page Form TIIE DAtLV NEWS Tsrareoty, Ortube, s ANNOUNCEMENT! BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus FKVr I I COOCMT -bOMt HP j 1 j lVT IT VOU MEAN III ! I'Vt VTOOO FflH A r-rt TvM"TCOT Mf ' I"3 J 1 n ft I . . LKKCO ir THATi a .'r v i it i wx-i a ii ist -j i i 11 1 j I LWVT out or n: fl-.;., aux . , .... I X 11 BBBBBBBBBBBBbW V II T 1 mm m w y i i W lu BBBBBBftW I BBBBBB 1 BBBBBB 1 U 1.1 I V"t it l'Jt BBBBBBBBBftY VI k ..II I ft I V XV aW BBBBBBBbW II T" -1 ' : i XLi ft 'a-BHF hii BsBasl I I -V. am VI AHaB!-r--. We can offer the genuine j $"INVICTUS" Shoes To" men from hm wxmrm -mm No heller shoe mad at the v price and every pair fully guamn. ii n . teed. Ml shape and ixe. 7 2y "The Store of Shoe Satisfaction." ii w ,.,m' lyiLLtllaLLIiiaWaBBfcMLJB- 1 I w Family Shoe Store'" sloppp.l in lonk diiwn in nnlfTihavi' Itoon Mainline uiilli In hin-k Phone 3ST. an 4ut '"I fc ' ny iio viiiip. iirore llio plain an- up. iremayne ponranri i t ilrr nnl the Dr. II. K. Tifnrayne Uir.lhooline li coiil.l Prtr rarl;lln Daily News Classified Ads. Modern that li liail oxmuirv.l Hip hoily ofjin tliw nmlorliruOi. ,.Mion.B In-lavll DEATH WAS Itrannpii. wtinnv lial a(rta1iil wlial liml )iapnfs, CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad v.rtl.mnt for L. Ui.n BOc known w-for death, on Monlayjln rallo.1 out an.l the flint ofr- Laundry i nrtMxw. I lip cauc of .lnt!i nn Iio fwiw 'wcro Mr Vi...ff ACCIDENTAL had lHn a frnclurnl wtk npd and Mr. Tnylor an.l llifn Mr. WANTED FOR SALE of skuJI du to a Btin Ahot Mrannm. ilc-fasl ni,r ti.. Mi'I.eoil, who f irons i dance UHifiltee. ir there i n certifieil teacher of Splendid Lot with natural bnse-meiii. Service v.......... an.- HiiK.Hf nun nip,ir- inn nm noiir now llranilPll wb rnlly rnlrrril throimli I lie anulp of i!rfpi nlthoiish lit rlnlMiiK piano anil voire, prcfcraldy Third Avenhe and First Inquett Over Late D. E. Brannen lll rlallt Jaw wliirh a-- nlan xi-n fnirlv ,1rl'. " I...... ...1.11.. i n.. SIXTEEN CLASSES' nn oreneiral evperienee Street, ij.ouo. F.ay lerm. We f t the following ir..i, n- Held Yesterday AfUmoon Be frarlutfil, liiltinir the spino and could pp thi ntli-f tj.iy of tli- who woiilil appreciate Hie on Id 3, Tllock 30, See. I with 3 range f er !:) tu the pub fore Coroner McMullln morBinir oiM.tialf inch lwhfnd ilHr to Ihr shoulder. TIipiv w IN POLYTECHNIC portimiiy of making a fairly roomed home, p 1 frontage. he: mid fhrpp Jnrlie Mow giMnj living in a smeller town Iliggar Place. I son tin. pft n liitt troe llwppn him and Hh Economy Laundry Service-Damp RECOMMENDATION FOR nr. Tho iWoaed'i sMrat-r had ileer. head. It vn quile lithl ARE NOW RUNNING of ome two thousand inhald Uils m and fl. niock IS. Me. J. Wash; Soft Finish, THOSE CARRYING DEER n nipu in II and inood Imid roni.-jMnd tho air wa plir with n.. iani, wnie for particulars to Mew l.ts SfiMVOO Ihe i.mir Rough Dry, Dry Cleaning, out tliroMBli (hp en. nn mil nn hlni 11 Cf Ttitn linilAl.tiul. ! Klghl new rlim.v Ihe Secretary, Anyot Onuuuii :0-50 II. P. SlerlLig Marine Kn Pressing and Dyeing, Rug jtl (),,. P. ity league, Anyot. H. c. f 3a sine. and . Hip jury, find from th ,,,4,",h- ww nt lieaT. Ithern I'olylis-lmi.- Iiwtihile oeii-d Launch Carpet Cleaning, and ivhlcnro Riven that David Ilran.j John Curri S. W. Taylor last night making a total f lAI.IIA.Mli:- llaneli on l'..rrhee IIC00, Triton.Launch 25.10 Hterlins- the Regular Laundry Service. or Felm.lfl-M nrn ram fo hi iloalh by niiufnr. Jn,m '""tir. aflrr heinsr 8lrn S. V. Taylor aid that IlranHNi ixleeii alrn..v in operation with Nlainl. arre el eared, on llnffalo. Auln.Msrlne ori lunc ly a Riinxhot wound, the m1'"' warnlnjr hy thr roronrr.ka drrn.pd in a hnmn khaki iiill More ti m -taile.t. givernmen mrnl. Will ex Houses and loU We can sorely. serve you, hhot inir firel from a sun in Ihr litrn prnrrrdM to eivi hi rvi- ranva roat hut ho did. not r-hand i Thoe oitening la.) nirhf were: change fMr ga.hml In g...-l Logging machinery,on easy boats,terms. liell lllllV ( all of John fiurric dnc". On Monday iiinrninarjmrinhr what kind of n rap Ih I mat 4einiiu. a. .MeMIII. rondillon. Apply Jud iMy glne. elp. en. Canadian Steam '. tho jury, rxonrralr John 1 S:-10 "' had W4 th'wa wrarlnii. if nny. lie HhmibIi an. instructor. In Iloolli SehfMd. I'tnuie Hluo 91. Jt M. M. HTF.PHF.NS. 1 1 Laundry f :urrio from nil Maine, having ISHtirh. lie rdirrie wa the flrnf hr front lea had lieen tinl t-found Husine F.ngli.h ami arllh-iHtic. HF.Mra-ITt'.iriXO ami I'Jf.i u. Phone 222. If. Phone SI Hint he u.d all due pr. ln ,,,, landed on the beach and he erther althoiich he wn not ure. Hnwunt White. In Kins ing. Mail order promptly attended in the head l-Mward School KH SALH la.:Ml Mt.r.i.. rniitKin. Bone up of Ihej (hinMahle Martin aid thai to. The "The jury recommend that ft in,l al Welcome llailxir. He ceased alo had bmwn I'nion :iiemitry. I:. A. Mann, in Indies' F miishing. Cre.eent Prince I fl. X II ft. A In., filled with! hile or red clnth he diplayed on t"tl "p to ahout ft:50 cverall on. Kjn-f KfW'Sird School. tenrge, 11 c. If h.p. L'nhtn engine. Accommodation American Express , Ihe deer when ame arc tieins l,r h raw len of deer ani IWnre retertnjr the jiiry, i:or-. Freehaint drawing and art. for six. Hull iw,.1 carried hy hunter." Mopped. lie could ee a deer oner MrMiitlin deflnei and uu. Mr. U.HHrlek, King K.Unnl OIHI. wwnleil tnr B.neml l.mi... year old. Hull, engine ..nd! Money Orders The orcgoinir wa Ihe verdict mOXinf inditinrjy in the l.u.'i inManre of homicide hy tiHnd-' trlni.. work. Apply tffl Fifth Avenue interior in exeellent eondition., l.roiiBlit in hy Ihe Jury comprising tn' ,h'n '"' isht of ii. A few vent ui. Verdict w rHvl.i in French. Alliert Auger. It. A., Witsl. Phone llreen JtM. if Prle .000, term can he ar-' Issued "'I"11" later he in King Kdwar.1 ,.(,....1. ranged. For particulars on firi' II. Miiuro, foreman, F. suddenly law it Miorllv afler nuen. WA.VHU ttilhiily. II. F. Wearmoiilh. Jack "gain ahoul 50 feet to Hie riahlf Meefianiral Drawing, , A. Me-, - iNiian lielp. Apply Capl. Walton. P. O. lb ix mj Norway, Sweden & Harnnley, W. C. Orchanl and F. ,,f it had lat apared and CIDCT CI IfC nAWPC M'llan. la llM.lh Krhnnt. ieriMMll)r n. H Inlander helween ? City. tf Denmark at Lowest 'v01 CLIUJ UrtHLL I'ahllc Shakina, He. Dr. II. p.m. f M, OiKhy. which at yesterday I l,lan '5 Vrd dinlaut. It IWIATH, F.ngine and engine fit n. Oram. ii. Current Rates afternoon hefore Coroner J. H. "landing just over. HRFAT OUt-LCOJ SlIffF'J urial School. in mmi, mmu- FOR RENT tings; Auto and auto parts; McMullin to invesliirale the death ml" kno11 wh It head lhiiul stoves, tool, anchor, chain. Typewriting, and TD HKS'V Store on Fifth of the late David llrannen wlio e ir,x" nl higher level than hf hrlhand. Mock. Agenta tot lost hi life '"','lf lood. He pointi-d hi Between 60 and 70 Couplet Aliened Mi V.. M. Marie, In King Fd. nue Fji. fully eiuipMl with proper, scale, and Norwegian American Line on Monday morning a variety of miscellaneous li' Affair In Lodge Home wart School. 01ae scheduled bulchoring aecessorie. Living Swedish American Line a a result of a hunting tragedy fe'un alu' a HHIe while, per-on fitting at low price. .North, t Last Night niteii t inighl art" a oaw: quarter in rear. lleaoualde Scandinavian American ''ipi few seconds, I'orcher Island. Kvidence hoping to ern Fjchange. wa DremakiTig, Mr. K. Hudson. rent. Apply Miissalcm Oro-ry if Line. taken from. . It diit nol how L. F. Hrannen. Dr. II. unive, A hiahly uceeasful dame J. J. MHIe. Cn Fifth Avenue Kal. If FDR 8AI.F.. ww Dallon Oliver anil K Trenvoiw. S. V. Taylor, John r h fired at it houler. Adding Ma- Typewriters held at Hie Kit' IIihim I.ii niolil KngliMi for FtM-eisner. A. J. chine, wide urne and I'rovinciat ConslaMe 11 dropped instantly straight l FDIl IlKVT Five earrtage; Toledo Cary Safee Harry Martin and the verdk't was flown out of witites' night. He iM-tween 60-70 couple ilanein "caler wilh bath. Furniture for sale, Computing Scale, new. Ap-ply FIRE INSURANCE High Srtinnl silhjerl. rriumeii nrter 33 minutes' delih walked up to it and found Hran.ito the strain of Newell' orchestra Anger. AHterl including McClary range; Fuller's Oreery. 1 f (-ration. Inen lying on His lireast wi4h the until Ihe eiirlv hour. Thi. gramophone, with record. FDlt tin SAI.F.8alluig Yacht Kmrineerlng. A. Akerherg 1 40 Dybhavn & Hanson ufT above him tied on hi .oul- " "r" 10 Kighlh Avenue L. F. Brannen ! "Tn U" ,"","'," in Akerherg.Thomson maehlM or wilh F.vliirude engine, ftmi I.. F. Hrannen. ,,tl,er of de. -r. He lifted the man's hand "JU"" shop. Bat. 1'hiine lllue 501. 30 Pullen. Dally News Office, if Third Avenue ,'ea.ed and one of ,e ii.mher of a"-" that he wa stone-dead Z?1T Z2ZZ I Oil HKXT Furnished FDlt SM.F-Slialillr 11.I ;r. Prince Rupert, B. 0. tn- uiiiiii iiiimu- nuipiing expeui. iiwinunr ..r ii.. 1 l..l.... -l FISH ARRIVALS keeping suite. 0 Sixth Av bard lleintiman Tert. piano. lion, wa the first wilnes called FurtlK-r ijuestioped, Mr. Curne at thi enue F4it. Phone impiilar mimIcivwi. I.lgtit lllue 217. tf lei's, in Third Avenue. ? He testified that the party wliich oi.l 1 ' sain niai uie ueer seem.'.! to .refreshment were servwl nt 11.3 rourised V. tl. Williams. Paul standing al riglrt .angle to hin. ii.m. J. "v Mapuire ne leil ns iwi.-'1 one. oi'iHireii ami ininy hhmis. BOARD. FOtl SAI.E--Old newspapers. ?5r .ii......rr... t..i. -.. i .....i. .... no pninl of m Hi was nxir- wiiii UH liars in a Horizontal po. (r of cerenmnie. 'Hie ii-ce. HOAItli Inlander, 830 Second fnr large bundle. Daily New HYDE terKe. M OonMls-s. k W 'lylor.jiiion. Witness had keled it the Fish FvrhaHge thi office. seen many f the wn ui. hte.ll, Avenue. Phone 1.17. N tf I morning. The arrivwl "" -. au ei., ,.imiiar circumMances and had due to the untiring effort of were; Prince tiucrt about 1 o'clock on not hesitated in shooting, being Fred fiilhulv. Harrv I.iosett. Ilitlv I'ananis. V'.Ono pounds, at FOR SALC ORIENTAL GOODS TRANSFER r'aturday afternoon on the kauncl sure tt was a deer, llraniten muxl l.eid, W. W. Knight and Murdoch ;.lc anil K.Te; Sumner. St.000 KADIKK Inpanrse Kimonas. Crokerv Hanaro; Tlieyarrixe.1 at llutler's po'ittd. ill I l.W and 0e; Dwreeti. WKAIl--Mr. lioldldoom llainboo Furniture. Ornament EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE. Cove on Stephens Island about 5 i ihhiii.Ih. at and .5c, Third Avenue, is making a Haskets, Children's lloniners. Day and N sht Phone (80, "to'rlock that nftemoon-and liunted lo the .ana'han Fish & Cold Str- specially of Urge sites in tl)'ie m Sunday. Shifting on ttge :. Ladies' Head lo Wear. Also an Toyi, Ktc. Sundny night In Welcome Harbor, iHMlmw 15,000 pound, at exclusive line tit Lingerie and LOWF.ST PHICKS Best Coal F. K. AKASE Good, Wholesome !.' and Millinery i alway In slock. Ihe whole parly Went ashore there IOe; Vivian. H.OOU If P. ii. Hoi Al Tel lied MS About d.o'Hock on Monday morn- IHKiml. al and tiu t. Ihe our .lock doe not include ,lnif and, scaMering'oul, commenc. .5u"fn- I i-lr'iie. what you want a week's no. Third Avenue Wood Wood lo hunt. Powder Tin iienljitl., 10.000 tire will g 11 from our Van. WATCH AND ;td The accident occurred Baking j poinds CLOCK REPAIRS. Stove Lenglha, Split oiiicwhcre about U o'clock. Witness U.1 tt.6 aixl I He. to the lloot.i couver. ki.i lre. . Any....good F.ipert watch, cluck and was on his way out to the j I'i-lseeie CaiutdUn l. 111 allien will e I1AI1I ofl ap chronometer maker. 119 2nd Ave, West. boat when he heard someone U never violent in action but is OiktHoii. .'I.iifio pound at tl..1e if priivsi ami may be retnrneil Watch and Jeweller Henairs s Phone BSO. shout. lle went lothe place from perfectly balanced, leavening the, und H.Tir. tu the lloyal fio. not uilnble. If sieelaltv. wliich the shout canw and found "ilfi rii, i.oon pounds, at II.5-ind PltlVATH sale or Ladies silk Mall order oromntfv executed Aivuioff. Taylor and Currie. The dough thoroughly and uniformly H.:e, t.i vtJin Nsheries. and ebdh suits, silk waists. 0E0. GIBS latter Md -hi 111 that he bad shot through and through. coats, unrolls. underwear. Opp. put Office (!' O. Hot 71' his twittie' brother. Witness JACOB MACKI, FINN, stockings, etc '(ll m and Prince HuperL II Let Us Advise You Noketl where (he ImhIv was ami see them lh our with they all walked up together and! i DIED IN HOSPITAL Prlee are right, lieorge l.eek TAXI ,11 a all lifetime's branefiej experience of the Phone found deceased with his face downj Hjt.1 nilnl Avenue. J35 H'MidMig Trade). (Call fieorge llos; und deer his Dr.PRICE'S back. a on Witness; Jaeoti Mueki, aged 19. a naliw LOST Five-passenger Ton tin it Car Brickwork, look the deer off and examined f Finland, died 111 Ihe lieueral Prompt Day and Nlaht Service the. wmind and found that his I (.pit 11 yioienlay afternoon following LOST Pearl rrescem brooch. Stand: Boston Grill Third Avenue Stonework, brother was dead wtith a wound C RLE AM a Itrief illnens havilig Finder please return In Daily in hi neck. They took the bodv U-eu adinilte.i hut the day lee. Xews office. tf. CLOTHES CLEANED Concrete, etc. nut to the boat and brouglst it lo fore. Mai'ki ' had livivi on the ja(m' and pressed by latest STKM ItllWb, Plan and Baking powder Of kevs. Fio.lee Specifications town. Wiiii-rrrnot near Morse Creek and pressing process. free to all please return clienta. to our Daily New Head Off Deer h' .me linn, followed the occupation Office. f. S tilts called for and delivered. The two forelegs and Die two MADS IN CANADA of a miner. His funeral will Phone S49 William Walts & Co. Mud leg of the deer were tied take plai'e .in Saturday. I.OSTOnld nilggel broo.-h. LING, The Tailor logvlher and deceased" anus works so evenly and surely that it Findsr phonn I Hack 5. 23.1 AUCTION Builders and Contractora wre shoved through the forelegs SALES. P.O. Hox 23, Phone 482. insures the wholesomeness of WANT GOVERNMENT TO AUCTION SALE. Conducted in your home k.l. Office: and the hind legs. 'Hie heud was your 1017 3rd Ave. Pff I ho deer. baking. TAKE OVER SCHOOLS AUCTION HALF, of Fur.illure. every rooms,Thursday Send in at 3 p.m, in our Jobbing Work of all Kind. your goods enriv Witness suiid that he did not Acting under ituirm-tioii fnun GEONQK know If hi brother had ever met It is made of Cream Ihe iiwuer. who ha LEEK, Auctioneer, of Tartar, KAMI.iMH'S. Oct. 5. Prelim removed S23 Third Ave, Mr. tUirrle previously ami he had the same In Mir WE HAVE Salesrooui derived inary liuiin' and a number of for Phoneei Black 81B; Red from 157. and adds Mi reason to think that th-re was grapes, the small roiivenience, I will ej niii.,r. rem.KiiiDii occupied the jll-fet'llng between them. touch row IhursiLiy al 3 BEAUTY CULTURE risin. Ammunition quality to baking that no Fnion of H. 1;. Municipalilie Oil p.m. sharp I It wus light when he first saw at HJ3 iliird Avenue West, Phone Hlack fi?5 the body and there, was quite a other kind of baking powder tiou their !eonveiiiiuii being MHsidere opening. Tata today. Dining mom suite in Flemish BIRS. STEPHENS and Shot Shells bit of underbrush. It was not oak, bookcases, above Wrathalls davenport, Store. provides. A re-,,iiiti,tn prfiirei ask The U All Suss s4 C.I.Uri very heavy deer. He would thinl; open Franklin heater, dresser'. Third At.mui take rnsei'iiiiii-iit 1.1 over the that the uVer would have appeur. Send for FREE Cook - Kratiinphone and record, llalrdressfng. Hi,a tlllliiitlltu 1lus Book-Tafce and Kitchen" ot "f I'din ation, lhn relirying ' rd to te standing The aici. desks, kitchen tialng. Marcel Wavina STORK'STardware up. Ihe uleiisiU, rtr Vmiei 149 Notre Dame Eajt, muiiii'iuaiiiies of any busi Winnipeg, Can, tlenl occurred at the top of a nes in eoiinelln Willi the lieorge Iek, Aui'Doueer. Hay Face and Realn Ti n.iniei.i knoll where deceat ed hud probab. -iliiiii Manlouriin Hwiiches made t., Limited Advertise In the Daily Nmt. urder. Phone Black 114.