n tf WMCN YOU WANT A THE NEW TAXI i 99 wail YOKOHAMA in a nurry CAFE Phone PRINCE RUPERT HOME BAKF.KY AtX, NEW CARS Phone - - - - 636 Northern nt f!ntrnl British Columhoi'n' Nnwinnrwr - Ml M Ijf PHINCJK III I'KIIT li.C MONDAY JULY 10, 1022. t'lf-( Clrctjlttt) 1.M0. SWt M 41S. pnicK kivk :ent Provincial Ministers Are Entertained FOREST FIRE PROCLAMATION ISSUED: ALL RIGHT IF NO WIND Provincial Ministers Give WOOLWORTHS AGAIN MAKE SURVEYS All Logging Closed in LOOKING TO RUPERT South Until Fires tOH A 3 TORE SITE INTERIOR ROAD are Interesting Addresses at vIciohia. Jly i" Better Under Control W . .1. Whalen, luadian Hon. Dr. Sutherland Says Ha Be Dinner St. Cafe western -il4ntMideiif lieves Hlqhway up Skesna VIGTOHIA, July 10. The fore! fire itntMiii on the lower at Regis J: for thf F . Wal worth l.nofiaJ. staled Feasible. nrtiinlaml hipI Vancouver Nliind if till rntu-Ml but the wind has iniiany. din I down and II i hoeil there will he ruin within 'M hours lien- Dial he In agpee-led AN IMMENSE PROBLEM which will check the flme. Already the fire lia destroyed ao--jirnximalely rulliuiati' crowd f ! I "in- IhiihIi ! hI il ii- tt1 - o in niM-f liMri Ibi Jj 1,500,000,worth of valuable timber. dinner it ill' lijr Ibe I'riiii ! lii rl Hoard of ,! on AGENT GENERAL ): I" secure B lortii-tt ' To leefi Ihe fire hazard, the Lieiitenanl-liovernor liai is-ned -veiling m lb HI. Kegi Cafe reception to Hon A M f..i ' ami h hart u First Effort Devoted to Qlvlng n trtrlaniHlioii forbidding logging operation on Vancouver Uiirnt")r-iiwnil. H"tt I' Harrow, minister of aginul-., doubt Ihiit un MUMUh- Access to 'arms of the MaiHl aih! Ihe lower mainland until the menare i. rherked. The V. II Hulli' i laud, minister or public work. F c GIVES ADDRESS; nl would N Sp"wcrt ( r. ' Province. uliul down may lal for xome time iinle"- the dr s;.ell which lias Ki.. nrul-tff-ii.ini for ll.l-.. in IHtilon, CapL Ian MmKii. rtr f the Oitnpau) eontiiKml for an unprwejilented - - 4ii,. r for VeMrouver. Fred Stork, M.I'. fr Hkeena. ami oilier J vkiiiiin a 'iir. "Ihe rout- from I'rlnce It is Mrrlrh f two uionthg is broken ff) AfiP D A A DT of the prosin. governnt-nl, parly if officials ami Tal.'a of Value to Province of 3. nrrl aloiiir ihe .Hkccna Jliver wa by heavy rain. I KAUC. IIUAKU the wrek in the district. Aii of House and Nd of I mm I air spending air iiliiniKiii in lln- original plan nf the pro. .11 any oi iue xeiiierii irom the Bull tllr CUIIV ICthsll , 1 1 grauon. vincial trunk mad rtefii when fire nweid reffttHi at Merville are .i.-.ed tlial I'rinrc Hu MASSETT LADY IS tin- .i hcHie of fetleral ahl 3 ,im in liurtenay where tenia OF VANCOUVER ll.u 1. 1 about to KEEP COUNTRY WHITE. iiohliileaj." .laird Hon. Ir. W. have been erected and a relief ii. nwt ami ! 1 1 i NEARLY NINE MILLION FIRST NOMINEE IN II. SiHherlaiHl. provincial mlliU. tallwii entabliolitxl. in store. The din- 4 FEET OF LUMBER WAS , 3olshlm Cannot Flourish ARITY fflNTFiTl,,'r "f M,M,P ,,r h las-J J Premier Oliver relumed from HERE JULY 26 t j; '-at .urc. ant the" SCALED OURINQ JUNE vvnns uoun-v Remains f Ui VUlUL.Jlr ra,, ,jjIM.r 4i,turday eve. i, frr xone and liat appealed to . l. mled lay Ibe rill. British. jnina. "I and Ihe chief enilie (lie puMi Tor aid for the deull- i. a lnre Ueenre Ik r itrrntry offtrr fur The fin-t caRlMlata foe lb .f ike department of Kiildlc ii ii. thr m.mmi w1M Itinerary of Central B.C. Tour Is i HiiiiM hy lax vi. Ikie 4itrtrl lrra tkr official "ll UMtJ ! kr thai Hrilfli i " Kan Hoartt'n pvUrHy cwaImI wirk are now here lo hek into Pn.oH.rale In the restoration . of Received Varioua Stops In rMarn f lutHkwr I uaaita Houaa a. ..hik-iIiihk "' Ii- I ii noiitinateit h the er. lln- matter of an outlet from sHirr SoUleioeol at Mer-I Interior These Who Attended. ;: ttvrtsw Uar immlh if JuMC a wkllc elegant. If it h1..,ii of Mi Ward, of Ma-ll. : Hie interior of Uie provide? lo v. ) prcsfctrnl of the, M.VSI.Mt koaral rrt. wktlf pbaul I b-Mild lik- Li...... imi-i were eiilerot by iln city. Hardly a week sroen byi rin. .iiuation at Nmuluui ! The itinerary of the Vancouver I raitr. pr the Tki U mexlr up a fut-low; iav a whole n ' !"' " iLlnrle. SjM-nce of Ma.Mrtt. at m Metorta that yuur meoiher illir,roi. ii rir-, h.-ina under Hoard of Trate escuralon, which Mr W Ian4 Ikal ajuick v iar.-i i. ul. a Tke IWHHitMUlMI i iMMotU llal Httr ae4n le laL. -.oitrol wa i-akar , will pa through lht city toward H MaiiMNi. Mr. Ileur ' DtWftoa Fir. MJ7. K. ('.., ajpeaji ai-ii'ial f arroNipaniett by lite Mtr en. No urvey r e.limale of lh tke end of the month, has -und. '.aplain Ma-K'ii-' IW f4ar. ttl.07. ftrvlteaj UnluMtbte let UteMton awfH,, ,.r m cMiavriatioit tMkel en rot ha ve! Iteeii made. Our 1TU1IJ ITIflilC CHD been received by C V. Kvitt, re- t M Hurt ark iniVi tie peeMwl .utaajanv i riuM uUatkt 0e oawli4ale In RLHIM) a mo i. to itertaln if Ihe r.M.J;nUlTlinAllUIlJ fUK Miarv itf Ue luea.t lauurjt. It i 1m-.H M HI sj'l t 'l i UhiiIuU4uMI? Mrit. a irl, lle larjvsl num. u txM.Il.le aiul. If w, what II MANITOBA ELECTION H.tiUwT, .lermiteiy yi hv KfaVwe, Mr. H. I(a loam, nmjd, IrtHlxiti count ioi4le. irtMns lo coL oany will be making the (our but etllar-, aauf HrUi4i 4ih caaoiai Will Look to North. a t aulk om'. M In axMltin tfcrrr waa u ' be H i rlloNiary to hear refW-tm " luere i n quelbm thai No Acclamations Recorded UM? lT Mit . IUrrv. 1 1.1 in llnml frrl f p" , NOTED AUTHORESS IS quite a la rite as that wiiich iffli I HMI HrtlinAi nlio.yiarracM- llrili.h (Udunibta will lHk in Ibe Elections Will Take Place f Ik- iiimlatrr H.vi fr. of pMinB. and here Ht( Canadian peculai ilien are fnlurP lo b northern part nf Neit Saturday. a year nt. H J. i-wrari. INVESITGATING HERE il.I".' railway In--. The eieiirsioiiisU will leava Ju a much "pen ! lauyk aiol Un- province. One imiiorlaul i..rl- P. Plnii. ea4. The w-rll i ketlcr for Hip lo help Ibe .elder i to WI.NMPKti. July l0-ltefurn-!v,,',,o,,vw ' the ir Prince akorh .-ofitirri -vilrrre of I In- Mrili.li iu..loi. Olynn-Ward, Author of "The fti ll rtad. -mi that Ihe eminlry ina officers frosn S3 Manitoba:lwi.ru Mowlay, July fl. arriving "I ltevHl H. more that) for all influeatre bm- Handwriting on the Wall" at mav be tpene1 Up ami devefoped. ron.lituenrie have edliel de- Hrre on July S. IW npeciai OMg I'H i Ntea," cool IliU'-d Ihe apeakrr. Skeana Canneries Today I iH-heve a road from Priuro fvo.il rrom 151 ritiim and have lepin rar ami a speetarf finer i-M'tiavK.I II x'H COW BAY TO A fJHtti deal of work had I" be Ituperl o the interior I feaM4e declared .me hundred and forty-1 will be altarh'-d to the outgving done to undermine HoNIo-skIic Mr. Howard, oilo-rwine known bill firl urvcy will have to be ix men and women nffieUlly paseenger train on the events I'.1 1 let. J 4. IMt-eii.) Icinlencic. A careful Kalrli oil made and estimate .iilnnllled. nominaled a raisdidale for the f Dial day and ibe Urt slop aT-lesrislalure on 4 1.1 I k(HU-MI I GET WATER a H. iiyiiM-V artl. aiiinur oi I lie ter Prinoe Rupert wMl be Smith-which Ho- euii.arte- "f Mo-" Or. Sutherland staled thai. m Uie election I. H I". McM-r-H problem novel. "The Writ in? au licina kept both in Canada ami Iiavinj lived on the toaiu line will lake place on July IM, er for a day on July fl. A a'op I.. H. K Parker. J. tke Wall." who a rived on Saturday by Krolland Vanl. 'Mo' hope of of Ihe C. P. It., be bad always next Saturday. There were no of one nay wn also y maue ai went to Stewart Uie ami v K r. ...I.ih.m.. J. MlnUUP inform. Mayor That Full (fvatlMued oil' tas on wi.he.1 to come north. Ibe claim arclauialions. The Farmers have!Vandcrboof, July 3H, and three .learner mahL armed l ima .Mi'.IiiimI. sl,d M,ln W,U . Pul ,n at Saturieay of which M.rtion of the provtHce forty candidate. Progressive. day from July 39 to. Augutt 1 kack la.t eveuins and this after- aery.j M M.- had beeu so advicated ami drummed eight, itoverumeui party. H7 : will be spent at I'riruve Oeorge. Onca FISH ARRIVALS l viel-H-HB tke eaMirrii on I '-. Ikoma t Iroller.! into him by Mr. Pailutlo ami (Uoiservative JO and Labor to. il'wo iecial launch will take IV Mall ll. M Ike 8eem Hiver. liile here he Mr. Malison. Thev were Iwo the tourist down to Quesnrl Hay flahertueM are oon to noted Uet roM atoraire plaat ami I ji v i uiwr lleio- K. Sl Boata Marketed 62,000 Lbs. very perilent member and RFFIIP TO ANfTinN lber another day will be pent noiree) water supply attended live fi.li ' I'nolrr.M i net llieir lona This Ibi nanraiMK of Halibut at Exchange from I heir deM-riplion be believed 1 McRay U II M autt fire protection. Morning. auction. be magnificent ainu.n tberr m.l a PAYMENT OF BILL lh- ' 1 i. ii . ii. Mar nr. K ur.lay after lion ir. W. H. Kutkor. "The UandwritinK n tha Wall" cunlry here, especially anal I.ili-1. ai earn ui wuicu W minister of public worka. lieal larsjel) with the Oriental II. H-ill,MII ! land, -d loo. 5.MNNI mark-i Kit boU when Ihe lmntne posstbilitle place visits of one. day will be Fmher. He. J nllolrd by Mayor Hurhealer V.x.hauge MuealMMt an it afferl UanadaJ VIlVrollIA. July 10. An .nter- th- Fik Indus ,f ba,Hil at f the lumber and pulp made. At I.rilooet, the J'art fie iarr. I: II shock-Mi Pre.ident urine, oi uie itoara .mmi f..,a: Several atlrutpli. hae leen made trie, which ware sufficient to esliug municipal aase is before Orcal fji.lern Railway will take SciM. h J. M. I-c.nI Iih.I. paid a vi-ll lo Uie ttay ao, Ab-fwlk. ooo pound-, to the lu upprH it ami il lias bra keep the mill ruiiuins and entire Ihe city here Jsf"lMw. I luring over the party and a slop will be I" i:al. P l irove. limlioii pointed out lo Hioclair Filwn.-. at ami iUote) on the fliM.r of Ibe lou4 rapilal were realiied. the abseme of Mayor Marcbant. made at Kiuamih before arriving .Mclennan. v . loin llo- iniiiiler iiiiuiediatey f Pariisment and i beoowinH Acting Mayor Harvey authorised ir. An Immense Problem. at Vancouver on Augut 1. . roll Hatmie Whs naitler mt the employmeni of s.miic muni- Hajniioiol. V ai''il Ml' lirjJi liirt. m (Irolk. HOOU pound, and ln-iiut. already a on Ihe miuitter Mid be had travelled le. A. I. ,el main would be laid rwht H.tMMI piHlnd. I" Ihe lin-adian Oriental relation. considerably in Ihe last clans willMMil CHMisulting in . ... I M. Campbell. U. l II Hill .Mll"ll Flak and Odd Storage tUi. While here Mr.. Howard I. two or three mouth ! study Ibe Finance f....Mlee. Jli m- flAK KAY BLULKS ALL Mill..i, ftotuatr-. . F. the tteoraelwwn repreociitiUK the iK.ininlon Hov. count lias necii reuuerrii aitu me c.iiipi near al l3.Hr and So. aim, objeel and difficulties of RACINCIN VICTORIA 1 I.. Monroe. It. II. aawiinll warehouse. The rily June, 17,0)00 poiiinl-. to the ernni.-nl and the Canadian Na the (Msopte. When one realiied finance ronimitiee refuses lo I" M. F.. Uo and 5.-. tional llilw"u ami i doin? pa it The result i that the Tremayne. will pill in a hydrant at Royal Fih Uu. al I II.He llo- area of Ihe province wa a . J. Thel. w..rl for Hnli.li mbl acting mayor may have to foot Prohibiting Horse ".ii F.ili. A. iM.tlll CUra, 7U pound, and maaaiue - lanre a Oi-eicon. Wasbiiiiitofi and Pastes Bylaw 1 II MeMulHn. J. K. H.r matter r- e-ui'inir ihw i ma HtNMI pound, to AUiu 1 laUer-ie cation a. well a veiling atmos I'.ajlfornu put together with the bill himself. Racing at the Willows 1 F. Maaiiire, I'.. Ihe pre.ent urovinclal iroveni- at IXtto and Sc. phere or her next l.ik. iioush to spare to take in F.ug. Tracks. W- Wralkall. F. V. meiil Iniildina on Seconrt .vveruc laud, ami Ihe population not EASTERN RAILWAY ' 'mi Kiertil .Frank for library pirpoe wa No TELEGRAMS morn mom thau u( Seattle, Mt'.IOHIA. July Hi. naW May LATE MEN LOSE AWAY TWO MAN PASSED I- mwr. It, L. Ilrosvu taken up with the ininnOer b it could Ik umleratood that the ha put the iuieiu on the plans u ll. V. i. Murray and noinber. of Ihe library M'llillif-.ion. nubile department presented of Ibe II. (".. Agricultural Ao-i 1M-. Kulherland lwlid n French cmtU at llir Hattue ,.-ii..ii. probtem. Ill the pro-viu.i- W. H. Blngar, Vice President of ialion to put on hurs rare at LIVES IN FIRE Orme Presided .leriinie iiroile. but ratjueated feel tbe an- not necib-d. but are them were nearly 15,000.. Qrand Trunk Succumbs to the W illow, this fall in ounce-i -M-iveti up lo thai Ihe mallei ih put officially not without hop of lo-opi itttioii mile oi iron i roaus, immi mi i.i 1 Cerebral Hemorrhage. urn with Ihe annual fair. The Mali Iftmlard main-i before him on In. return to Victoria un Huaaiau ilualioii. LOGGING CAMP sixteen thousand mile of trail municipality, within the1 boundaries ii Iteirl i'Mtv nd " that he ould give it (Hiit- and 00 mile oi wutmi .Mn.NTIlF.AI.. July 10. W. II. of wviirh the rar track is J no Ue atl of it for lierutan financial ciil xultjact II was Ibe endeavor of Ibe de Iliggar. vice president of Ihe situated, ha. passed a bylaw absolutely "ion of Mr. and Mm. .nb'raiioii. urate concern: llomurtUeu of partment lo opwi up ami (jive llraud Trunk llailway, is dead. forbidding hone rac-ni-. and thetr staff i well rttbiMt ownaMeriuw ikutMMi. Three In Hospital at Court nay access o Ihe ureal eeiion of II,. wa iW year of ay and wu l'"-iilnt Onne, afler THREE CONVICTED Badly Burned Big Camp ihe country. Theru bud been one of the best kutywo railway The track at the Willow Is l ovei.uiMiJe a few GEORGE iKemtuUHl lloveriinient W to and Residences. a drive, epeially in the south men in Ihe country. He wa well Wnovsn a it.wa iue.1 as a i-"nif remark. Prince AT PRINCE .klu ui.uollltllli'Ul of lVV for nermanetit road but it wa t.lrieken with cerebral bemurrr Iramiiig aroimil for oldlr dur li' -aid, had bean wait-a UNDER FOREST ACT U.T.P. UrtUr. May be no de- lairUTKNAY, July 10. ihe realiml thai the etller aUu -baire. ing the war. l-Miir time and It " ciaHHt r twM wee. bodie )ff Iwo uiiiili'ulified uieu bad considerable rlaiui. For DO, "'! optiiMMi that lS who pariaJted in alleniplliiH lo lion settler Ibi ej there wa that mcians ha could find out FIRES UNDER CONTROL piiiM'.r. Hiuim-i'.. Jui i- llel. IDH.OtiO on trunk what wa waute and could then " '' thlnuM come lo lluil couueclinu UuWiu lo alvaua their beliuiitiiix from to be peut II' r.-ferml In Ihe di Three) HH wi-re convlcleil fr fu.t Miverod by 1 "! "f! Ihe fire wliloh de.lmyrd Ihe rad. The depArJiiieiil had do u much a was puible REPORTED YESTERDAY of Ihe Foreat Art which would involve low aid carrying out their desire. " ' pei'MMiliel of Uie . onlrtneiilii.il bridito at llunleer. eauip of Iwo IokkIiik cHMiipaole. plieation Slid aalled iihi Mr and fliMNl 110 anrh m V" have been m'overed, aotHfdluir the expenditure of five or sit What be wauled lo do wa ' " firnl no. nWer l ilt court Iit Hulunlay. M. w K- ItepuWicall iimvenh-lit h twl- o reHiH. Three men badly million dollar and wa spcuijinit to mrt the people personally and VICTORIA. July t. Hevcral aiiiiriiio iteucral re-' ain. and 0. F. lltobwoiMi w.r. laed everywhere ill Ireiaiw o- burned in the auie fire are in on new road. 1,300.000 in ad. find uul exactly what wa wauled. fire were reported yaterday to be under control but there wvra (at ovation mid ibr found auilty KW"'"" lUirk where le Vuleru it the lioxpilul here. diUou lo federal aid. ' Peacock of leaMiia a "iiip ept in Kixly-five m-i...ii. wen- render. To Meet People. So far h,- had enjoyed hi trip other outbreak. The "actual "1 Percy ink aexeiul u,.-poller. over llllli- haw Joineu to fire uueitiuiiuiihed. reportiHl -.I llollleli-.. Iiv I III' file W llli-ll Ill the platve lie vitited. (lie north v.-i-y much and the only fuels tn rtmrd lo daiiuige are nut 1 '""4, Mr. di'.liuytd il"- .'iiiiip comprising minister aid, It wa hi euaUiiu wan ing t.uiur.' wa. that he bad available yet. ''" to MautuM ejoroaa hi Jim O llcllly aalled for Vancouver ltuation eema well ll the headquarter of fourteen lo ak the oStdcnl to do tha been ealbl upow Ui apeak OS TtHi rnitway are nguio operat-nig "' " f Ilia rNHiliii .in Ihe Prince Rupert lal l,ii,l Fire mil...- -H"i : l m . t.il!, in-, !ic 'hi- Ml''iil!ia' Uy tin. .--I-.i.'iin mi iiiu.t if Ibe litM. ' on I'avs Two) i.ljfU'