I Thursday, April ; l9?, PAOB MX THR DAItT NBWO GERMAN MARK A SWINDLE FIFTEEN BOILS sale or won .and "NNE OF THE GREAT NEEDS OP Oim CITY is a more I I abundant supply of money available for luiilding loans. TO PAY REPARATIONS; ON NECK HOME COOKING AT WESTHOLME THEATRE Wlial mofe public-spirited use can you find for your savings INVESTORS ARE FOOLED ST. PETER'S SUCCESS Tonieht, Thursday ill than assisting some young married couple lo acquire tlic AT ONE TIME home they so greatly need? Is your money nol more usefully (IK.N'OA, April 27. "Tho giftil- A ery eiijoyalde and success Lewis S. Stone employed, both lo yon and Ihe borrower, when invested in gilt-edged esl swindle in history Is heint; Anyone who lias surfrrrd from bolls tin ful sale of Work and home cook mortgages al 8 per cent, than in the savings bank at 3 per jiei'i'elu.tti'd through the sale syniaUilie There was with no Durdock poor old rtlood Job. Bitters In inrt was held yesterday afternoon Jn James Oliver Curvood's Canndinn Story, Women's of Ih" Auxiliary marks the of (iiV'iuan paper those by .-ilu-oiid days, so Job bad to suffer In silence. rent.? And we will make sure of the security for you. inI in ji i k neeurflii's lu'iueel rep- .Nowadays no one need endure the misery SI. Peters Church, Seal Love. nratious demand," said Prof. t2as-M-ll. of boll. when t lie sum of JI01U5 was. Dolls 'ire simply evidences of the bad "The Golden Snare" H. G. HELGERSON, LIMITED . a 'distinguished Swedish Mood within romlnr lo ths surface and realized. Archdeacon Hlx ffave a coiHimisI, today. "I think North Just when yon ret rid of one. tnottirr short upculliir address al 3 ami South Anii'i'iea," Prof. Oiis-si-ll seems ready to tike lis place sml prolong o'clock. The church and stalls milled, "should know how ill's-, your misery. were very prettily deeoraled. Mermaid Comedy, "Bang!" Admission, 15c and 35c honest is Ihis system. When All llie poulileinir ind Istirlng you may The ladies In charge of the da win not stop niore romlnir. l-Yanee insists upon iiiunediat Whit you have to do Is take various stall were a follows: Saturday Matinee-Dancing, Mrs. Crewe's Class, aid payipeut, the (ieriuau uvermncnl BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Sewiii?, Mrs. W. 1). Chrislhon Hartt TIMBER SALE X3954. mi only reuliu money ly Using and Ihe blood will be clcsii'ed of ill lis anil .Mrs. ueo. iveisey. Wallace Keid Picture. Admission, 25c and 50c. Sraletl H'IiiIits will lie riMTlvril liy tin ind isfiiiiitf more paper marks Impurities, md tben every boll will dls Fancy work, .Mrs. T. II. .lohu- iiitiMi'r ti i.aiw h i iiriurta nui iaii apls'ir. lliun IHxjti im I iip llli day uT May, lUii .nui iiiiirkctjiig liniie market seen Mr. Iloy McSwiln, lllrb Bank. sott anil .miss iiepiiiis. fur Ihr tiurrhai r-i of if l.lron.-r XSV.'il. lo ml rilies nlii'Oiid. In oilier worils E. I., writes: "1 was troubled wltb Iloiiie Cuokiuz and canilie. Iia.r.v'i spi-nrr, llrinlork, GO.OUO lineal ti-i l ir Crilar l-lli-i ami io.uvii linral ."oreipii ines"rs, largely in North boils for some lime, end bad is many is .Mrs. S. Ilogim and Mrs. II. Web Shoes fcil i if litilar I'oIck, on an area -Itiutoil Itfteen on my neck il once. After taking iirar Ski'cna .i-lii(r, 11. r. r. Hallway ind Smith Auierieu, really arr bottle ber. one of Burdock Blood bitters they Can ar IHMrlct. lee Mrs. .1. I. Itllehle. Canadian National Ihe cream, .'unking re iinnilioiis iiiyments Railways Two S i'ar. will ur alluwi'd fw commenced to net belter, ind iftcr t bid i-crmjval or Umber. hi the theory thai they are liuy-ng taken two bolllcs I was relieved of them Children's. Mrs. A. Fret-bun:. Further partlrutar of lli :iil-r lun-Mrr. ami felt much belter. I think B. B. B. Is The refreshments were in Onc'c Will win iiiM.'stiiieuts. If "lliis worn, so fully Vlriurla. B. lr iHslrirl rinvMcr. ITInn system IHiiH-rl. It. c. stand blood' medicine, ind can recotn Mrs. S. A. Sanson of ri.iilinues the (termaii mark will charge ciuilideiice lliat will your you mend It blshlr." llio next without LAND ACT. rail to a puinl where it j be For llie past 4C years B. B. B. his been ind Mrs,. Svendson. Prince Rupert accept pair Nolle of Intantlon to Apply to Laat Land tirluiilly as had as Austrian and manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co. liliin Ihe arietnooil little In I'ruirr Hiippi-l Ijml I'I'IrKt. I'.emnl furt her (til rtxJuvt ioti or recommendation, i lint IHtrlrt fif i;ual Itanire 5. ami llnat Polish money, ami nobody abrtad Limited. Toronto, Ont. Miss llhoil.'i Perry snlil small In v rlnllv or rorl t:m inMni. H. ;. of arlificial flowers. obi friends boU(tiels as Mil Ioih-Ii it. lake iinll'T Dial vr, Julius Jolnisoii am whose di-peuilahilily and Waller .Mi'Hil. or Tori F...liiitloll. II. i; CAMP LEWIS IS 'K'liipallon iih-ninii. IiupihI to apply f GENERAL STORE BUSINESS FOR SALE. Shipyards worth pitiiiisimoii lo ipa-ii tun roiiouiuir iipmtiiipi NORTHERN NOTES are fully proven. aiil: Ciiiiiiiiriirinr al a ihi iiianll TKSPKI.S will he reeplipd liy llie under TO' BE ABANDONED Hnulttfa! rornrr of l.nt 45. Ilaiiire 5, Vjwst llriied for Hip piiidiar of Hie buslne' OMiriri. mi'iirp imn'irai maini in low a a-oinir i.nei ru iirc.-eiiuv carrleil on hv waler mark, lhfnr aoulli r. rlialiK altim liejkii'iw lllver Co operalivu Aawirlallou, War Department Negotiations .1. .1. Price, lio was heaily in Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock I'm WBIIT llldlK. Hlfll.T H Cll.,111!, II .(iiiiteii, in i prrnn", it. i,. lilicli water mark. Uipiht S ilialu.-' aliMif 1 lip liierrtMiiiltJp liiVfiilt.rv' mi,iii.f oi Are Announced by Major terested at one time in placer min- Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, PitWrn liiftli waler mark In (mint or riiiiiiiifiirwiicii :..8a.tiii anil n.ii.l-i, r Ijiilies" ami iienl' iiiii in Ihe Idilai-od tounlry, left! makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ami 3 inn Griffith. KIRKPATRICK roiilainliig 54 more op Iprt. uriii-iniiir T.ns..,77. liroeerles. Tohacco. Jl l.ll.s JOHNSON, 'tc.. f.V3.g?. Ilardnare I.I ln.r.f,. II.m,i Ketchikan rr the Kiintislma district WALTKIl MKMI. lllll ShiH'll 5S.',.nii. Ihe uIhiIr l.iek it SAN YllANCISCO, '-'7. Electric and Acetylene Welding. April last Monday to lout over . The Store of Satisfaction Applii-aiila, -i-i ,inu in iM i li. nl rootlillon. The slon-lltliiirsi lialfit IVIiriiarv SK. I(f and furiiNlilinis ainonnl lo ai.sor... I'I.iiis calling fur Ihu virtual some properties for Tom Aiken. j. i hp rein of more i no iier month NOTICE. ' at years In mover amoiitiled to Kfi.nop. iliaiiiliiiimeiit of Camp l.ewi Our plant is equipped lu handle all kinds of IV THE MATTKIl of an ari.llralli.il rr 'elalleil Inieiipiries ran lie Inspected al WashiiiKlou ;are beinjr Defoliated II. O. Probslel of llelin Hay, vho Hip 1 4s up of a frrli reriiilrale of title tc :iq uiiires or nmiiK small. C... Fed.-ml ll.i.l IV. Murk II. Set-lion 6. I illy of I'rlmi pulhlliiir. Prince. Iiuocrt. II.. C. and by Jhe War iiepaiimeul, .Major is ilevcliiplnx a inlniiii," properly, MARINE AND ns I unpen, nap usr:i, London llulldlnit; Vancouver. H. :.. r. I. Crlrrilh. Assistant Chief of iroin niiiiin niriii'T there, has left Ketchikan for the .MiTICK l lierrliy riven that It I m parnriiiar tall oe nb We eordially futile you and !Inliiitli.il to Ixiii arter the rsplrallon of aineii on apioiraiion. Staff of the Ninth Corps Area. south. friends to our lime iiiimlli rrom the II r.-t piitillrallon .irers win oe received up to and In COMMERCIAL WORK your hemir, a frpli rerlllipate of title to tin ludlnir 1st .May. 91t. iiiiniHliici'il here. . alxive mentliitipil proiwrty In Hie name ol fiLdliCF. IHilllF.. C.A.. II is staled (hat Lewis PHONES 43 AND 3SS Camp J. Ullnii lloailley. whlih l-ertlllrale of Aiithorlted Truslee. Mr. and .Mrs. Q. A; Larson of Spring :numbered Illlp I ilateil 73 4 the 1-I. 3rd Marcli. 1015, anil l prim i;ii.ti. n. :.. imn vprii, ion. troops will h,. ilislribuled amiiiirr Utiadra are spending a few days II. r. MarLE'Ui. IN PROBATE. Ihe permanent posts on Ihe Pa in Ki'lcbikuii. Land IIi'irKlry oniic.Mcritrr or Titles. IN THE SUPREME COLUMBIA.COURT OF BRITISH cific Coast. Camp Lewis will be Prlnep IIuihtI. U. C, In Ihe liinMcr of TIIK Ali.MIMSTHATlOX retained only fur summer training T. A. Ileckmaii of the Cboiiiley Opening ll ilav of March. QJ. ALT and In the mailer of llie Estate or WILLIAM X. MeHO.NAI.ri. Iiereased. session,- aer-iinlinfr In the Cannery is in Ketchikan on bust- IPIUACE Itri'EHT I.AMi niSTIIICT l)IS Inleslate. ill and at all oilier TAkK MITICK tll.lt In ocrter ,.r Ilia pre so plans j TIIICT OF COAST, ItA.NUE 5. lless. E. S. TAIT Honor F. Mcll. Voinir. made"Ihe SOIti lav limes will be in eliart'e of a r. I Take nirtlrp that I. p. M. IMonrkton. of April. ISiS. I was aomilllteil Ailmlnla. Sale jTerraee, 11. r... iHTtipallon laml surveyor. rator lo llie Knuile of wili M Me. eareluker. l lie New I jii-'lainl Fish Com IiiIpihI tn apply for a Itcense lo ptospert IONAI.H. deeeaed, ami all parties liavlna- for roal. natural k.i and petroleum on tin I.1II1IS lralnl Ihe Said -el.1ln lire l.M.hi any of Ketchikan has slitrteil to Dental rolluwliia' ilemrlbed In nils: Cointiipiirlnir al recfiilred tn turiilsh saini'. properly verllliti Surgeon OM KING WINS buv salmon aain and has In our new premises In the a poxl planleil ono mile west of the north-west o me on or liefnre the SI si day of May. aso Friticll Block. porncr of l.ot mjs. thuice north mi I Off. ami all parties Indented lo Ihe rMnle laited its mibl-curo operations ilialmi, theiiec east fa.clnln. tlience mulli ire iraulred lo I.av the anmmii i.r iheie We have arranged for your' 8(1 iliaiiii;. tli.iiie went sn rliiilin to polni 'ndeliU'diipss 1.. me forthwith. EASILY OVER M'KAY r llie year. of I'limiiieiieeiiieiit. ronlalnina; C40 aerci. JOHN II. MeMFLI.I.N. convenient viewing the Located January 23, lt i. onielal Adinlnlslrator. cream of the new Spring p M MOVrKTON I" I Oils ?lst day of April. 10??. YANCOLVKIl, April. :'7. loin RUISER UNDAUNTED Helgerson Block, Princi Pupert, B.C. Phone 686 Modes developed In the most ipm.Nci: nurr.iiT ia.mi ihstihct -iii Pltl.NCi: lil'PFIlT UNO ntSTi!ii-Tiii. N'iiif.'. (In; Australian buyer, won l tiuct of coast, iu.noe s. TIUCT HF CllST. IIXNCF f.. the Pacific Coast middleweight favored of the Season's ; Take uolite that I, Kathleen Moneklon. Tnse notice thai I. ' Lavender .Moiii liloii. IN SCRAPPING YARD Fabrics. Victoria, II. C. married wnman, (iiiend to Terrace. It. niarripd vt.m:iti intend liaiiiiiiuisiii; iiiilpiiintin (iur- apply fur a license to prospect for coal, lo apply fur a license to pro-pert fur toal. ijon in slow iMiii'Kiiy uf Idaho, tH'irolcuni anil natural khs on the follow-Inr.ilesiTllied petroleum and nulur.il k;is uii the rollnuiiiK it lamia i Coiiiini'iieiiiir at a po" deserllH'd lands: Comiiieiicliiir at a posi leu romiil Imul.' Miu'Kay maile LONDON, April 27 The crew BENT'S plaiitpil IS chain tutiith of I Ih- M.nilnve-I plaint'd IS chains south or the southwest uf Ihe liislil cruiser Undaunted. corner or Lot lillle erfut'l thai the iiiiiteh. liroiner of IM 1037. thence north 80 chjlni. 11)37. llicm-p soiiih no chains Ilirnee wpt SO rh.iln, llienre wiiilli 8n thence nisi 80 rlulns, llienre ih.iIIi 80 maker aiiiiiiiiiici'il his end of Ihr whicli was completed al iu'an, lllialns. IhPiice cast 80 rliuln to point of chains, thence west 80 cliain. lo ix.li.l or Frlzxell Block, Third Avenue I'l.iiiinon.einrnl, and ronlalnhiir fiin acrei-more commencement, conlalninir il In acres inure purse wiiulil be ilisliiliiili'il lo local Scotland. ;t few weeks before llie or less. KATIIIKF.N M"rkT'i'. or less, LAVLMUCII MiiNCklii.N. rliurilie.s. oul break of the war, has hecn paid P. M. Moncktoti. Airciil. P. M. Moneklon, Arent. oir al Sheerness, mid Ihe ship placed on llie sale list. The Un and TRU -TROD daunted, which participated in tin sinking of the four Herman lor. Specials for the Month End! October,Ihusa pedo boats type.11M on i, Thus belongs Ihe Dutch Ibis(u the coast famous Are.in FOOT TRAIN E class of llslil ertiiscr ilisapiears Combination Spoclal Willi every four lbs, of No. 1 Japan eiil.iri'ly from (he navy list etccpl. Mice at 33; we will sell 1 onlv package 'of Seeded Ilaisins Men's Department Dry Goods Dept. in the Aurora, which is now in Tor . .." .15o the service of the Canadian jfov Root Vegetable Special Combination Four lbs of best ipialily riiiiiciil. t w i, , I rt Turnips and Tour lbs. of Carros for 25c MEN'S FINE CAPS PRINTS AND GINGHAMS Canned Fruit Combination t only tin Apricots, Is; l only tin In lirdil and dark shades. lit a hirfre assorl liient of womenpoljce'in Sliced Peaches, Is; 1 only tin Crabapples, 2 lis; t only tin Latest styles with unbreakable colirs in plain ami fancy Prunes, CVis. Special, four tins for $1.00 peaks and leather sweat checks, Hernial per yard LONDON VALUABLE bands. Sizes iiyt to 7. .'J.'ie. Special Valciieia Shelled Almonds, 1 Monle Pork :1 1 1 1 lleaus, Hetiiilar .T..'0. LONDON, April "7.. The work jier lb. 60c .small. ...... . . .3 for 25c SPECIAL, 4 Yards of the women police, judged by c?d llluki'ii Shelled Walnuts, per Oeliciu Ilrand Polled Meals Ihe rather restricted lesls to lb 60o 3 for 25c $1.95 for $1.00 which it has beep subjected, has Cleaneil Currants in bulk, lii.'licia Sundwich Spread, been so valuable that in a nol per lb ,20c per Ijti . . 20c very far distant future no civilized No. t: Small While lleaus, New Stock Canned Shrimps, community will probably lie wilh-oiil. 3 lbs. for 25c per tin 25c MEN'S HEAVY BLACK LADIES' PRINT OVERALL (his special force, 'llie need DENIM PANT OVERALLS Say 1 1 and Tapioca Ikiuiiniou ltrand Vegetable APRONS fur immediate retrenchment Is 3 lbs. for 25c Soups 3 tins for 25c ICxIiit well made, with Ihe tn stripes ami fancy cheeks, uiVi ut, and llie government's re Leiiioit, Orange ami Citron Lowney's ltreakfasl Cocoa, pockets. Hernial' Kxlra sizes UO lo 11. lies. ?.i.'0. fusal ii 'continue (he experiment peel, mixed, per lb. . , .40c per lb 45c; 3 lbs for $1.25 SPECIAL, ' SPECIAL, is nol surprising hul il islhuuglil Christie's Arrowroots, per Toilet Paper Hulls 5 for 25c llta( Mie economy clfecled will lie package 20c, 11 for 50c 95c 85c shown in the result lo be shurl-sighled. Niagara Falls Pure Strawberry Urinous, f-rin?. each 75c II costs more to maintain 1 Jam, i-lb. pails this Leiitiiiis, per ilu.en 35c each. numbers nT women in prison yeek oyly .75c Oranges, per du. 40c and 50c MEN'S BLACK ALL-WOOL than lo maintain a small force of Common en coupled with maVfs this iho food driign a women lo keep (hem oul of prison. RIBBED SOCKS LADIES' FINE MERCERIZED hygirnic nfCfsnily (or growing .FANCY BISCUITS All lines of sweet biscuits which are regular Willi rciiirou'cd heel and toe. LISLE HOSE to(eel,children.while the style il a delight 50c.sellers will go-on sale this week at 40o lb.. All our Made in Fntdatiil. Sizes 1) to Heiiiforceil heel and toe, in ARTIFICIAL SILK Jijhcuit arc. kept in nirlii-'hl tins, and we pruarantee the j 11. Ilea u la r 1.00. black ami brown only. Sizes ipialily. Here nru a few of the lines on sale; McCorinick's A New Industry Which Has Hli to lu. nebular 75o. Hich Hiftlcr, Cream Tea, Primrone, Aiple lllossoms, Smyrna, SPECIAL, Grown Rapidly. Coroauul Mallow, II i II u Nuts, Lemon Creams; Tel fur's Colonial SPECIAL, Sandwich, Pals, Thin Arrowroot, Afternoon Tea, 55c Ni:W YOlllv, April 27. Aril. Pint-stive, Cream Sandwich. 40c Ilcial silk industry in the Liiilcd Slales is rapidly becoming of Ihe MEAT DEPARTMENT' ' t MEN'S CHAM BRAY AND a'pair. lli'sl Importance. Its growth Wo have been liainlllny t?hoes for and ""' llfleeii years Iluy your Fresh Meals Kraut mink'. Siecial Ibis DRILL WORK SHIRTS within the last two years bus been ll" and Fjilr here and ad one of week only, 1 Ih. of Weiners especially sliniillcant. In lu'.'l in our history liave wo seen such an iiltiactive shoe u Collar attached. In blue, LADIES' FINE HEATHER-RIBBED llicsij 'Suftiu' Cured Picnic and 1 lb. of Kraut fur. ,,40o nilillcliil silk consumed in the above llrown Oxford Classic for children. Wo slorkeil khaki and dark Sizes CASHMERE HOSE. Hams at prices ranging from Humid Steak, lb 25c stripes. United Stales totalled lU.OOO.OOO ' once this spriiiK. 1 1 ,i lo i'j'j. ItcKUlar 1.75. Full fashioned und seamless, 5o lo 1. Here is dish Hoast,, lb,...18o a Hump prr pounds, ncurly half as much nat THEY SOLD LIKE HOT CAKESI worthy of a kintr, Weiners T-Hoiie Sl'cak, per lb. . . ,35c SPECIAL, Hi'sulur flt.nu. ural raw silk, uipro.Tiinary Hi" In a few days to wire wo were cli'iined oul mid had we and Saner Ivraut. Wo have ltib Hoast Jli'i-f, lb 20o SPECIAL, s, (100,0(10 pounds ' lloth production now in slock the finest Sucr lionet and Hulled, lb....30c 95c and Imports of llbre siik In 1H2I factory for a repeal' ordi-r. Wn have a full line at nil'"'"1' 75c were double those uf 11)20. 5-74, 53.25 n-t:i. $4.25 Arriving Wednesday Boat Head Lelluee, Fresh Tomatoes, each ' Two new' plants with K-10, $3.60 $4.50 a com -i', Caulillower, fireen Onions. Parsley, Hadislies, Cucumbers, Celery, Hhubarb, Splnacli, New Cabbage, Sweet Spuds, bined capacity of 5o,0(in,o)0 Wo have also tho sainu style in black leather, 'lu all We- pounds annually butfan Florida Grape- Fruit, etc. operations cheaper than tho browns during 1121 and eupacity 0f a Universal Trading Co. third was nearly douhlfij. 'n. Rupert Table Supply Co. total jQ.0()ll,0()0.'investment is now wt,r JABOUR BROS., LTD. Phones 211 and 212 Phone 376 Prosperous advertising means Phone 645 Corner Third and Sve"lb m wgular contlnuoua advertising. it