PAGE FOUR TOR DAILY NEWS Wl'lllll-ailay f. " BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManUl r - YCXJ LOATEP Om:om: pmonc TOUR WIPE t ALU 1 I've CDakeO my POCl THE DOCTOR HELLO-VU.L f'CHT' HCR ANKLt? IN A. FCV 3 -oo Mick PnJ HAVEN'T tcAvi,t:i I MOT IMOUREO MlNUTC? r ApuO - Jx NOG Throw I THINK MY n, THMs5, ,T ANKLE 1o" Over-doctor H A FEW MINUTCi if la BROKEN .' l 0 VlC WOMT 7 r".UL o:om:oh: - y r tiff1 K ft IQf Sss'lS4 m MOVING? JXLT 4- 2P imti. rufuoc scwict. "- tnfTX If so, COLTS LOSE VANCOUVER IS BILLIARD AVERAGES a - Call Us Op For Inter-club Tournament Between Daily News Classified Ads. Experienced men in household sue removals. FIRST GAME! LEADING TEAM P. R. and Wanderers i For McMordie Cup. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvrtiMmnt Taken for Lo. than R0( Order for general i-rta?f Defeated Last Night by Knights Millionaire Hockey Players Beat A laid ur imlnnlual iix' raar work gjen .-areinl atlf-nflon. of -Columbus King Edward's Victoria by Score of 3 to 2. fur i! Utrr-rlllii ltilliail rrfe BOARD. I WANTED music. Hie I'riurr ttuitrrl ami Mi" promise prompt delixery First Win. V.inWw-i niuii iii ihv "fmiei. THE new diutnic room a Ihe i IH1 KKKl:i'l:il wants Miition ffANO MClliMll f Jill Oial oniric jjivcn to us. YANCOJYEll,, Feb. 8. Tin1 Iiw tor Hie MeMnnlie Ua Inlander is now open. Hoard! uhere e pan he small girl Lesehedifcy Mmhod in .-.i night n haskclliall game I Millionaires slipped into (be heieii tMni(iite nrnl i a filli: by the week or month. I'hoitnl wrih ln'r, I'own or liuiitr". taken ami teeiMl .iiifiiiu were fealure, by the King Ed- j leaders hip of the Pacific Coast IM. Tula! Av. 137 tf lir E. (bitiieroii. llaxellon. II. to iM-ifiHiier. 1rm. PACIFIC C TC E ward, of the Junior league. I I-cague again Monday niguL de-winning ItrMjeriek (Ml tfH ;oo tf. moderate. their tirl game of the!f.cating Victoria three fn-iwn In BOARD AND ROOMS CIIAK. I. ' II. II. Seolt Pit IPO oo ItM m.Xo. ("a-on and Hie Rrtlln. of the In. a fa! and furiou tiatlle with WAXTIUi Mi4 lle aged lad fr rtan.1 l!hut n.iib. llemmhigs (V). 100 200 ItOOM and Htiard for three n.... Limited mediate Leaarue, iulainin? Iheir much oi' rherkin? iiul little gentlemen eoniNinioa. lUtarnl and rooiii J. W. Sll I. !f0 I'Oil at inhlli. I ultou. I'hoHA jhim r.n r Ap-!'' Phone 93 firl defeat.- Tlie Kiny Kdwar.l. foul Jilajr. Tt KtilMe were trim. Will al-o pay fio j WnkefWd (I'llV. 2O0 Carlton Iteslaumnt tf. were urreful ner Ihe Irv awarded, one or whirti Vtetorta month. Apply Hoi 3. Dally MAIRDRCSSING, Mc.MardJe I'll 200 lork Uy a Mre of 32 In IC and converted into a yoal. tlowe (", 200 2t0 FOR 'RENT Sew ttrfiee. , S3 Under New Manaremem l Ihe Knislu f Onlumlui fell Virloria'M ynalie. Fowler, wad ntv ittnni'n nrn. onn,. honor of adtiiitiifjerin? Ihe; sent l Ihe feiwe for lliree min King fV) OO 200 I'Mil-.ll new manamiiftftL SL ... ,,y ,,m,r M" ! 22 Sixth Ptfwl rirl Jloojier W ' am tt7 lni Himm,i. Mrs. !. Y'alpy, "'jiu .nn" iiiwe itm. ji n ti t-n mv t. . defeat on the Ooli whoi ute, during wliirli lialiiian nod le Ho dill 'W .. tL ll Metropo il l a rnre of 22 to ?l in i llalderin iok lurnx in Vlr- nmnagereTs. Hate 3.50 per FOR SALS irove fl'it 3Kfi l'J.1 a game jhe eloenc. of whirh lioria'f goal and during uui'rli week and up. Al furnUliel Advertise In lbs D.nlr Xi. for rent to lodge or similar U indicated hy the rore. Thejl'arker jM'ored for Vaneouver. ShorkW (V 7a8 na hoinekejdnR roonM. FOIl SAI,n-Ttig or ri.hhiMt. Nelson W, l i 7.11 organization g. ' third game helween Ihe Sons' IGtlZ.Grt. S2 .N A S. e:ine. Stephens JW, &3i 178 TO ft EXT- Furnished houe-keeping of Canada and the Klkx. Inler-mediale -, MrMullin (I'll . 702 I7 suite. Apfdy 410Glti OFFICE SPACE Leaguers, wa- won by TuzxlOxl. 32 d.p. N. A S. Sport Chat Paltwer (I'll .... I7i IT I Avenue Fjn-t or I'Utwr Him 38 by 24. heated, suitable for tlie former. 32 to 2C. V. E. S u. , enjrinc. is.noo.oo. HOTICC TO CONTRACTOR!. Git Wowdland (I'll).. IGI professional man, for rent. Willihrrofl. iire.idenl of Ilie Ilao. Crwir- 42x1 1 e& H.P en- rzRRV eosTOosi. I-tsson .W 310 IS5 kethall refereed all l oll HE.Vr M.Hlert, ,.h.lM. 5 gie. 1,250.00. . Afsocialiop, The Valhalla and Knights of TnHkcr TrMWt HI ! rrn it.) .1 it. Agents for W 5fi2 III three games. Columhut whit room and hath. I'hone Itlue Thirty fool general rurfxise boat, im rvMtwui esiii.. .ifti Norwegian American Line teams, which Morrison Hit 277 t:it trt. H. c. up i .ii ,.. .1 ti, il Two of the Junior League have been running neck and nect 710. 5 II.P. Yale, dynaiiKi. storage or af rehrusr). H i 1 . Swedish American Line Tobey iPH .... 130 i:ioj Hecrrk (MM uf IHItt,trt't ! I'l - wt players. M. Itudenirh and W. llglL f 800.0(1. . .... for leadership in the ' men's section WWrtM nAMrir L Scandinavian American .... TO LET Jotinsou WMt I2S I Apartments and house Tub 57 Kergin. of the Tiny Tirim. lined of the Whist League and IL---50 II. I riiiroiirnln"frTt i mm ijm .-t. i.n. iir Line. Bulger (I'll- .... f.8 f.K F. V. Hart. if semi.dierl up Willi Ihe Knights of Cr.Ium-tu now are on even footing at Ihe engine, power Oliver Typewriters and the former gave the head of Ihe standing, will meet MISCELLANEOUS wlmllflss. Auxiliaries rnie nstim rt- : -i- Cary Safes mol efficient cheeking of Ihe in tonights games. Whichever JUNIOR BILUARDS loggers SIxGO , stern wheel rir Ikr l U mt I-kui oil St season o Willie Mitchell, the team wins will have a profly f FISHERMEN! REMEMHEIU! OnrJ BC4jw, 10 II.P. sleaii) .oiler and fOirr irww,f rmii Ifcr hr atn.".licu' i Im 1 wr u. ri Ir FIRE INSURANCE machine and blacksmith shop wiiwh with hoiiM" 20x10. May star Ihe M-orer yf Colls, holding slrotic hold the, on premier position Excelsiors Made Clean Sweep of Kisdt hmmW ftsl.b iu H li I m down lo three points, in the and, with but three mare Beavers In Tournament Last is open. v e do new and repair be used as camp and 'donkey. r tit rNUK -tfi t. mm work in all lines. Sntl-f 1750. M WHI f T T0V&. mT S trMI Shrl W entire game. V. Kergin proved fixtures to be played, will he Evening. l rnettr If Ittr fmr Msmi Dybhavn & Hanson act ion guaranteed. .Vogues A 3 II.P. Falnbanks Ihe Knights of Columbus leading well in line for Ihe. championship type stationary Parent Co.. NVw w du m, if mr It Maset. eiigint. Third Avenue corer. in the men's divfstr'iti. Tn The Excelsior Junior billiard Willi ptimp twn The scoring of Ihe Knights of other games will be between (he isls made a clean sweep of the hundred pound pressure 11m knl nr sn WrV i v Pilf.ce Rupert, B. C. Mfll) arrrt4ol. Columlu-Co! game' was as SI. Andrew's and Knizhl ef Heavers in !lad night's tourna-Knooc f ihe series, however, can geare,l up. 250.tlO . A. t. ru. u follows: I' I bin and the Sons of England nienl. not be changed ami the Valhalla Pile Driver and 10 II.P. donkey . (. ft: I ' Knight of Clumhu T. .Mo and (MdfeHows, Tlie individual scores wer a are Ihe champion for Ihe season. engine, 2!(Hi lb. bamiiHsr. fl,. loney, 2: M. Iluilenirli. W. Oliver. follows: MO.O0. (i: V. Kergin. 10: YV. Uhlhe. 4 . The Knights of I'ylbias decided L. ilon, 150; J. David.on. The standings t dale; v 28iG (pper Fastened hull: ininJ February ittt). . - l. W. I.. Pis. (HI ion good, 1 25.00. on Monday night to start a C-Hs (i. Mitchell, 2; It. Siriilh Cribbage tournament among the M. Stephens, 150; S. Hunter, Valhalla !' 8 I 7 II.P. tiusranle marine engine, Tita SAtc xMt. II. Krizzell, (7; E. Mackiiiloshr ' 103. Ilojul I'uride ...lo A 4 SO.i0, members.' There have been a SlrSl Irtxloro am t Discount Sale 8; W. Milchell. 321. good iriany entries received nf- W. Hamilton, 150; fi. S. Hill. P1hlan Stters . 9 f. 3 Other boal and engine. WlMtatrr It UmK SI Vb 1.-'. IS fMl. It ' " D. of Eng. in 4 A M. M. STEPHENS. S. O. C. vs. Elks. ready and it is expected thai the HI. laUVtl ut IrW lie win of the Sons of Can. imM of the members will take 11, FHzull. 150; 11. Mi Donal.L Ilettekahs . . to JUslj f-rl uf !"' WE offering Itfl. Andrew's . are Hie following ada over the Elks was n fairly pari in the sanies which will 0. Hi engine : Nnrih rm .,f in,. 20 cent, cffall and Ihe II. Iturlwii, 150; E. llmUoii KNirtrl. .. per eay one lineups were commence at. an earlv dale. I 13-16 Thrv 13 vat a im v heavy dutyllnf as follows: There will be suitable i 18. BILLIARD STANDINGS n-MMMal uf linop prizes fJ dlWIJIO I urtl-T iwrtitiiur- " Wallpapers E. Smilu, f; T. llalversonr awarded In the winner and the (S. Mitchell, ltid; I. Ilalvermn I 10-h.p. Palmer 350.00 e. l-kiri. . I ' I I). Hobinsnn, C; II. Macdonald. 2: 1 17. series will he played by eh'mina-lion 4iams Total Aver. I l-JirP 'Ini'-r - 300.00 10 per cent, off Morrison, 12 32. rules. Harbour (T) .... 8 I find on I K.i.p. (Hay1......... 75.00 WATtR SOTICt Elks S. Ilazzetl-lones, 2: II. TRAIL CLUB SWEEPS Hlylbe rr K IftOII I .m-h.p. . 25.IMI Everything else in our 200 Olympic 2 Take aollm larjn- ' Davidson, C. Miirkcnsen. 8; O. Miss Ciiniline Milclodl ami her Shakespeare (T) 3 000 300 1 l-h.p. Ileglil 200.00 4lre I- firt l.ullirl i. K ' Store. Hlythe, IC; fi. Shaw SC. . brother, Jimmie GREAT WAR VETERANS Mitchell, whH Howe W'i 2 400 200 I f-li.p. fiilriiaitks 2 la.. krfti At Hil.r mil uf Si ) lr Junior Game. are attending .Normal School at 4ablrti now rsirilvtolrro '"Vjt ;W. Italagno (Hj.. 303 107 ryele 80.00 King Edward II. Lillke, 10; llvrU Hnrr sbmil WW ail.- in - Vancouver, are taking an "acHve The Trail Club made a clean !. Itrowii (T) .... 8 ISfta (05 1 80anitere slorage ballery ut ilorvalt lir. . w !. Frizzed. 2: A. Mitchell. 2: pari in basketball gaums-in the of lite billiard tournament Tlie aiur alt) l iv1 trm SILVERSIDES V. Cavalier, E. Maclean 22. oweep Shockley (Wt ...7 1303 W5 nnd itynaino, I5,(hi, We alo Ifsiu at pnOil tUrnl ' ' ' ,: utli. Ito.lli Ihe men and wom with tlie Ureal War Veteran by Davie fiA) 4 77C 101 hftvT an nssorlnient of other .. .. 't..-' Iry I)ock II. Jacnbsen, ft. 111 1 r. en or tpc formal Scliool iiave winning Miy three lasl games F. Stephens ( H lain 103 ilynamiM's ami magitetoe at H llw Ull OvurrllMSt I ' '; Hills, v.: YV. DROS. T. 1'raser lllythe, 8; I.ambie, fast learns and there are games last evening. Tlie total for the Keif (B 4 772 103 price. 8 fone feed lubricator. (! IHMrtrl. S1l Ht',r I-"1" j K: IC. Second Street played' with other (earns in Ilie tournament is I bus: Trail, 1 200; J. drown trtAj .. 4 701 lot I B-b.p. fleverte Clear. Standing of Clubs. cily 'al regular intervals. 'Caro Oreal'U'ar Veterans. A rsr r lhl renew i"1 ''.i'JJJt- Phone 22 P. O. Cox 120 The il the elulis J171. It, MeX;oy fEi .. H 15U1 Cm I lo-h.p. Iievese near. lo dale is slanililjg fnliows: line and Jimmie are regular The gamas playeil lasl night Pillshury ll'.l ..... 7 1332 UHI I It-h.p. Heverse fjear. 1 ti." mm t nti tn isr . ns Senior League players on Hie senior teams re Were as follows: Waugh (Tj . 5 0IH ipo 20 anvliors from 25 pound to wtirr iiIim-ii.mi-Iiwurir in li mm-sii'H' ' -; r W. I. I.. Pis. presenting the Normal School. Jack Judge (Trail). 200; Dr. Judge (T) 7 1310 88 Go pound. New arid urd pro. allh Us- mMI nf Xfr wslrr h- aifin "Zap-ixmti.iKJlor ir Elks 7 0 3 It Jimmie was a ny-mbe'r of (lie J. A. WestvOrcaf War Veterans) Seolt (W H t lfi! 1H7 I teller, boats and engines for huiuinrv VK-Kiru... ' "aj TORK'S ii,4l t,...Jf I' Colts intermediate League team I'lO. njr Hiirr ir ii-m ai-t Neln W'.i Nortbern various Sorts of Canada.. 3 0 7 fi 1400 187 purposes. s SELL. Intermediate here this season and -Caroline is Jack Siulfn, Jto; J. May. M5. Ilnberge Hi, 7 1300 18f) lixrhange. Phone ('.10. If also known us air ardent sport OwirgVangh, 200; Y, '. Klnghorn .. 8 V. D. I., l'ls. (JHA) 1483 185, isilirr u Jnurr ft. .t- . TOVES. enthusiast, especially for out Maruhmnhl 1(111 ft.M.K Dresing table. (SAk. 8 1171 184 Colts 8 .0 I If, side She is member 1 clmlrA, brass lied, din. Tlir. in " mibU II games. n The slftifdlnKS lo dsy follows: Allen (SA) 8 .M CO 8 carpets, hltlTIll 111.1 pi Sons Canada.. 0 of T, i 10 of the faininis Ited Sox ItiK sull,, lilsllll' 1 "lady $-VU Pi- Av. (lemmings fVi.. G 1105 room McClary range, k. C 181 of 4 0 5 8 rooters" club. Trail J2i llfil n. Italagno tH).. 0 101)11 h raters, clc. Al) best grade Fred Stork's Hardware Elks Ladles'J..;. League I 0 VVanderers 8 V020 1120 MP.Mnnlle f.W) ..8 1151 18)ih funiilnre. Apply PhlllpotU (Al t l. AVr.'i 1 rua St. Andr.TW4i 8 8821 IJ03 Evil I & Co. 33 mil'' YV. J), i.. VtH. ODD FELLOWS WHIST flibTlon (SAL. 8 IjiU 181 int sun -Mil.LY MM" VI Skcond Avenue (i. V. X. A. 8 78J7 i87 Meteors 7 I 15 Mill (HL ..: 8 1430 I HO FOIl RAI.i: Fishing boat I7xl2xf PHONE Bt ACK 114 DRIVE AND DANCE K. O. F. 8 7710 U51I .Mi. ' Maple Lenfs f I II Andrvws (SA) .... 0 1072 170 IJt. 5 in; 20-30 II. P. Frisco. PAI I. AlVA"' titiK I Telephone fiirls.. t 0 8 HELD EVENING Mcdmoyle (Iii .... 5 805 170 Standard engine. Fully equipped. StJIII'l rnrfi?' Checkers 0 n n JLAST VALHALLA LADIES Hooper (W) .... 3 5fl5 178 A bargain. Apply Thro. mi: Mill' ".molly Junior Soys' Suden (T) G toi',3 177 Collar!. Limited, Second Ae. Tir 0Tfr1: iimi ,W. n. The Oddfellow gave n very WHIST CHAMPIONS Wakefield (F.) .... 3 Jttl 177 niie. -1ft I i Jtm W II 111 n'lii' ; IM.I; .If Tiny Tims . n o 12 enjoyable whist drive aiufllance Donohoe (f) .... 3 517 17J uv if rrhrusrv. tQt , lasl evening in the Knights - POULTRY. urism II llw UN- ."' of May ftl) 7 1 1 fill ..rr Iry Docks . 1 o 8 All Games Now Played with Ex m .r.i llnnifd at la" tleii'S" King Edwards . l o I'ylbias Hall. There were 20 ception of Moetln?' Between J fireen (H) 7 a.1103 170 VaiH-vuvvr, H. C.. lis n'i "f'l"1 PHI.E, bred, while Leghorn ,pursuani Its' '""" " Utiles of cards and' 150 persons. Valhalla nd Pvthlan W.D. Smith (.SA) 2 310 170 pine ",ur awl" " H attended the dance. WearmoiHh (S).. 7 1185 ICO roosters from giH.d laying(,!!,,.,! .M, w: ZYBSZKO RETAINS The first .prize winners at Sisters. Warrior (fi) ... 8 1337 107 slinin fur sali Phone Illuot sr.-Jl- W.?'!"iiul.. nf .. CHAMPIONSHIP BY whist were Mrs. C. Itichards rind In lasl night's Ladies' League Goodrich (fi; .... H J33n fj7 335. 32 Official NiiiiiIh.illlillM-r;tMle ami.("''"j l'"rt artl'l" J. Candow, consolation awards whist frame the Pythian' Sisters King (H) 8 3S3 1(17 BOATS FOR MIRE 1 n 1 a l-rliu Hliprrl, K THROWING CADDOCK going to Mr. Itit h well and II. won over ahe) lloyal Purple byl Dr. Wesl (O) .... 7 1143 1(1,1 iiiinnrr. .- ioiii" prince corge II. I.OVC. a score of) 5 In 4 and Hie He. Tinker H) ....... 7 I (13 150 COMINO DOWN Launch "Nar- Uiiatk a.i.itT a ail f m '' 'r Ili'frestmienls were sen el and bekahs were Vnocessfuf over the Fleming (0) 2 315 I5K btitlipng" I am mH usklpg you fifi.lh: twl -Sa-tilt- .. ......rfj.V; otel NEW YOUK, JVb. fi. -Slanfs. dancing lhen cninruenced lo the St. "ilndrew, iy n shnllar margin. A Sllversides fRi 8 .27 153 fur u Job, I uui offering you II,. Iilahaial or all) I"" " TORONTO funs Cybszko rcluined Hie strains, of Arllinr's Orclielra. The seisohs ncbedu'le for Marisell (fi; 7 1015 US a service at reduced price.. tirrl'IKt. ... stop '.. In Centre of Shopping world's heavyweight (hamiioiu 4.- 11, I'hillipN was irhistc.r f tlie ladies' games is now com- Morgan W) 2 7 4 187 Phone fllnck 400. . nniaiiHiii(.ereil.-um irwii l-" vira,r"'o'."ii r T, .1 Kir "11 S and Business District shlp for wieKlling by throwing al.- i-,.n.l llmiai' ValirilU"'' ,.n cereinnnies, y,u Miijsfton was on pleled wilii Ihe exception of one. T. fcllvrsldcsfK, 3 4011 135 7IU ila) ' lOOwlViPrwiwetth'250NOOMS Earl Cndilock two mil of lhr Hie door and Ihe ,i''pi)inltlee in deferred game between the Valhalla I'arr (fJ) 2 241 isp LOST PATHi in- BUHSJPLAN PLAN iiiiien. charge consisted' of A. H. Phillips. and Ihe Pythian Sisters Thompson, ffj J(,& nonuiT SWITH, , ...jiniil. ,8 I WIMNITT 1HOMPON.MAN'fl.Oil. LOST Hunch of keys Friday' W. (. ItarrJe and lien which will be played tomorrow l.a Casse fj) .... 0 0 TIm Klilraw oar "yrZ"ff!r? fMRUKmuaCKKKKimKMlBOIK evening. Finder rewurded Subscribe for the Dally News. Croclt. incut next Tuesday. The ouU Eagnon (V.) upon ur 1 flo ,)0 ii'lurii lo Dully News offlcv. 32 n B.mi V.1 iit sii 1 -' "