Ttturattajr, y,n , PAOE MX TIIK DAILY NEWS son's SUnlio. wnn by Miss Hall. GREAT BAZAAR SUFFERED SO Hack or Nirar, iloiialrir by Mrs. MANAGEMENT WE GIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THE It. Tupper, won by Mrs. I.. M. OF RENTAL PROPERTY Intrusted lo our care. 43 FulUr If you need the services of an agent of known reliability ROYAL PURPLE from Heart and Nerves IVddy ler. donated by Mr. I.. and experience who It a good collector of rente, thoroughly O. (Ireen. won by K. J. Cibb. conversant with rental valuee and leasing, conditions, will llrooeh. donatril by Mr. Ilul-Ker, attend to repalre carefully, pay water rates and taxes when Annual Affair Held Yesterday LIFE WAS A BURDEN won by Mrs. I'.. A. Wood. In force and who due, tee that Insurance policial are kept Afternoon Wat Outstanding Triy cloth, donaled by Mr. I'. remit to promptly and render you deUiled atate-menU, Cigarettes will you Success AndeCAoii, won by. Mr, Hhnw. Mr. A II. It, BraniHI rllr consult us. Ihdi, tiirtrated by Mt, Uaw . I mi ilrliihlei Hi Irl u knw hal I H. O. HELGERSON, LTD. The annual bacaar, held unde.-Hit' bare to ay rrraediBt Ik r"d MiltMrn'a tliorne. won b II. MeltoHabl. Rentals. Insurance. Real Estate. lleotl and .Nrrtr fill did mr. The winner of neteral other uiiplif of the lidie of (lit for IK IP A envrt I Km im, i rrvrrd ilh heart not drawn for will Itoyal I'urple in (be Klkn' IIoiim' rt,trb yl ami nrere Iroajtrie, and w bod I nM f!lerday afleriuoii and exeniii nut ah, oartr atawi im how nniNinred in Hie rourae of a fev I LAND ACT. provrd a (treat iuei-ei IkiIIi tri. miM. My heart hod I hod neSH fcty. ally and financially. The tyill hrj drlvtat on Ihr mod on) woaiM fatal was ;NOTICE OF INTIMTIOH TO arrur to icaily decorated and the table and to ay. aid DHyhWa tauuhl rorr) ! In Frlnr flurrr! Lanrl DlitrteL Rfrord renni my varan. I ahw hwt ihoar TERRM NOTES Bun Valley In niatrlrf. Cf.ait Aanrr 1. D C. and alt. booth, laden witb an abmidatir In the Mrhl Mai derlm m doHy akra a. l l V til wnen rollM trvm rrtnrr roiprrt.l ijou uiie ft rati of aUraetite article!', proved of he form. My wrrr ao bad I Demi inmniiiiNr eat or u.t.p. nr. Driare nenr Mm. A. Y. N'ilin wo in lowni 11 mourn or nonrj ira Lrrra on corn delightful interest to Ibe inuny twM Joiuf ua)l f brd. ad a theaj roll hLfcmrcfwn Is the Best . int Wenliteaajay. Obtainable. abnr or stern niipr. eofHpcMnl K walk ihr flo-r hrfuer I i Take Kotlre lbl I. Vert Butler, or vtdltor proent. WEEK-END SPECIALS. roM ariiar duwn atom, hut After takthf Intrixli IUrport, B.C ocrupatl firmrr, T-Ilonc St.ak n. Ib. to apply rar prnmaawn: in it iw roi-,lolnr In the rvetiinit a oplendid da nee ft Umm of Mr, i ei. Kellli pnii'i'laimil Ibr or ast. desrrlbrd lanl: Commrnrlni 14 was Iirld wben bclwrrn 100 and NYenl. l.adn' AM at Iter bnirf oh 30c. .frrt wen or post planted at tie autn. rtil rorner of Lot iiT. nanr S, foatt 150 couple enjoyed lliemelet Milburn's axlAy. RINOC0 Sirloin sti-ak. net il. 28c. nutrirt B.C.. tnrn in a wraterty oiree Hound Steak. ht Ib. 25c. lion too frrt akmr O.T.P. fly., thence In to the strain of the litis' trrben- Heart and Nerve Pills - - a poutbrrly dlrrenon to tow watrr mart. tra. Harry I.lpelt dM the hon Sli lUiwan, of lluil Mlll, Ilatubui"'''. per 15c. lltmrf in an rancriT airmion amnr mi its watrr mark to i point dtrertly aoutn of the ors as nrater of ceremonies wtille I ran Immaatly aay t am n harrd ma. who ha been hi I be lluuert lino. oasv I'ol Itoa-i. Hi. 12' xc. pmnt or rwnmenremrnl. tornce in a nor. Malcolm Mr I.cod took charge) of I nw frrl in Ihr bri ..f hralth. M fart. nilal uneierirwirt Ihrrly direction to point or rommenro an opTaiti.n I.he Chicken always on rornt, rontainlnr t terra mere or On. the door. Ihr brl t'te hi in fur therr yoaea, band. We hae Fowl, k BtllT ntTLEfl. and ran do any la of nark lth tra- for aprMnelll. reouno-d h r Mama of Applicant. The great cuee' of the day re hrre beforo Hfr l bnrOro h Utllle al He 1 1 atual orliiMil, Iu-- llrollcr or HnawlinK t'.birk-cn P-ated Sept. tdltt. tltt. I wa due lo Hie untlrliig errorl of day H4rntfMr. whii li we kill and dress LAND ACT. Mr. T. M. Sjenct'r, coHiiiwtlee liter tor a hot it an doolrra or kiOlaM lo order. NOTIC Of ISJTtWTtOai TO ArPLV TO convenor, who wn aiteJ by TeeMpt of peter by Thr T. MS)- I lick PHInSMir) aHae Ibn'Uli! Fresh Springe Saliimii, tdired paosrccT land. twain, uat, ta O'uren Charlotte Island Llsil PHtrh-t Mrs. S. J. K an. Mr. Harry At-kln, lermee MfHrilajr night. per Ib. 30c. Rerordlor District of Akema, B C anil Mr. II. I). Johnson. Mr. F. ) (We fiuarantee tlii! not to situate oa I be meat coait of .woreafcj Hilet of ifooatetj land. bibb, Mr. A. T. llalley, Mr. II. fruit, by He-, am Mm. T. J. Marb ! be frozen elm-k . Tats Kntlre that Harry VrVinn. of Munrti llrus won by Mm. II. I.lfw Victoria, fi.r, orcapotion inlnrr. Intend J. I. Sin,itb. Mm. Aterlwrg. Mr. and Tow .Mamh mh-hI riniuk- Smoked lllack tl hrub- to apply f- rrniiKio tn pnwpert the tell. V. Held. Mi. May lleid and Mr. iAia7 al neoio. allV . lb. 20c. fnllomlnr drrlbrd land for Cool. Petro-Irum Illoii.p. donated by I be lime, and Miural Aai: Commrnniit at A. Atoria. I'irnie llanr. average V lb.. pout planted tm-o ml (oath or the XMitb-rl al Trading (io.. won y Mr. eornrr of Timber Urrore or Laie Raffles and Winners Waller IMrrw Urn rrlurn-d per Ib. 19' ,c. !o. ! P., Ihrnrr rt IS ehaln: I'hI in-v -r.. Following I the lit of the from Ike llnretlaiM rnilal and Lard, in hulk. J Ib. for 35c, Ihrnre aonth rhalM; tbrnro eal fo rhalna; thrive north tt chln to tor raffle donation and tin' wuiii'i-: StaliolirTv, ibinalrrt li W. XV. i able lt allesxl ebol avaiu WESTHOLME THEATRE 6 Ib. for $1.00. point or mmmenrrmrnt. U'rnll.nlt, wvr1 ly Mi- I.. Thniiui. - luted Aurvat lli. lift IliimanHI" i:iiwiie, per lb. HAAAT MrVVIX. Frrri, ilniHiteal by Mi KaiHi. 75c. uw of Arpll'ant. Mine l(enailia)rd. f Ijikel..- Hot Tonight, Thursday, 7 and 9. rr rhrta. CootaM. frrnt. wh ly Mr. A. IMllry. SrinB. tefl tar IKv 'l III on Jark Cheese, per Ib. 60c. Silk lr?tlrar. di natenl by Mr. MiHMtay. etftTiricATf or lurnovnunT. float Cheese, per lit. 60c. II. tiHldbrfaeiit, wiM by Mr. F. Wisconsin Hnrk Cheese, lb. "nrasT.- 'T.rsov IBOI DIKE" an.1 l-taoi rrE . f." Jtlfoat In QI'EK Mo'!. Ili-ory Wnlherar Wit l Wed. WalkcTEW 50c. chhi.otte wi.i.a piviio-. rkLt.-M M'TRirT. lortird on LmltM lliA.1. Hit pHlnliHjr. doatltil by Htler. lieadny' Ira IS) for a i-lt lo I'rim-Ost dii'i'M-, Ib. 40c. Take 5otlr that I. Clua. 4. Bmarn, ride llrw. n lay Mr. A. T. Ituperl. Kraft Loaf Cbeese. Hp. 45c. rrro Mlnrra Certirirai .lo. III? B, In MAIL CONTRACT lend HUT di from lh datr hrrmf. Ii liailry. I'ullet F'ir. 2 do, for $1.15 apply lo the Minlnr Broordrr roe frrtt'tratrl AlumiHUHi irtmaled lay Wnwaeri' were, The met of Improvrmrnla, for thr parpo of obtain iiAillnry, (itiaranleed .Irtctlv new-laid in t Cmn Oram or too abot rlirnn. i ri.r uiiitn- a.m i u I lnHHpn llanlwMrr won Ihr week al I he hofHr uf Mr. I.. And rurlnrr takt noiir inat inioa. Ptlliatrr iviuiAt i- al . ndrr Seetlon IE, mn.l be eommrnrod otiaoa uulii mun m ifl ntr i by K. J. Cobb. illayhan. IN Fresh Fruits and Vegetables fore thr li.aanro of luch Certlfiratt of ir.-mlire. itr. rr thf- 'i(V-anr vM Improtrairnu. . HI Narl) . Mali. 4I praaMl I , (trreriet, iloenlrd try Arthur Sweet l'otatoe. I ll. for 25c Dated tma lira day or Aorui. n. mi Irari t&r nrtir rar. .l titnr. prr rk Market, won by F.. J. lMi. C I. BEJISEJL un Ihr route lirinrm rrtiw-r Import I'imi II I.arpe Pad Crisp Celery. OffM-r and prot"""! "b lrlir "fnrr I'illow Jm bnattl try MeHe RENT FREE" 15e. ciNTiricATi or latenoviatNT. at erai inmt lur rminia.irr iwnrrara plra.ur. Itrw . won by Mr. . tUHthora. I're.b California Tomatoes. laoi nfEE o. t.' IBrt?l VfEF MO, friniea nworo noiimni mrinrr Mamriirr r, i(om I ed b Ib. 20c. I." 'XIMCOE rnrllon' and .nTIEUr furtuat!.! a. lu rua-tlHuaw f onMaoal Tieasa sals a . Mineral rUtmf. Ultuitr la OllIN CHtR-IOTTE iilrart ni) lr nd blank riemai wl ilrnir- ,id wmn by Y. Ilallerhf. IroJ.- will l r rn r. bl the A I'ARAMOl NT I'lnrt Rr Arizona or Florida (trap" MI.M11 DIVI'-l'll. SkEKNA MS-TRICE, Trndrr may bo bblattwd al Ihr Pun orTIrr l.ul ittao donated by Mam KMalrlrl .i,.rr I'riit-. Huprrl. e. Eoratrd on lxralre lalartal. f frtnrr Itoprrt. i .. M al Ur mm vae. Ml kilrr ina .i Hi. j 11 a Fruit. 10c and 15c. Take notlro inat I. Alrl. Kolrra, rrrr it Iho IH.Irttl et-rrlMraHtrM of Pvatol Hnlwroner. wwh by Mr. J. M. of laarmibri. If Oa- pofharr Larye ltipe llanana. ir Ib. Miwra Certlftrate o. IIJIIB.. Inlrnd amy f rr H-r Lhw ni i A ! imi w rrir. . I ari. Mermaid Comedy .... "Holy Smoke" rt)- rtn too date hrreor. to apply to thr IMMrtrl uprnnrnilrt Ofnrr. ton- tatrtviiHI. CJI. . t" rul i" U.l.l fret "f nprii"-CeSar. Minmr nrrororr for a crrunrair or im- 15c. trrmijrr. i eoutrr. srg provrmrnu. for too porpo ' biJninr Ilrra bei. ilotwted by I'aul Hraniurt. and hal'tiw Admission 1Bc and 35c Caul i Mower. 20c, 25c, 30c, Cromn orint or above Two ra will bo altowrd ff Ir a the riarmt. Arilny l-i.triri enprrHMrart t. AiAMtoff, wim by II. K. Moaare. al of llauher. And rnrtber take notice that artlnii, 35c, and 40c. nndrr Arctlon II. mitt I bo eommrnerd bo- IHiiwb. dotvatrii ,y Ma. F. anarr niuiar- -4 tb Mrf i LAND ACT for lb of aock Cerunrtlt of VarlurU. or the lMairtat lorraior laanaiKO California Table Finn, r Improtemrnla. SILEA Ho pierniUT- MSTnTCT or HarlNnu. wh by Mb A. Hall. rTSneo Haajeet, a. l. OIIIM LtltHl.OTTE. Cut 35c. Dated tbli flrd day of ALEl.Afiiuii.wrnrn lilt. Take .tutiro that or. Ihr Laorara Hh- ltHiiaore. )frlHl(nl by II. timbcm sals i 4 see. New Halo, in bulk. S Ib. for Inr lixl ratlin Caur. Ltd. of a.lro Mm. F Aealrd Tender win or rrtrttfs) b) Iho Wollaer Ltd, n by Harbor, orrupauua Cat nnrra, Mlrixla Mrtrt torawtrr. erMrr riwiwrl. a You stand chance 35c. antly foe rrrfniuo to lrar lh foftow Moor. net lak-f than nuua on thr frwd d of a Ib. lor drrrrlbrd landa: omnirnrlnr al a kf Crystallized linger. iMaraobrr. I r f. thr nurrbaao per pott planird abirtil t rhaln l tf Sark of w1iral. dwiiatrd by LAeearr A lie. nar Wirtrra lr. 40c. Vakan I'oinl. Graham Itland: Ihrnro north CJ. t. to cat I board frt f Lrdar. HuiMrl Ferl I'riiro.- l!u., won by I rhalna to lo naler mark; tbmce eal nniw.a. aai piimm. 10 rhalna alunr low alrr mark; Ihrorr le. haw. ' riatw,Two rara wilt br ilhiwrd for re win Table aiMiih I rhalna lu blah alrr mark. Ihrnre aaal of tuitbrr to a $135 Rupert Supply rati ! rhalna akir hirh nalar mark to (Uife of errant, donated by F. farlhrr partatalara of Oar I blrf lor II arrra more or Iraa. boat, ronUlnmr (i. haWMHi won by I.. J. ulrr. arluria,' or a bwirarl Iweratee, Phones 211-212. COT. LTD. rrtaar Htrl. . C, , , Ubb. t'llrd Srpt. Hth. lift. Tiaasn sali a .m. Diamond Ilox of aii, ilotiated tiy Ibej Sealed lraMrra a III bo rrreaard b Ib Ring LAND ACT. liwAeari lorraarr. frtiarr Htfl. a. C Table tU I'rinrwi lluert Siiiiily SlltIA LKn lilsTKI:T -DISTRICT or not later than huon oa lb rfnd Mr a Tak Mollr Vt Mi that MllnLOl r. tlx It.l.aoiara rub- won by I'.. J. I'Aibb. tanianbrr. 11. for inr ptaeriMo or FOR ONE DOLLAR. a, ll. oca r aaa InJVI. c Inr and Parklnr CuV. Ltd- of adro IVrriilalur iloiKiletl ly Mora, t twonl of t, to rat feoj 3 DIAMOND RINGS A3 PRIZES liartHir, orruriKn i.aunrr. inirni w STANDARD a In ddI if drarrlbrd for lwnalla lanila: to CominrnrHir Iraar lb firlkm at I Hardware I.Id.. (Hi by Mr. Irrat- nprral Tw ot jrrara IbMHlurk.tiiMbrr.wlH awl br salaam.aHvwod for f- On View In Window. Boat olanlrd about S rhaut nurth or llir Oll. Inrlhw partKroUr. of Ihr Cblrf tor TICKETS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY WITH EVERY north-rut rumer of Lot ITl, V.i'J ; thrnro tea rhilh. (biHalipil by Mr. II. eater. Vtrlotia. vr thr Oiatrtcl fotraWr, TCMFTINO. Ihrnro north S rhalna m k.w alrr man DOLLAR PURCHASE. ihMira 16 rhalna tkorlhrrlr alooff kia tkin. won by Mm. Ir. J. I'. Cad. MJW?l.J.. V nalrr roafk; tbrnre aouib I rhaioa to hlrb tient ealer, diMtr, by Mr. Tiaiaia sals a aits. Finest Selection of Jewellery, Silverware, Cut Glut, IRONWORKS Electric tread oatrr mart: inroro iao rnaina room Srakrd Trooora will br rrcened bjr lb Every loaf of our mrairrlr alone IX lh alrr mark lo boat. Senvr. wtm by Ml A. fiurlfb. MiMbr of Landa at klrlorl. not later Ivory and Ivory Sets, Umbrellas, In Northern B.C. to choois Is so temptingly good to look al euoiaininv ll arrra njorv or than booh on Ihr IB) dar of ertabrr. from. RIGHT PRICES. LAOtHA liHIU 0 rl kllO Ijiaerle. doivalnl by Kaien that it adds zest to the appetite COT. LTD. of llrmbark and IkI llardwure Ltd.. wuh by Mr. W' to rat and make for keen anticipation. Dated Sept. I lib, IStt rprarr, tl.loe lloral frot of Codar rr. HUGH SMITH a.ioo lira, and iia ouro or onanrir ooaia. Electric Braad ts made from the LAND CT. Mlualr oai ao arra oo ihr krma ftlrr. Max Heilbroner llfMICT tilSTRICT E Muhieure deoutnj V. J. beat selected flour, baked in mod IkEE.IA l.M Ot EE1 CHVBUITTE. .el, by nrar Terrace. Kaor . tooti land via-Irlrl. Ttfea V..ti.r thai wr. Ihr I a lira r a Elan- MeUiitrheon, won by Ml I'. As. ern sanitary and electric ovens, aivl" Two (t yeara will l alkinrd for r-moaal Blacktmlthlng and Horse-shoeing Intr arklna Car. Ltd.. of ladrn torla. . of ttuibrr. and i In ued with the purest in Harbor, wrupaltuo Canurra. tntrnda lo rwthre txrlarulara uf Ibr i Mrf i.r Jeweller. Third Avenue Repair of all aptly fof prnu1K lo lrar the follow AluminuiH ware, ilwiwitnl l Irr, klrtort. B.i', or putrwi Ivrralrr. YredieiiU. It Is tasty, wbotespmo Ina itrarrlLrd lamia: --Clininniir II Kinds. puat planird aUrtil tie rhalna norths a.I l.iielt.r.iiniiiniliaiii !. I.ld- won rriaxe nuprrt, ax. . . and just as good as it looks. or ino iKrin.ra omihi vi hi in., v-- bv F. J. I'ittb. TIMSta SALS BA4SS. Ask your Grocer for It or tlirnrr iMrin I roiLQI Ui low aiwr Itiaia tiitiro iao rhalna ojirth-raairrlv alone low llatitMT. doitaleal by Hlnwurt & HraM Trwlrr. will br rnil In lh Wagon Repair. Igins Phone 667. water mark: trwnro aoutn rnaina: inrnrr .. VI. MkoHler of at Urfla lalrr Ito rhalna wMiin-wraterly atony a hi rh Mi.l.ley Ltd.. won by Fred lillliuly. thr lain da of trrrtulrr tAa la vti Supplies, etc. Out of town Electric Window Bakeries natrr mark to pool, eonlainlnr tie irrea Saek of flour. ililia(el by . I. tits, for the twrrhaae of I l.-rnrr X tit. TURNBULL'S ir. more or to rot I.tkO.reo frrt of ri, I nlar. work promptly attended to. UVMOAHA EleHIIO AXD PCkla llolerfe, won tiy Mm. J. I.. and HriKlurk, on an art adjutnlnt Lot COV. LTD. Third Avenue. luiad Sept. Ilth, ISI. Sweater, donated by Hie; Inver- Mania ISM. IHalrirl.rl Intrl, (.ueru Uwrlull First Avenue, Prince Rupert, LAND ACT. iiee Calllierv. won by Joe (rUroil. Two Ifrar will br alhrd fue re uauaal of tinibre. B. C. SkEE.Vt LAND llTltli:T-DISTRICT niMii.nnr.. Of IVaded Iciu. dotrtteil by I'al rBtlloY parltrular of ll i.klrf l.rf Pure Wool Underwear Tako V.urr que that we. Ihr Laniara rih l'billioii. H..11 by W. V. Kniabt. lrr. khrtoffa, .r tlw ln.iriri rorrairr. rhaxw Mojiori. t. Inr And farklnr Co)'. Ltd.. or !a.1rn llei-l Mi. r mi ii iiimi'iiii l.v s . ,. sr P.O. Box 190. Phone Red 285 Christmas HarlM. orruiMlhin l.annrra. inirmia Ilakr. ilmialfd by the Itjii'ert TIMBIN SALI I ASM, ll'ljf for prriuuabin to Uar irr follow llakery. won by Mr. T. MeleiMl. Inr Hai-rlLrd lan.ll al I -ColiiOfrlinAir Srak-d Tnolrra will br rrrmrd b) Ib poat planird about 4 rhalna north of Hit IUket of randy, donated bv N lota Irr of l.aikla. at hlirfla. mrf lalrr nrtn-wri mrnrr or ui lova, lh dr of Xoarmbrr. Ihrnrr T rhalna norm to low watrr mark: Ibe ..yai iUinfea?nery, won by 7f '7lh?i of Ltrrnrr X 4k. thrnro IAA rhalna norlh ra.trrlr aloflr low Mr. A. rot frrt uf T. Hailey cprnrr. i nlar malrr mark: tlvnro T rhalna KHilh lo hlrb and llrutbia-k, on an arra aliuatad Greeting nalrr mark: llwu.-e ISO rhalna aouthrrlr Mot of eaudy, dolt4el by (III rwll Inlrl. Ourro CharbHlr laiaoda oa CEETEE PACIFIC Cn E akmi birh waler isark to pot, rooialolnf i.aiMif uiairiri. lie arrra niora or ir, CI tar Store, wiiii by O. C. Iloiikin Two rrara will br alluwrd fur r LAXJ.UU IISUIMO AMD PACKIia Caiiille bobb'r, ilmiateil by J. luoaal of luuLrr COT. LTD, luriiMr pariimiara of tio ( u.r r Limited Dated srpl. I lib. ll, Hulirer, v.mi by Mm. 'J. M. (iaiiTp. atrr. Iclairta, or thr Mairirl I or ra Irr. Phone 93 Cards SkEC'tA I.AP LAND rilATItlCT ACT, niSTWCT or bell.W..I ..f ..I,,,..!...,,.. I...u.! ,l,.i,ulo.ll TIMBSN SALI K 11 Pure Wool " Ol EE LH InlJITTa. .... . " . 7 7 . I. "r'TJ Tr.-irr-w.ii br rrmiVi br the Take .Nollra that wr. the Laorara I'lib uj i.i"rii, i.iiiiiiiiifiii viii i.iii.. iiiairwi rurrairr. rnorr iiuiirrl, a. I Furniture, Piano and Inr and I'aikiui Cor. Ltd.. of Malrn o.-..,. i. a ii .:i.... It Uier llwil mi Um im dar i i Printed In our own office. Harbor, wriiiHiiion lannrra, lutrnda to "" '"ii" ilNKrinbrr. I. fur tur purr ha of Safe Moving apply for iwrmlaalon to Iraa thr follow 5.00 uulii niffl'. ibmutwl by l-h-rne X ma, nrar Aaa.b i n. Phone for Sample Book. na orarnora yiiMia -t.iHimiriiriiia ai i t ,,, w awo.uvo irn rrr of Cedar, UNDERWEAR i, it Cameral Cartage poat planird about rliain north of the iriiiinu, won " oproro. iirunora. aiHi naiaam, Coal uorlk rail rornrr of Lot SIS, O.C.I.: Ihriwe t rrara will b ationod for re Sand and Gravel Order norm S rhalna tn low watrr mark: Ihrnre Kll'lf'il. iiortal or linibrr. early for Foreign tin rhalna wratrrlr aloa low water mark Hall ton uf nml, donated I.o turllier iartlrulara of iiu. i l.i.r r... Ladles' Pure Wool Vests, from $3.50 up. thrnrr I rhalna hi hlrli wairr mark: lltriwr ' l. Vl.' i, aha In-, . a . Malls at its rnaina eaairny aionr hiru wairr man t ll.u. ,t. Mi'..r , I l.l ...... I. i..V. V,..:".. u . lurriior. Ladles' Pure Wool Combinations, from $7.80 to $8-5' to boat, rontainlnr tio terra more or loaa, LAKUABA IISIIIAO A.Nb PACklKJ Mr. Mury Hum. We . mi mii.Iv (;(iiiibin,iiuin in tin i..ili.n,kT ORDER YOUR Rose, Cowan &Latta Paled Srpl. Hln, tStS.COT. LTD, ShaiiiriKk haiia, doiiali'd by I' CADOMIN FOOTHILLS Auklu or kni-e b nglh. Ali-eveli -, borl tit- ' Limited Hums Co., won by Yau.ban. or linhf link LAND ACT. CHRISTMAS Prince Rupert, B.0. kkLE.TA ttn illHl:T DISTRICT Or aki. I COAL Children's CEETEE Vests, from $1.00 to $2.25. 01 LEA (HAai'OT 1 a.. Sauk by Take Nuilr that lb l Flab-Inr of tiur tloiialed Ak . 1 1 Phone 234. wr. aniara lor CEETEE .ih! we hull In- iIi umiJ t.. l -i an.1 I'arklnr toy, Ltd.. of adn IliutUinmi-Ki'rr fjlling ibj. Ltd., TURKEY Harbor, ucrupatloa Caunrra, Inlenda to you nil Uses diilereiil -t of tin- make. r- apply for prriuiaaioa to ! II follow uoti by X. Muneayjiu, Hint Coal mined in Alberta, NOW. Inr drarrlbrd landa: OHimtriirinr al A la Slurk Clean, Little Ash, More Ileal. ual planird about cbalua norlb of lh beater. dnue( by Fresh Young Turkeys, Ladies' and Gents' Mi.,1 nortb-eaal 1. . .k.tM rornrr... of m.,lil-I-m tvii......k. llanlware l.tiJ.. wtfii by Mrs. A. YOU'LL LIKE IT. straight from the farm. I In chain rail alone low wairr mark 1 1 1 Valley Phones 7 and 311. Tailor. nirnro B.,uia p rnaina lu mrn wairr warai Jabour Ltd. Cleaned, ready for the oven. tlirnr ito cbalua weal alone bub waiail fack or llmir, UOUaieii ny Bros., Alkin's Meat Market M. T. LEE Bill to boat, eoulaiBlut II a.raa more Krily. won by John Cat Consumers Coal Go. Ltd P.O. Bo S77 PkoM Real l) LAN0AHA rilHIXO AID P'CkltO rot. Corner Third and 8eventh. Phone 49 oiiva ii-. tut.COT. LTD. Luiillier bj, , dviAUjttd b liei.-