WHEN YOU WANT A TAXI k Fish Market 99 BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, PORK. in a hurry Fresh and Smoked Flh. Phone Sausages Fresh Made Dally, PRINCE RUPERT m Crab and Oysters. u ALL NCW.CAKS Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 871. ,f XIII N" PMINCB HUPKUT, II.C WEI)NK8I)AY OGTOHKIl 4, 1022. PHICK FIVK CENTS TR0UBLt WITH TURKEY SEEMS SETTLED l YORK NATIONALS WIN THE FIRST GAME OF WORLD SERIES BASEBALL Agreement is Reached Over the DIVING TO RECOVER OPERATIONS REMAINS APPEAL MADE Delegates from Convention Tell of Enthusiasm and Useful OF HAMILTON USELESS TO AMERICA Party Situation in Near East and is Work which Featured Gathering Now Believed Oily of Hope Recovering Venltelos Asks States to Intercede to be Signed This Afternoon Through Body Rielng Will to be Regarding of Thracs Disposition lleariuir reixirt of a Inalilv siicrensful ronvenlion wherein Surface. l.iherul driiion-lruled Ihe noliilaril) uf their ranks liehind the iKiniiuion and pruvinrial adminitntliiii and alo brought LONDON, Oct. 4 Former C'l'Tll ellentjit. wrre made fin.inl niany (ni(fgelioni of a runlnirtie nature for future ,IIIM)X, (li t. I immhi An iK 'Criifiil Ix'i'ii 4 I ix - GOOD ROADS LEAGUE yetcrday to hMT the Ity Premier Venltelos of Greece legi.lat ion. Alii. Theo. (Villart, tlelrgate from Printe !ltiiert, Olof , I i.. tweeit the allied general- mid mel Pii-ha. Ihr Turkish N hae called on the American !llHiien. delegate from Ominera, and II. F. Kergiu, M.l for Al-lin. i..,.,,n-i repreeiilalie. who hit been in -oiriiltelim al Mn- CONCLUDES SESSION .i,.rents n who wit- dr.mnxt lt ambassador today and asked returned to Ihe rily tin morn in on the Prinre Oeorge.'afler .. . . .1 I i I. r. him to ssnd a message to ,1 nver III qiie-iMHi "i mi rmiiiar. av a iiriawri inmi Miimtav e-nift? at Ihe Canailtan having attended the hig provincial Liberal ronelave at NeUon lat i,.,,.i.initnMpik. II i-upr.-irj ihr ir j w.n he ignrl Unlay Vo... Dawn -.-,,i To T., Kih and 'lil sAiraye Oo.'n riNil Washington requesting the Week. Karh were enthuiatio with Ihe ureal urres uf the work. l,i.HT.NTINOM.K Oct. (a.m. Turkish National it. Qssollns And Alto Ucentlng iliirk. hut Ibejr were iiiini-ee. United Slates Government to of the roiitetilkin and wnn de-. ... i,,ki- .. f44 in prim iple Ihr allied note regarding a settlement of Drivers fnl. I mler IU iiiKTMinn nf Intercede with the allies and Iisrhted with the bright future eelveil urli a trenn-.l..u . ,,i id. near !"ni ciittnirtiii. il amnion, cd here yesterday, .apt. H. II. lUfciawliMt and l.en request that they occupy prnnerl(i for the parly in all lion a at the Neloon eonventioii t , .mnmiiHlue iiicd In Ireneral llarriugion. HnUh rommandcr K AMI.iHM'!. te. t. Harry Itewhural. repreVenlin the rily Thrace pending of that the final disposition 1 field. jand there la not a Jiienting . lu.-f regarding tin" Mudaitia imI- wa rr-eb-cbraj ireibtil of pMre, Her Hcbelin. of Ihe dry territory. I "After allriHlinir a romettlkxijMtiee tur ikj I hear anything ,,,lMrnif wbirli ia allend--,k Ihr Imh HoaiU densitc fur the ifcirk, I'uteretl ffce iinniiid Ihm- of New Yrk Life Innuranee again4 'llonel Jwlm" who ha the ronfc-reiu-e I pfi- nth term here yeatertlay. TV Mlillil) (Mint anSiliii deire FINAL EFFORT TO SAYE airenla at hetrftle." aaid Aid. I!4.he full rtjnfhlrnee of hi party . OFFER AMNESTY TO and ft ho U the .,, . ..rartorsly aftil thai piiiMiyal offoeia were rr-clecl-rd. a re ilmplare inierview iiu 1 u a me ihmi mau tti uie province. )., .1 Paaha. t Mt!l"llt ip. POLITICAL PRISONERS roal IhiI mt lraee of Ihr re. lnKUilL rUK LUllOlANllllt imily New. "I left for .NeUou on!He irave a wondetfu! and much . ., ,'tini' ha t -il order WHO SURRENDER ARMS A propo-al In tal gasoline wa main were ftrunil. lining iier. jthe ieetal train from Vaitetiuver apprreiatrd ieeeh h owing a , tr"".- I" avoid, all niil passed in d Ike ronvcntSOM ailoii have mow been iriven wp ATHKXS. irl. t i:un!an. ifor the Utieral rouvrntion. 'rhereli.itlerful ewmiirrlieiiaioH of the ., il. ilr It . .1 IK HI.IS. IH I. Ihr fettl Ike liovermfteut ssIM be ftaked a il ha lii'Wt deemed that Unr'. art of ahliralion iliap- jwere ajHite a number f lalief rtlilenr of Die different dia. lrth itn istoltel lloveCii-menl In tnaa4i(alc itLe poeeibMiUr of further a Hernials In thi ma alter aaarei lixlay II i shl to have alxtrd imHuiliMsr Mrs. Mary VJlen trirla of liritih Columbia and of offrt- an amnesty sttek lav. .iil.l he uele and Ihe only iheeit .ri.-. by military ofrirera MtHlli. M.l'. or aneHiver. We tlieir i(enllalltle. He Intpre-i INDIAN FLOODS In all axjiinal .rijere The Provincial 1 invernmnit wilt liii- uf rerirsati the budy tntnallhiiiiiit wiUi the ieuned 'had a delightful Uiit alnng theUeil uion the etrnvention the ne. li.i orrrnder Ihrlr arm alat he aked th aboliah Hie ruir wnutd be llHSMSfll It- n.llia '"imonarrh 111 an i-rfml to ue hi line of the Kettle VaHey railway lewnlty of direetin? the activities lr..I.rr IS. JeiiMiiMlllia the ! M ilnwii lu Ihe aurtaee. a. tin,.ii,-. allhouvli our train delayed I Ihe government lor the lieneril ARE DISASTER :.:'::. tea) utile au hHi a lri I ti.l. I -eelhtH. 1 1 we waiier la wy ii-fi. urn -,iiim fur eeven bourn owtiis to eveii.f the provinee as a vhole aud - Thl rh? la Nevri en. ff aharpty. al Mf w- uf HEAD BOER DIES. emrn going off the track ut Juliet t fcr any particular ecliun. Ihe Irasiedy and Ihr ruirenl i utation. IS or SO miles eal of fitrred and axjM axH be on the Returned Soldiers ialii atronil, o k l ni-llilr VAXlMlirVKIt. h. t. John Teswtands Loee Lives In Bengal FIRE CHIEF GIVES lal uir txHik. Hope. "Amonx the few rotut!or 1 that the re m a 1 biay katr drift. ItonlreH. Ur( head Itoer, dteJ l end Other Thousands Are ' TALK TO STUDENTS' The irHMialU C reauUU llM d.T swine Jltant U lhyle.lrdar in- lapetrfiage. aPHhef- -weieBaeatrrnvaiiriaW.reaenlel brihe-re-r.Jnlwfr-.TWtlZ" trltfr Homeless. vtesaltt f taste JmU were freeil from Ihe rJ thai tr .( 711. He wa laae of Ihe I ur nutveniion opeifeo at v.ji l.uiee wa one inirouueei uy ine 1 IN HIGH SCHOOL lo the eauai uS rn4rei4. tii fed in aflrr Ihr unforloii.ttr man Nl hiiowii hiiiueineti In Van. '" 'rhirdiiy morning with over soldier delegate from Chilliwack in I rr . m. I t IimhN in k itrwleei Ibe rt4 during the S prer lillat'il int., III.' w.lt"l. . ..ij.'i in tl arly daya. IWd ilelegatea from all part of and areondetl by itQreelf urgin? Ilenaal hi lit lakcn lime lie 11 Ute are auft and eaa-Demontrales . . (the unit lure in attendance. lo the RovemnSfit to irive preferenre Use of Eillngulsh. kill of lit. accord! 1 lur ir oi tlx-in raiiy mini aa lar aiteiu "o reiurneo aoiiitera tn all ap. MB! INI Iih- fir.i miH ere and Imparts Valuable )fa... iimi aH at ilor iln. la tlie I'eare Ititrr vall-y. having ptuntmenta made. ThU reoln. here Cm-mi lije. 1,11a in1 Instruction era be etamiue wM isaoimeii a Savage Batting Attack I nuhed their way through to t lie.lion at parl uisanimouiily. U. II 1. ,.i.i.. iiiI. t-! - rejerlej iihrl U a cou.iill.r I railway from I'ouee lloupe. "A renolulion deMiwlinz Ihn i Ibe eiii ! ih- .lt-' Tbia tMOTtunc I tre i:tm-f Mar- f inrluln.ii. I "Tlie North waa represented by latal exelutoR of Oriental was al pren' tin' iiai ll.-r "aW "! Ulf dialled the HHh Wi-mm via iieiit t.'ij . thr in Wins Hon. A. M. MaiiMin. K.I'.., attorney slo sieil after iv fining fight nial 4lUi 1 ..'nail- Hial hixil aay gmr a iteiMoiialraliim 1 .t iii.-.Iim .t-- l'ie h-aie.i Eighth Inning s-eorral. illof llanen. from OikIii. hd I wen put up to have tlie re Ihntuawi.i I..-I..HI. .Teti the pttU tm Ibe orarllra! ! iea. Mr. and Mr. Iterl Kergin.'olulhm read 'Climamt'ii. Japan. il in Ike I aira. I fire esliMculaStera aitl Ihe M.l.. front A II in. and dtier He ee aid Kal Indians instead of , 1..v.. nia.li I irabtNty of prevvnUiia fire EUROPEAN DEBT First Game for Giants I'iter, lieu 8elf, I'.. T. Kenney and .'OrtrnlaU.' aa aS ilt S.. S .1 1 1 11 1 a 1 i.l ll - -ilieJr IHe UH1. HICI1 w tpyaelf from I'riuee Hupert di. "11ie convention also endorsed 'rope kat Ih-iii le.tioy. ! Mi.triteUe iftul Hleretlif. Ilo trirt. the artion of the government in . . . ia , . m 1 1. .... TO THE STATES niei rwiiati ua wn tmt m i- k Opening Sessions ,its endeavor to atart a steel In- rvi-.w viiiik iirt 1 ijinmiir inniiicii 111 nil iteiitmi uiin ui fliMtd arr anl In I"' Ihe'ptla in hfttnH tbe UlWUlabrr iNalUiitr rally 111 the eighth inning when they lon.hed II1.-I1 fori " llie imM-mws ami pari or the uui-ry in u.e province in Ihe bi-loit "f He al and aace artarUeal leaaon- on aftermM.n eioa ww dev..te. P.O.E. Question All. Countries lour wife hit. win. h nelled them three run, the New York liwiiU There were over one suggasieo - II ihl thear nae !'l!'-!lk 'f rh"'ri', I Britain Hold; Back Payment idefealed the Yankees this afternoon by a core of a to X 111 the'"' oruaitiiaifcn ami mere wn an; prrmi.-r Oliv.r gave a his . Ihr if rii'llll ' "f Hi hundred pupil preaeot- For Time. first game of the World' Sene. The Yank msMle Uieir two ,evening e.in. a imnquH being . 4. p ,. k. queetion sUI- ! klT" I he im-HNHi warn In rrlebraUoti wkirh ia runa. e each 111 tlie ixth and seventh inning, when, they made '' in hoir of the desert .rontm i d "ii Page SU.J ii fue urevenlKNi week by the Xel.ofi IJIieral Woeiftllon. mI .m hil. nu,iielkli lUvinir ao e.rnele name 1M time f.u- NKW MiHK. ht. I. Helmile ..I a.ide aa a thmrNt,j ,. il. 1 ,.f rtre uwM. ,uouHriiiriil ut uatmeiil of the I riid of idav went Again! the Yankees while Ihe OntuU emerg- tulle an etgoyaoie aiiair miifnrn an 1 rI CONFER OVER af eii 1 iii 1 - - w - !' nsany U-U l g kepi I lf VI A I Ml three chalked them deb I of Ihe lulled Mate by Ml winners de.pile Ihe errors up agant on ,m 11... ..r...;.i (everybody in the bcf of aittrit. ; 1 lllililili UyjiXLlLiU heW at the Kuropean nasutna im ie e. vrnr linn mi r,ui i. -uiu i ttre drill wwre Pie convention wa weleom. 1 ceplkm -f Ksaisd uulrt Hje - lite oiiieiai auHtwary wna: 1 THE RAILWAYS High N-I.oot. HordeB Hreel Scbifd Mavor C. F. .Villardv. .tun.. IUU. Krrora. id Uy of; DURING MONTH BETTING WAS ELEVEN TO IHI tin iludH! laay fidhooi. in iiw an Nel-on. whit, wxeariue one of tin- rack rane the boildiwrs were'MitiiHsi' W urr" wr- ritam convention Nads, ail he 7 ( TEN ON THE YANKEES and IU aainei ny a vamwrarr wrora Yankee S 3tt rlrarnl in lietweeH be Liberal for Presldsnls of National Roads delishted te 'a a InHiuge; Almost Ten and Hair Million Feet ihiaf ereaJU 'i and deMor waa aug. Score by couatoer. H'ond which the ',uy'' atlrra of organiiation Discuss Betterment with Pupils wto geatl l liv Hir Jiotrhtaltl MrKesusa, I t a i 7 H XrAV YOUK. th t i. John Mc- of Logs Pass Scrutiny or Minister of Railways. . .1 vri atllwi'tory. uihl m. 1 rlianesisor of the I trill It (liauU . . iS 0 S 03 itraw a litaul. the National pou-Vaukeea -vrr men proceiru wiiii a credentials Forestry Department Khowii bow to line pyres fsjiiunittee leing uflniiuri ia tut addrr before . 0 0 H 0 0 1 10 II 3 Haul winners, were ready thi ap. atHla and ga evtliujulahers as coivi'tang of C. I.. Mc-iKtnald. 'IIAWA. Ih-I. t Pre.i.leiil in the nieUt. the Amriiean Hanker Aaaocm. Art. Nrhf. the hero of lat mtiruiug to rnsage Miller Hug-year l-ointrd The totat logs scaled for the Salional well la inn nlrurlel HevvlsiUvke: llr. K. C Me iia of Ihe Canadian alarm lioti ronvenlion here iiaiay. He World Sene. hurteil Ihe gin' American Iagu YanVees month of September in ihe 1'rinco Holih of ,mI of .iperalitMi the Tire Ihoiald. Vernon; F. It. liar low, wa and ('iitenl d tared llritaiti'a i-apai ily to OsshI throuali to victory in ihr firt game of the world Itupert district ia to.193,02 reel irnd Trunk Hadway 11m. tvr. pa the debts )o the I lilted againl Hub, the Yankee pitch- aLwH aeries. Itie Yankees, Victoria: O. M. l'hillip and O. M. in addition lo pile and poles, sc. d Willi Hull 'ite tiiah.liii. Stair and assorted her deter-iiiin.it sr. Snyder and Schang were Uie bwaue of the great pileJiiug Murrav. Vancouver: Mrs. John eording to the monthly return of ,na Mioialer of iilwa. mi STOLE $11,000 WORTH ii'ii to homir Iter ttottd. respective eateher. I.taff, is rated the bet by a ma. Iteid. Xew Westminster; and Olof the local foi-eslry department. detail of l'ancn. Ouiineea. At S.30 -day and w.-nl into Tlie (Hauls mads own lilt lu jurity or cirt. but the NuLknw p.m.. This ia 11 aide up u.followa: work rHiiii'iI f r tlw l't-' OF VICTORY BONDS AND NINE BOATS ARRIVE Ihe fourth, one in the fifth, two a ure a ever the fightra at utter the rcwrta- of the creden-1 IVHJglaa fir. 8.U8(S. They rial .iiiimit lee had been received -sat of Ikr -lem. 1 in Ihe ailh, three In Urn ev- their bel when againl odds aud lied cedar. 2.i0.t71. paieit m aal, iik'mI wlilt'h la CASHED THEM: ARRESTED 136,000 LBS FISH enlh. four in the tlslitti; Vuu. are a dangrroua lot. ihe convention w declared Spruce. &,(I,H7. "' ubltdtUl to 1'xlay rald- kee. two in the first, one in Ihe Tin moruiiuc the betting wu fully routilutional and opeued Ilriitloek. 1.071.100. with the ftluglna of "O Canada." ineetlMit. Virlill'V iwlvd. tine in Ihe ftflh, two III It lu IU on the Yankee. ialam. l.OIO.ulH. I In- Mi'lual pi .M-r.'iin al Ihe bund worth III "OH we 1..1....- N 1 tn. hoala.....uiarkn.l. . i:iiI.ihhi..; . the kUth and one in the ev. " Premier's Telegram Pole. tH.805. -'ling were tint uiw'ii out. ri..111 r. II. I.rwi-. ,t,Hk broker. "' ''"' r," enlh. The tlianl made two er-rota "Then cepte the reading of Pile. IS.605. MILUON OF MARKS i:rlianxc (In intu-tiiuit. Ihsy yr.l.'ldMy In the fourth and una in trleurams from Vreiitier Mairkeii-sie Cordwood, IIIH cords. PETER CZYZ CHARGED Alfred Sntilh of Vancouver was wi-re Seaudia,a follow:5ti.ono imiuihI, al Ihe tilth. i WORTH OF WINE WAS ! King, which brought the convention Uler alwiit ! lo its fret tn sing. "He's hour arrealeil two Savage Batting. WITH TAKING PURSE 1.. I...-I.I ihe boat In Seattle with I I I t.He I IJLr uih!Uld 7e; 7c.Todd.IllllVleatlei-.lUnm pound(I.. In Ike eventful eighlh inning.' DRUNK BY TROOPS a Jolly tinod Fellow." and froi ij NO ROOM FOR CONTAINING MONEY I 11,Ml 7 lit caah on Mm. II Mto pound, at He and Hi- Kmi-i.. the (Hunt uvadc a savage balling Hon Ur. King, federal minuter f wa rhargsHl with leating tlf 3500 pound ut It.&c aud attack and with four jchampagne In Large Quantities lublic works. A resolution re bond and eauhlog them. He. to tlie CutQudiau Fih aud nuuliliig hits and a long itcn-fb Consumsd by Army of Occu Hi-ling I'remicr Mackenxie King GREEK RULER t 1 :.- Hi'i" urn! in ih i;oht Murage Ut, fly Vnoeke.1 Joe Hush, the pation In Germany I was inovtsl by J. W. de II. Karri, l -I court tin- iiinrnniK Ueforr FIRE AT MONTREAL llaliitiHM, Htuu p4Min4. at Ift.S alar Vunkee hurb'i. from the box K.i''.. aeeonded by T. Moran, and Mii.lrate Md.I)in..ui rhaned aud H.Sst Wtiltr tilai. 11.000 veritably snapping victory from IIK.IIL.IN. ih-7 I. - The allied paed by a ataudiug vote. A re. Constantino Cannot Get Hotel lul HI. -Flrf H-ciipyiiig Ithiiicland were olutUt endoiMirv Hie Oliver nd-niiniirtraliou. Accommodation at Palermo iiii the Uirfl uf fit in MUMHKAI.. poutails. at I uud HSe, IoHIm Yankee' grap. troop 1 remanded until loiiHirntw. broke otil thi morning at Allin 1 ilisi. Mite game wa wIIimmmmJ by a tbiraly lot bist they had their which he declared So Moves On. I' m ullwgad tlial i y ini'krd up Jean HospUal following '-In Forward, St.OiiO pound", at .15.00(1 fan. lhfrl auaged, acrding to was the bet tho province hat 'I'" purse ol -Mi- Kktttl''td oak during the night. lil.fc and K.Jc. to the lloith figures ju.t published. It seems ever had; wu nivcd by J. A. I.O.NDOX, (let. I 1X0 hotel ' Alharta Mtal Murk.-I y.-.l'-r-'l.iv I i.lierlea tiuiiadian I'.o. REDUCE U. S. DEBT. that Hen nan wines to the value CanipWII, of Vancouver, and car a coo in 1 nodal ion baa been found uflaruAuu wli'-ii Mi"1 I THREE MEN KILLED. liludtoiie, 117 5(111 pnniid, ill r tlH.777,ttlH muik were drunk ried with clseers. Ifur at.King :outantiu al Pal- 'ml it duwn. ii.- w,i- iii 1 d I-? llr and 7c, tn tin- Pai-ific l'ih- WASHIXirTfiX let till' thr ilunng the year lUil. "The atateuwiit in the Van- .1 no, and be will tlie fore spend "ii usphyioM, t'1' i"ln-'ii Iii'i-ii MPLIiN. MN Mul.- 'I lea. mi..J Stat.' a nal ItrtH wad Tire ti-Hi In the oi-rupirj ni-q;, iiv -r Sun of Oct. that Premier iw.. w k a' T .amiln. after-waid Ho1 "" Hi.. mm wort tlltotl I UM dm in lti' saint Itiiuu i nnsunii'd tiliv. had a narrow aiu-ak i-i.ii '' Swltierlaud the slam ui tuuk lrs Vmlu, .'(inn iimiiil. at 1 1 r, tin .'d in S.'(.l, 1 l.ri l. S. ;io I'UI.U CCHiUiltUt Ult lil'JU'JJ 1I1- ut a vl)Mfbs y AM tW, W Ulto i .u t J. ....Ij- bvtliw i-i 44aaHiSU- 1 .---' 4 tvi 7 uses i -