ES ASK ABOUT OUR winter Service Specials KAIEN MOTORS LTD. chevrolet Sales & Serv’se iyear Tires — Willar? Raybestos Brake . “% Night _ s. Gooc 52: Phone > Si yol, ¥XIU No. 268. 4 SS 2 <, cies 9 a a a % Che Daily Netws NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1932 es EEE —— So Tomorrow’s Tides BI ee te 6:22 am. 17.0 tt. 17:50 pm. 18.0 ft. TAN eudees 11:59 am. 10.5 ft. eh % ~ PLAN American Unemployed Are Warned Not to Visit Washington This Winter Such a Trip Could Only End in Suffering and Misery, Police Superintendent Declares—Delegation of Unemployed Confers With Governor Roosevelt | WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 19:—A new “hunger| march” on Washington is reported to be planned, Advices | received that battalions of “hunger marchers” were gath-| ering at various points in the country to commence a trek| upon the national capital brought the warning from Gen-| eral Glassford, superintendent of Washington police, yes-| terday that such a mission “could™ | only end in suffering and misery” PILOTAGE r the marchers. ALBANY, N.Y., Nov. 19:—A dele- gation of ynemployed was in con- ference here yesterday with Presi- DISCUSSED. dent-Elect Franklin D. Roosevelt i The Governor of New York stat- ~ ' ed that, from a national standpoint, Deputy Minister of Marine Does Not Answer Request That Port Warden Act as Pilot not accept any responsi- bility as yet. However, he welcomed that might lead to re- situation as far as the sate of New York was concerned suggestion weving ne If necessary, during the grain} shipping season, the question of stationing 3 pllot at Prince Rupert | i idered, the Prince Ru WELTER ON pert ae Chamber of Commerce was) advised last night in a commun! After Gale Had Swept Jamaica an HUNGER MARCH ON CAPITAL ~ RAILWAY WILL VISIT | SERVICE’ WEST SOON i Next Spring to Suit Conven- Epcos se er the vn ience of Fish Business ” ie ‘ee Sine i . C, re Z In view of representations that | have been made and, in the effort to better facilitate speedy ship- | Charlesworth, chairman of the ments of fresh halibut from Prince/"®Wly created Canadian Radio Rupert to the eastern markets, A.| Commission, informed the Prince E. Warren, vice-president of the |*upert Chamber of Commerce last Canadian National Railways in\°Vening that the commission would charge of western lines, advised the |® Paying a visit to British Colum- Prince Rupert Chamber of Com- ia before long when the opportun- merce, in a letter read at last “ty would be available of Prince Ru- night’s meeting, that, early next Pert’s views regarding a British Co- | spring, an endeavor will be made to ‘mbia broadcasting station before arrange for trains to depart from | frmally presented. Prince Rupert for the east in the | The letter from Mr, Charlesworth evenings rather than in the morn- |W im reply to a communication ings, connecting with No. 2 train at | | sent by the chamber suggesting Jasper Park for the east. that a central location in the pro- Mr. Warren and G. E. Bellerose | vince be chosen for any new broad- general manager of the Canadian | °@Sting station that might be estab- | National Express Co., who also had | !#shed under the commission. ‘a letter before the chamber, both; Aether communication in ‘the contended that the falling off in| ™@tter was received from Olof Han- fish shipments from Prince Ruper* free M. P. for Skeena, who stated this year could not be altogether at- | ‘hat he would be pleased to take up ‘tributed to the train service. Mv. | “ith the radio commission any spe- Bellerose felt that the fish tenftie | tte suggestions the chamber from Prince Rupert, on the whole.| ight have to offer. ,had been afforded an oats ies Mon Eee ce Oe ;}movement. However, the matter PREMIER IS A communication from Hector {would be dealt with further oe view 10. giving as good a service | possible. Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena, in- formed the chamber that he had | bu ws bD Jamaica Bay when a gale swepl Island, N.Y., the other day. made a trip to Montreal! to take the} tion fr E. Hawken, deputy min- es 2 ' nt : d } 60 others. The floating : — Stand of Attorney-Gen- eation from wk put; The wit mpanied bya % rain. su ied in yplir y i 8 matter of train service up with the} eral Against Brewery Here—To marine¢ ce in the foreground was o railway authorities. He had confer- | Sock Vancouver ‘Support M: H iwken's letter was in reply) red with S. J. Hungerford, acting | F to a communication which was sent | president of the Canadian National | the Department by the « iber " e+ t+ eeeeee & + a aa : After hearing a letter from Pre- th partment b; | Railways, and Mr. Bellerose on the » hi Resolution From Stewart Board of! vrotesting at grain veas i bad “ ; | senther. ‘Shaw hed.eiven aiekraaen mier S. F. Tolmie which stated Trade on Copper Refinery at Prince inert being charged with 2o FICIAL CHECK-UP OF + pres a ae oon jthat the position of the provincial Prince Rupert being that everything possible wou'd be} th ee the expenses of bringing a pilot AMY JOHNSON’S RECORD # done to suit the convenience of the erm im regard to the grant- —— : wali couaa.ige er a ei 4 to su ° - ing of a licence for the establish- am tion which is und ™ \|from Vancouver and maintainins nea ‘ fish business of Prince Rupert. ; ¢ ‘a S ‘ omrvenred ii { ment of a brewery at Prince Ru- tration by the Stewart Board of/) i, here and urging that the port| CAPETOWN, South Africa, # . - Col. J. W. Nicholls, comptroller of | k a b full it b RN a ta r acel- a i 1 J official ck-un @ ail ; ai ; - ; “ . _|pert ha een fully set ou v Tra rotesting against any AC-| . den, who was a competent pi- Railway Asks Railway Board to Dis- + prt reehlngpelaege.choapsattng Summoned By President Von Hin- | the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Hon. R. H. Pooley, attorney-gen- ie part of the provincial) 1: be allowed to serve in this ca- Preis |# shows the time of Amy John- # denburg to Discuss Cabinet C formed the chamber that the | 3 Pee |) all miss Appeal For Lower Freight | 0. Intormed the chamber that the eral, in his letter of July 7, the government to aid large coppeT) uw. gor orain vessels loading at 7 |# son, British aviatrix, who lan- # Formation : a pacity for grain Rate on Autos to Hazelton matter of train service was being| bane Rupert Chamber of C producers of this coast to get their : vedi , : # ded here yesterday afternoon, # ae ; pert o om- Prince Rupet tr bees | satisfactorily adjusted and moved | |merce, at its meeting last night, ° product into the Empire markets r. Hawken did not reply to this : iat ln silane i* to have been four day x + BERLIN, Nov. 19:—Summoned hat tl palate ah tions te é s 8 Mi at, Mr. Haw The Prince Rupert Chamber that the various communications be | gecided to solicit the assistance of tree of tariff after being smelted! ices, wing } ‘ # hours and 55 minutes for * from Munich by President Paul 7) , hanks i , ren ; ; ; Specific pol Commerce, at its meeting last rig! te + acknowledged with thanks ithe Vancouver Board of Trade and refined in the United States It was decided to uest Olof oe py of a commu! # flight from England to Cape von Hindenburg to discuss the lagair th t li f th ; he ’ ead a COps i Tithe . 4 ale ‘ lage st > rese my that investigations anc |i. ,.on M. P. for Skeena, to take ~~ Mich has been sent by Alis |# town. She beat the forme * fermation of a new cabinet, Ad- ee sin ; See eae a ol ents be proceeded with at... in. whole matter personally ae a? ,.|* cord, held by her husband, | o»jph Hitler, leader of the Nazi i a ee, ; nice = : @ tair fi user, assistant genera! coun ‘ : , Mollic by 10 @ ; : suing brewery licences. king to the establishment) ith the department the Canadian Nationa! Rail-|* Capt. James A. Moliison, by party, and sight comignatens ar- Recently, after receiving an u r smelter and refinery ot rr aaa of Railway Com- i* hou ind 44 minutes + rived here by airplane yesterday atist schory nation f - eB Columbia coast was pre ways, to u 2 eh proposal t 7 ; afternoon. The conference be- Mr Pooley the Chamber de ided l sione! pposing tnt roposai vO : . r I ; he Prince Rupert ee IN _— enue aati 840) ; e*¢¢ @ ¢ ¢ & & & & FF tween von Hindenburg and Hitler : a ; : md oor , * ie” jreduce the flat rate of $40 on p cee licen sae : to take the matter up direct with ; nmerce last evening 10 ment tomobiles between Princ was to take place this morning. / Traffic Expected. to 0 Be Restored on premier Tolmie with a view to re- erat ea? ie ee »me political circles, the be- Ps a i ion 5 oe LDS BALL i iS and New reanenen. # rece I : an i Sane that Hitler er a Coving & ClAr-CU) GeemNent Gt i ) *wal ; ‘ . as P SSC! , i | ] lution from St ~ ian of rate had been sought » E 4 - + betas duanitiin ieaie] By That Time policy from him on the matter f icien ad £ “merge as chance . : Opinion that sufficie r in the hope that it EMER CENEES 86 Ca rh, _— Premier Tolmie’s reply was read at pper ore is proven in the existir cast Night ht tend to eheourage automo- the latest German political crisis. | Traffic on the division of the Ca- last night's meeting | »¢ tt yg ‘niovable Allaur Las ight | mign t ee ee a ee, 2 ee Sees So” ee oe meat. Se ast 1 it’s ) ee i. onic Temple With Jolly bile tourist traffic to Prince Rup 4 nadian National Railways between Presient J. H. Pillsbury felt that Yi het ¥ - . . Y Z ) . é | re « aa >) »Y NEC ; : ha smelter and refinery| in Mas i asain te ted mmunication to 1 . Interior Weather here and Smithers is expected to be the policy of the government was 2 rable magnitude, provid Crowe valle % the way cou | restored by Monday g the “ridiculous and absurd.” As long te Whree major corporation j | i of the Prince | declared that the e of $40 ‘nother Indian Round Table tie-up on account Slides and as such a policy was adhered to. - ether, also that the natural rh a st night | ready 21% below regular i Parley Starts With Premier Terrace—Cloudy utheast wind,| wash-outs between and there could be no hope of a brew- : abundant waterpowé Rupert Si a ne Ma sonic | rate ind is in line with similar ' MacDonald Officiating ip ture 38a Pitman stations, it was announced ery licence being available for tation, ete., tend for as eco- | in tht Ree ne ble af-| that were charges the Canadian — siiaaesinashi pajineensilinniianinl this afternoon by W y, di- Prince Rupert. a peration as could be at sn Sara kal a wd i at |Pacific Railw iy for transportation LONDON, Nov. 19:—The third Dr. L was welcomed} visional superintendent. The train W. O. Fulton suggested that the 7” inywhere. The result of the) fair. T! von led the}of cars during the construction of) Indian Round Table Conference (by Chairman Brown at las‘| which was to have left for the east matter be now taken up with the mishment of this industry, the | t Ye i } iecorated| the trans-Canac highway. The| was opened here by Prime Minis- ight’s meeti 9f the hospital| yesterday morning has been van Leader of the Opposition. Col. J, " n declares, would be to|spacious hal Wi , ited colors | rate of $40, the railway counsel} ter J. Ramsay MaeDonald. Forty board as the new prescenetive yoelled and will be consolidated with | w. Nicholls pointed out that a sim- ene value of these mines tej for the occasion W - ithoueht. could not be considered} delegates in attendance includ m the boar ~ Prince Rupert/the regular train leaving for the jjar application for a brewery li- ‘ Province and would stimulate | and emblem rs rted at 9'30}excessive for a distance of 181 | one woman but Mahatma Gandhi | Medical Associatior Dr. Kergin/| east at 9:30 Monday The'cence in Vancouver was meeting ne nomgmans She coast re-; The pi . HJ hn on president miles, Furthermort the railway and his All India Nationalist Con- | takes the seat of Dr. C. H, Hankin-/ westbound train. ordinarily due here | with the same aifficulty. It was fi- = ‘An investigation by indepen- | )).m vy toe Johnson ied | board had no power to reduce rates | rress party are not represented. son, who is now president of the/at 8 o'clock this evening, is being nally decided to seek to enlist the : M experts of the project is re-jof the club rv : a ie which “O| in the interests of encouraging torr | This week the conference will de- | Medical Association held at Smithers until the line is| support of the Vancouver Board of 1m, ‘ sy irch dur l i . - “ > » > > r > oor Th nded in the Stewart motion. th naa Fa » Mr. Johnson, in| ist traffic and the railway company} vote itself to preliminary organi- * cleared and is expected to arrive) Trade against the present policy The matter was referred to the | Canada” was sunt re j vomed the|asked that the complaint be dis-| zation and will get down to ac- *¢ # # # # @ # @ + + # #)Sunday night or Monday morning.|of the government. Mining committee. ja neat speech, had ry dancing | missed tual business next week. + *| There are three major slides anq| ter mee on ge ruests, Splendid musk he “re The communication was filed. | a * HOOVER'S STAND ON */ wash-outs on the line between Pit-| SMALL SURPLUS FOR Brit; was furnished by Mrs. J. ¢ : fed | + QUESTION OF BEER #/ man and Exstew, Mr. Tobey stated. | OCTOBER IS SH : ritish Pound and Orchestra, the affair coming © a) ‘ey sided. 5 ‘ #/One of the slides is 200 feet long ' : S SHOWN ' " rs The regular monthly meeting otf The ea er : Shae BY L OC AI HOSPITAL { anadian Dollar on jclose at 1:15 a.m recsh-|the board of directors of the Prine: * WASHINGTON, Nov. 19 # and 25 feet deep and the other two 4 4 . ’ 7 | inig jelicious refresn-|! a a oi’ | ' tated in rita- re a4 5 , mere New York Exchange At midnight oe the ladies giving | Rupert General Hospital was held # It was stated in authorita # | about 100 feet long and 15 feet Receigta af the ithe Runest ments were served _ _ ae t con-|last evening in the hospital, busi Prince Rupert-—Raining, strong, # tive circles here yesterday that | deep. The wash-outs are only on deinieat mie tte) foe ‘ths pmo e NEW | ORK, Nov, 19—The Bri-| invaluable assistance Pree lness being largely of a routine na-|southeast wind; barometer, 29.90;|# President Herbert Hoover will #|the grade and all bridges are in- 7 peace re tish + | nes ott + ‘ : . ; cate Jesieint lega- +) tact. The obstructions are being| October exceeded expenditures by mo, Pound sterling closed at $3.-| nection man of the|ture, Those present were W. M. temperature, 40; sea smooth # not advocate legislation lega- #) tact e obstructions eust30. th eae teat a li he local foreign exchange| G. H. Munro was ¢ ea ‘ted | Brown, chairman, Ald, 8. D. Mac-| Dead Tree Point— Part cloudy,|# lizing the sale of beer and light #) cleared as rapidly as equipment can 2 od ee : : Yesterday | ittee in charge and also actea | egpendager ign He 5 Be al Oe inns ihn nes in United States at the | get to them board at its meeting last night by “y. The Canadian dollar|comm being as-|donald, Ald. G W. Rudderham, G.| | ligt it southeast wind; barometer,|)# wines in United Sts g ; the finance committee. Receipts f losed ay 86 11-16¢. as master of er a ee Tinker, Robert Gordon, G, V | 99 82; temperature, 42; sea choppy.|# forthcoming short session of #| Water in the Shames r is os 1 er m co “ ae pied died | sis ted by G. A. Woodland, Svanis; |Wilkinson and Dr. L .W. Kergin,} Triple Island Clear, strong|# Congress but that he will not #|higher than has been known for . mon a ale seen . Mrs, G. w Laidier will sail on the| | Smit h and J.G yoy ale dl | directors; Miss Jean Harrison R.N.,!southerly wind; sea moderate |# veto such legislation should it #| years and the situation in the other a rue, ort to oe ys ; : , “a> - 4 ri re ie TINGPSS Nx rah tomorrow after- The. inyracce * et Mascn-|lady superintendent and H. W.) Langara Island--Overcast, strong! # be enacted *| rivers emptying ere r ital an f “al. ae r ) 1e Mé n- | ; ... ~ ¢ SOS B iS Ol, 00D for a holiday visit with rela | confined to members ¢ (Birch, managing secretary. southwest wind; sea rough *+¢¢+¢¢ ¢ @ © @ © & & # Skeena River is much the same. cost per hospi ay of §2 "es th Vancouver. lic craft , | : 4