JPAOI STX SB DilLI IIWB -T S.S I U1UJLI -i ig?; G. H. Arnold, Notary Public WOULD SELL THE HORRORS OF INQUIRY INTO WESTHOLME THEATRE CROWN LAND FISHERIES ENDS Tonight Tuesday FIRE INSURANCE It carefully written by us In reliable INDIGESTION companies. Wi are permanently engagsd In the buslnsss and our record are accuratsly kspt to that when your policy aspires AT TAX SALE Conference ta be Held wiin JEWEL CARMEN Relieved State Board "Frtilt-a-liYes" Washington you will bs notified In aufflclsnt lime to keep your property by protected. Wo solicit your buslnsss. the Fruit Medicine Thursday IN City Council to Deal Fully with H. G. HELQERSON, LTD. Situation In Committee Discussion Iadigriltoa, Weak Ihfeatloti or PREPARING A REPORT Rentals. Insurance. Loans. Next Week. partial difeattoo of f'J, la one of the moat aerious of preaent .lay Hsger Urges Appointment of New "Nobody" Tho que linn ,.f rirMniilitijf eomplamlt heeauae it li reapoaaible Minister Por Depsrtment tinoAii-la lid fmni im aale came for many aertoua Iron Met, m tmc sufmmc court or mitiin in f"r a meaaure of tli-u.i'n 7e aria oA lmJintfi. VAN:l'VKM. rH. I:' Mem-kr. IN COLUMBIA.FftOSSTC. in mnimillee at lal niptil'. almtt imrmhmUy art SaVta1 nf Ike iMMitniun f iohene Mack Scnnctt Comedy, featuring Ben Turpin 'Snappy" ! It and Milter of the Administration Att eamnril meeting, Ihr mailer eoni- Kkntum. ra(a.,rea a IA 't. Cotlinwton sUMetl tlil I rr in "Love's Outcast" la ne,Matter or,tw Calais of tarl lotus Ihk U through Ihr prvinmldlHMi eeiuaeM aW eareaata ,Veraae.i ;iarlnK (rH.,r rvSaiHt for otlbmio Mvrul. ter4e4. Admission .15c and 35c. TttE Mirict that mi ltr lib itar of of Hip annual bylaw nrmhlins aruiiaiite.- .ill a referta , M m lhe Aurnit, ttff. frnbaie or tor lal Will and for Ihr exi'inplion of xnrli land. iDniriiwn peraHae iiieo tararta Printing Te.tameat of Karl Jnnaa Mreatad. deeeaaetl, IrSae fmiaheil Ihe beariltffn hre fonwrlr of rrirrlrtirr, Ala.ia, a mated Alii. Miintiinmery lliituaht alren(thea the atootarh maartea, Tliurailay it i lh iurH to Adolf ItllndoMm. of Prior Mpert. P.C there (lie iaerraae tha floor of the dlcealHa Om n n why ALL M R" haunt rlalma mini the rraeon tat rtmfer tllh Uremliera of th.-WaakiHattHt Theatre TOgDff aid male are rrqalred In rile the aame amerniwiil liull Ire exempted Juiret an1rrrretrBitr;Miririnhrrh Empress adds to your business prestige. with the ondertlmed mlthln thirty dajra tale of FUlierir. from the dale beiw.f and all peron nararl trom tne impillty ol UI sale uaually aeeomaBie Iartctba. moneT lo ihr) Mid ettale are repilred Mi1... ........ n... ...i..i :.l 60e a hoi, 6 foe i X. trial site . Iloartl. It Is the of i.t ihr. aam to tha underaltned forth- ""J ' " !'" rr-n.i..- A NStMiotrr f fiaherrea t pre. keynote success llh. . ual The rily ahnuld HI all At dealers or aeat rnalpaM bf In all modern business. nTir at mure nopeo. rroriom or or land on wliirlt (here wife tie. Fruit a-iitrs Umlleti. iltiaoa trfe tin lhr .n.He- Hans flhrr-i "Two Kinds of Women" You take no chances when nntith 1 a a Columbia,t, ttila lit day September Iinqurnl taxrn ami jrrt lKe ri-erfy atefaarlttrenl f Ihe iNamininni ADOIT BUlWinM. '(atnernnaent wm aaieal ty A. 1. you trust to your Printing orders fooT Hotel. Trior BnprM. S r. ttrariiitt revenue. As it wa thai if the nrnpertv aa In lie Haarr, preoklent "f tire Lunaillan Comedy Admiiont I jc t us. cinTiriCATt or latraoviiainT. I ln wiIIiiih imipm were paying xettiitf, Ihe bylaw hM hae We i.lieiri AooiaranlliHl at Ihe lilial have the finest printing '''""It" "i-r.. X iase while (he rovernitrem. waa li be NiaoeJ lefirr Ihe lUle of , i mill ll kl iiwaw in v n.. equipment north of Vancouver, renmoTTE NiMo biviaiov attest jielfin(i iff. leU )ear I He bair- lite annual Ux ..I,. SerJenlaer ""TT .V't , and can handle anything DITRICT. loratml on Lonto Inland. . " K-In-, innrwsni. Take .Nonce that I. rhaf. 1. Setwll.l, . , In the printing line to your Tree Mlnera Cemrirate Ho. SIT7 a., m-1 AM. Kerr wa of the opinion tleialtle in Ihe iaai to ell rv- rtttliv-iri liw.m hit r.i in i ' entire satisfaction. apply lead Mil;to the daya Mimnr trim Seeorder 11m date r hereof,Certificate to lhal Ihr mirUi. Htishl Ke taken erHnienl tro(ierty al lai ale for marina? anal rilaertea. Back to Pre-War ,M lmprrmriiix for tb of obtain- . W,,nirtialitlaa rim. I.. H. MaHell. M.I'., thai wtMjM above u' lBr it IrHt revert In Ike rily. Int a crema Grant or the rUuna. Sh I And runner lake aottre that aetata,I venttMi. I'rinrf ItHfieel He kuyera hHni itrr,llm2 t I.M '" wmi.ter U a. Rose, Cowan & La tta 'fr.8.M f Mae wor,. .ufferMt rltre In far laml Ih wMrh the pwri. rP"t M-r-r,pmrlae,.n .n-..' Prices in oes Limited ,TSra.,VlrJd.y-.n.t.n.isttJ'W ,,W.'M1 .rem ha.l'aH eaiully Prince Rupert, B.C. I c. i. srr i that AM. MiWlaHiwry irnfiual i.i vi..i.. rn il.i ik- Nearer mmM ae far iiinf Phone 234. cittTirtcart or tairaovtaiinT. wuuM S prarliraMe. however. rily tiarl ntatlrtSM l riaae al ,'' " h'rteiiae. ,. mie so. i," -mo vvxt 5a. SSmt Bo Llahla. lierttapa uaHeellfriia l iraln In ,H',, '""H. . CVSRY PAIR GUARANTEED, " I." "MMCOE rrarMoa' and "nnruv ... . . . , i .i.i...mui.. r iiiu.i.i..... i . .v i ......" r v.-.i i .n .Mil. .MoilivoinTT nMimainm .ellina Hit (lie m"rt"eat Mr. Ilaer sihl lla1lftMto n-iririerly. My Closing Out Sale le an eye-opener, and you csnnot afford IOTTK -MMI0 MVI'IOM. kiri PIS-inlirT latlifa ronhl' lae tlettll ' rrt(1riaii.r hS'l Lorated nn 1 otitic lilind. Dial crown . ta pass up the bargains I arn now offering, Take tr that I, ai-t. iret. Free ' w . Th kfry faa't Johnson's Report. !beii tailhinii roaMM. I hS taer- Mlnert Crrtirtrate So. SITICB. Intend aiitv ' They aie B"injr fat and tou'U need In hum i There Will Be A Coal Shortage dava rrom the dale bereor. to apply I" the that a bylaw li'l to tw Mt AW. I'erry lhal the tstararMg tut llae Itanery thoi This Winter pmrrmenli.Mlalaa BeeonVr for the for ptirrnoe a rrtlflrate or obtalaiar or Im '"roiinii neiiti.tma I hem from rrjuirt of the lure rily leeaottror. h"lf a hmf hller than n sele tmn Mm )' f"Uipire. a crovn (Irani or in abnoa riatma iat eali- Ii.iwi'iI Dial Ihev were K. I. JnlinatrH, wii.-h ileall fully h-af ami Ihey wi. lie oalifle. Be wise! i noilrr nd Sefiioa former II take rnntt notire be eoenmenrod that UaM-v ll lirilirr with Ihe iueiltii I.,- iir.Hli.cnl tailh a tetuly minioiar. M. McArthur, The Shoe Man I.Iwprwetnenn.for the iMuaorc of aura Cerlinrate of Ra,,,.,t Willi lhi Mr'. ami mmeI thai Utr r..ttinniiee ; r.hairtiian iKilf irniarknl Ilin ' Dated lttl tlnldar of AnnM. lift. Tin- nlv i-liTk Mint-it onl ariae nn, aak lte I.. U atrain. if ufiijr a OefMtty wera nm.ihI. Order Your ALEX. ROCEKS . Third Avenue. Hart ! Black, allrr II Ihe reaoluliiHl i5seil. , it woajM mil Hwiertatlly re! arraHareeweMl. Tlif ia-. .l! lir a fartner iHinlalrr of sen Coal Now Just Arrived NEWINGTON LEAYES rullrre anil a latrr man a mill , I. o a inn Our froten herring bait Is conceded by Aaf.f-ae.T VICTORIA TODAY ON later f lalMr t-a re"nnel .li.v M'lia a umii aaiMrl iiij 1 tn he the finest procurable al any I'scifle jaat Don't get left Fresh Shipment WAY PRINCE RUPERT Wur, buaiHea. .. ,.... .. ; I'ort- and It Is "Klshy." Pries. 130 per ton. flalieilea, Ite aaLni. IpP The best way of Insurlns: a Rood qualify ", la We hsve arran;nH fur delivery TO EUROPE AVeCt ti, hate plenty of our hard froien ice. Pr.-e. of 3,000 tons of VH.ilMtll. riei.i. t: The FISH ARRIVALS. II per ton. iah'liiMir t'-nihr Ni-wmatun fnr well equipped store ean supply Bahir.s frs Nanaimo-Wellington lilt EESEH1TBNS KSW! NORTHWEST wlin li liai Im-ii wtirkuiif al Vii--i-na Itierp n MMrtetni al lln-Klh 0 UllllS riaberrrten's rlollnoir, vrtaceries and pr - in ulare nf Ihr tUiean and hsrdwara. Kirstansr (lit Coal QUtSIO-CHIRSOUna-SOUTrlAajrTON- -l iria hark In I'riiaea Hixrt l- HMirtmia NABjsun .1.b ... .-... I . K A..1.. -I. ItV.IMKI tjnuml f hsilltUl. Ill' NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Oct. S Oat. SI .... Kainreoe af fraaaa i urn. I'he Nnamalien ha hean alea te: Phone 118 or 584. Oct. BISCUITS !i.m fHianey. :ih.Ixm mhiii. al Ketchikan, Alaska Brancb , 17 Mat, 14 Inaeoaa af BflUlo ff.r .Mi.ral llutaki w.f.ftl lll l-n n..r4t, .Liiaia l-lr a. 6itr I'atiran. Vnn Albert & " w ... . ' McCaJfery QUtSCC-CMCRBOUaa'SOUTrUHrTOaj. a a a t S. may tiuny writ. The laUer ai ii.i-r r ...r.- as.IS Imsreaa af SoatUod 1.. MA.,.I. . u II Ilk.. I.Ill I NOTARY LIMITED vefi rriiimrii nre rr-eiitiy, THEO COLLART, LTD. - BVOaTSSAL'SOUTrlAaieTOnWINTWtar Assorted, Animals hat ma- hmiizhi aiatilli the mem. I mmak, m.iiiih huimI a" PUBLIC Sas.rt.Ott.IS Nat.IX aiieaadaaa Irera of Ihe lKum.mi. fi.herte. awl -lMiliaii ri-li New Llfa Insurance Compaef. and Fancy Ws are now Agents foe the York Oai.1t.aiat. S .. Stallta '(IIIIIIIIUII. a imI OHij M.irage tiu.. i.iu. Mn-naen. .ii.iiiiii im 1111111.. a) 1 The most liberal and strongest company on the conllneeL The Popular Restaurant. atOMTMSJU. TO Listaeoot. Your Choice, Assorted lie ami 7e; Swrreaa, IMMMi lb. AsseU, $962,832,1 3S.S0. Let us show you how to ssts yeair See.22 Oci.Se Nat.17 SUaUalai GOOD CITIZENS. at ll.e atul Jr In Ihe ll.-lli money. The Boston Grill Sa.2SOci.t7.Nat.24 .... MooUUra 35c lb. KttUeHea of liliaiU, l.lil. M. Oct. S Nat. S Stoatraee per Phone Blue 89. Weslholme Theatre Block. P.O. Bei Oct. IS Nat. IS Victoria LISTEN I Ileeille. It.OlKr (MMiml al ll mihI 1r; Oara M.. iXmmi j.-.u.J-al Delicious Third Dainties Avsnue. which oktscal to autsaoMf 3 lbs. for $1.00 Genuine Leckle Shoes Being HUtHe aaaij le In .Mini ti-li Sas.2S Oct.21 Nat.IS Slautaaia Glfsn Away Free I araee. I.til. j will tickle the palate of the ot. rati. 4 Taalalaa Selma. ia,mi iMmml. ai II :v, most particular diner, Table Supply Co. We are aixinn away free sen. aixl 7.aie; llinjfii. tOiKi ..iuii'l- FAIR & i'rhate lioxts for Ladies. Aaalr ta Aataia ataefohara, ae J. t. Rupert PRINCE RUPERT EXHIBITION III.Mm- ami It In 1'arifn ih roaSTEa. aaoaeal Ssaai, 0-eJl, Station, uuie l.-kie Hmee. Itae imly al r Opsn Day and Night. Vaacaaree, TalaaOooa 3aiataar 2SS0 Phones 211 A 212. 'milium we aak Is lhal yim erie l'. I.I. SEPTEMBER 12 to 16 All White Help. CAN A CM AN PACIflO RAiLwar rome l imr ImmIi In the main I .. .... . . Traffla aaai. hutliluiir nf Ihe Kiliibilinii aial aeeure ynur lag. Iiien it i up I ..u t jrei iniay atxl find Ihe Hicrt?n1 dllll nnrl Wlfp the ,T" 1 re...n with the .luplieale i.iii... During her viui. l(emHiher. the J. Lrtkii- I'... I.lit. honlh. The Nearly Dead with if naiiir-i f i.mUv' winner will ai ai in i-.iiimi rnw'a iue. tf , WIRELESS REPORT. CHOLERA ExhibMon DENTISTRY HK.IIY ll Ml CliMi.iy. ralm har'-liiflir. .'iii.lio; aHlieralure CI . Kill'"'III Tha etwtf aitai'tuiat ef ebuler are 11 HKAII THKK I'lUXT Clear tnwiller. a ad pvt$tun or Mir eltkerj etoiattaiaewiiaJr or alleraalrljr, and are i and Fair Week . . I14I1I unrlliwfl wlavl; ladmmeter m.u.LL. uuUa. lul .m .LuL.kl il Ik. '."J.'Ji: i'inieraluf. 61: ea ikm.I ta. tltaain awraraure awl s uaity bitter We shall frvoi time It tune exhibit la utir ) ' Ill I.I. II MlllOll Otereaal. laile. Tlnnl Ave. ami Sexentli 81.. the jil.-.t Hl in ! '" 11 ' Iialit imrlliwe.i wiml; lianmieler On the fital a)uiU4ul afrta(, Dr. Exhibition Visitors In.Wear liailiu-tila eM i'ahilutiil in I'iiiih' l"i" 3(1.01; iiiiif ralure, ,67; a ailrra Utrail af WlM SlraaUrry niuilerule ahuuM ba taken. auJ lb truubla ctaHknl llii) r.shiliilKiti w' an' tiff-Tinn (linn at a fan a".I befvr It IrMtatiea aertoaa. will find my office fully equipped to BASEBALL FANS KILLED. Mr l.aar fiuilh, CauiUlltua, rt.B. wrllea: "VVa bate tra ualas Vt. IIUMKIIVII.I.I.. Se-Hl. IS. handle all dental requirements in its Kiiilili'i'ii N'vmei(ta.,were ilruwn. thaler's ttlrarl af MM Slraalierrf far Reasonable ebniera. My baibaml aad I vera pratlf various branches, e.l when it iimUic truak fitnl urarlr dead US II nam at alarle4 le Willi liui'hall fall erahel Ha fvur auedirtne, aixl Uiaakl lo it. a including a Modern ihinimli a lirnljr near here. Ims fawiM sreal relief, aa4 are recvae' utriwJiur II la all ear frKedi. Tin- r.' t.f iHjililillS III. it t.ara' renulatlua ataadt behlad "tr. Price X-Ray Service M-rl..r fi.r (In- moil Hi uf Auxual ra.i.L.r'i" llirrrfurt sua ara not airrrl- luruliiif all MHiw net) sail uuUIrd wu rereiaetf hy Ihe eily cniiurll retuedy abro yau r It. LADIES' COATS from $18.00 to $600 lal nuht It .iwril Ihut arten liuililllli' peiiiiiia reprvaeiilinir a rrlra. SSC. UMtle. tit up ouly by Tba LADIES' SUITS from $25.00 to $87.50 value of f:iH. i.'5 hail been ia-aui-tl, T.' Milbura Co Lltuitad, Tvroato, Oat. LADIES' DRESSES from $18.00 to $60.00 the fi:-. rolleeleil by the LADIES' SKIRTS from $5.00 to $1 city hem? 17 : 75. Kiiilil iliiinli-iny iMTiiiita hl 'uulil ill 110.25 III SUITCASES MEN'S SHOES from $.75 to $1' Dr. A. H. BAYNE ,fei'. TRUNKS MEN'S UNDERWEAR $2.50 lo $10.00 a Suit BOYS' SUITS from $75 10 $1500 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Rooms 4, 5 and 6, Helgerson Block, Sixth Street Mi! Swan fiiuiitain M'ii with a) CLUB BAGS (Sites run from 20 to 35.) iinlil hill ill hikI olii. Fllliler Stock hand. Large Office Hours, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., ar by Appointment Dental Nune in Attendance pli-aae li-ai- at Fair iiffiee. Prices on low. very Ltd. Jabour Bros., WANTKIi Xnurt boy lo b-arn J. F. MAGUIRE i-aili! aim iiNik afler hoi. '.Hi Apply . tftieet M, ui Nest tha I'rince Supert Hotel N -. . irfiOR AViKi' 1 t