Tin .'tr N. . pa6e two More GOVERNMENTS GRANBY COMPANY You Can Learn I HAS REDUCED ITS from a teapot test o! QUITE STRONG costs materially Year. Operations Showed Profit eipiaiiiiiiiiimu""M3l''ly,"Mffc . Review of Flr.1 Week of Se.elon . . a jt ' 9"h,t rtcU 1M "SALADA" Indict. Solidarity of Party j -,f ili'itiih.v i:iinnl!)ftitt ha mai LITTLE REAL OPPOSITION erlally i-ni it i n fiU 1 1 '! ami ... . ....II...(4- I a,....... .a U 'Cont.rv.tlvt. Not B.hlnd Th.l-, Iff ."XT' 7 V ' -1 To' " ' lj.. i w4. in ipi m MP iiiflii ffm niln", Present rtnsll "for. copper run1 ZS? Z ' "- Bickering , 0.30 1 . f o! advertisement eeni per t'rm. a compar. tell In a page Than we can you Nl lh 1 1.A3 cent in I'Jil and. TRY IT TO-DAY lly II. p. Pullen. 1.V0I ec'nls In RiSO. La vafj YICmillA. Nov. .V llii" rencr. ft? profit of I2..1H replaceit a nl irtresion obtained of lh jvlefieil nf SflTil(i In IflJO. I'm- nri w oi ma session inuuri..A. ,.., ..n.i (i The Natural Wealth of Canada The Daily News lhr.se who attends and lislene.1 0fi; nrif ,,,,. ..j r, r. m. lo the pr.--ee.limr. was that Ihe .irlll,n ... of PHI.Ntiti HUPKHT - MUTISM COLUMBIA Government i l.lay MronBfr,w, al ,p At,Mlrt Ml, lt j:,.. Grain Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince than il has leen since he lat ft0o ,mrt p,n,j,.. Pro..ielion Hupert Deity News, Limited, Third Avenue. lection. There n hjnrfi-)hr,Wh H;p ,,af ,hu of that em... imrpo,.e hikennie LPlir viTu1f.lahlr mial IMrtrt.-aiiMng Northwest was a barren waste only II. F. PULLBN. Managing Editor. iipiM.rler ofMhe ovrn.'nnn THE itlmK a Die n.iiMian'y doe. Today, in a thouiarKlmile belt nieiii urii nrmi wo- eueru.r- ,., m. , ,,,rp oiltnill he. years ago. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ne of tin 'Uovernnrcnl fore eoinplelion of the new .lain across the three prairie provinces, is one of the greatest City Delivery, by mart or carrier, per month $1.00 last iin. All, are in one ar- nnle lliere l a maierial in-ereae grain-produomg areas in the world. For the year By mall lo all part of the British Empire and the United Stales, enrd in mailers ofdicy and it in irlee nf copjier. Willi the total value of the wheat, oars, barley and In advance, per year $8.00 k a ir me iiovcrnmeni was preenl eipllpineni liranoy enM 1921 h all other countries, in advance .er year $7i50 aottti for amithrr three cars. prMlue aMMil .'.ii.iwki.imio ioiind rye produced throughout Canada was estimated by 3 Also there l evident here a feel. f mpitor annually. the Government at 432,984,750. TELEPHONE 8S in if of optimism in regard rri Ilia ' iirantiy niinliis frmn 3.on by.etertinn to tie brnuitlil on ,he." to ri.ono Un of ore in.Milhly The Bank of Montreal has a service adapted to the transient Display Advertising -St.40 per urt-h per ir.sertioi- for verV I'Wb in Vaneoliv.-r. ai Attyni,. where ."h m gniployinK needs of the fanner and a system of branches reaching lYansient Advertising on Front Pane $2.80-per inch There ha been a preat paMe nloiil 1,300 moii ,1.iig eoitoider-abli Loral Headers, per insertion s 2e per tti- of opposition on III part of W. ennsihielion work in eon-neeli-ii to all districts. Classifled Advertising, per insertion .2c per word J. flows, but I he rank and file wllh Hydry-P.leelrie in- Legal Notices, each insertion trie per agale line of Ihe opposition ha not shown lallallon. New nraBe iI.iih for Contract Hale on Application. any nf that lio.tilily which das 1mpoiindinjr waler lnrtil.l te IVVlCl III n A !i esr ixirrnr Af All advertising should be in The Daily News Oflire on day preceding f haraceHiie. Ihe all Mini of th. complelr,! in three nirnilh. The III DAlrvUr 1 1.CAL, publication. All advertising received subject to approval. ieader. Any oppfitin lia bee use of Hydrn-Hlaelrie power will Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. of a eonlroelive nature rather' enable the company lecreae EstablUhed over 100 yera than delrietlve. the cost or prodncinB- eper DAILY EDITIOJI rtv?in Thiirila . Nv. D, 19H. l the o(tenlns of the eioil tnehalf to one.third of a rent Premier Oliver ake. that Ihe old a pound. Diamond drill work i ruloin he adopted, the name a meeting wilh g.Mut results, and Effect Of Collapit that in Hi IKHinion llmie vrfiei. ore In sight i fully a large a Of Mark On France. the turner anil eeoinler of the al Ihe rirl nt U year. AI that Il"i already becoming evMenl that the next reparations AiMret in reply tn the speech Mm eimale reserves of hlsh. cni wiir occur before IhV Allms have matured Ihelr plan for from the I h rone pike f ir-t arxl grade ore Ln lahtere I rt.?rt I a jM.ri"ic, hiirj ni I !i tut! dealing wilh it.xty Ihe Maneliler nu.iMl'wii. In fiu-4, Ihe Inm-ble Ihey vere then followeil by Hi 5t l of 2UJt iet eenl copper. flslnTiiiHn in Ho- II at Si -in1. ha already begun. The further eiillane of the mark ha !e.lr nf Ihe oppoltion and the Will Sail Coal Wa tiri mailt mlo tin- niv ili- SPECIAL lim.iel not only the Herman government, which ha Mei an Premier anvrei. This -prMial Irnnby pfoduee il own co.i. morn inn and is on iviuin' m.h m emergency decree in unler lo arret il, but Ihe Heparation Com wa refused hy Mr. Ilwer, o mlninit alMul 88.000 on month, from of ihe Prince Hupeit l-i-li mUsion nnd the Pari pre. Bverj freh fall in Ihe niark ha il Oovernnient mewlier refnel lo ly frH U protrly.on Ynoci ni roioAiir' iiremise on Ttur-I reien-jiiiui on the franc, make the ultimate receipt of Iiidemni Avenue. SHOE SALE peak and Ihe oppoition liiem. ter land., Mn or thi i ued : tie more hadow hiiiI remote, and give further unwelcome evidence; Ier had il all their own . in supplying Uie Anyox nllee of Ihe neceity for a prolonged moratorium. None of lhe.e irina of lliia Mr. Ilm.iier de. and mill. Some I l. com. tl. It. HHiila-yU'. jr. lefl on thing would be bettered by an invasion of the Iliihr or by any livered hi aililre unl the Pre. nierrially. Atlff Jhe eoniplelion the Priiie.' Huperl yeslenlav on We have many broken men to ri rr m w.-r oilier measure of coercion. On the contrary, le mark would be liwer fnlliiweil and then came IIm of Hie Hydro-iheclrte plaal a Hurrtr.l toi.ni-s trip lo I). - H.iie j f gfioil ipiaiiiy hloi k. priced fi m .( It r ilnven (low ii Mill faler. Hut they are all damairiiiff lo France Attorney fJeneral. AI Hie time of arniihy coal will m iiI for orr cast rilie.. ii tn.I list and the demand that -lie should retaliate forcibly gives natural writing it w'a experte.1 that thfmakniB e4ie for.the cnmjKiny' - -J. SPECIAL WAY LAND Hhoe in Hlark and Tm r..i outlet lo a resentment winch is all Ihe keener for the belief, nl-mol dehale would last until bImhiI blast furnaces,'and Ihe surplus V. MrK.Bi. ,, of ihe isiinled and high toes. Salt Price $7.45 Pair. universally held by Frenchmen, that the depreciation or the Weliiesilay of Ihi week ami that Hid. The, Oranby have, 'bonded earliest and tessl Wnown piom-ersi SPECIAL "WALKRITE," in Tan Calf. Iinted .e Sale mark i a matter of deliberate Herman policy. The danger i the Ii il licet slteerh wouhl follow Hie Oeorge Hoplter property of Ihi elly. left nm Ihe Prince I Price $6.45 Pair. Ihalif France should be driven lo despair or gelling siiltanlial i oe after. fiieh consists of ;u elaims . ltHei jesleftlay rhsvrjHna on his money payment out or (iermany her advoeale or military ag- A nrmber nf hills have been in. uale.1 on the south bM of the way In Ke.Htlaml. I he country of RUBBER BOOTS gre-ssioii will have thing all Iheir own way. Ilul that danger is Irisjuced, inoslly by the Attorney Hear Itiver, some 0 mile, from his Nrth. Mr. MrlkiMlil. who probably not imminent. The French government i committed l.elietal. and some of thrill a-l- li.l-waler al HeWart; extensive uas nsatiel in Ik ah tlo' ruuii-lure STRAIT HIP, 111 r k. Sal. Prlc. S7.S0 Pair. lo trie holding or an juler-.VIlied conference, and. a semi-official a need to Ihe econd reioliriK. 'Ilie diam.Hid drilling is planned. and liipior lniiir-s ai ilif-ferent KNEE BOOTS, be qualily. Sal. Prlc. $5.50 Pair. statement hows he still adheres lo (bat policy. This conference plan adople.1 Ihi year is to bring There are ihree'v;ein on Ihe pro. limes in tin- cHf. of aie Eipert Shoe Repairing Whll. You WalL will not take place for over a month, but w-halever happeni. aiown all the bill and let (hm lie perty Iraeeslue for a thousand has lieeii filina I lie I"' of lo Ihe mark in Ihe meantime the French guvernmenl I imllkelv on the tahle Ions enouich lo b feel or ime; Ihe veins, aygrc. fMiiiliilon ronlalil'' at Maeii, lo lake Ihe bit between its teeth. eonilerel by Ihe M-ope in every gatimr 10 ft. of ore. average gold nn iirabam Island. McARTHUR Shoe Store art of the province o that ug- t.OO, silver 30c. per Ion, copper New York Monday's iil cleans.. Hart Block, Third Ave. Paper Eulogize. ri ocr cent. pestion may Im made in regard lo Canadian Butlne... dav' dud. possible amendment. This Bet The New Yirk Herald, commenting on Ihe fact 'that "Ihe away alloBelher from Ihe ruh ctaviricarc or laenovtatmT, Canadian dollar i taller now by a rraclion of.a cent width than system in voBiie a few years ami Tbe Man in the Mom nonce Ihe dollar or I'ncle Sam." declares it i naliirnl that Canada should i.nder which the most iiiiortant wnrsvL sentsrv vuwrsi num. ut be proud or this fact n it is only n short time since Canadian bill were brought down in Ihe SAYSe i.ivi.io.v t in iiw of or oti.EM ll. rmm.oTTK uiui'iiit misiv:nm currency was at a dicount of rt or 17 eenL in Moiled iTHUrr. im-ati nm Lost. Itlswl DENTISTRY! per Slates dyimr day or the sion ami I T vts- Ikst I. Iusa imr. rrss money. spentc.l (hroiiBh with scant con A MO VIC a day keepa the Miners Cfrliririr So. ul'. nlrii4 Ulr dat. from iim rttis hsns.f t. rslv The change regiler a slory of properily nnd sound business siileralion. grouches uway. la lb Mislnr nrridrr 1rr a Ortlfirttr ol Modern X-RAY Service condilions or which any country would iiave n riirhl to h Bowter Inefftctlva Inr impretraimit,i:ra ortnt lor bt the ths parpmm slam nr riim ufaum proud," continues the Herald. "Several things have combined lo! The wech of Mr. Bowser I MINT forget rr mention. An.I rsritwr uk iwtw llial kiksv an- brillir fitfefilll Ihi tinrkftv . 4r SftUia IT, mm tm rMnmw4 btm .tnln f .fr.!.u T When you're writing hoim. seem to have had little effect on tmtm v. s.M wriil.M ui iwyriir DR. BAYNE "In the tirst y, ace Canada ha turned an adverse Uilauce on hi fidlower. None of them fol these, days, Bt.Dtlnt tblt Ilia day of SepteMtsrr VP. iiileriiational trade into a favorable balance, and, of course, (he lowe hi lead. In Tacl there Aboul our glorious eljuiate. lift. Room. 4, 6, 8, N.lo.eaon Blok Phone 10 very foimdalioii slone or foreign exchange is inbedde.1 in foreign a reelinir that all i not well with Remember Advertising pays. in thi aueaiMi court or .ritism onicc Hoar. MnrninK, 12 AfUrnooue. I wi W. Irade balance. in the opHition ranks. There i I COLUMBIA. Kvcniii.. 7.9, "Again. Canadian finvernmeiit and imliislriaLloan IwMe mel laek. of that solidarity that I lU'siMLS I always.rine in a In lls Mailer Ih EMala of H.in! W fery hospitable receptions in American police court., In fact, it is feaksr. Im-csrHli nnd money markets, with the iireary lo success One Ihinr .la lbs Matter nf Us ldmliii.inii.fl An reollanl flow of large sums across the bonier. lack of that solidarity that i built up on fiiies. Tkt OTU K Uial is. Um Huh ila lOflUvr. If ff, lXl-r T Vdmnil-lr.ti. ii in "Large amount of money have been spent in Canada by iieseary lo success. One Ihim; !u alm iat re irasfd lu Ji.hn II bool-legging outlaw. A substantial boost lo Canadian prosperity the Conservative party nuit learn WHAT ha Jenine of the MrMstMn, OrrK-WI Adin4lnr.i, r in nr. ECONOMY COUNTS fame rrom. these two sources. before it ran hope to succeed and radiophone eraie! iliuiwrl. -rMM baln araawbU araiioi K ar rmwrsa t -fw in "American motor car tourists have foulribiiled to it importantly. that I to agree upon a polity slllss tKirt ila,. trm Eat Good at the l.rwiKS as Ihuiigh might all lrs lal hrrt. In the last twelve months we 000,000 American motor car and stick lo il. There must be I All rMMia swlnr mwils In in aawl crossed the border into Canada . On Ihe basis or an assume.! unity of purpose In tbe parly. esi have a bit of Turkey for Christ, eMai ar lsrWi r(lrml i sv thr seven day trip and Ihe expenditure or $25 a day for racb car it the people will never have conH mas yet in spile-of Ihe money tain UAirn In in al unilrrslCs-4 in rjiy of rrinr forlhsith nniri in shortages. tiw IT...HM- r Rrlllsh :nlunibi ihi. ii Good Eats Cafe conipuieu i.y liana.iiaii statisticians that the oT total American dence in it. ar r Muvniiir. s i tttt money Ihu lefl with our nefghbnr reached upward or 100.000.-000. John Oliver' reply was not-by jnill H. MrMI I IIX. ( l0. r I'lllHr lip..l. M I' iihs initials li.Ii.V. This i not staggering amiiunl. lo be sure, in lhee billion any mean a masterpiece, but Him grt AT LtSS THAN PRCWAR PRICES. dollar days, but it j a tidy sum. evident reason was Ihat there wa and li.V.Ji. nilvl, The latter Good Food. Good Cooking Good Service. "(linada may well be exultant over the recovery or her currency." so little in the speech of the Initials staml tor llultley Valley Private Boi... Phone 301. Hef, SUITCASES leader of the ntoitinu to which 4V- to reply. t i iiiipoihIe to re. Ol.fl Mother Hubbard TRUNKS ply in aimless innuendo ami she went lo the. cupboard, I Was Terribly Weak slreet gossip fine day to quench h'er I hirst, CLUB BAGS D A ITr Our frnien herring bait I. conceded by flberm liul sad lo relate, 1 to n the finest procurable at any "aeiflo toatl After Baby Was Born" CELEBRATION OF The old lady wa lale, Large Stock on hand. Port and it la MFiahy,M Prlc, 130 per ton. Mr. Hubbard bad been -there Th. beat of quality trip Prices vey low. Ipr way Inaurlng a yood Mrs. IL McCIure, Nor-wood, ARMISTICE DAY first. lu hav. plenty of our bird froi.n lee. ftk, Ont., write,i - J. F. MAGUIRE tl per ton. Q. W. V. A. at Terrace Had AN optimist s a man who ran fl.hlns See-vice OlirfitR "r ",iulll,d .tor. can .upply "After my baby wat bora. I enjoy the smell of. l,Jinbiir(rer Nt tha Print Kupsrl HoUl fliberiiKn'a In Morning Sale ef clolhlmf, sroceriee and provision terribly weal wai and rua cheese. and hardwar. down, with paini acroti ray Popple, and Dane. back. I had heard to much NEW ENGLAND FISH Company of Dr, Giaie' Nerve Food that TKllltACi:, Nov. (J.-Ttie 0. W. I decided to try it. Thre V. A. celebrated Armistice Day by Ten Years Ago KeUhlkan, Alaska Branca boxei proved enough lo make holding service in the inorniiiK In Pr'no Kupstrt DENTISTRY me quite strong and well a.iin. which was conducted by (heir I alto uted Dr. Chate'a Oinl-mentfor chaplain, llural Dean Marsh. Nov, , 1S11. NOTAHY a rath which broke In Ihe afternoon the sale uf . H Ikeli. Ilovetl, barrister of THEO COLLART. LTD. - HUBtJC out oa the baby, and the lath poppim wvts very successful and llaeoi uii.l preshlent of th. Dr.J.Maguire diuppetred completely in . a good sum was collected (or Hie Hoard of I ruilw jif Unit Iiiwii. FOR RENT thort time." Widow. Wives ami Orphans leH oil Ho. Priiu'e yealer. Hupert Room. 7 and S Smith Block, 10 Room Furnished DR. CHASE'S I'und.v iiay moruiiiK in spend IU winter House, $55.00 NERVE FOOD A dalicn was held 111 the even, In Victoria and Vancouver. Office Hour.t 8 to t. t. Cta a twa. all filw,or KAmmumm. IUIi A ro.. I A.I ,T,m lug. Tin-re was u good utleud. Prion. 575 Lady A.tlitant. Phone Blue 89. Weitholm. Theatre Block. P.O. Be an) am) the music waa excellent, A reiuailalily fine ipeclineil uf