1' pa(if. two THTl DATET 5KWS TucJay. June ?7, The Daily News "FMJIT-A-TllfES" WIRINGOF ' PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH - COLUMBIA Puhtihetl Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, tho Prince Qjiitn ufp I iff BOOTH SCHOOL MACDONALD' V Rupert Iiaily New, Limited, Third Avenue. UnlLU IILIV LI I L . F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Recommendation of Architects Tills Fruit Medicine Always Which Ha Been Endorsed. v?l 'SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City.Delivery, by tnnil or carrier, per month. fl.oo Gives Relief The follitwinx i the 1 1- f By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stale. 917 Diisnn .Sr., Muimml. nrfrelion set forward and in advance, per year ?H.OO I suffered temiily with fMi. ijrned hy .rehilet Whittaker areffe To all other countries, in advance per year $7.50 I had it for yean and i:i i)m in sti-cines anit Jefnr for live reinmlj. I took did nut da nn ay jrsl. inv f the tmrtural i!. fes in TELEPHONE 88 1 r?xA ini -;liu(f alvMit "FruU--tirti the Koolh VeniAPiat School which .k, ktmMt,miJ ur all Sivvuuk Trv-tU were adopt Ctrl fcy the School transient Display Advertising $t.40 per inch per insertion ni tXtardm Ihfrsli, to I tried lUiard Ia tiHihl and for whieh r.-wi 1 WJ 'M i Transient Advertising on Front Page $2.80 per ine.ti thru. the eily eonneit ha uAilerisrten Local Headers, peirinsertion. . ..25c per line After fiaishinff ie huxr, Ja to nrnlde the money for their Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c er xvord entirely relieved of lite lit sprpsia Sub early exeeiilion: Iega Notice, each insertion 15c per ajrale line my enteral hcltb u rluilj an I -Brickwork in lie; taken ik-wn 3bacco ivt'A a ba it Contract Rates on Application. I Am ntiog- to tell yon itut I ot fntni to tf fire wall- ( unil- my life to "Fruit-a-thes" lil'- or ArrliHrave nt Jeai an.I AH advertising should le in The I)aily Vews Office on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Mile. AXTTHXETTK IML'CHKK retrtiih in cement nrtar. Me box, 6 far ., tn.l Ue?V J- -llriekuork aroiuul Au.Jil.T Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. At dealers or seut po-tpaiJ 1 ium walls alte nMif to to similarly Fruiti-litea Limited, Oiuas. (tiilleil .3 iwn anil rt'lunll. DAILY EDITION ftt Tuesday. June 27, 192?. i .lutmnrtam wails i r -lor to Ite lrenfttheie, .y m. 2035 Smart Action SUITCASES lit ion of iii.rs In fl full hiM. t lake .Iiiwb stianiltn nihil ,Of School The School Board.Hoard is to be congratulated on Us prompt actio TRUNKS siiior1.ItiMini wall Tdiin and Manual r'flv in Trumiii:another. Also Packed in Tins of 50j Why Pay More ? in dealing with the reports f the.experts in'reganl to the CLUB BAGS ..i-ili-iM on -uilalile iitort. . Booth School. There only one'thing to do mid that was !o Sleel wintlow and slminj: ; have the building put in first class shape immediately. The Large Stock on hand. ( lie made walerthjht. ilor of .rhotils for tin- tilrii-t. ,fv-hoo Hoard was ably backed by the City Omneil which also Prices 'very low. rirr rr-.. 10 i errfli ,i,,M ,,y Ml, Vrrv an y,.. UHlepeiMlenl r ulU. ,ltyan..a. lu- Canadian National realizes its re.spoiiihiljlie inlhis re-gard. .The otily.thing to do J. F. MAGUIRE 7 l.rniees to w allife,! o;,1mi, itt-(iin!r supervisors.,i , Sivly-u..,.- Railways Is So make the besto? tlie. MtiiJdioiiiniut far redeem so as possible thai i hey ran he pr..ry fla.lM!',,, ,( Mjr h,At ,r i,41(,,r Next tbe Hotel the pasL: The chS)ilreiiJ.of'jlif,cjiy'have already snffereil sufficiently ree Super! n.l rotitilerllase.1 an-l nailtiu nrademy and ..usl.le -Ii.m. ;,rr in an educational way without interfering with the work u.ial.ly ean.1 an. left water- j,-kjn i!h. ,., The ire.,i,rai.hr Prince Rupert of next term. Under the'.present proposal the building should be jiht. ieinminatton wa writ leu ttuj H "r""n"p Oftii.rt-nin aiMt this flern.-.ii ready for occupation by the time the fall lerm opens. a similar manner. ihe DRYD0CK Ten Years Ago drawing iel is in pnnrress. To- Ik Oi.ru.rl CI.K-l I..11 I " '"-" morrow uiomunc ronie I he Manitoba Election In ft nca Kuprt j eai course in allialt sinte Ifff-aiomar etaoitiialion with AND Campaign Under Way. sliin?e. 'lietlinn and dictaliou in Ike nf- The election campaign in Manitoba i now well under way. June 27, 1912. '"-'l"B " caiiersriemoon Th. erle el.iu. u.lh The Legislature has Iteen dissolved and the new members will Miss Winuifreil Oliw Frust. of to be suitably braced. ! ArilhM.ie on Tloiraa morion. SHIPYARD be elected on July IS. Apparently Premier Xorris is still at the Maiden. Kssei, KnUnd. twe-anie II ian over coat ciiuie an-l Wrilin? is marked by the depart lh bride of Charles Vernon Kvilf corridors t'te nroirfrly sirens HieHl frsim nil Ihe written paper Operating Q. T. P. Ton head of the government and will remain there until the jteople thetied. 20,000 Floating Dry Dock one or Prince ltiiert' rM the of and -.iihjci-t s lUnmlian have !erided if he is to be given a majority pf supporters or if known and iihI popular youns 12 Audilortum and ela llitory. llrititi History'. Nature Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patter the United Farmers -are to take con t nil of affairs. ' ol.l timers at a prelly wetblinir mom and Manual Training Itoom and Heallh, and Literature are makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. V,.Preniier ArrTs ennfe. into power, under unusual circumstances. oJeniuiie,l yeierdny afternoon floors to he (irofwrly strengthened. judpel on reomnMnialion of Ihe Electric and Acetylene Welding. U wisiij Xtia that the administration of Sir Itodmnnd in St. Andrew' Church by III KiiMriiilemienl of eliods. Itev. I. II. I m Yernei. 13 Floors and bases lo rloat Ili.hofi of The Matriculation Roblin. Conservative, 'fell, largely as a result of fronds in connection CfHinis to' le taten an.f examination, Our plant U equipped to handle all kinds of Caledonia. Mi Violet Mortimer up re. which opened on Saturday wiJlhVttfo'1-of " .eight million dollar.parliament was a elm nil inp- litlle Itridesniaid placed wllh ww.. ami will chf on Thursday, am Marine and Commercial Work buildings. ilehi1ers of tbe retiring government wen?-prosecuted it. i- nzniaurire was pnMims- II Itepair plaster where ne in rharve of K. H. Paul. princiial for their share in the scandal and after many years the.govern- man aid) K. II. Mortimer ?ae cessary. of Ihe Victoria i'jWw. aislcd PHONES 43 AND 3SS mentsegiiVed judgment against the contractors for twt millionK,yJ'ri',, I Prtdect end of joisfs. rafters, bv Miss Je.ie Hotliwcll. etc.. where exposed dur-his noiiars. a sum winch they are now try ing to collect. alteration. Hie Harrison liner -I i reel or 8 Thje Liberal, goyeriirpejit during its term of office was rj-srnsinTe'Yur arrived here yestentay afternom 16 Oean rtiil snb-ha-emenl The p'assin'af of measTires providing loans for farthers, from Ijiplanil with 1.000 ions of ami prome inr iirainlns same The Man in (he Moon Follow the Crowd iiftttn for mothers, and the establishment of provincial liipe for the city. She wa pilot- and ineludin?. areas around ; JIAYSJ-: savings bank. Some of the legislation is experimental, but it el in from Oixon Kntrance by buildin?. IZ. McOoskne. 17 Ioors and frame from i claimed by supporters of the government that it' is working taptain class room lo corridors to he ONK of the thins thai inter.! well. 'Pie local Tyee Masonic Iklse, altered. eslesl recent visitors to Ihe city to Fuller's General Store :: was our dinky station. :: The farmers of th province have been organizing and whieh has been oiteralinz under Waterproofing - farmer candidates are being put in the field in almost every a i!ilenlion. has lHen ?ra nle I Hake nut all joins well. OAK of the prohleHI dis-ll-ed HAYS COVC AVENUE niral conslitnencv. Three corrjered contests will be ils eharler. I. II. Morrison is point wilh cement mortar and and . . common . now and Iheit in jmiMic place We are now mov-d and nnn a Ireincndi-ui -i: -HARDWARE, in some of the cities where iabor is asserting itself there may in Vancouver representing lhi waterproof wilh rolorleos waler-proofiiijr dtCI the JMe in the erhool ORUOS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, SHOES AND if at loile where a meelins an compound including be four candidates. Owing to the newness of the farmer party, effort ImildMwr talk and Ihe Uae.4ll STATIONERY Reduced to a Minimum. is tieing made to form a cal stone ornament, or fukMihililie, I- which is Ihe Groccn.--.. tri-h Fruit and Vegetable of the. Ilutlif !' there' is no recognized farmer leader at the present time. If the jirovmn.il ?rdnd rliaplT. S ItaVe out ull joint well. larxer the I at ion or Ihe over- Fuller's Bulk Tea, 2 lbs. for 95c farmers are returned with a majority of members in the Legislature, apply waterproof petihje dash lied walk Fresh Q round Coffee, 3 lbs. for $1.00. it will be their duty to choose a leader who will be premier RUDE INTERRUPTION stucco wilh cement gua to drict- 4. i-ar Delivery to All Part of t'.ily. work exclusive of ijuoin eol. of the province. A StiiiiiliS'l'loX frr n race on TO BOSTON WEDDING umns, pilaster and new brick Phone 45 Phone 45 Premier Norris was a Unionist during the war period, but work above Architrave. iKiiiiioiou lay waiihl be between nil bitterness caused by the split at that time seems to have parsed Heating and R woauMi ilrivinn a nail and a Ventilation. away and the party is united again. The Conservatives are Policemen Bursts In on Party I Twin up boiler. ilirty man clothe,ruffiiii?for up the laundry.himdle of not expected to make much of With News Groom Already S a showing but their; leader. Major -put shut off valves on - - R f!. Taylor of portage la. Prairie,.i.s putting on a bold front and Married main branch and return lines. T1IK man alio kiiM-k tie town Canadian National Railways is still to be, reckoned with. F. J. Ilixon leads the lahorites from 3--Install additional radiators wMitd better m fennektnjr ! the OTTAWA. June y;. Word has rt cloak room ami lavatorie. the . on 1 1 hie. capital ejty, : J' just been received in Ottawa of I Put re Ium. from vents i. Ordinarily a provincial election has not much interest outride the rude interruption of d el. Hi rough vaecurn pump. Till! only weed that seem In Summer Brown particular province but the tendency Inward group ilimr ceremony in Hoston, .Mass.. - -Reduce size of frenb Air he ntiy yood is Ihe one we all government on the prairies ami the entry of the farmers under in Which one of the chief jmrtici. inlet. burn. IKints was to have been I.ieut ft Take down venlo Mack lheir'owti organization at. a political entity makes this election lonaril J. Rowland, and Ihe and re-erect with of interest to the whole additional ra- Till! man vbo steaN a pore country. other a society jrlr! whom he had hatinn. We woiibl efface Tourist Tickets Polytechnic Scheme rotirted for five yearn depjle the liaise air duct fm off Hill he is Kiiiidy arrand tact that hp wto already a mar-ie the pround, Of X cover with abeto Who strain a twee. Worthy At last Study.night's council meeling a report was received from His man.wife lives in flenfrew and pa,-er reirulalion and damrefs.jirovide same wilh OK course Prtoce Mujrt will ON SVLE DAILY TO 31st AUGUST John Piuder lat week-end reported lo the f) llegiilale Return Limit 31st Oct. Moss, who organized the Anyox polytechnic in-rtitute. volume of air pend ooie money on an addrens in which he places before them an elaborate scheme for tawa letter police that she had received supply by Anetnomeler. of welcome (, the (invernnr o a from a friend in Man- t Alter the organization of a similar institute for the whole of Ilia Prince chesjer, fVmn.. that her husband I any niplnjr thai is which will lie carefully burned rapie. a I lie eloe of tb trio or hliriedl Edmonton Calgary Winnipeg Ilupert district n far east a Hums Lake mid taking in all Ihe was ronfemplaliu? marriage with, Suggestions for Later improve armour the archive of forotlcn Important points. The scheme is worthy of careful study as one another M . 1 1 woman i t in...the Stale. . ments. Hi ins. All Point Eastern Canada and United State or the neeos of lln place is n technical night school. liUMinnd'" oowiniw had been said sue ana her l-;Maki Kluircae in concrete VERY LOW fAKES CHOICE OP KOUTF-3 two fteparaterf f,jr more particularly side entrance. WIIKN a etly present an address STOf-OVEHS yearn. They were married In 9 Of tawa in September. 1915. 2--Put rail down centre of of welcome it liow itself -Nowadays Ihe Iloston desiialrh stale main stairctsr. jtUI on n iiar wilh oilier cilies no Wrlta or Calf, that the chief nf police rushed .1 -iie concrete floors lo belter nml no wore but horrihly CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Ave. Phone 260 It is "SAL,AD A" for f 122 through Hot crowded Riiesls and basement of liquid and floor toilets hardner a Irealrmnt In conventional and commonplace. intruded on the bridal jir.-veni breaKfast,for inarch lij dinner, dust. MI-'.. like lo laujdi al women' waving teller from a the- Otlawa for supper and five VPure wife of the hrideprooin. The weil. i Clianife boi!er, lo relnrn dress hut no woman is ever as o'clock Tea the dintf tubular liojiem. foolih a the man who dances Continent wax.slopped. wide Ihe address of I.ieut. (lowland of a summer enfn;r welterln Iltlgtrtoa Block, Prince Rupert. Phont 686 in a broa.t. I.iili dre.s tin). was tiiven as Montreal, lie is mi id MATRICUUTION AND to be an e-ervice man and the Dr. E. S. TAIT ENTRANCE AMi dam 'nsf of a summer eve. Klrl is described lis the belle oj EXAMS. IN Ihe Mill? Ik mil verv illfft-nf rum SAIADA" Mowlam!town. is well known in Of. rKUGKlaS THIS WEEKI,,"i,,ff a "" ,,-'- Dental Surgeon tawa a he wa for it yearn in 'd room on a winter's evening. Office Hours, 9, a.m. lo 9p.m. the employ of the Dimlnn Tire .Malrlciilatii.n and Knlran. nnu nutter c,nod Co, which firm examination are in I.N'STKAfi of ayin "all men Sunday by Appointment progress a Tot. staple nm ,mt ' arc liar- Mie eluMild our daily bread (i-ulinut iie ieti uiH.in ih innnlhH aeo lo the Kin? R-lward lliirb KcIi.m Bo hack o Iloslon. He this week. The pupil writing, havo a d aO nu n are f u American horn and it is muled on Ihe former are trviriii the1 Ihe separation from Ills wife testa set f It. I LIMITED wa py niversily of II. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., GET BACK ON THE FARM on account of differences in re-liffion. C while Ihe entrance examlria-lions 160 Acres V mils from Morloetown. Frame 8AILINQS house and , two barns. Forty Acres Meadowland, balance are e ),y eparlinent For Vancouver, Ocean l alla and Kwaueon Hay, Tuesday S I'-1"' Poplar and of Kdocaiion 60 Acres fenced. of the provincial For Vancouver, Alert Hay and I'ort Jlardy, Saturday p.m Spruce. Snap for either cash or terms Tli a newpaner with the. cir vovermncnl. unW Enquire THOS. McCLYMONT culation is the real advertlifiK The entrance examination Is ' For inldnlKht.Anyo. Alice Arm. Port bllnp.uti and NValej Islajule 'neiitum. in chart! of II. C. I'raser. limpee , I For Ness Rlvsr Cnnrles, I'rldiy s.m.