Tu(,,jay February i, vz. THE DAILY NEWS PAQE THRe I" Local and Personal Ten Years Ago j $1.00 $1.00 -,. .i In Pf'nc Rupert i hi a l ali. fdiono C7 February 14, 1912. A Genuine Tniderprs' bids for 1 lie corn-pli-lion George Leek, Auctioneer. if of flie new rily hall wpn-tippiii-d Gillette fit Ihst fiiKhl'M rvunril WRWLEYS Safety Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548. riippliiifr. Razor for $1. 11. C. Uini Inkers, Phone 41 II TIip illi.nn Jnliffp, Cailai XpwpiiiiiIip, Jpfl UiU inortii..j fur I'll-- patent expired ii mi ihi' prici) Haynera, Undertakers. Photic iraliiirn Ixlnnd lo parrli for I i i il rnmi 0 lo t. J , ii,,- 351. Li f.aiiUin ICl'-nxluiw and die ihIhx- iitiw idnitii-ul Hrliele exeepl tliat : . ' in jiarly off tlie west ciiast of iiu x ulouV- i -1 al "f a ilor.cn. la-h fur Victory lluiid. TIhm. OraliiJin Inland. MClyiin,ril. If Could Not Eat The Twinplex Stropper $5 ' Kd. 1'lv;ird nrrivtd od;iy Mure tnc.-iU forvimr money. Constipation m cautrd by a from Jli-villokp to take livpr lii , i ... t make ii K'i-r. nunlnnation dial no uiun who Cily Market. If torpid condition of the liver. Dot-ins dulip liprp an provincial g;vrrti-iiipiiI ill uiTonl I" he without. Tin- Twinph-x sharpens I with talti. cailor oil, etc.. to aPsor. ,ir.r. JhiIIi ide. nlu-rnalcly. Jim- hlaih- lal three N.-w Sprlnr Millinery in Hie move the Lowrli. cannot afford li-4uul nery sjiute a per feet huvc heilrr than Willi a lnl.- lyltf jiil urrlyed at more than temporary relief. WIRELESS REPORT Made IlllelV. If vou are to rid yourtelf of this ailment and the icorei of an i . ull'liyvr in both if uh.ihilc u ml we mITt either or both The lleevp Viieuutii Cbn noying iymptomi and diseasct 8 a.m. one month's free trial. Your money back. You lake no '"o only IO.tUt--ami tiiilhiiiL- which come in its wake, it is li:.M TIIKK POINT tSnowioin , : Sitifled . n-loin-i s ( mir bet 1tih1.rO9Pi111.11lH. to operate.- 1'Im.iiu Mack 700. If necessary to get die liver right by freli poiillieal wilidf liaromeler H :it In- ntified. such treatment as is suggested in 30.5O; teiiippi-alure, 30; ea Mr. and Mr. I.. S. liavi and this Inter: ernoolh. , family are leaving,for Smilher Mrs. Alvin Richards. R. R. Tin.i. HAiingn snowing; Iiiiiimii hw wh-r" Ihey will "frolic Koiillieal wind; Itaruiii-elcr, re - McRAE BROS., LIMITED nte. No. I, Seeley's Bay. Ont, writes: 30.31; temperalurc 31; pea "For Iwo yt.n 1 mi (lictl wilii fttliooth. iadigniio. d in lh noniinf 1 ll"ja! Purple Silver 'I'm. KIk' go4 up my Uealli Ltd. I kul IHiSIIV ISLAND Hiiowiiiif, t.'Mlf dooms. Wednesday from 3 lor mlK. d juM ltl like ulinf frph oulli-al wind: harotnpler. ' A miisirnl program. T.- crruia lood. I u-J nuoy diff: 3(1.20; (pfniioraliire, 3i; ea moderate. ryliody welcome. :i7 nrdirinn lsli- wiil Wnrfil. tsA dccfesfV ts?d!ri!5 dd 4 l'in Noon. Stocktaking Comes in 2 Months. T".py station lia hpen KidnryLivrr me l Fmally PilU. sad I Uird found Dr.en Ckit't Idler IKAJ Tlli:i; POINT Snowing, li'-inati-d iiu a speeial pollin;: tti Mything I hA f tried. 1 frexh puuthoa!. wind: harcmeter. place iiiv Hie fiirUiPumiii pro-tiurial r.a hilily rttomreend iKrtn to y-one 30.30; pni(HratUre 30; jiea uiod-erate. Candy jacket election in Oiisiinva eon--lilueney. troubled wilh coailipalioii or kid-ney i Until that will time we otter ' trouble. A ilL'LI. UAlinOll ?nfwln?. get the delectable gurn. center. . Dr. Chase Kidney-Liver trmi? onlliea.l wind; haromeler Specials in Several Lines A Idler - from .Hi ..Hoard of Pills, one pill a done. 25c a box. .'O.IS: leiiiiipratiirr 3t; a mod And with Wrieley's three old sCvm Bmk also aiTordinz friendly HH Trade requesting. lTir"iril' l standbys S?JK rm- all dealers, or Edmanson. Bates t erate. aid teeth, throat, breath, siWm&rB tidi-r tlip.miitlur 4if J.-Uli-r lialilin Co.. Ltd-, Toronto. -IlKSUY ISfcNI IVeIi Kouth. to yKWy and French CHOCOLATES ii nil lfVfli Im-Iwwii MrllriiH' eal wiinl; JiarumpJer. 30.11 appetite ami Ktirlilh ilrw'li' vf rpfcrnvl lemiM-ralure, 33; ea niiiderale. by lli V.iutipil til I instil lo, tin-lilililiPH lliiM-(lal Tonivlil. ICxiiibiiion 12 iitMin whoke xtiuimer Vieloria roiniiiilt.-p fur rwMirl. Hall at 7. Three gillie. II lefl Wranaell al :15 oulli j Ivory holllld. STATIONERY n iilmlmrl nf iKTMiml- from Mr. and Mr. I. While, who tiic JliKi.ilul IliinM fir Iiu- y.-ar have lieen in Ibe -ity for noine At 3 o'eloek yelerday after- 1 1':'I him ill).' an pxcp .f in iiiiilh, are returning to Seattlp noon Ihr fire di-partnn-nl had These will be sold at cost to clear. 'immp ipr )tM'iiiiMurp r F3.-6i.V3 ..n the l'rior Jlujierl Tliurday a call to (lie (yulholie .School on ... .. . . i 1 1 : - won rpvnl l- ttH' pity niiflil. I UIIMII r-l.re'.-i wiii-ir tt 'ir piiUMPil lal ulinil ami lahl over had fallen cauiii!r Miioke and ORMES LIMITED fr a wppk. (ieorye Me A fe, manager of alarm. The tove and pipe was m w the i.rorjfelown Havtinill. reneh- rtmuved and there wa no dam l.ptlr fniiii ",. II. DriiiP and ed the ,rity jelpinlay aflernooii age. The I'ipncer D.uggiit. The Rexall Store I). M. I'p1n rtsiui'Vlins (bat and i rp?iierel at the Iluicl M Hit uiid VSruham .Wpiiu-. I'rinee lturt. BIRTH.- lipw, lip p-muhptIp.! up Willi A wa born to Mr. and a rd kii Vaivarxjid MM wprp In roiMttltaiiee wilh a renjii-I.Mr. K. T. fiiUert. Moilordip r.-f.-rr.Ml by Hip rily nmiipil luil tion of Aid. Oillarl 4 panl re-eeMUy Alarliopnt$ on tebruarj- 13, RUPERT BRAND iiialii 1m Hip llar.l f Work fr hy Hie etly eoliiu-il. Fire . . . . Canadian National Railways r.-jMirl. fJiief IolerIur MelMiuild II. I., l.aidlrey und arc lluildin?mat You have read our advertisement in? an inerlion if all buiMltis FULLER'S SPECIALS Kippers and Bloaters of last week. Or. in the fire JiJcfcjeweea Mc Scholl's representative Is illid." Sire and i fi Juielioii of Swiff 1 1 I.ard, per lu 21c Prince Rupert now in this store for three I'ii-fcl, Seeond and' Tlilrd Ave- I'll rily Flour. ark $2.25 . days. Don't fall to come llllen. i J rape fruit 6c and see him. Any foot trouble I.oral N. I.. I-irsr 60c i forSale at at all. from the meest llo- IV?2 e-liniale of Hie .Min-.tun.-V fluid Href. $1.25 ALL RETAIL STORES Shipyards corn to the most aggravated Sehool lloanl were preenll lo Freneh Mu!arl 25c case of flat foot treated successfully. I Ik- city I'oiiiii-il )a- uihl ami il Our wii lirand lluller 45c Family Shoe wan (h'l'Hieu iw noiii a ppeciai frenrh .Muliroum ...75c The Most Tasty Breakfast Food Operating G, T P- 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock . Store. 37 MMvlim: of the eotineii lo'elher 11. V.. .Milk, per rat-e $5.50 Engineer, Machinists, Boilermakers. Blacksmiths, Pattern with Ho- m-IiihjI hoard nexl IVi-day Hosier' Syrup, in. per tin. . . .50c Obtainable makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. I III- II. liHU'tlP aillMHIUPP eveniliii to jro i 11 to them lUirn Slareh, peeial 10c l Ik- followmu li. C. Iind Sur thoroughly. Tin- ortliiiury Vli-mal- IIoIIihI Oals ?0, only 85c Electric and Acetylene Welding. M-ir aulliori.t-d In prHPlicp filial 7ti.:i30 and the ex- IlrieI Oreen Peas-. pp-e. 3 Ihs. 25c Smoked Daily by durinu M2S: II. II. lllnck. ITihpi- Ira-ordinary. 'K.Hr.r,. Climax Jain, i. per tin 75c iir iii in .11 i'J lo handle ull kind of IIiijipH; F. Ilurilpii and C. IJ. iirnalion and St.. Chailc-, per Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Iliirdpii. I'riurp lipoiyp; J. I-'.' Arrhliithoji lu Vwnel. who i cae ?7.25 MARINE AND i'.miii!pl. I'rinw Iluipr1; W. 1". recojiiiiteii turouv'tioai iiuaaa u Castile Soap, hix liars 25c PRINCE RUPERT frPKs. I'rinw Jrrp: I". S. Cip- a leadiiiK px.vrlioioiel, will plve linndry Sliifeli. i' parkat-er. .25Cj COMMERCIAL WORK iiiPiifH. I'riiM-p lliiprl; J. i ml a livlure fr'e,. to ''all ull lilt' IIinjireMS Murmalade 90c: llilf-liip. I'Miirp llujirrl ; J. A. p!Tholo.v of Mi-mory in S. fresh r.olTee. 3 Ihs. for $1 PHONES 43 AND 385 Ihillnrfcid.-Sulli llazi-lliiu. and Andrew' :iiurrh on' Wenlne-sday, Cream of Wheat 25c V. Srlijpldprtin. Hum l.akr. l-'eh. 15. al 8 11.111. Suwsei in life Christie' Sodas, litis 65c h-IM-inl liirjjelt- upu.a rifflit ue Corn, bijr tins. 3 for 50c Phone 66 P. O. Box 743 V. II. Mrl.uuvliliii, 1m i f uieunry. How ,lo JTineinlier building a iiiotU-rn iiiartui-iil is one or Hie eei:rs iiuil !- Advertise, in the Daily News. JAMES HUNTER htMiloj,-y niakei. known. . liuujip and ct-p lmiMtny "on TliirU AHUP, liad n lfltr Miri- GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY Nanaimo-Wellington fO A I The report orthe eom- ANNOUNCEMENTS i lip .'ouiieii iasi mum who tv- iiiitli-i- m-oniiiieiidiiiK lliul the Io-minion BUILDER uaid to lii MaitlliiK iwriiiit. ll AT REDUCED PRICES VVlili -iiitlanipl lliul city offiriaN (invernmenl be ofrereil u Hospital Women' Auxiliary Agent for Traffic. Day-Elder,and Ruggtes Trucks LASTS LONGER MORE HEAT BETTER SERVICE luid Kiiddpiily raued liin work In iroH.-iliiHi for (lie -uiii--iiim op Silver Tea fridav. I7lh. Ilyspnal. Terms cau be arranged for purchasers. or DiKhy lelaiRl vvttli tlie eily liuht ln rloppml after tlip iiPTit-sury . V vui ilih mil .i'iU y-n athn etein in WestxieW dopl.-d Cow formalilv of obtaining jiermil vuf KinP'lil8 of Columbus Annual First Avenue and Bay NANAIMO-WELLfNQTON is the Cheapest and Best, liud Im-imi coniidipd Willi.u The by I he eoum-il la-t niyht. The Danee, February Prince Rupert, B. C. ALBERT LTD. n.nyor rp).orlpi Hint IIIp mailer buperinleiident of ulilili.-i. i-'-MHel & McCAFFERY, had lHen rulinfaplorily arrullK'pd. thai the exiendilure 111- corrtsl by Hip eily oul, In- ?5 Phones 116 and 564 ii(jpji Anlptiplli hit lli pn true I for tin- Maliiif. and lliul (he minimum -arly A Man revenue would he IK0. e Phone 15 Peter Black, Agent Main Office, Central Hotel Aid. iIollaH'M inolion rv'r-ulnl-n Wants j I tip lopvulfoii of laiiiidHos.. IVlulpr for telephone hardware 1 to THEti COLLART. LTD. - NOTARY Iiv.-r- rt4lblvi, lilKjrPriPrt, bl'PW- Were reeeiViMl liy Hie eily eoiim-ili Prince Rupert Coal Company PUBLIC pripti. Iiulx, fthuck" iiiul caliin last nmht and reerred to Hip Sell This Exclusive Representatives: Ladysmith-Welllngton, Pembina and ollii-i- Irui-luri- wa Jpfl lllililies coin 111 1 1 with power to TWO FINE LOTS on 5th Avenue W. ovpr for a week by Hip eily poiiu. art. The lender of the ('-minlian Watch Peerless and Yellowhead Coals. $1300.00 on easy terms ell lnl iiiylil. Aid. hyliliiivu u$r-K'lin' (ieneral ICIeelrie t'.o. wum the low Unit ALL ddlail UM-er-lain el. The Norlhern ICleelrie nn Wallbuiu 'VaUeUard,' ?3 Rentals Real Estate General Insurance lpfiiifpy lliio-e iortioiu of pany'p nml Parkin A WunlVt.-n jewels, ttlljuMcd to heal and Pembina Peerless Coal Phone Blue.69 Westholme Theatre Block P. O. Box 66 lux projioKed lvt.'i-lal ion wliioli ler were for llo- punie lliitire. Ilie cold ioehro)inm and lite uiv ill ready eovernl hy city by-, fonnei lieiiiu f.o.b. Vaiieoiiver. I'm positions, in void-tilled diisl law. Alii. Collar! eYplaiiied laller f.o.li 1'i iiK-e llnperl. piiwif rase: eot 1 00. never On Dock Delivered Iiiul il wu priiiiariiy hi inlru worn: must sell for to. Moil lo i-pyulale the liuildinu of Owing to the success of Willi dO solid eold lieavy ,NBP $9.00 $10.50 Dr.JOSJAGUIRE Unit n ami cabiiU in the eily to the visit or Dr. Scholl's doulile cJiain lainpeil on thai ileniriiLile pi-opei'ty would representative here In the every link: 75 for ImiIIi or ,N sPiT' $9.75 $12.00 liol le depreoiutfil hy their erec-linii. Family Shoe Store, we have ;0 for Hie t'huiii. DENTIST decided that as there are Order a Trial Half Ton Today several other cases not yet John Bulger, Household und We ret'oiiiuieud tin Coal for use in (laiige Vl.lt Ills Office Booms 7 and 8 Smith Tou r I" attended to, he will be In the es ptrltueiit lleuliiiK Stove. It Kite hoi llro uid free fivm oot und Block or phone for an appointment. fCZEMA Ins wliD Royal Shoe Store on Thurs- -day The Jeweller clmktru. lr. Phone 675 ?u uh and Friday. Don't rail Wo Veep all Pembina Coal stored In our new bunkers, bkla now Dfllce hours: V-i', IX lo 0 and 7 lo 9 Luieut rdu-hpj.1. to come in and let him examine and U relieves at t 'GIFTS THAT LASTi, from Uy th. skin, nautili. titiK llr. your feet, if you are s which completely protects It the weather. When It Is LliifcMi's (llutuieltt Ire. it vo delivered to It Is absolutely dry. Sunday Appointments l-a.ly Assistant Klcr and aeud 90.turnip lurVHwuge. troubled at all with them, you aJldeiilers ir Kdniaofw. awl 3i' npyal Shoe Store. v