oe - Pe bi : 6. a, , at a Rip “ey 4 PAGE TWO Headaches and Dizzy Sp-éils WORK IN- Rerves In Bad Cond sition HOSPITAL Mr. Neil Crawford, Hamilton, Ont. /writes :— Pregram of Renovation **My nerves were in such bad conditirgo I. found it almost impossible to get a good nip it’s sleep. Is Now in Progress at institution MILBURN'S halal NERVE pills I was Extensive spells. also bothered with headaches) and dizzy I tried many different remedies,, bit they did not seem to give me much relief, but /after 7 had taken Milburn’s Heart and Nerve [Midis 2 could The house commities it last hardly believe the change they lad made in : 7 oe ‘ iid my condition, ’’ night's meeting of i Lospital y " : board, reported considerable work Per sale at all drug and genera! stores: put up only by The T Mill uxrnfOo,, Lad. ep Peronic, Ont. , iN progress at the instil unde! _ aiden aman qe eS the recently decided upon program of new installations and renovation ™, The work ineludes paint i ing, plumbing, kalsomini wiring THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA / laying of new floor coverings, ete. The nursery is being e f and G. J. Dawes has been given an order for new linoleum therein W. R. Love is doing a small wiring cLendaed Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limitea, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor job Orders for paints were recently given by the house mmittee to a SUBSCRIPTION RATES number of firm City delivery, by mail or carrier. yearly period, paid in advance 5.0" For lesser periods. paid in advance. per week 16> By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and i] W di e United Sti aid vanee, per yeat 3.00 Si ver We ding By mail to all other countries, per yea: esesdsentil 9.00 lL d ADVERTISING RATES Is Ce é rate Classified advertising. per insertion. per word al aa le 02 acd Legal] notices, each insertion, per agate line 15 Mr. and Mrs. BH. Johansen Hon- ored by Friends at St. Paul's mG ; iad Lutheran Church DAILY EDITION v rie Saturday, Nov, 19 1932 | Tee The occasion peing their silver LS nes COC: Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs CHURCH NOTICES H. Johanson were honored by a large gathering of their freinds {Following surprise visit at their home on Eighth Avenue East Wed- inesday night the whole party prs- leeeded to St Paul’s Lutheran / iChurcr where the occasion was ST. ANDREW’S CATHEDRAL ™ , duly colebredal (Church of England) | f | As Inge Ingabritsen played the |Wedding March, the bride entered the church, wearing her original j}wecding dress Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean sonar ; SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE ADVENT # THE DAILY NEWs Innocent Looking | “a No pipe of peace this, but a dead- ly lethal weapon. If you have a mind can carry it in the mouth like an ordinary briar. It 25 through the stem and bow! hnoids five. “smokeless” shells. SCHEDULE OF BASKETBALL to von fires a the The evening’s program included} 8 A.M., Morning Communion ivoral solos by Mrs, Kar] Dybhavn a 11 A.M., Morning Prayer and Sermon lspeech and song by Rev. P. M! November 22—Grotto vs. C. N, R. Subject, “THE SPELL OF JESUS’ f |Fosse, vocal solos by Mrs. J. Mur-!|A.; Comets vs. Amazons; Tuxis vs. ; ;vold and Mrs, Ole Wick, seelctions ;|Merchants; Scouts vs. Japanese. 12:30, Sunday School yy | ne ’ by the Varden Singers, organ solo November 25—Panthers vs. Grot- 7-2 2 ‘venino Pr > ind Servire 7 : 1:30 P.M., Evening Prayer and Service of Praise jby Peter Lien, selections by a male to; Cardinals vs. Comets: Warriors Anthems Iam Alpha and Omega sextet with Bert Cherstad as solo- ys. Merchants; Meteors vs. Rovers. The Radiant Morn Hath Passed Away ist November 29—Panthers vs. C. N. Stay +h nrnorar wedding Ta Hark! Hark! Mv Soul! Afte e program, wedding re R. A.: Amazons vs. Cardinals: Tuxis from ret Zz } A rie? uw > . At Ever Ere the Sun Was Set trom rganization and frienc . Warriors: Scoute va Meteors. ae eee ae ee were presented by Mrs. R. Peter-| en 3Cnatieves, 6a Soloists, Mrs. F. W. Allen, Mrs. Jarvis McLeod, Mrs. Webber son, these including silver casser- December 2—Grotto vs. C. N. R. : } 1.9 hii : So . a A.; Comets Amazons; Tuxis vs; and H. Lincoln jxe@, pyrex ple plate, cake plate, |” ly = eke nega ae Merchants: Rovers vs. Japanese. Organ Solo by Peter Lien utter dish, silver flower vase . . ream and sugar set, etc."A beauti-| December 6—Panthers vs. Grot- ful wedding cake, the gift of the/%0; Cardinals vs. Comets; Warriors Sunshine Mission Society, was pre vs. Merchants; Rovers vs. Scouts sented by Karl Dybhavn e Following the serving of refresh At t gh meeting. of the ments, the wa yngregational spital board a check of $42.52 ris mas al Ss singing and the benedictior We eceived from the British Co- ronounced n Hospitals As lation, being ‘ as wha , rh , mo eat A on dApleonte ow see te) SPECIAL PRICES ON BOXED CARDS —__ ——__——_—- fu el xpenses t Serrvein: H. H. Pegler. mechani- innual convent if the Asso- See our five and ten-cent individual cards. Select now ind avoid 1 offire for the provincial po- tion which was held in Sepvtem- disappointment lice who arrived in the city by} hb Vancouver. Althotigh his train Thursda evanin from the th exp ‘ ted to $62. REGAI SHOP avierior, sailed last night on th board of send B.A 4 hee Priy Adelaide for Alert Bar z the deleg to expense Mr. and Mrs. John McRae whence he will proceed late ng arrangement, was but oS CIGARETTES 12,.12c BO to REDUCED IN PRICE Smokers reap the benefit of the Cigarette Tax Cut 20... 20c Saturday, Noveniber 159 199% BASKETBALL LAST NIGHT C. N. R. A. Defeated Kaiens 33-26 In Senior League The Canadian National Recrea- tion Association won the Senio1 League basketball game last evening by defeating the Kaiens with a score of 33 to 26 In the Ladies’ League, the Ama- zons defeated the Cardinals 6-2 in a hard fought and exciting game The Tuxis defeated the Warriors 23-19 in the Intermediate League and the Meteors defeated the Ja- panese Association 23-18 in the Ju- nior eantest. Senior Game The Senior League game started with a fast pace, the C. N. R. taking the lead in the first five minutes. The Kaiens, strengthened by Wing- ham in their forward line, found their pace and soon overtook the Railwaymen, The Hardware outfit were checking hard and the long shots were very effective, The first half ended with the Hardware boys leading 15-13 In the second half, the Kaiens tried to increase their lead but the Railwaymen scored six successive baskets. The Kaiens could not over- come the lead and the C. N. R. A, came out on top with a 38-26 score. C. N. R. A—Stiles (20), Johnson (6), Kelsey (6), Stalker (1), Smith, Nelson. Kaiens—Mitchell (7), Cross (4), Jnger (4), Tobey, Irvine, Wingham (9), Scott (2): Ladies’ League In the Ladies’ League the Aima- zonus started the first half by scoring, They had the best of the play for the half but were unabie to add to the seore The second half was much like the first, both sides checking close- ly. In the third quarter the Cardin- als sank an equalizer. Both side3 fought hard but the Amazons seem- ed to have better contro: of the ball. In the last few minutes | play, the Amazons sank two succes- sive baskets. The Cardinals were unable to overcome the lead and the game ended giving them the poor end of a 6-2 score Amazons—Boddie Harvey, Ritchie (4) Cardinals—Lowe christ, Rivett, Brochu 2) Morris, McLeod, Davis Stone, Gil- Webster 9) Intermediate League In the Intermediate Tuxis the League, the larted by getting the best of play. The able to get the fumbled a halt ended 8-4 The second half started with the Tuxis taking the lead. The Warriors were still playing rageedly. In the last few minutes the Warriors ra lied and tried to overcome the lead of the Tuxis but they were unfor tunate in their shooting. The Tuxi were leading 23-19 when the fina! whistle blew Tuxis—Morrison (9), Smith (6), Kanaya Warriors 9 2) Warriors seemed un usual pace great deal With the and they The first Tuxis lead ng (g Moxley Nakamoto Hanson Hickey, Comadina, Gil- lis Forbes (2), Steffansrud (4) Wingham (11) Junior League In the Junior League the Meteors had the best of the play. The Japs flashed in spots but lacked the steadiness of the Meteors Both teams checked hard but the Met-~ eors, with the more accurate pass- ing, were able to come out on top Meteors—Santurbane (7), Chris- tison (10), Allen (6), Tobey, Arney Japanese—Obata (4), Kishimoto (5), Suehiro (4), Nakamoto Kan- aya, Condo LEAGUE STANDINGS Senior League mm iL, Pee C.N. R.A 5 =: © Grotto 4 2 8 Kaien Hardware l 6 2 Ladies’ League Cardinais 6 1 12 Amazons 4 3 8 Comets 0 6 0 Intermediate League Tuxis 5 2 Merehants 3 3 6 Warriors 2 5 4 Junior League Meteors 5 0 10 Boy Scouts 2 3 a4 Rovers 2 3 4 Japanese 1 4 2 TRUE LOVE Let your greatness educate the crude and cold companion. The great will see that true love can- not be unrequitted. True love trans- cends the unworthy object, and dwells and broods on the Eternal. Emerson. aoe WHEN RUNDOWN Pomme PHILLIPS = waGy oF tg . ’ For Troverl i} ous TO ActP noree qr | mat o ' " es Seer ee paneer a The sensible way—the doctor's way—of treating that sluggish, “run-down” condition is to use Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia, Try it instead of something just to “move the bowels.” See how much better you feel—and continue to feel for days after! The anti- acid action clears the system of all those poison? that cause headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite. Get the genuine; look for Phillips on the wrapper. ALSO IN TABLET FORM: Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia Tablets are now on sale at drug stores everywhere. Fach tiny tablet is the equivalent of a teaspoonful of genuine Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia. SHOOTING SUPPLIES All Dominion Ammunition has Super- Clean Non-Corrosive Priming — For Sale By — THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. el SI Via Ocean Palls a afternoos T.S.8S. VENTURE E SPECIAL WINTER The York 9-Tube Arriving Vancouver Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm, River points, Sunday, 8 pm regarding all sallings and tickets at RU On sale No Further information YRINCE RUPERT ee uh 1) Le Yes, There is a Differ- ence! And You Should Hear— DeForest Crosley’s 1932-1938 im rad ma Latest ported by eleven velopments Your for years te them now at thing come KAIEN HARDWARE SPECIAL Meat Grinders Badminton Shuttles each $1.15 3 for 5e One-Man Saws Badminton Shoes 4\4-ft $4.65 Men CA we _ Ladies $3.00 & $3.95 Phone 3) — _ We Deliver FE A EERE UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prinve Rupert for Vancouver:-— T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M, nd Waypoints, : VERY THURSDAY MIDNIGHT. Sunday m orning Anyox, wriving Vancouver Thursday Stewirt and Na EXCURSION RATE, ROUND TRIP, PRINCE PERT TO VANCOUVER, $32. Vv. 10 to Feb 28, return limit Maren 91, 1998 AGENCY: Second A venue. Phone 568 To Vane , Fridays, 10 PM To Vancouver direct. LOW FARE Ror ND ouver via Ocean Falls and ’ANADIAN PACIFIC Way Ports— PRINCESS ADELAIDE PRINCESS NORAH—-Noy, 20, Dec. 4 TRIP WINTER EXCURSIONS TO VANCOUVER “a om file November 10 to February 28, 1933. ‘inal return limit Mar B8iet, 19338 For information call or write i mr W. L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.A - rn '