Friday. May 5, 1922. THE -DAILY HEWS FAO TBAlJi Local and Personal r 1 PRINCE GEORGE The election of officers of Ihe NEW PRICES! CXEANIINISS O.W.V.A. on Momliy fll?hl resulted "fhf Handy li. C. Unterlakers. Phono 41. tf ns follows: .1. Mi McLean' IS HEALTH president: (ieorne Sailherlnud, Docror" Huyners, Undertakers, l'hoiie vice-president; W'clcji, treasurer; "51. , If Fred llunlon, secretary; .1. Mcl.eod, serKeanl -at - rms; Always ready for instant use, Phone 2lo for Cody's Transfer. GIIXCTTSLYE Messrs. Sales nnd Xorrin?(on, and of concentrated goodness, l auditors; executive C'J'uniiltee. skin and first-aid. Its lf Zam-Buk is the ideal remedy most useful and Comrades l.auiieuvllle and Al-ward.. dangerous complications. .application averts prompt Huy your green vegetables at economical articles . ' . Keep a box of Zam-Bulc always on i handy shelf. the Cily Market. , tf on.the market Use it every time you get a cut,, scratch, burn or llev. Talher Cocjda, O.M.I., is sprain for any wound, sore , or eruption, and Infective ul once, our prices on photo work have been II. I.alhanl, of Kilwanga, is "let GillcU'-.Lye In the city 'for a 'da-ur so en- save further pain and expense. ,uli.liiiilially reduced. visiting in u, eiiy. Jo it"hi a common roulu to Mcltride. 'Si ; We have uso renuvaled our pliolo Jcpui Luieiit, cleared expression among Dr. and Mrs. LyoiTenlerlainei i. I II. C. (bedecks as II were, to enable us lo liamllu a gTcaler volume Vancouver Cray was iiu arrival from those that are a pariy oi inenus .u.'oiom-r or ramBuk limn rtcr Ibis summer. The public can lie assured of, in nJ-ij yesterday. familiar with its Sunday eveitiu Hi 'tlielf cliarm- J ilioii i lower prices; ipiick service and a standard of work uses. iug new home on Seventh Avenue. Unit iPjiirTH le. excelled anywhere. A. .1. F. Ilishnp, of Victoria, is many registered at (he J'lince Ilupell nnfiS brought In before, 10 a.m. ran be. liad by 0 p.m. lliu Hotel. . Ittsitl the direction same. day. u ndcr the wa ppct George McKcuzIc . of.. Tort herbal'essences.. These of certain.rare liriiig your films in. You will bo salisficd. H. W. Chambers, of Inverness, Ceorge was allackeil by a sudden is are composed of magic power in'relieving smarting, jrritation ENLARGING A SPECIALTY. was mi arrival in the city n last nervous breakdown' during and soreness they quickly end festering and inflammation night's train. " the week end, ami is conMned to and ensure swift healthy healing. .. ' lii. home uudur medical care. His ; GIIIETTS The ever-ready character of Zam-Buk its.punty, A. f)l- Iu arrived in the rilv progress is reported lo lie goon reliability and wide range of usefulness, qualify last uighl from and holies for a speedy recovery in homestead. Anyox on Hie it for a permanent place every Prince Oeorgc, WE are entertained by his family ami UNRIVALLED 50c. box. friends. It. A. McMoriljc, rormerly o! EMS all i Skin ibis cily and now of Merrill, wii- TERRACE NEWS 1 m'Jt In a ilitor in Neb last week. DIRT (Courtesy Terrace News.) Troubles Mrs. S. Tail, of Prince Unpen, An eastern firm that controls was registered at lire Hotel Mac-domihl, MADE IN CANADA. extensive limber limits in Ilie Kilmonloii, at Ilie firsl ul Concentration SALE! Terrace district has include, the week. a mx& rMkvx em t . pulp mill in the list -of its 'proposed" " - -V 'future a'clivities according Olaf -Hanson, or Ijybhavn t Hanson." left on Ihe Prince Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548. lo recent advices received here.- George last night for a week's ' Rexall Hair Tonic Hugh MsDouald has led for Inisiress 'rip (o Spokane. Cash for Victory Honda. Thns. .' ' McClymont. tf Ha.el(on Hospilal for medical $1.00, and Emulsified $1.00 It. H. ("aims, of Vancouver, is Irealmenl. y. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Coconut Oil registered at the Prince Itupcrl s i! bushes and bedding' l! Mal'liu lias' received his.' S. S. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT w ill sail Tliursi plants, Cily Market. If np-po'nl Hotel. Mr. Cafnis is inspector of for Swanson Bay,1 menjy as assislanl foresi day and, Sunday at 1- o'clock Midnight both for Indian Schools for Ihe .dominion Victoria and SeattfeY Powell Vancouver, Shampoo The Wakefield Cartage has ranger for the l.akelse district. Ocean Falls, River, (ioveiiimenl and i ' making a de-parlmeiilal ' ' 11 Tor Stewart, Saturday, 8 p.n (57'" For Anyox Wednesday, p.m. taken over (he phone. In0 io for this week. visit X Ilie district. V.. A. Illow of'' Winnipeg who Stewart Service first Hoat May 13. Kaclt Saturday thereafter J. W. lli'Ogough. the famous In the cily police court Ibis isil"'d here last- week is arranging S. S. PRINCE JOHN Fur all points Northern and Southern to complete clearing' Charlotte 13th and 27th, June loth and cartoonist, nnd caricaturist, win. morning, before Miigisl rale Mc-Clymoul, operations Queen Islands, May ORMES LIMITED was here last week, is now working .1. (iagu'V charged with on his land here. , 2 Jlh. .Inly 8lh and 22nd, August 5th and.ll'th, Sept. 2nd, ttilli his way Fast wu nt the bc- intoxication was fined 50. and 30th. ' '., i jtJi . THE TWO TYPES. , Train Service- i Phones 82, 200 and 134 inning of this- week was giving performances in Kdmoiilon. Come ainl enjoy the (rood .old Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11.15 THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES songs of long ago at Ye Olde He was an '(dd-school minister a;m. Foi'lfinitliers, Prince Ceorge, F.dmohfun, Ttnd Winnipeg M. A. Myers, holclkccncr Fashioned Concert 'in aid of the or Ihe kind .called "typical" makin' direct connecljons for all points in Fastcrn Cauadi; MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. lla.ellon. is in the city oui!husi Hoy Scouts, Kiiijiress Theatre, prince albert, "'whit j ' lawn- live and I'niled Slates. .'j lies, lie recently miM Ilie Omi Tuesday. May 0 at :30 p.m. Ad dandruff on Ihe coal-collhr- ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME neca lintel Vi Uawsou A Ioi mission 50c toy always' employing' I'lllit' heavenly' Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines m ' ''"" of Hnzi'ltitU aud'Ki WmtcmplnHng time. City Ticket Office, 52S Third Ave. ' Phona 260'. ' 't he station iitrenf)' (stUil 'li lensmg Ihe Cuniiiugham Hotel Notice to AulomobjHe Owner . I'orl Kssiuglnn. .m;v .nio iiepair ,.nop jusi lickel-ageul, telegraph' oiVehilo opened corner I'rasec and Sixtli freiglil 'agent, express 'hgenl,! . , RUPERT BRAND . . jir. ami .mis. a. .MorR. wen Street, First clasj, mechanic. Janitor) was one of llu'si' 'cvVii among I 1m- guests 'it'l)ii form; Special on. iguiliou work. Work leiiipcrcil peoidenlwav's nWbll CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY guaraiiieed. Phone ll if in Tlie latter was' peekfng' al'lli reception' given . last 'wKek and Bloaters Premier and Mrs. W. I,. Maekn by troublo day or night. I()7 brass iiislrumcnl Vili an iuiporl B.C. Coast Services Kippelrs .' ant message one day when tin xie King at Ihe former home of former leaned 1u at the window Sir Wilfrid and I.ady I aurier i It. II., who recently pur Ollawa whieli is to le ocenpn chased the jcwelery and opto ami asked: Sailings from Prince Rupert by Ihe new premier ami his liielrisl liusiuess of 4,eorge Njiii- Are ' there any Inliugs. my For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway forJSaleJat uif. erlon ul Powell Ujver, left for I brother rain?" of Hie approaching April 21, May 1, 12, 22; June 2 thai point last night on the For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle- ALL RETAIL STORES W. P. Minion left )-: 1 1 1 Ion Prince (ici'irtJe williJiis family lo ".Not a blaiikcly-blauk liilin April 25, May 5, 16, 26; June 6. tlie for Hie I'.asl on Monday night. II lake up peruiaiienl residence. was reply. S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay;' The Most Tasty Breakfast Food numniiii'Cil whiht there dial li . NOTICE. East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Camp hail.witliilrawn from his roulcm l kiiiM Meal Marke( hae mov V. bell River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Obtainable plalcil coniiecliou with Ilie Citilo ed In new premises between he To Whom It' Agency for alt Steamship Lines. , - Concern: min coal mine in order.lo under K.'iniy Allen Cn. anil Parkin A. May lake operations in a lamei- field Stuart I.Id. on Third Avenue. We. Ihe undersigned, - having Full information from Smoked JDaily by f development, the d'dails (if Saturday SpectaTs for cash: nslil Ihe laundry business, si I,. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, wliieh he did mt anuoiince other Ilriskel lleer , 10c ualed at li-.".! .Ninth Avenue West Corner of 4lh Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. the than lerloimcnl lhal i was of connected natural with re Hmiless it lloasl Slew Heef 15c 15c from Wong for l.nck any.will debts not lie con re-spousjhle VRINCE RUPERT sources. buck Hili lloast 18c tracted by Wong Lock after lhi UNION STEAMSHl ' COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED , , Hound Steak 25c late. SAILINGS Tlie wedding look place las ,eg of Pork 38c ' WONO SI'KY. For Vancouver, Ocean Falls and Swanson Hay, TueVilay, it ) Chow YAT. week ai ,i. -Marys lie viruin Iioulder Pork 28c For Vancouver, Alert Hay and Port Hardy, Saturday p.m. Anglican Church, Toronto, ol Site Pock 2... 23c Prince llilperl. II. C, For Anyox, Alice Ann. Port Simpson and Wales Island, Sunday la Helyn. " daughter nf Mrs C, I). Hutter, lbs. . . 95c May I, I!J 107 midnight. lliislibi k, 01 l.akeview Avenue olinmy Haeou, lb.,,... 28c For Naas River Canneries. Friday DENTISTRY ind the tale (ieorge Itushbrook, Sec prices in window. ANNOUNCEMENTS ind sister of IWv. Ca'mm llnsli . . Don't rlcgleel your leeln. One decayed or misslm? tooth irook, of Prince lliipeil, lo AI WIRELESS REPORT Hill 00 llridge. Mclropolo Hall, lowers your vitality. ber Mason Allen, of Wilming May J. Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. Phone 686 ton. Iieleware, llev. Canon Hurl orriciallng assisteil iv Itev. Mr 8 a.m. DR. BAYNE Paller.-on. Toroiitii Clobe. lill.I. HAllIiOU Cloudy, wind When you buy aiherlisiiig ymi Dr. E. S. TAIT and that buy CIIICI'I.ATION, see Rooms 4,! B, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 109 southeast liuhl; liaromeler ItO.Ol, tempi'i-ature. ii: liahi you gel ll. ir swell. Dental Ollice' Hours; Mornings. 5M2; Afternoons. 1:30-5:30; ilie i.anailiaii .vallonal steamer Surgeon Evenings, 7-9. Prince Itupcrt moved to No. I, 15 a.m. princess llcnlrire Icfl Xaiiiit 7:13 iiorilii.oiinil. Oflice 9. 9 (i. T. P. wharf yesterday afler-iiooii a.m. Hours, a.m. to p.m. after having completed IKAD TUCK POINT -Cloudv: Sunday by Appointment dim; baromelci' ,'ti. 0; lemiiec- All Eye Pains overhaul at tin local dry dock. alure, Z; sea smoolli. i Tin; vessel is now already lo Phone 15i' Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central ' I M liY ISLAND Cloudy, wind liter se'rvice next Sunday night PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any tlmo, day or night. inaugurating the summer serv- lulheasl, light; barometer, ."..- Mean There will always be some, one to take them. ice between here and southern O; lemperalure, "'.; sea .smooth. Something . Noon. DONT TELL US YOUR SIZE, ASK US TO "FIT" YOU Prince Coal poris. lle will perform tlicj HUI.I. IIAItitOit SPECIAL ALL THIS WEEK Company Overcast; is Rupert Stewarl run at Hie week-ends Hut what is can only be from here commencing on Sal W lint soulheasl light: baiomelei' revealed by a careful exam MEN'S DRESS SHOES, light weight (welted , black pair $6.75 Exclusive Representatives Ladysmllh-Welllngton, Pembina, ilO.oi; temperature . IK 'light We have received direct unlay, May 13. ination by a competent op Just a shipment from F.tiglaud of Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. Swell. , . tician. ROYAL COLLEGE FOOTWEAR for liieu, madu in Northampton, AHvpHWp In 'tl.p Tlxllv Nws diiai) i m ki: point- itnning; ?We examine, eyes care Kngland. Medium toe, all sizes, To introduce this line) Yellowhead Coal caiii;t...... 11.baroineler t''leinpera-' 1 . fully and fit glasses ac special price of $9.25. mi y 1 1 ; m'u mi iii x TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY . Hl'ill YlSI.ANp-lliitiilpg. wtto'l n curately. FAMILY SHOE STORE f)n Dork Delivered t southeast; )iarni(ierei;''jrtj J3,.iit. Let us lyst your eyes, there Our Fool Comfort Service lept. Is rapidly gaining approval of LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.50 AUCTION SAI.K Saturday night P'-raiure r.-; sea moili; Princes may he nothing at all wrong tlie public. If you have any minor fool troubles at all don't LUMP, Sacked 11.75 14.00 at H p.m. in our Salesroom H.':i Mary due Priiicit lluperl with llieui, but it would be. fail to cull in and seo us, MINE 11.25 Third and .'l:i.ri p.m.. soullihouml. a good tliiiiK t KNOW that. RUN, Bulk only 9.75 Avenue, of fit mil lire NUT, Sold In Carloads only 8.50 oilier goods. (ieorge l.eek, (Wireless reports are based on It will take but a few minutes Analysis. mailer. 37- uclmneei'. lOO Standard Time and not. )ayligiit to find out. NOTARY -Fixed Carbon, 49.2 per renl; volatile THEO COLLART, LTD. percent; ush, u.o sulphur, Saving,) - PUBLIC per cent; moisture, 3.8 per cent; John ".III pc;r cent; II. '1'. U. air dried, 1 1.030. Do not luffi-r Bulger, J his I anotlirrUay wltb INFORMATION WANTED; Seven-room house for sale, close in, Hath and sower con- a High Grade IlitumliiouH Slimming Coal, especially PIIFS I tolling.Jili-wl-Inff. The Jeweller nr rrtitinil- necllnu, $4000 terms. Bargain, suiluble for High f'rossuro Hollers and Furnaces. The lump Inii I'llei. Ho yill tile iiersou Who composed very Superior-Stove Coal. Let us send you a trial load of lgW ft lurtilcal 1 1 u u renjuii ru. (lie "Merry Widow" program, LAST Mine Run, for your furnace or half ton Lump for your Dr. Cli'ii Ointment will TtHtie you boii l onrs ftll please send HUIli,e and ad. GIFTS THAT Rentals Real Estate General Insurance and Hord Isstlug beuellt. toe. ft heating stove. delen, or Kdinftimnii. 1UII ii Co., LliulMil, dress lo llox .'I, I hilly News Of- Phone Blue CD Westholme Theatre Block p. O. Box 69 Toronto. Sauuila liui trea It you men lion llli rirr ku4 nclua lia fUusp tc pay pmug. ! : I'caj.oa,.