Ann two THE DAILY flBWB Thursday, April 27, .0. The Daily News SAID HE COULD PRESENT SESSION LIKELY TO LAST pm.von nmnnT - nnmsii Columbia Published Every Afternoon, exrept Sunday, by The News NEVER WELL WELL INTO JUNE Printing and j'nhllsliing-rJnmpnny, Third Avenue. JE II. R PUM.ntf, Managing Rdilnr. Much Business, Some of It Contentious, "Fruit-a-iifes" Restored for House Before SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Prorogation. City Delivery, hy mall nr carrier, per month. $1.00 Hlmjojealtli. OTTAWA, April 21. An early By mail tn nil pnrl.s nf the Rriti.h Empire and the United Stales, 119 Avrr I'll IX, Momtrml prorovnlion is not iiml.nlile. In Cigarettes in advance, per year .$0.00 "For three. J cars, I nut a terrlbl some iliarters it is lieiee the To all other countries, in advance, per year 97.RO tufftrtrftom DjtytptM ami my general session will run well into .tune. TELEPHONE 98 health was very bid. I cnullet a Apart from supply, Ihe lnnl&el Contract Hales on Application. physieUu and took liU medicine but unit other mailers of a sooiewlial j All Advertising Should Iie'in The Daily News Office on day preceding I did tioTimprovp:aiilfinklly hetoli nuiline eJinratHer, there arelvo publication. All advertising received subject, to approval. Hi that livald not be cured. iMilslnixlinjjr mailers ho ileull Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. At tills time, a friend ndtised me with, eaell of tlienl full of hones to "Friut-a-livei". After taking tm try 1 of contention- Ihe railway rales DAtLY EDITION Thursday, April 2", 1922. boxej, I was grnntly relieved; and (piestioii ami (lie wheat lioaiil this fruit medicine motif me romfilttrty idnn. Of Ihe II rs I mentioned, the ami ral health My dipeMion gt ne Iron Industry la are now splendid". House knows much already, muni' Beina Investigated at Ottawa. OASPAU1) M1HAK1). experts heinp luaileil with infor Henlizitifr thai Canada has been paying annually 'mill ions of mation. trial fifJo a box, for $2.50, slzeC'c. dollars lecl the United Stales and Ihal The Rates Question. for products purchased in At dealers or sent poil.iaid by The of hnvliu Ihe j sice plants in the interior ot (ianaua nave neeu iiept.'iioi'iu upnii I'ruit a-tive Limits), Ottawa,! the I Jniled'Slnles for llieir silpidie of irOn Ores, Ihe Council for rates ipi-lion "referi'ed lo a spe Scientific aiid llese.irch at Ollnwa lias been invesli-gnliug cial committee will lie eril ieii'il the native, iron ore resources and has received reports from SUITCASES ill the Kl'iiiiliil Ihal the jjovimii-inenl iis Ihe trealmeul i I -'II' should iiiiltate a nittiniitlens thai it is lime In Undertake. special required by tianadwn ores In 111 Ihein for commercial reduction TRUNKS fioliey. other side- tf the to pig iron. 11 hoped thereby lb establish a new and important (iistjon is thai il is a mailer of home industry. CLUB BAGS iiuiendinv Ihe Hailway Act., wliirli liiiruiully is a siiliject of invesli-(.ulioii ' iv a comiiiili'li1. I'nless Of Particular Interest Here. V . Large Stock on hand. Millie eoiripromisi' js reaelieil between the afternoon a nilisiral nroirraio ! Tlie wnrR of the- Council for Scientific and Industrial lle-seapt-h Price very low. those who faor a middle was provided hy Mrs. Slin-lolal QUALITY , CLEANLINESS itrils eirorls towards exploiting the iron and steel industry course in rale reilucljon aiiil'llmse mill .Mrs. Tupprr this li.'inp is cypecini interest to the pacific Coast and to this district of J. F. MAGUIRE who will he salislleil only with Ihe Kieally appiri ialcl hy all present. "It's Belter when Baked by Electricity" JU Prince Mupfirt-especially. TUp council doubtless knows, n n Next the Prince Kupert Hotel llrow's ,N'e4 Pass schedule,. Ihe Mrs. Sherman and Mrs. W. II. result of ils investigations, that here on this coa-l are located all prosper)s are for a Imuf diseus'J Kergin paureil lea. the reiii-iles to the iron and steel indu-lry stralegically situated sion in committee and In the NOTICE If It's Electric Bread, close to Prince lluperl as the sile jif the proposed smelter and House. refinery, that would be needed in making steel. Nor does Ihe Wheat Board Project. difficulty exist here that does in some pai ls; of Canada Ihe necessity Ten Years Ago The nuricultura) eoiiimillep will Dissolution of Partnership of importing raw materials from long distances or even from In Pi ne Rupert not ri'iuiil upon Ihe wheal lion id Take liolice dial Tom Caj-iilT the ITnileiUStales. The council might be a good body to take this project until it knows the exlonl and .liihn (Seoi'Ke. formerly carrying It's the Best matter-up with. . of parliamentary powers. Meanwhile, "11 Ihe husiuesM as "Tlie llos-lon April 27. 1912. a kooiI dent of o(ipositiou Orill' have, ilissolveil partner. False and . The first hnal lo sail fur up is nccuiuulaliiiir. Willi Ihe tesl-crn ship. All persons having ac- Ask your grocer for it. t i Real Economies. s river' this Kcason wat Ihe Inlander, farniers' insislj'ni upon a counts against, (he said. Huston at I o'clock loduy. 'She hoard with absolute powers and Orill are herehy nolilieil to send! lleing wi-e and foolish which enny pound ) a danger all government. are likely to fall into these days. The will (o a full complement of pass, Ihe eertninly thai ,if this is attempted, saiiii' In Ihe Itoslou Orill forth-j Pastry for the Week-end economize must necessarily be pithless and, if ministers stop to rnjrers and frrijrht add.extieeln lo injunction proceedings with. temporize and Wonder whether this luxury or that little comfort n riahl Ihruugh lo llazeltnn. will follow) the outcome is not TOM C.AIIOIT, Coffee Buns, Cream Buns, The waler in the river is three John omnoi:. : lo unless is not.really- and therefore likely je satisfactory necessary to be retained, we are liable to remain dia.slrousjy extravagant, Nevertheless Ihere.nre faNe feet 'three inches ill hi eitnyon .snnie compromise, ci'iniiip y re. Prince ltiiiert, It. o., April 15; French Pastry, Shortbread, economies should mill still rising. pellanl'lo Ihe West, is airreeil to. III 22. jut whjch always be guarded against and there are some new expenditures which really should rank in the class of 'The sessional horoscope i full Cream Puffs, Cup Cakes economies, For example, anything that will discover for us ways The Oinirieca, Captain .lack, of interest iiif ios.sjhililies, wild NOTICE." of man, will sail .tomorrow without no sign of nri early ending. Sausage Rolls producing more wraith from our native materials al a less cot freifrhl for llaellon. The ()inin-eca We; Ihe ir undersigned, wish to n- very real economy indeed. Therefore, while the general effyrl In curtail .expenditures must.'be kent in view, it would he will remain in the upper MILUONS IN LOOT announce li Ihe puhlie that the well lo hriv'eonir! river and continue in the ferry iarlner,ship of .lames Hreaden expenditure made (ujlfurtlicr following the up service, there. and Albert ,i .McC.iffery I,Id., Electric Window Bakeries irnnn)teel industry as il promises r?n this oaM FOR. BLACKMAILERS known as tlie Hrcailc.u Transfer Provincial Government It is expected (hat Mudion's Company is dissolved this 21st "Where Quality and Cleanliness Rule" Also Realizes. lliiy steamer pnr Simpson will Oetectlva Burns Says CxtortUn of day of April Ii22,7irid that all; make to Wealthy Is Major Crime of VALUE Phone 667 SERVICE - one (rip Haellon 1m-fore accounts payable to Ihe Hreaden; The fact, that ther nre great possibilities as regards (he fioiny lo the Slikiiif. America. establishment of the iron anil steel Transfer Company will now be. nized in hv. .Aiulual report iif Ihe paid only lo Albert -McOaffery j provincial minister of mines M xi;v vnriif ,,rii 'c. Mm.,. f.ld, ' known,which nas is just dive maoe lo the its rpieslion appearance,and he lion.has Mr alreadv Sloan,made il js some well The Man in the Moon Hlhan evlorled l,non.Oi)fi rroin. wealltiy a year.New is Yorkers heinir .IAMKS, II It IJAD KN, "Support Home' Production and Keep Your Morey In AI.HI'.IlT & McOAITKUY, I.ld. rather strong declarations on Ihe question, snggesling once that hy'a -the District." SAYS:-; ilalional "hlackmail IMhici. ,C.' if lluperl, It April 21, private enterprise wa" not take ready to over (lie b'isiness Ihe trust," aeenrd.inir (o W. Sherman 11122. Koienirupiu migni consider doing so. Mr. Sloan, so fur as known TIIIIKK liurhs of Ihcr llnrns Detective till Fresh Killed Bulkley Valley ii" Mm c.xpresseii nirnseir publicly as to location, lie undoubtedly sisler naiiied Jone Aisency. would want to make further ,investigation before lecenlly married three luotlier Persistent advertising is ab. llowevervlhe-jmlustry is still in the doing so living in Hie same village Myn of national prominence are olutely necessary to .success. Meats dhd embryo. form, bul Ihe promise heinpr victimized. The "trust" is Poultry f ulrt wc" nv Prince lluperl lo l.onomy in the mailer of moiii keep pressing i ers.jn-law operatipp1 all oyer the I nil id is' surelv hew. ..- I..,,, it: iuwrs mai tie. me establishment of the in-ilnsfry Slates and its annua) total loot is Terrace Potatoes and Turnips hero sljoiiJiI not be lost for lack or energy of Ihe citizens l I If -V'H A .. imply appalling." Special SALE or the north. All must realize what it would mean to the entire niii.. i Asam Mima near Hums asserts that the amount Vanderhobf loKio ii mm n-miirai section or the province. is poiiriiiir forth volumes Creamery of oldained hlackmail. hy money Of ashes, stones and smoke nm ers almost einials he annual hnr. VThe Better Butter" strariKe noises-are heard, Sounds like; vest of all Ihe hieliwavmen. hue- Hosiery a sprinjr elea'ninii. lars, pickpockets, Irain mldier and tiistol liandils in America NORTHERN INTERIOR CO-OPERATIVE HOW o make a Venetian hlipil The New Klim Brand Powdered conihined, all this weqk ne nun a jiomih nr 'moon. 1 Frizzed Block (Fulton Street Entrance) Phone Big Crime of Whole Milk is shine." ',. Today, 10 per cent. Discount Hlackmail ' is the hi ft iriirein Amerca today," sad Hiirns. "The Drawing Winner, Miss ii' a man were waikincr over fads of these cases lire not pith. Fresh nays-i.reen nri'IRe Willi thirteen W. Dyer, No. 7. Milk patches on his trousers, wh lisheil;; the police hear of scarcely DONT TELL, US YOUU SIZE, ASK US TO "Fn- YOU ten per cent., of them. llinei wcijld'it be?- From the Greatest lie had a new pair, of victims'A list of would only the contain more recent many "DEMERS" it INVICTUS" "The Best Good Shoe names of national prominence; ils! (Iiune in and see Ihe Iwn new (lists Phone 27 P. O. Box. 327 ' ; Dairying Counties ONH of Mie itiipis tiiat won t piiiilieallon would create one of BOND STREET and LIBERTY. lli $11.60., We stand behind pair. greatest sensations this coun-Iry every pel you very far, i In rry and ."0U can have the freshest, richest milk you pick un a lump.,of jelly off Hie has ever known. Special nrferlnif xA; windnw fjrey Nubuek S '""HP X verj tasted pure; whole milk reduced to floor with youri fin;rers. More hlackmailinfr is trninsr on USE , liaby LouUljeel ill ,$7.85r AUu In hlaek nyd, ' 1 P9w'aer form. Uncooked . with nothinff s . today than at any lime in my 'hlwn Kid sauiO rri('e. d.d,ecI nothing but water taken away. Just real MOON trnuhle.ihrew"lnjr in Ire. knowlf'dji', and II is not safe for a FAMILY SHOE STORE milk,with all the cream in it. man or woman of wealth to make Shamrock and. Sounds like an illicit slill, Third Avenue. (Operating Foot Comfort 8rvlce,Pept, By whipping: the new KLIM powder into water i a chance aciiiiainlauce in anv of , youhave fresh milk at once as wholesome, as THIS Shamrock In Ireland will our large cilles. Tlie most inno. rich, as delicious as folks have who live right In refuse to Lrrow unless il Ke. cent meetings may he made Ihe t BACON the heart of the greatest dairying district, where clearer- atmosphere lo urnw in. hasis for demands for greal siuns KLIM comes from. - iif money. I HAM Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE "Almost ns much is he. KLIM does not sour in summer J does not freeze SHOW me Ihe .nuy who would inir.estorled money BUTTER In winter. When you replace the water KLIM is be typinff this ilojie inside on through hlackmail as uetng lost through DENTIST as fresh as the day it was powdered hours fresh, these sunny days If he didn't Ihieverv EGGS I tie not days old. liavn to. iinni amount ine thai is daily wnina LARD Visit his Ofnce Rooms 7 and I Smith poekeln of victims in Yoit can use powdered "Whole" milk this Block or phone for an appointment. wherever country is simply appalllngd milk Is needed. If I- who fiahls and runs nwav tnfciiiitstS r Phone 576 Convince vourself that TfT.TM no fishier nowaday. METHODIST Tho Empire's Standard. .Oltlco hours: 9-12, l to ( and 7 to 9 is rich and fresh that it is eco-nomicaj LADIES P. BURNS eveningg. CO., LTD. that it Is convenient, STRAP HANGING HAD TEA AT HOME Sunday Appointments Lady Asalslant fiet a supply today to meet family needs. your MAY CONTINUE IN MRS. DIBB YESTERDAY n a w El ffl 1 1 III THE OLD COUNTRY ' IB II W BV (I U fHf First 3 Class A lady demonstrator will call at The Melhrnllftl Chureli t.iirllnk' DA IT Our frozen herring: bait is conceded by 'flslifcf"en your home and mix a pint of this Aid he, a very 8iieeeKfii lea um 1 to bo thfi nneat procurable ot any 1'acJflfc Casl LONDOX, April 27-Tho ban Electrical Worl Portland It is new rich milk for and nale of lintrie rnnkinsr yolei. "Fishy." price, $30 per ton. you- to try on strap-hanginjr is not expecled lay anernoiHi. Mrs. K. ICE TUe '"!Hl way of inuriner a good quality trip " Distributors for Prince Rupert to tieieimposed, Tho matter ha kindly lemlina her tuune nrellllv and Accessories t bave. plenty of our bard frozen ice. Pri-'e' again been considered the ft ton. hy deeoralerl per with daffodil. for the Rupert Table Supply Co. Scotland Yurd authorities and necitKlnn. Mrw. Olbb, if con. Automobile and Repairs Outfits "r well-nfluiPIed store can supply IhblriK ' permission for passengers lo vener nr Hi., ten, was assUleri iiy Parts flshermeii's clothlrijf, Rrpcwrieu and provisi01" stand in omnilmses, tubes and on Mm. ftlnekdale nnd Mm. Evans. and hardware. the lower decks of Htreet cars will Mrs. f. .Inhnsnn H.PATTINSON was in rhare of prolmlily he extended for twelve the home rnnUiiiK nnd was assisted First Avenue NEW ENGLAND FISH Company months, hy Mrs. Cnrnish. riurini Kstchlkan, Alaska Branch - mmmmmmmmmm