PAUC BIA THE DAILY NEWS Tbo- .il.iv Oi a i ALBERTA DISCUSSING FARMERS TO DISCUSS G. H. Arnold, Notary Public NEED OF HOME FOR SYSTEM OF BANKING FOR RENT. , DELINQUENT CHILDREN fo CcmiA&ia CnJfL WESTHOLME THEATRE We offer the Knights of Pythias Hall in the Hclgor-son i Suggestion Should Issue That All Paper Dominion Cur-rone Tonight, Thursday 7 nnd 9 Block for rent from November 1st. A long lease may Judge and Magistrate Doth Urge y. be had. It Is 26x100 feet with kitchen, anterooms and Cars for the Young People lockers. Who Qo Astray. J KIiMOXToX. net. 5 l.liinliiA WhaTDo H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. Imn nf OnnniliMii bank iioIpm and KhMoXToX, Oi l. 5. Tin. uli-' AM-BUK depends on costly Hip iuhimt nf all papi-i moitpy Rentals. Insurance. Loans. nolule. lliN-rnnllV of an ilintilulKHi uciuau una anu extracts lor by Hip Uniiilttii'M KnM-riiinrnl f.r Hump b.yn ami irl wh,. f..r its wonderful healinc. soothinr. plalihaliiiiPirl r a fUum.llan Xa-li.iiiiil miii ri'amm or an.Hlier arc! inlo bank, A .tiemir nower almia Hip linen ..f rourl ami naiii-l whom nm. I Zam-Buk la not like ordinary oint-menla Hie D'.IIIIIIOHwrHlHl lllllk of ,u-tralia, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAIL-j vlftiorw npfin.'il. I made Irom common or elementary r sHa iiiukiI lo t'iAipeU with rti-luiu WAYS. in no umwrlaiii wmtla by .Imltri'! lormul.prepared Irom Zmm a rtue aecret la a formula inAee-halm, baiikn. uml prrmiHtit inpi'i Men Want? Taylor tutf) Maritrat. I'rlinr..f J the mult of yeara of eaienalve and I kmi or bankn will JLe ilii u--. il (Western Lines). in iul(lrefn beforp I he tlinti il j coatly aclentllic reaearch. It la pure, by the district Im'ul. of Hip I oi mrUnff of the social eervirr and hifhty refined, and la (uaranteed led larmern r MmiiIIoImi I la a- GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY. hoard. free from animal fata and the truly Al! Star Cast TO EUROPE metallic aubatancea uaually found la winter with the fHMnibMllv (hut 'Iliey refrrrcil lo I lump rliil. common ointmenta and aaleea. ultiliioin ulmiii Ihrnr line will MIKE tlren oer sixteen, ami thus not Wonderful Medicinal ! 1 1 th fled fur prrnpntal t.. RESERVATIONS NOW! Lnajiieer SM Tender VliHiHr.arMreed Man.. In Hd h rndnrMWl Chief under the chit nf the tteliHi-d Activity. Hip annual ooineiitlim to be Ik IiI Comedy - - "Their Dizzy Finish" Hrdke oondatnjsi and Bock I'llrtRr kysl children's department. In the in January. QUEaEO-CHERaOURe-SOUTHAMPTON Bridie. m he rmivH at the office nf Zam-Buk exena ita wonderful medicinal Admission 15c and 35c HAMBURG) tin- i.niei r.iirttier mini twelve o'cbii-k opinions of tlo-xp mm. tiHv activity below the aurfacc (where Farmer H'gaiiiHtum in Sh Oct. SI Net, 1 Emareea ef Britain noon Thureday. October twelfth. QUESEC-CHERBOURO Southampton. w'-niy-iwu, rar work in nmneeihMi with would ralher hcnd tlii-m In iml the cerma of akin trouble really are)and LhIHipwoii uml Ufcprta innbalilt ia img.... . r...,. ' """mi in oritur r rmiiMaiion and fork than to thr nfiiriiialnr at fori. quickly eipela deep-aeated and eld-atandint will ili-etia t Iowp ttiB-ffpoti.'nv MONTREALSOUTHAhtPTON-ANTVVERP. ""n " .SfH""' ' - niaer. Mlb) . I I. .... diaeaae. Oct. 11 Nat. . . ""-"'en mirieen point tnree. imm dab- i iTBiro", uiui una not ao i For Ectema, Tetter. Salt Rheum, alo. in vew ,,f Hip frl I tint Hie OeU IS Nti. 22 hilnnedeea ,','" frinee Unpen. BNHeh Cntvm- imirli that linn. i Htiylliiiiu; Ulcera. Pilea, Rlnrworm, Poisoned lirlei of all bank in i:nMila OeLlim"lntAL T LM0,la...... A,,n I""'"" le.e.lloBe and fnrm more wrong Willi the Moitua' in. Wounda, etc . Zam-Buk la marvel-loualy ''Xpire in July IDS3. 'ri.. i contract mat be awn ami Urm at le. aucceaaful. Alao for Cuta, OhITRIAL TO LIVERPOOL nr obtained al the iifrifw nf tlw Chief "lilHttofl thuiK wild any ..Hi. Bruiaea, Bums, Scalda and Spraina. Itn-. Ho iiiiiiint Bitermii'iil SeJ-2 S.H 1T ntenlealm Vleteelan l.nrlneer.. Prince Vtlunlpca;,liunert. Man..B.i:.. mslrlrt st Inrtneer,Entm- n-rtHiiralory. but Unit ti. wl, .ir Beware ol worthleaa imitationa. Oet will r.MKiilr.r Hie rp-PiiurttiiPiit Silversides Oct. 17 He.. 24 Mentclara Maintenance nf Way. Vancouver. B.C.. Ma. "-"tm wun winiijr. Il W i-p"iii(fd pure herbal Zam-Buk The Werld'a r Hie I'.hiihiIj I tank Ael uhilp " Tunlaian met Etie-Weer. Kdimntnn. Alia.. Greatest Skin-Keenedy. Ptatrtrt soc I tmr ki ST. JOHN TO LIVERPOOL. .Lnrlnecr 8akalnn, nt irul (hut a (ri'at itn n:Itt SI.B.UctMniM(aarZam.BakCVa. TaraaM. 'til- limikiiiu Poiiiiiitltce nf Hip Dee. 1 Dee.tS Fek. 1S Montrose Tenders will not e considered Mkiii of lit men ami wmiifii win., li"u-.- will i'onbpr "iiWsTP"liiMi Bee. it Fee. 2 Mar. Montcalm m,n n ,br '"" iW"ed by the lufl- bark ale.1 I tHt (, - ., ' i lb, a... Bros. Dee. 2 Jan.tS Fek. SS . . Montelara v '""'cany ' armmpanNHl by an ae. inlo (he rourl an hniili u .l made liy different orraniEationii IviM'il ami e I ' I" f r Irtttliliif Mar. 21 Victor lee rrt'r, ''beoue on a Chartered Bank equal riimimiln liavr nail at T.. ' , I I Second fly n in tin i.. f.'l aiiiPlldmrtiU to Hip ael. I I-tt .,.-' te ,t, StreeL T. JOHN to oiiunui lnwi f the aa nf the war. Praser Hun H 1 .l list- rmrmtmi ail Dae. T . Vleteelan P"vbla " Hie "Titer of Ike Treasurer, fornmliiry no raMpil. lass uffiee uhih if e'eteak non. Twaaeai.l Dee. IS Jan. 12 Mae. 2 Mauaama ' n'an Katlmial llalfweye. Victory Rend waiaaae , r M . .tri,r,N-, ' Fek. Mir. 17 ....... Tunlaian l"""""' n water will lie accepted In net New Institution Needed. HOME CONSTRUCTION "'"'' i lect lone DinEcr AQEfrrs for ST. JOHN-CHERSOURO-tOUTHAMPTON- arrept1 rhejniie mentioned Temfei The eotmril rmiooHl a ii -miu. btio) rso in. ai ..i,r,. i nanwlaie lajanHsilr' ANTWERP. IZZi 77. " TT" en.cwio sup tfeear Bnef , ;. ..'"" iii.inn fw Dec. S Mellla ,,l"1 bv ampany. tkon aakinit Hip (topniiiiini .. WINNIPEG THIS YEAR WeelntiiMier. Bi Jan. The loweat or any tender not noree i.Mi mT.!: Mrtly aerepted irovuie ihih- itiHliliiliiiii f,,i I'll, -nillr y.l !ru, .. lll'SI ,t Plane and f.ieaiM .r ST. JOHN-CHtRBOURa-IOUTHAMPTON- A. T. WARRy IPPH UdV iMn Hiwl rii'lo wli. I In- l iiiiili eii a Uis- u . If I lie i and afieeiriceUMi lateriaaeni and i .m,.al ,,r the-..ffnj,i Ocneral nf Manatee . I Dae. 27 . . . HAMBURO. "InnadoM WL"r; . Ihrouah Uliforeutiulp ciiruin. ebllll Were ntl'nlljj .l-n nliy nml lulldlng Fifty Per Cent mm mvr w '...-.?."" ' enaiwes. I " 1 .irriee flSSSSt: lan.ltAae. 14 . Than Last Year. i.f" veaaasiee e.Mi ..flare M.liu -JiEllL2!fi:!! nlnnoPn or "kind "I uuihI l.iek, lie wit I one or aiiollo-r likely leineia. kl lltr off we of Aanle'ta a.aerwhaea. '"j"" CERTtriCATE OP IMPROVEMENT. muni he euileiirpd lo term lo he left defei'liM' a Hip r' inesn r r.rtr. Inn -an BaHaaiaar aa POrItER. i.".l A C l .."HBY,." :r..M," ,l kE" M aoiiir WIWII'Mi. t,i. i VV i lri"f.Tf: and at lk SSsai ilrTlrea. vaneauaae, Taiapnana aavmaue giro nf HHiniliMllt. illl. Meiiinaili was ime nf (he IIIUI. taawawver. IM ntetei.. B ( CANADIAN PAOIPIO RAILWAY DMTHICT.i lltni fiTTf Inraie'd Ufvivn on l.milae a ikCblA l'rofpnor .Mi-IMiit. of the lini iiioxi daiiiffrnue iliei' to Hip ea home miixlrurtiwii lo dale TesHera will .i w naaeaSi 1 1 it stales Traffic AaeaL, 'ei. m anu a rmiaw aaaaSaaaal 1st late rren Take Miners fuUn that I, chat.l J. Beiuen,in. I v oi Ainpi'ia. ami- tt prj mental llfr of the mild. i Zm ier cpmI trvalpr than IhP IlKiianwl and an ac.oeaanis na n. aMarats tend aixty day rrnm tlta date hereof la j interval In jj iaik on I in' rejjitoii Types of Defectives. wh.ile .if Imini' bulhliiiu cmtstned therein acn i.nin aatsal be apply to the Minlna Berorder for Certlflrate r.ii Hill, aceorilinit to flsurpn acriiaaa.ah n of Impmtrement!. for fur iihmi hi tHe orime inai ae aceeeaesl rka pan im a ri.HM.s the punvme of obum- m I in- eflLr nbowd the Inr a Crown Oram or the above claims. Roiiittlitt dif-ferPllt iuel Imlav bv the eily buildiiix fvaWe to I he nrster of the M toaster , n..U". MMV IP'lin llllll .HM. il, ami ae ve ulutinhrx lyjH-K of lie feci i eH - the raSMV W'oeka. eentai as la p r f un-aMnami LADIES and inei'lor. Ki far thi vpar. tr. of the lender Wee loan a-anf. under Section l. mutt be commenced before reaiiunn to nbow that menial lOioi, I bp tinbeeilc the rim! Hip it mt the anil akn. be eeretted Issuance of auch Certificate o' Ill a hasp Im'll ixnued for 067 tlefinipiicy m iiinntly Ibe eertiHI). nr oar kewtU aawl Improvements. rauee moron. Thr idml wa biiM-le eeaniwe. if re bated this flrd day of Auruil. A.n. Ittt. FUrPoniw une of alcohol, boo-en. f which t'Ji arr Ispinir qatred to asakr up an aaM aaanuni Attention! I . . C i. BE.NSE.1. aaid and notbinV iMoild lap done for built nndpr the pivie !nniimr oe Blue .rini re be Mainel al the j.Pfr. on Hie iwrl of Ho linn: hp rpKIiwii Mat lw-nseoi h: dernaNNs an a.rri CERTIFICATE Of IMPROVEMENT. prisfMijifsia! or bKin Tree total Huntlier of hitmen est beak cheat- r. ttm u.. ,.r ..- . . t am a apecialUt in Ladies' ! "IIION IU kE ho I." "IROM nt'KF No, ooiiirr im- lainer. wiut apt In result had nexual iloiiile.. The nn. built abt o the it ..r Ike Mn.Mte. Ci.l, RAMSAYi PAINTS 1," "SIMCOE rrartlnn- and "OAnFIELn4 in a defect ie menlalilv in Ipcip laal yer wp-re (tn, vivimr Warka. wasca tvin w it ik. lonsorial requirements and I Mineral claims. Hiluslc in Ol-Fr.!1 CHAR. wan a hutber Ivim- nf in. iiicri-ae BMeadHMT aaaMei abtnii a reatilai bi.l an of i?7 bour 'IIITTS IIVIn ItlVltlll. KLrK-WA ...a Hip child. There wan litlli- ilai:.- IcIliHillce. Hint iniiieliiMPK far H'le. TKt RIGHT PAINT TO PaJHT RIGHT am the holder of five mar. Frencn ITRICT. I .H-sti-d on Louise IHsnd I III" year Il.lll. V 11-nc Medals and eight Diplomas Take hntir that I. Alen. Bnaera, Tree er or any hanii In I lie mind r ried ami proiMuialrd. The mor. The . . It Will Pay You to Oet Our Prices. Miners week. loliMllli: swtfMiiln Iieearlhwni .,f t i t Certificate No the M7H0B Intel nd at ty i-liilil during birth, no matter onn. Ibi MPt cla- fur llairdressinR. days from the date herenl. In anr.lw tn th ileeloMd htrw iiniKUul aptivity for Hit Ottasta, eBt.-mtw Mlnlnr Bcinrder fur riertlflraie of Im how illffli-lill ; neillter WHS Hiere more Nlnwly and Hterued over - Phone 22, P.O. Bos 120. apeelalltles y Include Wl arcs! provements, for the piinKi of obtalninr mui h Mtrensrlli In the old r .... ,i i . , .. ... lime of Hip eeaoim. Waving, Face la crown Oram of the above rlatma. a-gu rm inr imMrriie io i io nun or havintc Massage, hern inausnl. And further uke notice thai action, livenl thai a rhild'a ihpiiUI eon btrekward ehllsU The year', Shampooing, Singeing, Hair I under Sectkin SR. must be commenced be- r rutn thin rlae. bulhliiiu auureafllee S0.JJI.HJ0. fore the Issuance of auch Certificate of dilion iniiibt tee innuenoed eatane liUMty ot Ibe fa4lpn artrla Dyeing. Scalp Treatment and lliroHub leTlilita (MlMaJ dUPIHK Ibe wHk SUITCASES Violet Ray Treatment. Dated this 13rd day or A it nut. tttt. nonir (irp-MAtal altoetk; II wan thixsp on taw bonier llfo- iiwlmle It looie ami neven ALEX. ROGEHS blown on lire bend of a normally between Ihin tHttl HwrHial I hut Toupees and wigs for gen. nlorvHi and oilier etHiiinpprial TRUNKS tlenien and transformations CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT. healthy rluM had Utile Meai-bilily mailt" III.mi or the cuaaM iii Hip hnihlinzn. AiiHHiir the.p NOTICE. of mukliig him ilefrrlivp court a. M Sealed T. mler- sdrlrt .rd ,. ike for ladies. Switches made "MINERAL srni0" Mineral Claim, situ-ate j SSS.fMiii itprmil for a laundry L deralvued, and cmbii .. .1 i. nder for et CLUB BAGS up from ladies' own comb, lilVHIO in the of OL'F.KN VI'EEM:ilAni.oTTK rilARUITTE MlUhO 0IS-TIUCT. JiHtac Taylor tliouahl il ah- be b'jlll for M. I'PHfold on llur-nell, lenslnn lu tjtbarf at tteaian S' ' at HI he received al off... alHfpy neeeenar tlusf AlertH IM. nam It e'eteaa ingg. located on IMilse Island. near St. Malthpw'n, and noon, Wadaaadai, Octeker 1i, a 1tIZ. re Take hour that I, Imncan t'rater. Free nhouW hovp mi iitaattulton for lite etMHIraetinat of an esietteuMi ,., ifc Large Stock on hand. Am at your service any time Miner s i:erliriraic K. ael SI. Intend. I6.imi(I itermit Utr nlttrv to he wtiarf and In the Ireirki ahecj by appointment. J'lione GSM. suty days fcnn the dale hereof, to applv I Ihp earp of Hip Ippii ast hoyn built for William liraaaie on IMMrtri of akeene. B i al 'lentri Prices very low. lo the Mlnlnr Beconter for a frtiriraie of! TIMBER SALE X 43S2. and BirlH Hut I coi,p into ibe I'lana and farm nf rontrari can be Iniprovemenls. for the purtMwe of obuln- i I hp tMMithwr! porner of Itjvpr seen and aiierlfU'au.Mi and l.mtu ,.r Chas.Le Clercq nr a ..rown uraui or iih- aiMive claim. healed Tetwleea Mill lie r-.-i.-rt t-. t courU. It win tint iMtpoiuiry lo and o borne. des fdMataesl al Ibis Iteitartewni ai Ihc J. F. MAGUIRE And further take notice nut action no. Ittstrfcrl Furesier. Peisuv Itunaei ts fflee of Ihe ttiairlri have fcurtneor. post offire 320 Sixth Street. dee HectliHi :it must be 'ommenred before 1'ian ihmjii on tin- lh ay of Inlrr, ISe)t. an cei.ivr plaer? for In addilion lo thpne K . Bendsar. Victoria Hi ami al in.- l-.-i Next the I'nnee ttuport Hotel the Iseue of iJch Lerlificsli- of for the prrtiae of Llecure X slit. thetn, bill a kuep wliere I Key Offleee aieaiart. I'rmce HasMri. ami Van linn If i.i tit. Bulniek Cbaaawl, i .H S.. to aajt ItinUer- liHlay I..lied a ISli.OOO eantver, B. . llialed this 1 1 th day of September. A.D. tsu.oeo buard feel of CeaUr. kpetjee. ould Im' cared for and luutrht. Tenders mMI 4 U- c.easialered '.i.o-.-niada Hemlock and BakMiai jwrnill for retair lo Hip Ken. . Il rn t for it jrmed fat. Mtpptted h Ihe One ( i year will be aUtiwod ler re ,-0I eery riin-victbm lied) buildlliif. which wax recently learlnienl awl In acnvdasiee nk inoval of limber In ibe law court, nml Blieaw eaanalaael Iherem. There Will Be A Coal Shortage Furllier paritruUr of lias Chief Fore, another anlleil by fire. Kaeh n astir nm.i b arrmianicd bv ler. VirtorU. nr the btslratt foraaier, Sl.Avttj l rare for IliPin an acreptasl clteaju. . a chartered bank PACIFIC CARTAGE This Winter rruice HuKrt, B.C. nfter they were riHivieteaJ. and LAMB ACT. hassMe to (ke order of Ike Minister of Christmas TIMBER SALE X42SS. he eoiiHitb-retl thai liilinb nf thin NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLV TO Slieewnl l-ubltr Works,of Ike espial lefMlec lo War ie r I r nf n.,1.the Be wise! nlil lun meiD. of Ihe iMstnkai anil alao Limited Kealed Tenders win be reaelieil bv tlx he KHseil If there were a be areeMed a-eeTsellv. Minister of Lands al Victoria Mat later than MiiUilile h e for Hie leen aire la I'rlnee liunert Laul llUlnrl lurml tewslred twaka War u B.hmV aa aaM anal anaaaint ch.nai . if Phone imh.u on the nth day of October rot 93 i. wa otsinri, ijdii lunae i. H ( .. awl sll !oly. Bin fsrtiil. ran be ubUlaeat eriiiiiiiHlH. al Order Your the nurrbase of l.leeaee X4Hri. tt cut .n of all, II wa Male lollee east fr,i Prime Bapeei. Ihkt ItetMelOMStl i",. .. lurk I 7.-,.oo id) ao feel area of Bpruco.adjoiiuae"ceiljr I imlier and lleni ale n-i'.-iii-) I., have msuiluhle man balaa UiMwiJialel) eal of T.P. Ilj brvir eefttes) bank ebeej'.. for Ibe sum of l" Furniture, Piano and at neatm of Huward creek mi north payable to the firr Ihe Mlawtei of Xsir.3. hedrmlrk Bay l.yell laund. Oueeo iiml w.imun tn head Hip Greeting lunlllu-h.ui. eierr ui aaena noar 'eiiser vtoras. taaaen tain i Ma..e.,i Safe Mi.iImih- Island. Instrict Moving Tn ' be allowed ami the judge wiwhl hpikI Take utrr thai i. ren neiter. or.ina iniewnuf iiUuil a reaulat bi.l vearx re llaysiasrl. H i: , wa I i.hi fartner. lnlen.1. Ht . Coal Now heval r'u' llier"t limbe'pat ii. tilat- f tlie .'hi. r Fores Ibi-iii away for u nix inonlha' in. k,nhia lo aiiiHI itearrtip-el for CMseiMiuiiMi lamia to Ihm ihc r.j Il i liESBiiim:R' Pna"al Getneeatl Catrtsaiiai aauteocOi Vu'..'i.i B.i ft.ii: . i I urealer. ve-l iKulmnal I riii lik into tie t.-i r.-tait Hind and Cr.vl 1 feH veal nf a laeM aawiied an I he south I tieparlmeni -r ini.ii. w .;. I'lU'-. Impel B 'oiiilitiini. in other aimllar rati twaer of l.oi ia7. name i.imsi I Ollana. B-plembei ' (Stt Don't left Cards iairie B.i... Uanwe hs a veeteelt dire. get hoiii.-. i hiit the Alberta lnHlu-Hon I toe! fMi leel abm U.T.IV lit . Iliettre 10 Hiniuld b Ibe ht it a atwlherlt diearltoti lo l.ns water luark . We have arraugnj for delivery very Ilieswe la an eateet ittrerlioii abaiv !. wonl.l a piM.rblr to make it. osier mark to a imIiii direetlt sou Ita of lie of 3,000 tons of Printed in our own office. laMHI nf CMlMnetsrefurui. Ilten. in a Increase . In Crime. therly direetkMi b. mmih of .innnteii" I Phone for Sample Book. loelit. eouUlliUlf- a're nmre or k Nanaimo-Wellington Oiiine ie nn ml eierLainly oh Hip HUH HI II I II mereaae. said MuUtrate 1'rini-riM. Niw af Arlihiaut Shoes! Rubbers! Order llaleal Wel. tlllll l?J Coal early for Foreign Already to date iliey had Mails at tried BOO iif.rp enxeo in the Phone 116 or 564. Rose, Cowan fiLatta IXmonton same jieriod ourln lat year.than He for wamt the Rubber Boots! Albert & McCafery Limited over some nr Hie 'teeu usie caeca TIMSEB SALE X42IS. that bad num- Imfore him, nod Prince Rupert, B.C. Scaled Tenders will be received by Ihe LIMITED Irte Judve Taylor, it w'u only Mtnlster of Landa al Victoria, not lairr Phone 234. than noon ua ihe lilb dat of October LIBERTY SHOES For Men. as a lat reeort Ihiil h U'i) lf. fur tlie iHirrhase nf I Irence X 4l. LECKIE SHOES For I rut feel of Men and Children. ' ELECTRIC sentemed them to l'ortujie. lit? lir and Knrucr. BREAD MAKE8 and es.iwu llr. fine and Stirure Tie, CLA8SIC SHOES For Ladles and Children. HEALTHY CHILDREN, lielieved thai work wan Hie anuale un an area beleen Mile puata (iRliui ea t..i iiiimI of the budnenn and 10, sou ill shore uf t rancott Lake HURLBUT SHOES For Children. The House And wltut i ."') i.H the i liilil. Itanae S, lia.l Laud IHstrlri DOMINION RUBBERS of Better Values' thai 1'iiiiie mil of liieee yiiiing live (SI yeara saa,IIS be allowed fur re and RUBBER BOOTS For Ladles. 0 r. Geo. L Barton ren ik u I fir I hi- itph ii-iii' moval uf limber. Men and Children. anil boy unU, nml troventioii further parileiilars uf I lie thief lores :m well uir ELECTRIC BREAD Hp . JUST RECEIVED. wa Hnii li heitpr than eure. The let. Vletnrla. B.i:.. or lilstrlrl Koresler. Iiuvp miiuied our H Jin.,,.. i t,,e uJ,ve im mud. I1..111 thr ht-t ITlure liutierl, B.t:. fluur, bakml' (Palmer) Nevt pilMimi'tii Iri.rn t.le- I-.US youth of i in iUy had itone criuy 1Z '!'U" """i Uml '" H,,"t"' tt"J III a Iiil'IiK lilinli i ll mill r.Hitle. MnM ) 1 LATEST over ideariii.' 4i ml they liexiilcsl arc ex. h.Mvch , ,,. ull(, Hrt, tm,4 0,,lai. ly clean biikery. hence il i. ulile al a er-fect our Hhne )emrlinenl. to Chiropractor iii.iiiey buy their ileaurc. pi culm I. which were iliapluyssl to them Ask Your Orocer for Electric WALLACE Fall in I he iiiimi ulliirinif- forma. Hp BLOCK Styles Bread, or Phone 667. criticised Ibe eily fnr huOna TIMBER SALE X4S4S. healed Tender a III lie received by tlie Phone 660. Electric built the nwimmitiK IhI and Minister of i j nils at Victoria, mil Uler Window Bakeries then i-hurto'il Hu iiilinillaiiep fee. llwii mam on ilia ttlb dav uf October, DOMINION Rubbers and Rubber Boots ll, for tlie purrlwse of License X 4141. Third Ave. Hi ihouylu Ho- money well Id rut Itu.ail miruce ami rina Ties, sll' The weom.K tiiUit ..r ll.en wull known H.iM.trf ualed on an area lu Ihe t.a of Burns Lake, in in Dresses l"'"l if il had eol eight llimi-Mund Francois Lake hoed. S miles Hon lb of K.iuruiilce.l i,t iir Hhoe himrlnmi,t nml w w1lllmllv dnliai'n than burns Lake. Hants S, Coesl Mud Instrlrt more was ex. lh To () yeara 111 be alkmed r..e e.. ufuTlJrr' ",a"y ' '' "'- King George Cafe Iiected. The uJllllll'AII Of linlay mot a I of umber. Tliui alo Ifiulncy runner rliruUra of the Chief Furaa- llnhher ubii -.lux - foi inlierili'il. Hip of Hoot. i -sue' ,n I.Uinulil,. DENTISTRY !r.r V"'.!"r' ur oiairlri lureinr. , il", tiM, Ku Imilflh fi'i'Ui.'i Utiii.iuiintmnnt. the laud boiim and Ihc looac I'fluce lluuerl. B.C. three tinarlcr Ic.Kib ,, u(.k W1, M nlfuW NEW CAFE Agenta for The Yukon Fur inuiiuer tu whieli their iureiita TIMBSa SALE Xlllt, all lirown nnd nil vtlnle. Hunk nr larae of Men's SUina money. Rubbers from $1.60 Co. healed Tenders tslll be reralvad by tlie to S1.85. Muiii.Hal, lrinirtae advocated Mlnlal.r uf Landa al Victoria, not later VV serve the Best CHOP Dr.J.Maguire Hie eiujiloyiiieut of a level-heiid. llun inaia uu ihe If lb day ur October II.t, fur lite purchase of License X 4ie. SUEY and NOODLES k"'"' Ready-to. ed ircvpitativ offieer on (he k rut ISIM14 spruce and flu. Ties, all Jabour Dem S ualed on an area lo tlie I.s.i 0f Huno Bros., Ltd, Wear Store Rooms 7 and S Smith Block, lioiicp force of the city, who Ike. Irannula I ska HimiI a t..ii. u,....i. would wali-h Hie follow of 'Hunt Lake, haute . i.oatt Land Oia. Third young Cor, Silt Street aod 2nd Avenue Ave. Office Hours; 0 to 8, inn. 8eventhSL Bank and fii'l ana heiji to keeji Ilium Tvo (t) yeara m 111 be allotted for re and Third Ave. Prince Rupert. B.C. Opp, of Phone Blue 471 Montreal. Phone 675. Lady AselstanL unit si uf limber. P.O. Box 110. iiuhl. iiiHteiMl 4f iwnlhiliK them f urther iienwulsre nf the r:hlrf rore Phone 045. tut wii.iifc . r I.-1' it i I'liiniiullml er. Viciuria. B.C.. ur lusiriri loreiler. 1'rlinc llujwrt, DC