Wednesday oti. PAflR FOtm THE DAILY NEWS " BRINGING UP 'FATHER By George McManus ANNOUNCEMENT! I I ' 1 LOO JicC. I COT IS COLLV- LOOK sT TViC KIM fOU VCUL 'AT acoot TMri ttxles DO "TO. A BOo WITH A LOT s P unr rdU wtuu HAjVC LL LAOT4M WMtM "iM 1 A A or P.CTORC, or OMF. WCAWlN lot or OH Tut. wOMfM x MT?v OVr TMKHE ' I ' NTT K ctnK'e . CHIN, - OlPE Th, f vMEN THEIH VTVl n r Tmi m kino ivi . . M - L 1 . 3 - - --w f7l w IX- I r0 , j.-rr : v W -Y- 1 offer genuine' "INVICTUS" Shoet for men from! $10.50. No belter shoe made nl Ihe price and every pair fully gunrnn-1 IF feed. All shnpes nnd sites. ; S Ml t ft- t ts.1 l "The Store of Shoe Satisfaction."! Family Shoe Store Irnlinns, taking Iheir nationality in extenl, set aside hy the llrilish Phone 3S7. P.O. Box 1668. from lh Inml f their Mrlli. Ooliinthla Boverntnent s a plav- Only mioh nr lliey likrlv In rMiti. nml for wild Modern rwlni I In fillr iih1'r wlilrh animals ami .l.ei- ark lodfte, Daily News Classified Ads. their sijuialuriM In Ihc Irrwly of N'nlionnl railway's new ehalet mi Spvi-p lif Ihoni I the niit-liilillo Itc Itemivrrl. I'roln llniontn a CXNTS FRK WOKD IN AUVANCK. No Adrtlmnt Tsksn for Las. than Be The Man in the Moon onlnipt Ihcrfhy. Ihe homeward mule wws ihroiieh Laundry "It i not a upliin of liclp-injt the rich tannine lands of lli SAYSi- I li ninlher wxinlry' al all. northern arl of the prairie pro- WANTID FOR SALE X and the sooner this i rwwjmlieil inees to Winniitegr. follrewtns .he hnbter had entered the ,,,d- ,F r(.,,,f .f Splendid Lot with natural base, Service Ihe (teller for all the trniwnntim-ntnl line IhroiifcK t. -nn-K runrerneil. If "IIAICJUTY an A nrinee' ami iiiusi leavn piano and wire, preferably menl. Third Averhe ami First ,I",y r'n'' Ihe rich forests and before 7. 'Hie oilier had scrawled ue. lo he a common exreion PI'rnl Salunlay pulp new with orchestral eitrience Slreel. $1,000. F.ay lertns. We offer the following bill Wi only rnfii!r "Wolf!- Hie farminlt lands of Northern Onlar on H the words: "Walk straight lo.l.iy llii. ahnuld he who Id revie. Wiwld appreclAle Ihe ii 3, lllock 30, Sec. I wilh S range ..f ervice to the pub lo read rn,niinre! will I.e far-rraeh- lo In Cochrane, tlnoii?li lh- I'.o-halt into St. Iiaac'a cathedral. "Hautrhly n a ulion portuntly of making a fairly roomed house. 91 feet frontage. lie: ing." In aixl .Mei lmnirally she jrirl." distriet, Olt,-wa destrnynl thti good living in smeller Digger a town Place, nn. Economy Laundry Service. Ihetiee lo Montreal. -li.. adhtsled the shabby of some Iwn thousand inhshl ll OK and(9. lllock IS, See. I. Damp Washt Soft Finish, LF" " SIR ARTHUR CURRIE round unt. int Iter wntpfUnn nflMt nitil rh Tnrw shawl well tanls. writ for particulars In View Lots IflHVOO ihe pair. Rough Dry, Dry Cleaning, Ihe Secretary, Anyox Cnnimiin 30.30 II. I. SlerlMg Marine Kn-fine. Pressing and Dyeing, Rug ing wnen i mrn my rare homeward. TALKS ABOUT TRIP THE TERROR entrant nl Into tli sh iifispa. At the Iitlin Hy League, Anynx, 11. C. M and Carpet Cleaning, and wins for her Launch Trllnn. J5-I0 Pterllng. the Regular Laundry Service. - -. hc showed il alhl passed KVCIIAMll-nanch on Porrher Mentions Prince Rupert and Horrori f 1000, or Launch khn,i6.ft nOOD-IlYK 'Tino. hope Ihix HffllD. a out into the street. Island. 2 acres cleared, on Farming Districts of In nUUtl. Soviet lliiffaln. Auto.Marlne. tvoo. AW can surely serve you. IIiIp Prison Like dancing gov.eminent road. Will i pnttiilveiy lat constellations Ibol exchange your ap- terlor B. C. Houses and lots on easy terms. When mn) we . iiii pearanre as a Kurnpenn Kinit. Told by H'omon Who Escaped candies ni and flare! in fo gashAal In good Logging machinery, boats, en. - imni ni me wens al the root of CAodilinn. Apply JihI IVvly. Canadian Stern Laurulru - fines, elc. In interview M " al Winnipeg. Tiirc n.n- t n ... Ihe hug pitta rs of the ral cath Phone lllue 91. til lippery plaapparently. ".Heneral ir Arthur Currie. prin- The lied Dusk and thn Morrow" Iml. Halfway tin Ihe column M. M. 8TKPHF.NS. Phone S. rrt, f M(0 Vnir,y W!,, is a book written by Sir vanched in gloom. I hod al. IIKMKTITCHI.VO and I'ieol F-g-ing. Phone J!?. tf. riuiiiiiaiir over ine eiinralive a ii I Ihikes late chief of the Hi it Mail orders prmoplly al. FOH YWIAT atMiiil ciriijieling all - c.i burned two can.Ues. and SALK Oe.'uoal Slsr.lon ! tanks lo carry a label lellin;? its feature of Ihe Montreal Hoard i h secret sen ice in Itiusia. In.though I wns nncelel In thw tended lo. lite Oeseent 10 ft. x II ft. In., filled wilh, of Trade exriiMlori. amf reneated Indies' F irnishlngs. Prince rapacity. it he tells of Ihe innrionBenl i'-l f a pillar. I knett ami stm. 55 h.p. L'ninn engine. Ac.' American Express ja Malement lie had made Oeorg. II C al tf f women and of the horrible) alternately, partly from imoall commodatinn for six. Hull Iw.ij JUIW1IN0 by (he lanjruafre. VAtmlnler rhiireh, WinnipeK. lling for death.. There wvre ence. partly Uat my piety should Ollll. wanlei for general house. years old. Hull, engine and. Money Orders mere is Utile difference between, some monih ng, that many thirty or forty in the prison to le patent to any c hence observer. work. Apply tJfl Fifth Avenue interior in excellent condition. eastern business driving' an old fashioned ox men prided gether. The following is from Hot inj eyes wwre" fied on the lit. Ws. Phone llreen Ml. tf Prlc M.OOfl, terms can be ar-ranged. Issued -'iwrr.r, the bonk Me wiMHlen ettte entrance. How For particular apply on ,)f Atlanllf balf.fl doen limes The Awful Walt nlerniinanl lit iiHnutes scented. WA.YI HI WiHiian heln. Capl. Walson. P. O. II..x S17. Norway, Sweden & ' S(IMK of Ihe aulo dr.vers eem tZZZV1' rtie terror hour bad not el Shawl Returns ersonally lulamler bidween 7 Cily. tf Denmark Lowest )n think it great fun In chase 'i'", iX,n,"T' . . ? 7 eotne it came only al 7 eacJi ami H p.m. if at A quarter to S. Then Ihe green HOATS. Knglnes and engine fit- Current Rates ilnnorent pede,.rian nrross Ihe l' T , evening. me terror hour ws FOR RENT n hawl appnapf.1. II looked al. lings; Autos and auto parts; ftiw I?' 7t :,""n ..Ireels. terrible Ihe in more men's rltam. I !in On llii most black in (he dim darkness. years. Irip they TO stoves, tools, anchors, rhaln-blucks, t ers, where the toll wxis greater. HUNT ilor on Fifth Ave. Agents for ) NOW" I hat we are oul of . nJU? i?? proh!'"n" but II visited Ihe. women too, II slipped througlt the doorway nue Kast. fully equip pel with pmpellors, scales, ami Noofeolan American Line e,cl.BnBe, .an,l luleMy. sIcsmI still a mnmjcnl, and a variety of miscellaneous Jo.,:f.r main streets. whafVnhoul h"d; Then, every victim knew that If butchering aeenries. Living Swedish Amsrlcen Line filing oul for a liM while, i 1'nrf, , a,rPni;1 Ihe beay door was oix-ned ami niovetl irresolutely forward. I quarters In rear. Iteasonable fillings at low prices. Norlhern Scandinavian American Ihe walked ltA Fachanre. . ilherefntm, up la sltmade,! figure. tf mil. Ajply Mnssalem Orn-cry Una. his nanf- called, be passed nut in- , . wnuiu le ereai. lierause u riaI Mrs. Marsh t" I Haid quietly in What i ni, I (ii., Fifth Avenue FjisL If In eternity. For executions,wre arMi. FOR S.M.K. Dallon Ad.ling Ms- Oliver Typewriter ... n..,rn.. i. n. i.i misi-.i.-u iut Kniiwie.iire oi me "A'es." carried out in the and chine, wide carriage; Toledo Cery Bafee .easirrn business men of the evening "I am llie person you are to FOil R KXT Flv DHime,! house the bodies removed nighL Computing Scale, FIRE INSURANCE V V" f at meet. I hope yon will soon see with balh. Furniture for sale, new Ap. WHILE a ron.millee- I, ron. ,,"""r "f" At ? o'clock all talk, all action your husband." "Where is he " Inelipllng MHUary range; ply Fuller's Orrery. If liom- for nor... IhJ. ii ,',in possibililies. Iheir ceased. Faces sat white and stWt, h asked, anxiiMisly. gramophone, to.Oft with record. FOR SALB Sailing Yacht 1140 Dybhavn & Hanson of young men around town progress and Iheir history. I'or. fixed on the heavy folding door In Kinlaad. You golhere with 110 Klghlh Avenue or wilh Kv in rude engine, loo cerning themselves annul mak.con, sonally lie had bad a perfectly ben il creaked every figure be ih tonight." Kast. Phone Itlue Jul. 30 Pullen. Daily News Office. If Third Avenue glorious lime and had renewed came a statue, a death statue. We left Id illir l.omea fur utAniiirpnitlicFi I (pathedri.1 and, Prince Rupert, B. 0. nn. aainlances w-ith ll.ousand. of lone vivid, breathless, dead in -ssing Ihe look -cab FOrt HF.N'T Furnished house FOIt S4J.B Sllgblly used tier. young ladies in olher walks of life. A moment of ghastly, inUd square, a keeping suile. 410 Piith Avenue hani Heinliman life. friend. He had addressed mni- and drtiv In the place called Five piano. I'e. u erable susiense. a silence Htut Ho.t. Phone lllue 217. tf icl's. in Third Avenue, .'ir. galherings of war veterans. In or iters. Here walked a little. Norlhern llrilish Columbia, nuld be felt, and in Ihe ilvitr liy the by, what Is the speed And when the and. finding another cab. drove OARO. FOH SALK Old newsparrs : which district bad created a name. name wtts near 4 "N. 5." ngnin walking the HYDE limit in Ihe walk of life? - j for largo bundle. Daily News but HOAHD oken, fitfure I profound impression, especially very last biinlrel yanls. I lianged at Inlander. .10 geoond office. tf on Ihe llrilish visitors, he came would iniperreiilibA' relapse Itte door llnree limes. Avenue. Phone 137. H PITY be There are I slill poor several bachelors.left. across a colony of HO returned Hie figure thai bore the sfMiken How vtiall I describe the meet FOR SALE ORIENTAL GOODS TRANSFER soldiers who were gelling along name would rise, and move, nvme ing with Maria! I left them wrep well. One of thrm Inform lowly 0 w-oinlen. unnatural .ADIKH Inpanese Kimonas, Crockery. NOW Dial weddings have become very ing -together and wnt into an WKAIl- Mrs. tloldldoom. EXPRESS AND BAOQAQE. ed bim he had made gait, tottering along the narrow llainbtMi Furniture, Ornaments. $i00 from other Third fashionable, whnl about room. Neiliier will I at Avenue, is making a Day and Night Phone S80. Ilaskrls, Children's publishing the banns. potatoes and an equal amount ai4e betwe4u the plank couch en. letoftt lo describe the parting. specially of large siirs in Hotnpere. from other sources and he fell some wotfld look tip and sone wtien an himr later Mrs. Marsh Ladies' Head lo Wear. Also an Toys, Klc. he was doing splendidly. The would look down: some, fascina sIimmI ready for her Journey, Had rxrliiMVe line of Lingerie and LOWKST PMICKM. Best Coal ENGLISH PAPER ON country through which Ihe Canadian ted, would watch Ihe dead figure In the cloak we Nid nurrlKied in Millinery is always in slnek. F. K. AKA8E National system ran In !ass; and some would pray, or the morning, and with a black If our lock does not include P. O. Hox A Tel. h. H5 DOMINION STATUS IN Ihe northern part of the country tnitter, "Tomorrow, maybe, I. shawl in place of the green one'. what you want a week's no. Third Avenue Wood Wood had great potentialities. Or there would be a frantle lice will il REGARD TO EMPIRE gel from our Van WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. Stove Lengths,'SpllL shriek, brutal struggle, and a Leave For CasL Packet of Money couver sum. .ny goods so j After a short slay in the cily worse than death would fill the obtained will be held on Kxpert watch, clock and We drove sp- idowlr to the distant chronometer maker. 139 2nd Ave. WeoL Truth Publishes Scathing Aril- the parly left en route for home. handier, 11)1 wtiere two were, one proval and may he relumed cle on Idea of "Helping ," return from the coast it only would be left, heaving and straggling lately I bad Oklila watched station,the huge where fig. if nol suitable. if Watch and Jewellery Repairs a Phone S80. specially. l",alfl ,he "O-mile sea Irip from convulsively, insane, clutching Mother Country"' Vancouver lo I'rince Huiiert on Ihe rough woodwork with bleed ure of Marsh clamber on to Ihe PIIIVATK sale of Udles silk Mall orders promptly executed lone of Ihe Canadian National ing nails roof ami disHpfxiar through the and Cloth. suits, silk wall. QEO. QIBB LONDON, Oct. I. (Canadian window. The little polieeiitin coats, aprons. underwear. Opp. Post Office (P. O. Hox 71 1 palatial steamers, receiving n Name Was Called Lei Us Advise You Press Cable).. Anything more was on tli platform, sincerely I cnmorelieiiiv (ilea of I he .It Hut stockings, etc, rill in and Prince Rupert, tl niter. this Oocenter unconstitutional and ridiculous ft I.(.i.a.iI i t .lint ..n.I ,.f ll.. on overjoyed at this happy ending to see I hem -rn nor salesroom. wilh a lifetimes experience II.... ..,11.1 l..l....-... .11......!. .""""- ! III" noon Ihe terror hour was not yet, his TAXI e. his mo. forgot way, Price are rigbl. fieorge Leek in all branches of the TZ'." "'17'' . country. At Prince Rupert, There were slill three hours' re- his Phone 93 rit in ine rumiiirn nivMiiiif iur vol dirtiness, ids nyssy quarters, Mt3 I bird Avemie. 53a city hewed oul of the solid rock lliiilding Trade). spile, and the figures spoke low (Call Oeorge Ross) unteers cannot he imagined." and Hum kill him heartily, and as of Kaien Island, an insifht was in or sat silently waiting, LOST Five-passenger Car declares this week's Truth. groups I thrust the packet of money Touring Brickwork, "Willi Ihe exception of New gained of Ihe halibut and salmon waiting, endlessly wailing. Uiirsh hitd (eft for him Into his Prompt Day and Night Service Zealand, which seems, pretty fishing Industry. Then il be Then suddenly a name was call band. I felt Ural at this uvunent 1.1 reari crescent brooch. Standi Boston Orlll Third Avenue Stonework, . I II lev I came aruuainled with Ihe his. ed. "Lyilia Marsbl" Finder jilentr return in Daily at least, "- ' " ' . torio and romantic scenery of the thui wns not what was ews otilce. f CLOTHES CLEANED Concrete, etc. A figure from distant Inn.l artm 1 1 In 4 1 nl 1 1 itil sll Ilia rise a opicrmt hi thougbs. Pkeena Itiver. The members of in nd pressed by latest KTI'AM couch; It in I lie Plans and disappeared Uklions colonies are asking very natural, "Come on, A'arvaraP I shouted I.I Wl' IlllllCh Of kevs. Kinder Specif ly what all Hie bother is about," Ihe parly ulso saw some of thn doorway, and the wouin wvnt on in lliissian, rudely lugging Mrs pli-ase return to Daily News 8 pressing process, to an our clients. nils called llillkley mid Ne.'haKn lliver for and delivered. Tnilli continues. "It is difficult waiting wailing for 7 oVluk, Marsh by the evn tind dragging Office. If. valley eouuliy and in the mnun Phone 64S question In answer." Follow me," said the guard, her wlung the platform. "Wo atts & Go. lainn made acquaintance with LOST Oold LINO, The Tailor He moved along the corridor and nuggel brooch. Truth also published the fot-iQwtjig shan't gel If filaee stand you Builder and Mount Hobsou nTiO miles Finder Contractore park phone lllark from a correspondent turned down a side passage. Tbey gaping like ihatl Ootu on, tu- 501. 533 AUCTION SALES. P.O. Hox 823. Phone 42. passed others in the corridor, but ..l.t f t i . t . know which, it Kiys, might some, limit i iianicij uer inwards ine AUCTION SALE. Conducted in your home. Sales Office; I0I? 3rd Ave. thing about Ihe sentiment in ihe no one heeded. The guard stop I train, ami seeing anexlra box car every Thursday at 3 p.m. in our Jobbing Work of all Minds. colonies. ped. Looking up. Ihe wuutan awl)M.,ng ,nl(.,lH on , Jr0Ill( riuM AUCTION HALF, of Furniture. room. Send in your K'xd early. , "Surely it Is time we readied nr -wmn iiuvsnin ine suiiirn s iuy- .i,, ,.. llinM.,.. Arling under instruction from uaunuK kxp.n, Auctioneer, that 'help the mother country I aiory. cur wnneu, Hie guard "T,U ,. pinjinn.i" nhsnrv..l the owner, who lias removed 1 It) Third Ae, I Ms?s iui er n.eniis. pointed With his bayonet. lour Ihe same to our Salesroom WE HAVE played out In the dominions jee . . guide. I.ennlCally. " Is for Phonssi Black 816; Red 157. - - ' "" " ' i e. s 1 1 m i ww," everyone know, Ibat Oreat HrU L ft iVltiVX in iierey querieu. ine liaur,,,, ,a. wU,,W of Sovdenla. convenience. I will sell tomorrow Ammunition lain I not the mother country t,,t tu (k4 (se Ur yee. Jest in surprise. '1 I r.""" tit,,j ."a 1-I..ine use.i an iron cal popular -term Thursday nl 3 p.m. sharp BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR for ell her the .Frrncb.Canadian help tkit sUs. M ees et lent. The woman pushed the for Soviet hussla ' constructed al hZ3 Third Aveim ,i. Phone Hlack 0?3 or Ihe Houlb African Dulcliman, I TssseUtee's ,?i,"?V"J j!'"'?,! door ojien and entered. frimi the first syllables of the Dining room suite m Flemish MRS. STEPHENS and Shot Shells or. for th. matter of that I. it f nXftftJ? A Qreen Shawl word Soviets of Dcjiulles. oak, bookcase. davenport, above WrnthaHs Siore. la All Slot sad Cslibsrs llie homeland of a majority of' la Lying in the corner were n open Frunklm heater, dresser, Third Avenue. be present generation of llrilish dark green shawl and a sliubby II. K. Moore, manager for gramupiioim and record ( Ilalrdressing, SlumiMioing Hen. origin inlisbitlnif Canada and hat. wilh two slips of papor attached. Dm n v.i,.. inn for Terrace uesse, siltlien Utensils, 0 iiaiiif, Marcel Waving; Violet STORK'Slardware Australia. TJiey am, first and One of litem Was n pass last night . Haiti. He will fieoig Lrek, Auetkineer. Hay Face and Scalp Trealment. fortwoit, Canadians end Aus- Sold by ORMCS LTD. in an unknown nsnie, staling that back tonight. Advertise lu the Daily Manicuring. Swltrhes made to Limited News, order. Phone Black 114.