TVVruary 8, 1PS2. V THE DAILY NEWB PAOE FTVE WESTHOLME THEATRE URGE OPENING GREAT IMPERSONATION IWttWIIlHHMWWtilrtggj OPPENHEIM'S GREATEST SEVENTH STREET. STORY RECENT YEARS' MACDONALDS Laroe A pnrlion nf Ihe Jiinslc of Meeting at Central Hotel Oermuii Knl Afnea were ilnp Decides Press to Matter on Dominion Government. liealed In an exinrior xclliiiK lfrt huill nn tho Lnnky ranch lienr SUPPORT OF COUNCIL llnllywoi.d, Ciilifmiiia, for rtcenel PRINCE of WALES TO PETITION ASKED in lieoiye Meljord proihirlion "The Ureal ImpernatlonV feH-lilrinar .Jiimf Ktntwoo?, which CHEWING ' Af'"r n Wii hour irieelinx III will, he 'hliWUjt the Wentholnie !n- r.'uifni Moifi ,il niRhl. a 'rjiealre liniT?m TOBACCO re(re.iintive znlUerlnst of prop. IiiiimiiiicIi Vn Irip lo a troi-ieal 'riy .iwii'Tk and lillilieN people jnnsle woiild have i-o a Ihul iiorliori of Section I idi'-rciy treineiidoim 'iinr ti wan decided iriliTPxp, in Hie aaaaaaaaaaT7,arwaM.i open-. In Imilil a ' Jtmule In order. A H hi, nf Scv-nlli Hlreel In I he ile wa eriied and I reed, and w.iii', rmiii iiiiaiiirniniAlv ndoplrd Iropicnl fnUnKV were linnnpnrl. a renululion reiuetlnfr ie lortal ed to tiiej Several day didedaleH lo Clllawn In pretti. Ihe were Wmiiinft -In the prepai'a- elaim for Ihe iipenms lip of thai Mloii of till neilinc which wan lrew un the liomliilon lovem-m"iit uiuJiir itP of niipervininn up and the flnnndian National V Itlidolph Ityjpk. Icchnical expert ll.ulv;i- The eily eouiieil i ffor flMinre Melfj'"!. 'Itie Junjrle iil'. i.i ! (Kiked tit endnrxe Ihe i.'iIiiiii wan mi reallKlip thai lieore MeU Xnrd, Ihe direotm-, wa badly Tln-re were fine liuiidc'd per. reralclicd ill tryilia; to penetrate in preeui nl the meeting, the Milliliter inelmliiiir many l;nliex. it, and ln ordered eome of Ihe Canada's standard since 1858 Friday and Saturday W. 1''. Miimiire wax i-Iecled In Ihe JiHurxViMimved. 'he trry. vrillcn liy K. Mhil- iinitiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiHKa; rh.iir ami with lilni were lefl Hie Ifp (ii.'-iilieiiii, d'-al willt iw dHalU of nolifyiui; I In- ili-li-aulei. ni'-n. n sfrmii)i and an t:njrlili-maii uinl fornrdins I lie l . 1'. K'ikiii rcipicMliug Mir I1- ii-hoIuIIoiik who reenihc each oilier ALICE ARM . million wmi l nilienl to look Into paed. V'fally nnillii il development. OoDortune Time. WAR PRISONERS "RINSLN"' tin- foaihilily .if, and make an - one i rnrrn'd f r('ii I'lisland to In ojieninjr Ihe iiii-fllnpr. Mr. iiiwliKnll f h pnipmoHl hiiIiu Africa, lliem-is it ermany and EDSON COAL Mniniire reiewe the local it- ENDORSES mobile trunk road or litghway as nl ii lo I'.nulaiiil. The Miliialfoii ualion from local, nsllonal mid ALL RETURNED " nke, nothin to that ciinoeciing up the O.T.I. willt aire HirilJiiiK and there in't a Hi- li'-inl of im itdiimn mi tUf internal inntil Nlnndpoiiilii in lead-ins dull liniment In the picture. Ann I je jounce 'em up and down COMPANY DELEGATION Yukon Itlver til While Horse. up In .Ihe ilfluil llial wa at Forrenl ha Hie leading wniiianV a couple of limes, thai' my Corner 2nd Ave. and '7th St. 'lit the present time heiujr preyed. Only Few Who Wished to Remain method" n colored washer , itrtiiMMiiil mute would leave role nnd in the cal are Winter He declared Dial now win a in Russia. told recently. Powei are woman tl !ihe ti. T. J". uiniwii-rr iii ti Hall, Truly Sliallink. I'oiilnin" Adds to ftequoat to Ottawa That very opportune time in liring laundry .procedure i omewhai vicinity of, travcrr l.a IliiOj Aluu Hale and many mihjec't up ami (hat wmfid- C.nNEVA, FHi. 8. Prisoner different to Ihe above method. Best Coal Float Be Bunt at That Point, jibe .awi valley m. u in ,rhe oilier noted screen players. enee and action war juntified. of war to Hie number of -tit.- We propose lo et down from (,, ,,. i in,ii n, i eoiin- WOULD LIKS HIGHWAY, itr Aid. Oe)rjsi Kerr irave a hi- 820 were xent. to their home lime lo lime, Hie fourteen different wll In rmaMnl point i Inry nf the nwnife nnd Mi HAVE YOU WORRIES? between May I. IH20. and !. formulas recommended by at ,j Mcwini mill Alifi Arm. Ihe V.ti i AIJ.M. Ili. H. A rp- pliliiiilncr rtf it. 'Hie openiutr lip It, 11121. hiank lo Ihe work of the Mellon Institute, and Ihe ir leathering hi the eiii-ii jfilinl Si CAli-lid tlicllcc ill II ll'irlll-"! of rieventli Slri-el to the water FINE; YOU'LL WIN Hie Joint Commission of Ihe material ueil. Just think of il' rly direction In White - Arm in itt .Mr-i front, he declared had aiwa.VK League of ainns and Hn: In- You i washins. classified ind. Lowest Prices H-rf. The location of f he Jttui KuMinlajr cvemiu; for heen coiili'inplateil hy the (irand Thla Truth Taught by Thomas !ernaioiial Ited Cros. fourteen different lot., each lot' llri'icli of road from the Xaa i. nf riniiirrail'Mi nrwl I'runk I'arifir llailway (i. Melghan in "The Easy Road." The repatriated men --were rcceiviii; different treatment. in While'KO valley I), ..f ihe e! iiulu-('. lieinjc governed Cd. K. I. MrMnrdie hnre thi' iirisoner .beloiiifinp lo various The maierial recommended: Order Now! Phone 58 fiv the of Hip fcaihllily -d by Um' Prince Iltt-I Hlnteiueiit out and mild Dial Ihe I ' your life iee with oh- Ruropean plates interned in Hn- Neutral soap and soda in proper mill well Hie flllcret nf n u 11 ! I rude fur preeii- ( people who had taken an inler-ei lnee Do yon have (rouble ia and Itusiaus iiilerneii in liroporlionft. .lavelle water, the Ihe be ereil. Thr country 1 IM'W U"ITIIIIKHl at in the pily from Ihe utart worrw nnd a.etliack lo you various European countries same olulinn used so extensively u.itl ulou, fur the riiiinii'iiiii nf llii- i lull way wn had uiidi'rlriod eleiirly Hint Pev-enlh envy Hie fellow who liven on easy A very small' humlMr of (iris- during Hie war for Ihe treat Night Phone - J. CI; Stn. 371 a r.'-.ihili"ii irrlatii. cnn-nli-rcd a nuiTc' n lanie un. Stivel wa lo lie ennneeled street? Then lake heurt. for ,vner" of war till remain in ments of wounds. freic acid or W lywiewill. Hlue270 (drink wnufd v loi'lil Cd f lllll Would ins and mill for dlrerlly wild the waterfront a you are atuonp iJiohc who pain Itusnio. hut a far a Ihe Joint other harmless sour, bluing, and Day Phone 6 Itxiili I'niviiirinl till! the eOi' nf I lllllltit. i-'nlcml and -Jwa Second Street. and enjoy YeaJ suree. Commission can learn, although last but not least oceans or WILL iiM'nil Inn. Ilniihii (rivi-n for STEEN& LONG m mi' Tin iim-Hiiu or-t The Speakers. MlCll f III'- lenmni laulll liy it has much diffjcujty in oh-: mini soft water. thr )'iilliiitc of Harry llir liuililiiiK of till- liiutr wen (Ilher npeakere .were Aid. Kelly. Ihe new l'arafnounl picture "The uinintr accurate informal iou. Our "rinsin." unlike mammy's, Sheet Metal Work IJial il wnutit ij"Mi up in) im. Aid. Collar!. Ttiomax MrC.lynninl, Thoma have require over three hundred rations tin- rhatf. niifj T. W. jlla) lloail," slarrinp 'hey are men who, prcfer-ed nrMiia an neiirptiiry. mniip l'rriliiry and nrcnf J. Mrlinan, K. K. Clement x .vietRiian. which win nil kiiowii ai for personal reason not jo for each washing. Agent for McCitry Fumcaea nf tin- reading of III ! a large iulfrinr country. II (ieorse Frirxell. M. J. Me.Neill I lie Kmpnie Theatre tonight. A loin Ihe convoy of repariafed This service is al your dis Sanitary and Mould make available for indu-(rinl - a full and fiw rii-1 and I'eler llloek. wiilliir.nnven-.t, who- ha mail irtsoner. posal He-atina Cnsinatatre T - rial i in ,wa induteWl 3a develnfinW'nt larpe Irar.l nf The uieeliiiK wn a very liar-mon a name for lilini.ef wed The Commission consider 2 CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY ! Sib Mlieet ud Kraar Street . Uuniuv. fiirnitnir, mid ttmlier. ion und there wn full Prinze Knpert - - - il. C U they ww fiidirl i. one wealthy girl and etlle down in :ls 'work endetl llecepllier hinil- Al Il would he an all . I Phone 8. ndvl Ihe rewolnlion ilineuwKion )iefirf it ,,, ...J her bi;r einintry home on "Kaay airreemenl apiM'rlaiuini; Canadian route from Halifax In 'nfl'TMiilmn nf ihe llnarv! wan paied. Slris-t" iu the belief Hint he will if will be' denounced on Maroh Imw-'mi. Aiiotiier imiill ininle Aifvertiap in H.e Dnilv Nw l' tVuliilion. Ilii- cliulf he alili lo work without inter. 15. in lor of il roiiMiruclinn wn nt nyiirnttnn mid initial thai lookinit toward I lie fultire R. B. BENNETT FILES rtiptioii and write (he master Coeporitlon ct lh City of Prince Rupert. For your tiexl ''.ilutiotu rlui' would ee'nrilr and welfare of the neiu piece of III eni' MANY ARRESTS ARE SMITH ISLAND QUARRY, AN EECTION PROTEST lllll lie loses hi ambition and Shoe Job " '" lurirw i niii. i,r of Ihe rounlry ' The i:orforatlnii of the r.liy ef Prlnee Repair n wnicn ii . line'"! niernalional become an idler. And then MADE IN RUSSLA llnieri I ibilnni or relliir tender for ln raH nr ' enme Ihe darknen. regeneration removal nr certain debris, and 11-iil A iictitmii or prole! nyninnl rryllir of aniroiimalely unu eublr and the Krcul leon that in anl or n. on eertim properly owned try I Ji of m.UTI tMMie. ,M, .i,.,.,.,,.,,,! ,. ,. ,.,lilB wateri. Ibe election of Jo. T. Shaw n contentment, Communists and Cheka Agents hv the ald City, on smilh Hlaml. Form .! Milue i.i 'In- .Noriji work are hidden real if leniler may be obuineit. and plau. J. C. ERtERTON - lw ni(,,. f(,r nHvifc-alinu liiemlier of parliament f ir Ihe Locked Up Indiscriminately anil niwlitlen of i-xmtrait love and happinc. leruteaiion4 v lurire minmer m Hr f wn, j. federnl ridiiia nf Wl tinlpary at Moscow. M-e. ,m annliration In Ibe i:itv Enaliieer. Champion Shoe Repair Shop - ..rii-cn which .filed wilh I lie of 1 at hi onirr in I'rlnee liuiwrl. un and after Emari. Itlock, Third Avenue iMIM,,.rt ,. ,.fi i. mercy of ha lx-en i-lrrk ruexlay. Ihe 7 1 It lntam. Sealed tenders to r.- .l.vil ..f .lie ,,, jlivmi r.,P. the eiipreme iur of Alberta COURT OF REVISION JKISCDW. Feb. 9. That Ho Im- in tin haiuN nr Hie city Clerk on ur before lie- luiur of live n'rlotk oil Ihe 1 3 III " imil en. II. J' Ker-1 by Hon. II. II. Ilenneil. who wa Chekn. or secret police, is no IIKlaiit. Tlie i liv do bind llieiiielve "Repairs while you wait" IN SESSION TODAY lo aeeent Hie lowest nr any, lender.. wav,n"nVAY DOWN EAST" IS declared defeated after a recount respecter of persons, in -making r. t. VVIIITTAKF.K. lv.JI.KJ.n.. by lt-lricl tloiiH 4n"?e Winter. iirresls, may he el,dnwTi to its City Eiiaineer. Tehniary 3. I0JJ. 29 '"" COMING ON FRIDAY by a majority of id vote. The The annual civil' court of revision credit. It arrests Communists ling. acl. iiud liirniMl net inn by the former iuniler of commenced il eeion in and Cheka agent as freely as IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH ,:i', Mr. Kcriflii ollnw- Griffiths Picture Is Most Cipen uliee in protesting the election the city coiinril chamber this nhy other. In Ihe mailer COLUMBIA.of TIIK AliMIMSTUATln.N M. T. LEE M ahreant of the lime. i of of hi .tirr and In the mailer or III..MIY urn Ihe oulroiiie slve He Has Yet Made. preure morning. '.rhere were nini Theim'lhod of nriwl oflfif in- n.Mll) ItOVVF.. Ileerased. if Im availed liimeif Mipporler. wlio have urued him Maor llocheKter .cbairuiiin1, Aid. convenience., friends,' iif Ihe per. Ladic' & Gentlemen' nr-'i'inatiiii niuoe lie Movie fan are looking for. In lake I III coure since he re. John Hyhhavn. Aid. II. A. Mcl.eod son lo be arrested. If the per. Jannan.TAKE .NOTICE I0;. leuer-tiui on or Ibe ailniiiiixtnltnit J8lh day of X ii'turin n ,ver 8o. Jvvnrd n the hip week end pro. turned from Ottawa. and Aid. Silverside (iiieiuherK . on wanted t not 4tl home, a were Mtiiiinlsiralor.rrauted In I'rinn'JiUlll II. Unguium Unpen. onirial llrllKli TAILOR Atked for Float, jdiieiiitn "Way Imwu Hul" thai fllty Clerk Woods (secretary!. guard is placed 'inside the door j.lumljl.i. -All 'i miMlMliale local need the Wotholme mniiaiMMiient hn Mr. A. 5lbon, of Vancouver. homo'JUid visitor immoii havinr i-laliiu aaalmi tlm Fit Guaranteed his Thomas MeKlymonl (assessor . of every is aid retain are required lo II lr name uh wiih f,.r Ihe eoiwlrur-arraliuiil for lliem. Thr- mon. arrived today from the oulh and und M. M. Stephens. J. C. McLennan. held until he "appwr. This Hie iindersianed wlttiln lhlri lUy from IIh daw hereof and all nenuins owliur i float fur kiiiiiII ImalM. ler proiluciinn i Ihe inol ex. will'upend ome time vUllinR her K. II. Mortimer and David is to prevent warning getting deJit to the aaid emale are rennlretl in Third Avenue, opposite I. O. iin,i llial Mr. (triffilh nr and Mr. nay th name to tlm uiiilerlrned forthwith i i ,iiii iii.ii .ti-iiiuNiciiivc daushtcr on-in-lHW. Tliomson. aip-liuiii. Kissions o Hie person lo be i'reK.led. iiatmi tnr em nay or renmr. Phone Red 138 aiiire .if the country nndianyone eNe ever jnade. It re and Mr. J. II. (iitlen. or Ihe are contniumit 'hi afternoon. If the visiting friend are not illll II. Vli'.VI'.i.l. i' rapliy of the eoal line. ipreneni a total wm! of more McMordie Apailnienls. arrested, tley risk Mng held Oflli-ial Ailllmlislmlor iii'mmr-H of li'ioomollon. rovv'lhan nihl himdriil lhoiiand ilol. several tiny. On one occasion and' niiiull hoai look lar and kIiouM any he mirn jllkaalttiiaaiBaaaBarBQ I tt woman passing o house door Head and Nostrils "nee nr nuliimnlole and felenlly eoneeined u to Ihi fia heard cat tpewiiig hungriiy and Phone 15 Peter Black, Agent Main Office, Central Hotel, v of the prairie. Since j line they nan neeure for -the entered to pel and feed it. Ue - ntrendy n nomininn niMinft a Nvvorii huim-hh ui i i Clogged Up. laLaaKafiaaaaVLaaaLaaaaeaBBiBa. stumbled into a Cheka net, and Prince Rupert Coal Company Uece. ii i felt Mini ihellhc leiuliHii umllliiiK corporatinii was held in prison for three inient will not withhold Hie!in Ni'w York Oily which looked month, when, finally, her ex-ilanaMnn Exclusive Hepresenlalive a flont nftur Ihe financial pninputation Could Breathe was accepted as to LADYSMITH-WELUNGTON, PEMBINA PEERLESS and x -'itiMantlnl reduction in of the iiiiilertukiiiR. Mr. (iriffitli Hardly 'saW 'BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVLv why adie had visiled the house. YELLOWHEAD COALS 1 w pnen((ir and freialil wihhe il t I erl I It it t nil (hi There are inoiiths when great lh nnlliiiij: lo do with the mer. WIk-ii yiiu iM-runi H rliokrd up md wis hn The Choka iiMked for. II wan uumlM'e tire ii jail. ANOTHER REDUCTION fliHTi-it up wllh a nilit your Ih(I Ix-veiiie h 'w' 'lial ilk of Hie production 11 re- of piicnpi'r fare were thick. Hi" niwiriu Imcudi no clornnl up ih not bnthexi'd by lack prison 'm t'e-wnr rale, nnd Hint triird I lie nudlence who view ru Iwrilly lirMllM, fcllnr Of sluice. If a prlsmi room is intended '"it-Til' rnte wero prnrlicnlly II He takV more pride In Ihe Mitlrlil ur opprcMlun In Iho rhcai and to accommodate two or IN V Hutu' ,vp. emieelnltv would work he accHinipliKlieil In elnhnr-aiiiiK Umi niimli rHi ami tram your lunrt and three persons, it nfleii happens arr ii "at imltiHirinl Hhipincnl. upon tha lender love nnd lironrhlal TliU la lillira.llw imie lo lake i hut in rarl it i math" lo ae-..iiiniii.i.l.-iie '- pnlllled out 'in Ilin di- iiliefiicnl "iiffc.rinii' of Anna DR. WOOD'S -'.I nr Til). Peoulo tire Ladysmith -Wellington li- in il,,.i .-i.i ... ..r Mnoie, Hip vvronC'l pM in Ihe in nnd that's ti-?, ',.u, ii Miiiiuriil in Norway riNt avnur jiisl pii) in. layers, lit fl'lltll Vniienin-;i In llriiirr- story. before llilnira rl iu bn wi auriuiia. Tin-re an end ! Ihe space problem. nn :iima ntnl a fduillffr lilp-" lirifflth liuHruck with holli la mi niiiMly In equal II fur clearlnr up Ton Prices home wllh tlm nilil, luakliif Un iirvaitilnr tey. Im hrintti. Oueen hiiniU and (Jhurjiiiliv Inland. Inuni'iiln llw phlrrin and aoulhint and r 'he llmiRknnij Clnilll', iHlln? trct a lesson for men liKalliiR. Hie lunta and lironcnlat lulwa. On Dock Delivered M,,v Paid ope dnllur uni-e. In Ihe nc'-il f "inftle ulundarj Mm. IularU kiiirailr. OU II ydi'il St.. Mine Screened Lump, 61 A and woni'Mi, aull tho 81. Joint. N. .. wrilM: "I ulall ti rx "diictinn $14.25 in leleKi-niih loll for men PRINCE RUPERT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. BNked or ninuir pimpto who prena ,niy ln-ariy llwnki In your taluablit in bulk,... ...$l.lD fill'. The pricnl line nnrrowm- rniHHly Pr. Wnud'a Jvurway Pine Syrup .NOTICE Ii hereby lven. In aeeordanee ")' r.rmhtly enloniiafinn urlonk in their Scrlplurnl anil w Iml yrnid II did mo. Laat fat I rnn. wllh tlm sialuleii. .thai all auienwd lave. Double Hand Screened 019 7d ln" nnd ImiIIi thai which Im lo deal Irai-lrd a wvure i-old, Urn like I never had, Irtied iiidiir I lie "laialioll Art" and, the ' $16.00 in nerve n new reudiiiM "I'libltr Hrlimil Art" are 1uv due and Lump, in ck. . . 'mi 'v "Let he who in without sin my lu-ad and no'lrlla were so clotired up pa.valilfl fur ills vnar ItHa. WIlH U(, ,,,,,, ull with '"'." ''l I (im 1,1 in-t nrt will, and ruuld araely All tae . .illectalile Mr III" frlnre Tbi) LaUysiuitlt.NVelliiiKton Colliurieg during tho lut .fifty 'Hie ),.,, I.I i... ;..,! cat the find Uuper! An.eiiiienl lilnirlrt are due and ' -.."mhi in- llAi'll. nil In'li which in e my bn-aili. I Ifleil remedy after na.vatil)' at my i.nn-e, aliuatn Iu the itmviii. years have been continuously mining coul and liuvp established I"liiu lllll I.i.."mil I ii'iurii l ..I unoiiiu u fiii-ili unmpelliui.' h-iueily until at Uu I tlmuatit I eiai coiieoipt oitii'o at iu utjr r i riur a reputation for producing THE BEST COAL for nil I temed. W(, f,. U.ul lime punc by hnvo b.'cn ford. would Ify 'Pr. VKid' Aflur Ilia Ural llUIX'lt. la healing (whether fur household use. pr gleam urn I fvt relief, am) by the time ttie Thoniis Mdghan in Tin iHilfre. ill term of law, equivalent purposes n, 'rr winjld lf Inhly hUHhcd. til a porkftnul di'inami by inc uon all . re'inill. art ' plants). Tha quality of this splendid tout remitltu m bottle was llnUlmd t wot (ill heller. I will 7he 6asy $bad iH-rioiiift. litfliW for luvea. - iixe of leliiaraphic alwaya kfep II In tlie buie." Oiled al I'rlnre lluiiert. B, C ItlU lib unsurpassed. iiicnn lf 1'immuninalion. ,t. Marr and T. Murr urrived Irle, Die ami aoe t lmill: pui up only A Amount Picture day or lebrnary. tt. v a riallru We GUARANTEE PULL WEIGHT Trunk Road, ia (hn city lata nibi ti' by Tim T. Unburn Co.. I.lmiled, Torontc, Cjillertor for' the rnnee Out. it ttie Empress Tltealre tonight. liupvrt Aiiiieul Ditlrkt, "'oluiion wus fulheird by 1'acifio Cannory. i