1 f 9 Ad tatm Frhlay. Mav 10' in BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMann. f rOR-6000NEStT t rsPOKEOOTOF SAX- DION T TELUXOO I f ' j HA.VE fOUJOT ! .KE! WHERE'O TUR.N AT - reTriT KINO OFTReTMriHT TO CsGAT THOt R.U4 - I . L ' 'ANt MORJE COOD I TOO 4rr THE v ) HOME! FROM -OGK VIFE-l WOOLCNT y etx'E'fe? aovice an' Let he. KNOW WHERE -bne iTt LUX For All Fine Fabrics j J J ' UK t I'ur-i. ftTuc Stwvicr, Inc If you have something especially nice and dainty that you do not feel like have begun Id realize Hiul our fir lion by .'o per cenl, and (hat the MANNING SPOKE is ils if not its sending with the regular cipial superior. soulli may produce barely'enoiigh Owing I" "hi exre ssive freight, fur, it- own need. Incidentally washing, you can easily ralrts nrtil linii'hitrf distances our this will oieau giva! businf'ss for Daily News Classified Ads. and quickly cleanse it with INTERESTINGLY spruce tiinl fir are nl a dia7lvan- Mie roast states and for flrifish ' Lux. The thin, white,satinlike lnfo llin niiifi lininif i fl en-lv,w Ciiliiiulii.i. Taken 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement tor Le. than BOc flakes of Lux are made led in the eastern -f Jif-y at a fnlnl Our Own Country, by our own exclusive process, ABOUT TIMBER cost not greatly 'exceeding ".Vow lei us Inrn l-i our conn. FOR SAL roil SAI.lv IK II.P. Vinlon-Si MISCELLANEOUS. haulage cost alone. The Chief jiei'oitr.i and readily dissolve irr. o .r iinu- vihiif I'ureslcr of the United Stales, nn.l less sellled, forest devasfa- UOIl .s.M.C- I r, Yae atltonKibile engine, comfilele H50.00 IlKWAllM if 1 marine into a rich, bubbling lather, Time Has Come. He Declares to ,.p. wilh llosch inaguelo, Paragon fnn l, , severai eslimaleil lli.il years ago, (irf ,ns no( ,rri,griMsei so far engine, latest type, new, coiii-i:t8ii.00. miir. iirieniai narc rtnm harmless fine fabrics Pi- as to Rotary Club, When Future rive thousand saw nulls in the thonvh Ihe siluatiofi in the jilele outfit. Price revej-se geaiv Universal roup itself. Considered I lep I: l 1 1 iii Ilia propeller, brass iruwer. vwinn .4 (,, ;fv as pure water Must Be Seriously soulhein Unilcd Slaleavould dis. Sfafes is already increasiiifr .our ii h.i. Autoriialic. rebuilt with tail shafl and slern bearing nr (I rower. Orow.? "I coniinue operaiions v.'iuim ine mf. rhn large and more nccess- comploie Dutril, inclurttng Columbia bald heads. It MUP , All in Suitable jf Lnz ii wprtine for whing Sue next three years owing to Ihe lackiihle bfiilies. of limber in Ihe PiTlb'ss Sixl'S propeller good shape. pul where hair Is urn for C. I.. Ileinde) w1, ( garment. It it told only in U. S. EXAMPLE of supply, Anolher authority , eastern irovinces are being" rap- ami li reej I Li inch Tofi-Irt Seal speedboat. Cures dandruff and all sealed pAcLeU Juil-proof i stales Dial of (wo thousand pine 'iilly culout and die magnificent bronze shafl. Price J.WI.OO. Cove, III) I roubles. $175 pp: juijls which come under review" while jiinp sland, are fasl disappearing. It lti-1- h. KOII S.I.K Agenls wauled, fl, In Few Years That Country Has ji. lluffalD, rebuilli -Knglish baby buggy pi if, y , LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED Lessened Production Alarmingly only four of these had limber supplies The far that lliey wilh new I 1-1 inch Tohih Phone lllue All'.'. Ill ' Crosse, 118 Logan Ave v, Toronto which would last Iheni over are already importing high grade bronze shart; PeOrfess nipex, Man. 221 twenty years. This coiuiiaralivi' At. C. lumber and paying ;.." to irofieer. Price S.irin.DO Itu-tcrt WANTED cxhaiisl'on of the limher supplies ;tfl per thiiiisand hoard feet Marine rlonworks SCIK.NTIK.IC Secrets 1, mx t lias wlion we and "Tli (imo coino VAMKI Men and .women in must nalurally lie affecting Amer freight rale, lells ils Love, llapjiiness and His own slory. supply Co., Cor Agents Yale rniisl Mrinusly fonsjilfr Iho lun- learn tho Ilarber Trade by the ican imluslries. The itilp and lumber companies Send your birth n, 1 irr Hilualioii In Ihis country and and Alias Imperial engines. If only method in lb world Ibat A good point to remember Pulp Industry in tliexeasl are already culling -nnd year and one i takt- liffil of lln' whrnmjr si?n will limn and KOI SALIv 3 1.t8 salmon Iroller. savo yovi money fess,ir Wood, ' . v . As Jain as 1!I0!I the Uniled over their holdings a second and wliiclj poinf Id IroiiMo alioail, Slates iiroduced its entire news thin! lime. Originally they culled 7 ii-h.p. heavy iluly Vulcan engine. and fit yo.i for a position Street, Vancouvo'. II, 1 Ri (fivlaii-il K. ('. Mnnriiiifr, provlnrhil worth while. We guarantee. print siipplymiow it imports two-I out the large spruce and white Apple dynamo and storage ings seni by re'in-n 1 1 Ramsay fivi'iiiriifnt ilislriel foivslor, in steady employmonl al good s birds of it from Canada. pine, now they are also hiking battery, complete, switchboard. aililri'ssin;.' Ilio llolary Club nl thn wages. Wrilo now for beauti TAXI Ihe pulp and industry Ihe halsam and hemlock down to This is 'a good oul fit. weekly lunrlroon held yrxlrrilny paper ful illustrated catalogue. Mnjer became a small size. Thousands of cords Price $h:,i. Kngine worth Ihe Phone 693 centralized Ihe in northeastern afl'Tnoon In the St. Ilpfri Cafe. Harbor Colfego.'.IOd Main SL and lake .stales' and al of pulp wood are being laken out, HiofJey. Also .217 salmon (Call Oenrge Rr s "The C. Vancouver, H. PAINT Mr. Mailnin?'.nf Oilr'i'rinilir jfuhjerl wa llerour- present 75 percent of Ihe paper composed, of slicks one and a Iriller, I h.p. rtegal. Price Five.passenger T inr? 1 ; ce.s Deplelinn and llie'llemeily," ami if va mills are located iir these slates. half to five inches in diameter, f37.rr.OO. Itoat and engine; in nKUIAHI.F. agent wanted for Hit Prompt May and Sik'ii Si listenoil Id wilh interested atlen- Owing o heavy investments of which we in Ihis country would firsl class condition.' Thi ncfl District. Thn Sovereign Stand: Boston Grill, Third Aenui niYni-hor copilal I hoy eaniiolncasily trans cajj toothpicks. One evidence of oulfil is well worth the price. lJ'ffe A;ssurance Couiiany. Head IS pure and will stand the t inn and ascinh1e(l.aiMireeiiilio'iV President hlllf. T. If. fer to olher local inns. This has this dcpTcd'oif nf ie limber resources Norlhent K.ichange; I.l.'i Sec-.till Mrorri,.,.-.'v' .'lniilr.nt I' Mnn Wrlln SHOE REPAIRS resulted in a rail and witter in Jhe east jinay be seen ond Avenue. Phone OH). 1 Chas. A. Pyne. Prince (Jeorge. test of time. .lolm-oii presided. transport ol r4W' material in the fuel (hat slumpage prices manager for Northern llritish Umbrella Repairs some AAI.lv In opemnp ln addresi iif.. ai-e 'lhrce KOII At rrjyi'JSi;iirti),arie Clorfic.s cleaned and pr r.OtMnfrVsnn nie' Some o" five"t)mcs as touch Columbia. v Mimnins said thai the 'people, did cases. laud all under cullivatiou;'lialf Soils called for and iIhk I lie l4icrnrnis'"iialrt. as freigbl as Ii) wesl. So much for. lie Fop sale at not ret;u hi seriously enniifrn- in human demands mi timber in .drawhorries;1'fenceiL. J-!ivc WA.XTKO-TrOreen sji)-iice for ex Phone? lllue ?9I to Hi cord our alone, iii if per in llM! value (n UiMi-niinlo' f supplies. iviomed house, barn, wop'dshed. port; 200 cord lots. Address K. LEM JOHN fioTpulp .wooil obtained from On-laHo S1LVERSIDES her re.sDiiroes. Our fnreTafnTTK. Quebec, '"he resiills ".Vow we come' to ' Ihe tremendous gooil well. Kifleeu mimilc W. Married, IL'I llroadway 844 Third Avenue when liey eaiiie lin'Vvjala found jinil Are looses occurriii! walk from post 'o'frfclfiid , North, Seallfe, Wash. If oiStlHTI(I;fheiy shortage in cer-InjficAivi'iut scliooH WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIR! I Apply Ceo. StraiieVi I miner aminsi everjy iirj-e .ihu ikraine every year, when .million of feet OROS. their strusule In rlearnanu and so evident of merchantable timber Ilox lot. Terrace, U. C. f 00 WVAXTKH-. . -Small f li. r n i s Ii e d dial the of the go up i public Unilcd K.Xpert. Wlch, clr :;. sr nouse or with lialh. Second Street ma'ii1 ii livins for Jhem.selves re- apartment In smoke. The loll from insects Stales through (heir Senate demanded KOII SAI.K Toledo Scale; weighl IMione Mine 3.ir. - 107 clirfinoinelcr mat: 'r Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 arded lhe lreesJsllieir preale.sl an enquiry into, tiie sit is also very heavy. Some years ii lo .1-lhs. Cost recently 7(. Watch and .Ipwi'IIcv lb' nemy. The time hail come when ago Ihe lumarack saw fly al-mnsl WAN Ti:i--Sfuall k stove uation. The eiKiuiry inlo Ihis Price tf3Tt. Also McClary Ui- ( specialty. the sifualioKJsirVjl j lie serifiuly llhjecl was the ?nrsl'euniirev: cleaned Jhe tamarack oul righl heater, good condition Phone Hed.l'.i7 after six o'clock Mall order promp ty cs considereil, - V hensive ever conducted in Ihe of Ihe eastern provinces, Tlife str. Ihree burner oip stove GEO. CIOB U. S. Situation Slates and the results were astounding. ravages, of the spruce ling worm prjee .fCOII. Apply llox 20; SITUATIONS WANTED Opp. Post Office P O. II ix EDSON COAL j "I wltl fifnt of all discuss the have been still worse. lllislory of liuiiher prodiiclinn in Haily News Office. I or. KIHST class stenographer, ten Prince Ilu; riiree-filhs of ihe original The Real Situation. ;(lie United Slates, speaking more KOH rlAMi ".Xarhothnng." Il Is years experience, desires pos- REr-AIR SHOP limber of the Unilcd Slates is We in (he west are inclined COMPANY . ... . . itlou. Duties to tho American situation because commence jof my luieniion lo lake tin; cash and limner to feel thai, though there: gone liey are using may Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. 'reliable of about May 15. Address Itox 111, ieneral ' fiKiires' that .country now four times as fasl as lliey bo a lillle shortage in Ihe F.asl., into the Admiralty Court and I repairs, g easier and their Daily News Office. if locks, kevs, v 1" are in obtain need the; Price $1500. stoves, ?. ire growing it. One half of the our ii n 1 1 in 1 1 el supply of limlie.' money. position is soiuewluil analogous remaining timber is situated in will "protect us for many years. llooincs K. Kreeman. (AltDKN work wauled by exper lilnes, bicycles. run.:, Best Coal tn ours. Seventy.five years afro the three Pacific slates. One-lenlh Now let me 11 j, you how the I'ttir SAI.U Sixty acres on creek ienced .lapanese. phone I Hack and electrical nppi m' OROS. and somcwhal inoiie recenlly lumber of the original limber aroa foresters view lh( siliialion and I'.i jniles from 301. 100 ROKKJAR Kilwaugar sia. W production centered in the 820 Third Avenue in the Slates has been so severely what our own Forestry depart. New KiiKland sJales. Thon the lion, if I 'J per acre. Apply p. O. FOR RENT Phone fled 5V8 cut over and burned thai menl is doing to preserve tjic Itox Prince at while pine forests of the I.oke l:i3, llupert, . fl has become an unproductive groat, limber resources of Ihis ' GOODS 108 CI.HAN finished shack for rent. ORIENTAL dales were invaded. In 1R80 waste. , The report further stales' Yu'ovincc. We regard timber as LowestPrices when the Iota! annual cul was that in the Lake ilislricl, by I'.KIO. a crop needing cire and pro- I'Olt 'SAhl llooniing house, wilh No-bachelors. Apply 225 Kf flit Japanese Klmonas. ('." Avenue Wesl. Phone llliw about eighteen billion feel, N'et- consumption will exceed produe- teetinn, not as a mine which is Iwenly-five roirtns complelely Matiiboo Furniture Om.n:: ' 000, . (f Knslnnd was si ill furnishing one furnished. Oood feae. 1,000. Itaskels, Children s i" :: Order Now! Phone 58 uarler of Ihe nation's cul while McCaffery Si Oibbons ,.ld. . If KOII It II.VT Three room fur ToyK. Kle the Lake slates weir furnishinc nished flat. Apply ill) Sixth I.OWK.ST pitini s :Ti percent The soul hern pineries FOn SAM--Slightly used r.iann pjinne Avenue Kasl. lllue 217. F. K. AKASE were iinly. supplying !.'0 ier I'enl, 4350 cash. Teelzel's Sfalionery l n llnT fit T'l, n t' TERRACE and Ihe Pacific coast 5 per cenl. and Candy Hlore. tt riiir,i OOOI) Clean lleds from $1.50 per Third Avenue In ('."HI Ihe .nations yearly cut had Avenue. If. week, Kisherrnen's llest. Lain FRUIT LANDS riMi (o Ihlrly-five billion lionid Pioneer Iloonis. 107 3rd Ave..I. HYDE TRANSFER FLIT! Cafo for feel, having- dotihleil in twenly sale, furnished i year.. The north.enslern stales' complete,. Phone 173. if I'oll UKXT -Two room collage. Phone 580 Ton arrv IdL. miles" frnrn, produced ft per cent, the Lake furnished. Phone lied 25U. If Btoaage and ,Expre Town. 5 acre cleared iiicjiiiluitr t slab's -JH ier cenl, the south IT to lie o.xploiled and ef. Wasle in KI.AT for Iteiil in Itesner Apart - and acre of bearing strawberry plants! per cenl. nnd llm Pacific ciasl 1 0 logging operations, hi so far as lueiils. M. M. Stephens. if Coal ond Wood. 10 apple 1 1 fi'l-Dill tins spring per cenl. Ten years laler the is consistent, should lie eliminated Agents ft ti pert, and Mmi- , nciv ohiyer. K rained calin 12 northeastern stales and Iiike for we are using limber S.MAI.I. house for rent. F, W. Qlobe Airless Tubes. , lifted. Land all level, partly stales each produced only ahoi'it which has taken from Mill . 300 Hart. If Second Avenue j fenced am on main wagon roail. 12 per cenl of the total cul. The years lo- grow. I.and sliilable BOARD. BAGGAGE and EXPRESS 'Price $1,550, small amount mi fill in lh SDiilbern slntes was at for agriculture should he used lerriis. its height, hcjng5i per cent of for agriculture bul Ihe remaining HOAfll) Inlander. R.10 Second WAKEFIELD'S FAST r,""" FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET Ihe total and Ihe Pacific coasf million nf acres in ,j ,.,,. Avenue. Phone 1:;. If DELIVERY Kour room' house, 1 utile from rarl risen to 1 per cenl. Th figures try which will grow nolhlng but. Servic town, all furnished, Can lie 1ia) for Ihe year 1018 show a limber should be pul o use of LOST Proiniit 67, growing limber. We Phone until October 1st. A fine oppor. dislrihulion of 7 per cent to Ihe rnemher thai barren slmuhl re- LOST Him from auto headlight. Stand; Oil's fdirrti b . t unity fur anyone wishing In iioilh-caslcrn stales, in per cent laxc and lands pay Kinder plrjase. phone uu MM 110 spend the Miiiriiiirr a I Terrace. In Ihe Lake slates, 10 per cent to support no pay CLOTHES CLEANED Km- full partirtflars. address Ihe soulli and ai mi cenl In the roll. BOATS FOR HIRE. Pacific coast. Fire Protection. ami pressed by Intc'it KENNEY BROS. & CO. " What are Ihe rpsulls in these 'Perhaps the main function of LAUNCH ' Narbethong" We sell pressing pifK-oH individual areas? The New Kng1-Inud our branch Is (ho protecllon of Service. Phone Hlack ()(f. It S iiKh called for an,l,il liVC Terrace, B. C. slates now import fully onu. foreslfi from fire. ThU is carried CYCLE REPAIRS. Phone 649 (bird of the lumber llsel; the on direelly by the organiu. LING, The Tailor white slnuds Ilofi of our field staff into u fire Cycles of all makes repaired Night Phones - J. G; Steen, 871 ju'ne nf Ihe i!tke HAULAGE AND TRjw W. Longrwill, Blue 270 i tales are estimated to have dropped fighting force and indirectly by and baby rarrlnges ro-llrcd. ' Day Phone S from Iheir original 300 bil. a public educational campaign. Cycle Accessories. Phone 189 lion feet Id about 8 billion, and "A closed season for fireH has Out of town orders promptly Kurnlliire IttjtOoviiH STEEN & LONG WILL Ihu southern pineries are. on (lie been established in Ihe summer. attended to, Prompt Seivtc Sheet Metal Work decline. There Is,' h network of palro) n Ji GAWTHORN Prince llupert Trnart'" Southern White Pine the, daiitfcroiid district by 517 .K11II011 Street, JIM 8TUR0E0!!L Agent for McClary Furncaei launch', ruoliifeur, "I want An railway speed, Apeak particularly ' nr, I lie efficiency of WMicf, (,,. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 8T ELMO HOTEt. Sanitary and of.Ihu fcoulhiTii pine region. '(ir K. M. Mar I. Phone beeit itreitly Increased . Ulack 32U Heating Engineer its -pine Jmv' ,y ii,y, we years . (been the out points and field iiooum to let rrom i j( Sib Street and Fraser Street i cjih'f coiiijietltor of mir pnuglas Wireless Iclephone telephones Tho rpieslinf) for the advertl. minninir hot nnd emu Prince Hupert - . . C. fir fn lh east. In fuel, II is only been put on a L,ive u,', er to consider ia how many pontile nil rooilt aJ rfccntly thaf lhef buylnfjf public Starring tonight at (he Westltoluie Thialri, (Continued number of rend the paper. You can't Math. Slenin lle-atnl on Page Oj gel regults without circulation, Phone Greeri'510