM k nr- warn ft I ay that, jxlzins from MiinlnoMil nf J. il. Mrl.-nnnn. BOARD. Fur apwiHlnnml phone FIRE INSURaACC earr aoeaW iht itrat jrrad. Ik ptrdl diplay o talrfully Aid. MatffMry alo f.inrit PLAN PAYMENT Itfi. SI3 'Maty a fw M at th top ttt tha arraiisrjl- r.n lh dlffrrnt lb of Mr. Mrl.cn- ItOAllle--Inlander, rtlu rrm.l MU wfev a rat wintM tx iH.vlf faWi", onr i.pl ar- rrr)airily rtan.appumlnirnt AM. O-llart lli..uwht ilial Aveoii. fhon lit H Fon KAI.IL t- KaiHng Yaehl in Dybhavn & Hanson vtfMrtd tw affi-tnt and uMir IS,- nuking rapfcl pifsr iti tfir It duli hMilit Im taken itr STREET WORK gen! eetmlltion. with mainatl Km1 r 1,om wii U av-d rishl dirrvlinn. FOR SALE ami Jib, alwnot nw. and with Third Avenue by on nf Hi official laff uf thr ia llo Mt of trradiRiC. Alt thr I rsnnnt hi hut think whal it r hall. FOR XAl.K Typwrr No. 3 Kttinrttd nm in good roi-dUion. Peine Roger. . C raltnayirii affaetrtl wrr wilHnsc a rvlalin tln rxhibilion would Tb whole thing foe Aflrr ronsidrrabl lirtiln Board of Works Recommends I iKl. ru .'n.in. earriuii. In havr thr gradr rhanal ad tw to thr ioplr In tin milh of bad taken plar oti amHt Section 1 Property Bear Heeenlly MerbaulL Um ti. Pullen. I tally New. rr only tooantiou to bav,u in thr inor HIIril tit riel mallrf vnrnlly. lh iiuynr Greater Share Cost of eoiMlition. Itnrle A Small. C A.. LOST lh wnrk prorl with, f tW rat provin of nir te.eral laird that lh flnaur rnfontil. Surfacing. llmMmg. Pbnne 3H. Th mayor frit that lh council whr lb ila i lill prevalent t would tlal with lh matter Priee A7. If MST Small an.i large key at HYDE fliould know defiaiU'Jjr tlut (Jul wr in Uir I'haw Iluprrl hi lh manlii with a viw lo A report from the Hoard of larlieil o chain. .r...at,ly dw. lh prorty owner affli ditril ar loo far north for ut.miltinjr a definite rpirt for Work reruiHUiendtntt Ibal the FOR S.M.K. liallnn Adding Ma- lima. FinuVr peae return l upporlrd tli rhanfr. Nolliinjt ajrrirullural work In b carrid next ineelllijr. eitf engineer tibmlt an amended rhin. wid earrikftte; Tnl.lo liaily New offire. TRANSFER bal ln prld to show that. on iirrpjfully. W niut and hflaw for th downtowH urfae (nipuling Heal, new. Ap. Engineer's Opinion. will liv down that rronou lag in arronlaiK'c wilh lh ply Pullr'a Orrery. tf ORIENTAL Q00DS EXPRESS AND BACOaCL Th rjir lh il U only rhango itri.ei ilium by lh rity ya ftp. mirrprrivlAton, a a,I In the Letter Box MiHSM.r-KiHtli.h baby rarri- Japan Klmona. Onckery, Day and Miht Tb pinion that all favomj it. by nueli jplfMlid xbHil a w rounril u aloill lal nlghL age. in feet ritdilHn. Itamboo Furuitiire. Ornament. Aid. Collar! and Aid. Kelly hr Unlay that lhi ran .Jnollirr rfMrt frnm lh eoin per moved that tb Ijivd. niilte- r.cuninwMMltag that the I'lione llr.l .3l If lakea, r.hildren'a Rompers, Coal . rawV..if adopt. bo urfuil THE MAS SETT EXHIBIT. Toy. Kle. Best i iiirlhod of be rhanged . u, aij. i"ry niiiMnx Biraoinu Central B. C. iiayinenl FOR HM.K Old new.paner. ?Ar IJTIWKST pri:fa mrnt that,.it ut on lh tahl. a PerhaiM wa mirr4 have Maoelt. II. :.. Sept. II, llrtS from tlie :ir ,r nt properly for large bundle, liaily New wk until further lsroature n more i llitnr liaily New: a Uu 1 1 tag and (A per rent general office. if F. K. AKASE Wood Wood P. O. Box 01 Tel. Hed AS roubl b rrivl. Tb amend. mil realizing i ll, in ennoinir in Maeii i ending its firt taxation irtnipi lo lh 155 tier SpbX Stove Lengths. Third Avenue ' ntrnt failrd to ki a uiiftlr nam of .Ntirtbern II. C. Agrirul Ki.iriri display to the Rupert rent properly a bit U ins; ami 35 and lh motion carrid. lural and Indu!rial Ancialion. Kair. and. of eouree. ltoie lo per rent rily a a wind method PRINCE RUPERT TIDES WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. 13 Jnd Ave. WL It i wtHsr and misleading. We raplure lb nip. van laid oer w that tb nil. A report from Mir utilitir 'are in tnlral H. 0., and a glanr Tb matter nf a display at all lion of Sertbtn I taxation in r Tuefay, Kepirmlier I J. Kxperl wateh, clock and Pheae BSO. eoniiiultee. rMotiiniending th ar-al lb map will ewuvinr th wn in lh nature of an afler- lalion io other uiri of th eily High 1:27 a.m.. 17.5 feel. ehrnnnmeler maker. rplanr of Ibe i.thI.t of tlie rn.ol (.keptu-al In lw eein.U Iboughi and mhii of the thiiiK niiglii i..- none more fully iuln. ta.lU p.m., IIMI rt. Waleh and Jewellery Repairs a TluimpAon Hardware for 500 feet!that thi i w, for th Grand thai do heel her were annul Aid. M oiioittVry wa fully In Low - W:.W a.m., 7.7 fl. ipeeialty. nf fiunlop fire ho, wae adopted 1 Trunk l'arifir Railway running don and ome of ttir thing w for of Ilic ehange while Aid V. :t I p.m., rt.S fe-t. Mail order promptly axeouled. Let Us Advise You by th rily r.niiiril la'l night, thi..ugh III renlre of the might have had if we had pre-vioiily O.llarl wa of lb view that lh WelnedJiy Seplemher 13 oeo. Qiaa The roit t l.r.n per foot. igrra! ff-rlile valley, divide the considered a diplay, wh..!r city bnefMlil througb High r -H Dm if..:. f-i Opp. Pott Office P. O. Ilui 71) with a lifetime enr' s lb Sr. I... ililproveioent. I" i: p.m., IH.3 eet. prinre Ruirt tf enre in all branrhr The rily Milieilnr thought il Low II lo a m , ti n fret HuiJdlng Trade a little hit Mi lb pmgr BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOH. Brickwork, of Mir u..ik to iHMiiler eiirll Phone Black CONTAINS NO ALUM rtiangr tit mayor wa alo Government Ilalrdresalnir, Shampooing, lien, Stonework, 'f Hi.- '.(.iiiiitn thai tb method nalng, Marcel Waving, Maneur. 'of i.nyiii. io i-iuild not now be ing, Faro and Hcalp Treatment. Concrete, etc. 'rliiiiia-d. Auction SALE Above Wrathall'a, Plan.- and Hpe. i s B -TRIAL nf !.nle at the Third Ave. free (. all our Dents. CHILD COMMITTED CITY OF PRINCE OE0RQE TAXI William Walls & Co. FOR MURDER On Thursday, Sept. 14th. Phone 693 (Call Oeorg line) Builders and Contract' HAS SAGGING MIND Acutloneer - p. J, Moran. Five paenger Touring Car I'M. Uo 3 r'hc? Prompt Hay nnd Night Fervire. .ri.. nl7 3rd Av Standi Boston Orlll Third Avenue Work of in- WIWIIMi.. rVpt. I?. On a jAbnnt Twrlvn Hundred Lot, eome Johblag rhiiige ..( tiiivinK Hiond br with valuable improvements, CLOTHES CLEANED fiiili. i , Hiiin.ii penny. Pearl Pen. will be offered. and pred by latest HTKAM Our Stock of nv. II Mini (.Id, wa (Nimiiiilled prilng proees. ... ... ftt.u"lie V...,meiMiHT ft I ur.. Trhu: tM.t u ..... . H ult railed for and delivered, PURE FOOD Th.- tatl.-r nf 1 1 ift areuaed died ton aver V tat up lo ll0 Uli Phone 4 Enamelware INSURES GOOD HEALTH Ih-I Mav at Ui liume near Abern. bUur la mm rr uti n.ur LINO. The Talloe Mlliiilol.a mo uiJIm, noilh ,,f 'toN-rrH Hiiwnl. iMt ever Is now Complel' IIM.ee oavrtrr k. Ultiw la oe. tmm. AUCTION MAGIC BAKING POWDER l ei- P. i.. ! aexirlifig lo evblenr ..j lhr ..... ., , SALES. Prloes Might- INSURES PURE FOOD -i l.iniii.-.i uiluiitted puling pnU. .ru-t.i. to t rony pi4 U tm ey r! Cnnduiied in vour home Sit.. n m l.r father- lea l-eau.e I, " " LittLJ. "wr Tburetlay .1 3 ..in. In our EW.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED -Wore al unr A ttlieni.t l.lfi.l :,,.. n OMr rHfy STORK'S Hardware CANADIAN MADE TORONTO. CANADA thai n.r had a "aaggUig rwM .ri.i, mHiik !. uMM. of tin OEOfiOE LEF.K, Auctioneer, LlmltJ WlNNiMiO montkial n 1 ud ii, , iinntulity not being Perumi er Una, Vkfc.ru, k 133 xhi ave. Phone ' 1M' ij.aj 1 ti., age ,' 1 Phones! Black 1S Red 1B7.