,1-, Oiober 8, IVIJ. TOE DAILY NEW3 FREE HI LAST OF 1:MC GENERAL NEILL APPOINTED i,IftHN NPf QdW TP! I Q MANY MATTERS Hi FOREMAN OF WINNIPEG PEOPLE OF II DNEY TROUBLE CITY'S OUTSIDE WORK THE ORIENTAL MENACE TO BE BEFORE The House of Better Values' """" M J M,v" Addre.. Rcdary Club at Manilla, A wide range of the latest styles in Seasonable RuH-a-tlies" Brought Her r. iii'.-it..f aiiiMMiiiPil r,.v . .:i: fw:;;' tob c",ui D..cnbe. and Sensible Ladies' Ready-to-wear Health and Strength by Hi" ilily V.nwr I I Whit.! Co"U Tp0ul'e- lkr. tin. ,,.tii,m wti.rli Houaa Will Have Buty Tlma t atari i. tt , Vinrac.i ,h.. xam.,1 fin gl u 'll'K'. M. ,. With III Whan It Cofivenea on 30th ! DRESSES I f I '.IV I '" l'l MMlauih ',w' "f 1 ImmlamnU nw Ih-ii.v tilled ..it mi'i'i iiini f,,M,r, of Thla Month. fjrrr TlM JCmMtit ' Ht,'',' ' ft d a "-1 iImI ..f work ihi i,"0 'iiiMiij,i womffi. wild . r.Ui-.lnl . ,"1, iiikh ndllttt.f ' uf ordinary niriMa Mjn-rii-.i I,. Ik. -iii(., n ifculj iiiiiaif hit' Soaolal to Dally Newa.) to i m oUUKk -.fl a,. h, fiWX!" ' f""" ,rl rr FOR FALL AND WINTER Bit t giitt "'"vrn VKTIOHIA, H. i. X.r thai li. hir-hHttn ibr H.-.-it..n KiiS!!?1, ,""r', " lo .1 HHrd ! Iw Wail- n.r," ratllim. wnrr nftair in .1 1.1. iih Whmio cmmm Itir l,riilniirr Im- twti (-allrd has just arrived from the east 1. ! ,. .il.-.-l km remark:.!.). All r"' ""'" "f JarMHI- Otl (WnbT 30 T.ir Itirir imrtr ttii.l lUr ...liilit, ,f tltf ti.9 ; 1 1 HHlf HH, I! Ilffeal ll. rotNilMlnc of Ihr Mav. I'.riwli t. """' , HinUH.in. Ill rsmtir anliiriin .ion iln Tli lr!r- .o.-.. all (In' r"itnp.' of (.a! a.n- -and 11 ui.aiipatiua ef r rrlrJ al ItrMlKo aril ir iriiiiiP(i W. mr rl iirMin of ltiir lrgin-pnwrnm tltr IrndillK tv.-- of I In- nrw. Blot I ll. N. Tubman. hn i. "f"" -'"iM tw inoi flly la n'nir iliru.ei hrn-. ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY THIS LINE OF DRESSES An txi aufler ffwwi tveh IinMm rhr of lh- ...wnl.n, .iril1 n !"WVWV '" ",r rft,u- "'1--nrfaHnil. 'flM ilnfl.bin lo r.iinjdrlc h WILL BE PUT ON SALE AT SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICES. ituttlu 'k Krnil tlr ' will r.inlinu.- Mi.,.!,5j0 J,,h" v-Uon-.hiii.-. IMI.H. In I'fllMV liMirar having iiir aim M I-. aii-fr vim ly pi. -.-nliaK alur iid rr-vir-" i ,l..l.m H'illMltl.vH FOlHY iit.l.l lb.- w.ik i. ...n,.'prTtor "f "" Vanronvir WorW. rn ilrtdril upon, il i. hanlly IliM'.trn ai itiipiUar firir. SOe s 0 I'.'.-'O. '! .'.'. I,,i(, vlr-i.-.-.nm of Ihr Mrw likrly llirr will lr any further Your arly ui-pi'i tmn i. rurdiallv mvilod. At '' i'i pu(ih) iff lry rib of dial eUy. in an xl. ljrtUltti artlwii tak-ii in rr-pnrtl Agents for Th Yukon Fur Co. Fia-; Low nil ''U lo Iff mad. Any .'liantrr. REPAIRS TO PLANE .Nli al il Wjiirhpow at lht Fori Mlilrh an tnailr1 w1H Ih a mai- trr of rhanjr f m.-ih..d- uf in. RCWPQ Ladies' Ready NEW GOVERNOR FOR ARE FINISHED NOW """.:''.-. rralloH ralNrr than of li-xi-ialm- DlLll 1 O Store IMilnirHl llWr Ihr mallrr to-Wcar SOUTH AUSTRALIA I Mr XHaon Im, Ur i)rpiili Haialton I all Ready to Fly Ui 4ml with iln au-.lin In l txrtlfi1 to !" di-nr,j iliirmv Third Avenue, Opp. Bank of Montreal. Again It Du at Haielton i iWrriiri m vain.ii afwl ilHMlr waj lh- i.lr- in "Tor Drum Hero" Follow Man on October 11. jh baa already i.kni at Mrjrtrm i"rpty to k-Ii from I!- Who Could Not Ue on Illn. - 1 Salary. roiroVam f um.'"' w"! Tk "jr-. " 'Ilia lirMl of rooniallM) will nin'i lrtr lh- llonr tnii "" KING'S CUP AIR RACE ,Im. r.(. . --Major. HaHt..n w. r, ' f" i. fn wfial way i not apparent. I-. uoiUImih. f . .... ,1 ii I irm r or.w.ilh M II ! pmhr lhal Ibr rhirf TO BE ANNUAL EVENT Canadian National Railways itifnn will Ik- in I - lu- IWM-II ai"ttltd I ii - anpply. ..I'bf ai minr. ami , , marry, ,i i. ..f iMitb Au.tratta ur-i ... iv..iinp wwiirr . ..... .. .. .. .., lit Oovrnmr-nl i .iimiiIMi-iI to i wftii-w i I m i linn m n l.i.Mitenani .lon. l Hlr l.oing all I bat n.n awaMnl. do . Tfy w rrr inraiaHf of pW nf lHn(rina in nttlr Orat Value In Stimulating Interest i .mi 'HrHI. Ihr latlrr r. " .k. rW.la-Hn aiul aH.rrHllwr lo maV thr railroad pay. In Whole Question of Prince Rupert I 'In- poailbm bran he University Building. Aviation . i,. i-oiiM mil 1 1 n hi. ' . ' will Ik- an Jr .U.. '2? ,?T ?T Ihr qHliNI of prnrf)ne' DRYD0CK . , ami had n-l aiiffii-irnt . . . ,, J". Wrr indiflrioic ofer. taw witb 1 1 mi fatn.lmriion of ni- Tb lrruii.of.KrHain Air flai- , ii."ii- ! afford the rily bultl(aic al I'oinl llray for tb Kinii'r ;up wn n vcv v ( uiaiKiamina iirh a iiwir riviiuaiKtit w rairrinr ia i a IK on and will likrly t nirild affaw and wa. o prnrr-aHy AND 4IM1 on Ikrl-ilirr 1 1 Ibf- Mm', hill il wan mrl a mailr i'r Hi" Kiiaior lo r(mird a a plaam mm j HCrUar. Mr I m raw, U I hat it i-.miM no Ik- n--. oal wilb. A fwalmiiiB fatorlnc M nation of l-rhnrrtl Ir-dins and' SHIPYARD .n HrMleh army Iter HOTEL ARRIVALS wHb M. I hi. n pril at ih l.ibral pnfiular iaiit-ina lhal il i o1 v i H urn Hern." Tliat tarm Captured FUharlta. rntnratition. b an annual inUtutioti. .ny. Ihr' ,. it Kri aaajlird M him in Prnloa Ruoart. Japaor.r rvi had about half An amnlntnl of tb ntntnr ilanrtiir liuanlian II wa wir Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock 1 TMIf in recoa-nHttrtt of W Nanii. i: x Hankin. be a-rr IraiW- of rnf vrtiirlr. mri will b nrrT to by rpiain K J.. Ibtrnard. ril tin-an Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern tanl im iit'oi ( ihr war Ii Tonaant, A HmdrrlHiwia. V. Valby. hr had ranlurr.i iKi rawtal lb lr nf load old In-rfoiw 4inr tlint had' makers. Founders, Woodworker, Etc, II. Krar, and ). J. Quant lr. , almoa fihrrtr.. had niaaV r. narn aoj nf ihr yrar and i-iin in.imn inilr. tn it. :ilrra.lv Vaavmvvr; K. Manlbrofi H. mn lnroaU in tltr bwainr in prM.tMr al to bannr ihr law on lit. Thr w"a a (treat rarrj Electric and Acetylene Welding. - i(4 aHio at lUlau W hitiakrr. W. K. HtanHanl, H. .dwatry. and ihrv -rrr ihw ifr- in mPard tn and which in-cnnlty I twvn liarnard and lb vran! I 1m- Hrlli-l. army laii. W'ilMin. J. K. Vtlia. and : K. aiaodinii poliliral ria-bla NnMirwil .-wm lo Ihrir y. V. Havntiain. From Manhl-' Our plant is equipped to handle all kind, of ' Mfral (Mi'iiin iii rat, WiImhi. Virtrla; Jamra H. Mr.- HaviaMt r-",wd I ht- ltilory impraliahltit'. lr In rtri.lol th two wr in I iri,- r.i... mji f rota) Vill and a. Jarbn. rily: N. C of Ihr irnaiv and awllriiian TImt t IHwIjr lo hr a jrrn-rrm ifet of arb other a4ntl all thr Marine and Commercial Vork hauii..n Mair Crriawtow nd Miaa Janr r.rrib. iMTX'iwal wtlb Jaian rarardiiia iti far Ife ronlrirlion way, then 1 kvrnanl p the lead PHONES 43 AND 3SS ...i Im Ihrn wml Inn. Hi. Jofcn. X. IL; Abco NaM lb iaflua of Jaaiio lo IM nf nw rnant aal if i proaW- cro. ina aiMiry riam ami 4 ya4nln lo roun4 ai M M. Fa4aat, SUt; Mr. aa4'.eoHatry. Mr. X4mhi wM a Jr Ibai a mad fif1tir "1 af Prinn eearhed Oaydofl al a eed of 1 f.O i(Tr. Mr, c a hmr, MmmmL m a. am ,ajattr..br born. llita with lit uliltnal aim at n Urf tMtc, tun jwiniitr. ahead UihI (MM In a !( n IL Mra.lawat gaji PMH44a; Mr. iwuM M final aJWanra i hla atianrnttwir 'rln ltHri wttb wf Ra)nhim. hn4t hair Hie a-mr. Af Htlr tiltav fcoti . A. Tartar A Mb Camry wa Ftttinlrv. HfH b4aa taalr lVrra apnt llaillaa will petilora romple'.etl a roiiror hla i itrtim. anl fall Imvir.. Port Itaalwrtaw; Mr. and rMiii In lbi. armrtdl for. Ml at lb f- jul over Hftfl mile.. o th lal - nwf lirto lMr with Iba Mr. K. f). Iar. Miwaaaioll. I fnrl of lb novrniiiit will b aord ha iinl yet tten ail on Hie DENTISTRY! mi and a ywan whIMk la A. Watt. R.Jl ; It. Martin and! THAT WILL HELP. itvlrl. hor. ti makinr il reNaiiitily of aeroidane .-nkim-. n hand, a mrrb4 . Jalwamfcl, iHnar Srawdia.' ml)d for rtllrr tn yl lo anal rui-ture. Hut lb I'nn.-ipal Modern X-RAY Service If, ranahiny in Central. ItiM-ior- Wbal yoai ns l lbir farm. alur nf the rare w. to stimii --arliM. Tbi-y ki J Ii. Vat. i'. II. Klrwiniwonr mar Mwrci. Road to Stuart Lake. bite puMia- interest in Ihr Wholi- ml f H Wllra and K. Ilraww. Porl rnwtna:; Palint - All nbl. !Vr, If Il i pmbab1 ibat a mml will atlion of nvi'.Mm. and I'ii. w-wtirlli DR. BAYNE Umrir wm 'hr milHary II. M. MUrbU. Wlnniawv; V A.'.lhar lb ra III ma i a h bHill Horlbward from ximr doinc. Th aeroplane, al-HHMttrti i nr.b Halfour rnlMlna I'arroti, Wiorta: .Mm. K. rbmr. jlilllr hill.--JUHi Vorb IMry Xw. paint on lb ii. T. I. to lb nf vreut iiiHrlarir In Room 4, &, 4, Halgerson Block Phono 109 M : iHrni Ktd. iam-aa: - Uirt IjV Country In orjrr IliU fouiitry. i t-lill a roinpara-livelr nice liu.ir Morning. U 12: Aftrrnooua, 1:30.5:30; f W (lrttih War M Mr. M. Stolrman. Xn Kran. i.- HEPICDITArtV. In rarry oyl lb rotoniialiAn rare bird in all but tin-Htth-eal'm Kvrnlutfi. 7-9. I NtV4 Hmle in Ibr -wr. ru; M. It. Mr!.). KilMttay K"orfc. . rliH ilaan.l by lloa. T. It. nirin-r. till I km-lor A H I hat rtHl pa- (allullo. Aa Mr. Pallulln will A J. l'iillion, ihr for ilal- n.-ni ..f yoitra any iMtwdJilary b Ihwv far Ibn l of ihr Vh4iyoutiuy .lvrtialn yM r. Irft an hl niebf 'mm t.ir ;ir.iuJi? amnib Mnilblnjt iiinr dfimi Sport Chat buy :iHCyi4TinN. and m that Hdiooiiion. Mr i t.Hina off! Inwlor H a; 1 aafM In band in r?ard tn tbi will b liranl THEO COLLAR T. LTD. NOTAKY r mi uf it al a nr ! l . iironi.- Kal hia rar down to my son. wbn b arrlv. PUBLIC Tb provincial adinlnl.tcaJion Allbouah Ihey did not make We are now Agents for the New York Life Insurance Company. i ilr.U.d lo a M)liy of eq-oprali.m aueb a i-lean -weep of thr l.x-.il The most liberal and strongest company on the continent. In wilb Ih IkHiilnion alliteti field llii yrar a Ihey tb mailer of ltlnnl. A thr did lal. I he So, or ("jtna.U in Assets, $352,632,138.80. Let us show you how to save your MroMt own HNt m( lb va-anl III 19?? cummer -n-a-on aitain money. laml llu i ab-wiluil n-Mry enrerited Willi tb Itona .hare Phone Blue 69. Westholma Theatre Block. P.O. Boi 66. ! ll ".rful mn-.(iMiiiulion of th trophic. Thr re for Ihey of any rbm.. are celebrating In di.tinction tonight. Five trofilii r won by ih Canuci. tin. year, namely tbc liianf. hul wer- playiiiK l.rl Ten Years Ago ,111 la)7ti anl Ih Slaart Shield ler ball than Ihey were. I . Edson Coal Co. foolliall aatrien, the SUrft rnior come. Uie wyMb. ioiwver. and In Pi'nce Rupert i-liampiiflbip larro. 4iip and fiHtr hit Hw.et all Hie ireia)u. - -i i . . At last we ar able to - -;ruhe .Mker.on shiebl ail Spald. .u.errorily of 4 Americaii supply October S, 1912. l-ujv. Jointly emblematic of l.eagurr. ami tb Hiant- -o Ihr our ll.r lio.nial (iitara had a buy 'snbr baball championship. honor hy a 3 I" i Iim-i..ii. The .e-.Mi.in at the regular inonlblv ' Ni"! In order on Ih hnnor lit Yank, jitayetl hni.-r tiall ia .ev Famous iiii-cIiiik la.I nialit. The eilyjronie the illien who, with a en inaineA Uan the liiauiM whok.- aiiiiouiiced thai il wiHtld hiMiur Hini.aaou aurt or loothaii fuperiorily in one fraun- broualu a draft for &ml w uel in form, carrteil off the (llllmly and I hem victory while the boi iiildiiiK ern.ion. ilia ltdiea I loiuinMMi Hay cup. The llrol- aror record, would Uulkeat tliat EDSON COAL The Natural Wealth of Canada AiitilUry. HifMHitli Mr. V. R. to and Ibe Sou- of hnsland con. Ih play in Hi ninth wu. evrn. Ilurrill a ii.I Mr. N. M. McNeill, j I'- lliein-lve. witb one trophy in any quantity, uy the tun handed aiver a rheirk for Sill. . iclory each the foriiter with BASEBALL hi- card-ad. ii.-! your ordrra Hie priM-eeil. of Ih tNuiMTt IicI.I.IIm' Ouit Cui and ltaeh IiiinUI. tn early to avoid tha rush. Fisheries nn Hi evetilHK "I Ihe Ooveriior rnililri,Mln- of liiU-i-HUMliat ban. Phona SS. Urncr.il'. vl.ll. 'mil nutremaey and lb laller COAST LEAGUE. Office of Prlnc Rupert Food wilb ihr iiiurh-covelrd and very Sacramento, t; Seal lr I. of CaiuJi, fuhwg assumes Co., Cor. Second Ave. and both ON tea coaiu lleantlful deroralltin, a KMtd u. ful KxliiltMion foolal) wral-i-ra. SAX FltAXOISCn. I: l.o An- Seventh SL, proportions of a major industry. Canada's floor, rirelleiu mu.lii, logelhrr While Sow of llaiuila .u(. Srlr, S. Willi a. rcirerniative an a-criuhlajip w.i-i.r. i.iibtil liAv-e likeil..Irv liuvA Salt lak-PorikiniL rain. deep-sea fisheries are famous. The great extent of nf I'rliitNi lluprl' keen llveir eul?ta wfn nviirel YrrniiH. I ; Oakland, 3. the Dominion's bke and river systems also provides rilitrn. a. Im rver Itcen ualli- di.iiiiciiou Utah thayt did,- Ih Th Popular Restaurant. ered Inarllifr nt uc-i a funrtton. averaar .jMirl i ali"flrd wilb TAX ON PELTS. inland fisheries that are uncommonly extensive and all lemlrd to make lu. eveniHK'a n belter di.lriUuliou af Ui Iro. productive. In this direction, as in others, the lio.pilul hall held in lb pao- phle than wan Ih oae l.it The current ! of lb It. Cj The Boston Grill inu iiuarlr of I he Kaieti lland year. Uaietl announce lUe Uu to be raft natural wealth of Canada provides a rich basis for ('.lull, one nf Hie liiij.t .iii-ce... paid by fur trulen an pelt a Third Avenue. ful rveul. rar held Imre. Th p. riiiiai iiie. of day and re-' follow.: Hear, JAc; bean .. .oo. ; Iklicioii Dainties which profitable industry. patroiieM wlio looked after Hi uli n la Kaiiaaa call for fi.lirr. .82.00; "silver fm, 8S.U: will tickle the palate of the nrranttrinriil. were Mr. Aaau. mm''- ''' ol Iban lliry do in rroa fax. VI.00; reil fot. 50c; tnut particular diner. Hlewarl. Mr. J. 11. MfMullin. nvrian d.tilv rm at rport. The" lynx. 75c; marten. Sor; mink. Private Iluxes far Ladies, BANK OF MONTREAL Mr. X. M. McXIIL Mf. II. K. Iwi-uHariiy of Hi flr.t nam of tie; mu.k.rat. e: wtti-r. 5K: and Open Day NlghL Treiuayue. Mr II. U Mflnto.li lhr World. liJ.et.all nrrle. ye. raccnon, I Or; Vunk. to.- wild-ral. Established over 100 years and Mr. H. M, Xrwton. t.-iilay afiernoon vva. the fart if; wolveruie, ?(;. All Whlta Help. that Hi. N.v York Yanlrvi. nLay. On each pi-It or akin not tpe. A Complete Banking Srrvke J. I.. HagR and Hukr Harm ua i I. -, hall. w-ii drfealed t-ifK-ally tin-ill i.'iied in ttiaoe Branches Throughout Canada Irfl on till li)iiniing' tram for liy Hir i.ianta who iita-le Ihree reulali .n a royaiiv of tat Ladies' and Gents' llaii'ltoii. Mr. Harris aiii.nui'"a Tli .luictane nf lhal equal in amount to o eiililiii Ihiil on car load uf or ih x-aily i-a 'i ; - I'M to -how what a uf tb onniit-i i: valu af th Tailor. at Hie American Hoy mln awoil-lHmely hHinnir rally will do. For mII or kln. M. T. LEE illlf ulilpllirnl wlirtl III O. T t -v. n miinur il l '-lear that III F.O. Be VII rk Rl IS slevl reaclin Xw Uasellon. tauki'-- w-1 noi only ern with Bubtcrlba for Ibe Dally News