PAGE FOU? _ SAVE MONEY Reduced Prices Exceptional Values } Below is a Partial List of the Many Lines in Our Enormous Stock That We Are Selling at Greatly Reduced Prices ; WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION LOST BY Diamonds and Precious Stones, Rings, Brooches, Necklets, Bracelets, Earrings, Cuff-links, Watches, Emblems, Chains for Watches and Necklets, Belt Buckles, Novelties, | Cigarette Cases, Compacts, Costume Jewelry, Vanities, Hand Bags, | i Bead and Mesh Bags, Bridge Accessories, Souvenirs, Totem Poles, Indian Baskets, Etc. ; Barometers, Thermometers, Binoculars, Canes, Umbrellas, Lamps, Toiletware, Picture Frames, Brassware, Tables, Stands, Trays, Jardinieres, Cigarette Boxes and Many Other Articles | | Smoking Sets, Tobacco Pouches, Flasks, Poker Sets, Razors, Pipes, Cocktail Shakers, Clocks, | Full Line of Indian Moradabad Brassware, Chinese Sinabar Wood, Lacquer Boxes and Trays, Umbrella Stands,.Artificial Fruit and Flowers, Large Assortment of Fancy Candles, Suit Cases, Club Bags, Aeropacks, Indian Moccasins and Hand Painted | Leather Goods, Large Range of Glassware, China and Pottery | In Our Downstairs Store. Shop Early and Avoid Disappointment as We Cannot Replace Many of Our Lines, at the Greatly Reduced Prices We Are Now Offering | MAX HEILBRONER — Diamond Specialist C.N.R. Badminton Handicap Tourney | Mrs. B. E. Valde and Albert Stiles } Winners Yesterday SHOOTING SUPPLIES All Dominion Ammunition has Super- Clean Non-Corrosive Priming — For Sale By — THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Nine teams competed in an Am- erican handicap tournament for {mixed doubles at the courts of the Canadian National Recreation As- | sociation yesterday afternoon. Mrs B. E. Valdée and A. Styles, playing minus five, took first place with a possible score of 120 points in the eight games played and Mrs. J. H Horton ‘playing as a gentleman) and Miss Thelma Davis, plus seven, THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED came second with a:score of 115 while the balance of the competing | ‘teams were placed at the finish as Miss Ruth Gillies and § Jurmain, plus nine, 108 points; Mrs F. M. Davis and A. W. P. McIntosh, minus three, 106; Mrs. W. Brass and J. H. Horton, minus five, 99: Mrs. P Rayner and P. Peterson, plus two, | 94; Miss Mary O’Brien and R. To- bey, minus five, 89; Miss B. Berner and F. M. Davis, minus five, 86; Mrs F. A. Rogers and M. Lamb, plus five, 79 TRAIL—BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufecturers of ELEPHAN Brand CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS Producers & Refiners of TADANAC Brand ELECTROLYTIC AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE follows LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH Sn TW RL —~- Refreshments served by the la-| dies, Mrs. J. H. Horton in charge, finished off a very satisfactory ev- ent DeForest | BADMINTON Yes, There is a Differ- ence! And You Should Hear— ia ie TAS Mi | | Division Nov. 21—PRE & Ang No. 1 vs Skeena; Rupert No. 1 vs. CNR;} Skeena No. 2 vs. Rupert; CNR No. 2] vs. PRE & Ang Nov. 28—-Rupert No. 2 vs. Skeena: PRE & Ang No. 2 vs. CNR; CNR No} 1 vs, Rupert; Skeena No. 1 vs. PRE & Ang ‘' bt oes Abe avr w NUS, 2 \s5 1932-1933 Latest thing in radio sup- ported by eleven major de- velopments Your radio for years to come See them now at KAIEN HARDWARE The York 9-Tube RENT A Radio, SPECIAL Meat Grinders e ° Badminton Shuttles— each $1.15 N win M h 3 for : 95e One-Man Saws € g ac ine, Badminton Shoes 41%-ft. $4.65 I T : Men's ......$3.95 & ps9 | 2 465 ypewriter Ladies’ $3.00 & $3.25 Phone 3 — We Deliver LE AA ALR SOM AARNE Tae McRAE BROS., LTD. THE DAILY NEWS a DECISION Nina Gurvich Outpointed By Miles Murphy at Juneau—Challenge Issued For Dido Gurvich Nina Gurvich of this city lost the decision to Miles Murphy of Juneau in a six-round beying bout which featured a card staged on Saturday night in Juneau, according ‘to tele- graphic advices. received here. Murphy is understood to have weighed in several pounds heavier | than Gurvich Jack Gurvich announced this morning that he had issyed a chal- lenge to Murphy to meet Dido Gur- | vich, the proposal being to hold the bout at Juneau on New Year's Eve Dido, who has been out of the ring Keep Children | Well Shod | Prevent Colds We have Slippers and Rubbers to suit every pocket. Prices are very low. See Ours Before Buying Winter Shoes For Boys and Girls Cut Rate Shoe Store COHEN HAS - ~~ FIRST FILM \Veteran Stage Entertainer Featur- ed in “Phantom President” at Capitol Theatre The Phantom Presiaent,” a Ppo- litical comedy featuring George M.| Cohan, noted actor, author, pro- ldweer and popular song composer, |Clandette Colbert and Jimmy |(“Schnozzle”) Durante, will be the feature offering on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here for the first of this week. It is Cohan’s ifirst talking picture although he jhas been a popular stage person- lality for three decades | The picture deals with a pre- City Scrip Accepted for the last two or three years, is| now training for a come-back HOCKEY SCORES Saturday Scores Americans 1, Montreal 4. Detroit 0, Ottawa 2 Sunday Scores Toronto 0, Rangers 7. Canadiens 1, Chicago 2. FOOTBALL POSTPONED Owing to inclement weather and illness among players, the Junior League football game for Saturday afternoon High School and Borden School was postponed. Street SCORLESS TIE IN SOCCER BERKLEY, Cal., Nov. 21—Uni- versity of California and Stanford University played a scoreless drav in football here Saturday noon. Europeans are too filled with his- tory to face the moment.—Hendrick Loon. problems of the Willem Van scheduled | between after-| | OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL SATURDAY SCORES ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Aston Villa 5, Arsenal 3. Bolton Wanderers 1, Blackpoo] 0 Chelsea 0, Sheffield Wednesday 2. Huddersfield Town 2, West Brom- | wich Albion 1. | Leicester City 1, Blackburn Rov- | ers Rs Liverpool 6, Derby County 1 Middlesborough 0, Everton 2. Newcastle United 2, Manchester City 0 Portsmouth 3, Leeds United 3 Wolverhampton Wanderers 0, Sunderland 2 SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Division Aberdeen 8, Clyde 1 Airdrieonians 1, Motherwell 4. Celtic 3, Cowdenbeath 0 Dundee 1, St. Mirren 1 East Sterlingshire-Partick post- Falkirk 0 rnock 3, Queen’s Park 1 Morton 1, Hearts 5 Ran rs Johnstone 0 7 I Ayr 1 Sheffield United 2, Birmingham 1. } isidential campaign in which the | George M. Cohen © hes . ™ , 3 entertainer, American who is featured in talking picture Famou The Phantam President,” now showing here wire-pullers select a man well equipped for t job b lacking the personality to win votes. They Monday November 91 , NT typ Relies RUA aaa Monday and Tuesd TWO SHOWS — 1 ana yt Feature Starts at 7:40 & 4 ADMISSION — 45, The Big Comedy Sensation — The Phant Presiden WITH GEORGE M, oq CLAUDETTE COLBERT JIMMY DURANTE Gay Romance —Catchy Louder and Longer la A Paramount Pictuy Comedy— “THE ICEMAN’S BAL Cartoon— “THE BIRD STORE’ METRO NEWs WEDNESDAY & THURS “BLONDE VENUS" WEDNESDAY REVIVAL WHEELER and WOOLs in “CRACKED NUTS t double press Him into se , ‘ ‘ nd win ate 1@ candia win ¥ until an amusing alters everything Cokan plays t! ndidat and Colbert is the daughter president of whom umored. Durante bar | buddy The entire lightful med) Advertise in the D CIGARETTES 12.1 2c REDUCED IN PRICE Smokers reap the benefit of the Cigarette Tax Cut 20..20c _————— A Necesines lob: After All “1 THINK F GOOD , GRIEF: J, THE Boss | HAS FAINTEO ‘, Hotel Arrivals “TILLIE THE TOILER” " Central Edith Norris, Vancouver [Te iF Mae REALLY WANTS > Ce WATER BOY For THE Sb) ASF uf Sy?) 1 Mee } pe FORGET Hotel Central Ltd pat ASCOE mar] 0 e eae i IT WAS JUST Covenient to business district, ees nko a homelike, beautiful harbor you i. views. ORE Rates reasonable. Spacious by sample rooms. 6 \ FIRST CLASS CAFE \ \ Open at All Hours - | rs \ \ Special monthly rate for | | Sx Rooms and Meals or be Hotel Central Ltd. | | First Avenue & Seventh Street | Lt 1082, King Fees Si