m ram nwi VTOM TTT9 'l'.',.L"'- Won Both Dominion haii. h ihun llKhln1 up. Anyox nfw(nfr. ami iirri1 llio GROTTO WON Day Baseball Games from W nnn IHkia i.layiii mil a I'Huiavfrn.lar (rani in HUtr.I be M-nln- iranlfri vHlirty flv iut EASY MATCH Ketchikan One Was Close hi-in ini.-,1,,f ,t Mnf j,aH,Mili.r'1(,,. i.nijr hit MACDONAUTS U, TmM -hIm wltirU li. kruknl InUrmadlata Plitura Last Nloht ni. wmi ImiHi garni of bn.rl.all from Keli-hik'iii ril fin. hut cnjj nr, j,4. fttultd In 71t Otfaat for ,t tin Auv.n llumitiinii li celebration. 'Hip firt match Bona of Canada. ,.,1 hi I he nitirniiifr. it lu-.i) .miic.ied ten mum ffair Kwriiikai, (i on ft (1 1 nnnt ,!,.(. rf'iiiw "re m i :t wilh Ihr Wlle( town Imlte, r" u n n f ii a n f 1 -3 Ktrelleil Uy Hie limlio in Hit. lt)l)( over Ihr winrtfr Ij.II in the tenth. The: cveum match Ki-li-aikaii .4 fiv hM aikI tint ami fli-Mlnr. (h..u all me ,- . .i-Hjfcwn by mm t n orr of 7 hi I, ma4' fwu -rrur, HfHt nf fWinaila rMii.t r.-kniarly 11, moTHIHtf e...W wi. j it-t M. pflad ftttd URill II frame and nti. iln in I a it nHrlii - t.,'. , idate , M,erilrl ,fw . miIH have wished fur. FilMtrti-k Mod (Ttcen-...mrBHl itrik.iui. tr AhiUtwi. I: laiHe naiuian rami A4. make BRIER Uie Anvm halter) and HnMsow and 1 u IH-iumKoii J. wur aM Oiry i. wr. ,ie1 , , ,i,,r r..Mtflhr Ketchikan H..lli, Ha- im riff iraiiiin. hy a enf f M ti i I ln- Hm wry frW nmdi-mtclv-' ftrikeoiil R I itipulrick. !? 1; AaW-r..,n, t. fHII Hf A nr IHlliliiliiMi irulee1 , ,1 hescbrkaa flMU. Filitiat. trlallx, 31. Itiiuhlf ila .y ir-niHI ami I heir field ei-niei r. flf t..r Mle Any.; Tw be M Anwrt. ten nnali-i1. hale ilh I lie lnl yiiiw i, .If nfj HeRaon. Frtf- and i; Hreenwell: Ketchikan '' " hit Kutwli-y mill ihriMiah like uraler The ;r-u had He better .upt-. Miller. Ham. and William. Ham. llill felt lli, l liAilly aiMl Mill ,,, 1 ante. U Ibrhlen up m the riaes mi Hall, tiff t lunai-,... Th An . MHull lttn wi! the r ,4 fi all I be -ay Me rm, mi twelve ".-a, ?: HalWo,,. . tu Ki-lrliikmi imi lh tanu Imat rxrej in . flfUi when Hie-! ,,, .: tfif' Wl tIM fifth mnin l uiirr. ffctvis aai "tarpoul. that Iim 1 in- AU-kaii hif Imfri thrtuigh lwn hii, -everal f i llaf M'll .. . wue fnpttNfed by much) Evening Qame. and fiiavxi a return inali-li yt. walk, ami irw err.ir- .u the , .iimmI fMilhajr m ibc part , The linn nf llie irHtU hy tiilriMKifk ,( ,..'! IfMi, miiI .rand! cvemn. yarn wa played MWi-.wau arid ANHtin-rnfl, made U11 n Itarlif rain which, with the , , .1 .sirbe beilUr tftaste in I he JIJMMY MURPHY WINS all ilii-ir 'rti nm. The Mmftw jitusk, wM nmllpi- ralhri (fif-flrull. .',.-i,i f HMr -in. TV-Xl, run. were .rey wet I diMrttMHed , i.jr ran wild on th lHiit..H an4 itv.Mwll AUTO SPEED CLASSIC tiir-iiKliHt d.kI lliey fftt hrik all 'ma4 up ti' ii.. feiiit Packages 15 ,., . ,il limes. In their iwn di-. Hie war. lirrnitan. a nmmmrr wlillr An4rHi arxt l'ay ffi. SPEED 97.6 AN HOUR 1 ap.- a atMi fMtrtiinttr fnn Ketehikan. .ll-bel f..r the ialnt fnr KH.Iiikmi Tli" , .l in fkr third Vn .n. fon-. lie fial III Unit 1.1 omr 32. started hosne fin a ih-'p- TAiviM , July S. Jimmy r lwe tmt iUJ k ! llfjr tialr .if ,. f Mirlh, llirf.- .mrd slrtVe when th,- lia-e 1 111 Mnra4if -.n I he eleventh bhh. tiitM. Ilrennun larked rxttrtml ill MM mf onr man llir Iflh a nil Iw.i in thr iuMIi uMtle .-., Ha--ie. ilritins 1n and walked tffal mm leiie with il. .hnsiiia wee.1. Any ..f CAirnWC fftT I AMP . . '.- j"4 I'll' Mnit ami fU-Ukttu hfM 11..... , ... .... muiuiw uui iivnu mttf al Ihe ,(f Miakiar wfM rale mile many k. I t.Hitilo Pia. .KrlrHIMIt ih-Hpfcikait' rn lh. -mti. run wlifn wtura Kt-Ipt ih-y an iMMir. Ii. iraham was the Sn he unwary .wlitHtier an allark END 0FA36 T02 Union Pacific iwm ami ii' f-'iir. TIm- aernuit re wan lakefl by ratrher. K. Warre. iiilrher. awl nf rrami. If a frtm i eiie. t-.iihl.-.l wciii t ihlr.t mi Miller SCORE OYER SCOUTS ..if by iniittiK I'iMiittiv Mil:..11 ami nene Sarl lietirye HMJ, ralher. rnWfrl"el wKh eramfi. he ahiHtl.t keef. mull- ami woreil lH-n Mt- e.wl. The .rreete.) ntaee hMilil the lirallM Mlleey. Tile tin' I I I A , M I 11 f iiiiiIiIihI I.;! nrlllll't went eti inifis, Jame Mr- ruiiimi an.I l reliel. r T(,e Fatr.in hatl-. the (toy Systsm 2 11 11 0 11 11 1 ii .'I I lrnt.iii iau. wm iui"ii 1 lien anil Peiuij-i advrlUinir l ah-ninlely eaua-til in Ike Mntfi, Inrti the ( Aliian hHnjr ball anl iHke up senul. all liver I lie lot in lal t n 11 11 11 11 11 1 I tf4 - titrMi a ar.ilk fnlliia Mm- neeeoiry to ue. iiiMfiire ait.) Jaek HatrbfurA, f-. Mrairhten Ihr lep. utrrtrh bWi, w jUVeiie l-.Tiie t,aehall The Double Track Line lae. Ui amnep a.lit ktek Ike ur. irame lite iHie.iei e.ire if .Iff 1.(iing or returning- on your The ieam lhn up as fnltw-: far" of I he water until I hey pe. to t hHntr I lie rnuH f lh S'- KAHTF.n.N summer eicur- f IimiiM llremsan. p let. Hal hi lie in aiieM oerlmlwl lli .xirret ynHnitlrr-' meeting ion tin year try the Ii. liraham, r; Frank .Miirrlm. lare h.nfM be atMled a . wnHIMH maile iw-n OIII 1 NIOX PACIFIC gYHTF.M ilh: aieorae Itltlhe. JSj; ie.irve brtrM aeenb-nt 'War with an mn Btnl 'teent M en(r her. one. Superior Service all Through Mm-lieli. .; It. MrletewM. :iU: II. help near a vei-y bvhin stale of II i.iwk two umpire to krep tin-same See Denver, Salt Lake City, HiMllaiwI. el; It. liiM-.er. ef affair mav follow. in .mler. J. Sun, ball and Great Salt Lake l-lm MiHialuff. If. tr'ike.. and I'.. Me I..-an. bae. iinHi" K Varrn. ft: timrtn A -wunmer hoM lw.1 land bill the rf-ekeeper wa 1ho Yellowstone Hill. .-: H. MHiwwaa. Ih: It. r wait ai late wlr edze urHil HHit liariUwurkeil official nf th'-uatHe. iltarrie. Jh; tlilmmir. ; Saw I be wwraath of Utr hMy la ,en MeKtnn.in, plteher. HaiiiVN-ehiUI. Mi; F. Willi. MMrd off. The HMtHlb and and K. Yayer, t'.. Cameron. F.. WRIGLEY'S i-nifl. K: I. I hitler. rf: J a met. noalril alswuM he rteue, be. lireeti ami Ii. Stalkrr. anil tw- National Park H.... If. fore enter hnst the water for r air tier. :. .I'lioiiip-um ami K Sr.are by iiiaie rv brealbJnir w4ll then he eay. nal. i Mu-m. in Hie r.ure ,.f ih. and many other point of tn. 1 t a t & 6 urwl and nkmitwWd. The litealh ieveniiitt. tpi-eni mile of double 1922 B.C. 11. : Hill till hMiM not be eauw-bl u4enly ' liai-k all-nteel trains ..r.. i.. 1 ; a 5 ih- MimwHrniiy r h.i in- Dii turr nc cnrrcD thnm eh ilinlnsr-rar -entire halal and eihalalinn mail. DrtLrtllLIi UT OUblvLU ioa. System protected by electric Person. nnae,-n.UHM to rld I FATIIF HAMP 9 FT automatic block sis-nal ).-lent.- DIRECTORY Sport Chat water ItatWnir slHMtM ei7 Liberat stopover I in im )ns at fir.t People itinerari' arranfred. wk... k.i. r.1 .m.( iin. .i.... Season Will Be Completed with Illutrated literature sent on Tbe cummer uiiiutiip eaM purple wtiirfcly should indnlfre in Four More Game, Dates of request. now in ftril owinic anl ihi hnlhiaa very modern My a I hi Which Were Set Last For information ask any JUST ISSUED I the tiMM thai Uy June he- imranably show some heart' Nlffht. ticket agent or write in in rea hi iMhmI baret. wenkne. I'er-oo suhjeet In; Ilil atwe ia. iMiwewe-, ran k-ily icM4iies or fainlne or who The ful towing four fixture. FRANK S. ELLIOTT' Year Book of British Columbia lirnera! Afce4' ebnaW .n ( hi in. niter irMN pamiiauon ttr olaer ,ripleinjr tin- fowthal? l-airiie etwHI v4ettrt- if !b.r ubii afterlioii. uf the heart should ... -eee ...I the eseeniiv- 18-19 Rogers Building ;.- .y Official JaU 60riftfl jjr!c4i!lur, Unit, Umbv, mining, fishing Vancouver, BC and public of k. lef the water reniaiiiht a few not iiaine without first ronsnll. ,l a nieeHo; last event: UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM -,,m.'- "tl.'" I'lwihly Hie H! dan. '" talMsed eTi4.H. juy ftH,,.. rtrotlo. Kid Gazetteer and irer.ni ih in Jy" wiwi- . 4. Tlioni(ion. referee. ,nter. the aaac. wb.. want People hii are tr.tle. by July II s.hi. of iaiMda .. Alphabetical Directory 't.. hww yMi a few" 4mt and any uf the nuaiUiA--Be, Snn of Knslan.l. Have flay, referee. ! iftei.lmlly liken U fe; yMi try namely I he eve. the art the DatcHbing 2334 clllet, lowni, lllagei and ItUmvnti within llbetn youfeett. He bHmwM he im-.' and the Ibixial. kJiinrhl dive July 17 Son of Canada v. Let Us Advise Yon tha Prolnc. Qlilng location, dlitanc and direction from Utrirlly a4.e. for jtalt4 ean. parinaiy, or ie4Mfr lill not at tVallhM. 'with a lifetime's experience larger point. Stating how reached. Including synopsis of local 4iAtieat h. thai a Mii4r. ail. Itiviarx i nnrtknilarly barl July 2d liro.'lo v. Son nf in all branches of the resources, populations, etc Containing an alphabetical directory able nuuvher of ilrwwuIiiK avi.. on the ewi drum. rnnruisH by Ka aland. liutlding- Trade. . of all business and professional men, employees, farmers, stock lent are rau.eal by tM lypr. b-M-k and preHre of the waler raisers, fruit growers, etc There i. bjuwew. W t-xii.ia-ii.im beinir harmful. Ureael lion JOHNNY WILSON WAS Brickwork, and that i: Yeur friemt. wmiI or ear plnir are good safe. Classified Business Section will alwny r yajsj wre a aniH, Hraint ihi. It t well WINNER IN FOURTH Stonework, u wftnniee." I"be ul.l vayinar. in dhi'iiia to reniembMr a f-w All products from the raw material to the finished artlcl( manufacturers, Concrete, etc. l"Wberr lbet i mke Ihwr,- i drill le detail. One sbowld never wholesalers and retailers, are listed and classified ' ' Ill TI.ANIi. Y. i m..ntv July 5. Plans and Specifications to dive in "foreijrn fire. mlflil he lranlald in eiiinr.. under 714 headings, aphabetlcally arranged according to towns. J oti nny Wilson mi.f.lli-w.ijjli' free to all our clients. read. "Where there I a jay waii-r. Hy' tbl. 1 meant ptare- i-hampion knocked .,111 At. Ile- wimnier. there tuay lie a-funeral. where I he depth is unknown To Serve the Public Then aanin rare showhl be taken Mari r Inilianapoli in Uu-fourth' William Watts & Co. Tho Public will find Wrlgley's Directory at most first-class drug thai lUere are no bidien ! lioul here.rouud of an riliiliitlon Builders and Contractors stores, confectionery stores, hotels and garage. In fact, all progressive While I He art f swImHiInK i starte. a MlWlieCf e. lif. a P.O. Box 823 Phone 4a. business houses wil nae WRIGLEY'S 1922 BRITISH primarily Indn4rel in fur enjoy, rH-k or a irlrMIknir pier. Office 1017 3rd Ave. COLUMBIA DIRECTORY. They will be glad to hse you consult ment, k4iU it n.iil.l le taken Swim arouMl to (he mhiiI VANCOUVER WINNERS Jobbing Work of all Kinds. IU very ertMtly for at Fmi Unie in where von utlen, tnakiiijt the a ierK)' etitem i be iMorr live and yuaye or hmr. the OF LACROSSE MATCH Mniltte than when in the water iteplli. alway renMHHberittv that Special Announcement fr th rea.an Hial every imiele, il i belter to be safe than YAXOtitVF.lt. July 5. Van-euver The 1923 Wrlgley's British Columbia Directory will be bigger .man an.) faeull) at Uie bdy i sorry. lernunal defeat e.1 X.-w EDSON COAL and better than e.er. It will, In fact, be THREE DIRECTORIES liruuybl i nln full pay aixl. fupr. i i - Wetiinsler Salmon liellie liy a li.mmir imuMane.tuly the neev. In .iivinv from nv iteiviii a --.. .f I.. .e ll. li..l.. iftj Ortl it will, inciuo. ihi yat4Nii i alway in a hiali bead BliS-e nf xMeW kid sbjHlbl laernsse game here last nrrhl. COMPANY FULL DIRECTORY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA tale .if tell.it M. I'll firtiMiiallv la worn. This lend In break Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. COMPLETE CITY OIRECTORY FOR VANCOUVER the law uf malllln aiKl'llie tall and add ureal I y tu the SPORT STANDINGS FOR VICTORIA Mother N I ure del not fasliion pVasire, eiinttnaltHtr Mist -tinit COMPLETE CITY DIRECTORY it in iwh a way thai we alway wlin h ail will dinudle. recall 41i Vaitrontrr " N n r. lMii" i-.inl;iwit STHHHT float m wr must reniejiWier a A sMHide "lie l.i the secret u I Senior Baseball Best Coal Ai.pu.vmrrn-u. u.assihki iMre.i.-. ' few d'takla a l the Ihw. w-n always making a wwl, rie-St W. I. Av. ami all rHlrHt NV are ttMti ! lr thi Iniar alu U W ami where of 11 all. dive i to Mnr a t"Vp f Palter K. of C. ? 500 ' r-opftMHI .if Mir eiiiilorr. an.l III' filrtbrew l My The HfHe l.i Imllle t Very Mil. beween I he Its lit lite rUhl 8, uf fi. 5 ? 500 at uli Jm. alwa lire,, ,,r,.Ki"i. Thrrf lirH.w U CI.Nh Mrtanl, thr ImI lieinir aliottl Iw-h unv left foot and have the retard m . 2 2 100 VOUJ.MH XH laiAMIK IN IMMtUJ. h.xir aller ealmx when food with both fN dayrther, remetii. Intermediate Baseball. Lowest Prices HHUtrrilMHl H. praa l ) wWr"- will ai leal har broHi partially bermir wblb in I he air to keep W. I. Av. MADE IN B.C. di..tr.l. All bavy food I hem i-loseiL (lien imagine n (?iU ; 1 667 1 slioiild 1 avoid! and what are lode in 'be water and enter ll firuuo s 1 WriKlrV- IMw.irt- arr nwi ' H. L Wage are part Uki-ii bniitd M sparing prior to mi I bat 1 hi- IhmIv- will twit lotsfli S, or :. n ; Order Now! Phone 58 if 5 IK! l" VlilUl.EVH II. . lUnHCrOHY. KVr,. )..,.r takimr nny dilanre or endurants either side f the iliKli;llu ry hiO". Junior Baseball. swim. At au times nreatinnit A little itraetiee ami ativone ruitl W. I. Av. iiiiiiy in II. C hoiild he lUroiidli tlie nostril, easily heroine real urnfteiejil afJTjiiy TJiu L....w S t iiilmlliip. and evhaiyiiit via Hie neal diviiiy, afior wnirn the Wlitf r' s I 667 SPECIAL OFFERING! Limited dianhranielie iuuHes In tin- fancy or sp.-riiil Uive ran b ue-i-eitlre Ibiy RetMit 11 2 000 Wrigley's Directories, of Die orr. Tip- n-al ! uun--d i-ry r-si.llly. Most nf lie Juvenile Baseball. Made to Measure reason sit many people tire 1 trouble in illvbiar I with t!i ' Y I. Av. B.C. PI" """ qmekly b lie-aiie (he natural iMwiU bendiiis VsUli a great F1mii ... 6 0 1000 l IU.Uo,. U W..W V.ncou..r. rule, of hreaihniK are overlook-! pUU. If we bear in itiind Mil M!dKU S 3 aoo Tweed'ART'Suils e. I simpli- piiee nf pater. a perferj lUy Sntaaia 0 d 000 ---- I neat .live will result almost Senior Football. Some $30.00 r:.-rlai(l plai-" hhiiuld he uul.-matieMlly. V. I). I.. I'M -Irii-lly aiV'ided t'Jf swiliiliier. ; It w- f-iiieinher a fw "f Hie-,. S. O. tl 3 I 0 7 STEVE KING urh a Ihe VP4 wtlll the "''. nk . Jli - and Ihmi Havy Join O. F- t I I 5 .11 lien 1 or Uie iull lake with won I eel our goat for he'll never Urol lo I 2 1 I Third Avenue itv cold .priii and lue inlet find uut where we keep it. CalUes 0 0 4 0