os Take a Rise --- Prices Skid in our November Emergency AT SALE 2 We Have Too Many ) They Must Go! Ladies’ Fur Trimmed the pick of our stock, seniing real values, in a wide range of sizes, cloths and colors. Garments rangine in price from $19.50 to $45.00. You can make your selection at— 1-3 Off Regular Prices Coats, repre- the season is over to buy. Get your coat at now and enjoy the pleasure of a full season’s wear. ire Snowing Some Retiarkable Values in l)resses — See Our Windows FELT HATS nt arrived this morning. We have de- hese on sale at a specially attractive WA ies Se Pe BLOUSES to $2.50; to clear $1.49 WALLACE’S range of colors & shapes 1 75 @a rs, silk erepe, attractive Third Avenue & Fulton Street this after-! Norman Terry, who is interes TT. for a trip|in the development of gold from { other lower/the black sands of Graham Island He had in‘!/orrived in the city on the Princess! train yester-| Adelaide yesteraay afternoon from DOat ow-| the south, bein n fis way to the ip Islands ork in Easy Washer Do the Work! " Low Price — A Family Christmas Gift ou save by using an Easy Va Electri d for the many things you would like ve time for hese finer Canadian-made wash¢t t McRae $89.50. It will pay for ‘itself in I u cate fabrics. And McRae Bro pecial term asier to buy IL BURNERS LESS DIRT — LESS LABOR CONSTANT STEADY HEAT Aly k natural draft oil Price instal- aces the “WHITE FLAME” ith 4 priced and absolutely efficient UK, $85.00 1 : Water Furnaces the ‘SUPREME’ odern and satisfactory burner on the market ‘5.00 installed with tank Let us give you full details rd Electric & Marine Supply Co. foreed draft | | Marr's Messe nger Service. Phone 290 tf For day and night Taxi ser- vice Phone 32. tf Membe Attention! Vinland No; & sy i ne Nov. 19 at 8 ck 68 Wir ind gu I ch rar yf drun- en! Cl Ande mm and Frank Jenkins were eac’ fined $25 vit yp 0 * im- sonment, by Mavistrate McCly- mont in city police court ve terday ulternoon. They are both servine a i 1e time November Babies Need Especial Skin Care The harsh chill air of November > especially trying to the tender Kin of the new Baby—If vou vould avoid the-risk of chapping ne chaiing.use the soothing and healing Baby Own Soap” n choi rf toilet and ] coap n- Because of the pure n Hapy § Own. al at | ‘ e- dom from hars! unger he kin Kept satiny and smooth the | sn creamy lather c inses gently but perfer he delicate flower fragrance seems just le right l@gestion of a scent for Baby On ale ever wher 2- 10 32 “Best for you and Baby too” Another sommunication from Lloyds regarding insurance ra n wheat cargoes shipped from Prince Rupert was rea at last meeting ot the Pring Rupert hamber of Commerce. It was it : el . nade b i] Chamb 5 n 1 e belr ip witt f nb ge Li 2 _ Announcements Varden’s Concert November 23 Moose L 1 Band Concert N ember 26 Anglic { 1 Bazaa ove ber 22 Elks’ Bridge d Whist Nc 1 er 23 Presbyterian Bazaar. Nov. 24 Moose Hard Time Mi: Bas (4 ) z : e Bricdg Ov 9 1 ( Bazaar D Moose b f ) 9 ) OF : : ) Ge Oc. 1 , { { D {00 I we { ‘ I { i ) »D \ Ts Ev ) eo — MacKenzie’s Furniture Phone 775 Prince Rupert, B.C. WS: RAE EEN NE AC AE e Lan ren Linen Parchme! Shades a $6 00 from ° Floor Lar Linen Parchment Shac inches wide $7 50 Price from et Parchment 8! { 18 he a “ $9.50 Lit )T a “ a0 wide e Card Tables, mahor ish easy to adjust, green b tops; reg. $4.25 $2. 95 Sale price Buy a Door Mat this wet wea- ther, it will save y 1 lot of cleaning; they ar 90 only, each Cc Watch this ad. every day There are lots more specials coming. | | LOCAL NEWS NOTES See our selection of bridge and parlour lamps. Price with from $7.50. Gordon’s Hyde Transfer- iry shed, See adv: for prices. shade Hardware. tf | All voais are in| $1.00 ver ton lower than any other _com- vany in town. tf What lose a the of "Xmas price Friendship? See Dollar | Don't | lifelong friend for a nickel. Store’s assortment | Cards. 2t | John Dybhavn is able to be about again after having. been confined | to his home for a few days with | attack of influenza. an Frank Dibb Saturday Specials Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs l ib. Braid’s Tea Loin Lamb, 4 Ibs. & | lb. Braid’s Tea ol Lamb, 4 lbs 1 ib. Braid’s Tea T-Bone Roast, 4 Ibs. 1 lb. Braid’s Tea Shoulder Veal, 5 lbs 1 lb. Braid's Tea Leg of Veal, 4 lbs 1 lb. Braid's Tea | Rump Roast, 5 Ibs 1 lb. Braid's Tea Rolled Rib 4 lbs. 1 lb. Braid’s Tea | Sirloin Tip, 4 Ibs. } 1 1b. Braid’s Tea j‘resh Killed Fowl— per lb |Leg of Pork, 4 lbs, | 8 Ibs. Apples | shoulder Pork, 4 Ibs. 50e 3 lbs. Apples 957 — Phone — 957 a aT $1.00 $1.00 Leg $1.00 25¢ who is confined ae “$1.00 $1.00 oud. Headaches . No medical treatment can be of much real help to you which does not enrich the blood. Be- cause it does positively make the some of our new pieces, 2 | | | | | JOHN [LLGER: JEWELLERS THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK COAL! COAL! $1.00 $1.00 $1.00. $1.00 Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaran- teed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley Prince Rupert Feed Co, 58 — Phones — 558 Call for free booklet on hy- i} giene. What every woman : should know, Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe Phone 655 Permanent Wave SPECIAL from $3.50 up For November Only } | At Residence, 239 Fourth West Classified Ads FOR SALE LOST FOR SALE—Mocern 6-room resi- dence, large garden all fenced and cultivated. 1150 Ambrose Avenue, Phone Blue 503. 269 ween typewriter, 14-inch carri- age, in excellent condition. Price Apply Box | |FOR SALE—Factory ‘rebuilt Under- 75, terms arranged, 156 Dailv News - = > - ae FOR RENT MODERN House with rent. Ch 13e in. Phone 720, tf furnace for ~ LOST—-Brown canvas 4 fee. x 12 feet. Finder please leave at Daily News. LOST—Black Spaniel Sci, answers to name of Nigger. Finder please advise City Police FOUND FOUND—Ladies’ ‘Kid Glove, Tth Street near Post Office. Daily News. SHORT NOTICE AUCIION on Se (Opposite Waldron Apts.) — on-- | Monday, Consisting of Chesterfield, 2 | Chesterfield Chairs, 3 Oak Rock- | ers, Blue Wilson Rug 9x12, Mission Oak Dining “Room Suite. Toronto Couch, 9 small Rugs, 1 large Ax- minster Rug, Oak Library Table, Oak Sectional Bookcase, Silver- ware and Glassware, 14 volume Stoddart's Lectures Books, 3 Beds, Hudson Bay Blankets and Bed- ding, 2 Medicine Cabinets, 2 Dres- sers, full size Dress Mirror, Lawn Mower and Garden Tools, Kit- chenware and Miscellaneous Ar- ticles, Must be sold, Terms, Cash. | | THE AUCTIONEER | Phone Black 120 { i November 21 at 2:15 p.m.) his home with an attack of .in- blood nich and red, Dr. Chase’s —- ———- CLEANING & PRESSING fluenza, was unable to be present ee ee ee FOR RENT--Two months! rent 1 acs ga ss ere ae eh CE ae at last night's meeting of the the cause of these symptoms acvance, receipt for three. Ap-|RRIGHS rensonable. Benkendorf, board of directors of the Prince from which you are suffering. ply No. 4 Levine Apartments. 268} Third Ave., next door to Daily Rupert General Hospital. Good restful sleep, improved cg New | digestion and “freedom from STORE oe oe ae, aie - : Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, on headaches will’ soon convince acjolmng Wrathall's, low rents) hi fia Tuesday, Nov. 22, at 3 o'clock: Fan- et vont eater any bane Pe _ : HAIRDRESSER cy-work, Plain Sewing, Homeé-cook- | ness. TOR RENT—Unfurnished six-room |.” eae $i jing, Candy, White-Elephant, Jap- f house, 239 Fourth Ave. West /nurRy — genuine oS eee anese novelties and Fish-pond) for Dr Ch Phone Green 89 a7s| ermanents at $3.50. Nelson’s the children. Afternoon Tea from . ase Ss odie dates —' Beauty Parlor tf | 3:30 to 5.30. Supper at 6:30, prise | OR RENT — $17.00 per montk, |35¢. with musical program to fol- Nerve Food | modern ¢-room house, close: mm; PIANO TUNING low. 268 i large bath room and pantry.) —— — a matic iaabeiedis Restores Gired, Sleepless Nerves | phone Green 402 or call 399 | °TANOS Tuned $3.00. Walker's Mu~ The hospital board, at its regu- Fifth Avenue West. ti} sie Store. tf lar monthly meeting last night, ac-;- = . knowledged rece ati ee ae, SQ N ke v edged ecent donations to Visit’ White Elephant Stall, An- FOR SALE OR RENT DANCING he institution as follows: Ben Bo- glican Bazaar Tuesday. Marvellous my var, $5 cash; Capt. J. B; Colthurst, 3 ey ae : HOUSES S? rent. F. W - Petal thee toon ca ee a eee gg OURS: fer Oe ae ‘AP DANCING taught by Miss El- : 2oe, three boxes of apples; S Hart. tf C. Bikteastths cheetea 66 « ' a eanor Tite. Phone ti f Sor apples for Provincial Constable L.A. N lial Nien ercces Hallowe’en; J. B. Miller, Montreal 2 speek aa dee ae . otterten of Stewart, who arrived w mporters, joint of meat: Valentin ~ ns " Stewsy vo ae __HELP WANTED TRANSFERS Delhi ine ein ; . n the city from the north Thurs- 3 : awe ® term and WAIPPINE| day evening. sailed last night on|®2LIABLE man to take care store) —=————-—- ———_--—_ creatr : : , en tte ist ‘ ec : | CAME m sfer— ae the Princess Adelaide for Vancou route distribute and collect: |C Heng oe. sera iaied, tiki st ie ; ver, having two insane patients for] "&W Product; protectea territory: moving. chairs for rent. he reguiar month meeting of Fssondale in his custody. One ot earn excellent weekly income. — ithe Prince Rupert Chamber of! ,,_ - ; i" . | Tanner Peanut Products, St r | (Sastinainasin was hel last evening the two men was Joseph Mazzor : Pat 1 Mir n'y rs 268 PAINTERS in. the city council chamber, Ala {00D °f Stewart. who was commit-| Sarees — ai > H Pillsbury wwadidaind ete i ted for trial recently at Stewari AINTING and Paperhanging. ‘the chair and others present were|°" 2 Chatee of laying dynamite! MALE HELP WANTED | Molter, Phone Rec 202. W.P nhealiiaie Ww O Fulton GA under a dwelling and who ha | nese 5 x te 8 {since been adjudged insane HOW to get a Government job. | ) Bryant, V. S. Moore, J. W. MeKin- y Free Booklet. The M.C.C. Ltd.,| DAIRIES | ley Thomas McClymont, W. M ATTENTION Winnipeg | Blackstock, T. G. LePage, Col. J * are | W Nicholls, Ald. P. H. Lingey, Max} Debate on the use of silver a ws TAN |All Our— Heilbroner and Arthur .Brooksbank agency for business recovery be- AGENTS WANTED ) ecretary llen ae ees a iy ite $$ ine Sia bween Ald. Casey and G. Murra| ,Gen7¢—Big money seltine Shoe-| Mili and Cream | welll: we held * 1e Socialist Hall lastic. Soles shoes at home for | '?p | T ee ens SR. ANG ey few cents. New scientific c-m-| SHIPMENTS cop e urn 0 Nov. 20th, 1932 pound applied like putty Wears | - D hi lik» leather. Everybody wants: it | Guaranteed Bulkley, Valley Products e Icatessen at | write Dept. D7 Shoelastic Com- VALENTIN DAIRY : jj pany, 1332 William St, Mont- oh 657 | res ne 65 Mussallem’s Store e& re 1 People are. bevitning: to. ashe} SALESMAN WANTED | (For FRESH LOCAL MILK te the delicatessen, light lunch} DIRECT SALESMAN WANTED - > : - ; RE SALESMAI . . g 9! , refreshment department of To sell a well established exclu?} Phone Red 608 or 953 me llem’s bape - Third jaa ! ive line of Ladies’ Knitted Suits DOMINION DAIRY "Try aay sé tne Siness otf lis ne eaters pplicant ust . : whieh alias dahl tite i a oo d Sweaters. Applicant must be 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 epartment on the increase as cus- | able to prove previous success in ner nd that it fills their need direct selling. Unlimited possibil- Everything there is ser upulously | | ities for the man who 1s loolin | ities for the man who ii iking ee ean and the service excellent. | for promotion. CALGARY KNIT- RAW LEIGH'S Fresh milk and cream are kept) Costume | TING COMPANY, LTD., RELIABLE i Sanitary refrigerator show- | CALGARY, Alberta Cough and Cold Medicines, ase as well as the cooked foods. | | } Liniments, Laxatives Salves Ever ! protected under the | ewe ry | PERSONAL and Ointments . nodern a ions : i ] Phone Black 623 rhe price of tresh milk is 8c a e 3.00 | PRIVATE Kindergartens pay. Ad- wv 15¢ a quart.—Adv 15¢ to $: ' | vice given free by the Canadian |’ Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. | Th AUCTIONEER REND | ioe Barrings, Nook . ———————— lets, Brooches, Baek, |) a eae iing — Crating — Wrapping ee - = Etc, We'd like to show you | and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me |GEO. J. PAWES—Phone Black 120 . TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Prince Rupert DRY DOCK SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders | and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Iron and Brass Casting || Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled wT San (te a ~ a3 is ~~ - a r ce sts 7 on, cat imal > = ai eee Oe em ee Oe bee ree ee ae ne > side VAR : ’ sha! «pe LE Msn Yes OH ag u ' ineon off rere) j ¥ a Pe wie =a i ——— oh ; ‘ ; ; ’ : : ' hi “| ; ' ; a ; =a =a % * ® a’ ad 2 t ae n 4 ay. i