PAGE FouR 4 Ney C) Citizens Take Notice | Here’s an Announcement i of Great Interest mt an We are offering you our entire stock of high grade merchandise at greatly “in | reduced prices, some of the values are’ without precedent, prices that in a previous years would have seemed impossible and at the most opportune Fag time that has presented itself to you in years to save money on your Xmas * ‘ ‘ ; | shopping. No misrepresentation of merchandise, no fictitious sale prices My | but our regular values reduced, some below actual cost. Many lines are limited and cannot be duplicated. Our reputation for honest value and truthful representation has given us the business success we have enjoyed for the past twenty years. We in- ' vite you to visit our two stores. China, Glassware, Baggage and Novelties wit in downstairs store. bh ! A deposit will hold any article until December 15th. Pi " . . 7. ‘4 || MAX HEILBRONER —- Diamond Specialist ———— er ~ = There IS Relief from RHEUMATISM In this day, no man or woman need suffer with rheumatic pain. It’s as easy to get rid of as a headache. Aspirin disposes of such pain like magic. Two tablets with a te swallow of water relieves any mild attack, If any pain is left, \repeat every two hours until the last twinge is driven from the system. Never hesitate to take Aspirin. It is not a narcotic. It won’t upset the stomach. It can’t depress the heart. It may be taken days at a time, with- e out the slightest harm. So, don’t dread the winter because ; of rheumatism, neuritis, lumbago or constant colds. ® : Aspirin will give you complete relief. . ASPIRIN : ath. TRADE-MARK REG. IN CANADA : 4 fp a ait ad BAYER i Jasper Hard Coal ; MN aa! Bem e TOR ii eee cen. $11.50 5 MINEHEAD LUMP—Per Ton ..... 12.50 : JASPER LUMP—Per Ton ........ 12.50 re Dry Cedar and Jackpine For Sale on ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED yy HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 Because it doesn’t pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. Lutheran Ladies’ | Birthday Party Enjoyable Affair Held During Af- ternoon and Evening at Home of Mrs. E. Evenson | The ladies of St. Paul's Lutheran Church held an enjoyable birthday ; party yesterday afterndon' and eve- | ning at thé home of Mrs. E. Even- son, 816 Fifth Avenue East. Mrs. Ey- |enson received the guests. A pro- | gram of music and singing was en- | joyed by a large crowd. ! | | Keep Children Well Shod Prevent Colds We have Slippers and Rubbers to suit every pocket. Prices are very low. See Ours Before Buying Winter Shoes For Boys and Girls Cut Rate Shoe Store City Scrip Accepted Estabilshed 1849 LAMB’S RUM AGED, BLENDED AND MATURED AT THE LONDON DOCKS “Lamb’s Fine Old Navy” PROOF OVERPROOF Old and Good! Ask the British Navy! On sale at Liquor Vendors or direct from Government Li- quor Control Mail Order De- partment, Victoria, B.C. Chis advertisement is aot pub- lished or displayea by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British British Columbia thereby eliminating the necessity of | issuing permits to Indians to fish | | tablished | River, in the following locality:: A jline drawn from Gordon Point on | Finlayson Island, northerly to Per- ; kin Island. Thence northerly to a | point of Kate Island. ; next and each season. ‘operation of this vessel means con- | siderable loss to the fishermen, both | in loss of gear and loss of time, and | as to the prices they have decided i | | } son. | | to pay for the different varieties Hanson Retires mercial purposes be raised from*® WATERFRONT WHIFFS Fisheries Conference Here on Monday—Individual }, Records For American Fleet—Billy A number of matters of interest to this district will be brought up at the conference to be held on Monday next by W. A. Found, deputy minister of fisheries, with local fishing interests. Suggested amendments to the regula- tions which are to be discussed will include the following: That the minimum size of razor clams taken for com- Saturday, November 19, ewe 0 Rae meme ma ._ Friday &§ ¢ ‘Two SHOWS — > =n mM, Feature Starts at 8.99 ADMISSION — j;- aa SATURDAY MATINEE Feature Starts 3:30—15¢ @ Z A ROMANCE OF THE EARLY West MICKEY MOUSE in “Mickey's Follies” “HERITAGE OF THE DFSERP By Zane Grey and Starring Randolph Scott, Sally Bi MacDonald. Cowboys, Rustlers, Bad Men, When the gj Was Judge and Jury. A Paramount Picture Comedy—“The Pooch” (Our Gang) Musical—*“Artisti, Temper" ane, J, Farrey X-Shooter FOX News one and a half inches to three and’ pecially those affecting other than | whites or Indians, be issued at the That halibut fishermen be per-| Fisheries Office in Prince Rupert. ; Statistics of 1932 | chards by means of their own small) jangings by the American fleet at ‘a half inches. imnitted to procure herring or pil-| Following are | seines or gillnets without having to) prince Rupert: take out a licence for which a fee! has to be paid. The bait obtained | |could not be sold or bartered but| would have to be used by the’ ves-| Anna J. | sel holding the permit to operate | Arrow | for bait. | Akutan | That the mesh of shrimp nets be | Atlas ino smaller than one and one half Addington jinches, which provides a’ suitable Alki | size for all commercial purposes. | Arctic | That the captain of a seine boat | Atlantic should be made responsible for the | Actor qualifications of all those employ- | Argo ed on the boat with him. | Alitak That net fishing for chum sal-| Arthur H. ,mon be prohibited in Ah-cla-ker-ho ; Avona Channel in Smith’s Inlet for a per-! Alten iod of four years. Arne -That salmon gillnet fishing op- Attu erations be abolished in Prince Ru- Arcade pert harbor, -Morse Lake, Dennis | Augusta Arm and Cloyah Bay. | Bonanza Japanese fishermen.—That the | Bolinda cut in Japanese fishermen, not lic- | Blue Bird ences thereof, be renewed in 1933, | Baltic at the ratio of 10%, and that this , Betty cut be continued yearly on the 10% | Bravo basis until’ the Japanese are en- | Brothers tirely eliminated from the fishing | Brisk industry in British Columbia. | Coolidge Sotkeye embargo--We demand | Condor sockeye be permanently lifted to | Clipper datefrom July 1, 1933. It is logically ; Columbia contended that, if Canadian can- California ners can import fresh sockeye from |Charlotte the American side, as they did this | Castor year, then Canadian fishermen! Cora should have the right to sell their ; Celtic fish where they can get the high- ! Defence est price. | Discovery That the minimum mesh of |Doric smelt purse and drag seines be re- |Don Q duced to three-quarters of an inch | Daily instead of one inch as at present. | Eagle That during the spring and coho | salmon season the existing commer- | Eureka cial fishery boundaries be moved ) Electra up the Skeena River to their old; Emma location, namely, at a point from | Eastern the Khyex River to a point in aj Ethel straight line across to the other | Eclipse bank of the river | Excel That canners advise fishermen | Foremost early in the year, by April at least, | Friendly | Fremont Federal Franklin Frisco Fairway Grayling of salmon during the current sea- Suggest department abolish area system in turn revert to district system Garland That it be suggested to the Fish- | Graii' eries Department that a seine boat |Gony or boats be chartered by the De-/| Gloria partment to catch salmon and dis- | Glacier tribute same to Indians for food,|Gjoa Hyperian Havana Hazel H. Hi Gill Happy Ithona Ilene Kanaga Kennebec Lituya Leviathan Lindy Lumen Lindy II Lancing Lenore creeks. That a dead area for nets be es- in Portland Inlet, Naas That the snag scow be operated on the Skeena and Naas Rivers The non- ;expense repairing gear Louhelen That all gillnet fishing licences | Majestic for the Skeena and Naas area, es- | Midway that the embargo on export of raw; Constitution Eastern Point No. Trips 6 6 _ orawn ~~ De OOW KS AIAT1R KP KP TOU WD DH & DW KY & DS ~-onw © 10 ee a e 9 Ttl. Catch 105,500 180,000 30,000 156,000 75,500 27,000 104,000 61,000 8,800 10,000 5,500 73,000 56,000 80,000 18,000 98,000 57,500 84,000 131,000 6,000 2,000 69,000 80,500 59,500 44,000 77,000 123,000 59,500 26,000 80,000 28.000 2,000 52,500 22,000 21,500 42,000 108,000 15,000 81,000 38,000 72,000 3,000 36,000 5,000 92,000 79,500 3,000 14,500 134,000 43,000 124,000 103,000 149,000 11,000 136,000 62,000 5,000. 116,000 101,500 * 153,000 6,000 48,500 102,000 39,000 63,500 33,000 111,000 46,000 67,500 58,000 30,000 72,000 14,000 42,000 95,000 7,000 66,000 17,000 85,000 34,000 43,000 186,000 101,500 ee ee ee ——., MONDAY and TUESDAY—“THE PHANTOM PRESIDENP im m0 0 0 a ae A Ci i Mars Mary R. McKinley Mitkof Middleton Martindale North Norland Nordby Norma Nordic National Neptune Narrona Onah Oceanic Pacific Pierce 9,000 | Paragon 32,667 | Pioneer 11,500 | Polaris 14,000 ' Pegge 18,714 Prosperity 6,000 | Rainier 2.000 Reliance 11,500 | Radio 11,214; Rap Ul 11,900 | Resolute 11.000 | Restitution 38,500 | Reliance I 20.500 | Sentinel 9.917/| Sirius 26.000 | Senator 40,000 | Schorn 28,000 | Spray 2,000 | Summit 5,833 | Sunde 7,333 | Seymour 4.300 | Superior 42,000 | Star 12.009 | Sherman - Sunset 7,500 40,500 9.500 36,000 3,000 5,143; 5,000 1577 30,666 | T704 13,250 T9551 3.9009 Thelma II 4.833 Trinity 44.666 Thor (big) 14,333 11088 31.000 Teddy J 11.444 Thelma M 14.900 Unome 11,000 , Urania 34,000 | Unimak 8,929 AV. Trip 17,583 30,000 30,000 31,200 15,100 27,000 34,667 30,500 4,400 10,000 5,500 36,500 14,000 40,000 Tahoma Tatoosh Thor (small) Tongass Tusean _ woreaoarcwcnwn Ore Ow Ne oanwee ww OC Ke K ~~ cooaww oe wv tt _ -~ of noo ef eS Ne oo moe Ow uw ~— we we ee 75,000 3,300 76,000 80,000 81,000 30,000 90,000 114,000 94,000 36,500 134,000 13,000 40,000 27,000 149,000 156,000 136,000 22,500 84,000 41,000 18,000 11,100 139,000 220,000 129,900 199,000 48,500 82,000 21,000 130,000 137,000 99,000 180,500 155,000 95,500 20,000 40,000 49,000 94,000 47,500 117,000 79,D00 173,000 207,000 24,100 68,000 118,500 2,500 9,500 13,700 11,100 57,000 30,000 6,300 68,500 24,000 9,500 79,500 28,000 12,500! Viking 7 71,000 10) 3,300 Venus 2 27,000 ye 38,000 Viola 5 32,700 4 40,000 views 9 37,000 Ati ; Vesta 1 = 12,000 12) 13,500 | wave 4 Sten 7 30,000 | Wabash 7 40,000 i 30,000 | Wizard 4 105,000 ‘a 16,286 | Wireless 2 10,000 « 31,333 Whileaway 3 22,800 } 7,300 | Wenterstad 1 5,900 26,800 | yukon 2 42,000 9 13,000 Zarembo 4 44500 i 20,000 Yakutat 2 49,000 i 13,500 Venture 1 32,000 % 13,545 | Sea Bird 2 31,000 45 14,182! Estep 1 15,000 is 34,000 | Helgeland 2 56,000 y 7,500 Zenith 1 15,000 45 42.000 | Portlock 1 36,000 % 20,500 lan hin 18,000} Bill Hansen, captain of the Trg 5,550’ ma H, but, since the brave & 23,167| when he fought in Cuba, be 36,667 known as The Gunner, ha mor 10,825 ashore, taking up residence in 39,800 new home he has built at Jay jy 8,083 let; Some years ago hi purcha 27,333 acreage from Messrs. Murray 7,000 21,667 22,833 9,900 30,083 17,222 12,875 10,000 40,900 24,500 23 500 11,875 14,688 39,500 17.300 25,875 4,820 22,667 14,813 2;500 4.750 3,475 5,550 28 500 30,000 3,150 13,700 8,000 9,500 14,900 9,333 Wauchope, large property huldg in that district. During the wing season and between fishing \ after clearing and d: land, he erected a comfortabk handsome dwelling. While the » home may not compare with t splendid residence he left beh in Norway many years ago, still is a distitict credit | mt ting industry and genius. Here { war worn veteran w en'oy com fortable haven and eventful voyages. A his old mistress, th« ng mur twice a day at t! his garden path. While he ¢ tains his many friends a finishing touches on | the years sit light! shoulders. What mo: could befal as the rev of toil and adventure after mar The hospital boar ts regula monthly meeting last nai the usual grant of $5 Harrison R.N to provide comfort patients in the institutior the forthcoming Ch lady sup 5,000 | « 16,571 | 12,688 | 38,250 6,000 | The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous 12,125 | 11,333 | 9,750 | 12,700 16,500 | 18,500 9,200 11,250 14,500 30,000 36,000 7,000 14,000 23,750 7,000 11,000 8,500 | 14,167 |! 17,000 14,333 26,571 12,888 ||“Rupert Brand” SMOKED — BLACK COD — Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. B. R. Rice sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for’ a ‘toli- day trip te Vancouver and eise- where in the south. For quick returns Try a Want “TILLIE THE TOILER” es Tt Could Be His Own Initials _By Westover. Advertisement. “Tit th.) BUT Yours FRIGAID BILL BOLE im THE Gta -UP otel Ventral Ltd. | Leo rta one 1s Covenient to business district, |) {\ THe Boas ae H homelike, beautiful harbor - | views. Rates reasonable. Spacious sample rooms, FIRST CLASS CAFE Open at All Hours Special monthly rate for Rooms and Meals Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue & Seventh Street THERE Yyou Are ee LET'S HAVE A LOOK-sSEE. SVYRE ENOUGH THERES HIS NAME - | MUST RING BILL Op Riana AOU - Vy { —— ++ HELLO, BILLY Boy - GOT A SVR PRISE FOR YyYou- your NAME (1S IN THE an SIMPKINS Foor- BALL Ling-up . WHAT Position Vg GAL Oy ves FG) % 7 BoT iS HERE - WB, aE HELLO- you're NUMB sare A PEND Yyou'’r & Z\ PLAYING WHOLE- BACK — THeRE's NO SUCH Posrrion? i™Tws ‘ory 13 1 ali < a. NN OH, BILL, You MusT Be MISTAKEN - THAT CAN'T BE WATER Boy