1 V. V v. r WHEN YOU WANT A 1 TAXI lie r. Fish Market Oysters Shrimps Crabs 99 MILK FED LOCAL in a hurry TURKEYS. Phone Geese Ducks Chickens. PRINCE RUPERT Fresh Horn Made Siuug ALL NEW CAMS Dally. -J Northern and Central British Columbia! Newspaper Phone 671. s xii v ir ihim;k hi ikut. ill tiii iJihuay. dixf.mhkh 21. n22 VtaWrtir't Clrtiilitl 172. Strut ! 312. PRICK KIVK CKNT8 ACTIVITIES AT SAWMILL ON MASSET INLET t. , BITTER DISPUTE CAUSES CLOSING OF SESSION AT LAUSANNE CONFERENCE Buckley Mill in Full REPUBLICANS ARE FINE CONCERT FIGHTS AND FREE-FOR-ALL Venizelos and Riza Nur Bey STILL Oh) RAMPAGE IN GAME; Had Altercation When I Wordy ATSCH00L0F METS BEAT REGINA Operation; Schooner lll.l.I- ST. Iter .-I Itcpobltreus derailed and si:TM.K. I.t. ;i. Emigration Question Was Up unreinl Helfast frHuhl ANNUNCIATION Hl JIMIU l'fttlil Si'Ultli' 0 IrSiiii bihI ahMi mafl trwn In iii an un'i Imih' umnif Loading for Seattle LAt'SANNK. Ifrr. 21. A wxirly ullerraliiiii brtwrt-n m- m wMett Uwrv wrr no l.i-i niylil mWih'Ii uta I'rrmirr Vrniirlio. uf lirrrrr. and lll.l ur Hey, tlif Turk Nu- pasirnarere, Splendid Affair Reflects Great lnai-kr.l liy rivlil- tMNl a iMiii.ili'l lrlfralr, i nn-rd Siriior Monlnona. jreidrnt of Hie Near Hi. I Mflnarral l new-pttftrr Credit on Training, of St.. ft .-fi.r-all in wiiM'h Uic III (.KI.KV HAY. ij i. l . Ih r. 2. i.l.hI .rort- i bring htiMdinf at lnn-talfc rrfrrv Mturi li Ilic inal Kaal runferriire rum tnif.sunt 011 minorities, to. bring lliii morn- . -,wili Hit' loading ti .1 I it r err liimhrr Mhonuer 4 I he Muell wm lutrtaftl 4n tbr Jetton Sitter W4lh Moran 4m -vtn HikhI iug'! ruMftiofi of Hie romtiiiioii lo an ulrtid rlosc. ill ; Im.(i 1- iiiiw .. 1 and H I expect- a round. ti'ii ilullar. ' Tlif di-Hilii vti over (he itie!tion of liberty of eni'ignition. Tin- r in'-rl fimt tiy Ih )UiiU I'rrtmrr Yi nizelii liiileri) allarked the Angora government and tiiilrl 11 i.v 1 ..1 it... .if Shi- Ims rapacity of r tin- NiiitanrMMii S'IhmdI 4n ri-lril againt tlie alleged ilrKjrtalim of (ireekn tiy the lliom- m f.rl. t'W I.. i. h ikrki ami .MMl.tHMt deck load. The Si itllr. Hii' .rlnH.l hall. Ilnliii ami r'ul. 'nnd from AiiatoliM. Mix Nor replied 111 u similar vein rharging - oicikMiI ton Sliwl. in-1M4y aflTnooli "" Vrnurliw with being reMniblr ' si...Hit .ifletr II.' Nr Year. Ihr fir-l ( Hie PDIWrr rrYDPC UIM .nipiiu nw WALUCE REID IS e i tifiwf infrliii tnl mi. I lUntt UtUKuL WILL 'for .... lb. In rko-l.reek war and iU f nflfl An f frll hiMHirrt- i uprrled i arrur In l.ikr lltr large anl to i.ivnit'. . nl 'ITm u ..-i.m -1 1 '.li.'iiiriire. The voirrx of Ixilli jJJ Ul IjIa I g. lr.. Tltr"- large Ittlllters are now lung iii.i.li- iiilo r.iflv FIGHTING DEATH ii-wr i HAVE 125 PEOPLE Ll iii.'ii ri.e In a liish nilrli and tin- 1 n. will anchor i.ff IIh' I'lr.l.l UwJ ifr-lHJ in and i'n 'i.I 1miiI frii I li- m.itit ,k'" ""'r Uf rffrel GOING ON HOLIDAYS ,,f i-w- WHEN STEAMER wan V" . iml.l.- ta- titi In l.i SURVEY FOR Constitution of Film Star Hat iini-1 i.i-'iiiz. iwaru-. vtx-in down ! f no avail. Been Undermined With Use I fal a Ul"' Inttsbrr rair (ni!itateM, aMnrfxi The li.T.I. Pi aul lit nl.'ann-i uii- HON. DR. W. H. SUTHERLAND t aboard and will oiitiaii" PULP MILL of Narcotics and Liquor Miiiu- I Ull uf Ssra t.lau ii.l (iror-'r. (La.latll .Morrli'.u-'-. Will IS CUT IN TWO . .,lt with !! uliarf. J oil Ihr on i j raw ff'vM-nly ninn- ail al in p.m. tomuiit i..r A.m. if.II rulimiiw i.nwlarl). I.if AXi.KI.KS. iff. I. AVai. Ifirrr n.rt a (lull rmiirr. Wloria and S.-atli.- ihi- it 1 1 Hflin... 1., IMI..j ler.- hnd. Ihr MMilar film fai. mti.-til fnan Hi fin.t rliorun IiHint Irrr UkI trip irfirr I I11..1 . French Coaster Vintlll Foundered ,. 1 .l.i nn.I iiyl..) nitf Has Been Completed at Buckley U makina a yrim flulil for litv in m hi Knnla Okiii 4ial fliiUlinl inns. I Iht. will Ih' ii.'.u Iv i After Belni Rammed by Bay New York Ei-pert n namlariuns lu r.-. riiii-j ln a- th ''tiri-'nui. ailV kili U.iiIwmi. N'i.i,- on lioaid whrn ihr -i Norwegian Asturl on Ground tHifM IoHitaMk art alloik ( th-4ml r eMlifly fHl.-il nail. nirlui-iKa are -aid b Ii .m tor Willi rvtatlyr mh frirn wIm Iln iai nii'r li.t in. ;.ul. 1 ST N AZAlilK, Fratae. lire. 21. LADY RHONDDA BUCKLEY BAY. Dec 21. lo Im- tlo- ratiw of ttf itiou III- hiihk'hII) hi)( the fM-opniMi II. Howe. J. I.. Smeiair J (I Tin roasting steamer YintilU A survey has been completed in-., (niiii wliirli he ban lirn uf. Ihinxuertily. IH1oi Hhihii. Hlake. I.. V. Itani' v II i. u. :iandei--d earl? tislay willi a o. on the Ian River In connec IrrniK for rrk. Mia rHlilM-' KaleVr Mrllraft). .T I'. Mn'ValTirr Mi liwilen. .Mi. Maliuffy Ms: nt timf men of the rrrw after GETS DIVORCE tion with the possibility of .n. it i tlalctl. Im liri-n tular-. oihI ihr AntrrVaal linMll wrrr Minn. A. Ii. rlrr... Tlf tw hit iHi'ii ruiniiKil and rut in a. a sa i.A. a -T establishing a pulp mill. The w ny the Norwegian freiybter power ta be developedlt UaWitn,inPI Uaui int i.rf . N'nralfVtiorf. Sir Humphrey Mack worth Does planned, will operate both Lriiliiuly by l i.liytWii and ce al rrfbs-t irrral rntllt on tlson. M. Mos.'. A Wicks' 1 .:: re oirdni-iit. Net Defend Petition Brought the pulp and the present l.i n.air iiur..'. Mr. AhVr tbr S4ttr of SL Jorh (Liiptain Hubi'iKl .11 A ' M Against Him sawmill and the waste from laiiiporl. tin- lar' millei.i-Ar-iiv who Itwinnl all trl-lu A. W. Snod;i,iss and "Mi the sawmill could be made ami In wifr. formrrly MI'rleH in llri rr (.(wtina e- ALL BRITISH IHlV k. .1 I.UiK Into pulp. A power eipert IKur.'tiiv Hai'iu'i I. air al bi hsbilinii I. today urantil . .Ii from New York has been on Ix'.J.Iili Ibr o..Htiis rlf.ru -vm fol. ALASKA MAIL in lu r h'l.li.lli I. Sir the ground lately aiamlnlng hwr4 bv "U'.mim niMia in EXHIBITION iff Mjo kvt.iili lit. ntt the possibilities of the project. MANY TURKEYS WON iiiimmw b) Ihr voiinavr rrmlrr i f.tild of Hn Mbail. ' Hrtaz a Ibiy." BOAT IS GONE ' a rwMarlbw virn waTIi ll.lr. Duke of Devonshire Undertakes Hl..mbJ I- t i.n..lit. ' AT BILLIARD HALL ! 1 HIi'II.Ih h iMitpba)i by Jttrk 1 1 r am in . ,. 1. . .'J" t'''l ttis that ,Onlv E m p I fe Products ivi iiiii WILL NOT ADMIT roHrr br drlMlilfaH) mi-TwentyFour 111.1 ..a.11 as M 1 11 1 .1. 1 of Will Be Used . l -l food ' U lll.l dm - Ship Running Between Petersburg Birds Have Been ,t,.Pm ,, niliHr.l "A IWIrr in I'lSltlM w-rks Ills priiiriiial war. ....'wili'il linn ARMENIAN REFUGEES II-Ith and Kake Disappears .iiiNt-Li -v . nil ; 1 . I.O.MMlN. hv. Tin Iuke Awarded to Data by Ben Self )M lia.hly." by MrOnffrry. i& 1 '1 'u- .j 'mw fete wan larar lni-1-' ji Alb-r KUirb-y ha n il4aifii; Following i.-i.rl United Stales Government Deaf to Inrkry. i-onlii lo 'ili jiiv i nir 4vl hrr oiijt, "I le Uie Crippling ami b.H.VrM.,te 4. ne..i,m'r "f -Hln Kxllib- I'MIK-r Appeals of Numerous Organizations baiMl rr frrrly al Ib-n SrlTw Namr f Mufhrr." v.-u llHM-uiltrh-billlanl Hr was viN'ressfnl in Kellinit iiion 1.-.. .ii....to sir Joseoli Oiitk.. Autlra-. III Ulu i-il.il parlor Sinrr llir nH). y avpfwajlril. " I1 I'oMrr llri-trU JUNEAU. Dec. 21. The arlmim-iil . a.'iit fm movli ihiiismhhm-, niuier- I. IIm lull -.1 II'H' in 1 taking dial hiIv bojilre nialrr-"s flarUU iiu Irm Ibaii Iwrnty. fnwb." by tbr .v ff Mm- Hiinl mall boat Taygve, which runs uimmI work, leiwevr. I .i tniii ul i .inu.lrt Mi"' will lie 11-n I in Die ron-'slria-tbMi ilNilN. Irr. SI. -.-iitr four lord r tbr Urw)ard Iwv -. wa. rr.-rdnnfly fiimiy aud between Petersburg and t ilr ii.rliiili - i "ill ! or Ihe Klnl(lor HiiliW'l li B''iil. r- b..n awr.b-d an.1 V.r urr lo!-"" nnliml um.roynl. Kake In Alaskan water, has FIRE ALARM GIYEN li. I iiiiiiihI How . .Mini ' jbuildMHr and Dial wnly Klupire. iM-.-Mlly ! t liiiri'lt oraiiilion. f,,,,. ,. 0f whinrr lo .lair Iln- was fdl'Nl by a drliitlrt- disappeared. The vessel, It -Hie I RV A MHWTU "l"f' us 411 th r.diral lioMTiiiiM'iil takr trmt M. Vidrcl. ful i haiwmrr skrlrh. Sa-k Is anchored Hi.,I tin .rniiow: llilhwly, staled, was on DI 1 tl DADL lUliibilton j petuurdans. Thrt PRINCE JOHN IN .i.li..ii to riiir i minimal Urn har-, ivtrraon I J or Ktllty. J. J. lill," whirh tiresn1iJ by Sunday off Point Cartney, 1 'wfll b- no I'Vi-s-plhni fisuil thli .. i in. lllilll iliol l.rrrk OflMi" n un, ,. Hokm. ii. Itwtrr iS . H. Stiii try MrKwvn. Mary Kan Kupreanof Island, with a I 'rub- FROM ISLANDS It ostlAWA. Oiil Her. ;. - iHibfs ihr uttUiorit irs and and Waller SunUi. was an ,i.lini-.i"H to tin. roiin. Hilssrll, linnitrr .ndrrson. It. broken shaft. 1 ..,-knin inlri'.tiliir niMotier. Itarllelt Awukrii.d al an early hour by Uw representatives f lli 'iKimtnioni Ukrn li th. . try, ii" m-iioii will Turner, lid. Swuhmmi S , J. Jhn roiiKbiiiK and rryiny of Ins Iwir. '-'n'riHiix m the inatiasfrinent. Milroo iMKs in - T P. l-mi-i Pniff Wmkrfii-ld and .iiniiiii al ion lo iln nl. "a Kryrn. I:. Ilaby -' . I'. Thottieyl.. COMMODITIES DO eerlify Wial MiHinltis.ol.l Kniiiirr pnfjurl are wefV son. Hubert, Jo.rpii I in tinil till" MiollllllM IiolO lrriirl aiilliorilaliM'ly MMaajr. Ales. K.j. 1:. YotiHgtMan, y. Mm "Sailors llrJ4ie,,' -"iiili ia llii- lalaiuli. it i Milll- regular Jack lnr. Hie danvr MAT I ICT Uirill V "f f,",1 his,""' "aiir. Cmmrr Ill Ul lloll. Jar.ill...11 an.I ' I'lii'IIUII. .1 ii fun .iii-iiii'r lil "ml iiir''ar. aifl awvr evwtenrr id rure4lll trum-ina. nUl UjI IlluilLl Ihouee fill.-.! with sliflint: sauoke 'I.I U- ..I out. m ..mi ,.,, ,. iiHtl friiiii e)iun- Ailiiiini.li.il'oii f'l H'al !-i. "See4ll- Tliinwa," au rveel-leitt .and rapidly M.reaUi.iK flanvr.. HOPES FOR SPFFDY wlii li -.In- i iiiiw ili.rUari. Hi-not u m ill' r m wln- li il alnulil BAD STORMS ON 1 .iNtiun hy llk-lmnl Smith. Reciprocal Trade Agreement Wllhl He immediately awakened htsj iirp.,i.n nn-,,nn.i :.i tli. AUiiit X liH.arfn l-f'' wa f.41 owed hy ' Oisie Lund.-' Australia Not Extensive H'- kinB the rW. mttllWU Dtl WttN tik' Hi'' -un,! tli viyor liy I be buys of Mnlil rrfuKv in tin cellar while : XlflDTU aXirtCAHTU l 1 u i ii Ni'.Mri' i-iHirlMl vrr ENGLISH COAST (Ik- lourlli rla. Ibn-e buddinv OITAWA Onl ! Th..'Mr. lllakoe exliuuui.lird tl. IlUlYln AlIU JUUIII UHllii'l' ami nl-" thai tll' WINNIPEG MILL MAN yinn! f.liiiils. Ninewttt leakli- reeiprorul trade agreement whieh j 'a"'- I - at lim kli'V Hi arc ii'i TITLE TO Milton fiillis tin.I Slantey Hon. J. A. Itobb has nrsidiateil re ianeo as a result of UhLrAST. IVi i'l. -Hope for SECURES mi full lil,it A lari' Small Channel Steamers MoerMb. very raiatwly ulhHl willi the tariff board of AueLralbi ,,M" inMutr ot riu from woml a speedy niertiiiK betwvcii the I I. NIM'll"! ' "I Still I ACREAGE IN GEORGE Two Wrecked But Passengers I'll- piano Mrtonpaiibiefit an Ibis not on an eleus'ive Hnr of ". Iw been i4ared in (lie rriiresrnlat urs of I lUr and of ' u -liiiMiM-iii if luiiilmr foi- Were Saved ininib.T. I.iltlr Klifalieth I'ill roinmodilivs. It is uderstiod lhal!,,ve" o dry. the rili Krr.- Slate lo reach art - I 1 1.' rrelitaily iwd-.l "A MUed fruit and rulsim. are the tirliu Ml- Hlakoe bWbve llipl bad hi ajireement on the ifuentions af- I'fUNCK l ulli.I . ,1 .'I. J. OivJer." and Mh'liael O'llrieti, in of Ihr b,FN awakened by the baby both etion Mi iM.idoii II .ImIIiIi'. vnTi' !' l.ll.MHlN. llrr. .'I. llir ripal produets i:oittin- Jeetltitf was ex. II. MrArtliur. Ihr W nnu''H '- A lhy' ISdlrl." fliowr.1 Ihw fly wowbl have the Mi'IIhhIikI i.i i --i.xiHi-y at riafishiaas loHrilay iioriil is le- wvallh to wliirh Ihr pieferentUli'" iertbd. jurVd by Duke of Abeirorn, Ih iiiiuii. wriln. lo Mayor joiiiio.i iiiim4i sueh a ivevlal.le wuld will tw while new of . tariff applird, tttlp jtlie yovernor-Ksitrral or- ii r.hailiilli' 't vnf ii ia-''(.'' bis utrfrnl in werb U wutcw tin- Utsf irum I'.hri.knws (els ami nrrUinti. Wk- i iimi oh thai hr baa riHriy.il Mir riMirr miiMIi eut of really ludd. uinl vuper and lumler will be tint WIRELESS REPORT tnrrii ireiami. iu ins first speevli Ilu.i.oii Jtav f'"- wn-aa1 attMlir Mir hyeim "leuf l.illla Ona." ww main lianudian Iln the Ulster house. eoiiMnodiUas. V t. ImmiwIiI h ll I'l im r in i. Thaiv ii i,i I jialaial. is um- many ' K' fur 1'ihrialmaa. V. Ntitji- , it it uf Priuif ti ilf.pul hi-i if ihr tohlkinl itsunlre ami (be rolluweil llendy."by Ihr iliisliiif I'he arrival Jnrus.of Similarly treatnl wool, which ts 8 a.m. I "I desire," he said, "to express wlii. li hr .ro.o.r. "Make exteiuively iniorlel frou Aus tl,B "' ' bal the tiiu or U' UliarlnlU' tly If Ulaunl of Sliu-otMr.- .in I wealed. fUtjinr tlitnax liIiillY ISI.AMi.- tJkoo.lv. oulin: ti'ii uiV ,aiiiil). Mr. Mrrumr Santa CKius was a tralia is already on the free (UtfUaoHrli'r umy tw u,"atil when the jmiik tin' iiiiiiiii ii I hi- Julni ilh lh- m aittall tliuuneJ leuiuara rredibdija ulid U.ltt; lesooerulurw 11, hr i H'"'H alii-a.1 l'f- l a very As letrards inanufactu'at Australia "wuiive or ine irtsli tree Mali frti'ii but the siihsMi; Hjje ittn, uvke r Nali. ii -nfi')ni villi l th wn wraykinJ pariifeir rnjo)rd 'entertain. ' til y i Ulllr lli'l .' Jrcl ami Ihr lirM were savnl III 'Hie lerlli 01 u tlMM-ouvbly is Ktiinsr into thai lln Itself lrtffHKl e Aavux tl ikJn. mi(h- ",,u wulii or northern Ire, .....iriiiu of urrMmn mile val. IIH'lH. and It la understood that few.ImmukI: iii ..! iJTL 1 .-....- , land may inet'l to nettle in atniu. aloa aUiy "" m-AvHT a r t-m r - 11..u..i..mIuI uovrt'llllirlll- to Canadian lines filler into the John hewdeU fur MralU due t u''i? fntbion those quest ions unl DOUG AND MARY TO rrrtaiti li-rrl. FISH SALES GREAT LAKES GRAIN kurveutenl. it.in.: II i'.ui. Ifinee (irviryr out standing wbirli nffeel both MAKE WORLD TOUR CARRIERS STUCK IN nortlsboiind. G.3U ajNl. siHkert' DENTIST OF PRINCE Only tun' (tout 4d ImHIiuI al i.ia. . r. Mi'.MotMM' urinitiely SH.kniir leaving K4rlilkuii Tor Hir I Uii KM-hantie litis nairtisair. ICE OF LAKE ERIE tatid today that hr did not in-' mmiIII.' NO POLITICS EDICT ' i.ij.i. i" GEORGE FOR MAYOR Ilais wus IIh- I'auuMti wHh liO.-tiiw lend tMUiijf u eundiihtle fur Ihr' III 1 1 11 vitltoll. ItaUt, MHiUi-manually I' iptu - Mil lllk illl'l Mnr iMiUMids tileli wtes disMsai ul the uevt eJt4bMwrsl, irtilr, burouirlar SOiiH; RECEIVES SUPPORT 1 K.,ri jikuii. Iii i'ii'iniiiiv iwm4 R. W. Alward Announces HI of to Mte titihiH rli A l'M MStMt oi l . IK-c. ;t. dtl'llv the runloiM obout Mie einp. ruluif i ; ea iouul. M Dr. uhriii' in u .liMiaia'-' ' r Candidature and Publishes Klix-aaw Ou. lL'.3r. uml Mr. 'I'hrrr urain . tti'i I' r Are uttlfk III rumor about Ute nly thai Im 11.111. .(fiki- i:iirlolr.ni m Hurka MO.VrilLAI.. Her. 21. ... Cana. i -Imiiiji. Hh' Irtji will laal Platform Ihr irr at Ihr lira J of mV Krie Kin eotisklertna the maitter. 11 iiortMMKiird; 5 iO a4it. tiiail National Kxuresa Comnane in sun I iHin'lM'o. l'rHl Wit, Hi' writ known 0ii4.r Ukii.iuun OIivi'mt ubeaui wnpluyea, ul a nsvcluuV here ex. the BIRTH Sum Ha wrrountaiil in I lie rH isiim.i. if.uiHj otean lulls; pressed I'Hm:i: tiKm'i'. i"''1' 1 .iiruyoi , ri'lmiird imdav on hearty approval of Hot V l it IC1ufwM' v Ii" rr" lwurtl. Irnti.l liu of- pi nn-. Joint fisint Hurklry Hay. . n Itoyul Hal' lisi' . "tuglil on K u in .i .k. t..u.ii ib 1 -l-T 11 unnouiicenient liiailr liv Sir lUi.fv "1 1 v u.liiiiKa.1 J i Hi. ni'i ul In It hU otMUlHta-tum Wliorr lie ilM tiH tltUUa- Jtn) A dauglder us iMtrii tu Mi. the i'riitiw iHNjiar tu osuajiumid al UiMt HunUor. I I luiflllon. pre-nleut of the Can a.. 11 i'lllll UlUl jllJIUM'. UfllllfHl fUiH anwuiwi-U Ihr I'iiihi' Wn.i-.-ma puj.1 i weeks, nd v.ll leae lo-ititfl.l and Mr. A. Knkeon, Sevwttlt Ubrialnias in Vuneouvrr. UfcAH TIlKfc I'OI.NT. OIhui 'diaii Xutional Ituilunv-M w ii.,.t i.II.' I.i I Lilly fllMII U III ll'lll !' al lur Mlutl'unu l.u. for ii'i'iui'i' to iK'lul Ihr Vvr . lUi, ul (be Uenevttl llus- latin li.ti'iiiiii'1.1 .'0 IH: Inopri - would m:i the Iiiim wilhr.nt ' UUihI, Jliaigi J orally uublK'. 11..I1.1.1.1 vm'Ii In fiiinll). j.ii.il 'ii ! wilu 1 .'0. AJmiIi-. 111 th la!l Niws I I" 1 11 ! I'ti al mill ( 1 1 u-re. ' ii Mm livvitul tin iiiornliiar. brnti lliailr