WHEN YOU WANT A TAXI mht Math) FishMarket BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, 99 VEAL, PORK. in hurry a Fresh nd Smoked Fish. Phone Sausages Fresh Made Dally. PRINCE RUPERT Crabs and Oysters. 1 ALL NEWCAIf Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone S71. i: Mil V IMIIM.K 111 I'MT H.C TlltlttUlAY. OCTOIIKH 5. IW22 TW'r't 0ltM IMS SO SalM, , FOREST FIRES SWEEP WESTERN ONTARIO NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF RAILWAY IS APPOINTED; THORNTON HEAD Sir Henry Thornton Heads New FRED. Q. DAWSON OFFICIAL WORD Terrible Holocaust in Railway Board with F. G. Dawson APPOINTMENT; esfern Ontario where F. G. Dawaon Cett Word Frors as One of Directors is Announced Acting Rja-dlni Mlnlalar Poll'on.of Railways Fire Destroys Towns I'TTAYX A. o I. ... The i tew radwuv Ix.urd wln.li will eon- IMTPDyiril AAT .ifftruil lann ihi iii'm iiiim NORTH BAY. Oct. 5. Thirty are known to be dead and 5.- t; nudum N,.hhI llmlw. himI the Oram) Trunk, lladwav I 1 I f.K V I T.VV I ll .fi...Ml.il lllflll I. Ihf ll.-lM-r.rerl.iml ill lll Ml. 1 000 people are homeless while the property loss amounts to many "'! millions as a result of forest fires which are ravaging Northern' iirH lerii Kir TtltirntOM. he -HMiilt Henry general :li.. i.ana.liaii Nulhtaial Hallway i.i)It of I he lirc.il F.lcrn H.hIwhv of F.njrl.tnd. in president of ll.ia nl friMM I...ra- P. lira lot in Ontario. Halleybury, North Cobalt, Charleton, and Heastllp with i.i board ami iilher member- m- J. II. Kirn lir of Nova Scotia; APPOINTMENT ai'in mini!' c uf raHwuyo a- a combined population of 5,250 have been wiped out. Englehart and Lltkeard are partly destroyed The Temiskamlng and Northern li ii.u.l (loeijrti, Toronto: Jmiic Hiewarl. inniT(r; Bmwl He-.I f li.iw: MtMirval: Fred li I in w on of prime lloner!; Ton Moore Have Hi.- Ii.iir t a.tir vni Ontario Railway Is burned out in several places and through - l. ul ef IN Trade upd jM.r lUmfrr. IIIUwn; (I. A. Hell. F. O. Dawaon r Ha Eipecta to f V..UI Hi. .iiii iMent by ne-br limit traffice is suspended. Dal Fairly with all Sictlona Indescribable were the scenes of horror and fear while the u m Hawser of railwicy, iHUtkn; (1 II. Mitel, irenerM rwiMel. il yesicnlay a a iliiwior on Railway Board. f National inhabitants rushed about in the smoke laden air looking for a i.aiiadian Henry Thornton rcnrhr-i .i ,m Hmrf "f S.WMi Hallway means of transportation out of the doomed country. i ylerdy and leave for mutually. Ne ha complete , F. lawoii. n any. h-.i Hip iurtwe .r fire all Hie liaiiH.J. The looks like the worst ever seen In this land of fires. ..ik bmnm-'W n r ..Hi- l jrharar ..f ihr railway wllnHl j Mirlnii afler Hie m.,. l.ni ut No rain Is in sight. The wind which reached forty miles an hour lrM it will I.- jUml to HI. In- affair any political interference Hp to Ibe railway l"anl l ..i-ibei ii ) aid: ary In bate a melui f yesterday is now dying down. The situation In the outlying districts nl ai.i.'Uiil vice-incident, in i-eeipal board in Trvn... Tlii is unknown because many of them are cut off from communication. rf few km...! i i.Ur. Mi.- marre ..f traffic. Ttiee have been mm f. ii.-w liin.- Il.nl I wa I., In- ... I- " a X st if A..., ..in. Iia been railed f.r Tuelay t.i Mack.-iuie Kn ld after- mI rM ill i n 1-iyii.- QUEBEC, Oct. 5. The forest fire situation . I . N lentil iii.lam at IM.30 u.m a' throughout the bcl li..-.t.tt f Hm ;an- hi.-ii s li rr-i r m.wrrwf lb '.I.I ward- Ilmi It. had m.ukIiI mm ef- province was serious last nighU No settlements were threatened Ha ll.i.l. Xo. I Toronto Slreei. lie ttl. .. a.liNii National Hailwat. IhiI may id.- job If i" I'.i " II- i fn.tii ...il.i.l.- I'.aiiadn I. um- but the fire wardens anxious. as yet are Me by I plea rani wbetber yi. . ...I 1- Iiark in thirty rtaj ,a..i.i ibe luiteaiM.n lital IV '"I Hiere ha i e.m- i REFUGEES REPORTS ... ..rk manariiiPiii ..( Ih r.4 a firMiali.... ..f Ihi- , jW" lw abl In v reenl." NORTH BAY, Oct. 5. Forest fire refugees who arrived I .... Bvi. ,' .!. IIih .i,iijf.. ... im- M, mi .r lit, "I ha.l hnie1 l ( HrilUh lUt. ATTENDANCE COOD ' from Halleybury reported that between fifty and one hun-4. II. '.-..-i.i. lUIMl.la W.MIM Im- r-..'ellt'l ll BASEBALL MATCH DC nUlTltri tlUl Itl lU DL dred persons had been drowned when they were crowded from a f r..iM II..- boa.il ImiI har4iy IN WORLD SERIES MPTHnnisT MlNITFR 00CK vner ine7 "a een ammpung to get aDoani a rescue ship. I'i MuM-r1 b..M- IImI nrr w4hM i MClliUUIJl miniJlLlXJi Another report brought by the refugees Is to the effect PITCHERS' DUEL THRACE GOES raHe4 t pr4ur SW NKW YijliK Hpi, . -TUe that ; . had been and several . tram. m'Wprr n m nntillMT nrwi4e Ml-iPiMliiiic scores Injured trampled to death when the Conference bv Bare Majority flames swept a Catholic Church and caused panic nun-Still rry il-aaniK l me l-i kiUM- fhaf. ll- initnj Irani)-..f i among Holds Back Right of dredf who had gathered there for safety. SECOND GAME TO TURKEY IIm- rb..irr ka fahVa ixi Hie VrlU S ba--InsII MONTREAL DARKENED "Ibr Mili.i4i rmrr" wilb il herr yrlera)- wa Women. I vreail reMHiaibNiiieii anJ illffl-eiiHie :i.I5 ami ilice ahl al MONTREAL, OcL 5. The city Is overshadowed with dense Ta Homiri Mado In Today's 3ig Will Ba Tumid Oiar Within and h'Hil.l I aVeidr l I be ?alr I lt.016 Thi iniKivni. i m i. 3. Tin- iii-.-i- smoke from many forest fires throughout the Eastern portion of Laagua Oamo 3C.000 Thirty Days All Hostilities erefil lli- ..itkifi I be sw..ilr "I uni will be ililrlbulet Mrlb.Mliii uiiirereu-e deri.jml bv Quebec The sky Is hidden by a gray pall which makes the burn- Spactalor i Caaia. llrillnh i:..linn:.ia ihii4 ax'l -prl fullnM : HI ne ruiiiwiltre uf the lieneral Ing of electric lights In city offices necessary. I.hi murli n. r esMi il Player h.;uh.:i6. a v.He ..r I in aaini re-. OTTAWA, Oct. S. At a cabinet meeting this morning the constantTnople, Oct. mhhi it i- iii.ias: In take Imie r.lub. ;!. '.if. I . riMiiuwiMJiHjr OtMferenrr in adniH question of relief for the victims of Northern Ontario forest fires :i 5. Tha Mudanla confaranca iii a, ibtw-oiiably IhUi all Hie '...llllllll..li II i.H.VV 10 wuiiipii l tin- .Mrtliixli.i HiiHiiry was discussed. SECOND QAME OF la proceeding smoothly. Tha lr.4ilein an.I lu arrle l a in I'.aiiada. BIO SERIES ENDS i allies have aareed to turn mij larllnn imhmI. IN TENTH 3 TO 3 I over Eatlern Thrace to the Fair Deal for All LANDSLIDE MUNICIPALITIES 4i Turks within thirty days. tsi k"Z B. C. is Centre of Drug Traffic NKW MiMK. it.-1 The Turks have aqreed to p j;r,;:r JSC? III.- P4'OM4 If M i .- "I Hi'' the terme and have ordered Outral Hrillab OMuilSbia eoaile VERY LARGE UNION MEETING for Continent Visitor Just .rlI Srre iU !-- cessation of hostilities. iiiu.t tM-ar m mind Uaal I am Says Im aelpeinl a IVrilUh IMtimWa '.ijiiU itd ank.-i - i-. BARTOLOME rei-p'ittalip of a Nat I weil nya-f Back from Big Police Convention House.Water Was and Driven Occupant Into Resolutions Before Gathering to ..II.J Ml lb nul "f Hi c in ami will be my M.liev Found in It. Be Discussed and Voted On. -. t iiiiHiiv "i. a.--'iiii In ulut ant farilr but li f ilaraiieaa Willi il- -..r--uniin llr la my iwver dial "The iil.-.l.iii'liiig uirn.ii-e in the world Iim1.iv he traffic OCEAN FALLS. Oct. 5. K.M l. Mips. Oct. 5. -With aa evwi i i TOTAL LOSS ::. el a fair deal, ami in nartnti. drug ilrrlured Walter K. JSianelaiid. h.Ih-' oin- The landslide at Elcho which .!id riHitainiiitf about 30 res. a fair ib-al i aM that any bvalily mnMoner of Yi loria. who i here today un lu way liume from Is believed to have burled ..lm ion deal int.- with a variety . .. i r I - i r X X' -l, .l ill .iM-IH.Il llMIIM eirri. I aUelHIIHg llie wimu MHT l uinrn-iii r ai ,ir i"i. "" r alive five men is estimated "f -ubjerl and an attendance NKW YlHIK. Ilrl. 5. Ilir Well Known Halibut Schooner ' I iitil I uet further uarlii ul. IcmpiipiI more iu ten lav alioiil iMilire work.." 'aid Mr. Slauetattd, lo have been 100 feet wide r ISM .lep;rate, Uie annual miiI. Vankp.- i.MI-l Stranded and Burned Friday ... ,.Mn.bMi with ihi aii-"tLMM I ihhiIiI have Itvmied at hiime in ten year. and 1200 feet long. The '-'nveiilioti nf the H. C. Union Ii ii iiniiiiKn a) a li- -"-ore wben Last. poiiilmenl I b not ran- to make "Among other lliinr I learned wh that tiie headquarter force of the immense body ,-.f .Munii-iinlil"ir opened yes- Imi kn. .. i-akwi a halt. I II- i.iaii'l. u i. u..1 IKU.I.J...W ImI fiirlber -laleiuenl iretl to r,,.. ii. 4i traffic haa been lran erred fmni l.bHHiro In lli- of earth and rock rushing lerday lh-1 I eiaaanler lb.. as-..Mi,t- uwl itrtk'ularl IIHUoli Coliiintiiu. It i to uproot down drove the Oavles personal ihimIiI have been abb-1 Hay ili.-n i, d by Marry SeiB. la a lolal -ay I'ai-irit' UnrI j F. A. Mi'lhiii'iiiid, uariimetilary l.alf f miuiUmmt iHiung. bill ll-' wi.ik .ff -aur Mason. Prniep Miein a ..i... thin traffic ami h aet rbj ! the wiM be distributed tlirtKJulHMil dwelllnn Into the aaei.t for the l itioii refused lo lu ilit fNlillMi lat all.I I ii.en I. n...--..I.. - 1.1....I It -imIIm. .Ill "...... ueiitber. tmi Mors i.. I...ami. u menace that tle Hilie are now Hie eonlilMHit that hIm-p ex. ; water nd It was founi (accefi nay for hi kervire. dur-I . In Dean Channel iIiI.I.-ImuiiiI. rwlnni tin- Yankee of here. a the reUll wr ine en- UII if. I in.- inn. workimr. ei I luav t once be aide to i.lei'. I floating inn la-1 year. w.'iilil Imvr Ui n t. bat m near, Kin.- tNorkfirma- and ellnw fir.-to a neM iHuireMKii.ii al H- "Sirty-five iHr eeil of the lify criminal ami druit addict.I with Davles and his wife I AniouK the resolution to Pome tv. ami M eeriainl) urreedeU ... .... . . .. aboard. Unusually heavy ! of the rrafl imi I W 1 It... II... .1 tier..re the- union U one urstili; u.iikiir.a. eallew Ibe iiaiii.-. the interior drua mldirla are erllnlHats ami In obialnina live ear ol tbr tiov. rains account for the disaster. limit.all UmhimimI perin FmUy Ut. I be Ynsaa, kH -iiered Ibe o-illeil innocent addkt in ileMirtinent in -ve v city ueuld jibe f.ur weiern pruvlneea to - the 1 Mistier battle In wbblt b Nel KP. "' ernHteiit. I feel ery araleful to the teen ae u praetrcally un. have a criminal 4tive,tiimlhn unite in a uiair lo tax all per. . .. . bim for bi elfiirt. in my in-half Rescue parties have not alike on an to Ihi ami fwUlt il i iw 1 1 iuai iiiauiiiai i ea.ii branch and coieteMt f"lier-..rinl mi ability pay nea iMWfcejr liarrjr mw, . ,'. knowvi lo Hie ol.c. On inveili-nalinK a it lm VKrv ,ujifrin h. HI. yet recovered the bodies of l.ai. It iiMiieled thai the Uieir r MB I I. - - wii. I lie lHant wa4e .VW cae "illy tvvu in the exnerl. the men believed to have Hit.'.- riina in 1Jh rwal inniuw ti leen aye were i-(ieteil. Odd Convention iiiovermneiit return the money been losL They were E. Qls-lason, l ibe iiionieiialilies lu relieve -.hiuIp by itrbli ami r'riarh and a convention wa not one " ' "The iMikre in New Ynrk have The S. V. I J. M. urL-oiifideuee IN me il to -eleet Tway, ... ul the lii.liii- BltMak reuae4. iliey ..iii. ..f liwurd hut ii-..iert i.wuer expen-ie lecture run by dioUMiradi of addict from ad where et were Donovan, F. Douglas and O. edurathiMal ilnl lillle with lirttey tUervwIlpi . which ull iMille inforinutlt-n lax eo-l. oxer 4 be continent aud i w oiiie at Olund. A heavy mound of IMlU nolber reoiutbMi deal with I In uamJ almt' MM wreck for the benefit of the r ne from Ibe there from I'rin.e llll.o'rt ami wvi uiven Congratulations. earth covers most of the ih. ilitributloii of llirnuiiboiil I lie immiIvhiI. Tin-Yniiknea II anncar- that m eiitertiw a flout other cltie Oil Ihe coast," vi.itor to improve the effective. liquor profits Mr. Iiuwann (Ills morning re. houses. Mini the elabtihiegi of eored I heir flral run lliall coyer ul t'-if Muii ou reivetl eonirratailaliiHia from id Mr. Stnnelaml. Swn. of ne ul the hIm p Ibroualioul tin - a pub. ii. utilitie roiiiiuiku. in Ibe n'iilljr liinliitf when Ikun-i Friibiy Itt'l I he lurioimne r. a . aa.. I hew lotd erUniiiitl eril in a world and eHcially on tlii. eon- CIIDC IKII CT I IflllnR ivil everyone lie mei anil eeueriuiijr .ft iiiitde had .-nor and I'Ih " UU.L it attended by Al-,"u'" X""" i a eaiue nirauue.i fr-'in the Hiemuer of Ihe llotury many a eight citie. IJvery city linent. II w i-Utlie llnUaM vtllll a ailiab'. with Ibe reeeilin Ude wu iei. Ulilll. the lunelieon of wliicli lie en the roat ha it criminal ml. dermnii Crone of Vancouver and SFIIINf. fASFS ARF BELLA COOLA Ward iH'la Ii home ruu ill the I.Ul. uu.l drif. It wa- in cinleav- aliendeil lilay. 'I'eleirraiiia of diet and the eliininulion of the l.nerul Aicherley. rcj.re,ei.lini fi.urlli ubd Um- Yankee riired extricale Hie lat al Ihe STARTtD IN lUUKl rln(t lo iHinurnliiUtioii were rercueil ilrun traffir mean a 1ik lei to. Ureal llritam. miier c.untrle. . Uieir third fwu f duble liy yle .if III tide Dial me eniuoe from A. NV. l'-.iiieron. fonoerly WTird (he elimination of crime. niieenled were Arisenlitie, Mru-j . IS FLOODED llulti und Miuul in iltflitti. lliroMinit 'lu",,,,ly of Sm-r Inlw. Jirti-kftreil In n f Ibe Itnyal ilank here and now-f Japanese Largest Manufacturers ill. llrliiiuui. IViiiiiark. I Lillian I Hi rant Tlir flllttl ai-uie w: af uuolllk into Ibe catiin. Vaneouver; J. F. McMillan. ' "New York maintain a ieclul 'Ihe dclciiale were butmiMHeil churned with iinlawfnlly k.-IIhib II. II. K. tea eiiusrlit fire and Mie cn-w bunk inanaiter of Kdinonloii; narcotic miiiad and kern riat l.y the cily f New Yok amlliquor i.eaie. for trial In Tore Yauk.-i-a ' H " roretfd to liurriedl) lake Mr Mi-.M niini Under Four to Six Feet of Mud were the Him. llnl. J. A. C.i'oko. ..f Hi-ulna. aaeiit. In I nice fclitiiinenl of heard an addre by Auckland.Stipendiary Mauulralc i.unU i H I their deoarliire in a dory at All."iney tieneial "f Siikali'lie-wan; drua to iMiint r tlMlination. II (leildcK in reply lo eriUelm in thi mornina and remand wi and Water From River. Willie 1 1 Hie idr-ktiiit up W"' It and M II Mi'i.otiwli of i a furl well known Id Ihe police icirard to Hie KiilliiK.HIivrtlan uia.k- unlil S:3i l'u. aftern - i DESPERADOES Iliey hud tbrowu... aa ovei i...lioard.... ii inu Vancouver. tliut Jaimiwee are Hie large! iiodr. Mr. Stuueland alo at-tafl.-r two wntae for tin pro. VANU4H VF.Il. Oct. 5 -Ilella wa not until .uiiuar lianufai'turer r iiuii'wlU dtnii leiided a bamjuel or the I'JIKf lliin'iil ion. (iradv niid Ib-iinv. -inn i'..-ia wa rouipletedy aubmertted lliul the fiabing boat Vivian ii"e and that Oermuny eoine a clone r.lub at which i'.haunrey bjNw,wo wntnee for the defence. in ,i fl...i . from Ibe- IMIe OikiU KILL CANADIAN in IHMI Blbi idekrxj U. I camiiinv he -ur-vivira. ROBBED GOVERNMENT .crowd, fl-ermuny i aid to have tV year of ad. wn Ihe priiKlMU John Joluion and Naily had l' i Kiv.r in-i KHday ami I now who had been Ul. LIQUOR ESTABLISHMENT discovered a new drtiv whch can k.iaki r. I 4 rd T. II. Hooper I iidu. i un i. i .i .'jnk.'i of rm four to mi the ahoi-c -iiic Friday m uwide without Hie ue id tin In tin- early day Mr. Mine, ihl 1 1 iiroaeciilmn ami I.. Y - f.-ei i inn.i and walcr. ae-ii.ia Hl.i.lNA. Oct. : J'md M'dolf. Ibe llarloh.iiie wln.li hall- MlllOISHiUli. (lei. 5 c.mmki 1. f land liad a hramli pint dio tn lt mi.l- or I'aiinoi-e Fulton 1 ifi. . - ,.f Mie Union un eiimloyee of a local luiuor iiii'.l tiu.it -inim iiotindH Thieve broke into aud e.dit-.-. N.'W Y"i'k 'J .-nlre of ii.-lir. iln . ily He i In-ad r a firm an f "i Hi' 't.-f. .. . I 1 1 1 tl 1 1' ' .WIS" ,1 1 ab"l de,. Bii'l II uii.'ind. xio' i a . ' 1,1 i ii. I.. -i iii ub.' ,i- in oinnaiiy, WK M .team! inannfaii'ir.'ia aint a re- Tii- a- '' a ... . .... I iliiiiv Meliu U...I III- 1.1'liHV Hi. ivrrTmPTit I ipi. Ki hity in i'.uiii' tlon with iiiu.il "il w,v.- ... - -c i . 7. . . ,. .... .... ........1 1.-..!, i.il.k . II U II.. aiuiuu delection and the trueuiK 'iinol e.taiilihmmt in YmIutm. llj..-io 1 ur! n: I I.'IMIS ii -in - i - i uuday wheo ImiiiiI of Wll uni ui i r I e 1 1 1 k u 1 1 i.. - i - - "- . i left iiul Thj to uf -IUMmii in III'II fill ll n.'l yet con I'll.- aiii..uti unci.' oi sir, uhioui iiiii.. urn mryr. . n an look nliiiii' llUI'g.' iUUlllllV ,f w.-l B I- w, i .'i"ddli'U. lin y ur now prepartnu Iruin ti 'i ' i in I uni-. tei'i-liliy up r Ui'ilirrttduu lni.er tun.' iii'il-.i w'ii ii .'1- 1 ". in I'nr.'S U"Pi I