t,,r 0 ' brr 8, I0?. 1 THE DAILY NIW8 PAOE THnEs. i i Local and Personal NOTICE. i Brunswick We lima In si received a Special Values WEEK-END II. C. Unci takers. Phone 41, supply of SfHowlirad l.p SPECIALS Coal. Price, delivered, In 4 No. 212 Hsyneis. Undertakers. Phone bulk, SI2.S5; fn nark FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY 351. lf I:).!n. Phone In your or-Iri Price was $270.00 rarl)'. Prim- Rupert B. C, Pullet Fresh Eggs. Price now $225.00 V'W klll I allraetive prlres ioal Co. Phone 13. 33l : Boys' Jerseys, 100', Pure Infants' Koxy Wraps Per dox. 45o. 3 doz. for $1.25 W .ill,i.-. - WOOl III llluill roliil- HII'I Finn K'if"irnU in one liravy $20.00 down and - lripi,. with Imtton hoirirtrr fleeee. Iririllil'ed With blue 150 lbs. Newell's Orchettra regular and i"l" coMar. Kucn U) to and pink satin rllbon. month dance tonight, Oe Luis hall. ldh lire, jo per mil 31. Special $8.00 each. PREMIUM HAMS $20 dterount. WaftWe per 2.l Special $2.50 each. Children's Sleepers Fine Fur -- - :.i.i Transfer. Ihtnaar Men's Jumbo Knit Sweater rililx-il, fleered lined Willi Just Two of these instruments and Coal, j.inne Its, night or fl. V. V. A. Oeneral meeting! Coats all whi, coWw feet. Oilor white. Hijte I to 150 lbs. Mill ha belli 4a Ihe Carinlrrii' Hrown. .Maroon and On-y. . 7. in stock. On Hall at n p.hi, Ijnirsilay, October! Kizr-s ;u to II. Special $1.50 to $1.75. PREMIUM BACON DEMERS SPECIALS and this favorable & -ilk Special S6.95 each. Klmona Cloth - of extra price . s.v k" ii .. prieea reduced 15 will last and 25';. if Sons nf Cm awl member arc! Slanfleld'a Underwear - -lli-avywviutit K"mJ iualily in a wide range Klni k -iixhUy moulded. To terms they not Riiiln-d, -tmnn of colors. 28" wide. requested l attend a supper for! rli-.H at long. First come, first I'ii inak, (.mini fur new Murk, their Athletic team- in the F.Ik and ilnralilc Hu-- :it to it. Special 75c yard. .'II per . . i, dUrotml on all Home, Thursday, o. i. 5. 7 ao p. Special $2.25 Suit. Ladles' Fine Wool Hose-Plain served and ttiblieiL neainle. 35c lb. ilresws. .(llare'n. 29( m. 2.13 Men's Flannel Shirts of in lllue and Ureen shade. extra K'"i n:tl il . double Electricity the force of Polytechnic Class In English en. roor Kliaki ami rrrjr. Hine HH lo 10. the future. Polytechnic class for Foreigners, Booth Sii- im t IK. Special $1.00 Pair. We will -i'ii ihr above only tonight Booth School. School, Matriculation subjects Special $2.50 each. Ladles' Spats lliah-Krad-qiMlily III plerr. Edward felt. lilor fawn at School Klnp Men's Winter Overcoats I both tonight. ami beater. V-'iten 3 Iji 7. 50 lb. Premium Back Bacon, I 'ii a c itiifurtalttr cloned tali all Wool, lll'lllll. Iii'-Heij, IMioiie iH! Hale a. Special $2.25 pair. Takmp whole lb. ; reasonable, s with lull. iihIiih'I Kimt iiiei-r, per 'laiid-iiPM-lnliJ A V Maxwell. If Engine trouble will be unknown Flannelette Blankets - 25c. la- tnilni tin "imliout. uiK Kine with blie ami - - next summer. Polytechnic quality, Siii'. .It Io It. Ginger Snaps (Fresh Stock) l-ii--ii iiiimii i' .if :ni Flowers class on Qas Engineering pink Iwirdern. Hien 10-1, Special $22.50 to $40.00. 2 lbs. for 35c. 6 lbs. for $1.00 i l I' ii Plant- l.aiv aew.rt tonight, Akerberg-Thomson tl-t. and iJ-k. iJl"m white NorUi-West Arrowroot Biscuits Men's Underwear, 10O' 'H iil. Hi.liaiit A Ka..n. Mm Co.'s shop. ami lirey. tr Wool - Heavyweiitlit. Itib-lieil Special $2.75 to $4.25. in bulk. ler lb. 35c. Frank S. Kllioli. ycni-ral avnl and metttum weight. Ladles' Wool Sweater North-West Animal Biscuits, Jtfl FA MUCK STOVK COAt. al Vanrouvrr fur Hip I n ion la Plain, guaranteed all m4. Coats in plain rolorn with in hulk, per lb. 35c. i. if anything. brtter thin rifir Haitway, arnn from Mi hue. 31 to ii. fa nry 4red rollam. .iiffe Llbby's Tomato Soup, 2 for HERRING ar. i4aetuftrr Coal Co., IM MitjIH ll (In- PTIfli Im'iii' -IrrrMjr Special $3 50 Suit. and uoi-kel-. F.ttra fin- 25c. Phone 7. it and Irfl Ul nislil on lii Men's Heavy All Wool quatMy. S.i.-i 31 to t. Large Ripe Bananas, 2 lbs. rr-jrn io Yaaronr via Ihr Socks -in a wHle ramie of Special $630. for 25c. Mi KiuynU ( Iyllii4i ami til-land roulr and Ja-r Park 1 oor o i liniwe from. All Pure Wool BlankeU A . Iimi Hull ... email size Jumble BAIT fn.i. i. ar- iinilnl ,i a'dtirial .- 4, make. lanre assortment In rhiMme Park Mcintosh Red 'M'liinu I Ii ii i ! . M ft.m. t Mr. and Mr W II KalHian Special 50c lo 90c pair. from, ron.tstintr of Fnplisli. Apples, 10 lb. box ful. n I i.i.ni.l If f r. 233 f IhMlnn, arrii-l from the Boys' and Men's Mackinaw Seirli. Canadian and llml- per ulb Hi the Priii' i" liorgc yr Coats Ilea'. weialit. all nn Hay make. I'-olor dark weight. $1.75. Full stock of 3-ply Cotton iTday ami Irfl n la.i nishl wool, in I'.liiTk- and Plaid. jtrey. I i tf ti t jtrey. white. rel. Hothouse Tomatoes per basket. $30.00 per Ton wood Veneer is now being car I rain n Ihrir r'iurn l'l. Mr. All .) - hrown and khaki. 60c. rled by Albert A McCafUry, Ltd., Kaelman "J wnrnil aircnl for Special Boys' $6.00; Men's Specially Priced $6.00 to Cucumber 2 for 15c, 4 for Phone 116 or SC4 If lit CanadiiMi National ltailwa $8.50 and $12.50. $16.50 pair. 25c Finest on the Coast al I hie!on. Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. for Dressmaking the most -- 25c. popular class In the Polytechnic. J. Ouanlkr. N It. mair "" Obtainable from Booth School to-nlghL avhanir' for Ike H. 1'.. district Universal Co. You enrcll there. in in the rily In the riniiw of Trading Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. can lour in dierharar of hie rrp Rupert Table Supply Co. ular dulira. Mr. Juantir arrh- I M ' K-ii .nun :iil iu Cor. Third Ave, and Sixth Street. Phone 376. Phone 211-212. PRINCE RUPERT I ih Itjr lal authl train and t'u ,i.n f s i ii inn h Ho- I'rin aei-oHipanii'd by A. Walt. mt- I". l f- "ir ..lti ell il' i. m t.-at wiirr.- nUf r iii-haiiH' fr lh- diti.iitn - i .in,, inn. vi'itlut Sniithrre piij Primv Hu- let. i'.i. , Fir Venter.' "3 ply. full height 4.1 ninjili: ii i' m A I VA1 VA UA V of rooms, and 4 feet wide; also Prler lUys. 1 lirol with I heft Prnii ,l,.i' I I Cottonwood Veneer, Lath anC uf a purar rolilaMMMK 77 in soiillilxninO 7 in ..in Face Plaster. Call and see my stock eaeh. plraaM iruilty In Ih pidki learner Adimr, I Hi Iiiimii. in Jonteel E. H, Shockley, Cow Bay. Phone rourl thu Hiiirnius aad wa rr-lra-il p.m. in Milliank S,un, - ?(-SMiund; and STRAW 3S3. tf on uMiidrHl urMlrnrr on 7:15 pin ..,ke -ii-aim-r Creams inakina rclilulioii and Miiny orw.l H ..m. miles fi..m Mr. r'. Trriuliaili. lirnml t'.lii-f tin- Vim.Ii. of ib rourl. : llelliiiahain -..iilliii.rusvl: H. in f llif Pythian Milrra' 1'hIkc of rldliiM-d thai he perknl up I hi" p.m. soke sti-amer Auyox H p.m. Vc have just taken into stock a car Hritmh rtttiniliia. paM an offi-al purr in qu"tioii ihi the I reel asssawi Fay Nl.uid hMin4 for load of each, both of which arc of i-il HiiiTl f.odai.' Sm. tiKli-ail of 111 1 lie Albrrta Mral Taroma: tn :tii p 111. xis,e team, Cold and Combination ? Ial rnina Mrial bu-illi' Marki'l a wa rliargrnl. er Yenlure aiain Aioble Uland exceptionally good quality a triiai '' 'l - EDITOR APPOINTED northbound. Noon Reduced in price, now 50c a jar. I in- fiiRw ral of Ihr latr lhiil THE BRACKMAMER MILLING CO., LTD. Kituiion llrmii'i-u will taA -plai LONDON LABOR PAPER moiieraile HKiHV Mulbisat l-I.AMl a-alr:Haiuiiiii.bam-Mrrtrr. They are also put up in a new style jar and will Prince Rupert, B.C. luiiiui i ., f l r n i ml t 'Mt StMl;- Insaperature. M; keep indefinitely as they are air tight 'cliH'k from Hay hit Hroa mi. sea riHtarh. P.O. Box 745 Phone 350 licrlNkiiiii wrlr, Ri-v. V. H I.oMmi. Oil t. Hamilton lltiAU TIIKK HUNT l.lear. Hi'ilniitii nffH'iatina. Fyfr. who lia tM-come editor if fresh wnilheast wind; barometer ORMES LIMITED Ibr I a 1 1 ' ilrrald. bejran din j-nur H.it; lemperaliire. 5'.'; sea mint Mi- .hum- W'nnI anl bi'i "ii nalielir rarrrr on 'I'll? TilU'ft and erale. 3rd Ave. and Gth St. P.O. Box 16S0 '.. ii l.-4r Prior Ru-i I to. later on mad his Hamt a m' HII.I. II.MtlKlH IK errant, 3S .ii..! : f,.r AbrrnVrii. rifolland 1 il iaorrfMHdi"iit. Hi attempt slioiiii soulliea-t wind: barometer. Phones 82, 200 and 134 a d mi i if .if TiiiiiaaVfaTialaMaaaaT"- wIhm' Mi-. Wnml will join hr a a prai'tical journalist tn et Sa.Tli; leiii-ralure. 18: THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES liii-liiuol wlio Iffl fur llii-rr th" LalMtr it tine. -oiiir nw.Mj(Kr umn sea rough: H p.m. -."k.- -Ii-.uiier GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY 1 1 1 1 1 Hii.i 1 li y nail on Ihr vill Im walrhnl witli (islrrveL Iji- Admiral MhIiiiii hi liieen Charlotte eBassBsasaasaBSMiaBMsaaBsaaaasMBBasasBMBSiBa .MPiaauina ironi .M"inrial on Im.i ha 110I hen furtunalr Uillier Soyinl -.nil litioninl. QEORQE. NI..M-r SI. Io hi it. riprtnnt in daily jur AND PRINCE RUPERT s S. PRINCE nali-m. and bay Iimck lia 4. r A f T Our froien herrina: bait is conceded by flstiermen H m.h Hi.i.i ...I II,, ,..!,i i; u iHiuiftat luf intm raH. rwU DrKL I Hi.r. VSNCOUVIR, VICTORIA, SIATTLC. t Mil) Mi-. Maij .iii- i ;iiii.ln-ll. of n""ii iiii'urre!. 'Hie- Trade .Union TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY t0 he the finest procurable at any Pavifio Coast ton AftVOX, VH44t, 11 rOM STtWAMT. S.tNrS.i. S e-M. Sinilli.. mho hn U'l'ii ri'lii-viiig lUuiarri in priatr r4on d" .. Port and it is "Fishy." Price. $30 per ton, on II.- -laff of the lriti.- llu- ridrd In eliarr Willi the 1-aUir I"P The besl way of innuring a good quality trip is Hill ItKM Km ni-li. 'l l,..ii-.--keepinu a s. PRINCE JOHN. li il ,'iirral ll'iilal iluiinv Ihr Party fuiani'ial rKinililily fur . , . -'- to have plenty of our hard froien ice. Price, sun, ! In aleil. 1 1 1 fur Vmli 0 Mt - .1 il. i. ii ' hri..u i.i.ii.i. sirt. o. on ii, tl. ( pta ' iiiimnT iii'Milli- li.i- I. ft llir thr roiWinuvil iMibliriltioli of the ti per ton, hot and 'I VI It' Nil! I..Ik ' DAILY PASSENOER SERVICE. in-l 1 1 n I ion Hflal Villi I'l'o, i-i-il lo iail lli'iald. wlrifli will now pre Iti.'.in- Pli .. Illink : ;:is Onf-f 1LS ur wrll-njuipped store can supply fishing gear, OAltt IICIFT SUNOA, IM I "" Wimbi In-: ll'.nn' Ml Mil' III! I i..t :it llir -niiialily Im- tin- "ffirial orimil nf fltherinen's clothing, groceries and provisions lfj ifrt p.H,nr. i. I,.r (II i-.iiii- l lrii i iim4 m4 I Bll4 SUIM . i .1 .. lh- wrk tlir I..! r iiiov"lili'llt. and hardware. ' : ' Agsncy For All Ocean Steamship Lines. ANNOUNCEMENTS NEW ENGLAND FISH Company CM Print aprl. P 0. WOMAN IS CLERK OF Tkk OIIU. Sas TWtS ?., Use Our Ketchikan, Alaska Branch Mi ms,. Wlii-l t i ix.- and ll.in. LONDON TOWNSHIP U etliteiMjay, (K'lober II. Modern O CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TOIHiXTO. un. I. -Min Mnrv Keep ether fre. H'g Haiil-liMMte I i.i nee Kalsitiitloii E. H. SHOCKLEY Workshop lanL I'Mik and lriurr uf B.C. Coast Services I.nation tonliii. Onlnrin. Iiii Hall. - Planing Mills. Cow Bay. Wharf: Nsxt Imperial Oil Dock. liavi g.nip to large Im'ihi lionorvd with the offnx of Phone. 383. Pythian Sister- Haaoar iu K. iii-nun in Muiiung our work--li"l pinahleiit uf Hie Ontttriu Munlri-pal FIR DIMENSION, FINISHING LUMBER, PLANKING AND P. lUII Oi'lohei .'H. Sailings from PrinceRupert and now wi liae the nit AsaiN"Hilitiu. M (iriint is TIMBERS, SHINGLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOWS. i'oiiiil.'te i Imp in ll.C. uutsUltt mi" f tlir frw woiirrn in inyni. Agent for: For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway HiMpiial Annual llaihrise'eii of Yaiii'ouvrr. njMrl life in I'-amidii and ha Robertson Jt Uackelts Saw Milts, Ltd. SepL 4, 15, 25; Oct. 2, 13 and 23. Hall. Auditoiiuin, 'Iae4, Oo-lotier Our Staff. dHiontrHUMl anility in eMi J Fyfe Smith's Hardwood. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-Sept. at. Mr. Ragstad and Mr. Gourlay work Hint lia lrrn widely rrf-nunl. "Lamatco" 3 ply Cottonwood Panelling. 9, 20, 29 i Oct. 6, 17 and 27. - HxVrt walrh repairing. Another woman rletk l Oarland Company, Roofing Paint. 8. 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, lluyal Purple Haa:ir, Klks Mr. Jack Bulger Jewellery Mi M. A. lM'km.iiii, eily eleri Eati Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Home, Nnvewher H. making ami remodeling, di of WimUitr. River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. 4. mond setting, cloek repairing. Churrh of Kutiland Haiaar. Agency for all Steamship Lines. WIRELESS REPORT t'.huri-h Hall, uember IS. lull information from Mr. J. Bulger -- (vpliral work, Htlgtrton Block, Princt Ruptrt. Phone 686 W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent, inlil teetiiiy, lins grindinf. I.adieu' Aid IU- Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B, 0. eiitiraving. alrli rrmirinK. S a.m. Presbyterian Krnlay. Xm. :i. tf saar. ili-niyninic. ftf. MiillY ISI.VMi lliiniim. Dr. E. S. TAIT freith soutlirasi wind; tNii'omeler UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY SAILINGS OF B.C., LIMITED John Bulger, '.'V.tri;niiMh-rals.leuipeialure, SO; ea U EM0RRH01DS Dental Surgeon For Vancouver, un-nu I nil- ami w.4iimi Hay, Tuuatluy 0 I1"1 Iti Jawaller liF.Ah TIIKK WIIXT- f.lear. nlw Ml Uto-J.ii.1.uflsr snolhw vr rrotruai day tltt 0ffce our 1, 9. a.m. to9 p.m. Hardy. aim: baruiuei. i U.t3; trm-i I'Ht-j or 1 1 v-1 11..rri.ii.ii. r.. i'ort Saturday For Vancouver, Alert Hay and p.m. ' Sunday by Appointment r.t 1 t'l,-, urfHTsJ opwiat .,n 1 .ii OlFTS THAT LAST J ill ii i -. I;'; iihIIi. 8uml) For Anyoi, Alice Arm. I'ort Mnumon ami Wales Island. ea UmliiHiil "l 1 )'" an,., in..I 1 f,f"'r' T - i io V I HI I t II MllliHI ik. i, u-l ,tr,.i 1 ,,in . " " miitnliiht. ,1, .1. ., r i.'.ii ni' ft ' . - i: I" 1 I in.I , li.i! ..'ii For Naas River Canneries, tnil iy a i'