PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER '. v By George McManui f ANNOUNCEMENT! -th ,; cuO tc ;t TO f.M(Nr T If sTs' r TIM 7T Ml W. 'ajjjjju We can. offer the genuine INVICTUS"' Shoes fop men from $10.50. Nit Her hiM mad, at Ihe i prire anil every pair fully giiarnn. i leed. All shape ami rite. J) lU lar i iarva , "The Store of Shoe Satisfaction." ' . m i . . . 1 i ' - Family Shoe Store mir of Hip iflane papngpr Phone 357. P.O. Box 1CC8. rol aeenr to rare about "26 BOATS SELL flight owing to Hip Intprfrrenrp Modern News Classified Ads. with nhrrvatlin. THEIR CATCHES Daily ThP llanllon mailp an PVter SPECIAL SERVICE iv.r trial trip on Ralurday pvpi -ng 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adverilemni Tikaa tor Lose Umn BO Laundry wfpn ptprylhin wn found to SALVATION ARMY ip in perfect ronilition. Flth Marketed Here This Morn. Ing Amounted to 229,500 WANTCO FOR SALE Thanksgiving Held In Barrack. ESTABLISH BASES FOR Lbs., at Good Price IK Hiprp in a i-prlifiPil lenrhpf of fplendld IM with natural bP- Service 1 1 Sport Chat piano and nipnl 1. I.- .... I.M . I - i nignt under capl voiep, prefprably Coleman. AIRPLANE IN INTERIOR Twpnly-ix IhN ma rkeied ' Willi orrhenlral eijierJeneP. Hlrppl. lt.O00. rUay tprma We offer the following ;'!.3no poaml f halilmt at the I I fl. .V I. who wniild apprpplatp the op Iil 3. Illnek 30. Hep. I with range "f "enriee to the p u Fih Hxrhanvr '"' ' w I'layi'd inter. Hii morning. pnrlunity of roomed He: making houae, 91 fppf front a fairly A sperlal harvest honip Len Bell Telle of Plana for De ihp nrrhnl were: ..i.-.i.nn- hirnkPthnll lat upaMin -age. iron.i Ttving in a nmelier town Illgxar I'Upp. IOiw Economy Laundry Service-Damp Thanksgiving serviep, under of butlnees Drive Atlanlie. will likely b velopment W.ftfto playintr xenior pound, at of two Lot AH Mnu UmueaiKl and intiahi 6V, liloek It. W. S. Wiih; Soft Flnl.h, Capl. A. Coleman was held hy !mUmN l.1.!M)e dwHnfc the ami H.SAe; t'ntmak HOAO rorning in Cattle. taut. wMtp for lew ld partlrularn in anavoo tn pair. HOiiylt DryH Dry Cleaning, Hi Salvation Army- in HiPir barrack prnind alM.0 and H.SOo; V. I winter monllM if (i t, fj. Hip fprpiary, Ahtox Ommiin- 30-50 H. V. SlerlLlg Marine Kn. Preatlng and DyelnSt "ufl Fraarr Street lal on niettt It m (lie intentton of Hip nir-ptnne ll.doo iM.undi. at I.TIrtr and : millv ileriileil U mil a l-a.kel- ily league, Anyiu, H. Q. 3H glnp. and Carpet Cleaning, and whieh well wan allemje.l. The Alli.inee. 7.00H Nll league .in Id. Arent pounU-.iit 1.1 I Of rompany to elahllh map. Launrh Triton. iJ.IO Slrrlinr. the Regular Laundry Ser Interior wn beautifully depor-Jilr, lap in Hip inl prior of and tie. lii to Ihe how ma if Ihe tltn liXCIlAMiK rtanrli on porrher 11600, or l.auneh KehaJA-tO vice. with vr-gplable ami fmlU V. A T. in lat Kridty nnrht' Ntaml, f aere eleareil. CnliiHibia in eon nee t inn therp-witli, poiimN at l?r lry-ut in on lluffalu, Aulo.Maritip. foot). v . an .iiietjr aerve Hip depornlive xrhpiiip itpinir px. and H.SOp; Hospmrnt. I HOP) pminil flu- Klk rymnaiiiin ihey gMvernment mad. Will p. yoi aerdinjr lo lpn lietl. head j,r,.. Ilnuaea and loU on raay terma. lien i..ay . allt ri'llriilly nnrripl mil hy h of Hip ronrern. Mr. Hell My at it ami 8.&. lillie 8. AAOfl ioii- lu turn uui a onappy ajtiire. rhaagi far jralnnal in guiil Logging marhinpry. 1kmI. yiMinir pfip. Sonip half i1pi Hi ere will likely he a station at (Miiml al tS and H Me. i'Aaru rut ion l laer II wvimM em eHdiliofl. Apply Jud fnly. ginp, pie. rn- Canadian Steam Laundry ltakPlM arll.lirally fillr.1 with Hip hpad water of Hip Xaa X, tnno pmimU nl Mr and M:r0r iieeeary at thi enH fir I'hotiP Hlue i. 1 1 3 M. M. STP.IMIFJSS. fruit wptp paiiipularly rrtljr. IINpt and. irotahly atothpr at h.lF.. J50o pound" at l.r and Iher fipytrWlie l.iral bakpf Phone S. WH.I. the wlui Phone Sti. if. perjwn fiiuiid ppflal muir wa rrmlrl hy l(llldale likP. H.SOp; 'ieniH. tl.AAO pnund at 'irtll team,o Iry mil tbeir o-iiertivp Hip Vrmr ham!. (kittle are to be driven into I3e ami Op: Ketma. .ViftA u..nd nttv-M. in a like wan-m'i lady'a prnrliel balr on Me-Itriilp FOH fAI.F-larai.vl HUr.tna ! 4ilrePl Captain A. OtlPman mvr a Ihe poiintry over Hip old IpIpu al "': nl lliilh. IMKI in oritpr i lint it may he la4 uighl kind, 10 fl. X II fl. A (.. fHtP.1 wiUi very inlrrp!in)r ami inxpirinjr Kmph trail ami l.watp.l fon Hip S' nd M.5r I., fh- mwu ju whfti ti-anip will lie lai Itewanl.itije at luHy XVw 23 h p. L'nrmi engiHP. Ar. j American Express aililrpN takinK for hi fcjppi ojieti prairiP land In Hiop di- awn iW Storage nilnhle fur Hie fiimialmn ..i pomwxlalton for npx. Hull tWnl flfflll"Whalpvrr Up Itpan."a Man PowpHi (hat Iriet. Ttiere will be idenly o Co i iiHMkiiball leaitii.'. While it i VANTKIVNiMN hPlp. Apfdy year ntil. Mull, pngine and Money Orders hay and Hie men who will lie : Mira, in.non p4tunU. at I i.Miic I ierna a Iiuie,ai1r in the ew. Mronally lalamler he)w eon 7 inlerior In pxreltenl pniNMion A opprial fpalnrp of Hip muip kppl Iherp in roniiPrtUwt wil!l,', HA'' llanpr. I0 pound, i "o t ruti miller m lhi rmi. anj H p.m. if Prie 1,000, term eaa m arranged. Issued wan a nolo PntilM "What Will! on Ihe air lation will havp pjpnty ' aH" M : ArteMne I - .-imn n i. w.i iimi prepara- For parfjulara apply Cpinan.Hip llarvpxl Hp" rrtHlpml hy K. of lime ti put up hay and d any ia'n.i, al I i.siie and K.SOr ! i"n m- made .ill. al .f time. PON RENT liapl. VaUn. P. O ll.ix 51?.' Norway, Sweden & Thi pvpnins; an Iioeeonry work. nifmi n., nirrrri 111 1 n HI 1.1 '" win uiimiimifnv pe a UK TO HKXT fU,r Cily. ff Den Lowest n lift ion fair of Ihe frulU ami on Fifth Ave. mar at Mr. Hell i enllniialie vf- Johanna, ii.tnm iimin.U I ;r.-!.aralory .work In Up done very bu Fa. fully eiiuipi-d with I lO ATS, F.nglnpa and Vprrlalilp uspd in Hip dprora-lloii pnglne fit- Current Rates in eoiinevti.ui with lii inmninr 1 and VP lo the KflVnl)tipfM-e Hie Wtll im are iMtrkering will lakp plr in Hip army fl. f'natly ae"Porie; IJUng ling; Aulo ami auto part; ami uv tie iiHik on a aHli maniie uartrr lu rear. We ).irlttrki. whrrt llio ynunv p-ipp Ve, 3om pifund at 4t.W . , t lovre, od. anrhori, chaln-bluek. A genie for KfMn paying ronrern. will liaVr a randy Pf all an.l rr-f and Hoe; Ip.pihH. 7tHI ioHind ie..ra tfcrerflref U ! wty rent Qr.,Apply FlfHi MimmIpiu (Jr-; propellor. urate, and Norwegian American Una rlniicntH will eery Avenue litat. tf a variety of mlrel!neHi Ip prpl. at H.M ami Swedish American Line Amtm. Mg terei-iiiic frwiu the ffreln af HIGH SCHOOL SUBJEQS mMiiiii. nl llJDn if mjp! Mur. j rppetM fURi W HattNni Ft)ft IIKXT FIvp roomed hmie filling at low pr.eea. North-ern Scandinavian American AEROPLANE HAZELTON inear. pH4 at is.tA mm4 Wki. il-oivp - ttHM talk t with balli. Furniture for ai. F.xrhangp. if Line. The nppnrlunity will tip af He lo Hie Allin FibH mitiiiigr hH the kwatrMe- lie i fn. including Me4'.lary range; FOn KAI.K halUm Adding Ma- Oliver Typewriter FLIGHTS YESTERDAY forded IhU jeur for Hie rum- Venim, 10.000 fwxmj. at It.MM in ! aive In rwtMjHPrHr If lie gramophone, ro.oo with ree-onU. rhitip, wide carriagp; Totptto Cery Safe of their lliitli Sphh1 and HA0; Tlnmk. ii.000 pm:Mi. ever ef him in lte rlnjr again. 0 F.ighlh Avenue (imputing Kale. pew. Ap. FIRE INSURAROS After Completing Repair Machine Indie lo lmp who haw not al llr ami HOe, to Ihe IkMtth I in jil living for the pliarnvt Hat. I'hofie Itli.p S0. 3o ply Fuller flrepry. If already dune . X. I. I. FiUrie (lanaila . hit that Sikt Hie Jaw. lie Took up Two Lots of Qae fur thin putimmp liavp Alliaivee. I0.AM0 fMMw4 al tripMl to Uif floor and I FOIl HKNT Furni.ued hmi.p- FOIl HAI.K Failing Yacht II in Dybhavn 4, Hanson krepitlg utp. Bleain Paseengere roinmeneed at both I'rinee Hu- UXor ami H.JOe; Fra. IV- hii t knorktvl ajt. I'll HMk healed, or with F.vlnrude png.iip. turn hot ami eold water. Norfolk Third Avenue pert and Anynx. II A. Iiomdiiie. onn iMMimix al It.nftr awl la; t 'lint liMik ridleafeJ Uae rrlt Pullen. Daily New l.ffi.e tf TIip aprodanp llazrlton mailt; II.A.. IJJl, and A Auger, II.A.. Ihe I'aeifir Fiiberiei. time. I nvpr gwl ia a puaei. Itooni. Phone lllark 31V. I3rt FOIl SAI.K Hlivlillr Prince Rupert, S). 0. unI (ier. tn ta4Pn)rrr fliaht yptrrday HSc, are the two inntrurlor aftpr I hfMiie (ny 'rtaht hand." FOIl HFA T Furniahe.1 houae hard lleinlimaii TeH-ier. piano. nflprnoon. the firtl pa-n?rr wlui arp handling the AradPiuieal dvee t .. llHv Nw hp Mid ikirinic repent inlrrvlew kppplng mi it p. 110 Kixlh Av. Ill Third Avenue J3H trip to bp made aftrr rimplptinir eiilijeei. Mr. Auger i aUn lak. in Pari. pflue Kant. Phonp UIup 217. tf t llmroucb ovprhaul by Mr. Hill f nsr Frenrh. Mr. ioodriek i I hp I LAND ACT. FOH SALKOld upwapappr ?tu an pp.-t aroplanr uilianlt iiutrurlor in drawtmr. If thPOT"" or imtintion to rrt to It i doajfciful wtiPlber. in view FOH HKNT New fmir roomed tor large btindlp. Daily New HYDE fiom Calvary. TIip pannpnjrprii to rla continue lo row anolliprl if the aairwitia; lie Hade againt lmap. for anull family. 31 1 office.. tf fiy jpptprlay wpip Cbirf Mlnly inMlenel.. will l.ava l. K I la rrlnee Rlrt lod IHelrtrt. rxr4- the i-otiind iiaa, aay Xlnlh Avenue pI. !3b . V . iM.trtrt, Haurr , B.C. 14 M ORIKSJTAL O00DS jirovlnrbl polirp rhlpf. MU Fi'l-Ur, TRANSFER wi.ulit he foitheowtag In irtalrh imnieii. injrin Air", jianzer bie ii lutiet uui imh mm mm BOARD. Mih Hihliaril, Jark Kdward. I the in.ln.Mrr. and at. will ISSW Sil !S tturm hiai with a fir.t etaa man again lapaneM k'iioonai, Crockery, Ilarry tillliprt. A. 1'rudhomjiie, hp- BKilaleil hv P. Slevenanl ami wee or iihu Hlter. the iinly i-iMirp nffum ta patahle HOAHO Inlander. 830 Second I la in boo Furniture. Ornament. 1 EXPRESS AND BAQQAQE. .. .. .... ... Tak Ntrtler Ilia I I. Bert Hatter, ut y.r. Fihpr, II. Martin and Jark I'. Iiarr III l-rencti ami Drawing Hayn-irt. raiUMi fanner. laleatH (ieorge. tn reitaia MpuUritj- Avenue. Phone 137. l Haakpti, Children's lloinier.! fray and Night Phone 680 IMMiU-h. " HT n peffltrtatMi M im lar fm - li l..i-l aam with I he erind Toys, i If weather pprmita Ihfre will Mr. Manzer i a certified fm rt of i at the xwtk-llih rater in Ihe fijrht game and FOR SALE LOU FJJT PIHCM. I 1p furl hrr papnicpi' fHglita am Srhool Ipaelier and ha minri b.c. ttvat ta ltauri) r A'rk upward. I.ADIKK WK.MI Mr. Ooldldoout. P. K. AKASE Best Coal a trip to Stewart i rontpfhplalptl. had rMijderallp PXrietipp in ttua M tart aaa O T P B) . Ibeie-e I I aMttfcrrljr iri ram to mm valer auark. iniry .vPone. in making a P. O. Itnx 01 Tel. lied HSl llowppr, if Hip weather n too in. thai work. Thee High thmwe at a aa.urLr darerua um BASEBALL e laity f Third ,tj, Avenue arKf, jn air mark t a fjaatal dtrawth M.iitli .rf lie- i Wood Wood flentent Hip will return io plane riaaae tni iuewaa. weiine. fcf aMuna-iireiuraa. ttwurv ui w I.adie' llpil to ar. Ali an It hoadquartpre at Haielton. Leu day and Thumday. at lh King meerti. u. itn of rijaawaam- exeluiv Hue of Ungrrlp and WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. Stove Lengths, Split. Bleat, ruitaixur t eia nM nr kMia. V1I nay that wliMe Hip ram doPK rlward Krhmd, Prtiwe Hurierf . BtUT HI Tl B. COAST LEAGUE. Millinery alwaye Jn !or.k. Ftpert wateh, elock and ! not in any way interfere w;itli fly and 'he New Kfhnol. Any:x Xanx t M4lxant.,.i.. 5.7. Hfa!tU, J. If our alfna-tlopa not lurlnde rhrorinmeler maker. 13S 2nd Ave. West. IM. what yu want a wpek'a rio-lip VValeh and Jewellery llepalr a Phone 680. 8aJt Lake, t-0; I'.irllaml. - wM) gPl it fnmi mir Van- ippelally. VpriwHi. ".; Oakland. I. awHirr ianr. Mall ordera promptly executed. .n) giMM mi taa FrauriM-o, t; ldn Aagole oblatHe. will Hp held on ap GEO. QIBS) provai ami may be returned Opp. Pot Office (P. O, Hoi 71 Let Us Advise You if not auHAbie. tf Prince flupert. tf J. DAY-BELL IS with a tifeumes experl- I'll i v. IK .ale f ,adp Bilk TAXI MACDONALDS lir.' hi ,.i branches wf the GUEST OF HONOR a n, bilh uil, itk wait'. Phone 893 U ig Trade.. eal, airoii. umlerwear. (Call flenrgp llo) iorkiHg, pIp. Call in and Fivppaengpr Touring Oar Brickwork, On Eve of Departure For England ee t hni in mtr aaleriMiiu Proiupt Day and Night Sirvire It Entertained Priende by I'riee are right. Omirgp l.pek Stand; Boston Orlll Third Avenue Stonework I Ttvr ':arllon !arp wan Hie m-pn M?3 Third Avenue. Jjj CLOTHES CLEANED Concrete, etc. f V ri i, viihle fuiu'ti.m Eiite Cut 'iii FOIl HAI.K Hell Oak llealef and pre! by latest HTFAM MaiiK and Specifications Hat '"ilay mu-lit when J. Day-IHI and Library Tablr. No. pressing prnrrse, free to till I'llent. we nlettuiiied OUr the of hi 80 tf2lbH5 on pvp l-jnad Him. 23i H ults called or and delivered i..irtur fm Kngland by Mr. ami Phono 4t William Walls & Co. N W m-tin and a few tier, I LOST for those smokers LINO, The Tailor Wnul fi'irml Hud fpllow inemtier Builder and Contractors j N ill Ihe geiilh-iiiaii who who like . a-i i:t i,..,ji 'irailga uiIK. t-MUi Ihrougli lilUlake look drk AUCTION SALES. I liox ;' i Phone 4S2. phiMiiy ii.iiwing, vpfvrliiMi and a Conducted In your home. ' green hat after Hip hump.el Rale ffii i': Itfl7 3rd Ave. MACDONALDS at "'iH Win- I lie imVr of the even-inv every Thursday at 3 In Hip HI. Ileg. on Halurday tilgfi p.m. our Jobbing Work of all Kinds. mm ti ii-ti I'M'ryoiM preaput rn-tii.d rooms. bend in your goods early cut fine ktmiiy return name Ut Hip into gri4l hiUfily. ukohqk Lt.r.K, Auctioneer, Daily Sew tiffira. Maker, ll-.r. or who roll their own ku ti. li--llvltje the bnuoiMl nalliio, iie TH. StS Third Ave., Wli HAVE .iini a. irkpiite with a Pheaesi Blaok SU Hd 167. aaasaBaaaaaaaaHfHNiaiBV i aHie bill fiaUt by. Mr. Siiittiii'U)T Pearl rreeej, Lrmieli Ammunition BEAUTY 17rL0r" on iiii.,iit f tlx pret. to J' wider plaupr irluru lu Daily CULTURE Mlii' h 41 lu-Ul filliiigly re. Phonal lilaek A.'i ti'1 MRS. STEPHENS and Shot Shells n.' II gupU M. Skultebol, Mre. Slrwig, ae bove U'rakuaiia U All 3Ua Bd C.liUet V-vt..i, M ,M.I Mm IL.Ii VV'aa ll.............1.1.1.. II H .1.. .... .. Third Avenue. nra, rilll, AIPI, Mrlle lalrdrrslng. i..i :iii. .I i l-htPf I.IIlUn: Mr. W. F. (eallieflllL U'ukelULI Slum, inH' . n't Mi - It. 1 up. Mm. 0o. Leek. Mi rirar Leek. I ualug. Maree Waving; Violet STORK'S Hardware III nea ii Mm.... Suds' Ol&(lA!e4Vt Ill 11 ,. .. . .. .. I.. . . ' . Mil. Huy Far and Bealt, Treat, I ln-. it. . iirmuiinK. mr. . t. nr. and Mre. Aiiibroaa, and Mr Maulcurljin. Ukviuii,, pi LlmllaU (aMMHI BIU1 UHUgUIff JlUUt, ilr HutllWf. Ullt, , order Phone Black 114.